this Sunday's program - Lakeland United Methodist Church


this Sunday's program - Lakeland United Methodist Church
Prayer Requests
Recent Requests
All poinsettias should be picked up immediately following the
Christmas Eve Service.
Given to glorify God and in memory of:
Horton Smith, William & Beverly Cronkhite & Phillip
Cronkhite by Gary & Sue Smith *Hyman Hardeman Sirmans
& Marjorie Sirmans Gaskins by Pat Miller * Arthur & Jimmie
Lee Herndon, Jr. by the Herndon Family * Bill & Carolyn
Herndon Pelham by the Herndon Family*Emory Swindle &
Margaret Swindle Darsey by Family
Given to glorify God and in honor of:
Leona Smith, Our Children & Grandchildren by Gary & Sue
Smith * Betty Hadsock by Quinn & Amanda (Children) &
Bennett & Levi (Grandchildren) * Our Grandchildren:
Owen, Avie, Sadie & Vindi by Elvin & Sharon Andrews *
Our Children & Grandchildren by Buddy & Della Purvis *
LUMC Choir by Bonnie Ganas*My LUMC Family by Flora
Fourakers*My Children & Grandchildren: Jake & Julie
Owens, Jacey, John Hudson, Jacob & Julianna & Jay Jay &
Lisa Strickland, Marihelen, Trey, & Taft by Helen Strickland
YTD Budget (11/30)
YTD Income (11/30)
YTD Bdgt vs. Inc (11/30)
Weekly Budget
Last Week Received
Gracelyn Daniel
Barry C. Davis
Virginia Giddens
Cammie Holmes McCook
Antonnio Peake
Bob and Cynthia Rice
Leah Harrell Shaw
Wallace Shiver
Julia Hendrix Steed
Olivia Libby Ursrey
Lakeland United Methodist Church
Lakeland UMC is a BLESSED place to be!!!!!!!
80 West Main Street · P.O. Box 7 · Lakeland, GA 31635
Pastor: Devin Schultz (229) 412-2524 Church Office (229) 482-3574
Sunday Worship Times: 11:00am & 6:00pm
December 21, 2014
Est. 1856
Facebook: lakelandunitedmethodistchurch
All military
Deployed and at station
Ongoing Requests
Ken & Jeanne Han
Carolyn Giddens
Bobby & Virginia Godwin
Letitia Benefield
Ann Buskirk
Laverne Tucker
Sally Giddens
Ed & Joan Batchelor
Julia and Jim Kelly
Ed and Esta McLaughlin
Tommy Ganas
Fourth Sunday of
LUMC seeks to grow disciples who are Developed in faith, Devoted to God’s Kingdom and desires, and Determined to
make a difference in the world. It is our joy to have you in worship today. Our only request is to fill out the
connection card and enjoy your worship experience. Please let us know how we might serve you!
11:00am Order of Worship
Pastor Devin Schultz
Invocational Prayer
Chuck Edwards
*Songs of Celebration
CH 278
“We Three Kings”
CH 288
CH 243
Pastoral Prayer (and Lord’s Prayer)
UMH 895
*Our Offerings & Doxology
Fellowship Chorus
UMH 95
“The Family of God”
The Written Word/The Spoken Word
United Methodist Men: 1st Monday @ 7pm -Jan. 5, 2015
Meeting: Guest Speaker-Robert
Shipman (Valwood Baseball
Coach) Menu-Chili,
Nachos and Grilled Cheese
United Methodist Women: 2nd Tuesday @ 6pm
Wonderful Wednesdays for kids/youth will not meet again
until January 14, 2015.
CH 419
John 3:16 (CEB)
God Loves The World
*Invitation & Sending Forth
The Men’s Bible Study is open to all men on
Wednesdays at 6pm in the Action Bunch Classroom. (We
meet at 5:45 for brown bag supper then study @6pm.)
Elvin & Sharon Andrews
“Angels We Have Heard on High”
Invitation and Call to Prayer
The “Everyone” Bible Study will not meet again until
January 5, 2015.
“The Birthday of a King”
CH 284
The Community Clothes Closet is open every 2nd Wednesday
and every 3rd Sunday from 8-10
am behind the County Annex.
*Please Stand As You Are Able
Music Books: UMH-Red/CH-Brown
There will be no evening services through Jan. 4, 2015 due to the
The flowers are placed in the Sanctuary today for the glory of God and in memory of
Robert and Patti Simpson by Tommy, Debbie, Will, and Cindy Simpson.
Christmas Eve Service Wednesday, 12-24-2014
@ 6 pm
Every one welcome!
(Please remember to take your poinsettias home after the service.)
December Ushers
Kemp Greene, Donald O’Quinn, Buddy Purvis, Kem Mancil
Renna Webrand
The church office will be closed December 24 and 25
and also December 31 and January 1.
Connection Card
Reading & Lighting of the Advent Candle