Research Funding Opportunities – deadlines FEBRUARY 2015
Research Funding Opportunities – deadlines FEBRUARY 2015
Boston University Medical Campus Office of the Associate Provost for Research Research Funding Opportunities – deadlines FEBRUARY 2015 Listed in alphabetical order, the following private organizations are offering one or more funding opportunities. For details on a specific opportunity click on the corresponding hyperlink below: American Asthma Foundation American Institute for Cancer Research Bladder Cancer Research Advocacy Network Damon Runyon Cancer Fund ** Elsa U. Pardee Foundation Focused Ultrasound Surgery Foundation Foundation for Anesthesia Education and Research FRAXA Foundation Gordon & Betty Moore Foundation ** Iaccocca Family Foundation ** Jane Coffin Childs Memorial Fund Klarman Family Foundation Lasker Foundation Leukemia and Lymphoma Society ** Leukemia Foundation ** Lupus Foundation of America National Multiple Sclerosis Society PhRMA Foundation Rainin Foundation Whitehall Foundation ** Dates not confirmed by the funding organization at the time of compiling this information. Always check foundation website for updated RFP. American Asthma Foundation AAF Scholar Awards The program supports work in all investigative fields that may reveal new pathways in the pathogenesis of asthma. Studies may involve laboratory or clinical investigation, including genetic and epidemiological studies. Studies of humans are encouraged. The Program does not sponsor therapeutic trials. Amount: $450,000 DEADLINE : FEBRUARY 4, 2014 URL: TOP American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) Investigator-Initiated Grants The AICR Grant Program is dedicated to funding research on cancer prevention, treatment and survival through food, nutrition, physical activity and weight management. Amount: $247,000 DEADLINE : LOI JANUARY 26, 2015 URL: PIVOT: TOP Bladder Cancer Research Advocacy Network Bladder Cancer Research Innovation Award The aim of the 2014 Bladder Cancer Research Innovation Award is to support exceptionally novel and creative projects with great potential to produce breakthroughs in the management of bladder cancer. Proposals will be accepted for creative ideas and innovative approaches that have direct application and relevance to bladder cancer. Amount: $300,000 DEADLINE : LOI: FEBRUARY 12, 2015 ** 1 Boston University Medical Campus Office of the Associate Provost for Research URL: Pivot: TOP Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation Clinical Investigator Award The Damon Runyon Clinical Investigator Award supports independent young physician-scientists conducting disease-oriented research that demonstrates a high level of innovation and creativity. The goal is to support the best young physician-scientists doing work aimed at improving the practice of cancer medicine. Amount: $450,000 DEADLINE: FEBRUARY 17, 2015 ** URL: Pivot: TOP Elsa U. Pardee Cancer Research Foundation Cancer Research Grants Elsa U. Pardee, whose life was taken by cancer in 1944, provided a $1 million trust fund "for the promotion of the control and cure of cancer." She directed that this bequest be used to support research in the field of cancer and to provide for others the advantages of new knowledge and techniques for the treatment of cancer. Amount: $100,000-150,000 DEADLINE : FEBRUARY 1, 2014 URL: PIVOT: TOP Focused Ultrasound Surgery Foundation Research Awards Program Our Research Awards Program provides funding for investigator-initiated research projects that fall into either of two categories: (1) preclinical and pilot clinical studies that promise to lead to the development of a reimbursable clinical indication for focused ultrasound within the next five to seven years or (2) high-risk, earlystage, proof-of-concept projects that are unlikely to receive funding from other sources but that, if successful, could have a profound impact on the advancement of the field of focused ultrasound. Amount Available: $100,000 DEADLINE : FEBRUARY 1 URL: PIVOT: TOP Foundation for Anesthesia Education and Research Mentored Research Training Grants Mentored Research Training Grants help anesthesiologists develop the skills, preliminary data for subsequent grant applications and research publications needed to become independent investigators. Amount: $175,000 2 Boston University Medical Campus Office of the Associate Provost for Research DEADLINE: FEBRUARY 15, 2015 URL: Pivot: TOP FRAXA Research Foundation FRAXA Grants and Fellowships FRAXA aims to accelerate research aimed at finding a specific treatment for fragile X syndrome. Our goal is to bring practical treatment into current medical practice as quickly as possible; therefore, preference will be given to research projects that have a clear practical application and the results of which will be shared in a timely fashion. Amount: $100,000 DEADLINE: FEBRUARY 2, 2015 URL: Pivot: TOP Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Data-Driven Discovery Investigator Competition The Science Program of the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation is announcing a solicitation for applications for an Investigator Program as part of its Data-Driven Discovery (DDD) Initiative. DDD seeks to advance the people and practices of data-intensive science to take advantage of the increasing volume, velocity, and variety of scientific data to make new discoveries. Data-intensive science is inherently multidisciplinary, combining natural sciences with methods from statistics and computer science. Amount: $1,500,000 DEADLINE: FEBRUARY 24, 2015 ** URL: Pivot: TOP Iacocca Family Foundation Type 1 Diabetes Research Grants This program twill support innovative and promising research projects that will lead to a cure for type 1 diabetes. The Foundation will accept novel projects which directly accelerate a cure for type 1 diabetes or inform the understanding of the disease by a related or complementary mechanism of action. Amount: $500,000 DEADLINE: JANUARY 31, 2015 ** URL: Pivot: TOP 3 Boston University Medical Campus Office of the Associate Provost for Research Jane Coffin Childs Memorial Fund Fellowship Awards The Fund awards fellowships to suitably qualified individuals for full time postdoctoral studies in the medical and related sciences bearing on the causes, origin and treatment of cancer. Amount: $150,000 DEADLINE: FEBRUARY 2, 2015 URL: Pivot: TOP Klarman Family Foundation/The Medical Foundation Grants Program in Eating Disorders Research The Klarman Family Foundation is interested in providing strategic investment in translational research that will accelerate progress in developing effective treatments for anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder. The Program’s short-term goal is to support the most outstanding science and expand the pool of scientists whose research explores the basic biology of feeding, anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and/or binge eating disorder. The long-term goal is to improve the lives of patients suffering from these conditions. Amount: $400,000 DEADLINE: FEBRUARY 11, 2015 URL: Pivot: TOP Lasker Foundation Lasker Award Nominations The Lasker Awards will be offered in three categories in 2015: Basic Medical Research, Clinical Medical Research, and Public Service. The Special Achievement Award, presented every other year, will next be given in 2016. Amount: $100,000 DEADLINE: NOMINATIONS DUE FEBRUARY 2, 2015 URL: Pivot: TOP Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Translational Research Program The goal of the program is to accelerate transfer of findings from the laboratory to clinical application. The program's purpose is to fund research that shows high promise for translating basic biomedical knowledge to prevention or new treatments and, ultimately, to prolong and enhance life.. Amount: $600,000 DEADLINE: LOI FEBRUARY 15, 2015 ** URL: Pivot: 4 Boston University Medical Campus Office of the Associate Provost for Research TOP Leukemia Research Foundation The Hollis Brownstein Research Grants Program The Leukemia Research Foundation exclusively funds New Investigators - individuals beginning to establish their own laboratories that are no longer under the tutelage of a senior scientist mentor. It is difficult for them to get the level of funding they need at this critical point in their careers. Amount: $100,000 DEADLINE: FEBRUARY 17, 2015 ** URL: PIVOT: TOP Lupus Foundation of America LIFELINE Grant Program The LIFELINE grant (RFA 014-01 LL) will provide five (5) one-year grant awards in the amount of $140,000. Of the five awards given, one award will specifically focus on pediatric lupus research and another will focus specifically on lupus nephritis research. Amount: $140,000 DEADLINE: FEBRUARY 21, 2015 ** URL: Pivot: TOP National Multiple Sclerosis Society Research Grants The National MS Society welcomes applications for studies related to multiple sclerosis that may serve to advance our mission of stopping MS progression, restoring function and improving quality of life, and preventing MS. The Society supports fundamental as well as applied studies, non-clinical or clinical in nature, including projects in patient management, care and rehabilitation. Amount: unspecified DEADLINE: FEBRUARY 4, 2014 URL: PIVOT: TOP PhRMA Foundation Clinical Pharmacology Faculty Development Awards The goals of this program are to insure that the discipline of clinical pharmacology will recruit promising individuals with a career commitment to the study of drugs and therapeutics. Amount: $240,000 DEADLINE: FEBRUARY 1, 2015 5 Boston University Medical Campus Office of the Associate Provost for Research URL: Pivot: Health Outcomes Fellowships This program in health outcomes provides stipend support for individuals engaged in a research training program that will create or extend their credentials in health outcomes. The intent of this program is to support post-doctoral career development activities of individuals prepared (or preparing) to engage in research that will strengthen representation of health outcomes in schools of pharmacy, medicine, nursing and public health Amount: $110,000 DEADLINE: FEBRUARY 1, 2015 URL: Pivot: TOP Rainin Foundation Innovator Awards Program for IBD Research The Foundation supports research projects that are potentially transformative to diagnosing, treating and curing Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). The Program is open to tenure track professors (or the equivalent) at all levels from any scientific discipline and from any non-profit research institutions worldwide. Interdisciplinary collaboration is strongly encouraged. Amount: $225,000 DEADLINE: LOI FEBRUARY 15, 2015 URL: Pivot: TOP Whitehall Foundation Research Grant Programs The Foundation, through its program of grants and grants-in-aid, assists scholarly research in the life sciences. It is the Foundation's policy to assist those dynamic areas of basic biological research that are not heavily supported by Federal Agencies or other foundations with specialized missions. In order to respond to the changing environment, the Foundation periodically reassesses the need for financial support by the various fields of biological research. The Foundation is currently interested in basic research in neurobiology, defined as follows: Invertebrate and vertebrate (excluding clinical) neurobiology, specifically investigations of neural mechanisms involved in sensory, motor, and other complex functions of the whole organism as these relate to behavior. The overall goal should be to better understand behavioral output or brain mechanisms of behavior. Amount: $225,000 DEADLINE: LOI JANUARY 15, 2015 URL: Pivot: TOP 6 Boston University Medical Campus Office of the Associate Provost for Research For more information contact: Bettina Durkop, Executive Coordinator Office of the Associate Provost for Research Boston University Medical Campus 617-638-4292 | Boston University Medical Campus Office of the Associate Provost for Research 72 E Concord Street Boston, MA 02118 TOP 7
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