Home Search Collections Journals About Contact us My IOPscience An SO(10) × SO(10)' model for common origin of neutrino masses, ordinary and dark matterantimatter asymmetries This content has been downloaded from IOPscience. Please scroll down to see the full text. JCAP12(2014)046 ( View the table of contents for this issue, or go to the journal homepage for more Download details: IP Address: This content was downloaded on 29/12/2014 at 13:27 Please note that terms and conditions apply. J ournal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics An IOP and SISSA journal Pei-Hong Gu Department of Physics and Astronomy, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 800 Dongchuan Road, Shanghai 200240, China E-mail: Received October 27, 2014 Revised November 24, 2014 Accepted November 27, 2014 Published December 22, 2014 Abstract. We propose an SO(10)×SO(10)′ model to simultaneously realize a seesaw for Dirac neutrino masses and a leptogenesis for ordinary and dark matter-antimatter asymmetries. ′ A (16 × 16 )H scalar crossing the SO(10) and SO(10)′ sectors plays an essential role in this seesaw-leptogenesis scenario. As a result of lepton number conservation, the lightest dark nucleon as the dark matter particle should have a determined mass around 15 GeV to explain ′ the comparable fractions of ordinary and dark matter in the present universe. The (16×16 )H scalar also mediates a U(1)em × U(1)′em kinetic mixing after the ordinary and dark left-right symmetry breaking so that we can expect a dark nucleon scattering in direct detection experiments and/or a dark nucleon decay in indirect detection experiments. Furthermore, we can impose a softly broken mirror symmetry to simplify the parameter choice. Keywords: dark matter theory, baryon asymmetry, neutrino theory ArXiv ePrint: 1410.5759 Article funded by SCOAP3 . Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Any further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI. doi:10.1088/1475-7516/2014/12/046 JCAP12(2014)046 An SO(10) × SO(10)′ model for common origin of neutrino masses, ordinary and dark matter-antimatter asymmetries Contents 1 2 Fields and symmetry breaking 2 3 Dirac neutrinos and lepton asymmetries 3 4 Dark matter mass 5 5 Dark matter detection 6 6 Discrete mirror symmetry 8 7 Summary 9 1 Introduction In the most popular grand unified theories, we can naturally obtain the extremely light Majorana neutrinos through the famous seesaw mechanism [1–11]. The lepton-number-violating interactions for the Majorana neutrinos can also accommodate a leptogenesis [12–28] mechanism to explain the cosmic matter-antimatter asymmetry. However, the Majorana nature of the neutrinos is just a theoretical assumption and has not been confirmed experimentally. Meanwhile, all of the other observed fermions are the Dirac particles rather than the Majorana particles. Therefore, it is worth exploring the possibility of the Dirac neutrinos [29–46] in the grand unification framework. On the other hand, the dark and ordinary matter contribute comparable energy densities in the present universe [47]. This coincidence can be understood in a nature way if the dark matter relic density is a dark matter-antimatter asymmetry [48–93] and has a common origin with the ordinary matter-antimatter asymmetry. The mirror world based on the gauge groups [SU(3)c × SU(2)L × U(1)Y ] × [SU(3)′c × SU(2)′L × U(1)′Y ] is a very attractive asymmetric dark matter scenario [33, 94–143]. The mirror models can contain a tiny U(1)Y × U(1)′Y kinetic mixing input by hand to open a window for dark matter direct detections. ′ In this paper we shall propose an SO(10) × SO(10)′ model with a (16 × 16 )H scalar to simultaneously realize a seesaw for Dirac neutrino masses and a leptogenesis for ordinary and dark matter-antimatter asymmetries. After the ordinary and dark left-right symmetry ′ breaking, the (16 × 16 )H scalar can acquire an induced vacuum expectation value. The ordinary right-handed neutrinos and the dark left-handed neutrinos then can form three heavy Dirac fermions to highly suppress the masses between the ordinary left-handed neutrinos and the dark right-handed neutrinos. Meanwhile, these heavy Dirac fermions can decay to generate a lepton asymmetry in the ordinary leptons and an opposite lepton asymmetry in the dark leptons. The SU(2)L and SU(2)′R sphaleron processes respectively can transfer such lepton asymmetries to an ordinary baryon asymmetry and a dark baryon asymmetry. With calculable lepton-to-baryon conversations in the ordinary and dark sectors, the lightest dark nucleon as the dark matter particle should have a predictive mass about 15 GeV to explain the ordinary and dark matter in the present universe as the ordinary proton has a known –1– JCAP12(2014)046 1 Introduction mass about 1 GeV. Benefited from the U(1)em × U (1)′em kinetic mixing mediated by the ′ (16 × 16 )H scalar, the dark proton as the dark matter particle can scatter off the ordinary nucleons at a testable level while the dark proton/neutron as the dark matter particle can decay to produce the ordinary fermion pairs. Furthermore, a softly broken mirror symmetry can be imposed to simplify the parameter choice. 2 Fields and symmetry breaking χ∗L (1, 2, 1, +1) ⊕ χR (1, 1, 2, −1) ∈ 16H , 2 2 ∆∗L (1, 3, 1, −2) ⊕ ∆R (1, 1, 3, +2) ⊕ Ω∗L 3, 3, 1, − ⊕ ΩR 3, 1, 3, + ∈ 126H , 3 3 Φ(1, 2, 2, 0) ∈ 10H and/or others , (2.1) where the brackets following the fields describe the transformations under the SU(3)c × SU(2)L × SU(2)R × U(1)B−L gauge groups. Accordingly, the fermions and scalars in the dark SO(10)′ sector contain 1 1 ′ ′c ′ ′c ⊕ qL 3, 1, 2, + ⊕ lR (1, 2, 1, +1) ⊕ lL (1, 1, 2, −1) = 16′F , qR 3, 2, 1, − 3 3 ′ ′ χ′∗ R (1, 2, 1, +1) ⊕ χL (1, 1, 2, −1) ∈ 16H , 2 2 ′∗ ′ ′∗ ′ ∆R (1, 3, 1, −2) ⊕ ∆L (1, 1, 3, +2) ⊕ ΩR 3, 3, 1, − ⊕ ΩL 3, 1, 3, + ∈ 126′H , 3 3 Φ′ (1, 2, 2, 0) ∈ 10′H and/or others , (2.2) where the brackets give the SU(3)′c × SU(2)′R × SU(2)′L × U(1)′B−L quantum numbers. There is also a (16 × 16′ )H scalar crossing the SO(10) and SO(10)′ sectors, (16 × 16′ )H = Σl ′ L lR (1, 2, 1, −1)(1, 2, 1, +1)Σl ′ R lL (1, 1, 2, +1)(1, 1, 2, −1) ⊕ . . . . (2.3) For simplicity, we shall not consider the details of the SO(10) and SO(10)′ symmetry breaking. Instead, we shall demonstrate at the left-right level. The ordinary and dark leftright symmetries are expected to have the breaking patterns as below, SU(3)c × SU(2)L × SU(2)R × U(1)B−L hχR i= √1 (vR , 0)T 2 − − − − − − − − − − − − − −→ SU(3)c × SU(2)L × U(1)Y hΦi= √1 diag{v1 , v2 } 2 − − − − − − − − − − − − − −→ SU(3)c × U(1)em , SU(3)′c × SU(2)′R × SU(2)′L × U(1)′B−L ′ , 0)T hχ′L i= √1 (vL 2 − − − − − − − − − − − − − −→ SU(3)′c × SU(2)′R × U(1)′Y –2– (2.4a) JCAP12(2014)046 In the ordinary SO(10) sector, we have the fermions and scalars including 1 1 c ⊕ qR 3, 1, 2, + ⊕ lL (1, 2, 1, +1) ⊕ lR (1, 1, 2, −1) = 16F , qLc 3, 2, 1, − 3 3 hΦ′ i= √1 diag{v1′ , v2′ } 2 − − − − − − − − − − − − − −→ SU(3)′c × U(1)′em h∆′R i= √1 2 h 0 0 ′ vem 0 i − − − − − − − − − − − − − −→ SU(3)′c . (2.4b) ′ We further impose a U(1)G global symmetry under which (χ∗L , χR ) and (χ′∗ R , χL ) carry a same charge. This means the following cubic terms ′† ′∗ ′∗ ′ ′ +ρ∆ (χTL iτ2 ∆L χL + χ†R iτ2 ∆∗R χ∗R ) + ρ∆′ (χ′T R iτ2 ∆R χR + χL iτ2 ∆L χL ) + H.c. , (2.5) should be absent from the scalar potential. Therefore the neutral components of the scalars χL , ∆L,R , χ′R , ∆′R,L will not acquire any induced vacuum expectation values. Accordingly, we can give a nonzero hΣRL′ i ≤ hχR,L′ i and a zero hΣLR′ i from the scalar interactions as below, † ′ V ⊃ ρΣ (χTL Σ∗LR′ χ′∗ R + χR ΣRL′ χL ) + H.c. . 3 (2.6) Dirac neutrinos and lepton asymmetries We write down the Yukawa couplings relevant for the fermion mass generation, eR e R − y ¯lL ΦlR − y˜ ¯lL Φl L ⊃ −yq q¯L ΦqR − y˜q q¯L Φq l l ′ e′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ e′ ′ Φ′ qL′ − y˜q′ q¯R −yq′ q¯R Φ qL − yl′ ¯lR Φ′ lL − y˜l′ ¯lR Φ lL 1 1 c c ′ ′c ′ ′ ¯′c + ¯lR iτ2 ∆R lR ) − f∆′ (¯lR iτ2 ∆′∗ − f∆ (¯lL iτ2 ∆∗L lL R lR + lL iτ2 ∆L lL ) 2 2 −f (¯lc Σ ′ l′c + ¯l Σ ′ l′ ) + H.c. . Σ L lL lR R R lR lL L (3.1) When the left-right symmetries are broken down to the electroweak symmetries, we can derive e − y ¯l φν − y ¯l φe e L ⊃ −yu q¯L φuR − yd q¯L φd R ν L R e L R ′ e′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ e′ ′ ′ ′ ′ φ dL − yν ′ ¯lR φ νL − ye′ ¯lR φ eL φ uL − yd′ q¯R −yu′ q¯R 1 1 c ′ ′c − f∆′ ¯lR iτ2 ∆′∗ ¯R νL′ + H.c. − f∆ ¯lL iτ2 ∆∗L lL R l R − MN ν 2 2 v1′ yq′ + v2′ y˜q′ v1 yq + v2 y˜q yu = p 2 , yu′ = p ′2 , v1 + v22 v1 + v2′2 v2′ yq′ + v1′ y˜q′ v2 yq + v1 y˜q p p , y = , y = ′ d d v12 + v22 v1′2 + v2′2 v1′ yl′ + v2′ y˜l′ v1 yl + v2 y˜l with p p y = , y = , ′ ν ν v12 + v22 v1′2 + v2′2 v2 yl + v1 y˜l v2′ yl′ +v1′ y˜l′ , y , ′ = √ ′2 ye = p 2 e 2 v1 +v2′2 v + v 1 2 1 MN = √ fΣ vL′ . 2 –3– (3.2) JCAP12(2014)046 e′ ′ e R + ρ ′ χ′† Φ′ χ′L + ρe ′ χ′† Φ V ⊃ ρΦ χ†L ΦχR + ρeΦ χ†L Φχ Φ R χL Φ R hφ′ i νR′ hφi νL′ νL νR Figure 1. The heavy masses between the ordinary right-handed neutrinos νR and the dark lefthanded neutrinos νL′ are responsible for suppressing the masses between the ordinary left-handed ′ neutrinos νL and the dark right-handed neutrinos νR . (3.3) are responsible for spontaneously breaking the ordinary and dark electroweak symmetries. According to the symmetry breaking pattern (2.4), the fermion masses thus should be 1 ¯ e′ e¯′R e′c L ⊃ −mu u ¯L uR − md d¯L dR − me e¯L eR − mu′ u ¯′R u′L − md′ d¯′R d′L − me′ e¯′R e′L − m R 2 " #" ′ # 0 mLR νR + H.c. (3.4) − ν¯L ν¯L′ † † νR mR′ L′ MN with 1 mf = √ yf v , 2 1 mLR = √ yν v , 2 1 mf ′ = √ yf ′ v ′ , 2 1 mR′ L′ = √ yν ′ v ′ . 2 1 ′ , m ¯ e′ = √ f∆′ vem 2 ′ Note the dark charged leptons should be the so-called pseudo-Dirac particles for vem ≪ v′. As for the ordinary and dark neutrinos, their mass matrix can be block-diagonalized if the off-diagonal blocks are much lighter than the diagonal block, ′ L ⊃ −mν ν¯L νR − MN ν¯R νL′ + H.c. with mν = −mLR (3.5) 1 † MN m†R′ L′ . (3.6) Clearly, the ordinary left-handed neutrinos and the dark right-handed neutrinos can form the extremely light Dirac neutrinos as their masses are highly suppressed by the masses between the ordinary right-handed neutrinos and the dark left-handed neutrinos. This Dirac seesaw is definitely a variation of the canonical Majorana seesaw, see figure 1. For the following discussions we can conveniently define the mass eigenstates by a proper phase rotation, o n ′ (3.7) Ni = νRi + νLi with MN = diag MN1 , MN2 , MN3 . –4– JCAP12(2014)046 Here the Higgs scalars φ and φ′ with the vacuum expectation values, " 1 # q √ v 2 2 2 v = v1 + v2 ≃ 246 GeV , hφi = 0 " 1 ′# q √ v ′ ′ 2 ′2 ′2 hφ i = v = v1 + v2 , 0 ′ lR lL Ni lL Ni Nj ∗ φ φ′ ′ lR lL Ni φ∗ ′ lR Ni Nj φ φ′∗ φ ′ Figure 2. The lepton number conserving decays of the heavy Dirac fermions Ni = νRi + νLi into the ′ ordinary leptons lL as well as into the dark leptons lR . The CP conjugation is not shown for simplicity. As long as the CP is not conserved, the heavy Dirac fermions composed of the ordinary right-handed neutrinos and the dark left-handed neutrinos can have the lepton-numberconserving decays to generate a lepton asymmetry η¯L stored in the ordinary leptons and an opposite lepton asymmetry η¯L′ stored in the dark leptons, η¯L = −¯ ηL′ ∝ εNi . (3.8) Here εN is the CP asymmetry defined as below, i εN i = ′c φ′ ) − Γ(N → l′ φ′∗ ) c φ) Γ(Ni → lR Γ(Ni → lL φ∗ ) − Γ(Ni → lL i R = ΓN ΓN i with (3.9) i ∗ ΓNi = Γ(Ni → lL φ ) + Γ(Ni → ′ ′∗ lR φ ) c ′c ′ = Γ(Ni → lL φ) + Γ(Ni → lR φ ). We can calculate the decay width at tree level, ΓNi = 1 [(y † y ) + (yν† ′ yν ′ )ii ]MNi , 16π ν ν ii (3.10) and the CP asymmetry at one-loop level, εN i † † 1 X Im[(yν yν )ij (yν ′ yν ′ )ji ] MNi MNj = 2 − M2 . † † 4π MN Nj j6=i (yν yν )ii + (yν ′ yν ′ )ii i (3.11) The relevant diagrams are shown in figure 2. 4 Dark matter mass In the absence of other baryon asymmetries, the produced ordinary lepton asymmetry η¯L is equivalent to an ordinary B − L asymmetry ηB−L = −¯ ηL while the dark lepton asymmetry ′ η¯L′ is equivalent to a dark B − L asymmetry ηB−L = −¯ ηL′ . The ordinary SU(2)L sphaleron processes and the dark SU(2)′R sphaleron processes then will partially transfer the ordinary and dark B − L asymmetries to an ordinary baryon asymmetry ηB and a dark baryon ′ , respectively, asymmetry ηB ηB = CηB−L = −C η¯L –5– with C = 28 , 79 (4.1a) JCAP12(2014)046 ′∗ ′ ′ ηB = CηB−L = −C ′ η¯L′ with C ′ = 28 . 229 (4.1b) Note when computing the dark lepton-to-baryon conversation factor C ′ we should take the [SU(2)′R ]-triplet scalar ∆′R into account since this scalar drives the dark electromagnetic symmetry breaking much below the dark electroweak scale. After the dark electromagnetic symmetry breaking, the dark charged leptons acquire a lepton-number-violating Majorana mass term so that the final dark charged lepton asymmetry cannot survive at all [144]. The lightest dark charged lepton denoted as the dark electron will leave a thermally produced relic density, 0.1 hσe′+ e′− vvel i with hσe′+ e′− vvel i = πα′2 . m2e′ (4.2) Here α′ is the dark fine-structure constant. It is easy to check the dark electron will only give a negligible relic density if its mass is at the GeV scale. Furthermore, we will show later the dark photon can efficiently decay into the ordinary fermion pairs. Therefore, if the lightest dark nucleon N ′ is expected to serve as the dark matter particle, its mass should be determined by ′ ΩB h2 : ΩDM h2 = ηB mp : (−ηB )mN ′ ⇒ ⇒ mN ′ 5 ΩDM h2 /0.1199 C ′ ΩDM h2 = m = 14.79 GeV . C ΩB h2 p ΩB h2 /0.02205 (4.3) Dark matter detection We can calculate the U(1)em × U(1)′em kinetic mixing at one-loop level, ǫ L ⊃ − A′µν Aµν 2 with " 2 # M(Q,Q′ ) αα′ X QQ′ CQ CQ′ ln ǫ= . 12π µ2 ′ √ (5.1) Q,Q Here Q, Q′ = ±1, ± 13 , ± 32 are the ordinary and dark electric charges of the scalars σ(Q, Q′ ) ∈ (16×16′ )H , M(Q,Q′ ) denotes the σ(Q, Q′ )’s mass, µ is a renormalizable scale, while CQ,Q′ = 1 for Q, Q′ = ±1 and CQ,Q′ = 3 for Q, Q′ = ± 13 , ± 23 are the color factors. Clearly, we have ǫ = 0 at the GUT scale. However, such kinetic mixing can appear after the left-right symmetry breaking, " # 2 /M 2 2 /M 2 1 + 21 λvL′2 /M12 1 + 12 λvR 1 + 12 λvL′2 /M32 1 + 21 λvR αα′ 1 3 ǫ= ln + ln 2 )/M 2 2 )/M 2 12π 1 + 21 λ(vL′2 + vR 1 + 12 λ(vL′2 + vR 1 3 √ 2 αα′ λ2 vL′2 vR 2 for M32 ≫ M12 ≫ λvL′2 , λvR ≃ 48π M14 √ 2 r ′ αα′ 2 α λ −9 2 λ = 10 for M12 ∼ vL′2 ∼ vR . ∼ 48π 0.0046 α (5.2) √ –6– JCAP12(2014)046 Ωe′ h2 ≃ In the above calculation we have simplified the left-right level interactions as † † ′† † ′ e f f′ Σ e † ′ χR + χ′† Σ e† e V ⊃ λ χ†R Σ L f f ′ Σf f ′ χL + χR Σf f ′ Σf f ′ χR + χL Σf R L f f R L +M12 Tr Σ†l ′ R,L lL,R R L Σl ′ R,L lL,R + M32 R L R L ′ ′ fL,R 6=lL,R X fR,L 6=lR,L Tr Σ†f ′ R fL R L ′ R,L fL,R Σf ′ R,L fL,R Σf ′ R fL . χ′L (5.3) where the physical photons have been defined by [145] p Aˆµ = Aµ + ǫA′µ , Aˆ′µ = 1 − ǫ2 A′µ . (5.5) Once the kinematics is allowed, the dark photon can efficiently decay into the ordinary charged fermion pairs, !v u m2 m2f u ǫ2 e2 Q2f CQ t1 − 4 f , mAˆ′ 1 − 2 (5.6) ΓAˆ′ →f f¯ = 12π m ˆ′ m2ˆ′ A A ′2 and the ordinary electric charges Q with the dark photon mass m2Aˆ′ = 16πα′ vem e,µ,τ = −1, 1 2 Qd,s,b = − 3 and Qu,c,t = + 3 . The dark photon can mediate an elastic scattering of the dark nucleons off the ordinary nucleons. If the dark proton is the dark matter particle, its scattering will have a spinindependent cross section, [mp′ mp /(mp′ + mp )]2 Z 2 2 ′ σp′ N →p′ N (Z, A) ≃ ǫ παα A m4ˆ′ A ≃ 5.1 × 10 −46 2 cm α′ α 2 2 ǫ Z 100 MeV 4 . × A 10−9 m ˆ′ (5.7) A Such dark matter scattering can be verified in the direct detection experiments [146]. If the dark neutron is the dark matter particle, its scattering off the ordinary nucleons will be further suppressed by its dark magnetic moment [136]. In the present SO(10) × SO(10)′ framework, we can expect a dark nucleon decay according to the ordinary proton decay. It should be noted the dark leptoquark scalars Ω′R,L can be allowed much lighter than the ordinary ones ΩL,R . This means the dark nucleon decay can be fast enough to open a window for the indirect detection experiments although the ordinary proton decay is extremely slow. For ′ ), π ′0 → γ ′ γ ′ , example, we can have the dark matter decay chains p′ → π ′0 e′+ (or n′ → π ′0 ν¯R ′ + − + − ¯ µ µ , . . .. Clearly, if the dark photon mass is about 1–2 MeV, the dark γ → e e , u¯ u, dd, matter should mostly decay into the positron/electron pairs. –7– JCAP12(2014)046 Due to the U(1)em × U(1)′em kinetic mixing, the physically dark photon will couple to not only the dark charged fermions but also the ordinary charged fermions although the physically ordinary photon doesn’t couple to the dark charged fermions, 1 ǫ 2 ′ µ µ µ ¯ d+ u Aˆµ − e¯γ e − dγ L ⊃ e Aˆµ − p ¯γ u 3 3 1 − ǫ2 1 ¯′ µ ′ 2 ′ µ ′ ′ ˆ′ ′ µ ′ +e Aµ − e¯ γ e − d γ d + u ¯γ u , (5.4) 3 3 The dark electromagnetic interactions will lead to a dark matter self-interaction. For example, if the dark proton is the dark matter particle, we can have the self-interacting cross section as below, σp′ p′ →p′ p′ = πα′2 m2p′ 2m4ˆ′ A ′ 2 2 mp′ α = α 15 GeV 100 MeV m ˆ′ A !4 × 7.4 × 10−26 cm2 . (5.8) with ΛQCD and ΛQCD′ being the ordinary and dark hadronic scales. It is easy to see that the self-interactions (5.8) and (5.9) can be consistent with the constraints from simulations and observations [147–150], σself . 1 cm2 gram−1 mN ′ = 2.6 × 10−23 cm2 6 for mN ′ ≃ 15 GeV . (5.10) Discrete mirror symmetry We can impose a softly or spontaneously broken mirror symmetry under which the ordinary and dark fields transform as ′ 16F ←→ 16′c F , 16H ←→ 16H , . . . (6.1) to simplify the parameter choice, yf = yf∗ ′ , y˜f = y˜f∗ ′ , fΣ = fΣT , . . . (6.2) v1′ v = 1, v2′ v2 (6.3) By further assuming we can read m ′ m′ m′ m′ m′ m′ hv ′ i = u = d = s = c = b = t hvi mu md ms mc mb mt mµ′ mτ ′ me′ = = . = me mµ mτ –8– (6.4) JCAP12(2014)046 In the case the dark neutron is the dark matter particle, its self-interaction should be determined by a dark magnetic moment and hence should be further suppressed. The dark strong interactions will also result in the dark matter self-interaction. We have known the scattering of the ordinary neutrons off the ordinary protons should have a cross section σnp ∼ 10−24 cm2 . The isospin symmetry then can give σpp ≃ σnn ≃ σnp . We hence can estimate the cross sections of the dark nucleons’ self-interactions to be !2 ΛQCD (5.9) σnp ∼ 10−26 cm2 for ΛQCD′ ∼ 10 ΛQCD , σN ′ N ′ ∼ ΛQCD′ We then can make use of the beta functions of the ordinary and dark QCDs to determine ′ 4 9 2 v 11 11 (mu md ms ) 33 ΛQCD ΛQCD′ = (6.5) for ΛQCD′ < mu′ . v Since the dark hadronic scale is lighter than the dark quark masses, we can simply ignore the dark QCD contributions to the masses of the dark baryons and mesons such as mp′ ≃ 2mu′ + md′ , mn′ ≃ mu′ + 2md′ , mπ′ ≃ mπ′0 ≃ mπ′± ≃ mu′ + md′ . (6.6) me′ = 1.5 GeV , ΛQCD′ = 2 GeV , mu′ = 3.75 GeV , md′ = 7.5 GeV , mp′ = 15 GeV , mn′ = 18.75 GeV , mπ′ = 11.25 GeV , (6.7) by inputting v ′ = 3000 v , md = 2.5 MeV , me = 0.511 MeV , ms = 100 MeV , mu = 1.25 MeV , ΛQCD = 200 MeV . (6.8) In this case, the dark proton is the lightest dark nucleon and hence is the dark matter particle. Another interesting consequence of the above parameter choice is that the Dirac seesaw (3.5) now can be given by 1 1 v′ mν = − mLR mT = −3000 mLR mT , v MN LR MN LR (6.9) which doesn’t contain unknown parameters compared with the canonical Majorana seesaw. 7 Summary In this paper we have proposed an SO(10) × SO(10)′ model to simultaneously explain the smallness of the Dirac neutrino masses and the coincidence between the ordinary and dark ′ matter. Specifically we introduced a (16×16 )H scalar crossing the ordinary SO(10) sector and ′ the dark SO(10)′ sector. This (16 × 16 )H scalar can acquire an induced vacuum expectation value after the 16H and 16′H scalars drive the spontaneous breaking of the ordinary and dark left-right symmetries. Consequently the ordinary right-handed neutrinos and the dark lefthanded neutrinos can form the heavy Dirac fermions to highly suppress the masses between the ordinary left-handed neutrinos and the dark right-handed neutrinos. The decays of such heavy Dirac fermions can generate an ordinary lepton asymmetry and an opposite dark lepton asymmetry. We hence can obtain an ordinary baryon asymmetry and a dark baryon asymmetry due to the SU(2)L and SU(2)′R sphaleron processes. By taking into account the difference between the ordinary and dark lepton-to-baryon conversations, we can expect the lightest dark nucleon as the dark matter particle to have a determined mass around 15 GeV. ′ Furthermore, the (16 × 16 )H scalar can mediate a small U(1)em × U(1)′em kinetic mixing after the ordinary and dark left-right symmetry breaking. Therefore, the dark proton as the dark matter particle can be verified by the direct and indirect detection experiments. Alternatively, if the dark neutron is the dark matter particle, it can be only found by the indirect detection experiments. Our model can accommodate a softly broken mirror symmetry to simplify the parameters. –9– JCAP12(2014)046 From eqs. (6.4)–(6.6), we can obtain Acknowledgments This work was supported by the Shanghai Jiao Tong University under Grant No. WF220407201 and the Shanghai Laboratory for Particle Physics and Cosmology under Grant No. 11DZ2260700. References [1] P. Minkowski, µ → eγ at a rate of one out of 1-billion muon decays?, Phys. Lett. B 67 (1977) 421 [INSPIRE]. [3] M. Gell-Mann, P. Ramond, R. Slansky, Complex spinors and unified theories, in Supergravity, D.Z. Freedman and P.van Nieuwenhuizen eds., North Holland, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (1979). [4] S.L. Glashow, The future of elementary particle physics, in Quarks and leptons, Carg`ese lectures, M. L´evy et al. eds., Plenum Press, New York, U.S.A. (1980). [5] R.N. Mohapatra and G. 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