By Rebbe Simon Altaf STATEMENT OF FAITH - African


By Rebbe Simon Altaf STATEMENT OF FAITH - African
We are true Y’sra’elites from all backgrounds, Yahudim of Sephardim,
Ashkenazim, Middle-Eastern, South-Asian, Asian and African walks and
ethnicities believing in Guarding of the Torah of Moses as the everlasting
law of G-d which is subsequently illuminated through the prophets (Tanak)
and fully revealed in the Messiah Yahushua (NT) who was also similar to
the Hassidic Yahudim the son of Yosef but born of the right-ruling virgin
Miriam without any physical sexual contact. The true faith has been and
will always remain as (The Way), the Hebrew Israelite faith with Torah at
its heart and soul. One is born a genetic Lewite but one cannot become a
Lewite by conversion. However you can become an Israelite by conversion
by your FREEWILL and choice.
Rebbe Simon nor any of our rabbinic teachers do not in anyway support
any political organization that supports the removal of innocent Palestinians from eretz Israel who want to live in peace and shalom. We do not
support political Zionism that has no respect for our Torah and the laws in
it on how to treat the foreigners equally nor do we support secular Zionism. We do not teach nor believe that the Ashkenazim are the true children of Israel they are not the chosen seed, never were, never will be (they
converted in Khazaria near Caspian sea the sons of Japheth 8th century
CE) and this is a deception fostered on the world by Europeans. The true
chosen seed were and are African Shemites the colour of Black and
Brown. Yes we may have some white mix but albeit small.
Rebbe Simon will only stand for the agenda of the G-d of Y’sra’el and justice and not innocent massacres in the name of Zionism. Ignorant Christians alongside political Zionists are uprooting genuine Hebrew Bedouin
people from the South of Israel in the guise of planting more trees. We do
not support such types of activities. Any colour of skin can engraft into
genetic Israel we can help you to become an Israelite even if you were not
born one and you can have a guarantee for eternal life in the G-d of Israel
by being born of above as long as you Guard and Do the commandments
as outlined in the Torah, prophets and writings of the disciples by accepting the contracts therein.
Tehilim (Psalm) 19:7 The Torah of YHWH is complete, converting the soul:
the testimony of YHWH is trustworthy, making wise the simple.
Where did it say the Torah is deficient needing the New Testament? Those
are secular books and can never be called sacred or inspired text. Only
the uneducated and ignorant in Torah will try to do that.
By Rebbe Simon Altaf
BM African-Israel, London WC1N 3XX, England (UK)
It is right-ruling deed to stand and expose the lies and false statements of
political Zionists who pervert justice in the land of Y’sra’el by their unruly
deeds this is a mitzvah as our benevolent Rabbis also stated the following.
Source "The Transformation" The Voice of Torah, pp 193-196 Rebbe
Tsudik Ha-Cohen of Lublin. But the conclusion to be drawn from it is that if
the Zionists gain dominion, they will seek to remove from the hearts of Is-
rael belief in G-d and in the truth of the Torah. All the intention of these
inciters and seducers is, to cast Israel into the infidelity which is destruction. Moreover, seeing that the Zionists and those among them
who had at one time claims to sanctity, say that massacres—Heaven
forbid—will follow unless their advice is taken, let us emphasize that
we have the Divine promise that even though Israel is in exile, nevertheless the memory of Israel will never cease.
the tzitzits under the shirts on the katan, while others wear them on
their trouser belt loops which allows the commandment to be fulfilled. Tzitzits can be sown into the garment border as was ancient
custom also. Women are not required to wear the tzitzits. Three times
prayer is mandated in the Torah and prophets for morning, afternoon
and evening. Read Deut 6, Ps 55 and Dan 6:10 for this. Women need
only pray one times a day per halacha.
I hope unto the Lord, my soul hopes for His word that the day of Redemption will come. I hope and stand in expectation of the feet of His
anointed. Should three hundred scourges of iron afflict me, I will not
budge from my place, now to go up there, and to be attached to the
name of the Zionists.
There is only one way of rescue/redemption because the G-d of Y’sra’el does not change his mind every few centuries and that is by obedience to YHWH’s voice, His Torah and accepting of the contracts
therein. He gives his contracts and we must obey Him end of argument. Misquoting John 14:6 won’t help you. Failure to do so means no
rescue or salvation.
For me the matter is perfectly plain. The “Haskala” and the reformers
who imperil the existence of our people, have been shown that through
blatant unbelief they will not succeed in driving Israel from its faith and
from its religion. Therefore they have thrown off their garment and put
on a cloak of zeal, so that they appear to be zealous on behalf of Judaism but they are in fact digging a mine beneath our faith, and seeking to
smuggle Israel from beneath the wings of the Shechinah.
From all that has been said there emerges the fact that the Zionists and
their rabbis are in error when they decisively assert that were it not for
the Zionists, many of our brethren would have changed their faith. They
lie to themselves. Because the heretics and the transgressors within
the camp of Israel do more damage to us than those who have left the
Can heretics be regarded as Gedoilim? May there not be many like
them in Israel! As for us, we need the reocity of holiness and the spirit
of self-sacrifice. (End quote)
We wear head coverings of appropriate choosing by the individual,
tzitzits or fringes on the four corners of our garments as commanded
by YHWH, keep beards and circumcise our sons on the 8th day to enter
into the Abrahamic Contract/Agreement. Those who do not circumcise
have no part in the Abrahamic Contract with us. Females are not permitted to circumcise nor wear tzitzits.
The new male reverts or converts to the Hebrew Israelite faith should
circumcise within one year after their conversion and keep the basic
minimum Torah laws to start with mentioned in the book of Acts such as
kosher eating of animals to enable table fellowship with fellow brothers
and sisters. Men and Women both should dress modestly with head
coverings as mandatory during worship. Some of our members wear
Deuteronomy 6:25 And it shall be our right-ruling, if we ob
serve to do all these commandments before YHWH our Elo
him, as he has commanded us.
In these last days he sent Yahushua who we believe is the Messiah of
Y’sra’el who has spoken the words that the Father has given Him. He
died by being HUNG on a TREE and was raised by the Father to show
that He was sent as the suffering servant Isa 42:1 and Isa 53:5 through
whose death the ReNewed Contract given at Moab is ratified. Again its
a contract and not utterance of foolish words. The action of DO Torah
is important and stands forever.
Deuteronomy 29:1, 9, 10 These are the words of the contract/
agreement, which YHWH commanded Musa (Moses) to make
with the children of Y’sra’el in the land of Moab, beside the con
tract/agreement which He made with them in Horeb. 9 Guard
therefore the words of this contract/agreement, and do them,
that you may prosper in all that you do. 10 You stand this day
all of you before YHWH your Elohim; your captains of your
tribes, your elders, and your officers, with all the men of
Y’sra’el, Our hearts are circumcised by YHWH and no man has
any part in this. This is by faith which is a belief of what YHWH
has asked us to do.
Deuteronomy 30:6 And YHWH your Elohim will circumcise your
heart, and the heart of your descendants, to love YHWH your
Elohim with all your heart, and with all your soul, that You may
The Contract/Agreement is with two parties identified as the House of
Israel and the House of Judah collectively called Beyth Y’sra’el. There
is no third party called the Church. It has no authority.
The contracts require us to hold fast to the written Torah spoken and
acted by the Messiah. All those who reject Messiah and simply hold to a
name called ‘Jesus’ paying lip service to a Sunday Church without obedience to the commandments have no kingdom life and will not enter in the
sacred places of Y’sra’el in the coming age ever.
Our code of prayer - We pray 3 times a day as commanded in the Torah,
morning, afternoon and evening. The Ten Commandments are to be
recited twice daily with The Shema with the right heart attitude.
The Amidah prayer alongside other petitions and homage paid to YHWH
are illustrated in our African-Israel Siddur. We encourage our members to learn to wear the Teffilin on their arm and foreheads daily apart
from the Sabbaths. This is a commandment. We agree with the 13 principles of the faith and the shemoni esri.
All our petitions are to be done facing Jerusalem and if you are not sure
to do the best possible by the individual and ask one of our Rabbis near
you or rebbe Simon how to determine the direction of the Holy of Holies
in the Temple of Jerusalem that will be built in the future. Bowing towards Jerusalem thrice, the real Jerusalem. If you are ashamed to pray
to YHWH then you do not need to be part of Y'sra'el. We take our submission to YHWH seriously and discourage converts not fully ready. We
extol and exalt Yahushua as the Messiah, any more than that is idolatry
and entering into avodah zara holding fast to the Torah which grants us
unmerited favour from Ha’Shem and eternal life with physical health.
We reject Christendom’s man-made statements and catechisms as utter foolish acts of men.
Shema Israel YHWH Elohenu YHWH Echad
Debarim 6:4 (HTHS) Hear, O Y’sra’el: YHWH our Supreme One
YHWH is Akhad:
The Great Ein Sof, the G-d, the Master of the universe, Adonai
YHWH is the one and only true G-d. He is the Creator of all
things, (Gen 1:1-31), and eternally revealing Himself in an Akhad
(Unity of plurality) of the Father, Son, the Holy Spirit and the
seven other Spirits of G-d, which are revealed in scripture.
(Gen. 1:1, 26; Matt. 3:16; Deut. 6:4; John 12:28, 14:16, 17:5; Acts
5:3-4; Zech 3:9; Rev 3:1).
Abbah YHWH is perfect in set-apartness, infinite in wisdom,
measureless in power (Deut. 32:4; 2 Chronicles 16:9). He is the
head of all in heaven and earth, the supreme authority/ power
(John 8:29) and his personal name is YHWH (Exodus 3:14) un-
3. Yahushua the Messiah (Jesus of Nazareth) is the image of the
invisible G-d, which is to say, He is Himself the word of G-d. He
became like men with a special body prepared in heaven (Ps
40:6; Exo 24:10), being conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of
the virgin Miriam in the likeness of men, the suffering servant.
He died upon the Tree as a one time special substitution sacrifice for the sin of the House of Y’sra’el. He arose from the dead
on the third day in the body in which He was impaled. He ascended into Heaven in that body, which was glorified, where He
is now our interceding High Priest. He will come again personally and visibly and in his own glorified body to set up His Kingdom and to judge the living and the dead with Torah (Psalm 2:6;
Matt. 1:18-25; I Peter 2:24, 25; Luke 24; Acts 1:9-11; Matt. 25:3146; Rev. 11:15-17; Rev. 20:4-6; Rev. 20:11-15). Note, all those
who reject Torah have no part in the world to come.
The Messiah did not come to setup a new religion but He came
to fulfill the prophets Matt 5:17 and to continue in the faith of Ju
daism through Torah. If you have not noticed He was and is still
a Yahudi (Hebrew man). He did not change His status when He
went back to heaven to become a European gentile idolater!!!
Right now most of them live in idolatry, therefore will not even
get the first resurrection and have no rights into the Gates of
Jerusalem because of their idolatry.
4. The Ruach Ha Kadosh (Holy Spirit) is to esteem the King Messiah
Yahushua as Her representative Son on the earth (John 14:16, 26)
and to teach us the truth of Abbah YHWH's Torah by convicting
mankind of sin and to pursue right-ruling living. She illuminates Gd’s Word to the believers (Prov 8; John 16:13). The Holy Spirit reveals the feminine aspect of G-d of the heavenly family, who imparts
a new nature to those who believe in the atoning work of Messiah of
the House of Israel and places them into Messiah's Body engrafting
them into spiritual Israel, by an act of spiritual and physical baptism
(Matt 28:19-20) provided they swear to uphold the contracts/
agreements in the Torah. The immersion is taken physically under
oath to uphold the Torah. The seed of G-d is planted by the Holy
Spirit received from Abbah YHWH to place inside us a spiritual act
known as the birth from above, Deut 30:6, John 3:3, Luke 8:11. Yahushua is the Middle-Pillar doing the tikkun olam (Repairing the
breach) allowing us to the kingdom that He is the head of.
5. Adam was created in the image of G-d and by the direct act of G-d
(Gen. 1:26-27; 1 John 5:2; 1 John 4:4). We are all the children of
Adam but not the children of G-d unless we have the new birth
through Torah. We do not convert to anything but to continue in the
Torah of Moses if we are wayward Hebrews genetically and if a gentile then one needs to accept the Torah and uphold it and believe in
the Messiah. We agree with Judah’s decrees established while they
were in Babylon and in the first century with the precepts of the
school of Elder Hillel, the more we do the more we get practiced.
This means Abrahamic-Faith members at least adhere to halacha
setup by the sages such as Elder Hillel, Judah ha Nasi who codified
it etc and are continuously learning where by the Messiah helps us
show things for right-ruling living through the Tanak our Sacred
text. We are in no conflict to believe in Yahushua as the Messiah. While we believe Yahushua is our Messiah and Adon (Master).
This is in no way contravening any Torah law but upholds Torah for
the prophet to come Deut 18:18.
6. Heaven is the place of G-d's dwelling. G-d is coming down to dwell
with us here on the earth. We do not go up but He will come down
In Y’sra’el as His kingdom will be established there in the future.
7. here is only one sacred text and that is the Tanak, the rest of the
books of the NT fall in the category of secular. The book of Yashar,
Enoch and others pseudoepigrapha fall in the important list for us
to study and our part of our history.
We believe G-d’s word is without error in the original language of
Hebrew and Aramaic. By G-d's sovereign grace, the manuscripts
which are accepted by Orthodox Judaism have been preserved to
this day without substantial error, so that the Scriptures available
to the believer today may be relied upon to be G-d's sacred Word.
G-d’s word does not change and or gets abrogated (Mal 3:6). He does
not send more books through unknown people unverified by the Temple
authorities as many believe today.
8. The Body of Messiah is spiritual Y’sra’el to be manifested into one Body
one flock (House of Jacob) of which Messiah is the Head (John 1 0 : 1 6 ;
1). The mission of the Body of Messiah is to gather the lost sheep of the
House of Y’sra’el as instructed by the Messiah (Matt 10:6; Matt 15:24)
and the true state of Israel to be established in the future. Present Israel
is not conforming to G-d and is in direct Torah violation of taking the
land by force to establish a state by human hands is forbidden although
Jews are allowed to stay in the land on voluntary basis but have no part
with the secular government that is Torahless.
9. Feasts and sacred days - The weekly Sabbath the original Enochian Calendar with the day falling on a sunrise to sunset, the new moons, the
seven annual feasts, the seven yearly Sabbaths and the Jubilee are fundamental commandments, must be believed and kept to the best o four
ability wherever we are in the world. The Jubilee is suspended as all the
12 tribes are not yet back in the land and it will be restarted when the
Messiah returns. We reject any form of lunar Sabbath or any other manmade Sabbaths such as Saturday, Sunday, Monday or Tuesday but only
believe in the Sabbath sunrise to sunset as decreed and agreed by our
forefathers which were also practiced by the Tzadokian Lewite priests
(Essenes) in Judea and the Messiah. In the year 2013 Hebrew new year
beginning March 17 annually they fall on Saturday’s all this year.
The Lewites are the forever teachers of YHWH and they instruct rightruling Yahudah how to conduct the laws of the Torah for the rest of Y’sraél. All must submit to the laws or they can walk out and stay out.
Mal 2:4-6 And you shall know that I have sent this commandment to you,
that my Contract/Agreement might be with Lewi, says YHWH of Armies.5
My Contract/Agreement was with him of life and shalom; and I gave
them to him for the fear wherewith he feared me, and was afraid before
my name. 6 The Torah of truth was in his mouth, and iniquity was not
found in his lips: he walked with me in shalom and equity, and did turn
many away from idolatry.
10. Future events are taught in Scripture. These events include the return of
King Messiah as the express agent of Abbah YHWH (Jer 23:5-6) (The
Body of Messiah spiritual Israel manifesting as physical Israel in the
Land of Israel), the judgment of the nations, the restoring of the twelve
tribes to the land fully with the House of Ephraim (the northern bride) to
be gathered so both Judah and Ephraim become one flock and the establishing of the literal earthly kingdom of the King Messiah for one thousand years as promised to the nation of Israel (Deut 30:3; Isaiah 24:23;
Zech. 14:4: Rev. 20:4), followed by the resurrection and judgment of the
unruly and the ushering in of the eternal state (Rev. 20:7-15; Rev.
21). We believe the time now is short for the return of Messiah.
chal Marriages, the ancient pattern of our Fathers. We believe G-d
is restoring the ancient patterns that our forefathers such as Abraham, Isaac and Jacob established and believed in and freely practiced. They placed two wives in the north/south divide and the ruling son was taken from the Northern wife to rule the land. This lifestyle is acceptable for all believers.
We reject any people that practice Replacement Theology that they
now replace Israel. After careful scriptural consideration we do not
think present Israel is yet fulfilled bible prophecy of its inception
because G-d will not build a land on six million Jewish lives killed in
the holocaust in which the Zionists have their hands. Their blood
cries out of the ground for right-ruling justice. G-d also promised
to take all the tribes back to Israel which has not yet happened so
therefore we wait for the exile not to violate the three oaths that our
Yahudim forefathers took not to go up to the land and take it by force
and not to fight unruly wars with the gentiles. Our function in the
exile is to teach the Torah and illuminate the Messiah until He re
turns and takes us home. The majority of the ten tribes are still in
eastern Muslim lands alongside Europe and America and Africa.
Many of these are as originally the black Shemite people today who
belong to ancient Israel.
The twelve tribes have a special place in G-d's heart and G-d loves
the true Yahudim people of colour as the contract/agreement peo
ple (Malachi 1:2-3, Deuteronomy 7:7-8) and the other 10 dispersed
tribes, which He will yet gather to Himself as the divorced wife that
needs to return.
Kul Y’sra’el is to practice the Torah lifestyle and not to formulate
gentile marital contracts which are forbidden in the Torah Deut 7:1.
A person should practice marriage using the Torah only patterns.
We reject all gentile marriage patterns of serial monogamy.
We do not encourage the practice of asceticism because the very
first commandment in Torah is to "Be fruitful and multiply", howcould this be done by remaining ascetic? We discourage this practice and believe it is for some people for a short duration of time
only but the Torah does not mandate it. We do not teach to mutilate
of flesh which is forbidden such as male castration or any forms of
such gentile behaviors.
11-G-d has made an eternal contract/agreement with the twelve
tribes. (E.g. Genesis 17:7; Jeremiah 31:35-37). These were all people of colour. Ashkenazim became converts to our faith in the 8th
century CE in Khazaria near the Black Sea fulfilling the prophecy in
Gen 9:27 of taking over the land and calling themselves chosen.
Torah instruction is for our increase and right-ruling living as in
structed by Messiah Matthew 5:17-19 and to become His disciples
it is essential John 8:31-31, because it sets us free from the world
ly bondage of human laws.
12- We believe that Yahushua is the Messiah is the eternal spoken
and demonstrating Torah and it is through the Torah that we come to
know Him thus the Torah stands forever, without Torah G-d cannot
judge sin and without Torah the Messiah cannot be known and without Torah there is no right-ruling and no salvation. Torah not only
reveals sin but also reveal right-ruling and how to live it. Deut 4:6
and Deut 30:19. Torah is life. If you reject Torah you have accepted
13- We believe G-d has revealed the end from the beginning Isaiah
46:10 so we cannot discard Torah, the law and the beginning and
call it only for the Yahud only, this kind of theology is not acceptable
to us because G-d has declared that "My Council stands." The contract/agreement on Mount Sinai was made with the twelve tribes and
subsequently renewed at Mount Nebo Deut 29:2, which our sages
recognize as the NEW contract/agreement.
14- We believe attested by the Tanak that Israel’s lifestyle was only Patriar-
The Torah will be taught by the King Messiah right out of Jerusa
lem through His teachers that is us who understand anything of
Torah and He will correct us where we are wrong in the Millen
nium and hence it is good instruction for our living, yet we
must do Torah for declaring our right-ruling state.
Isaiah 2:3 "Many people shall come and say, "Come, and let us
go up to the mountain of Adonai, to the house of the G-d of
Jacob; he will teach us His ways, and we shall walk in His
paths.'' For out of Zion shall go forth the Torah and the word of
YHWH from Jerusalem"
All those people that do not believe in the salvation on offer will be
destroyed at the end just like Noakh’s flood– terminated!!!! John
3:15 and Matt 10:28.
There is a resurrection of the dead but there is NO Rapture. This
is a false teaching that has enveloped many churches today of
Christian denominations to which we have no part. Christians
should learn to walk according to scriptures more accurately be
cause they are going to have to do a lot of walking when the rap
ture does not arrive and they will have to walk back to Israel. Be
prepared and do not be deceived.
Jeremiah 50:4 "In those days and in that time,'' says YHWH, "The
children of Israel shall come, they and the children of Judah to
gether; with continual weeping they shall come, and seek YHWH
their Elohim.
18- We believe in protecting G-d’s most sacred name when we are in
an unfit or unclean state ritually and not to profane it by speaking
it to the gentiles, who do not yet know how to handle it. How
ever we use it freely in our worship. When we disobey Torah we
are also then profaning his name, this practice is discouraged,
while many Christians practice this then they will reap the re
wards of such practice.
19. We reject Paul as an apostle since he has been revealed as a deceitful apostle in Revelations 2:2 alongside two others but many still
do not recognize this and continue to follow his anti Torah teachings. We need to discern a true prophet versus a false prophet and
discernment is a rare gift few have. We tell the truth as it is. Let
those who have ears hear, hear.
For these teachings go to
Rebbe Simon Altaf HaKohen (Nasi and Kohen of YHWH)
©African-Israel 1998, 2015 International Union of Qahalim.
All rights reserved.
Rebbe Lamont Clophus, African-Israel, 8111 Mainland,
Suite 104-152, San Antonio, Texas, 78240, USA
Contact us via e-mail through
or phone in the UK +44 (0) 1296 48 27 95 or
Rebbe Lamont in the USA: Tel 1-210-827-3907.
Visit our websites at: Books can be purchased from
For Fellowships please contact the following in the Region:
United Kingdom - +44 (0) 1296 48 27 95
United States - Tel 1-210-827-3907
Gulf Region -
Philippines: Rabbi Robert Fortu: 63-908-444-2866