- Saintfield Road Presbyterian Church


- Saintfield Road Presbyterian Church
Sunday 21 & 28 December
Welcome to Worship
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ we welcome everyone including those who join us
through the DVDs. Visitors are especially welcome, and can find out more about the
congregation from any of the stewards in the vestibule.
Sunday 21 December
Advent 4 Over this season we’re exploring the Colours of Advent. Today’s
colour is blue. This morning members of the Ark, JCBs and Bible Class will lead
us as we explore further into the coming of Jesus. Andre Alves-Areias will
speak on God’s faithfulness. Immediately after the service there will be a
band rehearsal for Christmas Day. Alistair Bill is preaching in Great Victoria
Street Church.
This evening at 7.00pm the Service of Lessons & Carols will feature the
Children’s Choir, and a reflection on the Christmas Truces of 1914.
Refreshments will follow.
Christmas Day
Worship is at 10.15 am. Rejoice that the Lord has come. The offering is taken
for PCI’s World Development Appeal, this year entitled Building Hope.
Sunday 28 December
Worship focuses on our response to what God has done in sending Jesus,
thinking about how some of the Bible Characters went away from meeting the
Christ child. (There is no evening service.)
Refreshments will be served after the service in the Coffee Bar.
A Crèche meets every Sunday - if necessary ask for directions in the Hub.
Large print copies of the morning praise items are available in the vestibule
Stewards today: Malcolm Buchanan, Gary Anderson, (District K) Alison
Mullen and Irene Young.
Refreshments Rota:
21 December - Iris Francey, Iris Crowe, Diane Barron
28 December - Linda Moore, Gavin Rodgers, Marc Campbell
Boxing Day/St Stephens Day, 26 December. 10.00 am Football at Hydebank
Playing Fields. Refreshments will be available for all those playing or watching
football on Boxing Day morning at the Thomson’s (6 Greer Park Avenue). The
invitation though is open to anyone to call in during the morning for mince
pies and coffee.
The midweek meeting resumes on Wednesday 7 January.
Friday Cafe - none on 26 December or 2nd January. Reopens Friday 9 January
Finance. As we approach the year end, David Thomson, Treasurer, would like
all expenses claims, or other costs which need to be met, to be given to him
before the end of the year. Sunday, 11th January 2015 will be the last date for
receipt of income for 2014 and any income received after that date will be
accounted for in 2015. Could all treasurers of church organisations (those
which are under the direct control of the church) let David have their accounts
by end of January at the latest please? These need to be incorporated into the
church accounts and included in the returns we provide to Church House in
Some members of the congregation use the Stewardship organisation to
make donations. They have changed their support forms (and address) and
have asked those who make donations to use the new ones. David Thomson
(Tel 9069 1068) has further details
Contributions to Church Funds (FWO & Support Fund). For purpose of
checking, a listing showing contributions up to 30 November 2014 is available
on the vestibule table. Alternatively, contact David McAuley for an update.
Tel. 9070 4058, email – bdmcauley@ntlworld.com
Appointment of Administrator. As a result of the process through the
autumn we can now announce that we have appointed Mr Jordan McGrath to
the position. We expect Jordan to begin work during January 2015. More
details in due course.
Calling all Organisations. Leaders are reminded that, unless the outside door
into the Halls is manned, it should be kept locked, especially in the evenings.
(Recently there have been some casual ‘visitors’).
“Connectedness”. Further opportunity is available to enter into
Connectedness. Please take one of the forms from the vestibule and return
your response to one of the boxes.
Copies of ReachOut Connect for December and January are available in the
vestibule and The Hub.
Orders are being accepted for 2015 for both the Presbyterian Herald, £10,
and ReachOut, £8. New contributors are welcome. Subscriptions should be
placed in the offering plate.
Car Parking Policy. Car parking is limited in the car park which can lead to
congestion and risk of an accident at busy times. Congregational Committee
has decided to limit the use of the car park, when activities are in progress, to
“Blue Badge” holders, users who find it difficult to walk a distance and leaders
who need to transport equipment ONLY. Those who do use the car park
should drive cautiously and beware of small children who can be very difficult
to see. All others should park on the roads surrounding the church taking
great care not to park near exits from neighbouring houses. This will apply on
a Sunday morning as well as during the week.
Christmas at Home. Friends International would like to enlist your help with
an initiative to offer hospitality to 200 international students during the
Christmas holidays (any day from 24th to 30th December - no overnight
hospitality.) We invite you to open up your home to one or two students and
show them how Christians celebrate Christmas. Further details from Alistair Bill
or Cosmin Pascu, 07788411236
Wyclife Words for Life Winter 2014 edition and John and Ruth Hamilton’s
Prayer Letter are available in The Hub.
Prayer Points
Advent. Give thanks for the colours of Advent, enabling us to see the light that God
has brought in the coming of the Christ child, his one and only Son.
Christmas. “Lord Jesus, we rejoice with all our hearts at the wonderful truth that you
came and lived a human life on earth, the Light of the World, to save us from sin and
reconcile us to your Father in heaven.” Amen
World Development Appeal. Give thanks for the opportunity to help the
reconstruction taking place in Haiti, and development work in Burma / Myanmar.
Pray for a good offering throughout PCI
Christians under pressure. Pray for our brothers and sisters across the world for
whom celebrating Christmas will be a wary experience, given that extremists from
various backgrounds see it as a time when they can target Christians. Pray for peace
around the world, in Palestine and across Syria and Iraq.
If you would like prayer for yourself or anyone else today please speak to the minister
or one of the elders.
Everyone is encouraged to use the Prayer Request Cards
Topics or individuals mentioned will be prayed for during the following week.
Please be assured that this is confidential to those who do the praying.
December 2014 & January 2015 Diary
Sunday 21
11:00 am | Morning Worship. Advent 4 (Blue) – The Ark, JCB’s
and Bible Class lead worship.
7:00 pm | Service of Lessons & Carols
10:15 am | Rejoice the King is Born
Boxing Day
Boxing Day Football and refreshments throughout the morning
at 6 Greer Park Avenue
Sunday 28
11:00 am | Going away from Christmas
(no evening service)
4 January
11:00am | Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper (No ark. Little Stars
7: 00 pm | Evening Worship – The Fruit of the Spirit.
Office Hours | Christmas 2014
Open Tuesday 23 December: 9.30 am – 12 noon
Closed 24, 26 and 31 December
Open Wednesday 2 January 2015: 9.30am – 1:00pm
Tel: 9040 3333 | info@srpc.org.uk | abill@presbyterianireland.org
Church Office Hours: Wednesday & Friday 9:30am – 1:00 pm
An Induction Loop (AFILS) is provided on the ground floor for the benefit of Hearing
Aid users. Please switch your hearing aid to ‘T’. If you are new to the congregation we
have a Welcome Pack, which gives an excellent overview of the congregation, its ethos
and activities. Please ask one of the Stewards at the door.