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The Chesterfield
Golf Club
Sat 20 Dec
Sun 21 Dec
Mon 22 Dec
Tues 23 Dec
Wed 24 Dec
Thur 25 Dec
Fri 26 Dec
Boxing Day
Wed 31 Dec
Thur 1 Jan
Fri 2 Jan
New Year’s
New Year’s
Day - Closed
Wed 7 Jan
Thur 8 Jan
Kids Xmas
Sat 27 Dec
Sun 28 Dec
Mon 29 Dec
Tues 30 Dec
Sat 3 Jan
Dress Down Night
Sun 4 Jan
Mon 5 Jan
Tues 6 Jan
Fri 9 Jan
Ladies Comp
9.00 - 11.32
1st - Hilary Neale, Hilary Wildgoose and Linda
Knights - 53 ponts
Again another dress down night was held on
Friday 5th December, this time it was ‘Neil’s 2nd - Sheila Gretton, Margaret Grindell and
Chip Shop Night’ !
Amanda Hinchcliffe - 46 points (cb)
Fifty four members and guest turned up to 3rd - Joan Hodgson, Jan Poulton and Liz Day - 46
enjoy a variety of fish dishes and they were not points
Sue thanked all the ladies for their support
Alan Brown entertained us well with festive through the year and then handed over to Joan
Christmas music and everyone who was there Williams, the Lady Vice-Captain, who
thought that at £8.00 per head which included
announced that Marie Watson had agreed to be
the money for Alan was excellent value.
next year’s Vice-Captain. This was greeted with
The first two Dress Down Fridays next year will
applause and congratulations to Marie.
be on the 16th January and the 6th February.
The themes on these evenings will be Indian and We then all had fun taking part in a quiz set by
Italian respectively. Put these dates in your diary our Captain, some did better than others!
and watch the notice board for the booking
Pat Willmot then gave us a rendition of
Christmas carols on the keyboard with us all
Ladies Christmas Party
joining in the singing. We finished up with the
The ladies Christmas Party was held on Tuesday
9th December after the Tuesday ladies Twelve Days of Christmas complete with the
appropriate actions for each verse.
Again Neil and his staff did wonders with the Other Ladies Results
meal and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves
On Sunday the 7th December the first of the
thoroughly, wine flowed well!
Christmas competitions was held and the
format was Hidden Partners.
1st - Pippa Sutherland and Kim Hopkinson
2nd - Barbara Sims and Joan Williams
3rd - I think it was Pat Ridge and Kath Barnes
After their game they enjoyed a glass or two and
some cake before being presented with their
prizes. (sorry I do not have a photograph).
Liz Cromwell then announced the winners of the
days competition and the Lady Captain The juniors were due to hold their Christmas
competition on Saturday 13th December but
presented the prizes.
unfortunately Mark and the greenstaff felt that
If you have been to the Club
recently you may have
noticed the arrival of a
number of trees alongside
the entry road. These have
been provided through the
continued generosity of
Martin and Marie Bonynge
and James Bailey. All of the
trees are flowering varieties
and will add some colour to
the drive into the Club.
Many thanks to Martin,
Marie and James.
the course was really not fit for play and that it 5th - Kevin Waterfield & Brian Whalley 48 pts
would remain closed.
(24 b9)
6th - John Wadsworth & David Platts 48 pts (23
However the dinner in the evening went
ahead with the juniors turning up looking
A Message from George Woolgar
handsome in their suits, I was so proud to be
I would like to say to all of my sponsors and the
associated with their section!
members of Chesterfield Golf Club, a big thank
We all enjoyed a lovely meal, again provided you for all of your help and support this year.
by Neil who had been coping all week with As you all know I retained my Challenge Tour
various functions and feeling pretty ill, well Playing Rights from an eventful year travelling
done Neil and the team!
the world on the European Challenge Tour.
The Junior Captain Ben expressed his thanks to I have learnt a lot and had a fantastic
everyone for all the help he had had during his experience which I am looking to build on over
year and looked forward to supporting James the next season.
I am currently looking for sponsors to help me
Wadsworth next year.
on my journey to gain my European Tour Card.
Martin then said a few words and thanked all
If this is something which is of interest to you
those who had helped before announcing next
then please get in touch.
years Vice-Captain Curtis Wilson, which
You can contact me on 07778 554944
seemed to be a very popular appointment.
or e-mail me at woolgarw@aol.com and
follow me on www.georgewoolgar.com and
@GWoolgar on twitter.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to
everyone and have a successful years golfing!
Words from the Editors Liz Day and Trevor
We would like to wish all the members a very
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
We hope that we have managed to keep you
all informed as much as possible as to what is
going on in your Club and we look forward to
keeping you all posted as we come into
another golfing year.
Sheffield Road, Chesterfield
S41 8LF
0844 556 8783
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Mr Captain Mike then presented James
Wadsworth with all his prizes that he should It would be very remiss of us not to say a big
have received on Presentation Night, finishing thank you to Nick Roberts who has religiously
with words of wisdom for all the juniors.
updated our web site and also to Shane who
has taken on our twitter page and updates that
Men’s Competition Results
most days, without them Trevor would not
Unfortunately this year some of these competi- have the time and I do not have the
tions have had to be rescheduled or cancelled knowledge!
due to the excessive amount of rain we have
We are sure you all would like us to say a big
had over the last two months but the final
thank you to Mark and all his staff on the
competition, an Xmas 4BBB Stableford, took
wonderful job they do under extreme
place on Sunday, 4th December.
conditions sometimes. It is easy to criticize but
1st - Mike Hallas & Steve Gunn 49pts (26 b9)
we should be praising the job they do.
2nd - Archie Foster & Karl Miller 49 pts (24 b9)
Well done and once again a very Merry
3rd - Gary Pope & Duncan Pope 49 pts (23 b9)
Christmas to you all and let’s hope the New
4th - Robert Taylor & Dave Knight 48 pts (26
Year brings us better weather to help us all
along our way.
A reminder that the Course Information Line is 01246 279256 Ext 6