December 28, 2014 - Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church
December 28, 2014 - Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church
Established 1904 1110 Old Spanish Trail P.O. Box 610 ScoƩ, LA 70583 Rectory: (337) 235-2433 Fax: (337) 233-4868 CCD: (337) 232-6167 Catholic School: (337) 504-3400 Fr. Tom's email: Parish email: stspeterandpaulscoƩ Parish Web-Site: www.stspeterandpaulscoƩ.org School Web-site: School email: Diocesan Website: Find us on Facebook December 28, 2014 The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph STAFF: Rev. Fr. Thomas Voorhies Pastor Rev. Fr. Andre Metrejean Associate Pastor Arthur F. Bakeler, Jr. Permanent Deacon Monica D. Laperous Secretary/Bookkeeper Kip & Ashley Faulk Public High School Religion Laurice A. Dubuc Public Elementary Religion Janet S. Hebert Catholic School: Dr. Robert Richard Principal Tiffany Albarado Administrative Assistant Mona Hodge High School Youth Group (SYG) Jeremy & Amie Clostio & Art & Bridget Trevino Jr. High Youth Group (SKOT) Yvette W. Broussard Choir Director Kip Faulk High School Choir Director OFFICE HOURS: Monday thru Thursday: 8:30am - 4:00pm Friday: 8:30am - 12:00pm MASS SCHEDULE: Saturday (Anticipated Mass) 4:00pm Sunday 6:30, 8:00, 10:00am & 6:00pm Monday, Wednesday & Friday 6:30am Tuesday, Thursday & 1st Saturday 8:30am Holy Days of Obligation As announced SACRAMENT OF PENANCE: On Saturdays from 3:00-3:45pm; on Sundays from 6:00-6:15am, 7:307:45am, 9:15-9:45am and from 5:15-5:45pm. 30 minutes before all of our weekday Masses and by personal appointment. MARRIAGE: Couples planning marriage need to make an appointment with one of the priests at least SIX months before the intended wedding date to begin the preparation process. A wedding date cannot be scheduled without approval of a priest. BAPTISM: Expectant parents should contact the office four to six (4 - 6) months before the birth of the child. VISITATION OF THE SICK OR SHUT-INS: If any one is ill at home and not on the regular Communion list, please call the parish office at 235-2433. NEW PARISHIONERS: Please complete the form provided at entrances of the church, then place it in the collection basket or mail it to the parish office. BULLETIN NOTICE: Deadline is two weeks before the announcement is to appear. RELIGION CLASSES: Contact the CCD Office for registration of new students. Page Two Dear Parishioners, Merry Christmas to all of you! I begin by quoting from one of my favorite authors, Scott Hahn, in his new book Joy to the World: The family is the key to Christmas. The family is the key to Christianity. Pope St. John Paul II noted that everything good---history, humanity, salvation---“passes by way of the family.” When God came to save us, he made salvation inseparable from family life, manifest in family life. Since the family is the ordinary setting of human life, he came to share it, redeem it, and perfect it. He made it an image and sacrament of a divine mystery. Salvation itself inds meaning only in familial relations. (pg 9) “We are family” is the theme our school chose for this year because of the Synod on the Family held in Rome which is just a warm-up for the one in October of 2015. Plus Pope Francis has announced that he will make the World Conference of Families in Philadelphia in September. Jesus Christ came through a family to make us all a family in God. Beginning with this quote from Pope St. John Paul II is also a key to what this past year has been for me, a Divine Mercy Year. You will remember this Pope inaugurated Divine Mercy Sunday in the year 2000 and then died on the vigil of that Sunday in 2005. Well on April 23 of this year I was blessed with a irst class relic of JPII owned by Abbot James Liprie. April 27, Divine Mercy Sunday, Pope Francis canonized JPII and JXXIII. I received a irst class relic of JPII on July 21. The next day I went to New Mexico to visit my brother, Msgr. Bennett J. Voorhies, and we drove to Colorado to visit our nephew Matthew. In Denver I was reminded of World Youth Day which I attended with Teurlings Catholic High Students in 1993. We then went to St. Malo Retreat Center where JPII stayed for some time of rest during that WYD. The chapel there is where Matthew hopes to get married (more on that later). Aug. 4 I left on a pilgrimage to the Divine Mercy Shrine in Stockbridge, Mass. My retreat in St. Martinville in September had a number of quotes of JPII. So I would say it’s been a JPII and Divine Mercy year for me. Here in the parish I celebrated my 5th anniversary as pastor and what a joy it has been for me. Thanks to our secretary Monica Laperous and all the staff and parishioners for making this such a great place to minister. On July 1 Fr. Mario Romero became Pastor of Nativity of Our Lady Parish in New Iberia, his home town. This was also the parish where our family pastor, Fr. Albert Boumans, went to after leaving St. Mary’s. We were all sad to see Fr. Mario go but he comes here still for his day off so we still enjoy his presence. We were blessed to have Fr. Andre Metrejean come as associate. He is the grandnephew of Bishop Frey, Msgr. Frey, and Fr. Jerome Frey as well as cousin to Msgr. Paul Metrejean. So he certainly has it in the DNA. He has been a real joy to have around. Speaking of priests, the diocese ordained seven this year. Fr. Matthew Barzare is from my former parish, St. Anthony’s in Eunice and Fr. Sam Fontana spent last summer with us as a deacon. Congrats and prayers for all the newly ordained. The big news for our school was the irst 8th grade Mass of Promotion. 16 kids moved on to high school and it was a great joy to witness this momentous occasion. Dr. Richard and faculty and staff are doing a great job. Our parish is now a co-owner of Teurlings Catholic High School where I used to be chaplain, so it’s great to see some of our kids there when I go for Mass in the TCH gym. One trip I took this summer was to Tatum, TX where Fr. Carlos Rangel resides at St. Peter the Fisherman Parish, the statue of St. Peter there is unique in that he is holding a string of ish! Then I was able to drive on to Austin to witness my nephew Amaan’s high school graduation. Congrats Amaan! I had a nice visit with Claire and David and Nasreen too. As far as my personal family goes, it has been a Page Three year of 1 marriage, 2 engagements, 1 birth/baptism, and unfortunately 2 cancers. Claire and David Ellis were married in Austin on Sept. 12, the feast of Most Holy Name of Mary. Hamsa and Kailee Clinton got engaged May 2 and Matt and April Couvillon got engaged July 12, vigil of the soccer World Cup Final, appropriate for Matt. Mia Catherine Maniscalco was born to Lauren and Marc in NOLA on May 31, Feast of the Visitation. Then I was blessed to baptize her on July 5 in St. Joseph Co-Cathedral in Thibodaux, not Thibodeaux street where mom lives! Jan and Dave continue to be proud grandparents. On a challenging note 2 cancers appeared in our family. Mom had her irst visit with the doctor after it had been diagnosed on Feb. 5, Feast of St. Agatha, patroness of breast cancer patients. Her op took place on Feb. 13 and she went home on Valentine’s Day and was cooking soon after! Claire came down with the same cancer and had her op Oct. 17 and is presently undergoing chemo so keep them in prayer as well as all the sick and suffering. May the joy of the Christ-child bring you joy in this life and into eternity! May the Lord bless this New Year with love and compassion and good health! JokeoftheWeek: A priest was about to baptize a baby. Turning to the father, he inquired, “His name, please?” “William Patrick Arthur Timothy John MacArthur,” the father announced. The priest turned to his assistant and said, “A little more water, please.” Sincerely in Christ, Fr. Tom mdl PrayerfortheYearofConsecratedLife 0 God, throughout the ages you have called women and men to pursue lives of perfect charity through the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity, and obedience. During this Year of Consecrated Life, we give you thanks for these courageous witnesses of Faith and models of inspiration. Their pursuit of holy lives teaches us to make a more perfect offering of ourselves to you. Continue to enrich your Church by calling forth sons and daughters who, having found the pearl of great price, treasure the Kingdom of Heaven above all things. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen © 2014, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Used with permission. Secretariat of clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations • Page Four PRIEST, EXTRAORDINARY LAY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION LECTORS & ALTAR SERVERS SATURDAY, January 3, 2015 TIME PRIEST ELMOHC READERS ALTAR SERVERS 4:00pm Fr. Tom Becky Daigle, Jeremy Clostio Harry Domingue Douglas Brown John & Philip Clostio Lebron & Tourean Campbell SUNDAY, January 4, 2015 TIME PRIEST 6:30am Fr. Andre 8:00am Fr. Andre 10:00am Fr. Tom 6:00pm Fr. Tom ALTAR SERVERS ELMOHC READERS Lan Thi Nguyen, Louise Credeur Stephanie Hendrix Robert Richard Adrenne & Stephen Hendrix Isabelle Sabatier Mary-Ester LeBlanc Carral Menard, Vernon Romero, Nicole Ducharme, Brenda Reamer Karen Bienvenu Carl Benoit, Roger Tabb Mary Harrison Troy Bergeron Emma & Nathan Rachal Justin Brice, Gavin Lejeune Susan Rabalais Blake & Kennedy Comeaux Amelie Huval, Myles Breaux Deacon Art Bakeler Chris Duplechin, Harold Stutes Life Teen Dustin Girouard, Ashley Menard Elizabeth Galland, Kevin Schexnayder COLLECTIONREPORT: DECEMBER14 $12,217.05 MAILED/DROPPEDINOFFICE 1,380.00 TOTALDECEMBER14 $13,597.05 IMMACULATECONCEPTION $3,312.62 RETIREMENTFORRELIGIOUS $801.00 *******HOORAY,WEAREUNDER$900,000 SCHOOLDEBT:$820,643.49 NUMBEROFFAMILIES: 3032 THANKYOUFORYOURGENEROUSDONATIONS ANDSTEWARDSHIP. PLEASEREMEMBERTOPUTSTS.PETER&PAUL CHURCHANDSCHOOLINYOURWILL. SECONDCOLLECTIONNEXTWEEK BUILDING/MAINTENANCE/SCHOOLDEBT PLEASE PRAY FOR THE FOLLOWING SICK:Ifyouknow PLEASEPRAYFORTHEFOLLOWINGSICK:Florence ofanypersonwhoissickandneedsprayersorvisits,please Hebert, Claire Voorhies, Lena Weaver, Carita Credeur, calltheparishof Elia Mouton, Rayice235-2433.Namesontheabovesicklist Mouton, Kirk Vidrine, Lee Boudreaux, weregiventousbyparishioners. Laura P Credeur, Todd Broussard, Annette Sonnier, Curtis Hebert, Charlene Reninger, Adam LaBauve, Stony Sittig, Jerry Darby, Barbara Comeaux, Dianne McQuirk, Brenda LaPorte, Dot Gauthe, Faith Kimball, Harry Bertrand, Joe & Irene Sellers, Lois Trahan, Jo Sonnier, Martha Ortiz, Lois Dooley, Frannie Roy (1) Edward Bourque Sr, Luke Page, Michelle Rivero, Laurie Miguez, Amie Clostio, Joanna & Fred Gaspard, Hazel Leleux, John I Boudreaux, Angella Labbie Cannon, Wilsey & Velma Vincent, Janelle Dupuis, Cheryl Guillory, Vickie Domingue, Roy Matthieu, Noelie Prejean (2) Larry Cook, Mona Hebert, John Roger, Cathy Holloway, John Hebert Jr, Norma Hoffpauir Chiasson, Sue Trahan, Mildred Leger, Harry Leger, Harry Trahan, Earlin Miller, Preston Hebert, Carolyn Denais, Polly Richard, Renelle Welborn, Linda Savoie, Margaret Lavergne, Ashley Harris, Wayne Cormier, Michelle Morgan, Marie Prejean, Aiden Benoit, Hannah Simmons, Patsy Martin, Mable Domingue, Patsy Robin, Leroy & Sable Alleman, Murphy Hebert, Mac Arnold(3) Ifyouknowofanypersonwhoissickandneedsprayers orvisits,pleasecalltheparishof ice235-2433.Nameson theabovesicklistweregiventousbyparishioners. Page Five HAPPENINGS AROUND STS. PETER & PAUL - Our Lady of the Oaks Retreats for Women Our Lady of the Oaks is hosting mid-week retreats and weekend retreats . For more information call 337-662-5410. - Our Lady of the Oaks Married Couples Retreat Our Lady of the Oaks is hosting married couples retreats. For more information call 337-662-5410 or - Marriage Encounter weekends are being planned. For more information call 800-586-5469 or 225-752-5084 or go on-line at - Circle of Friends Single adults in Acadiana, ages 30 and up can find a venue of fellowship and speakers. For meeting dates and calendar please visit http:// -Community of Jesus Crucified Retreats - Married Couple's Retreats to be announced. To register call Cheryl Moss at 254-8158. --Retrouvaille - A Lifeline for Marriage - helps couples through difficult times in their marriages. For more information please call 1-800-470-2230. Christ in the City-A monthly opportunity for young adults in their 20’s & 30’s to worship through Eucharistic Adoration. It is held the 1st Thursday of the month from 7:00-8:00pm at St. Mary Catholic Church, 419 Doucet Road. Cry room available. For more information please email or visit the website at 2014 Natural Family Planning Classes – To register for any go to ATTENTION!!!!! Church Support Envelope Users: If you would like a report of your contributions for the year you can submit your pink card to the of ice or drop it in the collection. Please ill in the card and don’t forget to let us know ahead of time when you have a change of address. Failure do so will interrupt you receiving your offertory envelopes! Remember we can only send a report of contributions for those using the offertory envelopes. THIS WEEK AT STS. PETER & PAUL AA Meetings: Sun, Wed & Fri 8:00pm (Room 11) Tue, Thu & Sat 7:00pm (Room 11) Sunday,December28 - NOLife Teen - Sensat Come Lord Jesus Bible Study & so much more- 6:00pm -CCD Building Monday,December29 - Advent Concert-6:00-8:00pm Parking Lot Tuesday,December30 - NOWirtz Come Lord Jesus - NO1-4th grade CCD - NO5-8th grade CCD - Patriotic Rosary-6:30pm-Adoration Chapel Wednesday,December31(NewYear’sEve) -MassTime:4:00pm -Adorationclosesat3:45pm Thursday,January1(NewYear’sDay) -MassTimes:6:30am&10:00am -NOAdoration -Of iceClosed - NODivine Mercy Chaplet then Seniors Come Lord Jesus Bible Study-Acadian Heritage - NORCIA Friday,January2(1stFriday) - 8:00am -Pro-Life Rosary -NOAdoration Saturday,January3(1stSaturday) - 8:00am-Pro-Life Rosary - 8:30am-1st Saturday Mass Sunday,January4 - SYG-3:00pm-SYG Room - Life Teen-4:30-6:00pm Mass - Sensat Come Lord Jesus Bible Study & so much more- 6:00pm -CCD Building ADORATIONCHAPEL ANSWEREDPRAYERS/FAVORSGRANTED “IprayedforGod’swillandIgotanewjob.Also,my sonisbeinghiredonapermanentjob” AdorationSubstitutes YourservicetotheLord,intheministryofbeinga replacementforHolyHours,isgreatlyappreciated. Thankyou! Page Six OURCATHOLICSCHOOLNEWS KnightsoftheMonth The Core Essential Value for November was Gratitude. Students who showed their appreciation to others were awarded the Knights of the Month. These students are: Pre-K– Victoria Reed & Claire Savoy; Kindergarten– Rylee Richard & Caleb McCullough; 1st grade – Christian Broussard & Zoe Hebert; 2nd grade – Mia Smith & Reese Landry; 3rd grade – Tourean Campbell & Abigail Mahne; 4th grade-Evan Ligon & Andrew Romero; 5th grade-Katelyn Boudreaux & Oran Camet IV; 6th grade - Stephen Simoneaux; 7th grade – Myles Breaux; 8th grade – Mark Bertrand 2015-2015Enrollment Application forms will be available online ( beginning Monday, January 5, 2015. The application process closes on January 30, 2015 and parents will be noti ied on February 4, 2015 regarding acceptance. Prospective parent tours are ongoing and can be scheduled by calling the front of ice at 337-504-3400. StudentsoftheYear Congratulations to the following nominees for Student of the Year. These students have maintained a 3.5 cumulative GPA for the last two years and the 1st Nine Weeks of the current school year. Good luck to those who accepted the nominations and are moving forward in the process. The nominees are: 8th Grade – Mia DeGarie, Avin Domingue, Mia Dupuis, Zachary Thibodeaux, and Seth Trahan; 5th Grade – Vincent Biba, Emma Boudreaux, Katelyn Boudreaux, Luke Broussard, Kennedy Comeaux, Jacob Elkins, Jonathon Furman, Elizabeth Galland, Grif in Guy, Addison Harrington, Isabella Hebert, Mary-Esther LeBlanc, Jeanne Myers, William Oliver, and Emily Pologruto. LEFEducatorsFoundationTeacherAwards We are proud to announce that 14 of our faculty have been nominated for LEF Teacher of the Year. There are four categories in which Finalists are chosen: elementary school, middle school, high school, and inspirational. A Top Finalist is chosen in each category. Educators are nominated by the students, parents, fellow educators, and members of the Lafayette community. Congratulations to the following teachers on their nominations: Michelle Gauthier (PK), Katie Bordelon (K), Hilary Villien (1st), Renee Broussard (2nd), Eric Stromer (2nd), Paula Webre (3rd), Cassidy Richard (5th), Margaret Landry (MS Math), Casey Giglio (MS English), Deena Campbell (MS Science), Brenda Reamer (MS Religion), Denise Melancon (Music), Rachel Kimble (Elem Religion), and Karen Molbert (Academic Interventionist). SCHOOLCONTACTINFORMATION School'saddress: E-mailaddress: WebSite: PhoneNumber: FaxNumber: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: 1301OldSpanishTrail Scott,LA70583 337-504-3400 337-504-4995 READINGSFORTHEWEEK 1 Jn 2:3-11; Ps 96:1-3, 5b-6; Lk 2:22-35 1 Jn 2:12-17; Ps 96:7-10; Lk 2:36-40 1 Jn 2:18-21; Ps 96:1-2, 11-13; Jn 1:1-18 Nm 6:22-27; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8; Gal 4:4-7; Lk 2:16-21 1 Jn 2:22-28; Ps 98:1-4; Jn 1:19-28 1 Jn 2:29 — 3:6; Ps 98:1, 3cd-6; Jn 1:2934 Is 60:1-6; Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 10-13; Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6; Mt 2:1-12 MarriedCouplesRetreatCruise Join Fr. Jude Halphen, Director of the Of ice of Marriage and Family Life at the Diocese, for a married couples retreat cruise. We will offer a cruise in the spring 2015 and a cruise in the fall 2015. For more information or to register, please visit our website at Click on Marriage Enrichment. Pleaseprayforapriesteachday: Eternal Father, we lift up to You these and all the priests of the world. Sanctify them. Heal and guide them. Mold them into the likeness of your Son, Jesus, the Eternal High Priest. May their lives be pleasing to You. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. December 27 December 28 December 29 December 30 December 31 January 1 January 2 Rev. James Bradley, SJ Rev. James Brady, JCL Rev. Joseph Brasseaux, OSB Rev. Allen Breaux Rev. John “Buddy” Breaux Pope Francis Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI CHILDREN OF ETERNITY You are children of eternity. Your immortal crown awaits you, to reward your duty and love. You may indeed sow here in tears, but you may be sure there to reap in joy. —St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Page Seven Runnin’Revsvs.Slammin’SemsBasketballGame FoodfortheJourneySeminaryBurse Come cheer on your favorite team when the Lafayette Diocesan Priests battle the Diocese Seminarians on Tuesday, December 30, at 6:30 p.m. in the Cathedral-Carmel Gym, 848 St. John Street, Lafayette, for their 9th annual basketball competition. Sponsored this year by the Lafayette Knights of Columbus Council 1286, this always popular, fun-filled, family event helps promote and support priestly and religious vocations. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Admission is $5 per adult and $1 for those under 18. Concessions will be available. Put it in your calendar today! In celebration of the 10-year Anniversary of “Food for the Journey” and with great gratitude, the Central Region of the Diocese of Lafayette has created a “Food for the Journey Seminary Burse” through the Office of Vocations and Seminarians. Donations for seminary burses are placed in a trust fund, with interest used to pay for the education of men preparing for the priesthood. To contribute, please make check payable to “Diocese of Lafayette” (with notation “Food for the Journey Seminary Burse”) and mail to Office of Vocations, Diocese of Lafayette, 1408 Carmel Drive, Lafayette, LA 70501. For more information, please call Mary Bergeron (654-8682). HolyHourforVocations Please join us for our monthly “HolyHourforVocations andfortheSpiritualRenewalofAllPriests” on Monday, January 5, from 6:00-7:00 p.m. at St. Patrick Catholic Church, 406 E. Pinhook Road. Recitation of the Rosary begins at 5:30 p.m. All are welcome to join in these prayers for vocations and perseverance of vocations to the priesthood and religious life, sponsored by the Serra Club of Lafayette. FoodforJourney The Central Region of the Diocese of Lafayette presents “FoodfortheJourney”, a monthly lunchtime speaker series designed to help Catholics live out our faith in our daily lives. Our speaker for Januaryis Rev.Keith LaBove, Pastor of St. Patrick Catholic Church, Lafayette. “Food for the Journey” will be held on Tuesday,January6 at Hotel Acadiana, 1801 W. Pinhook Road, beginning at 12:00 noon. An optional lunch buffet is available beginning at 11:30 a.m. All are welcome to come “eat and be fed”- please bring a friend! Preregistration is not required. For more information, please call Mary Bergeron (654-8682). CouplesDateNight The Of ice of Marriage and Family Life is sponsoring a couples’ date night on January 16, 2015, 6:00pm. The evening will be held at the Petroleum Club of Lafayette, 111 Heymann Blvd. Join us and our speaker Christopher West, author of “Fill These Hearts: God, Sex, and the Universal Longing”. The cost for the evening is $50.00 per couple which includes your dinner. For more information or to register, please visit our website, Click on Marriage Enrichment. HealingHearts Healing Hearts: A SUPPORT GROUP for women whose relationships have been affected by the pornography use or sexual addiction of a loved one: Highly confidential group. Confidentiality statement must be signed by all members before the place and time of meeting will be disclosed. Call 337-404-6113 to reach voicemail and the group facilitator will return your call as soon as possible. The Gift of Consecrated Life in the Church FRIDAYS•7:00-8:30PM FEB.6,13,27•MAR.6,13,27 OurLadyofSorrowsRetreatCenter•St. Martinville Mater Dolorosa Chapel No Cost and No Registration Required TOPICS An Introduction to the Year for Consecrated Life -Fr.Champagne,CJC Consecrated Life in the Bible -Fr.Brian,CJC History of Consecrated Life in the Church - Fr.DuPre’,CJC Theology of the Consecrated Life - Fr.Champagne,CJC Consecrated Life in the Diocese of Lafayette - Br.Payton,n.CJC Discerning a Vocation to Consecrated Life - Fr.Champagne,CJC PARKING 103 Railroad Ave. • St. Martinville For More Information, Call Fr. Champagne at (337) 394-6550 Page Eight The rosary is prayed 30 minutes before each weekday Mass. Saturday,December27 4:00pm Adley & Beverly Scrantz Joseph Larry Hoffpauir Girdy C Menard Suzanne P Chatelain Joe & Hilda Peschier Joe Peschier (Anniv) David L “Boo” Prejean Raymond Begnaud Dale Touchette, Roy Joseph Trahan & Edwin Touchette)Anniv) Emetile D & Edward (L) Bourque Sr Mona Mire Martin Martin & Mire Families Alcee & Eugenie Sonnier, Alberta Sonnier & Nelson Broussard Dupre Hebert Robert Credeur & dfm Os-Calie G Roger (Anniv) Andrew “Woogie” Bowie (2) Sybil Duhon Ellen C & Francis “PopPop” Resweber Earvis, Lee Jane, Elta, Joseph, Anna & Harry Jagneaux Michael J LeBlanc Viola & Forest Blanchard & dfm Stephen Higginbotham Elite S Meyers Calee G Roger Leonard L Richard Eve D Guilbeau Sunday,December28 6:30am Clay Mouton Viola & Forest Blanchard & dfm Rivers Quibodeaux (L) Audrey D Villien Bernice Hebert Fran & Bern Hebert Mollie Domingue Valencia Brown (L) Sunday,December28 8:00am Bill & Hazel Neef Spiritual Healing Fr Andre Metrejean (L) (HB) Tuesday,December30 (5thDaywithintheOctive oftheNativityofthe Lord) John B Sonnier (Anniv) Bertha Sonnier (Anniv) Audrey Miller (Anniv) & Peter Miller Michael J LeBlanc Wednesday,December 31 (5thDaywithintheOctive oftheNativityofthe Lord StSylvesterI) 4:00pm Adley & Beverly Scrantz Dudley Joseph Duhon Sunday,December28 Alice Rita Duhon Donald “Don” Duhon 10:00am Emetile D & Edward (L) Michael O’Neil Mouton Bourque Sr DiGi Gianfala Amithilde & Libbon Guidry Carrol, Frank, Edna Sonnier Joe, Cole, Tommy Primeaux Rayford Domingue Audrey D Villien Wallace Stelly M/M Dudley Landry & Hassie Spellman Dudley Landry Jr Ida & Lee Bergeron M/M Lee Bergeron Doug Roberts Dr Grover Bahm Brittany N Richard Stephen Higginbotham Sunday,December28 Mary D Broussard & Mary Eve & Lee A Broussard 6:00pm Alcide & Verna Patin For the People Cleopha & Ortha Begnaud & Monday,December29 dfm (5thDaywithintheOctive Leroy Domingue Carl, Waver & Sosthene oftheNativityofthe Guidry Lord Charlie, Gene & Louis Provost StThomasBecket) Peace in Families & the Carol Lacy (L)(HB) World Douglas Brown (L) All Caregivers & the Ill The Aubrey Guidry Family Charlene R Rushing (L)(HB) Laurie & Bob Steele Claude & Libby Sonnier Thursday,January1 (SoleminityofMary,the HolyMotherofGod) 6:30am For the People 10:00am Curley Menard (Anniv) Carita Viateur Ernoll & Rickey Guilbeau Rita S Prejean M/M Alex J Prejean Peace & Those who Protect Us (L) Edward Smith (Anniv) Claude & Libby Sonnier Bernice F Dugas Rayford Domingue Brittany R Richard Friday,January2 (StsBasiltheGreatand GregoryNazianzen) Adley & Beverly Scrantz George W Stoute (Anniv) M/M Alex J Prejean Edwin & Rhena Stutes Mathilde & Sis Boudreaux Russell Stutes William & Marie Stutes O Z & Ita Boudreaux John E Caldwell Sr VIGILLIGHTS: John B Sonnier Family, Percy & Rena Lacy, Ryan Guidry, Francis “Pop-Pop” & Ellen “Grandma” Resweber, Good Health-D. CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS Sts. Peter and Paul Church #525201 1110 Old Spanish Trail Scott, LA 70583 TELEPHONE 337 235-2433 CONTACT PERSON Monica Laperous EMAIL: SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2010 Adobe Acrobat X Windows 7 PRINTER HP Laserjet 6P TRANSMISSION TIME Monday: 12:45pm SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION December 28, 2014 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 9 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS