Current Issue -


Current Issue -
Sound Wav
Vol. 26, No. 24
Keeping the Brandywine Community Informed & United.
Happy Holidays
from Sound Waves
Brandywine Country Club
March 19th 7pm
Binx & Pumpkin
We are two of the sweetest kittens you will ever
meet. We would LOVE to be adopted together
since we have been together since we were five
weeks old, I (Pumpkin) found in a dumpster and I
(Binx) on the side of the road. We are inseparable.
We love to be held and played with. We have just
enough energy to have a good time but know when
its nap time!! We have both been fixed and are
current on our shots. You can contact us directly
at Beach Paws Pet Resort, 5209 Narron Business
Drive, Morehead City or call (ask for Blair) 7260077. Merry Christmas.
We do
One-Time and
Move Out
Sound Waves | DECEMBER 2014
NOVEMBER 11, 2014
Chamber Board Approves Resolutions To
Fund Dredging and Save ‘Pedro’
By Mike Wagoner, President, Carteret County Chamber of Commerce
Keeping Brandywine Bay
Informed & United.
BILL HORTON • 727-0876
BJ ELLYSON • 222-0261
MIKE WAGONER • 726-6350
ED DOMBROFSKI • 240-9238
BART SHEARD • 726-9263
STEVE MOCK • 726-0066
SUSIE GARLAND • 223-6666
LENNA EASTER • 726-0359
MARILYN ZMODA • 247-5929
VINCE MORENO • 240-2642
DORIS ULLMAN • 240-1436
JO MULLIS •726-1859
JIM TURNER • 240-2474
HAROLD O'BRIANT • 241-4328
CHRIS CALLING • 860-973-9793
The Board of Directors of the Carteret County Chamber of Commerce approved three Resolutions at its
December 4 meeting to address vital community issues.
First, the Chamber supports the petition filed by the Carteret County Board of Commissioners on November 17 to urge the U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers to provide for immediate Emergency Dredging to the Morehead City Harbor to protect the economic
and military interests of the Port of Morehead City.
Furthermore, the Chamber encourages federal and state elected and appointed officials to offer assistance in obtaining necessary
funds to perform the emergency dredging requested.
“The shoaling that is occurring in the Cutoff Channel is significantly impacting the movement of vessels in and out of the
Morehead City Port,” said Mary Carlyle Brown, Chair of the Chamber’s Public & Government Affairs Committee.
“In the past, the port pilots have normally operated at 45 feet MHW and 42 feet MLW, but now the vessels are restricted to a
maximum arrival and departure draft of 36 feet MHW and 33 feet MLW.
“These restrictions and ‘light-loading’ are resulting in a significant negative economic impact to not only the Morehead City
Port itself but also to all commercial marine interests who wish to enter and exit the Morehead City Port, because they are having
to arrive and depart with less than their maximum allowable load.
The situation needs to be remedied quickly,” Brown said, “because of the economic importance of the port to local communities,
the region and the state. The North Carolina State Ports Authority, through its ports in Wilmington and Morehead City, generates
more than $14 billion to the state’s economy and contributes more than $700 million in state and local taxes.
The Morehead City Port is designated by the U.S. Department of Defense as a national strategic seaport, providing significant
support to military deployment requirements for operations in eastern North Carolina and the Tidewater area of Virginia.
The Chamber Board also endorses the Carteret County government’s position to request the North Carolina Division of Coastal
Management to accept a “preferred standard” that requires the Army Corps of Engineers, when dredging the Morehead City
Harbor and Beaufort Inlet, to place the dredged material on the beaches of Bogue Banks where it provides protection of valuable
investments in infrastructure and development as well as recreational uses.
The county has struggled constantly over time to force the Army Corps of Engineers not to dump dredged material offshore,
but to place it on the beaches of Bogue Banks to provide protection to valuable infrastructure to enhance recreational and
environmental benefits associated with wide, healthy beaches.
Greg “Rudi” Rudolph, Carteret County Shore Protection Officer, said the proper placement of clean, beach-quality dredged
material on beaches will also “minimize shoaling and replicate the natural littoral system.”
“The Chamber has been advocating all along that the Corps eliminate placement of beach-quality dredged material in offshore
disposal areas,” Brown concluded.
The third Resolution approved by the Chamber Board deals with U.S. Marine Corps’ 2015 Marine Aviation Plan, which calls for
retirement of the Air Station Cherry Point Search and Rescue (SAR) Squadron, commonly referred to as “Pedro,” in 2016.
This asset has been based at Cherry Point for many years, with the primary mission of Marine Transport Squadron 1 (VMR-1)/
Pedro being to provide Search and Rescue support to MCAS Cherry Point-based pilots and aircraft as well as other critical logistics
support to the Marine Corps and the U.S. Department of Defense.
“However, all of eastern North Carolina has benefited from Pedro,” Brown said, “as the squadron has been able to provide
assistance to local communities, by way of search and rescue missions, medical transports and support during large-scale natural
“There are questions about how the Coast Guard intends to replace Pedro and be able to provide SAR services to Marine Corps
pilots. Additionally, how will the Coast Guard work in partnership with local communities to provide SAR services and coverage?
“We want to ensure that there is no gap in coverage and service, and therefore, the Chamber requests that Marine Transport
Squadron 1 (VMR-1)/Pedro at MCAS Cherry Point not be terminated until such time that a satisfactory and seamless transition
plan be developed and implemented to ensure the continuation of SAR services to military personnel and civilians.
“We may need our state and federal elected officials to intervene,” Brown remarked.
MYRA ROCHE • 726-9232
726-7081 • 241-8186
DECEMBER 2014 | Sound Waves
a free portfolio review.
to toBalance
Tolerance” and “Required Risk”
Bowie G Martin
By Bowie Martin, Financial Advisor, Edward Jones
Financial Advisor
Like everyone else, you have financial goals. To help achieve these
At The BOA Meeting
By BJ Ellyson
The BOA Board met in an open meeting at the Hammock Place Community
Building at 7 P.M. on November 20, 2014. All directors were present, along with
278 Hwy 24 Suite F
several residents.
Morehead City, NC 28557
President Scot Bell called the meeting to order. Secretary Bill Horton’s minutes
prior meeting were accepted. Treasurer Robbie Terry reported that all but
one of 2014 annual dues were collected. A lien has been placed on this owner’s
• Risk tolerance — Your risk tolerance is essentially your comfort level with taking
risk. For example, if you have a high tolerance for risk, you may be comfortable investing
Scott Bell reported that he and Bill Horton have overseen some updates/
aggressively. Conversely, if you tend to be risk-averse, you might lean more toward more
corrections on our website to more accurately represent the BOA.
conservative investment vehicles that offer greater protection of principal.
The BOA continues involvement with the county and the DOT concerning Hull
• Required risk — While the term “required risk” may sound odd, it is actually an integral
and our drainage.
component of your ability to invest successfully. Basically, your required risk is the level of
In addition
to information from the Board’s November 12, 2014 meeting and
risk necessary to help you achieve your investment goals. The
higher the return necessary to
reach those goals, the more potential risk you’ll need to assume.
reported in the November issue of Sound Waves as well an on the BOA website,
As you invest, you’ll need to balance these two aspects of risk. For example, what, the following information was shared.
might happen if you have a low risk tolerance, leading you toward “safer,” low-growth
*Boat Yard: Jerry Garner reported that there are 25 on our waiting list for
investments, but your goal is to retire early? For most people, this goal requires them to
available space. The annual fee is $65. Replacing the entrance gate there is being
invest in vehicles that offer significant growth potential, such as stocks. And, as you know,
investing in stocks entails risk — specifically, the risk that your stocks will lose value. So in
*Security: CB Chappell reported that he and Ted Beszterczei have overseen
this situation, your risk tolerance — the fact that you are risk-averse — is going to collide
minor camera repairs and the new cameras in other locations have improved our
with your required risk level, the amount of risk you are going to need to take (by investing
in stocks) to achieve your goal of early retirement.
*Gate cards/Gates: An annual maintenance contract has been instituted for the
When such a collision occurs, you have two choices. First, you could “stretch” your risk
tolerance and accept the need to take on riskier investments in exchange for the growth
gates. We await the arrival of a light fixture replacement as a result of the damage
potential you will require. Your other choice is to stay within your risk tolerance and adjust
that occurred at the Hwy. 24 wall.
your ultimate goal — which, in this example, may mean accepting a later retirement date
*Mosquito Control: A final spraying has occurred.
Obviously, this is a personal decision. However, you may have more flexibility than you
*Recreation Area: Tom Snively will be placing wood sealer on the equipment.
might have imagined. For instance, you might feel that youshould be risk-averse because
Tetherball will be added there. A contract with Richard’s Sanitation has been made
you have seen so many fluctuations in the financial markets. But if you have many decades
to pick up trash there on a weekly basis. Dog owners should utilize this for their
to go until you retire, you actually do have time to recover from short-term losses, which
bagged dog waste.
means you may be able to reasonably handle more volatility. On the other hand, once you’re
*Thanks were given to the golf course owners for redirecting lights at the
retired, you won’t have as many years to bounce back from market downturns, so you’ll
bathroom on the course. Changes in the golf course ownership have been noted in
have less “risk capacity” than you did when you
Locally Owned & Operated
were younger.
the BOA Welcome Packet.
In any case, by balancing your risk tolerance
Known For Our
*Angela Zieleck will join BJ Ellyson on the 2015 Nominating Committee for
the two Board vacancies to occur in May, 2015. One additional volunteer is being
Fresh Cut Meats and your required risk level — and by
understanding your risk capacity — you can
be better prepared to take the emotion out of
Discussions took place about individual drainage issues. Board members
Christmas investing. When investors let their emotions
explained the efforts taking place throughout the community to help individual
get the better of them, they can make mistakes
owners. At the end of the hour long meeting an announcement of a lost cat was
such as chasing “hot” stocks or selling quality
made. (Cat returned home the following morning!)
investments due to temporary price drops.
Of note – These open meetings are invaluable in allowing all residents to lean
By having a clear sense of what risk really
Bring This ad in
the workings of our community, the latest issues facing it, and offer input to
for 10% off
costly detours — and stick with your long-term
on the Board who work so tirelessly for us all.
10% Off Your $50.00
goals, you may need to invest — and when you invest, you’ll need to take
on some risk. But the more you understand this risk, and the better you
are at managing it, the greater your potential for staying invested for the
long term.
To begin with, then, take a look at these terms:.
or More Purchase
investment strategy.
Excludes: Beer, wine,
cigarettes and lottery tickets
Offer Expires December 25th, 2014
GraDe a Frozen Turkeys
.69¢ lb.
with a $35 or more purchase
Fresh Local Merrell Farms Collards
Fresh NC Sweet Potatoes
Always Fresh Angus Beef
Hwy 24, West of Morehead
1.6 Miles from Hwy 24 Brandywine Entrance
Sound Waves | DECEMBER 2014
Recently Closed:
522A Village Green Drive - $194,000
Carol Basnight Sharon GarnerThompson
132 Corncake Circle
$250,00 - Sound Front
Unit - Info Line #: 109
107 Brandywine Marina Drive
#20 Boat Slip - $24,000
Info Line #: 165
G-2 The Bluffs
Info Line #: 144
105 Core Drive West
Info Line #: 380
212 Bogue Drive
Info Line #: 112
165 Bogue Drive
Info Line #: 168
115 Core Drive West
Info Line #: 139
207 Westchester Drive
Info Line #: 885
206 Bogue Drive
Info Line #: 152
Mary Poineau
Millie Genet
Kim Maness
Lugean Hogan
Cathy Gainey
Billie Esther
Heather Krohn
Janet Stout
Broker / Closing
252-725-0728 252-725-0420 252-727-5656
Alyssa Mayer
Fran Hardy
Customer Care
Coordi nator
Louis Weil
INFOLINE NUMBER - 877-255-1676
DECEMBER 2014 | Sound Waves
By Deborah Van Dyken
I am not a hard guy to get alone with, but I do want things to be done the way that they
are supposed to be done. When I got married ten years ago, I wanted my wife to stay home
and take care of the house and children. We agreed on this arrangement because I make a
good salary, and so, my wife never worked and just stayed home in Beaufort with our four
children as they came along.
But she did not live up to her share of the bargain because the house was always a mess
and her cooking was not up to the standard that I had set. I do not know what she did with
her time, because she could have kept the house neat and put a good meal on the table every
night. But she did not.
So, I decided that I needed to teach her some lessons about her responsibility to keep
the house and cook decent meals. On several occasions when I came home from work and
found the house a wreck, I would pick up all the junk lying around the house and throw
everything out into the backyard. Then, I would have my wife go out, gather it all up, bring
it into the house, and put everything away properly. One time, she tried to backtalk me
about picking up, but I only had to hit her once in the mouth to let her know who was the
boss and who wore the pants in our family.
As for her cooking, I went out and bought her a good cook book and marked some of
the recipes. I told that she was to practice and cook these recipes well, or there would be
trouble for her.
As I expected, she cooked one meal and did a very poor job of it. So, I got up from the
table, scraped all of the plates onto the kitchen floor, and poured the rest of the food in the
pots onto the kitchen floor as well. Then, I told her that she was going to have to clean it up
and cook something better for us to eat.
When my wife and the children started to cry, I told them that they had better control
themselves or I would definitely give them something to cry about. I told her that I was
going out for two hours, and when I got back, she had better have the kitchen cleaned up
and the new dinner ready or else I and my leather belt would teach her a lesson that she
would never forget.
So, I left. But when I got back, my wife, my children, and a lot of their clothes were gone.
She had taken my children and abandoned me. She didn’t even leave a note to say that she
was leaving or where she was going.
A few days later, I found out that she and the children were staying with her sister in
Newport. I learned about where she is living because she filed a law suit against me and
asked the Court, among other things, to order that I pay her alimony.
When I read about my wife’s request for alimony, I just laughed because my wife was the
one who left and abandoned me. She left me and broke up our marriage because she did
not want to live up to her responsibility as a wife and mother. Why should I have to pay her
anything because she is the homewrecker and a failure as a wife.
I feel certain that any judge in Carteret County would just look at her in stunned
disbelief if she came into the courtroom and asked for alimony because of her behavior.
However, I just wanted to write this letter and have you confirm what I believe to be the
facts of the case. There is no doubt in my mind about how it will be in court because I know
that I am right.
ANSWER: It would be your just desserts if you went to court with that attitude and no
attorney to give you a reality sandwich as to how wrong you are.
So, you need to understand that you are a sitting duck for an alimony claim by your wife
for a variety of reasons.
First, your wife is a dependent spouse since she relies on you for all of her financial
support, and you are the supporting spouse.
Secondly, you have said that you make a good salary, and so, you can very likely afford to
pay alimony to your wife.
Thirdly, you have committed acts of marital misconduct by your cruel treatment of
your wife by throwing everyone’s belongings outside, by demanding your wife pick them
all up, and by hitting her when she resisted your abusive demands. Additionally, you have
threatened to beat her with your belt and threw the dinner which she had cooked all over
the kitchen floor which is further evidence of your cruelty and abusive attitude towards
your wife.
As for your excuse that your wife abandoned you by leaving the marital home, North
Carolina case law makes it very clear that you are wrong. Instead, North Carolina courts
have repeatedly held that when a husband treats his wife with such cruelty that her life is
rendered intolerable and when the wife has such fear for her safety from her husband’s
abuse that she must leave the home, then the wife has not abandoned her husband. Instead,
the courts have held that the husband is the one who has abandoned the wife due to his
cruel and abusive behavior which has also been found to be sufficient grounds for alimony.
With any luck, you are about to have a court experience in which you will hopefully
learn that your cruel, abusive, and controlling behavior, and just pure t meanness will have
some painful and expensive consequences for you through an alimony award to your wife.
So, take that belt, put it back on, and buckle up, buckaroo.
Chamber Develops 2015 Legislative Agenda
By Mike Wagoner, President, Carteret County Chamber of Commerce
The Carteret County Chamber of Commerce delivered its 2015 Legislative
Agenda to state legislators in December, and the face-to-face exchange occurs on
Friday, January 9, with the annual Pre-Session Legislative Luncheon.
The luncheon program begins at 11:45 a.m. at The Country Club of the Crystal
Coast, 152 Oakleaf Drive, Pine Knoll Shores. This event is open to the public and
the cost to attend is $15. Call the Chamber to register at 726-6350.
Sen. Norman Sanderson and Rep. Pat McElraft are confirmed to attend and
deliver remarks. Also, Carteret County Manager Russell Overman will provide a
“County Perspective.”
The Chamber’s Mary Carlyle Brown said: “Our 2015 Legislative Agenda will
focus on state-level issues that are important to our members.”
“While the Chamber does not endorse or support specific candidates for elected
office at the federal, state and local levels, we do take seriously our obligation to set
forth a pro-business roadmap for our legislators to follow.
“The Chamber speaks as the ‘Voice of Business’ and is actively involved in issues
advocacy and seeks to influence public policy decisions,” Brown noted.
“Our top tier of legislative priorities always includes transportation and US 70.
We continue to ask the General Assembly to provide equitable funding for highway
construction and maintenance in the rural areas of the state. It is vitally important
Sound Waves | DECEMBER 2014
that we have good roads to support our tourism base.
“We know we will have to fight long and hard to maintain the existing School
Calendar Law that mandates a uniform school start date of the Monday closest to
August 26. Fortunately, Sen. Sanderson and Rep. McElraft have told us this is one
of their priorities as well.
Brown added: “Perhaps 2015 will be the year the lawmakers enact true
insurance reforms,” she said. “The rate-making process desperately needs to be
overhauled, in our opinion.”
Other top-tier priorities for the Chamber are: Support for the military; support
for increased funding for the public schools; and support to ensure that sustainable
funding is being provided to the community college system.
“Because of the many concerns swirling around health care services, access,
affordability and costs, we have moved several health care issues up into the top tier
in 2015,” Brown said.
The Chamber’s 2015 Legislative Agenda can be viewed on the Chamber web site,
The General Assembly is scheduled to convene in Raleigh on January 14 for the
Long Session.
230 Brandywine Blvd. • (252)646-5072
Parvovirus in Dogs
Canine parvovirus (also known as “Parvo” or CPV) is very
contagious and causes severe gastrointestinal disease. The disease
can be prevented by routine vaccination or puppies and adult
Parvovirus is highly concentrated in the feces of infected animals. It persists in the
environment under a variety of conditions and is resistant to many common disinfectants.
Parvo is inactivated by common household bleach after 10 minutes of contact time. Because
parvovirus is so resilient, the virus can be carried on inanimate objects such as shoes,
clothing, and other materials that touch infected substances. Transmission commonly
occurs by swallowing the virus.
The symptoms include diminished appetite, vomiting, lethargy, and diarrhea. Vomiting
is often severe, and diarrhea may be profuse and bloody. Fever may be present, and animals
can become severely dehydrated very quickly. Affected dogs are often very weak, and
shock may develop in some dogs from the dramatic loss of body fluids. Rarely, the heart
is affected, which can cause sudden death. Severely ill dogs may develop a widespread
bacterial infection when bacteria normally confined to the GI tract are released into the
bloodstream as a result of severe damage caused by the virus.
Because parvovirus causes many infected dogs to become seriously ill, a number of tests
may be recommended to assess its effects on various organs and to confirm the presence of
the virus:
A complete blood count may show low numbers of certain white blood cells and
platelets. Anemia (low red blood cell count) may be detected and is sometimes severe.
A biochemistry panel may show low blood protein levels and electrolyte
imbalances due to vomiting and diarrhea.
X-rays of the abdomen help rule out other causes of GI signs.
Specific tests for parvovirus are done on fecal samples. These tests are rapid, may
be done in the veterinary clinic, and are generally very reliable.
Dogs with suspected CPV infection should be isolated from other animals because
of the highly contagious nature of the virus. Special precautions are needed to prevent
transmission to other dogs. Hospitalized animals are commonly quarantined in an isolation
Treatment of parvovirus is largely supportive, with intravenous fluids, sometimes plasma
transfusions, antivomiting medications, and possibly medications to decrease stomach acid
production and protect the stomach lining. Blood transfusions may be administered, and
antibiotics may be given for secondary bacterial infections.
Dogs with parvovirus infection may also be treated with deworming medications,
because the animals most susceptible to parvovirus (especially young puppies) are also the
ones most susceptible to intestinal parasites.
Dogs that survive the first several days of treatment are most likely to recover fully.
Prognosis is always uncertain, and can vary depending on the extent of the infection,
whether sepsis is present, and how long the dog has been sick before beginning medical
therapy. Dogs that recover from parvovirus disease usually have long-lasting protection
from reinfection. However, regular vaccination is recommended to maintain good
President- J. Scott Bell
Vice President- Steve Kirwan
Director at Large- Scott Carpenter
Secretary- Bill Horton
Treasurer- Robbie Terry
342-7244 •
726-9454 •
247-3152 •
727-0876 •
Architectural Control - Steve Kirwan
Beautification - George Haskins
Breakage - Mark Roche
Camera- Ted Beszterczei
Christmas Lighting Amy Haskins
Database Manager - John Miller
Drainage Gordon Wall
Golf Committee - Keith Friend
Neighborhood Representative Faye Bennett
Recreational Area - Tom Snively
Security Gates, Entry Cards & MicroclicksDoris Ullman
Storage Area - Jerry Garner
Webmaster - Bill Gilbert
Welcome - Doris Ullman
726-9454 •
622-7535 •
726-9232 •
622-7976 •
808-3499 •
247-4476 •
240-2153 •
622-3278 •
240-1436 •
726-0842 •
247-2542 • wegilbert
240-1436 •
Wyatt Laughinghouse • 646-3677
Edward Myers •726-5276
Debbie Goines• 723-3117
Robert Stinnet • 919-218-2517
Janet Stout • 726-0452
Gail Howard • 726-5156
Sheriff Deputy Request
Sheriff’s Business Office
Ambulance, Fire, Sheriff
Progress Energy
Street Light Outage
Carolina Water
Animal Control
NC Highway Patrol
Mosquito Control
By Todd & Allison Worrell, DVM's, Pet Docks Animal Hospital
DECEMBER 2014 | Sound Waves
Garden Club
By BJ Ellyson
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Sound Waves | DECEMBER 2014
After meeting
at 10:00 a.m. on
December 2nd to
refresh and then
hang Christmas
greens throughout
our community,
BGC members
returned at 2:00 p.m.
to the Hammock
Place Community
Building for a short
the meeting we all
participated in a
cookie exchange and
then moved outside to create wreathes from greens provided by members.
Our January 27, 2015, meeting will feature John Pollard as speaker. Also
known as
John”, John is a
N.C. certified
Control Agent.
He will tell
us about the
wild animals
in Brandywine
and how
he assists
by problem
wildlife. The
club welcomes
new members and encourages anyone interested in our resident wildlife to join us
for this January 27th meeting.
feral horses on
the island as well
as a diverse array
of plants when we
disembarked to
walk the boardwalk.
This opportunity
for guided nature
hike trips is open
to all individuals
by contacting Lori
Davis, Education
Coordinator, at
Our regularly
(Continued on page 14)
scheduled meeting was held on November 11
Real Estate
Phishing for Information
By Marian Goetzinger, Pine Knoll Shores Realty
Do You Know Where You Are?
I’ve wanted to write this article for some time, but when a recent article in a
National magazine incorrectly referred to the island of BOGUE BANKS as “The
Island of Emerald Isle”, I knew it was time. I wouldn’t want to insult any reader by
suggesting that you are hopelessly lost, but since so much misinformation has been
published, as a REALTOR® and writer proud to live and work in this area, I hope to
set some of it straight.
If you live in Brandywine Bay you probably know that you are in Carteret
County, just outside the city limits of Morehead City. But did you know that this
entire area in North Carolina along the coastal waters is The Crystal Coast? The
water between you and the barrier island is Bogue Sound and the Island itself is
BOGUE BANKS. You can get there by boat or by either causeway bridge; one on
each end of the island.
The island of Bogue Banks is a 21-mile barrier island off the mainland of North
Carolina in Carteret County. The island, separated from the mainland by Bogue
Sound, runs east to west, with the ocean beaches facing due south. Many visitors
find it hard to believe that when they are sitting on our beautiful beaches looking
out to sea, they are not looking east but South. Next time you’re on the beach, stick
around for the fabulous Sunset. You’ll notice if you’re facing the Atlantic Ocean,
the sun will set to your right. Yep, that’s west. The island has four incorporated
towns, Atlantic Beach, Pine Knoll Shores, Indian Beach and Emerald Isle and the
one small unincorporated town of Salter Path.
I frequently hear visitors on the island of Bogue Banks say, “We thought
tomorrow we’d take a drive to the Outer Banks.” They are unaware that they are
already there. The Southern Outer Banks includes all of the barrier islands along
North Carolina’s southern coast, including Bogue Banks. Some people consider
Morehead City, Beaufort and Cedar Point to be part of the Outer Banks, but
definitely the island is; often referred to simply as SOBX.
Many parts of our area have been honored to be listed as some of America’s best
towns, cities, or island. We all have reason to be proud to live here and call The
Crystal Coast home. Let’s be sure we refer to it correctly and be proud enough to
correct others when they refer to the island as anything other than Bogue Banks
and when they fail to know that they are already in the very historic and beautiful
Outer Banks of North Carolina.
One of the big dangers on the internet today is people
phishing for your information. These people create websites
and programs that trick you into entering personal information
that can be used in malicious ways to steal your resources. With
the increase in people using online banking and other online services, these thieves
are using fake emails trying to make you think that something is wrong with your
account, or that your input is needed to get something done. These emails look
very convincing. They will often use authentic logos and street addresses to make
the messages look like the real thing. If you click on the action link on the message
you will be taken to an authentic looking site that will ask for as much personal
information and passwords as they can get. With this information they can actually
log into your banking or start other accounts in your name.
How do you protect yourself? First it is important get familiar with how your
bank and other institutions communicate with you. As a rule most banks will not
send you direct emails. Most have a secure messaging option that is only accessible
if you are logged into your account. If you get a message asking for information, call
them and verify that it is actually from them. The other way to double check is to
hover your mouse pointer over the action link without clicking on it, the website
address will display in a little pop up. In a phishing email the website address will
be totally unrelated where the message is making you think you should be going.
If it ends with a PHP extension delete it making sure you don’t click on anything
inside the message.
The other message types that are
common for phishing for information
are messages telling you that there is a
voicemail waiting for you, messages about
faxes available and FedEx/UPS packages
that were not able to be delivered. All look
good enough to make you think they are
real, and try to shock you into thinking
you should click on them quickly. Stop
and double check before you give away
As the holiday season approaches,
information, or infect your computer. If
our hearts are warmed by thoughts
you have any doubt, forward the message
of the many good people we’ve had
to your computer tech so he can check it.
the opportunity to serve this year.
With Thoughts of
You at Christmas
You’ve certainly brightened our year!
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We look forward to seeing you
in the new year.
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during the Holiday Season
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DECEMBER 2014 | Sound Waves
December Sudoku
Debit Cardholders Receive
Phony Calls
A bank in eastern North Carolina reports that some of its customers are getting
fraudulent phone calls about their debit cards. The automated calls, some of which
appear to be coming from (305) 259-5499, say your card has been “locked.” To
unlock it, you’re told to enter your card number. In fact, your card hasn’t been
locked and the call is a scam.
Crooks are always looking for ways to harvest your personal financial
information and drain your account. If you receive one of these calls, just ignore it.
Remember, credit card companies, banks and other financial institutions will never
try to contact you by phone and ask you to verify anything, or provide any account
information. If you’re concerned that there could be a real problem with your
account, contact the company directly using a number you know is valid.
If you spot a scam, report it to the Attorney General’s Consumer Protection
Division by calling 1-877-5-NO-SCAM. See our news release for more on this
This message brought to you on behalf of North Carolina Attorney General Roy
By Jo Mullis
4010 Bridges St. Ext. Morehead City • 252-726-0031 •
On Wednesday, December 10th the Brandywine Bridge Club held its last meeting of the year at the Clamdigger Inn in Pine Knoll Shores. The Club meets there
monthly throughout the year on the second Wednesday of the month at 10:30 for
bridge and lunch. The winners this month were Pudgy Groben, first; Gail Vaughan
took second and Katie Kirk came in third. All Brandywine residents are welcome.
To learn more contact Dolly DiMarco (240-3547) or Pat McMahon (726-7994) for
Art Lessons
In Brandywine Bay
Portraits & Murals
R. Mat Madsen
Original Owner and Art Instructor of
Gallerie E
Sound Waves | DECEMBER 2014
The Monkey Bar
I don’t about you but this time of year I really start to crave “comfort food”! I
guess if I was completely honest, I would admit I crave comfort food anytime.
It just seems more critical when the weather turns cooler and even cold and
sometimes rainy here. Actually, I have been told it doesn’t rain here; we just
are subjected to some “heavy dew”. Whatever. I am also sure we each have our
own special preferred local “watering hole”. It is that place where the food is
delicious, plentiful and varied; that place where you encounter the same group of
acquaintances each time you visit so that you are comfortable whenever you enter.
For me this place is The Monkey Bar & Grill, located in Atlantic Station Shopping
Center in Atlantic Beach.
The Monkey Bar opened in 2005 and has become a favorite of many people in
the area. This popularity has a lot to do with the fellowship enjoyed by the staff and
patrons. If you walk in the door and are not greeted by your first name, you either
have not been there enough or have never been there. The staff of servers, cooks,
and prep people is among the friendliest you will find anywhere.
Owners Terri Stallings and Kevin Collins have successfully developed a
formula for success by preparing and serving quality delicious food which draws
so many of us there on a daily basis. The menu offers everything from fresh crisp
salads, house-made soups, tuna bites, onion rings, peel and eat shrimp, to entrees
including shrimp and grits, lobster ravioli with creamy crab meat Florentine sauce
and Mediterranean shrimp with sautéed shrimp over pasta with black olives, red
onions and feta cheese in a light garlic sauce and, of course, the fried seafood
dinner with French fries and cole slaw and could include shrimp, flounder, oysters,
crab cakes and clam strips. Boy that was a long sentence. Made me hungry! I will
not forget the also respectable fresh cut 10-ounce Ribeye.
Somewhere in the middle are delicious hotdogs, really good cheeseburgers and
extraordinary deli sandwiches ranging from house made chicken or tuna salad,
corned beef Reuben, Club, BLT and grilled cheese. The delicious offerings just
keep going on and on.
I would be remiss if I did not mention the incredible soups created by Michael
and Ryan. Their creative accomplishments like the creamy crab and shrimp bisque,
Down East Chowder or the variety of other soups which might include a delicious
pork and cabbage, should not be overlooked.
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By Cap’n H
Obviously I can’t comment on everything at The Monkey Bar but they offer a
most respectable pizza. The Monkey Nacho Grande and the famous Flying Monkey
Wings (I call them Condor wings because most of the time they are monsters)
are great while watching a game on any one of the five television sets placed
strategically on the walls and muted.
Did I mention The Monkey Bar is a fun place? The outgoing and enthusiastic
personalities of The Monkey Bar “wenches” guarantee lively conversation as do the
variety of libations offered. The margaritas are excellent. Deanna, Lois, Anne, Julie,
Ashley and Jen can serve you right up with anything listed on the menu as expertly
prepared at the bar or in the kitchen by JT, Bobby, Sarah or Anthony. Somehow
they all manage to maneuver without running into each other, most of the time!
Daily lunch specials are a favorite, especially with the locals and those tourists
lucky enough to enter. Monday is meatloaf day, featuring a vegetable, gravy or
not, mashed potatoes, drink, and a roll for about $6.95. Other wonderful lunch
specials may include chicken and pastry, lasagna, grilled pork chops with stuffing
and gravy, shepherd’s pie, or chicken pot pie. Wednesday is normally wings special
day with reduced prices for either 10 or 20 piece orders of wings fixed in a variety
of ways and degrees of heat. You may call The Monkey Bar for the daily special
at 252-726-2552 or to see if there is any room at the bar or to see if your husband,
wife, mistress or significant other is there, hopefully not all at once. This may be
important depending on the state of your relationship{s}. Terri and Kevin are
outstanding stewards to the community and graciously support the community and
celebrate the veterans in our area. They are good people. Let them know Cap’n H
sent you.
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DECEMBER 2014 | Sound Waves
MGA Happenings
By Vince Moreno
By Vince Moreno
Our first Wednesday tournament on December 3rd was perfect and a beautiful day. We had (20) players and the game was four man team low gross and low net. The
winners of the day for low gross were Ken Ghelli, Leon Clay, Mark Roche and Gordon Wall. And the team of Vince Moreno, Bob Colbourne, Guy Rouse and John Miller
won the low net prize. Guy Rouse also won closest to the pin on whole number (14) and Steve Kirwan won the 50/50. We did not have lunch today because the Golf Shop
was being worked on with all the construction going on, and it is starting to shape up very nicely. Ken Ghelli’s wife Janice made Brownies for all of us to enjoy, and they
were great. Thanks Janice. It was another good day for the MGA.
Low Gross Winners
Low Net Winners
Sound Waves | DECEMBER 2014
By Susie Garland
The LGA Christmas Awards
Dinner was held on December 9th
at Amos Mosquitos, with 28 members and guests attending. Special
thanks to the “hostesses with the
mostest” Kathy Calling and Janiece Wall for arranging this festive holiday occasion.
Beautiful hand-made Xmas stockings with a pin bow was created by Janiece, filled
BBLGA Nine-Hole Ladies Golf
Year End Wrap-up
By Lenna Easter
The golfing year came to an abrupt end at the end of October, with the unusually
cold weather arriving in November. Maybe it was for the better? We will be champing at the bit to start off enthusiastically in March of 2015!
There are quite a few tournaments in which we participate just as 9-hole events or
with the “big girls”. Here’s the winners for the 2014 season:
Karen Rice was the 9 hole Champion (low gross score). Karen also took the President's Cup 9-hole division. Good job Karen!
Freedom Tournament is played in the middle of the summer. It is an event
started by Mary Clay to encourage play when the humidity and temperature are
often in the 90’s. This year Lenna Easter won the Freedom Bowl, with second place
being won by Karen Rice.
A major spring event is the Memorial Tournament held in memory of departed
members. This year the 9-hole division was won by Anne Gilbert.
The Ringer Board (an ongoing record of the lowest score by hole) is an interesting way to track your progress. The Lowest Gross Score was recorded by Anne
Gilbert, with Karen Rice earning the Low Net Score. The Ringer Board also records
the individual counts for Most Pars, won by Anne Gilbert, who also won the Most
Chip Ins.
Any finally, the Most Improved Golfer was Anne Gilbert.
All members attended the LGA Christmas Party at Amos Mosquitos on December 9th where all awards were presented. It was a wonderful year!
Ladies, are you a beginner golfer? Are you not playing in a League because you
aren’t consistent?? Do you occasionally score in the 60’s? …and above? Then the
Brandywine Bay Nine Hole Ladies Golf League is for YOU! Do come and play
with us at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday mornings. The games are fun and the players are
friendly…and we are finished playing well before noon. All are welcome! Sign-ups
for 2015 begin in December with play starting in March.
DECEMBER 2014 | Sound Waves
with fortune cookies baked by Angela Zieleck. It was especially nice to welcome
former members and guests: Jean Chappell, Joan Dailey, Jackie Maucher, Dot
Michaelis, Lynn Mueller, Erika Upchurch, and Barbara Wilson. A variety of hors
d'oeuvres was served before the delicious dinner, followed by a scrumptious dessert. President Angela Zieleck announced that the same board members for 2014
will serve again in 2015, as mentioned in previous edition, with a new tournament
chairman to be announced. Bernie Moreno announced the 18-hole prize winners
with Angela assisting. First, recognition was given to all the Aces of the Month (see
previous newsletter), along with the Memorial Champ, Anne Lynes; Chairman’s
Cup winner, Mickey Friend; President’s Cup: Myra Roche and Angela Zieleck; Ace
of the Year, Ann O’Connor; and Club Champion, Margie Bailey. The Most Improved Player: Marj Mesick. In the Ringer Board category, here are the winners:
Most Chip-Ins and Low Net: Ginny Reinhardt; Most Birdies and Low Gross: Pudgy
Groben. The entertainment portion followed dinner, arranged by Kathy, where we
all played the LCR (left, center, right) dice game. Here’s how it works: First, everyone was asked to bring five $1 bills. Two tables were divided with 14 players each
participating. Roll the dice. If you rolled an “L”, you passed $1 to the person on
your left; if you rolled a “C,” a dollar went into the center pot; if an “R” was rolled,
you passed $1 to the person on your right; a “dot” on the dice represented a free
pass. The person who had the last remaining dollar(s) was the winner and collected
$70 in the center pot for each table. The winners: guests Barbara Wilson and Dot
Michaelis. (Aren’t they glad they got invited!) Thanks to all who contributed their
time and energy to make this a banner 2014 season.
All About Books
By Book Shop New & Used, Parkway Shopping Plaza
From the #1 New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestselling author comes
the dramatic second adventure in the brand-new Clandestine
Operations series about the Cold War, the fledgling Central
Intelligence Agency—and a new breed of warrior.
In Top Secret, W.E.B. Griffin introduced a remarkable new
cast of heroes as they found themselves on the front lines of an
entirely different kind of war. Now, these men and women are
going to find out what they’ve really gotten themselves into.
James Cronley thought he had done well—he didn’t know
he’d done this well.
His first successful mission for the about-to-be-official new
Central Intelligence Directorate has drawn all kinds of attention, some welcome,
some not. On the plus side, he’s now a captain; promoted to Chief, DCI, Europe;
and in charge of a top secret spy operation. On the minus side, a lot of people
would like to know about that operation, including not only the Soviets, but his
own Pentagon, as well as a seething J. Edgar Hoover.
Cronley knows that if just one thing goes wrong, he’s likely to get thrown to the
wolves. As if that weren’t enough pressure, complications are
springing up on all sides. He’s discovered a surprising alliance
between the former German intelligence chief and, of all
things, the Mossad. A German family that Cronley never knew
he had has suddenly, and suspiciously, emerged. And he’s due
for a rendezvous with an undercover agent against the Soviets
known only as Seven K.
It’s when he meets Seven K that he gets the real surprise.
Tony Robbins has coached and inspired more than 50
million people from over 100 countries. More than 4 million
people have attended his live events. Oprah Winfrey calls him “super-human.” Now
for the first time—in his first book in two decades—he’s turned to the topic that
vexes us all: How to secure financial freedom for ourselves and our families.
Based on extensive research and one-on-one interviews with more than 50 of
the most legendary financial experts in the world—from Carl Icahn and Warren
Buffett, to Ray Dalio and Steve Forbes—Tony Robbins has created a simple 7-step
blueprint that anyone can use for financial freedom.
Robbins has a brilliant way of using metaphor and story to illustrate even the
most complex financial concepts—making them simple and actionable. With
expert advice on our most important financial decisions, Robbins is an advocate for
the reader, dispelling the myths that often rob people of their financial dreams.
Tony Robbins walks readers of every income level through the steps to become
financially free by creating a lifetime income plan. This book delivers invaluable
information and essential practices for getting your financial house in order.
MONEY Master the Game is the book millions of people have been waiting for.
Stone Barrington returns in the new action-packed thriller from the #1 New
York Times bestselling author.
It’s a time of unexpected change for Stone Barrington. A
recent venture has achieved a great victory, but is immediately
faced with a new challenge: an underhanded foe who’s
determined to wreak havoc at any cost. Meanwhile, when
Stone finds himself responsible for distributing the estate of a
respected friend and mentor, the process unearths secrets that
range from merely surprising to outright alarming. And when a
lethal beauty from Stone’s past resurfaces, there’s no telling what
chaos will follow in her wake . . .
Ever a master of keeping cool under pressure, even Stone
might have his work cut out for him this time . . . because when grand ambitions
collide with criminal inclinations, the results may be more deadly than he could
have anticipated.
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Sound Waves | DECEMBER 2014
Garden Club
(Continued from page 8)
at 2 p.m. at the Hammock Place Community building. After discussing the
maintainence of the community’s Blue Bird houses as well as the rain garden on
Brandywine Boulevard, members selected December 2 at 9 a.m. to meet to prepare
and decorate the community for Christmas. Later that day members will reconvene
for a monthly meeting, to make fresh green wreathes and for a cookie exchange.
Following the business meeting, Brandywine resident and artist, Marla Zipsir,
led members in an artistic adventure. With previously prepared flower pots, and
under Marla’s direction, members were amazed at their expertise as they used
acrylic paints to create pots with a Christmas motif. Enthusiasm was great, results
were surprising
, and confidence
instilled. Marla
has many years of
teaching Art in her
background and
is open to offering
painting lessons
at her home here
in Brandywine.
Anyone interested
is encouraged to
contact Marla at
By Bart Sheard
The movie Nebraska is a serious, thought-provoking movie filmed in black and white in order to emphasize the fabric and melancholy of an aging and disillusioned
man on a meandering journey to collect what he believes is a winning million dollar sweepstakes. It was filmed in 2013, received six Academy Award nominations
including Best Picture, Best Director and Best Actor, and was recently made available on Netflix Streaming. It is a film that moves slowly and is less than uplifting
at times, but it examines the spirit of the American character with all of its warts and virtues. We see the contrasting traits of greed and thoughtfulness in different
characters. This is not a movie for viewers looking for frivolity or fast moving action, nor is it a movie for the young, except for those with introspective personalities
seeking to understand the tediousness of the aging process. The main character Woody is an elderly alcoholic persistently sticking to his opinion and following his
dream despite the skepticism of those around him. His journey takes us across the heartland of Nebraska, past the booming metropolis of Omaha to the somewhat
distressed rural boondocks of Hawthorne, Nebraska, Woody’s home town. The film stars Bruce Dern as Woody Grant, a retired alcoholic Korean War Veteran in the
beginning stages of senility. Woody is convinced that his million dollar sweepstakes letter is genuine, despite the skepticism of his wife and family; and he starts down the highway on foot
to Lincoln, Nebraska, to collect his winnings. His driver’s license has been revoked; and his wife Kate who is the alpha member
of the household calls their son David, played by Will Forte to pick him up and return him home. David is a struggling in-store
video salesman; and after picking up his father on several occasions he finally decides to drive him to Lincoln to appease him,
Va c u u m & S e w i n g C e n t e r
and possibly with the thought that father and son might reconnect with each other on the trip.
During the trip they pass through Woody’s hometown of Hawthorne and they stay with his brother and extended
We Repair All Vacuums
family overnight. Woody also stops at his old haunting ground, a seedy bar where he meets former friends and acquaintances,
& Sewing Machines
including his former partner in an auto repair shop. Woody has a proclivity “ to brag about his winnings ”and this sets off
a series of unfortunate incidents. Other people listen and see it as an opportunity to share in his winnings. While Woody’s
immediate family negates the authenticity of his winning certificate, Woody as an alcoholic approaching senility is unshakeable
in his belief and will not let anything prevent him from reaching his dream. He has a generous nature but he often seems
conflicted, and he has always been easily manipulated until now.
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The somber setting of the movie is enhanced by its black and while format, and director Alexander Payne who is a
Breath easy... with the help
native Midwesterner puts a dent in the accepted cliché of the Midwest being populated exclusively by hard working, good
of a Miele Vacuum.
hearted people. The action in several scenes takes place in dumpy bars in aging small towns, and he creates characters with the
5113-A Hwy. 70 East • Morehead City, NC
ordinary flaws and virtues that populate all sections of the country. In reviewing the film, two concepts stand out in retrospect.
(1) Woody’s wife Kate with her acerbic nature is a really necessary ingredient in his life. Woody is easily manipulated, and he
returned home flawed from his Korean experience and needs support and direction. (2) A significant event at the end of the
film tends point to the idea that Woody’s unyielding stubbornness is driven by his need for recognition and dignity.
Bruce Dern received numerous accolades for his performance, but it was June Squibb in my opinion as Woody’s caustic
and gossipy wife Kate who held the film together. It was also fun to see the reemergence of Stacy Keach, the old time actor
from television and the movies in the role of Ed Pegram, Woody’s former opportunistic and unscrupulous business partner.
This is a serious movie that raises a philosophical question about the nature of man, and woman. Are we all vulnerable to
the weaknesses of jealousy
and greed under certain
conditions, or are those
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DECEMBER 2014 | Sound Waves
Musings from the 7th Green
By Everett Thomas
A Little Christmas Tree
This is the year, I thought, to have an unadorned house
at Christmas. Decorating the tree, never my favorite thing, could certainly be
postponed until next year. There have been enough major changes for me that I can
get away with it.
But I saw a little tree at Tuesday Morning, and it seemed to see me, the way that
people speak of seeing puppies in a window or kittens curled up in the corner of a
cage. Can plastic trees need a home, I thought?
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Sound Waves | DECEMBER 2014
This one seemed to emit a "Yes" to my question. It is very small. The lights work
fine. There are a few woodsy decorations making it seem natural. There would be
no need for further decoration. So I purchased it and took it home.
I straightened out the branches, fluffed it a bit, plugged it in and felt happy to
have a little tree with no needs, perfect for me. But it seemed to want something,
just a little something, like a kid walking through the toy department. I relented,
went to the Dollar Store and got one sleeve of brightly colored ornaments and some
hangers. The tree seemed, finally, happy and cheerful, ready for the season.
But the decorations seemed after a while to have made the tree look too skimpy.
It was better to have no decorations than too few. So I went back to the store and
got two more sleeves of twelve ornaments. Now there were thirty-six gold and red
ornaments, and the tree seemed much happier.
But wouldn't it be better if there were a couple of sleeves of larger ornaments
on the bottom? So I got them, and when I plugged in the tree in the darkness, and
the red and gold ornaments were brought to life by the twinkling of white lights,
my little unadorned tree had managed to become a real Christmas tree, a tree of
memory and hope with a star at the top.
It now stands in the home of a friend, for the best Christmas trees (and this is
one of them) are to be shared. The more eyes that see them, the more hearts that
are warmed by them, the better they seem to like it. They are, after all, alive, even
the plastic ones.
Merry Christmas to your Christmas tree, and to all who see it.
Everett Thomas
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Mat Madsen Artist in Residence
By Bill Horton
his paintings. There is no doubt art is his passion and one he enjoys sharing with
the students he still works with in his home studio. Here are a few examples of his
work and if you have an interest in developing your talents give him a call 919-2159267.
American Music Festival January Event
The next concert in the American
Music Festival series features Ivan
Moshchuk, a brilliant, charismatic
young Russian American pianist
and winner of the Gilmore Young
Artist Award. Now 23 years old,
Ivan finished his bachelor degree at
Peabody studying with Leon Fleisher
and has just completed a one yeaar
residency at Citie des Artes in Paris.
He is a doctoral candidate at the
University of Cincinnati CollegeConservatory. He has made an
impressive European debut with
the Polish Chamber Orchestra,
Concertgebouw in Amsterdam and on
concert tours in Germany, Switzerland
and the Ukraine. His playing has been
described as a "rare combination of
breathtaking technique and genuine
The concert will be held at the History Place in Morehead City at 8 PM
on Saturday January 10, 2015. The program will include the "late works of
Chopin": Sonata, Op 58; Mazurkas Op 59 and 60; and Op 61 Polanaise-Fantasic.
Tickets may be bought at the door for $27.00, tax included. Reservations
may be made by calling 252/728-6152. More information is available at www.
DECEMBER 2014 | Sound Waves
It was one
of those dreary
afternoons and
the general
was just plain
gloomy as I
made my way
to meet the
artist I was
to interview.
I had met
Mat briefly
when he had
Gallerie E in
Morehead City
but that had been
some time ago. Now
he was living on
Spruce Drive and
his home was also
his studio.
Mat greeted
me along with his
beloved dog Dash
and the warmth of
his home and his
art immediately
improved by spirits.
Before touring his
home Mat shared a little bit of how a career in the Marines and his love of aviation
had provided an opportunity
for him to see much of the
world and develop his passion
for painting. The boy from
Worcester, Mass. had joined
the Marines as a teenager and
when his first enlistment was up
he had gotten out. After a brief
time as a civilian he reenlisted
and went on to have an aviation
career in the Corps. and the
Rolls- Royce Company. While
in the service he had enrolled
in the well known Famous
Artists School in Westport,
Connecticut and sought to
develop his skills as an artist.
Now as he walked me
through his home, accompanied
by Dash, I enjoyed hearing the
stories connected with many of
Brandywine Chicago Bridge
Wednesday, January 7th at 10 o'clock
Couples Bridge
Friday, January 9th at 7:00 p.m.
Brandywine Ladies Bridge
Wednesday, January 14th at 10:30 a.m.
Book Club
By Melinda Brown
The Brandywine Book Club December meeting was our Christmas dinner
and book exchange. We enjoyed a delicious dinner at Floyd’s Restaurant. Then
we returned to Marla Zipsir’s home for homemade Christmas treats and our
lively book exchange. The assortment of books we choose to exchange is always
interesting and it’s fun to see which book becomes the favorite. The books also
provide members with some excellent reading choices during the coming months.
In January we will be back to our usual schedule of meeting on the 4th
Wednesday of each month at 7 P.M. Our book to discuss in January is Suite
Francaise by Irene Nemirovsky. We always look forward to meeting new
members. If you would like to join us, call Melinda Brown at 247-1055 for further
Brandywine Garden Club
Tuesday, January 27th at 2:00 p.m.
Brandywine Book Club
Wednesday, January 28th at 7:00 p.m.
Board of Directors
President - Louis Weil
Vice President - Walton Joyner
Board Member -Ross Camorlinga
Treasurer - Buddy Stringer
Security/Cards - Mark Wojciechowski
Landscaping - Kay Wrixon
Pool, Tennis Courts & PlaygroundTom O’Keefe
Boat Storage- Jack Ashley
Nominating Committee ChairAnne Swindell
Anne Swindell
Jeff Brown
Richard Hall
Bettie Calloway 240-4215
William Elmore
Shorty Edwards
Tripp Mudge
Buddy Stringer
Sound Waves | DECEMBER 2014
As of Oct. 18, 2014
Alestra, Michael & Jennie207B Reserve Green Dr.
Allen, Doris
518A Village Green Dr.
Bass, Kathy & John
204 Lazy Lane
DeSimone, Louise
208A Reserve Green Dr.
Garrison, D.
208A Reserve Green Dr.
Larkin, Shannon
1103 Cedarwood Village
Price, Laura
1004 Cedarwood Village
Richardson, David & Joan805 Cedarwood Village
(405) 388-0902
(703) 303-3400
(703) 303-4509
(252) 230-6968
Fuller, Steven & Michelle
Garrison, David
& DeSimone Louise
Moore, Bobby
Ohrt, Thomas
Paul, Terry
Shepanek, Sue
Falkenburg, G.
1103 Cedarwood Village
208A Reserve Green Dr.
805 Cedarwood Village
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Mason, Scott & Bernice
Carolina Fever
by: Jim Turner
“What binds us to this place as to no other? It is not the well
or the bell or the stone walls. Or the crisp October nights or the
memory SOUND
of dogwoods blooming. Our loyalty is not only to William
Richardson Davie, though we are proud of what he did 200 years
ago today. Nor even to Dean Smith, though we are proud of what he
did last March. No, our love for this place is based on the fact that it
is, as it was meant to be, the University of the People.”
Charles Kuralt, who entertained us for more than 13 years
with his wonderful series On the Road With Charles Kuralt, and
who was an alumnus of the University of North Carolina spoke
those words at a bicentennial ceremony for the university in 1993.
Now his remains rest in the old cemetery on the campus of his beloved alma mater,
though “rest” might not best describe his current state of being. For Charles and for the
many of us for whom this university holds special meaning, the revelations surrounding the multi year investigation of the “paper classes” are very sad indeed. What makes
the investigation’s findings even more difficult to accept is that the actions of a very few
demean the accomplishments of all who matriculated there, athletes and non athletes
alike. It was at the university that I met, fell in love with and married my wife of nearly
49 years. I loved then and still love now the sights, sounds and smells of the seasons
on the beautiful campus. Not unlike many others who loved the university and who
studied there, I worked full time jobs while carrying full class loads. I hung sheetrock,
I managed a movie theatre, I sold toys in a department store and I sold men’s clothes.
My poor study habits and the need to fund my own education kept me a part of the
university beyond the expected four years. But like Charles Kuralt and everyone else
I knew and know from UNC, my grades were earned, the good ones, the not so good
ones and the plain bad ones alike. I will have to grieve for my university for some time
before there will be closure for me.
I am aware that you have come to expect something humorous from my ranting
in this publication, but I feel a need to address what has happened and am having difficulty finding any humor in it at all. Unless you are one of those “ABC” people (Anybody But Carolina) I expect you, too, are disturbed by the outpouring of bad news from
the campus to our west. Maybe the ABCers think the whole thing is funny. I hope not.
We all live here in this wonderful state of North Carolina and are all blemished to some
degree by the revelations.
For this issue I had planned to write about folk remedies and old wives tales, but I
simply must address what has become a nationwide scandal. I have, however, decided
to review my notes on remedies in hopes of finding one for healing the reputation of
a tarnished institution. Perhaps there might be something to send to Chapel Hill and
the folks there who took their eye off the ball. A couple remedies for removing a wart
looked interesting and maybe even appropriate for the UNC scandal. The first one tells
us to cut an Irish potato in half. Rub it on the wart and then hide the potato where no
one can find it. That should be simple enough to do in Chapel Hill where some things
have been tucked away for at least 18 years.
Wart remedy number two sounds fascinating but it has some obstacles that could
prove troublesome. We need to take a drop of blood from the wart and put it on a coin.
This will be difficult. How do we convince the wart to give up the blood? I’ll have to
work on that part a little bit. Anyhow, after we get the red stuff on a coin we place the
coin in the middle of the road. When somebody picks it up, the wart will disappear.
Former U.S. Senator Jesse Helms declared that there was no such thing as middle of
the road in Chapel Hill. He believed everyone and everything in that town, whether
associated with the university or not, was far left of center. Then there is the problem
of getting someone there to look down in order to see the coin so it can be picked up.
Everyone there appears to be forward looking with eyes focused up and onward. I love
that place.
My favorite university most certainly is feverish by now after all the probing and
digging and injecting of malicious, infected words. To cure this Carolina Fever we are
encouraged to put some fingernail clippings in a bag and tie it to an eel. The eel will
slither away with the fever. Two big problems here are; #1- whose fingernails should we
clip, and; #2- the vast majority of eels are to be found in either Raleigh, NC or in Wash-
ington, D.C. I’m not sure my transportation budget will allow for this travel.
I suppose some would compare what has happened in the shadows of the Bell
Tower to someone being visited by a tapeworm. The remedy for removing a tapeworm
is a little disgusting so you might want to ask little children and those with weak tummies to leave the room. What you do is, don’t eat for a few days in order to starve the
worm. Then hold milk up your nose and sniff deeply. The worm will stick his head out
of your nose to find the milk. Keep moving the milk further away from your nose to
draw the worm all the way out. Wow! That is truly disturbing thought.
Fevers and warts are uncomfortable conditions. Warts are unattractive. But fevers
and warts are rarely if ever fatal. My child and her children had fevers along the way
to where they are in life now. They had warts. But those conditions had nothing to do
with the love I felt for them. Nor do they diminish my love for my university. As with
my child and with my grandchildren UNC needs to find the remedy to purge itself of
those infections. Only then will it be able to stand tall and to grow stronger.
Regardless of what is now known about the fraudulent activities I am still loyal to my
university. Each time I hear the band begin to play the music for the Alma Mater I will
still stand and proudly sing “Hark the sound of Tar Heel voices/Ringing loud and true/
Singing Carolina’s praises /Shouting N.C.U.” My voice will grow louder as we conclude
with the fight song “I’m a Tar Heel born I’m a Tar Heel bred/ And when I die I’m a Tar
Heel dead./ So it’s RAH, RAH Car’lina –‘lina, /RAH, RAH Car’lina –‘lina/, RAH, RAH
Car’lina GO TO HELL DUKE.”
DECEMBER 2014 | Sound Waves
Sound Waves | DECEMBER 2014
With the end of 2014 quickly approaching, it is a wonderful time to
begin organizing your finances for the New Year. We’ve put together a list
of important financial planning topics that warrant consideration.
Recharacterization of Roth IRA rollovers or conversions
If you converted a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA during 2014 and paid
tax on the conversion, mark your calendar now to allow plenty of time to
meet the October 15, 2015, deadline for recharacterizing (i.e., undoing)
the conversion.
Reporting losses on stock sales
Be aware of important deadlines regarding trading date closings. A trade to sell a long
position must be executed by the close of the last trading date of the current year. Similarly,
a trade to sell a short position must be executed so that it settles by the last trading date of
the current year.
Retirement planning
Review your retirement plan allocation and contribution elections. If you’re not taking
full advantage of any matching features or potential tax benefits for maximizing your contributions, now is the time to evaluate your ability to do that. Also, when it comes to qualified
savings, assessing your allocation to ensure that it’s still in balance and pursuing your objectives will help you start the New Year off on the right foot.
Taking stock of savings
Did you set savings goals for the current year? Make a realistic assessment of how well
you’ve met those goals and think about your goals for the upcoming year. There’s no reason
why you can’t make some financial resolutions along with your other New Year’s vows. If
you determine that you are off track, let us help you develop and monitor a financial plan.
Taxes, taxes, taxes
RMDs and estimated taxes. If you’re turning 70½, you must devise the best strategy for
taking required minimum distributions from your traditional IRA and 401(k) plans.
Be sure to take potentially large bonuses and a prosperous business year into account
when considering your taxes for 2014. You may have to file estimated taxes or increase the
upcoming January payment.
Managing marginal tax brackets. In 2013, the IRS added a 39.6-percent tax bracket, a
20-percent capital gain tax rate, and a 3.8-percent Medicare tax on net investment income.
Moreover, those in higher marginal tax brackets may be subject to an additional 0.90-percent withholding tax, as well as limits on and phase-outs of itemized deductions and personal exemptions.
If you are on the edge of the new tax thresholds, you may be able to defer or accelerate
income or deductions to help minimize taxes.
Estate planning
To help ensure that your estate plan stays in tune with your goals and needs, you should
be reviewing and updating it on an ongoing basis. If you haven’t done so during 2014, take
time before the end of the year to:
Check trust funding
Account for any life changes
Update beneficiary designations
Review trustee and agent appointments
Review provisions of powers of attorney and health care directives
Prepare for the distribution of personal effects
Get a firm understanding of all of your documents
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How can we help?
This list of key financial planning topics is not exhaustive. We are happy to go over
deadlines that are most relevant to your personal situation, so you can better prepare for the
coming year.
Whatever your planning may entail, we wish you a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2015!
This material has been provided for general informational purposes only and does not
constitute either tax or legal advice. Although we go to great lengths to make sure our information is accurate and useful, we recommend you consult a tax preparer, professional tax
advisor, or lawyer.
To ensure compliance with requirements imposed by the IRS, we inform you that
In Memoriam
DECEMBER 2014 | Sound Waves
By Greg Patterson, Financial Advisor, American Wealth Management
Year-End Financial Planning
any U.S. tax advice contained in this communication (including any attachments) is not
intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of (i) avoiding penalties under the Internal Revenue Code, or (ii) promoting, marketing, or recommending to
another party any transaction or matter addressed herein.
For IARs: Greg Patterson is a financial advisor located at Atlantic Wealth Management,
712 Bridges Street, Morehead City, NC 28557. He offers securities and advisory services
as an Investment Adviser Representative of Commonwealth Financial Network®, Member
FINRA/SIPC, a Registered Investment Adviser. He can be reached at 252-515-7800 or at
© 2014 Commonwealth Financial Network®
at Morehead Plaza
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Last Month's Solutions
1. Pause
5. Ranch
9. Sodium chloride
13. Dwarf buffalo
14. A religion based on sorcery
16. Hodgepodge
17. Territory
18. Tubular pasta
19. Numerous
20. Run away to wed
22. Points of reference
24. Kind of bean
26. On the up and up
27. Pitiable
30. Really enjoy
33. Stickiness
35. Toward the outside
37. Foot digit
38. A grasp of something
41. Regret
42. Binge
45. Friendliness
48. Bank employee
51. Gallivant
52. Paths
54. Fog
55. Ponders
59. Drive
62. At the peak of
63. Manages
65. Portuguese folksong
66. Friends
67. Attempts
68. Utilized
69. You (archaic)
70. Container weight
71. Focusing glass
1. Welt
2. A Freudian stage
3. The outer region of the atmosphere
4. Pollywog
5. Dandy
Donate Your Boat!
6. Cain's brother
7. Kidney-related
8. Bearing
9. Physical
10. Winglike
11. Connection
12. Playthings
15. Row of shrubs
21. Visual organs
23. 5280 feet
25. Largest continent
27. Derbies or berets
28. Take as one's own
29. Comes after Mi and Fah
31. Exotic dancer
32. Drags
34. Holiday drink
36. Expunge
39. A parcel of land
40. Residence hall
43. Oval
44. Distinctive flair
46. Speaker's platform
47. Pensive
49. Make into law
50. Comeback
53. Old photo color
55. Awestruck
56. Salt Lake state
57. Infiltrator
58. Clairvoyant
60. Biblical garden
61. Fishing poles
64. South southeast
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Sound Waves | DECEMBER 2014
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3 million descriptors to help "Merlin" match
your input with the most likely birds. When
you identify a species and click “This is My
Bird,” "Merlin" also saves your record to help
improve its future performance.
"Merlin" initially launched with 285 species
most commonly encountered in North
America. The current total is 400. The goal is to
add more
to keep
What is that Bird? Merlin Knows
Ed Dombrofski
I hope you recall from month's article regarding
Smartphone applications (apps) that can be used as a
tool for indentifying birds.
Well here is another app "Merlin" that you may
find interesting. It comes from The Cornell Lab of
Ornithology. At one time or another, everyone has asks
the question, “What is that bird?”
Finding the answer to that question can be
challenging. Part
of the mission of
The Cornell Lab
of Ornithology
is to help people find that answer. They
know it is hard to figure out the name of
the bird you saw when sorting through a
massive field guide, using search engines,
and other resources. "Merlin" is designed
to be a birding coach for beginning and
improving "Merlin’s" accuracy through time
by asking five simple questions about a bird
you are trying to identify, and "Merlin" will
come up with a list of possible matches. It is
a free app simple to use and understand and
is available for Apple IOS and an Android
Smartphone at http://merlin.allaboutbirds.
The questions are simple: location,
date, size of bird, color and what was it
doing. You are then provided with a list
of possible solutions for the bird you are
observing. Once a bird is selected more
information is provided from ID info,
Sounds and a Map which shows the birds
distribution. It is a great learning tool for all
Now that you are locating, identifying
and observing birds, it is time to start
keeping a checklist of the birds you are
seeing at your feeder, in your yard or while
walking around Brandywine.
"Ok Ed why add another layer of
complexity when I am just enjoying
seeing and identifying birds? Good
question! The simple answer is
because it is important for the birds!
TheCornellLab's "Merlin" app
gives hundreds of thousands of
people a fun, interactive way to learn
more about birds in backyards or out
in nature. Next month we will talk
about the developed by
TheCornellLab and others. As well as
a bird checklist, Birdlog developed by
DECEMBER 2014 | Sound Waves
intermediate bird watchers. "Merlin" asks
you the same questions that an expert birder
would ask to help solve the mystery of a bird
sighting. The current date and location are
"Merlin’s" first and most important questions.
It takes years of experience in the field to know
what species are expected at a given date and
location. Merlin shares this knowledge with
you based on more than 70 million sightings
to eBird.
org from birders across the United States and
Canada. "Merlin" also asks you to describe the
color, size, and behavior of the bird you saw.
Because no two people describe birds exactly
the same way, "Merlin" presents a shortlist
of possible species based on descriptions
from The Cornell Lab experts as well as
thousands of bird enthusiasts who helped
inform and develop "Merlin" by participating
in online activities at
Labs. Enthusiasts have contributed more than
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Sound Waves | DECEMBER 2014