Planetary Construction business plan – 1st draft for review To: Steve


Planetary Construction business plan – 1st draft for review To: Steve
Planetary Construction business plan – 1st draft for review
To: Steve Jurvetson
2014 December 25th
My Inspirations
Ray Kurzweil, Stephen Hawking, Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, Peter Thiel, Craig Venter, Charles Koch, Tom
Perkins, Steve Jurvetson, Gary Keller, Nolan Bushnell
Singularity University, Perimeter Institute of Theoretical Physics
Inception, The Matrix (especially the first one), Interstellar, Lucy, Limitless
Foundation series by Asimov, Enders Game series
Basic truths about Humans (my assumptions)
Human individual – Biological computer and an intelligent pattern of information within the OS with an
optimization problem of maximizing total human happiness. The computer has to make dynamically
infinite number of choices by receiving infinite number of inputs in infinitesimaly small period of time
hence making the optimization impossible to solve until human intelligence becomes the OS. Each human
has its own inputs through quantum fluctuations and there is one optimum solution for the ultimate
happiness – to merge into one and create another.
Human happiness comes from two things:
1) Merging. Which means experiencing life in simple terms. We can also call it processing pattern of
information in the process merging with that information. Depending on the result of merging the
biological computer will either evolve (mindfuck book such as Singularity is Near by Kurzweil commited to
long-term memory) or stay the same (irrelevant information erased from short-term memory, spam email
for example).
2) Creating. Which means doing art, ideas or being an entrepreneur in simple terms. We can also call it
creating new patterns of information for other biological computers / intelligent patterns of information to
process hence increasing the total human hapiness given piece created is really good.
Hence the definition above of one optimum solution - to merge into one and create another, everyone
has to maximize merging and creation.
Competiton – humans have to awaken to the truth that in order to maximize their happiness, they have
to maximize overall happiness and to do that they need to cooperate and help each other, not the
Humans want to merge with what is similar with them (fall in love = connect on multiple dimensions).
What they create is also similar to them. Since humans were created by the OS, they are similar to the
OS and therefore anything that is the OS is beautiful to humans and they want to merge with it. For
example, Apple products are beautiful, they appeal to the subconscious mind and humans want to own
them (=merge with them).
What is beautiful:
- Waves
- Symmetry
Impossible union of opposites
Concepts with infinite symbolic meaning (e.g. symbol of infinity)
Oxymorons (think asymmetric wave function)
For example, Apple logo symbolizes imperfectly perfect perfection (hypnotic concept appealing to
subconscious). An impossible union. 1) the top part of the logo is an intersection of two circles. The lines
are beautiful waves, but the intersection has two sharp ends, hence the imperfection. Depending on
whether you think on the visible or the invisible it depends whether its beautiful or not, an oxymoron.
Two perfections generate an imperfect intersection in one dimension, but it is perfect multidimensionally.
2) The bottom part is the opposite of the top (again symbolic logic) because if you look at the lines they
are all waves, therefore perfect and beautiful. To produce those lines there is an infinite number of circles
that are not shown. The obvious imperfection is is the lack of symmetry of in the apple. So again, the
bottom part is beautiful to the subconscious, because only subconcious feels it. 3) The third important
aspect is that the bottom part is "bitten" by perfect circle meaning perfection. Its a symbolic logic
meaning a sin. Sin is attractive because it has a subtle aspect of impossible (meaning nobody allows you
to), so you want it. Overall, the logo tells to the subconscious - I am beautiful - merge with me (=buy
Human influence – if you can control what a certain biological computer gets as an input from the world,
you can influence that pattern of intelligence to change by providing the right inputs that you know or
expect will get integrated into the intelligence possibly affecting future choices of happiness optimization.
For example, if you go to the best restaurant in the world, every other restaurant will feel inferior
afterwards and you will become unhappy by being in simple restaurants. Or you make an open minded
person read The Singularity is Near by Ray Kurzweil.
Human ultimate hapiness strategy – To move towards becoming the OS means in the beginning to grow
as a human by experiencing more and more things, self-evolving after those experiences and developing
as an intelligence and then creating more and bigger things for other intelligences to evolve thus
increasing total happiness. So the biological computer wants to connect with information carriers within
the human dimension such as ideas and organisations. To experience all there is to the OS is the ultimate
human hapiness and to to be able to create the OS you need to become one with the OS. To become
one with the OS the humans have to consolidate all information patterns within the human dimension to
become one and then merge with all the other dimensions there is to the OS.
Being in the now – all inputs that human intelligence, receives at a certain point in time
Organisation – pattern of information that is shared by at least two computers. Each computer is using
part of its power for carrying information patterns of that organisation. Organisation is a form of
intelligence as well, it is self-evolving.
Family – type of organisation where the purpose is to maximize experience of love among the biological
Commercial company – type of organisation where the collective computing power is used to maximize
monetary outcome
Non profit - type of organisation where the collective computing power is used to maximize human
happiness (usually)
Government (country) – highly complex pattern of non profits, commercial companies and families
Perfect government – the one which makes the perfect set of solution at any given moment to maximize
the hapiness of all biological computers given the biological computers are also at their perfect solutions
Entrepreneur – biological computer that is good at architecture and creation of organisations
Perfect entrepreneur – the one that creates perfect government
Spiritual entrepreneur - the one that organizes the pattern of information so that everything about that
pattern is perfect (beautiful, attractive to humans).
Business facts
Purpose: Inspire the next generation of construction companies that will build homes for human
civilization outside Earth
Current vision: Creation of the first human city on Mars with 1.000 people by 2030
Product: Mobile infrastructure of mega-scale 3D printing technology for creation of human cities outside
Service: Subliminal marketing to awaken the desire of humans to live outside Earth, its home planet
Slogan: Next generation premium housing for the future of humanity
Company name: Planetary Construction
Type of business: Spiritual entrepreneurship
Why create this business? This business solves one of the key challenges for human multi-planetary life –
the ability of human civilizatoin to build homes for humans outside earth. The faster humans become
multiplanetary the lower the likelyhood of human civilization extinction given past events. Extinction
would be the ultimate failure since the patterns of information within a human dimension will be erased
within the OS. That would be the opposite of ultimate happiness.
Why the vision? Human city is a basis of all other human dimensions including country (think Singapore).
Why 1.000 people, why 2030? These are random numbers for now, thats why I call it current vision. This
we would want to optimize so that the long term happiness/welfare of human civilization is maximized.
Why Mars? It seems to be the right planet. Venus too hot, harder to develop infrastructure. Plus Mars is
close to the asteroid belt with enourmous resources.
Why the product? Given the importance of the product and exponential growth of enabling technologies
it seems to be the right time to start a serious venture to develop this capability.
Why the service? Because doesn‘t matter how good your product is you still have to sell it to humans.
Why the slogan? Combination of subliminal messages attractive to the biological computers. Next
generation = new , better ; premium = better ; future of humanity = the ultimate, new, better .
Why the name? Subliminal message – planetary construction = new kind of construction, new kind of
concept, planetary = a lot of new things. All this appeals to human subconscious.
Why me? Because I have 5 years experience of being a premium housing agent, I have done hundreds of
real estate deals already , besides my father owns construction materials shop, so I come from a
background that makes me know things about construction. It would be wonderful challenge to solve sell an optimum amount of Mars real estate for the highest benefit of humanity.
Business steps
Phase 1. Developing mega-scale additive manufacturing on Earth technology and making basic housing
at least an order of magnitude cheaper for the 1.4 billion without electricity and 2.5 billion without proper
sanitation on Earth;
Hello world. Till the end of February 2015 start PR campaign of a fictional Mars Villa
( luxury retreat residence on Mars to be completed by 2040 and for sale for 1 billion $.
The buyer pays 10 million $ now and gets 5% stake in Planetary Construction. Creative website with
beautiful futuristic house appealing to human senses. Financing option for 100 years gives monthly
payment of 1.7 million $ = within a reach. The billion price mark makes it the most expensive house on
solar system which makes a good PR material. Second webpage is corporate Planetary Construction web
where serious arguments about exponential technologies are shown such as on Planetary Resources. This
step will do two things – 1) the humans will start thinking about being multiplanetary, it will awaken their
desires and at the same time slowly influence them towards choosing to spend big money for Mars real
estate. Rich humans will actually think about the retreat idea since 1.7 million $ per month is within reach
for some (think 1600+ paper billionaires currently on Earth). Most will think its a joke, but that does not
matter because deep down they will know that it appeals to their human senses. Visitors on website will
be redirected to facebook page to develop community of enthusiasts. Souvenirs shop like on SpaceX to
spread the ideas. Planetary Construction webite can list a VC firm if it wants the publicity.
Kickstarter campaign – founding fathers 3D printed mountain on Mars. Just like founding fathers on
mountain in the US, just the mountain will be 3D printed and can have 1.000 or 10.000 faces. Get your
face printed for 1000$, get your name printed for 10$.. Delivery by 2040, but for now you get a T-Shirt
or a Cup with Planetary Construction logo and slogan that sounds so good to you. Minimum cap $ 1
million and additional benefits with every increasing total budget step (1, 2, 5, 10 million..). Space
kickstarted campaigns are enourmously successful, this should easily generate at least $ 1 million to
invest into R&D.
Phase 2. Developing mega-scale additive manufacturing on Mars technology that would allow 3D
printing the City of Mars for 1.000 people in a resource-effective way by 2030;
Series A and intensive R&D start focusing on affordable 3D printed home to the billions poor in third
world countries while at the same time starting to work on Mars. Most likely Mars printing technology in
US West Coast where the talent and experience.
Affordable home sales to governments, sales to non-profits so that they donate the housing (think
Bill Melinda gates foundation donated 10.000 homes to Nigerian impoverished country of ...), plus
microfinancing opportunities for the poorest. Think long term mortgage for extra cheap housing. Maybe
even less than 1$ per month. Kiva donations. Uber kind of lobbying strategy – first you build the house
illegaly, then fight government lawsuits that, for example, its not a building, it‘s an additive
manufacturing structure, hence the law does not apply at all, please develop the law, but we will keep
constructing meanwhile because a billion people is asking us to.
Phase 3. Creating attractive premium housing on Mars concepts and successfully marketing and selling
them beginning with housing for space tourism industry and luxury retreats to Mars. I would especially
enjoy this phase because I own a premium housing agency and it would be exciting to mastermind the
largest real estate marketing campaign the world has ever seen.
All profits from affordable home business are going back to on Earth printing R&D some to
Moon/Mars printing. Balance of expenditure is an optimization problem to be solved.
Once revenue starts to get interesting and humans see that 3D mega-scale construction on earth is
very real, then we start investing serious money into subliminal messages such as Intersellar + Matrix
hybrid movie about beautiful and perfect life with perfect government on Mars doing a kind of Inception
to the billion viewers and making good payback. Competitions for writers to make the best Foundation
Series / Enders Game Series kind of fiction to further arouse the desires and increase the demand for
Mars real estate soon to be a reality.
IPO is done if additional capital is needed for goals.
If a lot of free cash flow, consider entering premium housing 3D printing market – US, EU.
No dividends are paid until city of Mars is built. Before that equity is saved for enourmous cost of
initial mega-scale infrastructure components and space transportation.
Questions for discussion with key people
(questions sent) For Elon Musk
Please answer the questions below having in mind the following assumptions:
Assumption 1. My company has developed the necessary additive manufacturing on Mars technology
for successful mega-scale printing of optimum size City of Mars to maximize the long term welfare of
Assumption 2. My company has created incredibly attractive City of Mars concept, there is surplus
demand for purchasing City of Mars real estate and the bottleneck for city size is not my company
(printing tech + sales), but other enabling factor;
Assumption 3. The customers are ready to make the transfer of funds which are sufficient for full speed
City of Mars construction initiation without facing any financial challenges;
Assumption 4. SpaceX strategy is optimum for maximizing long term welfare of humanity;
Assumption 5. SpaceX (transport) and my company (printing tech + sales) being exclusive partners in
the City of Mars creation maximizes long term welfare of humanity;
Assumption 6. The long term welfare of humanity is economic value calculated as NPV of human
civilization welfare with 0% discount rate (amount of long term welfare in 10 years time is worth now as
much as it will be worth in then in the future). Interestingly, NPV of human long term cumulative welfare
with or without humans becoming multi-planetary is like comparing zero to infinity hence the importance
of this step in the existence of humanity.
By using your experience and intuition to estimate the most likely technological progress and motivations
of the other City of Mars enabling organisations in industries such as resources, energy and healthcare
please answer the following Three Grand-master Questions:
1. When is the latest year my company has to convert Assumption 1 into truth so that the long term
welfare of humanity is still maximized?
2. How much and what kinds of real estate on the City of Mars my company has to sell with the initial
massive real estate marketing campaign so that the maximum long term welfare of humanity is
3. What is the payment schedule my company will pay to SpaceX given your answers to 1 and 2?
Additional questions (if you have time):
4. What are your thoughts on health issues related to long term living on Mars?
5. Where exactly would you place the City of Mars?
6. What energy solution would you propose to generate the necessary power for the City?
7. Assuming it is worth doing, when is the optimum year to teraform Mars?
8. What kind of solution would you propose to protect the City of Mars infrastructure from space impacts
such as asteroids, space debris and dead Russian satellites?
9. How would you suggest to deal with NASA, ESA and other space agencies?
10. Please let me know any assumptions that are weak, I am not used to doing this kind of thinking.
(questions sent) For Peter Thiel
Phase 1 questions:
1. Assuming my company develops technology to fully 3D print an affordable basic housing on Earth,
what lobbying budget would be needed and how much time would it take to make 3D printed homes a
legal construction in the countries having the highest number of people without sanitation and electricity
such as India, Nigeria, Bangladesh?
2. Same as above except we develop premium housing 3D printing capabilities and the countries are US,
EU, China, Japan?
Phase 2, Phase 3 and beyond:
3. Having in mind the current R&D to GDP spending of governments do you think we could create a new
country on Mars, that would spend significant part of its GDP for R&D, and get the country de facto and
de jure recognized by the world?
4. Assuming a positive answer to the question above - what is your estimate of the lobbying budget
needed and what kind of strategy would you employ?
5. Assuming a positive answer to the question above - what kind of tax and government spending
strategy would you devise for such a country?
6. Do you think it's possible to establish a new high R&D to GDP spending country on Earth before the
City of Mars is built (by buying land like US bought Alaska or Seasteding)?
7. Do you think 6 would benefit humanity and if yes what would be your strategy for doing it in the right
8. Please let me know any assumptions that are unlikely to be true, but were embedded in my questions
without me thinking deeper.
(questions sent) For Steve Jurvetson and Bryan Johnson
Main questions:
1. What are your thoughts on optimum strategy of Phase 1 funding to maximize the long term welfare of
2. What is your best guess for funding amount and expenditure schedule needed to develop Phase 1
technological capability in time to maximize the long term welfare of humanity?
3. What is your best guess for funding amount and expenditure schedule needed for solving the Phase 1
challenges of law modification needed to maximize the long term welfare of humanity?
Additional questions (if you have time):
4. To accelerate the initial progress in technology development what do you think would be the maximum
amount it would be feasible to spend on acquiring the know-how from the Chinese company that has the
basic 3D printed technology capability assuming they are current global leaders in the field?
5. What do you think about open sourcing mega-scale 3D printing on Earth technology development with
leaving a few key proprietary details for our company?
6. What is your best guess for funding amount and expenditure schedule needed to develop the megascale additive manufacturing on Mars to maximize the long term welfare of humanity?
(not contacted yet) For Craig Venter:
If we deliver humans to Mars on 2030, what healthcare capabilities must be in place so that the humans
is perfectly healthy for 10 years?
Do we face any challenges of making women pregnant, them carrying the baby till birth and giving birth
to healthy newborns on Mars?
Will we have the healthcare capabilities developed by 2030?
How can human come back to Earth after 10 years?
What about higher than earth surface gravity planets, can humans survive it long term?
Do humans have to synthetically modify our DNA to be multiplanetary and healthy at the same time?
How long will it take to understand the human genome so well, that we can easily design most of the
human features as it relates to being multiplanetary?