CITY OF LOS ANGELES HOLLYWOOD STUDIO DISTRICT NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL CALIFORNIA OFFICERS: Bill Zide COMMITTEE MEMBERS: MEMBERS Courtney Tossounian Chair Chair Jirair Tossounian* Secretary Jennifer Barbosa Vice Chair Paul Dougherty Don Durkee* Durkee Jackie Ruiz Jose Torres* Torres Bill Zide* Treasurer Vacant Secretary ERIC GARCETTI MAYOR John Girodo* Andrew Schwartz Luke Vincent* *denotes HSDNC Board members AGENDA Special Joint PLUM Committee and HSDNC Board Meeting Saturday, December 20th, 2014, 9:3 30 a.m., Lemon Grove Park Recreation Center, Center 4959 Lemon Grove Ave., Auditorium 1. 9:30am Introductions, announcements, verify quorum. Ensure all attendees sign in. 2. 9:35am Approval of prior meeting minutes. 3. 9:40am Public Comment on Non Non-Agenda Items. 4. 9:45am Discussion & possible action by the PLUM Committee with respect to: 6125 Sunset Bl. Project description: Sushi Nozawa, LLC, is requesting a Plan Approval (“PA”) to allow the sale, service, and on-site site consumption of beer and wine at its forthcoming sushi restaurant, restaurant with operating hours from 11 am-12am Mon-Sat Sat and 11am 11am-11pm Sun, located on the ground floor of a historic 27,887 s.f. building in the forthcoming 664,718 s.f. mixed use project, the Columbia Square development (“Site”), at 6125 W Sunset Blvd. The Applicant Applicant’s ’s 1828 s.f. restaurant will offer seating for 50 patrons, 34 in the dining area, eight "sushi bar" seats, and eight in the waiting area. The Applicant’s restaurant will be operating in a part of the City that is one of its primary centers for commerce and entertainment, and the presence of a variety of restaurants with alcohol service is an appreciated feature of this part of Hollywood. Entitlements: Plan Approval to permit the sale/service of beer and wine at a forthcoming 50-seat, 50 1828 s.f. sushi restaurant rant with operating hours from 11am 11am-12am Mon-Sat Sat and 11am-11pm 11am Sun. Action requested by Applicant from PLUM Committee: Applicant requests a Letter of Support. Support 5. 10:30am Discussion by the PLUM Committee with respect to: 1277 Western Ave Project description: Starbucks is proposing an approximately 785 square foot drive-through drive only project, with a walk-up up window and outdoor patio seating which will provide a pedestrian-oriented pedestrian amenity for the Community. There will be no indoor service or seating. The e project proje will include parking, landscaping, and will significantly improve the look of the site and provide an attractive neighborhoodserving use for the area which we believe is consistent with the Zoning Code and General Plan designation for the parcel. Entitlements: Starbucks Coffee Company proposes to construct a drive-through through project with a walk-up window and outdoor seating and associated parking and landscaping. No indoor service or seating will be provided. Starbucks seeks a Conditional Use Permit to allow for a drive-through through fast food establishment with 24 hour operation. Additionally, due to site constraints, relief will be sought to certain Commercial Corner guidelines relating to setbacks, parking location, and window transparency. Action requested sted by Applicant from PLUM Committee: Applicant For information only. HSDNC – Special Joint PLUM Committee and HSDNC Board Meeting Agenda – December 20, 2014 - pg 1 of 3 6. 11:15am Discussion by the PLUM Committee with respect to: 6250 Sunset Blvd. Project description: The Project proposes a mixed-use development on an approximately 2.06 acre site located between Sunset Boulevard and Leland Way in the Hollywood community of the City of Los Angeles. The Project Site is currently developed with a building constructed in the late 1930’s as the Earl Carroll Theatre (ECT Building) and a surface parking lot with accessory structures. The ECT Building has been used by the Nickelodeon on Sunset Corporation (Nickelodeon) as a sound stage for television productions with associated offices since the early 1980’s. The Project would protect and retain the ECT Building and construct a new seven-story, mixed-use building on the western portion of the Project Site. The Project includes approximately 4,700 square feet of ground floor commercial space and 200 residential units. Five percent of the residential units are restricted as very-low income. The Project would also provide a pedestrian paseo between the new building and the ECT Building that would link Sunset Boulevard and Leland Way. Entitlements: Density Bonus for a 200 unit housing development with 5% used for very low income. Reduction of side yard setback. Zone change and height district change from C4-2D-SN to [Q]C4-2DSN and R4-2D to [Q]C4-2D. Waiver to street dedication and improvements on Sunset and Leland. Lot line Adjustment. Project Permit Compliance and Exception to the Hollywood Signage Supplemental Use District. Action requested by Applicant from PLUM Committee: For information only. 7. 12:00pm Discussion & possible action by the PLUM Committee with respect to: 6201 Sunset Bl. Project Description: The Project will protect and enhance the historic Palladium while adding development compatible with the Palladium’s architecture. The Palladium will continue to operate as an entertainment and event venue, and the Project will introduce new buildings that are consistent with the site’s current zoning and are designed to frame the Palladium marquee. The new development must be approved by the City’s Cultural Heritage Commission as compatible with the Palladium, and as part of the Project, an application will be submitted to designate the Palladium as a Historic-Cultural Monument under the City of Los Angeles Cultural Heritage Ordinance following issuance of building permits for the Project. Two development options are proposed: Under Option 1, Residential, the project would include up to 731 residential units. Under Option 2, Residential/Hotel, the project would provide up to 598 residential units and 250 hotel rooms. Option 2 would also include up to 15,000 square feet of ancillary hotel uses, such as banquet/meeting facilities and hotel-serving retail uses. Both options would include up to 13,000 square feet of ground floor retail and/or restaurant space at the Sunset Boulevard/Argyle Avenue intersection and along N. El Centro Avenue. The majority of proposed new uses would be located in two buildings up to 28 stories and approximately 350 feet in height that will serve as a backdrop to the Palladium. The project is designed with courtyards and setbacks to frame the historic Palladium and heights that are appropriate in relation to neighboring towers and Hollywood’s emerging skyline. The project will also include approximately 16,000 square feet of publicly accessible, landscaped outdoor amenities for Site visitors and pedestrians in street level courtyards; and would also include indoor recreation facilities and outdoor open space amenities for residents and hotel guests in a pool terrace and in roof-top terraces. The total amount of open space provided would exceed the City Open Space requirements. Structured parking would be provided for up to approximately 1,900 vehicles within four to six subterranean levels located below the new project and seven above-ground levels at the northern edge of the site. Entitlements: General Plan Amendment to the Hollywood Community Plan, adding a footnote reconfirming the Project Site as Regional Commercial and consistent with the [Q] Conditions and [D] Limitations in the current zoning designation for the Project Site. Zone Change from [Q]C4-2D-SN to [Q]C4-2D-SN that would amend the D Development Limitation to confirm that the maximum floor area ratio is 6.0:1, and require the Applicant to nominate the Palladium as a Historic-Cultural Monument in accordance with the City’s Cultural Heritage Ordinance upon the issuance of a residential building permit for the Project. Vesting Tentative Tract Map with haul route. Site Plan Review. Conditional Use Permit for the sale of alcoholic beverages with the hotel, restaurant, and retail components of the proposed Project (recognizing that the existing Hollywood Palladium already has a deemed-approved Conditional Use Permit for alcohol that is not the subject of this application). Conditional Use Permit to allow a hotel in the C4 zone within 500 feet of an R zone. Conditional Use Permit for Floor Area Averaging between the Project Site’s two parcels. HSDNC – Special Joint PLUM Committee and HSDNC Board Meeting Agenda – December 20, 2014 - pg 2 of 3 Zoning Administrator Interpretation to specify the front, rear, and side yards of the Project. Zoning Administrator Interpretation regarding parking stall dimensions and mechanical parking lifts. Zoning Administrator Interpretation to allow rooftop outdoor dining. Action requested by Applicant from PLUM Committee: Applicant requests a Letter of Support. 8. 12:45pm Discussion and update by the PLUM Committee with respect to: PLUM Retreat in January. 9. 1:15pm Announcements. 10. 1:30pm Adjournment. The public is requested to fill out a "Speaker Card" to address the Board on any agenda item before the Board takes an action. Public comment is limited to two (2) minutes per speaker, but the Board has the discretion to modify the amount of time for any speaker. The public may comment on a specific item listed on this agenda when the Board considers that item. When the board considers the agenda item entitled "Public Comments," the public has the right to comment on any matter that is within the Board's jurisdiction. In compliance with Government Code section 54957.5, non-exempt writings that are distributed to a majority or all of the Board in advance of a meeting may be viewed at the scheduled meeting or by prior arrangement by contacting the HSDNC at 323.450.5097. In addition, anyone who would like a copy of any record related to an item on the agenda; please contact the HSDNC at number above. The Hollywood Studio District Neighborhood Council will announce at this meeting the location, day and time for its regular meetings and may also call any additional required special meetings in accordance with it Bylaws and the Brown Act. The agenda for the regular and special meetings is posted for public review at the following community locations: 1) Lemon Grove Park, 4959 Lemon Grove Ave. The Hollywood Studio District Neighborhood Council complies with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act and does not discriminate on the basis of any disability. Upon request, the Hollywood Studio District Neighborhood Council will provide reasonable accommodations to ensure equal access to its programs, services, and activities. Sign language interpreters, assistive listening devices, or other auxiliary aids and/or services may be provided upon request. To ensure the availability of services, please make your request at least 3 business days (72 hours) prior to the meeting you wish to attend by contacting HSDNC by an e-mail that states the accommodations that you are requesting to chair@hsdnc.org HOLLYWOOD STUDIO DISTRICT NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL Contact info: www.hsdnc.org 5500 Hollywood Boulevard #406, Los Angeles, CA 90028 – Email: admin@hsdnc.org Department of Neighborhood Empowerment 200 N. Main Street, Rm. 2005, Los Angeles, CA 90012 Tel: 213.978.1551 - TOLL-FREE: 3-1-1 - FAX: 213.978.1751 E-MAIL: NCSupport@lacity.org - www.EmpowerLA.org To subscribe to the City’s Early Notification System, please go to: http://www.lacity.org/SubMenu/ENSEarlyNotificationSystem/EarlyNotificationSystem/index.htm Under "Subscriptions", click on "Neighborhood Council Subscriptions" and follow the simple instructions that follow to subscribe. HSDNC – Special Joint PLUM Committee and HSDNC Board Meeting Agenda – December 20, 2014 - pg 3 of 3