Titan Times - St. Andrew


Titan Times - St. Andrew
Titan Times
December 17, 2014
Volume 9, Issue 14
Be it known to all who enter here that Christ is the reason for this school. He is the unseen but ever present teacher in its
classes. He is the model of its faculty and the inspiration of its students.
Dear Parents,
May you and your family have a wonderful and blessed Christmas and New Year!
Christmas Prayer
Lord, in this holy season of prayer and song and laughter, we praise you for the great wonders you have sent
us: for shining star and angel's song, for infant's cry in lowly manger. We praise you for the Word made
flesh in a little Child. We behold his glory, and are bathed in its radiance.
Be with us as we sing the ironies of Christmas, the incomprehensible comprehended, the poetry made hard
fact, the helpless Babe who cracks the world asunder. We kneel before you shepherds, innkeepers, wise men.
Help us to rise bigger than we are. Amen.
Peace and all good,
Thomas Devolve
St. Andrew Campus, 555 Main Street, Milford OH 45150
513-831-5277 • Fax 513-831-8436
Tom Devolve, Principal • Nick Grieco, Asst. Administrator
Drop Off: 7:30 am – 7:38 am • Pick Up: 2:45 pm
Office Hours: 7:30 am – 3:30 pm
Lunch: $2.75 • Milk, $.50 • Super Lunch, $3
Parish Pastors: St. Andrew – Father Robert Waller (513-831-3353)
Seton Campus, 5900 Buckwheat Road, Milford OH 45150
513-575-0093 • Fax 513-575-1078
Tom Devolve, Principal • Carol Ducheny, Asst. Administrator
Drop Off: 8:10 am – 8:25 am • Pick Up: 3:20 pm
Office Hours: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Lunch: $2.50 • Milk, $.50
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton – Father Michael Cordier (513-575-0119)
Deadline for submitting articles to the Titan Times is Friday @ 9 am. Email to claytonp@saseasschool.org. Articles published upon approval.
No Mass Seton
Gr. 4 Play
Out of Uniform – Box tops
Spelling Bee - 1:15 Seton cafe
Pajama Day
Mass St. Andrew-9:15am
Mass Seton- 9:00am
Spirit Day
Sleeping bags-St. Andrew
Christmas Parties – both campuses
Early Dismissal- St. A 12:45/Seton 1:00
NO extended day in the afternoon
Christmas break begins at the end of the day
Classes Resume
Adoration/Rosary/Character Award – 11:30 St. A
Mass Seton -9:00
Confirmation Info night – 7-8pm Seton
Registration begins
Mass St. A 9:15am
Mass – Seton 9:00am
Science Fair – 6-7:00pm
Financial Assistance
Tuition Assistance is available for all families in need who
would like their children to attend St. Andrew-St. Elizabeth
Ann Seton School.
Assistance is determined by an outside service, FACTS
Grant & Aid Assessment. The school is transitioning to an
online application, but there will be available a very limited
number of paper applications at each of the campuses.
Please visit the school website in the Parents section,
Financial Aid, for more information and online application
or click here.
Filing deadline for the 2015-2016 school year
is December 17, 2014.
Academically Excellent
5th graders were busy studying the make-up of color.
Mrs. Mascolino and Mrs. Voto combined art and science
and taught class together as students studied
chromatology and chromagraphy. Students took paper
towels and tested two brands of markers (Sharpies and
Crayola) using water and nail polish remover to test
solubility. As they tested different colors, they were able
to break them down to see what colors were combined to
create that particular color.
8th grade is reading A CHRISTMAS CAROL by Charles
Dickens and discussing its universal message. As a
culmination to reading the play in class, students will be
attending the performance of A Christmas Carol at
Playhouse in the Park.
Congratulations to our spelling bee finalists Gabe Ater,
Jamie Swanson, Valerie Phillips, Grady Huneck, Hannah
Becker, Dana Kern, Luke Westerkamp, Rose Early,
Samantha Mrusek, Noah Burkhardt, Nicholas McNeil,
Zach Watford, Clara Conover, Taylor Collett, Layne
Leggett, Erin Ashley and Vanessa Hickcox. A special
congratulation goes to our winner - 7th grader Clara
Passionately Catholic
Our 8th grade students are shopping, wrapping and
delivering presents this week for families we are
sponsoring through our Adopt-a-Family program. This
year our students raised enough money to bring a warm
Christmas to 9 families in need, here in our own
St. Andrew Campus will once again be assisting Mary
Schutte with her project of providing sleeping bags for
the homeless. All 6th, 7th and 8th graders will be part of
this service project which entails putting (sewing) the
bags together.
St. Andrew Campus student counsel sold candy canes to
students at lunch time and then delivered them to their
friends and teachers, either with a signed note or as a
secret Santa. They are raising money to buy new recess
Visit our website www.saseasschool.org
Check out the Frequent Flyer Section for more news…
Pray the Rosary SEAS Church Every Friday
3:45 – 4:00pm
SMILE News….
All students, parents, and friends are welcome!
Students will be dismissed from church or Mrs.
Voto’s classroom.
Scallywag Tag
All 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students are invited to play
laser tag at Scallywag Tag, 491 Ohio Pike (Beechmont
Avenue) on our early dismissal day on December 19.
Confirmation Information Night for current 8th
grade students will take place on January 8th
from 7-8pm at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton in the
Please see the Frequent Flyer section for more
information or the Grade 8 Information page.
Parents can drop off students from 1:00 p.m.to 4:00 p.m.
The $10 admission fee paid at the door includes laser tag,
2 slices of pizza and a fountain drink. Arcade games and
extra food and drink can be purchased at an additional
SMILE Meeting
There is a junior high/high school SMILE meeting
this weekend at St. Andrew from 7-9 in the Church
Basement. All current 7th-12th grade students are
welcome. Bring some cookies to share. Feel free to
bring a friend!
If you have any questions, please call Linda Thaxton at
831-2081 or email at jethaxton@aol.com. See our
Frequent Flyer.
Coffee Cakes for Sale
School Phone Directories are now on sale through either
school office for $5.00 per copy.
Young Rembrandt’s Winter Classes
Drawing and Cartooning classes
begin January 13/14.
Please see the Frequent Flyer section for
registration information.
Thanks to all the families who submitted Box Top$. We
earned just over $1600 for our school! Congratulations to
Jared Becker and Evan McDonald, winners of the movie
gift cards.
Please continue to collect Box Top$ for our February
submission. If you come across Box Top$ that will
expire prior to March 1, 2015, please send those in to
Erin Mollaun c/o Charlie Mollaun 2A.
Coffee Cakes are for sale after each of the Masses at
both Parishes (until they run out) for $8. This is the
same recipe that has been used at our pancake
breakfasts. All proceeds will help fund the High
School summer Mission Trip to Omaha. Thank you
for your support!
There is a junior high (7th and 8th grade) dance on Friday,
January 9th from 7:30-1030 at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton in
the Cafeteria. The cost is $5 per teen at the door and soft
drinks will be sold for $0.50. Male and female chaperones
are needed or the dance will be cancelled. Chaperones
must be lined up by Wednesday January 7th at noon
and must be approved to work with children under the
Decree on Child Protection. If you are unsure if you
have gone through the class please call the office.
Please contact Catherine (831-8318).
Game Night at SEM Villa
SMILE is hosting a Game Night at SEM Villa on
Thursday, December 18th from 6:30-8pm. Come play
games like UNO, Scrabble, Rummy, etc. with the
residents at SEM. The residents are looking forward
to our visit!
Spring Sports Registration
January 5, 2015 – February 1, 2015
 Boys' Volleyball Grades 3-8 $70.00
o Boys’ volleyball begins practice in March. The games begin in April and the season is
over when school is over. The games and practices are during the week so your
weekends are free!
o Boys’ volleyball registration is at the school website:
SMAC Track Grades K-8
o SMAC Track registration is on the St. Columban website:
Questions? Please contact
President – Paul Estes, estesp@saseasschool.org
Registration - Kathy Kroeger, kkroeger2@gmail.com
Boys’ Volleyball - Tom Callahan, tomhealthmatters@gmail.com
SMAC Track – Paul Herriott, herriott@juno.com
Titan sports are open to our school and parish children.
If payment is an issue due to hardship, please contact the booster president.