“Tailgating” Theme If you would like to furnish a “Tailgating” trunk or


“Tailgating” Theme If you would like to furnish a “Tailgating” trunk or
October 12-18, 2014
Volume 5, Issue 35
Special points of interest:
Lunch Brigade
New Member Class
Pastor Appreciation
Inside this issue:
Prayer Concerns
Deacons of the Week
Financial Reports
Weekly Scripture
Solo Connection
Nursery Schedule
Pull Yourself Together
New Members Class
Candy Donations
Pastor Appreciation
Partners and Friends
Sweets & Treats
Did You Know?
Vision Statement
Mission Statement
October 31, 2014
6:00—8:00 p.m.
Bounce House
“Tailgating” Theme
If you would like to furnish a “Tailgating” trunk or
pick-up, please contact April Richey. We need
lots of decorated vehicles to participate in passing
out candy to the neighborhood kids.
Page 2
The following names have been submitted to us for
prayer. Please make them a priority during the
week. Some are sick at home; some are
hospitalized; some have had surgery; and some
have crises in their lives. Some are short term
requests. Some are long term. We/You may not
know the circumstances but God does.
Mike Webb; Bill Young; Amy Phillips Witherington;
Christa Bowen, friend of Rosiellos; Gayle Darden;
Janye Andrews, Newt & Bea Warner’s daughter;
Volume 5, Issue 35
Crystal Morgan, Suzie Andersen’s sister; Ed
Neuzil, friend of Don Lowe; Kitty Hicks; Jo Ann
Fowler, friend of Joyce Lowe; Sam Butner; Ted
Nulle; Juanita Keltner, Peg Kelley’s sister; Doug
Tuttle; Carl Osborne; Joan Beard; Sam Vernon;
Florence Landram; Yvonne Wojdacki, friend of
Elaine Holtberg; Carol Lang; Julia Crossman,
friend of Donna Huber; Alisha Rose, relative of
Karen Loria; Berni White’s son, Roman,
premature two pound great niece (Cabree), and
friend, Sheila Crew; Josephine Shoop, Natalie
Hicks and Debbie Simmons’ mother; John
Wilfong; Donald and Judith Albanese, Brian
McKean’s sister and brother-in-law; John
Marynell; Jan Bednarek; New Life Church
Leadership Team; our military personnel; Anna
Harvey, missionary in Middle East. Call the
church office (728.1861) with your prayer
requests. 
October 19
Copies Are Just Not as Good as
the Original
Romans 11:33-12:13
Hebrews 8:1-13
Sermon Series
October 12
We Have a Perfect High Priest
Hebrews 7:23-28
Deacons for the week are:
Wayne and Patty Davis. If you
have a need during the week
please feel free to call them at
323-9037 or email them at
wpdavs@comcast.net. 
October 26
Jesus Is the Life
Hebrews 9:11-15
October 12-18, 2014
Food Bank Sunday
9:00 Sunday School
10:00 Worship
11:15 Brunch/Lunch
12:30 Financial
Peace University
6:00 Youth
5:00 Lampstand
6:00 Kids Central
9:00 Prayer Grp
10:00 Staff Mtg
6:00 Ensemble
7:00 AA
7:15 Adult Choir
5:00 Handbells
6:00 Explore the
8:00 Thrift House
6:30 Session Mtg
12:00 Solo
6:00 Anna Harvey
Friends and
Partners Dinner
10:00 Lunch
Page 3
Volume 5, Issue 35
October 5
October 13
Tommy Richey
October 17
Marybeth Harvey
October 18
Cathy Schafer 
Annual Budgeted Expenditures
General Fund Giving YTD (10/05/14)
Remaining unfunded expenditures
Weekly (12 weeks)
$ 97,887.50
$ 8,157.00
Needed as of 10/05/14
Received 10/05/14
$ 8,440.00
$ 11,828.03
… 12
Hebrews 8:1-3
… 13
Hebrews 8:4-6
… 14
Hebrews 8:7-9
… 15
Hebrews 8:10-13
… 16
Hebrews 9:1-5
… 17
Hebrews 9:6-7
… 18
Hebrews 9:8-10 
October 12
Children’s Church: Molly & Marybeth
Babies: Heather & Tami
October 19
Children’s Church: Natalie & Debbie
Babies: Heather & Lauren
October 26
Children’s Church: April and Jayne Jo
Babies: Heather and Judy
November 2
Children’s Church: Wanda and André
Babies: Heather and Deanna 
Solo Connection
Friday, October 17
Fellowship Hall
Jim DeBarr is serving meatloaf and
macaroni and cheese. Attendees are
asked to bring side dishes of salads,
veggies or dessert. Cathy Marynell
can be reached at 352-874-1703 if
you have questions. 
You’ve heard it a million times. Others may have said it to
you, or you may have said it to yourself. But things just
aren’t coming together. You’re still hurting. You still feel
like it’s all falling apart. Our Stephen Ministers are trained
caregivers who will walk with you, listen to you, and
provide confidential one-to-one care, as you search
through the pieces and find what is truly in your heart.
To learn more about what Stephen Ministry can do for you,
talk to one of our Stephen Leaders: Donna Dennis, Pris
Peterson, Susan Sapp or Dave Loria. Our Stephen
Ministers are ready to care for you! 
Page 4
Volume 5, Issue 35
We need candy, lots and lots of candy. Lots of
individually wrapped candy. Bags of candy. Boxes
of candy. Bowls of candy. Sacks of candy. A trunkload of candy.
For those of you who are interested in learning
more about New Life Church and what we believe,
we are providing an opportunity to attend a one day
class for information on What it means to be a
Presbyterian; What it means to be a member of
New Life; and most importantly, What it means to
be a Christian.
Mark your calendars for Sunday, October 19, to
attend this class then watch for details in the bulletin
and newsletter. 
We have several opportunities for volunteers to serve
within our church family for the upcoming calendar year. If
you feel the call to fill one of these positions, please
contact the church office (728.1861). Positions available
are for:
Personnel Committee
Brunch volunteers
Team Leaders
Tickets (FILLED) 
Kitchen Chief (FILLED) 
Recruiter (FILLED) 
Decorate (FILLED) 
Serving Line (FILLED) 
Did I say trunk-load? There’s a reason for that. Our
Harvest Party theme is “Tailgating.” We had such
fun last year we decided to do it again! We’re
planning bounce houses and all kinds of activities
and games for our community. Everyone is invited.
Should you wish to furnish a “Tailgating” trunk or
pick-up, please contact April Richey to let her know.
Oh, did we mention that we need candy? Lots of
candy? Bring it to the church office any time during
office hours. Thanks. 
Roll Utensils (FILLED) 
Sweet Table Coordinator (FILLED) 
Funeral Hospitality
Greeters/Welcome Desk
Counters (background check required)
MOPS (Maintaining Our Property)
Drivers (CDL required but will assist to get it)
Children’s ministry (background check required)
Sign up now and avoid the Christmas rush. If you have
questions regarding any of these positions, please call
the church office. 
We are very thankful that some of these positions have
been filled. Maybe it’s time YOU stepped up to fill the
few remaining. Did someone beat you to the one you
wanted? Oh, well. There are others and the need is just
as great in the remaining positions. Every one of them is
important to the Kingdom! 
Page 5
Volume 5, Issue 35
Page 6
If you have enjoyed the treats at the sweet table over the
past few months, please take a moment or two to thank
the following folks for their generous gifts of sweets:
Suzie Andersen,
Trudy Nulle,
Jane Triplett,
Karen and Dave Loria,
Bunnie and Jim Davis,
Kay Pallas,
Patrick and Sheila Orman,
Sue Hobbs,
the Howards,
Carol Bennett,
Connie Martin,
Pat Kennelly,
Marilyn DeVries,
Florence Landrum,
Jan Courts,
Jan and Bob O’Connor,
Bette White,
Debbie Simmons,
Natalie Hicks,
Jack Chandler,
Madeline Lockard,
The first jack-o-lanterns were actually made from
The world’s largest pumpkin weighed in at 1872
Americans purchase over 20 million pounds of
Candy Corn each year.
The number one candy of choice is Snickers
followed by Reese’s, Kit-Kat’s and M&M’s.
In Alabama it is illegal to dress up as a priest.
October 30 is National Candy Corn Day.
While pumpkins are typically orange, they can
also be green, white, red and gray.
Volume 5, Issue 35
Zadia Fletcher,
Lauren Otten,
Marty Trone,
Mary Webb,
Stephen Ministers,
Michele Lang,
Sherry Collins,
Mary Sloan,
Rock of Ages Small Group, and
Barb Newman.
Many of these donated more than one time. If YOU enjoy
partaking of the treats, perhaps you would care to
participate in donating one Sunday. There is a sign -up
sheet at the table and all you need to do is fill your name
in on the date convenient for you and then bring your
treats on that date. It is really fun to watch the treats
being enjoyed.
Jane Triplett has agreed to be the coordinator for the
Sweet Table. If you have any questions about helping,
please see Jane and she will clue you in.
Many thanks to Jane for assuming this responsibility of
coordinating! 
Magician Harry Houdini died on October 31.
Have leftover candy? Save it. Hard candy lasts for
a year while white chocolate can last up to two.
More candy is sold on October 28 than any other
day of the year.
In America in the 1800′s, the end of the harvest
season was celebrated by wearing costumes,
eating sweets, and playing practical jokes on one
The tradition of Halloween pranks started to turn
ugly in the 1930′s and a movement began to
substitute kids going door to door for candy.
The color orange represents the harvest and the
color black represents the darkness at Halloween.
New Life Presbyterian Church
Non –Profit
U.S. Postage Paid
Leesburg FL 34749
Permit No. 3144
The “Church on the Hill”
201 LaVista Street
Fruitland Park FL 34731-4423
Phone: 352.728.1861
Fax: 352.728.8306
E-mail: newlife@newlifefp.org
Making Disciples—Growing Disciples—Sending Disciples
You can find us on
Please become friends
and keep up to date with
your church family.
We’re on the web!
Pour out your heart to him, for
God is your refuge.
Psalm 62:8
VISION STATEMENT: As followers of Jesus Christ, we believe that the Bible is the Word of God, and our love for God
and others compels us to spread the Gospel, by the power of the Holy Spirit, locally, nationally, and globally,
helping everyone experience new life through Christ alone.
MISSION STATEMENT: “The mission of New Life Presbyterian Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ, nurture
and grow the discipleship of those who believe, and send disciples into the world as witnesses to God’s love and
saving grace.” 
New Life
Jim Keegan (pastorjim@newlifefp.org)
Phone: 352.250.0348
Music/Worship Coordinator:
John Kimer (john@newlifefp.org)
Disciple for Families
Bob Blaise (bob@newlifefp.org)
Youth Director:
Bradley Myer (Bradley@newlifefp.org)
Ministry Assistant:
Sherry Willingham (sherry@newlifefp.org)
Financial Manager/Admin Assistant:
Marybeth Harvey
Clarence Willette
Mac Andrews
Nursery Attendants:
Heather Holbrook
Erin Myer 