Contact Information ANNOUNCEMENTS


Contact Information ANNOUNCEMENTS
The Altar flowers are given by Laura & Leo Boston
in momory of her parents Richard & Phyllis “Noni” Lundgren;
by Greg & Laurel Carlin in memory of parents Bob & June Bell
and Vince & Mary Jo Carlin and her grandmother Louise Bell;
byRoberta Nauss Pointsetttia in columbarium in memory of
parents John & Harriet O’Loughlin.
Prayers of the People
Witnesses Remembered
Dec 20 Ada Sporven, 1992; Mildred Chisam, 1993
Dec 21 Saint Thomas the Apostle — Mary Ward, 1977
Dec 22 Adele Donovan, 2003
Dec 23 Myrle Pinkerton, 1998
Dec 24 Helen Godfrey, 1987; Helen H. Fellows, 2004
Dec 25 The Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ — Anna Reynolds, 1987; Richard
Lundgren, 1994
Dec 26 Saint Stephen, Deacon and Martyr — Jacqueline Timberman, 1986;
Robert Bell, 1996; Katharine H Thomas, 1999
Birthdays Remembered
Dec 20
Dec 22
Dec 24
Mark Johnson, Chantel Olson, Phyllis Smith
Leo Boston Jr.
Keli Alabl, Pam Barsness, Vaughan Fellows, Gunnar Mossbhlad, Dave
Lana Pulverenti, Greta Vaught
Dec 20 Jack & Mary Barnhart
Dec 22 Rob Williamson & Jan Rowley
If you do not see your birthday or anniversary, please call the office
Readings appointed for December 28:
Isaiah 61:10-62:3
Galatians 3:23-25;4:4-7
John 1:1-18
Psalm 147 or 147:13-21
Contact Information
The Rev. Judi A. Yeates, Rector-In-The-Interim( 402-690-4733
The Rev. Jay Gabb, Part-Time Associate-In-The-Interim (
cell 402-740-4621
Dr. Laura Palmer, Director of Music Ministries ( . ext. 115
Jerry Gray, Music Associate ( .......................... cell 402-657-1395
Jeremy Vogt, Ministry Coordinator ( 845-206-2644
Judith Stribley, Lay Pastoral Assistant ( ................. cell 402-630-7384
Liz Pettinger, Youth Minister ( ................ cell 402-290-8644
Laurie Hamilton, Dir. of Christian Ed. ( cell 402-917-5817
Theresa Newell, Program Assistant ( cell 402-238-8325
Dn. Stephanie Ulrich, R.N., Health Ministries ( ext. 114
home phone: 402-496-2632; cell 402-515-3147
Pageer (Joseph) Alaak, Sudanese Leader ( ......... cell 402-972-6278
Joy Hooyboer, Parish Administrator ( cell 630-234-7737
Tracy Peterson, Facilities Manager ( .. cell 402-305-7781
Cassie Arneson, Financial Administrator ( ) ..... cell 402-212-7326
Dn. Bob Brown, Sexton ( .............................. cell 402-213-4955
Deacons: Lynne Bacon, Bob Brown, Stephanie Ulrich
To our guests, newcomers & seekers:
If you are a guest or new to All Saints, we warmly welcome you. Please make yourself
known to one of the priests after the service, and sign the visitor’s book on the welcome
table in the narthex. We thank you for joining us today. We hope you will return often.
If you want to learn more about us, fill out a Welcome Card (located in the pew racks)
to let us know who you are, to ask questions or to make comments. You may return
the card to an usher, place in the offertory plate, or mail to the office. Please join us
for Christian Formation for ages 3-adult downstairs in the undercroft.
Find us on Facebook by searching All Saints Episcopal Church Omaha!
Reminder: If OPS is closed due to weather, the All Saints office will be closed as well.
Flu season is here and some of you have been asking whether we should be drinking from
the cup and passing the peace during this time of year…Rest assured if you feel more
comfortable not doing either…It is perfectly acceptable!
visit our Web site: (Desktop Version) (MobileVersion)
Wardens and Vestry
(As of November 30, 2014)
YTD Pledge Income
YTD Budget
Over/(Under) Budget
$ 563,000
$ 611,000
If possible please make sure that your 2014 pledges are to the church
by the end of the year.
A “Note” on Hymnody
Senior Warden
Junior Warden
Phil Cosimano
Mark Fredrickson
Lynn Pirruccello
Lori Schneider
Paul Prentiss
Mike Wheeler
Doug Lacey
Kathy Kresin
Maureen O’Connor
Roy Phillips
Barbara Schaefer
Dani Bradford
Sam Brown
John Bush
Greta Vaught
Chairs: Mark Fredrickson and Gayle Smith Watkins.
Bill Anderson, Pam Barsness, Jonathan Bradford,
Dean Hokanson, Michael Kresin, Jack Kubat,
David McCain, Craig O’Connor, Kay Owen, Matt
Payne, Kim Phillips, Mike Roth.
from Dr. Laura Palmer, Director of Music Ministries
“The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came” originates from a traditional European
folk carol and was translated into English by Sabine Baring-Gould in the nineteenth
century. The text is based on Luke 1:26-38 which tells of the angel Gabriel’s
appearance to Mary. This hymn first appeared in English hymnals during the
Oxford Movement, when reformers sought to reclaim the liturgical and musical
traditions of the early church. “The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came” was
intended for the celebration of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary on
March 25 as well as during the Advent season.
Search Committee Prayer
Almighty God, we pray for the guidance of your Holy Spirit as we seek a new rector for our church.
You know our special needs and the task that lies in our hands. Direct us in our search and
give us insight to perceive the leader you would choose for us. And we further pray, O Lord, that
in this time of waiting we may all devote ourselves afresh to your service, so that nothing will be
lost of the faithful work of the past, but rather that it may be brought to a rich harvest in the years
to come. This we ask in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Christmas at All Saints!
3:00 p.m.
AxS Christmas Eve Service
A celebratory worship service featuring a contemporary liturgy with beloved
Christmas hymns set to modern arrangements.
4:00 - 5:00pm
Live Nativity
Join us in the narthex as we reenact the scene at the stable in Bethlehem
including Mary, Joseph, Jesus and animals!
5:00 p.m.
Traditional Family Christmas Eve Service
A festive worship service with traditional liturgy, music, and the All Saints
Choirs. A choral prelude begins at 4:30 p.m.
9:00 p.m.
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
A reflective worship service with traditional liturgy and music, featuring a
string quartet and candlelight.
10:00 a.m.
Christmas Day Service
A worship service featuring traditional music and liturgy to celebrate the
birth of Christ. This service is held in the All Saints Chapel.
Christian Adult Formation
Sunday mornings -9:45 - 10:30 am
Coming Soon!
Epiphany offerings: Seeing Christ in the Journey
Seeing Christ in all people can change our own lives as well as effect change in
society. Come hear these dynamic leaders talk about how their organizations serve
the body of Christ right here in Omaha. These offerings take place in the Activity
Room 9:45-10:30.
Sunday January 11th Mike Saklar, executive director
of Siena/Francis House, will discuss that organization’s
mission and ministries to the homeless, those with chemical
addictions, and others in need.
Sunday January 18th Matt and Simone
Weber manage Table Grace Cafe, a pay-asyou-are-able restaurant, serving great food in a
graceful manner to everyone regardless of economic status.
Christmas Pageant
Youth in FOCUS at All Saints
Our All Saints Youth Group, is held on Wednesday evenings from 6:007:30 in the retreat center. All youth in 7th through 12th grade are
welcome! NOTE: Youth in Focus will not be held December 17th, 24th
or 31st. We will resume on January 7th. Have a blessed holiday and we
look forward to seeing you on Wednesdays in the new year! Please talk
to Liz Pettinger if you are interested or have any questions.
( or 402-290-8644)
Need a stocking stuffer?
Try a coupon book!
This is the last weekend the J2A group will be selling Coupon
Books to help raise funds for their upcoming Mission Trip to the Dominican
Republic. They are available for purchase after all services in the Narthex. If you
have any questions please contact Liz Pettinger at
Many thanks to the Men’s Ministry for
installing the bronze plaque on the
playground this past weekend. We are
blessed by your ministries.
Thank you from Sue Norman
A BIG thank you to Laurie Hamilton and her staff and all our Pageant players
for a wonderful Christmas program.
Thank You All — for the beautiful reception for me this past Sunday. For all
who came to say goodbye. For all the cards and hugs, the crystal Angel and the
very generous “purse”. I have loved being at All Saints. I’ve met wonderful
people who’ve become family. I’ve used and honed my skills, been challenged
to grow, and discovered some creativity! Letting go has been the hardest thing
I’ve had to do. You will always be in my thoughts, in my prayers, and in my
God Bless,
All Saints History Available in January
The Pomegranate Gift Shop
It’s the last weekend before Christmas! Do you have all your
shopping done? Luckily for you, we can help you out with that. We
have Christmas gifts, ornaments, cards, jewelry, candles, books and so much more.
Grab your cup of coffee and come on into the shop and look around, you will be
glad you did!
Update on Parish History Book We anticipate our parish
history book will be available in January. Entitled “The Great
Crowd,” it was written by Fr. Mike Tan Creti, a former rector. It
is a social history of All Saints beginning with its founding in
1885. The book will be available for sale in paperback and hard cover,
and we plan sales and author signings following weekend services. Watch
for updates in the parish Announcements.
All Saints Progressive Dinner
The Progressive Dinner has moved to January 9th!
What is the Progressive Dinner? A social event to kick off the new year! We are
going to meet at church for appetizers, and then break into groups to travel to
parishioner’s lovely homes. Want to volunteer your house? No problem! We
provide the food (or reimburse you if you prefer) that you cook, and then the small
group has a chance to get to know each other better. We then reconvene at All
Saints for dessert. Also, Childcare will be provided so please don’t let that stop
you from joining us! Childcare will be hosted by the J2A group as a fundraiser for
their Mission Trip in June. Free will donations will be accepted. Please sign up
in the Narthex!
Our 7th Annual Coat/Blanket/Backpack Drive
Please join us as we support the 7th annual All Saints
Flockfeeders’ coat/blanket backpack drive for the Siena/
Francis House homeless shelter. The drive will be December
2014 ~ February 2015 You can place new or gently used
donations for adults & children in the bin by the grocery
cart in the narthex. Questions? call or email Judy Gray at 493-8161 or Thank You! Flockfeeders
Join us for the 2014 Chili Cook off - also
including a bake off!
Have you always thought your chili would win contests? Or maybe your apple
pie? We would like to try your masterpiece!
On January 25th, following the 1030 service, we will be holding a combined
chili cook off and bake off. So you can bake your favorite pie or cook your
famous chili! Those voting will use dollar bills and the pot of Chili AND
baked good with the most money will win! The proceeds from this event will
be going to the J2A Mission trip this June. To enter please reach out to Liz
Pettinger at
Yoga for Christians
Will be offered on Saturday mornings beginning January 10 at 10:00 AM in the
activity room. This will be a beginning yoga class for people interested in
stretching, moving and breathing together. We will experience yoga philosophy
and practice in a Christian setting. Please bring your own yoga mat. There is no
cost to attend, but free will donations will be accepted for the purpose of getting
some yoga supplies to be used for the class.
The All Saints Library is fully functional. Only weekly maintenance is now required
to keep this extraordinary facility operating. “Be not afraid…for the LORD thy
God is with thee...” and the Librarian’s Handbook will guide you through any
instructions you might need to be comfortable in this position. If God is nudging
you in this direction, please contact any staff member.