Food Vendor App – Darebin Community and Kite


Food Vendor App – Darebin Community and Kite
2015 Darebin Community and Kite Festival
Edwardes Lake Park, Reservoir
Sunday 15 March 2015
11:00am – 6:00pm, Free Entry
Audience: 20,000
Org/Biz Name:
Contact Person:
Are you a Darebin based business? Yes  No 
ABN: _________________________
Landline: __________________________
Type of Stall – Food Vendor
Community Group Food Vendor Site
Cost Per Site
$200 (inc GST)
(Add marquee, table & chair hire below if required)
Community Group Coffee, Juice or Ice-Cream Site
Fee (Add marquee, table & chair hire below if
$150 (inc GST)
Commercial Food Vendor Site Fee
$350 (inc GST)
(Add marquee, table & chair hire below if required)
Commercial Coffee, Juice or Ice-Cream Site Fee
$250 (inc GST)
(Add marquee, table & chair hire below if required)
Hire of Marquee: 3m x 3m with 3 walls
Plus 2 x trestle tables & 4 x chairs
$220 (inc GST)
Stallholders are permitted to bring their own marquees onto the festival site, or can choose pay the
$220 hire fee to have one with furniture provided for you. If you are bringing your own marquee
and equipment, please read Terms and Conditions for details (and sign to agree). If stallholders
wish to bring their own equipment and marquees, a picture of the marquee MUST be submitted
with this application.
Additional Equipment
Additional 3m x 3m marquee
Cost Per Item
$200 (inc GST)
Market Shade Umbrellas (3m)
$ 80 (inc GST)
Additional Chairs (plastic)
$ 4 (inc GST)
Additional Trestles (1.8m)
$ 18 (inc GST)
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Important Information: (see Terms & Conditions for further information)
Food vendors should arrive no earlier than 9am unless otherwise agreed in writing
Food vendors must be set-up and have any non-display vehicles off site by 10:30am
Vehicle movement will not resume until 6:30pm
Vehicles must enter and exit the site as directed by Event Staff
You will be directed to your site on the day
Power Requirements
Do you require Power?
Yes 
No 
List the Amps you require: (eg. 2 x 10 amp points) _______________________________________
What will you be powering on your site: _______________________________________________
IMPORTANT: You must supply your own power leads and cords. ALL leads must be tagged and
tested or you must produce a receipt for purchase of the item if is no more than 6 months old. If
your leads are not safety approved your trading will be held up until your leads can be tagged and
tested by our qualified festival-delegated electrician. You will be charged $20 CASH (on the spot)
for EACH lead tagged and tested by our electrician.
Goods for Sale and Price Points
Outline what food and drink you will be selling in the stall and include prices:
You WILL NOT be able to sell any product not listed here and agreed upon by the Event Manager.
What are the dimensions of your food van and/or marquee? = Total space required
Food Vans: Please indicate where you serve from  Back  Passenger side  Driver side
Dimensions of the Vehicle: _____m wide x _____m deep x _____m high
Total Space required (including marquee if applicable): _____m wide (front facing) x _____m deep
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Food Safety Template
Successful Food Vendors are required to EITHER be registered with the City of Darebin’s
Environmental Health Services (or another local Council) OR submit a Food Safety Program in order
to be issued with a Food Permit for the festival.
Queries with regards to Food Safety Requirements can be directed to a City of Darebin Health
Officer on 03 8470 8658. Successful food stall holders are encouraged to meet with a City of
Darebin Health Officer with regards to their Food Safety Program and following through with their
Program on the day.
Public Liability Insurance
All food vendors must have public liability insurance to the value of $10 million. You will need to
provide the City of Darebin with a Certificate of Currency from your insurance company and attach
a copy to this application.
Waste Disposal
All food vendors are responsible for the safe disposal of their waste. This includes food, paper and
card goods and oils.
Code of Practice for the Safe Use of LPGas at Public Events
Will you be using LPGas at the festival?
Yes 
No 
If YES how many and (and what weight) will you have on site? ______ x ____ Ltr bottles
If you have a compliance plate, what is the number? ______________________________
Energy Safe has recently introduced a new Code of Practice for the Safe Use of LPGas at Public
Events. All Food Vendors using LPGas should read and understand the Code of Practice for the Safe
Use of LPG at this Festival. This Code of Practice can be found at At this
website, the Code of Practice is listed on the right hand side of the screen under Quick-Links.
Attached to the code you will also find a Safety Checklist which we require you to complete and
have with you at the Festival together with your Food Safety Program. Non-compliance may result
in you being prevented from trading at the festival.
Those Vendors operating a Mobile Catering Vehicle utilising LPGas must display an
Energy Safe Victoria Compliance Plate. Such vendors will not be permitted on site
without an Energy Safe Victoria Compliance Plate.
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In order for your application to be considered please ensure the following is attached:
 Application Form
 Copy of valid Certificate of Currency
 Signed copy of the Terms and Conditions (below)
 Payment by Cheque or Money Order made out to ‘City of Darebin’
(Payment will be returned to you should your application be unsuccessful)
 Copy of your menu/list of goods for sale and prices
Also, please indicate that you have:
 READ AND UNDERSTOOD the Code of Practice for Safe Use of LPGas at Events
 OBTAINED AND COMPLETED the Safety Checklist regarding the Code of Practice for the Safe
Use of LPGas at Events
Tuesday 20 January 2015 at 5pm
Applications should be marked Attention: Darebin Community & Kite Festival, Ciel Fuller and
can be lodged by:
POST: PO Box 91
IN PERSON: 274 Gower Street
Enquiries: For further information on stallholder applications, please telephone
Ciel Fuller, Festival and Events Officer on 03 8470 8598 or email
This information collected will be handled in accordance with the Victorian Information Privacy Act 2000, and will not be
disclosed to any third parties without your consent unless required by law. You may apply for access to any of
your personal information held by the City of Darebin by contacting the Council's Privacy Officer on 8470 8877.
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Terms and Conditions:
1. Applications to hire the stall shall be made by submitting the Application Form.
2. Council may accept or reject any application at its absolute discretion. Preference will be given to local
stallholders and selection will be made to ensure a cross-section of products and varieties.
3. Applications close on Monday 2 February 2015 at 5pm.
4. Applicants will be notified in writing of the status of their application by Monday 9 February 2015.
5. Applicants must provide the following to Council with their Application;
 The Fee;
 Copy of Certificate of Currency;
If you are bringing your own marquee – a picture MUST be included with the form
Signed Terms & Conditions;
1. In 2014 stallholders are permitted to bring their own marquees onto the festival site. If stallholders
choose to bring their own equipment they will be provided with an empty site.
2. If the stallholders are bringing their own equipment ALL marquees must be inspected by a staff member
prior to setup. Additionally safety inspections of equipment will be carried out every two hours.
3. If the stallholders are bringing their own equipment ALL marquees must have a wind rating of above 20k
(contact manufacturer to find this information)
4. If equipment brought to site does not meet wind rating or is found to be faulty by a staff member
(either during installation or safety inspections) the marquee must be taken down and removed.
5. Alternatively stallholders can choose to pay the required hire fee to have these provided for you.
6. Additional equipment can be provided at cost if required as outlined at the bottom of the application
form. These costs will be added to your site fee.
Electrical Requirements
1. Stallholders using more electrical appliances than outlined on the application form will be required to
unplug and cease use of the additional appliances
2. Stallholders must provide their own electrical cords and leads.
3. All leads must be tagged & tested, if leads are not tagged and tested, trading will be held up until your
equipment is tagged & tested by a festival delegated and qualified electrician. Stallholders will be
charged $20 CASH on the spot for EACH lead tagged & tested by our electrician.
Safe use of LPG GAS at public events
1. Stallholders using LPGas should have read and understood the Code of Practice for the Safe Use of
LPGas at Public Events and are required to complete the Safety Checklist and have it with you.
2. Stallholders operating a Mobile Catering Vehicle utilising LPGas must display an Energy Safe Victoria
Compliance Plate in order to be permitted on site.
Use of Stall
1. The Stallholder must be open for business between 11am and 4pm on the day of the festival
2. The stallholder will be able to access their site between 9am and 10:30am ONLY. Council reserves the
right to reallocate sites not claimed by 10:30am.
3. The stallholder will be able to bring ONE vehicle onto the festival site to load-in between 9am and
10:30am. However the festival prefers stallholders use trolleys to bring their products onto the festival
4. All vehicles must be removed from the site before 10:30am
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5. NO vehicles to be left on the site without prior permission
6. All stallholders are to be environmentally aware when planning their stalls.
7. Council will not accept applications, and reserves the right to request cessation of activities/trading of,
groups or individuals who provide activities or materials which are perceived as offensive or defamatory
or in direct conflict with the City of Darebin, Council’s environmental principles, the Festival or Festival
8. The Stallholder will be responsible for ensuring the removal of the following:
 all plant and equipment (excluding Council or hired property);
 all food stuffs and liquid refreshments; and
 all waste and product materials, including oil and cardboard boxes.
9. The City of Darebin cannot guarantee the availability of sites allocated in previous years.
10. It is requested that stallholders contain their interaction/activity to the immediate area of their stall.
11. Stallholders WILL NOT be able to dismantle their stall earlier than 6pm, even if all products are sold.
12. Vehicles will only be allowed back onto the site once the festival safety officer has deemed it safe to do
so. It is expected that this will occur after approx. 6:30pm. This time is provided as a guide only and it
will remain the responsibility of the safety officer to nominate when it is safe for vehicles to be brought
on site.
13. Stallholders must ensure that the stall is properly staffed and maintained for the duration of the
advertised operating hours of the Festival.
14. The Council retains the right to alter the trading hours of the Festival. The Council must provide
reasonable notice of any changes in trading hours to the Stallholder.
15. The Stallholder must not share its stall with another person without obtaining the prior approval.
16. The Stallholder must only use the stall to sell the products as specified on the application form and at
the cost as listed on the application form. The Stallholder must obtain the consent of Council prior to
varying products sold, which may be granted or withheld at Council's absolute discretion. Council may
require that unapproved items or products be removed from the stall immediately or the prices to be
altered to correspond with those as listed on the application form.
17. The Stallholder is responsible for ensuring that it conforms to any Australian standards.
18. The Stallholder must take out a public liability insurance policy in the amount of $10 million (or any
other such amount as is required by the Council) in respect of any one single event. A certificate of
currency of insurance must be provided to the Council with the Application.
19. The Stallholder must ensure they use recyclable products where necessary and ensure the correct
disposal of waste in the recyclable bins.
Food Products
1. Successful Applicants must complete a Food Safety Program Template prior to the Festival or
Stallholder will not be permitted to trade.
Purchasing by Food Vouchers
1. Council will operate a food voucher system to reward volunteers and staff.
2. All stalls must accept the vouchers.
3. Vouchers will be to the value of ‘1 x Coffee’, ‘$5’ and ‘$10’.
4. No change is to be given for food vouchers.
5. In order to redeem the vouchers, stallholders must register the vouchers with the Food Vendor Site
Manager and fill out the required paperwork either on the day of the festival or at the Council no later
than 10 working days after the festival.
6. Vouchers will be either converted to cheque or directly deposited into nominated bank accounts at the
stallholders discretion. The processing time for the conversion will be 28 days.
7. No cash will be exchanged for vouchers on the day of the festival.
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Balloon Policy
1. The use and distribution of balloons at the Festival is prohibited. All stallholders who bring balloons onto
the festival site will be asked to remove them.
2. The Council may terminate the licence of the Stall at any time if the Stallholder:
 has not paid the Fee by Monday 16 February 2015 at 5pm; or
 has not provided evidence of Public Liability by Monday 16 February 2015 at 5pm; or
 breaches any of the Stallholder’s obligations specified in these Terms and Conditions;
3. Stallholders forfeit any monies paid by the Stallholder under these Conditions.
Release and Indemnity
The Stallholder hires the site at the Stallholder’s own risk and releases the Council to the extent permitted
by law, against all liability and loss in connection with the stall and Equipment including where the Council
terminates the hiring of the stall for any reason whatsoever. The Stallholder expressly indemnifies the
Council against all loss and liability in connection with the Stallholder’s hiring of the stall including any
damage caused to the stall or any loss, injury or death to any person in or about the stall, except to the
extent to which the Council is negligent.
Where a person signs the Application Form on behalf of the Stallholder, the person signing the Application
Form warrants that he or she is authorised to sign the Application Form on behalf of the Stallholder; and
guarantees that the Stallholder will strictly observe and perform its obligations in these conditions and will
pay to the Council on demand any money for any loss suffered by the Council due to a breach of these
conditions by the Stallholder.
The Stallholder forfeits any monies paid in the instance of cancellation by the Stallholder within ONE week
or 168 hours prior to the event start time.
Acknowledgement & Agreement
I acknowledge that:
 I have read and understood the Terms and Conditions relating to the operation of a Stall at the Festival.
 Where the Stallholder is a company or incorporated association, I am authorised by the Stallholder to
complete the Application Form on the Stallholder’s behalf.
 I am personally responsible for ensuring that the Stallholder complies with the Terms and Conditions and
if the Stallholder breaches any of the Terms and Conditions, Equipment and other ancillary facilities, I will be
personally responsible for any such breaches, including any damage.
Stallholder's Signature
Print Name
Date: ..................................................................
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