Qualifying Probation Slides


Qualifying Probation Slides
Ted Rogers School of Information
Technology Management
Qualifying Probation Status
Reinstatement Seminar
Gloria Allen
Part-Time Student Affairs Coordinator
Angela Cheng & Deepa Jojo
Program Assistants
Room TRS 2-004, (416) 979-5316
December 2014
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TRSM 2-168
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You want to succeed, and it’s our business
to help you get there!
Through our services, you can connect with &
get support from:
• Peer Learning Strategist/Academic Coach
• Learning Strategist and Success Facilitator to
support or enhance your learning skills and strategies;
identify gaps in your academic skills and create academic
learning plans
• Mock Exams to self-test before an exam
• Writing Support to boost your skills and guide you
towards being the writer you want to be
• English as an Additional Language Support to
maximize your conversational or academic language skills
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Connect with Services that foster your personal wellness
and well-being
• Centre for Student Development and Counselling
– Individual & Group Sessions
• Academic Accommodation Support (Formerly Access Centre)
– Facilitated learning support for students with various
academic considerations
• Peer-Peer Support
• Participate in our Stay Sharp Program
• Learning Strategist & Student Success Facilitator
Need Support? Have a question?
Visit Student Services in TRSM 2-168
Speak with a Student Support Specialist.
Qualifying Probation Status
• Students who are returning from a “Required to
Withdraw” standing after a year of ‘Suspension’
• Students who may have been a Full time OR Part time
What do I have to do now?
• Attend the Probation Seminar and sign your Qualifying
Probation Contract
• Register for 2 courses as specified by my School for Winter
2015 semester
Important Facts about your Status!!
• This is your last and only chance to prove yourself that you
belong to TRSM
• http://www.ryerson.ca/currentstudents/financialaid/osappartt
• You must achieve a Term GPA of 1.67 for the two (2)
courses that you are taking in Winter 2015.
• You must achieve a Cumulative GPA of 1.0 or higher
• Failure to do so will result in Permanent Program
Withdrawal (PPW) standing
• You must consult with the Program Assistant in regards to
dropping a course during the semester (special
consideration MAY be granted, based on documentable
What are the Possible Outcomes?
• Adhere to the conditions and courses as stated on
your Probation contract:
• Achieve a TGPA of 1.67 on both courses taken during
Winter 2015 term
• If you achieve a CGPA of 1.67 or higher and your TGPA
is also 1.67, you will continue in the Part time program
with a ‘CLEAR’ standing.
• Achieving a CLEAR standing does not mean you will
automatically return to Full time studies, you must apply
within the appropriate deadline for consideration.
• If your CGPA is between 1.0 and 1.66, even with a TGPA
of 1.67, you will remain on Academic Probation for the
following semester
• If you achieve a TGPA of 1.67, but your CGPA is below a
1.0, you will be PPW
Important Dates:
 Last day to ADD courses from your timetable to meet
probationary contract conditions
Friday, January 23, 2015
 Last day to DROP courses (in good academic standing):
Friday, March 27, 2015
*You must consult with a Program Advisor before dropping a course,
special considerations MAY be granted. If you do not have permission
and drop a course, you will be PPW.
Example course
Example course
Scenario: Experiencing academic difficulty
during the semester. What to do?
 Any Concerns:
– We can write a letter of Accommodation to all your professors
– Illness, death or personal/family crisis which will result in long
absences from classes are legitimate reasons for requesting
to drop a course.
– Be prepared to show some kind of documentation i.e.
completed student medical certificate (www.ryerson.ca/essr)
or death certificate within 3 business days
 Seek out support services on campus
 Student Services Staff - TRS 2-168
 Learning Skills Strategist - Madelyn Steed- TRS 2-061
 Student Success Facilitator - Alexander Ruvuza – TRS 2-105
Course Repeats/Failures
No course can be repeated more than twice. (i.e.,
registered initially, repeated once, repeated twice = 3
registrations) and failing the course each time
The count of course repeats will include any
corresponding/equivalent course taken through
Continuing Education, where relevant.
(i.e., CMN124 = CCMN279)
You will be Withdrawn from TRSITM and any School
that requires the course in their curriculum i.e.
ACC100/406, FIN 300, QMS 102
GPA Adjustment forms
 If you have previously failed a course which is not a required course,
i.e. PSY105, but part of an elective group which you have the option to
select one course over another, i.e. Psychology or Sociology, you can
use the GPA Adjustment form (available in Enrollments Services and
Student Records) (www.ryerson.ca/forms)
 You must submit the GPA Adjustment form to Enrollment Services &
Student Records no later than the final date to add courses for the
term in which the GPA Adjustment will apply.
– Only the CGPA for the current term will be adjusted. Academic Standings
and CGPAs from previous terms will not be adjusted.
– The form can be found online at www.ryerson.ca/forms
 This will not remove the failure from your transcript but it will replace
the grade value in your CGPA.
 For more information, please refer to