Swiss Experimental Surgery Symposium


Swiss Experimental Surgery Symposium
Lessons learned from lab
and clinical research
January 15/16, 2015
University of Fribourg
Dear Colleagues and Friends
Welcome in Fribourg for the 11th SESS, which is supported by the Department of Surgery (Chairman:
Prof. B. Egger), HFR Fribourg - Cantonal Hospital and
the Department of Intensive Care Medicine
(Director: Prof. J. Takala), University of Bern.
We are looking forward to an interesting and challenging
Bernhard Egger, MD, Prof. (founding member 2005)
Stephan Jakob, MD, Prof. (founding member 2005)
Thursday, January 15, 2015
12:45 - 13:00 Welcome words
C. Käch
B. Egger, S.Jakob
13:00 - 14:30 The mouse as a preclinical tool to understand
pathophysiological mechanisms in HPB-disease
Chairmen: R. Graf, Zurich and S. Jakob, Bern
Improving chemotherapy in the mouse liver
P. Limani, Zurich
Proliferative and metabolic crossroads in liver regeneration
E. Kachaylo, Zurich
Inflammation as a prerequisite for pancreatic neoplasia
G. M. Seleznik, Zurich
Burning versus shifting of fat for better outcomes in liver surgery M. Linecker, Zurich
14:30 - 15:30 Neurosurgical approaches to promote functional recovery from CNS lesions
Chairmen: D. Hayoz, Fribourg and B. Marty, Fribourg
Autologous brain cell transplantation in stroke.
What are the perspectives?
J. Bloch, Lausanne
Implantable neuroprostheses to improve motor functions after
neuromotor disorders
G. Courtine, Lausanne
15:30 - 16:00 Coffee break
16:00 - 16:30 Christian Klaiber’s Lecture
Chairman: B. Egger, Fribourg
3D Bioprinting: Quo vadis ?
M. Lutolf, EPFL
16:30 - 18:00 Current biomedical engineering activities and clinical trials
at ARTORG Bern
Chairmen: S. Weber, Bern and M. Menth, Fribourg
Robotics Assisted Minimally invasive Cochlea implantation Recent updates
K. Gerber, Bern
Ex Vivo Study of Mitral Valve Reconstruction
D. Obrist, Bern
Ultra-high Resolution OCT for Retina Lesion Analysis and Monitoring
R. Sznitman, Bern
On the role of Computer Based Planning in Lateral Skull Base
N. Gerber, Bern
Friday, January 16, 2015
08:30 - 10:00 New strategies for cancer treatment
Chairmen: N. Demartines, Lausanne and A. Meyer, Fribourg
Sunitinib loaded beads for chemoembolization of liver tumors:
Experimental results
P. Bize, Lausanne
Decrease in ADAMTS13 activity after hepatectomy:
a risk factor for thromboembolic event and liver failure
E. Melloul, Lausanne
Targeting signaling pathways in colon cancer
S. Faes, Lausanne
TNM: T is for tumor M for microenvironment
M.-O. Sauvain,
10:00 - 10:30 Coffee break
10:30 - 12:00 Pain assessment in research animals
Chairmen: C. Pillonel, Fribourg and M. Schmitt, Fribourg
Relevance of the 3 Rs in animal experimentation
H. Wyss, Bern
Pain assessment in rodents
I. Desbaillets, EPFL
Assessment of pain and contraint-related stress in ungulate
P. Pageat, Toulouse
Pain and stress assessment in dogs
C. Pillonel,
12:00 - 13:30 Lunch break and poster session
13:30 - 15:00 Guided Surgery
Chairmen: Ph. Morel, Geneva and F. Pugin, Fribourg
Computer aided visceral surgery
F. Volonté, Geneva
Serendipity and Innovation
M. Hagen, Geneva
New applications for robotic assisted surgery
R. Meier, Geneva
From the knife to the eye
Ph. Morel, Geneva
15:00 - 15:30 Coffee break
15:30 - 17:00 „omics“ in Experimental Research
Chairmen: D. Stroka, Bern and M. Peter, Fribourg
Next Generation Sequencing in Clinical Research
R. Bruggmann, Bern
Clinical screening of hundreds of protein biomarkers associated
with microparticles by a practical proteomics approach
M. Heller, Bern
Metabolomics in Clinical Research
C. Largiader, Bern
17:00 - 17:30 Closing remarks and fare well drink
S. Jakob, B. Egger
Please note already in your calendar:
The 12th issue if the symposium will take place in Geneva on January 14/15 2016
Abstract Submission
Abstract Submission for poster session on Friday can be submitted by email to Deadline for submissions is January 12, 2015. Poster prize (if at least 5 posters
submitted): Posters will be evaluated by a team of experts; the authors of the winning poster will receive
CHF 1‘000.-.
This event will be accredited by the following organizations:
Swiss Society of Surgery SGC-SCC
Swiss Society of Anesthesiology and Reanimation SGAR/SSAR
Swiss Society of General Internal Medecine SGIM/SSMI
Swiss Association of Cantonal Veterinaries ASVC/VSKT
Swiss Society of Intensive Care Medecine SGI
10 CME points
10.5 CME points
9 CME points
1.5 days of continiuing education for
animal experiments
(avaiting confirmation,
Vanessa Leroy, Secretary of Prof. Dr. med. B. Egger
Tel. +41 (0) 26 426 72 13, Fax +41 (0) 26 426 72 15,
Official meeting language is English, however speakers are allowed to deliver their speeches in German or
French as well. Discussions will be held in English.
Registration can be done on-line on All major credit cards are accepted and tickets can be
printed on your printer. Until December 31, 2014 early bird registrations benefit from a lower fee. Onsite
registration is possible with a surcharge on both days.
Herewith we would also like to give our thanks to Anklin AG Binningen, ERBE Swiss AG Winterthur,
B. Braun Medical AG Sempach, Covidien Switzerland Ltd. Wollerau, Takeda Pharma SA Pfaeffikon,
Johnson & Johnson AG Zug and Mundipharma Medical Company Basel for supporting this mee­ting.
Additional sponsors will be published on our sponsor’s
page on
University of Fribourg - Faculté des sciences
Boulevard de Pérolles 90
1700 Fribourg
Room: Auditorium A120, located on the first floor
Getting there from the train station:
Bus no. 1 direction Marly or no. 3 direction Pérolles,
leave at Charmettes.
Further information on