Annual Report 2002
Annual Report 2002
>Annual Report 2002 > Profile Heineken has the widest global presence of all the inter- segment. Amstel, the second largest beer brand in Europe, national brewers, operating in over countries* and is generally positioned in the mid-priced mainstream seg- employing , people around the world. With total sales ment, the largest segment of the market. The Group’s inter- of . million hectolitres in , Heineken is also among national brands are supplemented and supported by the largest. Beer is produced at over breweries in more national and regional brands and a portfolio of speciality than countries and by other brewers under licence. beers (which differ from lager in flavour, colour or brewing Heineken also has a strong export business. method), light beers (low-calorie beers) and alcohol-free Europe accounts for over half of the sales volume. beers. Heineken has a very limited presence in the low-priced segment. Roots , aim s a nd s tra te gy Heineken has its roots in Amsterdam, where Gerard Distribution Adriaan Heineken purchased a brewery in . In the ensu- Heineken seeks to achieve comprehensive coverage in ing decades, under the leadership of three generations of each market, through alliances with independent distrib- the Heineken family and pursuing a policy of measured utors or via our own beverage wholesalers. Heineken expansion and consistent brand development, Heineken owns numerous wholesalers in Europe which, in addition has grown into one of the world’s leading to beer, also supply a supporting range of soft drinks, brewing groups. Core values within the company include wines and spirits to the on-trade. Some of the soft drinks respect, enjoyment and a passion for quality. are produced by Heineken. Heineken aims to defend and strengthen its global market position and preserve its independence by retaining its Research and development place among the largest brewing groups in the world in Innovation is very important to a leading company like terms of beer sales and profitability, based on a portfolio of Heineken, especially in reinforcing the competitive position strong brands with Heineken as the leading international of the international Heineken and Amstel brands. In pursuit premium beer. of its commitment to quality, lower cost, greater safety In many countries Heineken has secured strong market and lower environmental impact, Heineken works hard to positions and an efficient cost structure by combining improve all the technical processes involved in brewing, the production, marketing and sale of the international packaging and supply chain management. Work in these Heineken premium brand with that of a selection of promi- areas is coordinated by the Group’s research and develop- nent local brands. This generates above-average returns ment centre in the Netherlands, which makes its services and creates added value for our shareholders. Heineken available to group companies and associated breweries seeks long-term profit growth by expanding in existing all over the world. markets and entering new markets. Heineken attaches great importance to having a responsible policy on alcohol Ownership structure and stock exchange listing abuse and good social and environmental policies. Heineken Holding N.V. holds .% of the Heineken N.V. shares. Heineken Holding N.V. engages in no operational Brands activities: these are carried on by Heineken N.V. and Heineken has built its strong international and local market its related companies. Heineken N.V. is responsible for the positions by developing and regularly updating its cohesive development and implementation of strategy. Heineken portfolio of strong brands which offer high added value for Holding N.V. is concerned primarily with safeguarding its customers and consumers. the long-term continuity, independence and stability of The group’s principal international brands are Heineken Heineken’s activities. The net asset values of both shares and Amstel. Heineken has the widest global presence and the dividend policies of both companies are identical. of any international beer brand and is the leading brand in Both shares are traded on Euronext Amsterdam, as are Europe. In virtually all markets, the Heineken brand’s quali- options on the shares. ty and image mean that it can be positioned in the premium * The full list of breweries and operating companies can be found on pages 76 - 79. Contents This is an English translation of the original Dutch language report. Both can be downloaded from Page 3 Key F igures 4 Executive Board 5 Superv isory Board 6 Report of the Superv isory Board 8 Report of the Executive Board 8 Foreword by the Chairman 11 Outlook for 13 in Retrospect 13 Heineken 13 Amstel 14 International Speciality Beers 15 Research and Development 15 Health, Safety and Environment 16 Alcohol and Society 16 Personnel 18 Regional Review 19 Europe 28 Western Hemisphere 32 Africa/Middle East 36 Asia/Pacific 40 Financial Review 44 Heineken Prizes 45 F ina nc ial St atem en t s 46 Consolidated Balance Sheet 47 Consolidated Profit and Loss Account 48 Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 49 Notes to the Consolidated Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Account and Cash Flow Statement for 52 Notes to the Consolidated Balance Sheet 58 Notes the Consolidated Profit and Loss Account 63 Notes to the Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 64 Participating Interests 66 Balance Sheet of Heineken N.V. 67 Profit and Loss Account of Heineken N.V. 68 Notes to the Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account of Heineken N.V. for 71 Other information 71 Auditors’ Report 71 Appropriation of Profit 71 Special Rights pursuant the Articles of Association 71 Authorised Capital 71 Events after Balance-Sheet Date 72 Supplementary information 72 Information for Shareholders 74 Historical Summary 76 Operating Companies and Participating Interests 795 840 780 24 9 16 8 70 14 7 60 12 6 50 10 5 40 8 4 180 30 6 3 120 20 4 2 60 10 2 1 0 0 0 0 420 10.8 10.8 10.5 274 301 300 297 345 360 83.1 80 445 480 10.8 22.4 19.4 10.0 10 18 90.9 90 516 540 11 21.6 108.9 20 20.4 100 97.9 600 22 105.1 110 621 660 22.9 715 720 19 9 19 8 9 20 9 0 20 0 0 20 1 02 19 9 19 8 99 20 0 20 0 0 20 1 02 19 9 19 8 9 20 9 0 20 0 0 20 1 02 19 9 19 3 94 19 9 19 5 9 19 6 9 19 7 9 19 8 9 20 9 0 20 0 0 20 1 02 236 240 Net profit Total beer sales Heineken sales Amstel sales on ordinary activities in millions of hectolitres in millions of hectolitres in millions of hectolitres in millions of euros 2 Key Figures 2002 2002 2001 Change (%) 10.3 Results in millions of euros 10,293 9,333 Operating profit 1,282 1,125 14.0 EBITDA 1,811 1,601 11.3 Net turnover (incl. excise duties) Net profit excl. extraordinary result 795 715 11.2 Net profit incl. extraordinary result 795 767 3.7 Dividend 157 157 – 1,184 1,165 1.6 Total assets 7,781 7,195 8.1 Group equity 2,936 3,139 – 6.5 Shareholders’ equity 2,543 2,758 – 7.8 784 784 – Cash flow from operating activities Balance sheet in millions of euros Issued capital Per share of €2.00 391,979,675 391,979,675 – Cash flow from operating activities 3.02 2.97 1.6 Net profit on ordinary activities 2.03 1.82 11.2 EBITDA 4.62 4.08 11.3 CEPS 2.05 1.83 12.0 Dividend 0.40 0.40 – Shareholders’ equity 6.49 7.04 – 7.8 Europe (incl. Exports) 8,920 8,077 10.4 Western Hemisphere 1,373 1,176 16.8 Africa/Middle East 835 776 7.6 Asia/Pacific 476 472 0.8 Investments less disposals 696 578 20.4 Depreciation and value adjustments 481 465 3.4 48,237 40,025 20.5 5,527 5,620 – 1.7 Operating profit as % of net turnover 12.5 12.1 Operating profit as % of total assets 16.4 15.6 Net profit as % of shareholders’ equity 31.3 25.9 Dividend as % of net profit on ordinary activities 19.7 22.0 Group equity/other borrowed capital 0.61 0.77 Group equity/fixed assets 0.59 0.76 Current assets/current liabilities 1.06 1.37 Interest cover ratio 12.2 16.5 Number of shares issued Net turnover in millions of euros (incl. interregional sales) Tangible fixed assets in millions of euros Staf f in numbers Average number of employees of which employed by Dutch operating companies Ratios 3 Executive Board A . R uys ( 19 4 7 ) S . W. W. L u b s e n ( 1 9 4 4 ) M . J . B o l l a n d ( 19 5 9 ) Dutch nationality Dutch nationality Dutch nationality Chairman Member Member J . F. M . L . v a n B o x m e e r ( 1 9 6 1 ) D . R . H o of t G ra a f l a n d ( 19 5 5 ) Belgian nationality Dutch nationality Member Member Member Vice-Chairman Chairman HEINEKEN N.V. ANNUAL REPORT 2002 4 until 31 December 2002 from 1 May 2002 Supervisory Board (as at 25 February 2003) J . M . d e J o n g ( 19 4 5 ) H . d e R u i te r ( 19 3 4 ) J . M . H e s s e l s ( 19 4 2 ) Dutch nationality Dutch nationality Dutch nationality Appointed in Appointed in Appointed in Chairman Last reappointed in Member of the Audit Committee Chairman of the Preparatory Chairman of the Audit Committee Profession: Company Director Committee Profession: Engineer Supervisory Directorships: Profession: Banker Supervisory Directorships: • Euronext N.V. • Koninklijke Ahold N.V. • Laurus N.V. M . D a s ( 19 4 8 ) • Aegon N.V. • Schiphol Groep N.V. Dutch nationality • N.V. Koninklijke Nederlandsche • Koninklijke Vopak N.V. Appointed in Petroleum Maatschappij Last reappointed in • Wolters Kluwer N.V. Delegated Member • Univar N.V. Secretary of the Preparatory • Royal Philips Electronics N.V. • Fortis N.V. C . J . A . va n L e d e ( 19 4 2 ) Committee M . R . d e C a r va l h o ( 19 4 4 ) Dutch nationality Profession: Lawyer British nationality Appointed in Partner in Loyens & Loeff Appointed in Member of the Preparatory Management Board: Last reappointed in Committee • Heineken Holding N.V. Member of the Preparatory Profession: Company Director Committee Chairman and CEO of Akzo Nobel N.V. J . L o u d o n ( 19 3 6 ) Profession: Banker Supervisory Directorships: Dutch nationality Vice-Chairman/Investment Banking • De Nederlandsche Bank N.V. Appointed in Citigroup Inc., United Kingdom • Sara Lee Corp. (USA) Member of the Audit Committee A . H . J . R i s s e eu w ( 19 3 6 ) • Scania AB (Sweden) Profession: Banker Dutch nationality • Member of the Netherlands Pensions Chairman of Caneminster Limited, Appointed in United Kingdom Member of the Audit Committee Last reappointed in Sara Lee/DE N.V. (Netherlands) Profession: Company Director Supervisory Directorships: • KPN N.V. • Samas-Groep NV • AOT NV Two members of the Supervisory Board retire each year in accordance with a rota which is determined annually. Only supervisory directorships and positions with large quoted Dutch companies and/or Heineken operating companies are listed here. A complete list of the other positions held is given when members of the Supervisory Board are nominated for (re)appointment. HEINEKEN N.V. ANNUAL REPORT 2002 5 and Insurance Supervisory Authority Report of the Supervisory Board To the shareholders as a member of the Supervisory Board of Heineken Neder- We were greatly saddened to learn of the death of lands Beheer B.V. Mr. A.H. Heineken on January , at the age of . Messrs. J. Loudon and M.R. de Carvalho are due to retire His memory was celebrated at the Annual General Meeting by rotation from the Supervisory Board of the company. of Shareholders on April . A binding nomination for the -appointment of Mr. de Carvalho, who is eligible for immediate re-election, will be The Executive Board has submitted its financial submitted to the Annual General Meeting on April . statements for to the Supervisory Board. These Mr. Loudon has announced that, having been a member financial statements, which can be found on pages to of the Supervisory Board for years, he would not seek of this annual report, have been audited by KPMG re-election again. The Supervisory Board thanks Accountants N.V., whose report appears on page . Mr. Loudon for active contribution and long service to the Board. Dividend proposal The Supervisory Board recommends that you adopt these Corporate governance financial statements and, as proposed by the Executive The Supervisory Board is aware of the higher standards Board, appropriate € million of the profit as dividend of corporate governance which are now required and and add the remainder, amounting to € million, to the devoted some time last year to the consideration, in dia- general reserve. The proposed dividend amounts to €. logue with the Executive Board, of its own operating per share of €. nominal value, of which €. was paid procedures and the way in which supervision and support as interim dividend on September . The dividend of the Executive Board are organised and function within for was €.. the Company. Since there is a conflict between exercising supervision, which obliges the Supervisory Board to keep Board changes some distance from the Executive Board, and providing Messrs. J.M. de Jong and C.J.A. van Lede were appointed expert advice, which requires close involvement, it is to the Supervisory Board of the company and Mr. De Jong essential that decision-making procedures are properly was appointed chairman at the Annual General Meeting structured and transparent. Against this background, of Shareholders on April . Messrs. R. Hazelhoff and the procedures for the notification of plans to, and evalua- L. van Vollenhoven retired by rotation and, having reached tion of plans by, the Supervisory Board were examined the age limit laid down in the Articles of Association, and found to be adequate. The Supervisory Board also were not eligible for reappointment. Mr. A. Maas stood discussed the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, a piece of US legislation down from the Supervisory Board at his own request. which is not applicable to Heineken N.V. because the The Supervisory Board thanks all of them for their service Company is exempt under Rule g-b of the US Securities to the Board. Exchange Act. Mr. A. Ruys was appointed Chairman of the Executive Board, of which he has been a member since September Consultation and decision-making and Vice-Chairman since , to succeed The Supervisory Board held six joint meetings with the Mr. K. Vuursteen who stood down at the same meeting. Executive Board in . The agenda of these meetings We thank Mr. Vuursteen for his leadership and for the included a number of regular items, including considera- invaluable contribution he made to the company’s growth. tion of the company’s strategy, financial position and Mr. D.R. Hooft Graafland was appointed to the Executive results, the operating companies’ policies and business Board by the Annual General Meeting with effect from plans, acquisitions and other investment proposals and May . management development. Other items on the agenda Mr. S.W.W. Lubsen, who had been a member of the included evaluation of completed investment projects, Executive Board since , retired from the Board at his interest-rate and exchange-rate risks, financing, pensions own request with effect from December . and internal control systems. Meetings convened to con- The Supervisory Board thanks Mr. Lubsen for all his work sider the results were attended by the external auditors. on behalf the company and his contribution to its success. Mr. Lubsen will continue to be involved with the company HEINEKEN N.V. ANNUAL REPORT 2002 6 Strategy and acquisitions policy were discussed at length at two of the meetings. One meeting was devoted Report of the Supervisory Board to a presentation on and discussion of the ‘Taking Heineken to the Next Level’ reorganisation programme initiated by which was attended by the external auditors. The Supervisory Board takes this opportunity to thank the Executive Board. The Supervisory Board also discussed the Executive Board and all the staff for their continued developments in the field of information and communica- commitment in . tions technology. At three of the meetings, the Executive Board withdrew Amsterdam, 25 February 2003 while the Supervisory Board discussed its functioning and composition and that of the Executive Board. Supervisory Board The Preparatory Committee, which is responsible for preparing decision-making by the Supervisory Board, De Jong de Carvalho including decisions relating to the remuneration of the Das Risseeuw Executive Board, met six times. Loudon Hessels The Audit Committee held two meetings last year, one of De Ruiter Van Lede HEINEKEN N.V. ANNUAL REPORT 2002 7 Report of the Executive Board Net prof it O p e ra ting p rof it € million €, million + .% + % profit as a percentage of net turnover) increased for the seventh consecutive year, rising to .% in . The second objective is to consolidate our leading position as the international brewer with the strongest portfolio of beer brands. Sales of our Heineken brand increased last year to . million hl (+.%), mainly reflecting vigorous Net turnover Total beer sales €. billion . million hl made good progress in strengthening the positions of our + .% + .% other international and local beers, as evidenced by the growth in the United States, Poland and Thailand. We also .% growth in sales of Amstel Light in the United States and Heineken beer sales the rising sales of Desperados, our speciality beer. Sales of Amstel, which is positioned in the mainstream segment, . million hl remained steady at . million hl. + .% Merger and acquisition activity continues The process of consolidation and internationalisation in Foreword by t he Cha irma n the brewing industry around the world continued in . In pursuit of its unvarying strategic objectives, Heineken This process is already well advanced in most countries, continued resolutely on its course in 2002. The climate but in China, Russia and Germany in particular the market in which we had to operate was dictated by a flagging is still relatively fragmented. In some European countries, global economy and wet weather in Europe. Net profit on Heineken’s market share is so large that we are no longer ordinary activities was 11.2% higher at €795 million. able to obtain competition authority approval for further Profitable companies with good development potential acquisitions, while in other cases the purchase price bears were acquired, while we worked steadily on improving no relation to the value of the potential acquisition our organisation’s effectiveness and strengthening our together with any synergy gains. Although, in Western and ties with customers, suppliers and consumers. Southern Europe in particular, there are fewer opportunities now than in the s and s, when Heineken The increase in operating profit reflects both organic played a prominent role in consolidating and building growth and contributions by newly consolidated partici- breweries, there are still ample opportunities to acquire pating interests. Higher beer sales, a better sales mix and breweries with national or cross-border positions which higher selling prices were responsible for the organic offer sufficient added value for shareholders and can help growth in turnover. Demand for international beers and to grow profits. In we were, however, able to acquire national premium beers in the global market continued breweries which met our criteria. to rise, and sales were substantially higher in the United States and Poland in particular. Although increased sales Acquisitions in of the Heineken brand accounted for much of the improve- The acquisitions we made in and early have ment in the sales mix, other beers such as Amstel Light strengthened Heineken’s positions in Russia, the Middle and our speciality beers, notably Desperados, also helped. East, Germany, Central and South America, Kazakhstan and the Balkans. Heineken sees all these regions and coun- Consistent implementation of strategy tries as growth markets for the business. It is still our goal to defend and strengthen our global mar- The acquisition of the Bravo International brewery in ket position and preserve our independence. Two strategic Russia has secured a strong starting position for Heineken objectives have been defined to help us realise that goal. in the world’s fifth largest beer market. The first is to achieve profitable volume growth. Last In Egypt, we made a successful public offer for the year, organic growth and acquisitions raised our beer shares in Al Ahram Beverages Company, the country’s only sales to . million hl, making us the world’s third largest brewer, which also produces and distributes a comple- brewer and yielding economies of scale at all levels in the mentary range of other drinks, and in Lebanon we in- supply chain. Our average operating margin (operating creased our stake in the Almaza brewery from % to %. HEINEKEN N.V. ANNUAL REPORT 2002 8 F R O M L E F T T O R I G H T : G U U S L U B S E N , J E A N F R A N Ç O I S VA N B O X M E E R , T H O N Y R U Y S , R E N É H O O F T G R A A F L A N D , M A R C B O L L A N D Both businesses are performing well on their home mar- chased a .% stake in Cervecerias Barú-Panama, the kets and will provide valuable support for our Middle East country’s second largest brewery. The Central American expansion. countries have good long-term economic growth In Germany, we reached agreement, via our joint venture BrauHolding International, on the purchase of prospects, their populations include a high proportion of young people and their beer markets are growing. % of the shares in Karlsberg International Brand, which In Brazil, we converted our % interest in the Kaiser has a strong position in the Saarland and Rheinland-Pfalz breweries into a % interest in Cervejarias Kaiser Brasil, regions. The large German beer market, though still a company created by the Canadian brewer Molson Inc., fragmented, offers good potential for growing our market which purchased Kaiser and combined it with the pre- share and reducing costs. viously acquired Bavaria brewing group. In Costa Rica, we acquired a % stake in Florida In Kazakhstan, we increased our interest in the Dinal Bebidas, the country’s only brewery, which also owns a brewery, which has an % share of this rapidly growing modern fruit drinks plant and has interests in bottled beer market, to %. water. Heineken also acquired an % interest in COCECA, the only brewery in Nicaragua, and in Panama we pur- REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE BOARD 9 In early we acquired Schörghuber Corporate Group’s % interest in IRSA, which has a % interest Report of the Executive Board holding in CCU, the largest brewery in Chile with an % dialogue with this age group. We are working with young share of its home market. Licensing agreements have adults, selected as representative of their target groups, been signed with CCU for the brewing and distribution of to evaluate our current marketing activities and devise Heineken beer in Chile and Argentina. Our % interest and implement new activities to reinforce and optimise in the holding company Quilmes International Bermuda young people’s affinity with our brands on a market-by- was sold at a net book profit of € million and the licens- market basis. We can only keep our brands young, strong ing agreements with Quilmes were terminated. and relevant if we strike the right balance between brand Also in early we reached an agreement in principle with Southern Breweries Establishment on the acquisition consistency and prompt updating of our marketing communication to reflect cultural change. of a .% interest in Karlovacka Pivovara, the second largest brewery in Croatia, which has a % market share Cooperation and also exports within the Balkans. We aim to integrate our support services in the Netherlands so that our accumulated expertise and available Taking Heineken to the Next Level capacity can be utilised more efficiently. Good progress A new programme has been launched with the object has been made with the development of a uniform of raising our operating efficiency and performance to a ICT infrastructure and uniform software. New applications higher level. Greater efficiency and effectiveness and a have been installed which enable us to work together management which works closer to the market will help us more effectively and increase our productivity, and we to perform better. Maximising our performance is essen- have continued to develop e-business applications for tial if we are to achieve our long-term strategic objectives transactions with our customers and suppliers. Heineken and retain our place among the world’s top brewing places great value on the establishment of efficient and groups. The activities under this programme, which we transparent relationships with customers and suppliers call ‘Taking Heineken to the Next Level’, include speeding which benefit all parties. up business processes, creating ‘win/win’ situations in our Cooperation is facilitated by our systems, networks, dealings with customers, measuring our performance and databases and training courses and by the knowledge costs and comparing them with both internal and external that we always have colleagues somewhere in the world benchmarks to identifying and implementing best prac- who have extensive experience with specific market tices around the world. The aim of the Executive Board is situations or business processes. In more and more areas, to foster an inspiring and challenging culture of innovation it is our people who are making this cooperation a success, and diversity, as only with such a culture can our employ- in more and more areas, and I am pleased to see that ees lift themselves and Heineken to a higher level. our determination to learn from one another is still growing and that operating companies have taken over many Young and relevant successful programmes from one another in the past year. To maintain brand relevance, it is important to know I thank all our staff for their untiring enthusiasm, profes- your target groups well. During , Heineken launched sionalism and commitment during . a global programme known as the ‘Beacon’ project to gather in-depth information on young adults’ aspirations, Th ony Ruys motivation and needs, as we place great value on ongoing Chairman of the Executive Board HEINEKEN N.V. ANNUAL REPORT 2002 10 Outlook for 2003 Although the immediate economic outlook for many In Latin America, the acquisition in early of a % markets is less than bright, Heineken expects the struc- interest in IRSA, which owns % of CCU in Chile, tural growth in sales of premium beers and international has created excellent opportunities for developing our speciality beers to continue in 2003, perhaps temporarily business in this region. CCU is to take over the production at a slightly slower rate, which will further benefit our and distribution of Heineken beer from our former Argen- sales mix over the long term. Despite the uncertainties, tinian partner. Given the economic situation in Argentina, we are looking forward to sustained growth in net profit in it is difficult to predict the trend in beer consumption in 2003. the region in the short term, but we are looking forward to further sales growth in the longer term. In developing countries, an economic slowdown will We do not foresee any significant changes in the depress beer consumption, because price becomes a sig- Asia/Pacific region. Beer consumption will continue to nificant factor for consumers in those countries if their rise, but the picture may differ markedly from one country purchasing power is eroded. In the developed countries, to another. We predict sustained growth of both the beer consumption will be relatively unaffected by an Heineken brand and our local brands. economic downturn, though there may be a temporary Africa has great growth potential, but whether that shift towards lower-priced beers, mainly at the expense of potential is realised will depend largely on how consumer mainstream beers. We do not expect the premium and purchasing power develops. Many of the local economies international speciality beer segments to decline, as price are reliant on the world market prices for oil, minerals is not a significant factor in those segments and the trend and agricultural commodities. The future trend in these towards ‘less but better’ is too strong. Given our strong prices is hard to forecast, making it difficult to give short- position in the premium segment, we can therefore look term predictions for the beer markets in this region. forward to a further improvement in our sales mix. Acquisitions, investments and cost-savings Regions It is a requirement that new acquisitions must contribute If there is any growth in the beer market in Western and to Heineken’s long-term profit growth. One of our primary Southern Europe, it will only be modest. Our operating aims is to strengthen our position in attractive, growing companies in these regions are concentrating primarily markets. on reducing costs, strengthening the brand portfolio and In Europe, we are planning further expansion of our improving the sales mix, by expanding sales of premium production capacity to meet the rising export demand. and speciality beers. The main objective is to secure The new brewery in Nigeria is scheduled to come on the largest possible share of the profitable segments of stream in early , but the brewery in Vietnam will not the beer market. be completed before the end of the year. Investments in In Central and Eastern Europe, the upward trend in beer tangible fixed assets in will total around € million, consumption is only occasionally interrupted by tempo- which will in principle be financed out of existing cash rary factors, such as a poorly-performing economy or reserves and cash flow and if appropriate supplemented increases in excise duty, so there is scope for us to grow by external financing. our sales in this region. Heineken has also invested a great In early , we acquired an interest in CCU, the deal of effort in the region in keeping costs as competitive Chilean brewery group, and sold our holding in Quilmes as possible and improving the sales mix. International Bermuda, resulting in a net cash outflow of In North America, we predict sustained growth in the € million. The proposed acquisition of a .% interest imported beer segment in both the United States and in Karlovacka Pivovara in Croatia is also part of this com- Canada. With Heineken and Amstel Light, we are ideally bined transaction. We also agreed to advance a subordi- placed to benefit from this trend. The popularity of nated loan of approximately € million to the pension ‘malternatives’ (ready-to-drink mixes), which are in com- fund in the Netherlands. These transactions will be funded petition with a part of the beer market, has passed its largely by external financing. peak. Against the background of slower economic growth, We shall continue to reduce costs and increase efficien- our pricing policy in is likely to be more cautious than cy, which means that, excluding acquisitions, the steady in . downward trend in the total number of employees is likely REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE BOARD 11 Outlook for 2003 to continue. Other contributory factors, apart from the breweries will deliver a positive contribution. Despite ongoing improvements in our business processes, will be these uncertainties, Heineken expects further growth the reorganisation projects in Spain and the Netherlands in net profit in . The possible impact on our results and the closure of one brewery in Poland. of increasing international tensions can't be predicted. We shall also realise a non recurring after tax gain of Profit forecast € million in on the sale of our % stake in the Our results are affected from year to year by factors which Argentinian brewer Quilmes International (Bermuda) Ltd. are difficult to predict such as exchange rates, govern- We remain positive regarding the longer-term profit ment policy and the weather. Further in higher pen- outlook, given the success of our corporate strategy, sion charges, the cost of launching Heineken beer in the the strength of our brands, our international coverage, premium segment in the United Kingdom, the effects of the current debt capacity at our disposal and our exten- the weaker dollar, the deteriorating economic situation sive international experience. in many countries, will also play a role. The newly acquired You have to work hard to keep mers, consumers and the wider processes, imaginative new your place among the leading community. Heineken strives packaging designs, welcoming international brewers. Stand- for innovation in all links in the themed bars, interactive com- ing behind Heineken, Amstel supply chain. Recent innova- munication with our target and our other brands is a global tions include ingenious groups and new approaches to organisation working constant- dispensing systems, advances understanding the needs of ly to respond to the changing in quality and safety monitor- young adults. Some examples needs and wishes of custo- ing in the brewing and bottling are given in this annual report. > Innovation 2002 in Retrospect Heineken activities may differ widely from one market to another, The Heineken brand achieved sustained growth last year, it is essential in all cases that the activities are related and with sales rising from 22.4 million hl to 22.9 million hl mutually supportive. (+2.5%). Most of the growth in sales was generated in the United States, Poland and Thailand. Heineken focuses its sponsorship activities chiefly on music, film and selected sporting events, mainly tennis and rugby. As in , music sponsorship again accounted The growth of the Heineken brand largely reflects our for most of the growth in our sponsorship expenditure, efforts to enhance brand value and secure a higher level because music is an ideal medium through which to share of consumer preference while improving availability, Heineken’s brand values with our target groups. both via the acquisition of beverage wholesalers, such as Our music-related activities were amalgamated last year in France, Italy and Slovakia, and via cooperation with new to create a new website,, to distribution partners, such as in China and Portugal. provide a global music platform which enhances the inter- The development and refinement of our central market- activity and effectiveness of our music-related marketing ing information systems has enabled us to optimise the communication. Thirst, a series of dance events featuring quality and international consistency of our marketing both world-class and local DJs, was staged in many activities and tailor them more closely to individual mar- countries around the world, to which numerous related kets and specific target groups within those markets. activities were linked, both online and via retail outlets. An important new vehicle for gathering detailed market The Thirst concept and its execution, including a DJ com- information is our global ‘Beacon’ project, through which petition, were based partly on the findings of our new Heineken engages in dialogue with young adults on their ‘Beacon’ project. aspirations, motivation and preferences. The findings are Brand awareness was boosted by our sponsorship of used as the basis for marketing projects in which substan- several annual European music festivals, including Green tive input by and active involvement of this target group Energy in Ireland, Jammin’ in Italy and the FIB festival in play an important part. This research also helps us to take Spain. A number of successful activities were organised regional and local cultures into account in our marketing in the United States by Heineken Music Initiative Inc., which projects and marketing communication. was formed last year to support young talent. The Green Updating our packaging and tailoring it to consumers’ needs is a constant priority. Several new can designs were introduced last year and a new aluminium bottle was launched in France. Room Sessions concert series in Singapore won several international awards. Our involvement in and expenditure on film sponsorship also increased, to support the Heineken brand’s international stature. The films we sponsored included Hollywood Marketing communication productions such as ‘The Bourne Identity’ and the new Further advances were made in facilitating the exchange James Bond film, ‘Die Another Day’. of expertise and information between our operating The principal sporting events we sponsored last year companies in the area of advertising campaigns and other were the Australian Open, US Open and Masters Cup tennis brand management tools by expanding and making more competitions and the Heineken Rugby Cup, a competition intensive use of our intranet portal and organising brand for top European clubs. As in , we also sponsored workshops in local markets. Operating companies in many local events to reinforce our local identity. smaller countries or emerging markets are increasingly using campaigns developed centrally or elsewhere. Amstel Adapting a uniform concept for optimum deployment in While the mainstream beer segment, in which Amstel local markets benefits the quality and consistency of our is positioned, contracted in several important European advertising campaigns. markets, in many others, especially outside Europe, Sponsorship and on-line activities, which provide excellent opportunities for responding to the needs and wishes Amstel recorded growing sales. Amstel’s total sales volume remained stable at 10.8 million hl. of specific target groups, accounted for a growing proportion of our total marketing communication effort. Amstel was not immune to the effects of the declining Although the mix of marketing communication-related mainstream beer market. The wet weather and sharply REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE BOARD 13 2002 in Retrospect reduced tourist numbers in Southern Europe had an of Nations for national football teams, the most important adverse effect on consumption, but sales in Africa and sporting event on the African continent. In the United the United States were substantially higher. Sales also States, where Amstel Light sponsors leading golf tour- developed well in a number of new markets in the Balkans naments, association with this prestige sport fits well with and in Lebanon and Ireland. the brand’s image. As in , Amstel also sponsored As well as lager, Amstel also markets a selection of other numerous local events with strong local appeal. beers which have become popular with a broad target group and are successful in many markets. Amstel Light, International Speciality Beers a low-calorie beer, benefited from the rising demand Demand for speciality beers is rising fast and sales grew for lighter beers in a number of mature markets, chiefly strongly in many markets, reflecting the consumer’s need outside Europe. Sales of Amstel light also rose rapidly for variety. Sales of our international speciality beers, in the United States, in response to our greatly increased which generate above-average margins once a given marketing effort. Although still modest, sales of Amstel volume is reached, increased from 1,314,000 hl to Bright, a speciality Caribbean beer brewed on Curaçao, 1,364,000 hl. developed promisingly. Although international speciality beers still represent Marketing communication only a small proportion of Heineken’s total sales, they have The growing exchange of expertise and intelligence be- growth potential and help to improve the sales mix. tween our operating companies is benefiting the quality, In more and more markets, they are a permanent part of consistency, efficiency and local optimisation of Amstel’s our portfolio alongside local speciality beers. brand management. The ‘Three Friends’ campaign con- Desperados, a tequila-flavoured speciality beer, main- cept, which was developed in the Netherlands, has been tained the rapid growth achieved in and performed adopted in several other countries. With its particular extremely well in France, Germany and Spain in particular. brand values, Amstel lends itself to tie-ins with popular Desperados has a strong appeal to young adults and good sporting events. In Europe, Amstel was again the principal international development potential. sponsor of the UEFA Champions League for top European football clubs and continued to sponsor the African Cup Sales of Paulaner Hefe Weisse, a traditional white beer produced by BrauHolding International, our joint venture 2002 2001 57,913 55,388 4.6 8,380 7,810 7.3 10,558 9,899 6.7 7,997 7,837 2.0 Group volume 1 84,848 80,934 4.8 Affiliated companies 24,101 24,131 – 0.1 Total beer volume 2 108,949 Change (%) Geographical distribution of Group volume in 1,000 hl of beer Europe Western Hemisphere Africa/Middle East Asia/Pacific 1 Group volume = beer volume sold by consolidated companies and Heineken beers brewed under licence by third parties. 2 Total beer volume = Group volume plus beer volume produced by affiliated breweries Kaiser and Quilmes. HEINEKEN N.V. ANNUAL REPORT 2002 14 105,065 3.7 2002 in Retrospect in Germany, developed well. We see Paulaner Hefe Weisse, after filling. The FBI system, which has been developed by which has substantial market positions in Germany, Italy, Heineken in conjunction with other companies, is currently Spain, France and the United States, as one of the main- undergoing extended testing at one of our breweries. stays of our portfolio of speciality beers. In the UK and Ireland, stout continued to lose ground to H eal t h , Safet y an d Env ironm en t lager. Sales of Murphy’s Irish Stout were down, mainly due Our operating companies achieved good results with to lower sales in the UK, but Murphy’s Irish Red achieved their water-saving projects. In the years ahead we shall significant growth in Spain. intensify our efforts in the area of energy-saving. Affligem, our Belgian abbey beer which has gained a Our health and safety programme in Africa was extended. reputation as a high-quality beer for the connoisseur, sold well in France and Spain and we expect it to find good Having previously published a two-yearly environmental niche-market positions in other countries. Sales of Wieckse report, Heineken published its first biennial safety, health Witte, a light, fresh-tasting white beer, were lower due to and environment report last year, covering the period the poor summer in Western Europe. Kriska, a vodka- –. This latest report was extended to include flavoured beer, was launched in France and sales have information on the environmental performance of our exceeded our expectations. businesses outside Europe and our safety performance in Europe. In recognition of our approach to reporting on Research and Development our social responsibility and sustainability policies and our Research and development are the basis of innovation performance in those areas, Heineken was included in the and therefore have strategic importance for Heineken. Dow Jones Sustainability STOXX Indices and the Store- Much of the R&D activity is carried out locally, but coor- brand Index. Companies which perform well both finan- dination is centralised. The R&D programme covers the cially and in terms of their social responsibility are admit- entire supply chain, from the evaluation of new and ted to these indices. improved strains of barley and hops to the development of new products and packaging. On many projects, Health and safety Heineken works closely with other companies, suppliers, Heineken makes every effort to prevent circumstances research institutes and universities around the world. arising at its breweries which might jeopardise the health and safety of its employees and third parties such as sup- The most significant innovation last year was the David pliers and people living close to its plants. Where local dispensing system for retail outlets with a relatively low legal statutory requirements and rules do not exist or are beer turnover. The David system, which uses a -litre keg, deficient, Heineken sees it as its responsibility to develop offers good returns at lower sales volumes than the sys- and apply its own standards. Information and awareness tems based on a -litre keg. The patented David dispens- are essential to prevent employees being exposed to ing system is user-friendly, there is no wastage and no unsafe and unhealthy conditions. pipework to be cleaned and, once connected, the keg On the basis of a risk analysis performed on the findings contents remain fresh up to seven times longer than with of a comprehensive health and safety study carried out the traditional dispensing systems. The number of David at our Bralima brewery in the Democratic Republic of the systems installed since the launch has exceeded our Congo, guidelines have been drawn up for personnel expectations. instruction and training which will be introduced at all our A new -ounce (-cl) can was developed for the US breweries in Africa. One element of our medical policy in market, to supplement our successful -ounce keg- Africa is care for employees who are HIV-positive or have shaped can which had been introduced previously. contracted Aids. Last year, we invested mainly in improv- Warka in Poland became the first brewery to install a membrane filtration system. This technology, which is employed at the final filtration stage, replaces kieselguhr and is therefore more environment-friendly. Trials started with a new bottle inspection system known as FBI (Filled Bottle Inspector) in , which enables us to detect glass fragments and other foreign objects in bottles REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE BOARD 15 ing the medical/social infrastructure in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Republic of the Congo. The exchange of expertise between our European locations resulted in more consistent standards for our installations and more extensive and better coordinated safety training provision. 2002 in Retrospect Environment A joint approach by the industry, government and health As well as being beer’s principal constituent, water plays organisations to combating alcohol-related problems is an important part in many stages of the production pro- one of the objects of the dialogue project initiated by the cess. Heineken’s policy of economising on water consump- Amsterdam Group of international companies, with which tion has now been introduced in all operating companies Heineken cooperates in promoting responsible alcohol in which we have a majority interest. The impact of our use and preventing its abuse. However, cooperation with ‘Aware of Water’ programme, which was launched in , governments in this area cannot be truly effective until the was clearly apparent. A new system installed under our dialogue project is sufficiently advanced and a common waste-water treatment expansion programme was com- position on the issue has been agreed. missioned at Ibadan in Nigeria in . Work on a new The first phase of a ‘virtual forum’ project in the waste-water treatment plant at Enugu in Nigeria is in Netherlands, which enables young people to learn about progress and the contracts for construction of the plants the use of alcohol and other substances via an interactive at Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and game, has been completed. This sociopsychological Hatay in Vietnam have been awarded. approach is designed to find effective ways to help young New waste-reduction and energy-saving programmes people avoid behaviour which incurs health risks. are being developed and will be implemented in the next few years. The target for our ‘Aware of Energy’ programme Personnel is to reduce energy consumption by % from the begin- The average number of people employed by Heineken ning of to the end of . Achieving that target will increased by 8,212 to 48,237, due to the acquisition require both promotion of energy-saving practices and of several breweries and beverage wholesalers. Excluding adoption of new technologies, such as heat recovery and acquisitions, the number of employees decreased, biogas. as a result of the action taken to boost efficiency. Alcohol and Society Central personnel policy is involved with the recruitment, Most people use alcohol sensibly, as one of the pleasures development and retention of managers for senior inter- of life, but a small minority abuse it, and that can lead national positions. The operating companies have their to problems. Heineken initiates and supports – in some own policies for other staff which take account of the local cases with the European trade organisation – information labour market, regulations and practices. and education projects to prevent alcohol abuse and As an international group, Heineken needs managers has formulated internal rules to ensure that its marketing with an international outlook and a recognisable manage- messages do not encourage it. ment style. Heineken fosters the creation of a shared culture and encourages the international exchange of expert- Heineken regards acknowledgement of the distinction ise by organising international postings for management between responsible use and abuse of alcohol as the basis trainees and placing staff, including senior management, for effective action by and cooperation between the indus- on temporary secondment. In there were expa- try, government and other organisations to prevent and triates working within the organisation, of whom were curb alcohol abuse. Governments still resort too often to relatively young. These expatriates came from coun- blanket measures to address alcohol-related problems, tries and were employed in host countries. for example by restricting advertising or distribution or The findings of the Europe-wide study of recruitment influencing prices through excise duty. The use of alcohol and retention of highly qualified staff, which was complet- only presents a danger to safety and/or health if it is used ed in , will be used by Heineken as a starting-point at an inappropriate time, for example before driving a for encouraging the individual employee to take a more vehicle or operating machinery, or in excessive quantity. active role in the development of his or her career. In a growing number of countries, we are going further A new cooperation agreement between the European than imposing internal rules to prevent our commercial works council and Heineken N.V. came into effect on communications encouraging alcohol abuse. In the United January which clarifies the decision-making process States, the Netherlands, Ireland and Italy, our advertising in relation to important local acquisitions and requires now carries a warning against abuse and we are planning that the European works council be informed in good time. to introduce similar messages in other countries. HEINEKEN N.V. ANNUAL REPORT 2002 16 2002 in Retrospect Geographical distribution of personnel in numbers Asia/Pacific 4,849 Africa/Middle East 11,093 Netherlands 5,527 Western Hemisphere 1,451 Rest of Europe 25,317 Training organisation. Over , employees took part in the activi- Productive application of knowledge is essential if ties organised by the Heineken University in , some of Heineken is to strengthen its competitive position. So that which were held at the Learning Centre in Amsterdam and it can respond swiftly and effectively to change, whether some in the different regions and countries. A virtual learn- triggered by growing competition, globalisation, advances ing centre was added last year, so that e-learning modules in information technology or social trends, Heineken as an can be incorporated as a permanent element in all courses. organisation must be committed to continuous learning. The Heineken University carried out a survey last year of To supplement our regular local and international training the changing demands made on management and leader- courses, the Heineken University provides a range of short ship, learning processes in different cultures and the effec- and intensive training programmes to promote the sharing, tiveness of teams. The survey findings have been applied creation and mobilisation of expertise within the Heineken in new programmes and teaching materials. REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE BOARD 17 18 0.5 1 1.1 1.0 0.8 73 75 4 3 HEINEKEN N.V. ANNUAL REPORT 2002 78 82 89 7.5 8.4 120 123 152 10.0 150 60 64 5 59 6.3 6 53 5.7 10 30 43 4.5 7 42 3.7 165 35 2.8 11 31 29 2 2.2 2.9 8 ac Ita ed ly o Fr nia an Gr ce ee Ru ce s Sw Bul sia g itz ar er ia l Po and Hu lan ng d Ne S ary th pa er in l Sl and ov s Ge ak rm ia Ire any la nd 0 0.5 9 M ou n Hu trie M ng s ac a Sw ed ry itz on e ia Bu rlan lg d a Ire ria Sl lan ov d ak Ru ia s Gr sia Ge ee rm ce an Ne y th It er aly la n Fr ds an Po ce la n Sp d ai n rc he Ot Regional Review 135 105 90 45 15 0 Group volume Beer consumption Europe 2002 Europe 2001 by country, in millions of hectolitres per capita, in litres Regional Review Europe Sales in Europe increased from . million hl to . 60 57.9 million hl (+.%). Most of the sales growth reflects 55.4 55 the first-time consolidation of the newly acquired breweries in Russia and Germany. The fastest organic growth in sales volume was recorded by the breweries in Poland, Slovakia and Bulgaria. Sales in a number of 50.7 50 45.4 45 Southern and Western European markets were under pressure. In most countries in Europe there is a growing preference for premium beers at the expense of mainstream beers. This trend, which has been in evidence for some years, is beneficial to our profitability. Rising sales of speciality 40 38.2 beers in many countries also helped to improve the sales 35 mix. Beer consumption was depressed by the wet weather in Southern and Western Europe and reduced tourist numbers in Greece and Spain, combined with the effect on customer volume of the above-average price rises in 30 the on-trade sector, in which the introduction of the euro and increased costs were contributory factors. Heineken welcomes the accession of ten new countries 25 to the European Union, a development which Heineken has anticipated fully with the investment strategy it has pursued in recent years. Purchasing power in these 20 countries is set to increase significantly in the long term, which will foster greater brand awareness and promote growth in the premium segment. 15 The wave of mergers and acquisitions continued in the brewing industry in Europe, including Germany and Russia. Bravo International, our Russian brewery, and BrauHolding 10 International in Germany were included in Heineken’s consolidated accounts for the first time. Heineken strengthened its position in Germany with the acquisition of a 5 minority stake in Karlsberg International Brand, the market leader in the important Saarland and Rheinland-Pfalz 0 regions. In early , Heineken reached an agreement in 19 9 19 8 9 20 9 0 20 0 0 20 1 02 principal on the acquisition of a .% interest in Karlovacka Pivovara, the second largest brewery in Croatia with a market share of %. Group volume Europe in millions of hectolitres REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE BOARD 19 It’s not big, but it’s very clever: beer fresh for a minimum of that’s our new David dispensing days and is very easy to use. system, based on a -litre keg. Demand exceeded all expecFor low-volume outlets, selling tations in most of the countries between and glasses where David was introduced of beer a day, David is a cost- in , and the system will effective solution. Where only be launched in many more bottled and canned beer was markets in . This innova- an economic proposition, beer tive, patented draught beer on draught is now an option. dispensing system was devel- The David system keeps the oped in-house by Heineken. > David Fresh draught beer at low-volume outlets Regional Review Europe Netherlands Level result in a slightly softer market The plan to close our De Ridder brewery was announced at the end of . Vrumona, our soft-drinks company in the Netherlands, Demographic factors caused the Dutch beer market to operated in a declining market. Although its market contract slightly. Beer prices rose in response to an 18% share contracted a little, Vrumona’s result was higher, increase in excise duty and higher costs. Heineken thanks to improvements in the sales mix and cost-savings. Brouwerijen’s sales declined from 6.5 to 6.3 million hl, Dairy-based drinks are gaining in popularity at the expen- but our market share held firm. Despite the lower sales, se of traditional soft drinks, such as cola, orange and an improved sales mix helped to keep the result level. lemon/lime. Demand in general is shifting from carbon- The Heineken companies in the Netherlands have started ated to still drinks, and Vrumona responded to this trend operating a number of shared support services, with the by launching several new products, including SiSi No aim of improving quality and reducing costs. Bubbles Orange/Mango, Pepsi Twist and -Up Tropical Splash. Vrumona has embarked on a new cost-reduction There is a clear shift in the beer market from the on-trade programme. to the take-home sales channel, helped by longer supermarket opening hours and the growing availability of chilled beer in supermarkets. This is impacting on on-trade sales of draught beer, and competition between breweries France Improved result in a softer market for outlets in the on-trade sales channel is intensifying. The slow downward trend in the French beer market was With .% of the market, lager is the dominant beer. Sales compounded in 2002 by the effect on consumption of the of competing ready-to-drink mixes declined in the second poor weather. Competition intensified. Sogebra’s sales half of , which indicates that these drinks have passed were down from 7.8 million hl to 7.5 million hl, in line with their peak. the market, but the result improved, reflecting a better Sales of Heineken beer held steady. The brand was supported by the popular ‘Biertje’ campaign, new forms of sales mix which was largely due to the success of Desperados, higher selling prices and lower costs. packaging and sponsorship activities. Events sponsored by Heineken included the Fast Forward Dance Parade, As the premium and speciality beer segments continued Dance Valley and a one-off concert by rock legends Queen to grow, the Heineken brand achieved higher sales and to mark the Queen Beatrix’s Birthday. The new twelve- increased its market share, despite the slower beer mar- pack of one-way green -cl bottles was rated by retailers ket in the on-trade sector in particular. The introduction on as the best newcomer to their shelves in . Heineken a limited scale of Heineken in innovative aluminium bottles Brouwerijen also introduced a -bottle crate for the was a great success and roll-out will continue in . on-trade sales channel. The David dispensing system, The Heineken brand was supported by new print-media which uses small -litre kegs, was launched in early and billboard advertising. As well as taking the lead as the and was enthusiastically received by the on-trade. best-selling speciality beer in France, Desperados also Around systems are now in use in the Netherlands. reported greatly increased exports. Sales of Amstel, Sales of Amstel were down, reflecting its relatively which is only sold in the on-trade sales channel, declined strong position in the depressed on-trade sales channel. in line with the rest of the mainstream beer segment. Amstel Bright, which is imported from Curaçao, and “” Export, which is also positioned in the mainstream Desperados posted strong growth. Amstel’s ‘Three Friends’ segment, suffered the effects of competitors’ price- concept continued to enjoy high consumer ratings. cutting promotions and sales were lower. New product The rapid growth in export sales has made it necessary launches included “” Export Demi-Rondelle, a lemon- to expand our production facilities, mainly for the produc- flavoured beer, and Panach’ Peche, a peach-flavoured tion of Heineken and Amstel Light, in Zoeterwoude and shandy. The launch of Kriska, a vodka-flavoured beer, Den Bosch. Work has started on this extension project, exceeded expectations. Sales of Affligem, an abbey beer which will take our total capacity in the Netherlands to produced by our Belgian brewery, were higher in both the over million hl per year. To reduce costs, production at on-trade and take-home sectors. De Ridder brewery in Maastricht has been transferred to Den Bosch. REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE BOARD 21 Regional Review Europe Spain Improvement in second half of Sales of imported Heineken beer on the Canary Islands increased slightly, despite a substantial rise in import duties. Although the Spanisch beer market grew a little last year, on-trade sales were down. Heineken España reported sales of 10.4 million hl in 2002, compared with 10.0 million hl in 2001. The result was also down, but market share improved in the second half of the year. Italy Stronger result in a weaker beer market Beer consumption in Italy declined a little compared with 2001, with weaker sales in the on-trade sector in particu- There was some growth in the Spanish beer market des- lar. Heineken Italia’s beer sales remained flat at 5.7 million pite poor weather, reduced tourist numbers and higher hl, and its market share increased slightly. The result consumer prices related to the introduction of the euro. improved, due mainly to a better sales mix and greater There was also an increase in excise duty with effect from internal efficiency. January , which led to stockpiling at the end of . Heineken España lost some market share, due to its Heineken, Birra Moretti and Ichnusa, Heineken Italia’s relatively strong position in the on-trade sales channel, principal brands, achieved substantial growth, but sales of where a reduction in demand was concentrated, and the Dreher and a number of low-priced beers fell short of the enforced sale of two breweries and a number of regional previous year’s level. Speciality beers also sold in greater brands in the course of . volume. Ichnusa, which is available only in Sardinia, Sales of the Heineken brand were higher and Cruz- confirmed its position as the leading brand on the island. campo volume held firm, while sales of the Amstel Aguila The launch of the new David dispenser was a great success mainstream brand and low-priced beers declined. and over , systems have now been installed in Italy. Heineken España runs an extensive support programme The Heineken brand received additional support for on-trade establishments, offering total concepts for through Heineken Italia’s sponsorship of a number of positioning and design of themed outlets. By the end music events, the most prominent being the Heineken of , the number of themed outlets had risen to . Jammin’ Festival and the Umbria Jazz Festival. Moretti Positive publicity for Heineken España’s brands was gener- continued its successful sponsorship of the Trofeo Birra ated through sponsorship of various events. Moretti tournament, which is contested by the top Italian Cruzcampo Future, a one-litre PET bottle, was launched last year. Cruzcampo Big, a wide-necked bottle, and soccer teams. The usage of and facilities provided by the Hiweb inter- Amstel , which had both been test-marketed in , net application, through which on-trade customers, were introduced nationally. Spanish consumers are dispensing equipment servicing contractors and Heineken increasingly acquiring a taste for speciality beers, and Italia’s sales organisation can communicate directly, Desperados in particular reported growing sales. Two new continued to grow. speciality beers were launched: Legado de Yuste, a charac- Partesa, Heineken Italia’s distribution organisation, per- teristically Spanish abbey beer, and Cruzcampo Selección formed well and its margins improved. Partesa acquired Especial. Higher sales were also reported for Guinness a number of additional beverage wholesalers to augment stout, which is brewed under licence, and our own its distribution network. Murphy’s Irish Red and Buckler alcohol-free beer. Following the enforced sale of two breweries in , Following the decision to increase capacity at the Massafra brewery, work on the expansion project is in Heineken España embarked on a cost-cutting programme, progress and is scheduled for completion in . which will mean reducing the workforce by around The process of replacing the Heineken, Birra Moretti by . and Ichnusa bottles and crates is practically complete. To strengthen its logistics function, Heineken España has a separate distribution organisation which, in addition to the distribution of our beer brands via allied distributors, also supplies wines, spirits and soft drinks. HEINEKEN N.V. ANNUAL REPORT 2002 22 Regional Review Europe Greece Improved result in a gradually rising market of Germany, Italy and Spain. Paulaner Weissbier is now available in elegant long-necked bottles. Auerbräu developed well, but sales of Thurn & Taxis and Kulmbacher were The beer market picked up a little, despite wet weather down. Mönchshof volume was higher, as were sales of and a reduction in tourist numbers. Athenian Brewery’s Sternquell and BrauStolz, the former East German brands. sales increased slightly to 3.7 million hl and its result Sales of soft drinks also increased. improved. BrauHolding International made cost-savings in several areas, helped by shared raw material purchasing. Athenian Brewery achieved sustained growth in Heineken beer sales, helped by the marketing campaigns launched the previous year based on our sponsorship of the Olympic Games in Greece in . The campaign used several tele- Switzerland Stable sales in a softer beer market vision commercials as well as newspaper, magazine and The Swiss beer market continued to contract slightly. billboard advertising. Involvement in the Olympic Games The economy weakened and tourism was down. will be a major boost for the Heineken brand. Amstel sales Competition, especially from German and French beers, remained at the previous year’s level. Sales of Alfa, an intensified. Heineken Switzerland held sales stable at authentic Greek beer, developed in line with the market. 760,000 hl but returned a slightly lower result. Our brewery is working to make beer drinking less seasonal by stepping up its advertising effort in the low season. Sales of our Ioli mineral water were down. Exports of Heineken Switzerland reported increased sales of Heineken beer. The local Calanda and Haldengut brands Amstel, Marathon, Athenian and Alfa beers to the neigh- defended their market share but volume was lower. In the bouring countries were higher. Imported Amstel is the region where Calanda is strongly positioned, tourism was top-selling beer in Albania. also down. Germany new David dispensers in the on-trade sector. The new Heineken Switzerland installed a large number of the Sales and results in line with forecast brew-house at the Chur brewery came on stream. Concentrating production at Chur has reduced costs. BrauHolding International, our joint venture with Schörghuber Corporate Group, started trading on 1 January 2002. The German beer market continued to contract last year, with the relatively weak economic situation Ireland Higher sales and an improved result adversely affecting sales especially in the on-trade sector. The Irish beer market weakened slightly, but lager contin- BrauHolding International’s sales were higher and the ued to grow at the expense of stouts and ales, boosting first year’s result was in line with expectations. Exports Heineken Ireland’s sales from 1.1 million hl to 1.2 million hl of Heineken beer to Germany continued to grow. and increasing its market share. Higher beer sales and higher selling prices combined to produce an improved At the beginning of , the joint venture owned % of result. the Kulmbacher brewery and % of Paulaner Group. In June last year, the purchase was announced of % of the Sales increased in both the on-trade and take-home shares in Karlsberg International Brand GmbH, which sells channels. Heineken Ireland was able to keep sales of the . million hl of beer and , hl of other drinks. Heineken brand on target, supported by sponsorship of Karlsberg, whose principal brand is Karlsberg Urpils, has a the Heineken European Rugby Cup and the Thirst and strong position in the Saarland and Rheinland-Pfalz regions. Green Energy music festivals. Sales of Murphy’s Irish Stout The transaction has been approved by the authorities con- were down, in line with the contracting stout market. The cerned. The participating interest in Karlsberg has been Irish Open golf tournament was sponsored by Murphy’s part of BrauHolding International since January . Irish Stout for the last time in . Sales of Coors Light Paulaner reported strong growth in sales of its speciality Weissbier, in both its home market of Bavaria and the rest REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE BOARD 23 brewed under licence recorded substantial growth. This American brand is now also available on draught. Beer may not be part of Spain’s some , only eight years traditional ceramics, looks national heritage, but a taste after the concept’s launch. back to the Spanish Mediter- for beer can be acquired On-trade operators have a ranean past, and Beer Station, anywhere and having the right choice of four themes. a recent addition to the range, environment helps. Perhaps The Irish Pub and Gambrinus recreates the cosmopolitan that explains the success of evoke the beer culture of atmosphere of a railway station Heineken España’s themed around , Cruz Blanco, from the first half of the twen- bars, of which there are already which makes lavish use of tieth century. > Themed bars Creating a beer culture Europe Poland Sharply higher sales and result Having remained static in 2001 due to large rises in excise duty, the Polish beer market grew by around 8% last year. vigorously. Sales of Warka Strong passed the million-hectolitre mark, helped by wider availability and increased marketing effort. Sales of the regional Specjal brand were also up. In tailoring our marketing and advertising activities to Neighbourhood shops continued to play a leading role . in beer retailing. Grupa Z ywiec reported sharply higher the severe restrictions which came into force at the end of sales, which rose from 7.6 million hl to 8.4 million hl, and elsewhere within Heineken in similar circumstances. . Grupa Z ywiec acquired further beverage wholesalers, in growth in market share. Its result improved significantly. , full advantage was taken of the experience gained order to extend the national coverage of its distribution The restructuring project which was started several years ago, combined with the revised marketing strategy, network. By expanding, integrating and upgrading the dis. tribution function, Grupa Z ywiec is able to offer a support- brought clear benefits in . Sales were up by over . , hl, raising Grupa Z ywiec’s market share to %. ing range of soft drinks and other beverages in addition to The greatly improved result was achieved against the back- cost-effectively. ground of a weak economy and growing competition from . low-priced beers. Grupa Z ywiec is concentrating its marketing effort on a selected portfolio of strong brands which New fermentation tanks for Heineken beer were instal. led at the Z ywiec brewery, the installation of a filling line . in Elblag was completed and the brew-house at the Lezajsk offer good potential. Increased efficiency in both the sales brewery was upgraded. The rapid growth in sales has and distribution functions and the breweries was a contrib. utory factor in Grupa Z ywiec’s improved performance. . Sales of both the Heineken brand and Z ywiec, our Polish made expansion and modernisation of the breweries a premium brand, were higher. Heineken is now the leading breweries. The decision was taken in late to close international premium beer in Poland. Warka Full Light down the Braniewo brewery in . and Tatra, the national mainstream brands, also grew HEINEKEN N.V. ANNUAL REPORT 2002 24 beer, which helps to grow our beer sales faster and more priority, and a start was made at the end on extend. . ing the capacity of our Warka, Elblag, Z ywiec and Lezajsk Europe Russia Increased sales and market share Both Russian premium beers and international premium beers brewed under licence continued to grow. This prompted the launch of many new products in this Although the rate of growth slowed, the Russian beer segment, which translated into heightened competition. market still grew at around 8%, with Russian mainstream A % increase in the excise duty on beer came into force and premium beers and international beers accounting on January . for most of the increase. Bravo International’s sales rose Sales of Botchkarev, our Russian premium beer, were from 2.3 million hl to 2.8 million hl, and increased its mar- down a little, but sales of our mainstream Ochota beer ket share. In its first year of inclusion in the consolidation, rose sharply, as did sales of Löwenbräu brewed under Bravo made a positive contribution to the result. licence. The Botchkarev bottle was modernised to emphasise its positioning as a premium brand. By the end of the Heineken acquired the Bravo International brewery in year, with the support of national TV and billboard adver- St. Petersburg in early . The Russian beer market is tising, sales of Botchkarev were rising again. growing rapidly and is already the fifth largest beer market Investments were made in production facilities in in the world in terms of volume and is still relatively frag- to enable Heineken beer to be brewed in Russia. Heineken mented, despite the presence of a substantial number of beer is at present still being imported from the Nether- international brewers. The acquisition of Bravo has placed lands and the high import duties are restricting its growth. Heineken in a good position in Russia. Because the brew- Locally brewed Heineken beer will be introduced in the ery failed to meet the ambitious volume targets first half of . agreed with the vendors at the time of the acquisition, Heineken paid only USD million for the brewery, USD million less than if the targets had been achieved. Sales of beer in cans and .-litre and -litre PET bottles Hungary Stable result in a competitive environment were significantly higher and alcohol-free beer sales also Although the Hungarian beer market grew, margins were increased. Selling prices rose more slowly than inflation. under pressure from intense competition between major REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE BOARD 25 Regional Review Europe players in the market. Amstel Brewery Hungary’s sales Zagorka, the mainstream brand in the range, performed were down from 516,000 hl to 486,000 hl, but the result well and the Amstel and Ariana brands held their position. held steady thanks to improvements in the sales mix Ariana is the leading brand in the large low-priced beer and cost savings. segment, which still accounts for over % of the market. Imported Heineken will be added to Zagorka’s brand Sales of Heineken beer were especially good, with the new portfolio in . Costs were lower in , thanks to the -cl can sold through supermarkets proving particularly brewery modernisation projects implemented in the past successful. Sales of the Amstel and Talleros brands were few years. down. Rationalisation of the number of Amstel packaging variants to cut costs entailed some loss of sales, but produced an improved result. Marketing plans to increase Amstel sales are under development. Amstel Brewery Macedonia Pivara Skopje posts improved result Hungary installed almost David dispensers at Beer consumption in Macedonia rose last year. Pivara customers’ premises. Skopje increased its sales to 0.5 million hl and posted an improved result. Slovakia Growth in market share and result Sales of Skopsko, the leading beer brand in Macedonia, were higher, as were sales of imported Heineken and The Slovakian beer market grew by around 5%, mainly Amstel beer. Pivara Skopje started distributing Heineken in the alcohol-free and lighter beer segments. Low-priced beer in May , which has brought benefits in terms beers still account for the bulk of this market. Heineken of the quality and cost of marketing and distribution. Sales Slovensko reported growth in sales from 2.1 million hl to of soft drinks declined, in the face of competition from low- 2.2 million hl, which translated into an increased market priced imports. Work on increasing capacity at the brew- share, and an improved result. ery is progressing steadily and will be completed in . Zlatý Bažant, our local premium beer in Slovakia, continu- Other European countries ed to consolidate its position. Sales were up and Zlatý Bažant is now the leading beer brand in Slovakia. The on- The beer market in the United Kingdom contracted. trade contributed most of the growth in Corgon sales. Our Sales of Heineken Cold Filtered and Heineken Export were Gemer brand performed particularly well in the low-priced lower, in advance of a change in marketing strategy, and beer segment, with sales up by almost %, but sales of Amstel sales were down a little. At million hl per year, our regional Martiner brand were down. the UK is the second largest beer market in Europe. With Heineken Slovensko acquired a number of beverage lagers in general and premium brands in particular grow- wholesalers and made good progress in building its nation- ing rapidly at the expense of traditional ales and stouts, it al distribution network. has been decided to launch Heineken beer imported from Capacity at the Hurbanovo malt-house was expanded the Netherlands in the premium segment in early , from , tonnes to , tonnes. With a total capaci- via our own marketing and sales organisation. Heineken ty of , tonnes, Heineken Slovensko is one of the Cold Filtered beer, a reduced-alcohol variant, will be with- largest malt producers in Europe. drawn during . We plan to support the launch with intensive marketing campaigns and expect the Heineken Bulgaria Zagorka brewery attains market leadership brand to have secured a strong position in the premium segment within five years. A new licensing agreement was signed for the production and sale of Murphy’s Irish Stout Despite the Bulgarian beer market contracting by over 6% and Murphy’s Irish Red. Sales of these beers were down in response to higher excise duties, our Zagorka brewery and a plan has been devised to restore the market share to increased its sales by 2% to 1.0 million hl, making it the its previous level. market leader, and posted a stable result. The Affligem brewery in Belgium reported sharply increased sales. Around % of Affligem abbey beer is HEINEKEN N.V. ANNUAL REPORT 2002 26 Regional Review Europe exported – mainly to France, and it has now been launched canned beer in Denmark . An agreement was signed with in a number of other European countries. Heineken has Bryggerigruppen for the distribution of Heineken beer, acquired the remaining % of the shares in Affligem and is which will be delivered in tanks from the Netherlands and now the sole shareholder. The capacity at the brewery has canned locally in Denmark. been increased to meet the rising demand. Mouterij Albert, our malt-house plant in Belgium which Sales of Heineken beer in Sweden, where it is brewed under licence by the Spendrups brewery, continued to supplies breweries in Europe, Africa, Brazil and elsewhere, grow. Most of the growth was in bottled Heineken, which operated at full capacity and produced , tonnes is important in promoting the brand’s premium image. of malt. With the abolition of a number of market-protection measures, it became possible for the first time to market REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE BOARD 27 An agreement was signed with Hansa Borg Bryggerier in Nor way to brew and sell Heineken beer under licence. Regional Review Western Hemisphere Heineken’s sales in the Western Hemisphere increased 9 8.4 from . million hl to . million hl, with the United 7.4 7.8 8 7 States and Central America accounting for most of the growth. Heineken has built a strong position in the Western Hemisphere, with growing exports to the United States, 6 6.1 6.6 Canada and Central and South America. Heineken also owns a number of breweries in the Caribbean and has licensing agreements with several brewers in Central and South America. The long-term demographic and economic trends indicate good potential for turnover and profit growth in the Central American region. Although the diffi- 5 cult economic situation in a number of South American countries is reflected in a downward trend in beer consumption, the beer market in this region also offers 4 good long-term growth prospects for our brands, and Heineken is therefore seeking to expand its operations in both Central and South America. Heineken acquired inter- 3 ests in breweries in Costa Rica, Panama and Nicaragua in and Chile in . 2 United States Heineken and Amstel Light gain market share 1 While total US beer consumption remained virtually flat, the import segment recorded substantial growth and now accounts for over 11% of the total market. 0 19 9 19 8 9 20 9 0 20 0 0 20 1 02 Sales of our imported beers rose from 5.5 million hl to 6.2 million hl, improving Heineken USA’s market share. Our prices were raised in the course of the year. Group volume Western Hemisphere The US beer market grew by around .%, but half of that in millions of hectolitres growth was in malt-based ready-to-drink mixes (malternatives). Demand for malternatives has peaked and the light beer segment now accounts for % of the total beer market. Consumer preference is turning increasingly to imported beers and premium light beers, which has benefited Heineken and Amstel Light, our leading brands. We again increased our investment in marketing. The greater emphasis on regional and cultural diversity in our Heineken campaigns is beginning to have an effect and is bearing fruits among African Americans and Hispanic Americans. Heineken’s principal sponsorship activities were again the US Open tennis tournament and the Mardi Gras festival. A special Mardi Gras can was introduced to support our involvement with this popular festival. A new large HEINEKEN N.V. ANNUAL REPORT 2002 28 The FBI (Filled Bottle Inspector) . seconds. These are can detect even the tiniest analysed and compared by a particles of glass and other computer, which gives the foreign objects. ‘It’s really a alarm if it detects any particles’. very simple principle,’ explains Trials with the FBI system have Berco Landman of Heineken been successful and further Technical Services, one of the mechanical improvements will co-inventors of this revolution- be made in . In view of its ary bottle inspection system. importance for product safety, ‘The bottle is spun at high Heineken plans to give other speed on a carousel and sud- bottling plant operators access denly stopped. A camera then to this patented system, which takes pictures of the will be built in partnership with still-rotating contents in other companies. > The FBI Sees everything Regional Review Western Hemisphere -ounce (-cl) Heineken can in the shape of a keg, of the Brazilian beer market and Heineken will therefore to supplement the existing -ounce keg cans, was enthu- continue to be the premium beer in the brand portfolio siastically received by the market and contributed to carried by the enlarged Kaiser organisation. the sales growth. The launch was supported by special TV commercials. Amstel Light posted double-digit growth for the fourth Our sales in Argentina and Uruguay were adversely affected by the economic conditions. Heineken reached agreement with Quilmes in January that it would sell consecutive year. The brand was supported primarily with its % stake in the latter and that the licensing agree- an advertising campaign presenting Amstel Light as ‘the ments for the production and sale of Heineken beer would beer drinker’s light beer’, which highlighted the excellent be terminated in due course. taste of this low-calorie product, and through sponsorship of golf and other summer activities. Thanks to the effort invested in recent years in improv- At the same time, the Company also reached agreement with its German partner Schörghuber Corporate Group to purchase the latter’s % interest in IRSA, which has a ing availability in the major supermarkets, Heineken beer majority holding in CCU, the largest brewery in Chile with can now be found on the shelves in the stores operated an % share of its home market. CCU also owns breweries by all the leading groups. The focus now is on growing the in Argentina. Chile is one of the most attractive beer sales per outlet. The Star Chain supply-chain management markets in South America. The licensing agreements for project, in which Heineken USA’s new beer depots played the brewing and distribution of Heineken beer in Chile and an important role, was completed. Lead times have been Argentina will be transferred to CCU. For Heineken, this significantly shortened and our beer now reaches the con- new alliance offers good prospects of further growth sumer much faster than before. in Chile, Argentina and other South American countries. Sales of imported Heineken beer in Boliv ia and Canada Rapid growth of the Heineken brand Although the total Canadian beer market remained static in terms of volume, the imported beer segment continued to gain ground. Colombia were higher. Amstel Light was introduced in Colombia. Central America The beer market in Central America was under some pressure from slow economic growth and declining pur- The Heineken brand in particular performed well. The sale chasing power. Our sales in this region increased from and distribution of imported Heineken and Amstel Light is 725,000 hl to 790,000 hl. Heineken strengthened its mar- handled by Molson Canada Inc. ket position in Central America significantly in 2002. South America The Central American countries have good long-term South American beer consumption declined slightly, high proportion of young people and their beer markets reflecting the worsening economic situation in Argentina, are growing. As most of the countries in the region have Uruguay and Paraguay. Our sales, mainly of Heineken only one or two breweries, there are opportunities for beer, totalled 400,000 hl. generating above-average profits. Despite the still limited economic growth prospects, their populations include a availability, the Heineken brand is regarded as the most In Brazil, Heineken converted its former % interest in prestigious international brand in the region. If the posi- Kaiser into a % interest in Cervejarias Kaiser Brasil, tive economic trend is sustained, the Heineken brand has a company created by Molson Inc. which purchased Kaiser good medium-term growth potential in this region. and combined it with the previously acquired Bavaria brew- In September, Heineken reached agreement with FIFCO ing group, in which Molson Inc. in Canada holds the remain- in Cost a Ri ca on the acquisition of a % interest in ing shares, is the second largest brewery in Brazil with a Florida Bebidas, the country’s only brewery, which has a market share of about %. The agreement with Molson % market share. Its brands are Imperial, Pilsen, Rock Ice incorporates a multi-year licensing contract for brewing and Bavaria. The company also owns a modern fruit drinks and marketing Heineken beer in the premium segment plant and is the market leader in bottled water. HEINEKEN N.V. ANNUAL REPORT 2002 30 Regional Review Western Hemisphere The agreement also relates to the acquisition of an indi- industry and tourism were particularly badly affected. rect % interest in COCECA, the only brewery in Ni cara- These factors depressed our beer exports from St. Lucia gua . This brewery also has a % market share, with its and the brewery’s result. Victoria and Tona brands. In Panama , Heineken and FIFCO acquired Cervecerias Barú-Panama, one of the two Panamanian breweries. Heineken has a .% interest in Barú, which has a % market share with its Soberana, Panama and other brands. Surinaamse Brouwerij in Surinam, trading in a highinflation economy, reported reduced sales and a lower result. On Curaçao , Antilliaanse Brouwerij’s sales and result were held back by increasing competition. Sales of Heineken beer were higher and exports of Amstel Bright Caribbean from Curaçao to the Netherlands recorded steady growth. With visitor numbers in the Caribbean still showing no reduced inflow of tourists and depressed banana prices clear sign of recovery following the tragic events of on the world market. In a contracting beer market, September 2001, both the purchasing power of the local Brasserie Lorraine’s sales were down but its result held population and the beer market were under pressure. firm. Sales of imported Heineken beer increased. Sales of Heineken beer increased a little and the result improved slightly. The economy of Martinique had to cope with a On Trinidad, the licensing agreement for the production of Heineken beer was terminated at the end of . The market will henceforth be supplied with imported In the Bahamas , Commonwealth Brewery’s total sales and results fell short of the level, but sales of Heineken beer were higher. The development of Windward and Leeward Brewery on St . Lucia was held back by the weak economy and the after-effects of Hurricane Lilly, which damaged the local economy and that of the neighbouring islands. The banana REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE BOARD 31 Heineken. Sales of Heineken beer brewed under licence on Jamaica failed to rise above the level, as a result of natural disasters and unrest surrounding the elections. Sales of imported Heineken beer on Puerto Rico were down, reflecting higher import duties. Regional Review Africa/Middle East 11 Sales increased in virtually all markets in Africa and 10.6 the Middle East. Heineken’s overall result improved 10 and beer sales in this region rose from . million hl to 9.9 . million hl (+.%). Sales of Heineken beer in Africa and the Middle East were especially strong, with growth of over %. Heineken acquired two brewery 8.8 9.2 9 8 companies in the Middle East, which will provide valuable support for our expansion strategy in the region. 7.7 Africa 7 Heineken owns breweries in several African countries which have substantial shares of their respective national markets. As well as local brands, these breweries also sell Amstel beer in some of these countries. Most of the 6 companies also produce and market soft drinks. In several countries, the Heineken, Amstel and Mützig brands are brewed under licence and marketed by third parties. 5 Heineken beer is imported on a modest scale. The Heineken brand performed particularly well in South Africa and Nigeria. 4 One of Heineken’s main priorities in Africa is staff training and development, which is a critical success factor for any brewery. Heineken runs training centres in the region 3 and also provides training courses in the Netherlands. A number of common pan-African sales, distribution, internal organisation, supply-chain management and account- 2 ing systems were introduced at our breweries last year. The bottling lines at breweries in several African countries were replaced with modern equipment offering 1 not only greater capacity and lower operating costs, but also improved safety. Construction work is in progress on waste-water treatment plants at a number of locations. 0 19 9 19 8 99 20 0 20 0 0 20 1 02 Although economic and political stability has been restored to some extent, Nigeria is still heavily dependent on oil revenues. Inflation remained high and beer consumption increased only marginally, due to the protracted wet season. Nigerian Breweries also reported higher sales, Group volume but was held back for much of the year by a shortage of Africa/Middle East production capacity. The result improved despite higher in millions of hectolitres costs incurred in modernising the breweries and a substantial general pay rise imposed by the government. Competition intensified with the entry of a new player in the Nigerian beer market. Nigerian Breweries’ five existing production facilities were modernised in and capacity was extended with the installation of new fermentation and lagering tanks and additional bottling lines. Sales of imported Heineken doubled and Amstel Malta HEINEKEN N.V. ANNUAL REPORT 2002 32 IT’S NOT ABOUT BEING COOL. IT’S ABOUT BEING CONNECTED Beacon is a global project ? tant to Heineken to carry on a through which Heineken is con- dialogue with young adults, as necting with young adults and a sounding-board for our cur- their needs and aspirations. rent activities and as a source How are they building their of inspiration for the new activi- lives, and what can Heineken ties we are constantly develop- add? Their input has a place in ing. This helps us to build their the communications and affinity with our brands and our events which support our company and optimise their brands and helps to shape our perception of Heineken in each role as an employer and in the region, thereby keeping our wider community. It’s impor- brands young and relevant. > B e a c o n Ta l k i n g t o g e t h e r, c r e a t i n g t o g e t h e r > Heineken Experience Enjoyment Africa/Middle East sales developed well. Good progress was made with the Modest sales growth in a static beer market was reported construction of a new brewery near Enugu, which will by Brasseries de Bourbon on Ile de la Réunion . The begin production in March . Consolidated Breweries, result was lower, due to non-recurring costs. A new main- in which Heineken has a minority interest, also reported stream lager was introduced under the name , the higher sales. number with which all car licence plates start on Réunion. The economic situation in the Democratic Republic Ghana saw no sign of economic recovery. Competition of Congo remained unstable. As a result the local curren- in the beer market was intense, bringing pressure to bear cy devalued sharply at the end of . Brasseries, Limo- on selling prices. Ghana Breweries was able to expand its naderies et Malteries Bralima kept sales up to the previous beer sales, thereby improving its result. year’s level, but the result was depressed by higher Brasserie du Logone in Chad benefited from the great- packaging expenses and fixed costs. Competition in and er political stability and the recovery of the oil industry. around the capital Kinshasa is intense. Beer sales rose sharply and our brewery made a profit Despite higher sales, Brasseries et Limonaderies du for the first time since the end of the civil war in . Rwanda Bralirwa in Rwanda returned a slightly weaker The restoration of political stability in Sierra Leone result, due to a number of factors including new import was accompanied by explosive growth in beer consump- duties on raw materials. tion, and Sierra Leone Brewery, in which Heineken has a The political situation in Burundi is still uncertain and the economy remained weak when promised foreign aid minority interest, was unable to meet demand. The ceasefire in Angola since April raised hopes failed to materialise. High inflation and devaluation of the of a recovery in the beer market, but sales by the EKA and local currency meant narrower margins for Brasseries Nocal breweries, in which Heineken has minority interests, et Limonaderies du Burundi Brarudi, but this was compen- were still depressed. sated to some extent by higher sales. The elections in Congo passed off relatively smoothly. Sales of Heineken and Amstel in South Africa , where both beers are brewed under licence by SABMiller, showed In a rising beer market, Brasserie du Congo achieved high- significant growth. Both are positioned in the premium er sales and a better result. segment, the only segment which is growing. HEINEKEN N.V. ANNUAL REPORT 2002 34 The Heineken Experience isn’t ience is one of the city’s top Heineken’s social role. One of just what you get when you attractions, drawing in hund- the highlights is the Bottle Ride, drink our beer. reds of thousands of visitors which follows a beer bottle’s It’s what you get when you visit each year. They are taken high-speed trip through the our former brewery in Amster- through a visual and interactive bottling process, from washing dam, where we made the beer programme presenting the and filling through labelling that made us famous around brand, the company’s history, and capping to packaging in the world. The Heineken Exper- the brewing process and export cartons. Africa/Middle East Sales of Amstel and Mützig brewed under licence in Tempo Beer Industries in which we have a minority Cameroon continued to grow. interest. Sales of imported Heineken beer were also down. In Morocco, sales of Heineken and Amstel brewed under licence were also higher. Competition intensified in the beer market in Jordan with the entry of a second brewing group. Sales reported by Jordan Brewery, in which we have a % stake, fell short Middle East of the level. Heineken acquired a .% interest in Al Ahram Beverages after the post-September downturn. We are market Company (ABC), the only brewery in Eg y pt . ABC sold leader in the region with our Heineken and Amstel brands. , hl of beer and , hl of non-alcoholic malt drinks in . Its principal brands are Stella and Fayrouz, a very successful non-alcoholic malt drink available in a range of fruit flavours. Exports of Fayrouz to neighbouring countries are growing. The brewery has an excellent distribution network, which will support the continuing growth of imported Heineken beer in the future. Sales of imported Amstel and Heineken beer made good progress in Lebanon. Heineken increased its shareholding in Almaza S.A.L., Lebanon’s only brewery, from % to %. The Almaza brand has a % market share. Production capacity will be increased from , hl to , hl, and Almaza will also produce Amstel for the local market and for export within the region. The unstable situation in Is ra e l had a negative impact on the beer market and hence on the sales and results of REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE BOARD 35 Beer consumption in the Gu l f st ates picked up again Regional Review Asia/Pacific Apart from China, the countries of the Asia/Pacific 8.0 7.5 7.8 8 in the region increased from . million hl to . million hl. Sales of Heineken beer developed strongly, espe- 6.2 7.0 7 6 region remained economically weak in . Our sales cially in Thailand and Vietnam. Heineken has built a strong position in this region. The main pillar supporting that position is Asia Pacific Breweries, a Singapore-based joint venture between Heineken and Fraser & Neave, which has interests in many breweries 5 in the region. Heineken beer is produced at several Asia Pacific Breweries plants. Heineken has its own operating companies in Indonesia and on New Caledonia. Imported 4 Heineken beer is available in several countries in the region and in some it is brewed under licence. Heineken’s market position is particularly strong in Thailand, Vietnam, 3 Hong Kong and Taiwan. In China, the process of consolidation in the beer market continued. The Chinese market is growing rapidly, 2 but with little scope for good profit margins and as yet few growth opportunities for international premium beers. The large brewers aspire to national coverage, which 1 translates into keener competition and higher marketing costs. Heineken sees China as a long-term growth market and is confident of achieving growth through a com- 0 19 9 19 8 99 20 0 20 0 0 20 1 02 bination of local breweries, with their own brands and distribution networks, and the Heineken brand. Asia Pacific Breweries sold more beer in China, but the result was depressed to some extent by the heavy investment in Group volume marketing. Hainan Asia Pacific Brewery’s sales were down Asia/Pacific and its result was lower, but Shanghai Asia Pacific Brew- in millions of hectolitres ery’s sales improved, thanks mainly to the growth of the Reeb Superlite and Tiger brands. Sales of Heineken beer in China were weakened by strong competition from local beers and changes in the distribution system. Hong Kong’s economy remained lacklustre and beer consumption again declined. Imported beers, including Heineken, lost market share to low-priced Chinese beers. Despite the deteriorating economic situation in Si n g apore, Asia Pacific Breweries Singapore achieved higher sales, an improved result and growth in market share. On-trade sales received a major boost from the soccer World Cup in July. The success of Tiger’s ‘What time is it?’ campaign created a more youthful and aspiring image for the Tiger brand. The Heineken brand developed exceptionally well. In Thailand , the growth in the beer market levelled off, but the premium segment continued to expand. Sales of Heineken beer rose sharply. Thai Asia Pacific Brewery’s HEINEKEN N.V. ANNUAL REPORT 2002 36 The packaging is the face combining the traditional lines which the beer presents to the of the Heineken logo with world. To keep our brands modern silver elements, young and relevant, it’s impor- evoked responses such as tant to keep our packaging ‘innovative’, ‘exclusive’, fresh. Heineken regularly ‘modern’ and ‘quality’ in con- introduces updated designs sumer surveys. The new can and temporary themed packs. was launched in Hong Kong Trials in eight countries last at the end of and will be year with a new can design in introduced in France, Greece the shape of a beer keg, and the UK in . > Packaging Innovative and surprising In Heineken Music is Found@Thirst - a competition launched Thirst, a series of where local talent, as voted dance events held around the for by young consumers, world. Launched in Ireland, get a chance to play alongside then held in Asia and Brazil a world-class DJ who headlines last year, Thirst will move to the big event. South America, New Zealand, Details on up-coming Thirst Asia and Europe in . events can be found on Preceding the main Thirst event in each country, > I t ’s F O U N D @ T h i r s t A m i x o f t h e f r e s h e s t i n g r e d i e n t s Regional Review Asia/Pacific result remained steady. Capacity at the brewery is being The beer market in Indonesia contracted by over % in doubled to . million hl, with the new capacity coming on response to the economic and political situation, greatly stream in mid-. increased excise duties, limited consumer purchasing In Cambodia , despite a shift to lower-priced beers in power and reduced tourist numbers. The terrorist attack response to an increase of around % in excise duties and on Bali had a temporary impact on tourism, which was the closure of a number of on-trade outlets by the authori- recovering after the attacks in the United States in . ties, Cambodia Brewery posted higher beer sales. The Multi Bintang Indonesia maintained its market share, but brewery was able to compensate for the effects of the nar- its sales and result were well down. rower margins to some extent by reducing its costs. In Malaysia , Guinness Anchor Berhad achieved higher sales of all its brands (Heineken, Tiger, Anchor and Anchor Ice) in a declining beer market, and returned an improved result. Beer consumption in Vietnam continued to rise and Vietnam Brewery’s sales and result were significantly higher, supported by growth in both the Heineken and Tiger Price competition on New Caledonia forced Grande Brasserie de Nouvelle-Caledonie to reduce its selling prices. Both its beer sales and its result improved. The economic situation on Tahiti was exacerbated by declining tourism and Brasserie de Tahiti, in which we have a minority interests, reported lower sales. Sales of Heineken beer in Australia continued to grow in a contracting beer market. brands. In the north of the country, Asia Pacific Breweries In Taiwan , we set up our own marketing and sales is building a second facility which will come on stream in organisation for imported Heineken beer and upgraded October with an initial capacity of , hl. APB’s the distribution function. Sales of Heineken beer were interest in Hatay Brewery was increased from % to %. higher in a slightly weaker beer market. The downward trend in the New Zealand beer market continued. DB Group’s sales held firm and the result The beer market in Japan was adversely affected by the growing sales of low-priced Happoshu, a low-malt beer improved thanks to a better sales mix and tighter cost con- which attracts a lower rate of excise duty. Heineken trol. Sales of Heineken beer and the local Monteith premi- strengthened its position in prime on-trade locations and um brand continued to grow. DB Group introduced a range sales were slightly higher. of fruit-flavoured beers under the Hopper brand. Although the economy remained weak, last year brought Rising purchasing power in Kazakhstan translated into rapid growth in beer consumption. The economy is growth in the beer market in Papua New Guinea. South growing vigorously, helped by the presence of large oil Pacific Brewery’s sales were sharply higher and its result reserves. Our interest in the Dinal brewery in Kazakhstan improved a little, despite the devaluation of the kina, the was increased from % to %. Sales of the Amstel and local currency. Tian Shan brands were up by %. REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE BOARD 39 Financial Review 1,282 1300 720 1100 660 600 50 900 540 45 480 40 40.2 35 386 30 25 240 20 300 180 15 200 120 10 100 60 5 0 0 0 19 9 19 8 99 20 0 20 0 0 20 1 02 02 20 01 20 00 20 9 19 9 8 19 9 19 9 19 3 94 19 9 19 5 9 19 6 9 19 7 9 19 8 9 20 9 0 20 0 0 20 1 02 362 406 400 459 300 457 500 373 360 546 600 377 659 418 420 37.7 445 441 700 465 799 800 481 43.6 921 578 48.5 1000 47.9 1,125 696 1200 investments depreciation Operating profit Tangible fixed assets, Group equity in millions of euros net investments and depreciation as a percentage of in millions of euros total assets HEINEKEN N.V. ANNUAL REPORT 2002 40 Financial Review Net turnover our interests in Heineken España from .% to .% and in Heineken Slovensko, in Slovakia, from .% to .%. In , part of the costs of temporary point-of-sale in billions of euros activities were reclassified as marketing and selling Wines and spirits expenses. To facilitate comparison, these costs have been 0.5 similarly reclassified in the figures, increasing both net turnover and marketing and selling expenses in Soft drinks Beer 0.9 8.6 by € million. The operating profit was unaffected. Operating expenses rose by .% to €, million, half of this increase being accounted for by the new consolida- Other income tions. The price of raw materials and the cost of packaging 0.3 increased slightly, as did energy costs. There was once again heavy investment in strengthening our brands and market positions, lifting marketing and selling expenses Net turnove r a nd cos t of s a le s by % to €, million. Expressed as a proportion of net Net turnover in was up by %, at €, million, turnover, these costs amounted to .% compared with an increase of € million, with first-time consolidations .% in . accounting for half of this increase. Organic growth in net turnover amounted to %, with a % increase accounted for by improved selling prices and a better sales mix and Project costs not qualifying for capitalisation were lower than in . Staff costs were higher, reflecting the increase in the num- % due to higher sales volume. Exchange rate movements ber of employees due to new consolidations and additional had the overall effect of depressing net turnover by %. pension charges. A total of € million in additional pension The following changes in the consolidation took place charges was borne in . It was possible, however, to set in . The .% participating interest in BrauHolding off half of this additional pension charge against existing International, in Germany, a joint venture of Heineken N.V. provisions for staff costs. There were extra write-downs and Bayerische BrauHolding AG, has been proportionally in particular of stocks of finished products and spares. consolidated with effect from January . In , this participating interest was carried at net asset value. Operating profit and net profit In addition, Al Ahram Beverages Company in Egypt, The operating profit rose by % in to €, million. Almaza in Lebanon and Barú in Panama have been fully The greater part of this increase was due to the higher consolidated with effect from October . A number of sales volume, the improvement in the sales mix and the beverage wholesalers in France, Italy and Switzerland higher selling prices. The newly acquired participating were also consolidated. And during the year we increased interests, which were included in the consolidation for 2002 2001 Change (%) Turnover and costs in millions of euros 10 , 2 9 3 9,333 10 Raw materials, consumables and services 5,558 5,089 9 Excise duties 1,282 1,226 5 Staff costs 1,642 1,417 16 Net turnover 529 476 11 Total operating expenses 9 , 0 11 8,208 10 Operating profit 1,282 1,125 14 Amortisation/depreciation and value adjustments REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE BOARD 41 Financial Review 2002 2001 Change (%) 1,282 1,125 14 48 45 7 Operating profit and net profit in millions of euros Operating profit Income of non-consolidated participating interests Interest – 109 – 71 54 Profit before tax 1,221 1,099 11 Taxation – 364 – 327 11 Profit after tax 857 772 11 Minority interests – 62 – 57 14 Net profit on ordinary activities 795 715 11 – 52 – 795 767 4 Extraordinary result after tax Net profit the first time, also contributed to the higher operating C ash fl ow an d i nvest m en t s profit. The net effect of exchange rate movements was The cash flow from operating activities rose by € million minor. The operating profit as a proportion of net turnover to €, million, but most of the increase in operating amounted to .% compared with .% in . Income profit and depreciation charges was offset by an increase from non-consolidated participating interests increased in working capital. Gross investments in tangible fixed by € million to € million, chiefly as a result of our share assets amounted to € million, set against which were in the profits of Florida Bebidas in Costa Rica. This compa- disposals totalling € million. Significant net investments ny, in which we acquired a % interest in , was car- were made in Nigeria (€ million), the Netherlands (€ ried at net asset value. Interest charges rose by € million million), France (€ million), Spain (€ million), Poland overall, to € million, owing to the financing of acquisi- (€ million) and Italy (€ million). An amount of €, tions. The tax burden remained unchanged at .%. million was invested in new acquisitions and expanding Minority interests in the result were higher, reflecting existing interests. The acquisitions related to Bravo Inter- the strong performance in Poland in particular. Net profit national in Russia, Al Ahram Beverages Company in Egypt, rose by .% to € million. The net profit on ordinary Almaza in Lebanon and Barú in Panama, as well as bever- activities per share of €. nominal value increased from age wholesalers in Italy, France and Switzerland. Existing €. to €.. 2002 2001 Cash flow from operating activities 1,184 1,165 Dividends paid – 187 – 168 – 1,973 – 783 – 976 214 Cash flow in millions of euros Cash flow from investing activities Borrowings 484 86 Repayments on loans – 56 – 182 –1 57 – 549 175 Other financing HEINEKEN N.V. ANNUAL REPORT 2002 42 Financial Review 2002 % 2001 % 2,936 38 3,139 44 381 5 357 5 Financing structure in millions of euros Group equity Deferred taxation 600 8 667 9 3,864 49 3,032 42 7,781 100 7,195 100 Other provisions Liabilities interests in Kazakhstan, the Slovak Republic and Spain P rofi t appropr i at i on were also increased, and minority participating interests Net profit for Heineken N.V. in amounted to € were acquired in Costa Rica and Nicaragua. Investments million. In accordance with Article of the Articles of in intangible fixed assets and other financial fixed assets Association, the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders amounted to € million and € million, respectively. will be invited to appropriate an amount of € million for distribution as dividend. This proposed appropriation Financing and liquidity corresponds to a dividend of €. per share of €. Group equity decreased from €, million as at nominal value, out of which an interim dividend of €. December to €, million as at December . was paid on September . The final dividend thus Shareholders’ equity fell by € million to €, million. amounts to €. per share. Dutch withholding tax at % Set against the addition of the net profit of € million will be deducted from the final dividend. It is proposed to and revaluations of € million were goodwill charges of add the remaining amount of € million to the general € million, adverse exchange differences of € million reserve. and a proposed dividend distribution of € million. Owing to the increase in the interest-bearing liabilities and Amsterdam, February the reduction in cash, largely as a result of financing acquisitions, the net debt position increased from € million Ruys Van Boxmeer to €, million as at December . Bolland Hooft Graafland REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE BOARD 43 Heineken Prizes 2002 The five Heineken prizes for art and science awarded by can be accessed not only at the North and South Poles, Heineken Stichting and Stichting Alfred Heineken Fondsen but also in the tropics, for example on Mt. Kilimanjaro. were presented by His Royal Highness Prince Willem- As one of the first to realise that global warming posed a Alexander in September 2002. The recipients of the threat to a number of the world’s ice archives, he is intent biennial Heineken prizes, with a total monetary value of on gathering more data without delay. The climatic and over €650,000, are selected by the Royal Netherlands atmospheric history recorded in the ice can go back as far Academy of Arts and Sciences. as , years. His research provides an insight into natural climate change, which will ultimately make it possible The Dr. H.P. Heineken Prize for Biochemistry and to assess humanity’s impact on the earth’s climate, which is Biophysics was awarded to Prof. Roger Y. Tsien in the US, still the subject of heated debate among researchers. for his unique and exceptional contribution to the develop- The Dr. A.H. Heineken Prize for History was awarded to ment of a range of methods and techniques for measuring Prof. Heinz Schilling in Germany for his outstanding inter- and visualising processes within and between cells. disciplinary research into the history of early modern Prof. Tsien has successfully isolated and cloned the GFP Europe, in which he reveals the interrelationship between (green fluorescent protein) molecule of the Aequora confessionalisation and national identity formation. Victoria jellyfish, which glows brightly in the dark, and has His research encompasses the relationship between even managed to synthesise different-coloured variants. Church and State, the role of migrants, the imposition of Introducing GFP variants into cells enables direct obser- norms and values and the comparison of developments vation of all kinds of biochemical processes within living across Europe: issues which are still current today. His goal cells, including monitoring signals between cells, measur- is to identify the relationship between these and other ing intracellular acidity and sodium and calcium transfer issues in early modern Europe (–), the time of the within and between cells and measuring phenomena with- Reformation and Counter-Reformation, by studying reli- in cell organelles. His methods are now widely used by gious, social and political factors in relation to each other. fellow researchers for other purposes, such as identifying He shows that the newly formed Protestant and Catholic the factors involved in cell malignancy. states began working closely with what was generally The Dr. A.H. Heineken Prize for Medicine was awarded the only official church within their region. He makes clear to Prof. Dennis J. Selkoe in the US for his contribution to that there is much greater unity in European history than the development of the molecular study of diseases of the was previously assumed, transcending the boundaries brain, in particular Alzheimer’s disease. Since the s, between countries and religions. he has been using methods drawn from biochemistry and The Dr. A.H. Heineken Prize for Art was awarded to molecular biology to unravel, slowly but surely and with Aernout Mik in the Netherlands for his consistent oeuvre great patience, the molecular components of the puzzle of installations in which he combines video and other artis- which is the complex disorder known as Alzheimer’s dis- tic media. His working method has had a major influence ease. The process of identifying the causal relationships on the present generation of video artists in the Nether- and processes within brain cells has now reached the lands. In Mik’s video films the events which occur between stage where the first patients are taking part in a trial with the characters stand on their own, but evoke conflicting drugs intended to delay or prevent the disease, an emotions of a disquieting or humorous nature. This effect advance of inestimable social significance. His work has is reinforced by the fact that Mik creates several layers of also led to a better understanding of the ageing processes reality, in which he combines staged action – both live and in the brain and the onset and progression of Parkinson’s on video – with sculptural forms embedded in an architec- disease. tural structure, thus creating a physical link between the The Dr. A.H. Heineken Prize for Env ironmental viewer and the work. A good example of this was his Sciences was awarded to Prof. Lonnie G. Thompson in installation based on an architectural structure consisting the US for his pioneering work in research into ice cores in of steadily narrowing corridors and low doorways, show- the polar regions and the tropics. He is convinced that ice ing video films of collapsing buildings and injured people, is the best record of the earth’s climate. That frozen record next to a life-size dummy of an anthropoid ape. HEINEKEN N.V. ANNUAL REPORT 2002 44 > Financial Statements 2002 Consolidated Balance Sheet after appropriation of profit in millions of euros 31 December 2002 31 December 2001 Assets Fixed assets 39 13 Tangible fixed assets 4,094 3,592 Financial fixed assets 835 Intangible fixed assets 531 4,968 4,136 Current assets Stocks Receivables Securities Cash 765 692 1,270 1,192 98 29 680 1,146 2,813 3,059 7,781 7,195 Equity and liabilities Group equity Shareholders’ equity Minority interests in other group company’s 2,543 2,758 393 Provisions 381 2,936 3,139 981 1,024 Liabilities Long-term borrowings 1,215 797 Current liabilities 2,649 2,235 HEINEKEN N.V. ANNUAL REPORT 2002 46 3,864 3,032 7,781 7,195 Consolidated Profit and Loss Account in millions of euros 2001* 2002 10,293 Net turnover 9,333 Raw materials, consumables and services 5,558 5,089 Excise duties 1,282 1,226 Staff costs 1,642 1,417 Amortisation/depreciation and value adjustments 529 476 Total operating expenses 9,011 8,208 Operating profit 1,282 1,125 48 45 Interest – 109 – 71 Profit before tax 1,221 1,099 Taxation – 364 – 327 Results of non-consolidated participating interests Group profit after tax 857 772 Minority interests – 62 – 57 Net profit on ordinary activities 795 715 – 52 795 767 391,979,675 391,979,675 2.03 1.82 Extraordinary result after tax Net profit Number of shares in issue Net profit per share on ordinary activities * The 2001 figures have been restated for comparison purposes. F I N A N C I A L S TAT E M E N TS 2 0 0 2 47 Consolidated Cash Flow Statement in millions of euros 2002 2001 Cash flow from operating activ ities Operating profit 1,282 1,125 Results of non-consolidated participating interests 48 45 Amortisation/depreciation and value adjustments 529 476 Movements in provisions Movements in working capital –8 – 32 – 223 – 42 Cash flow from operations 1,628 1,572 Interest paid and received – 103 – 74 Taxation paid on profits – 341 – 333 Cash flow from operating activities 1,184 1,165 Dividends paid – 187 – 168 997 997 Cash flow from operating activities less dividends paid Cash flow from investing activ ities – 35 – 17 Tangible fixed assets – 696 – 578 Consolidated participating interests – 799 – 148 Non-consolidated participating interests – 423 – 74 Intangible fixed assets Extraordinary result on participating interests disposed of Other financial fixed assets – 52 – 20 – 18 – 1,973 – 783 Cash flow from financing activ ities Long-term borrowings 484 86 Repayment of long-term borrowings – 56 – 182 –1 57 Share issue by group companies Net cash flow 427 – 39 – 549 175 Other cash movements Changes in the consolidation – 88 99 Exchange differences – 36 – 14 Movement in net cash – 673 260 680 1,146 The net cash position is made up of Cash Securities Bank overdrafts Position as at 31 December HEINEKEN N.V. ANNUAL REPORT 2002 48 98 29 – 573 – 297 205 878 Notes to the Consolidated Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Account and Cash Flow Statement for 2002 General Foreign currency The financial statements and the report of the Executive Hedging transactions to limit exchange risks are entered Board have been prepared in accordance with the provi- into only in respect of actual amounts receivable and sions of Part , Book , of the Netherlands Civil Code. payable and highly probable future cash flows in foreign There were a number of changes in the scope of the con- currencies. The instruments used are forward contracts solidation during the year, the following being the more and options. Before such contracts are entered into, significant of these with regard to the financial statements. inward and outward cash flows in a particular currency are The .% participating interest in BrauHolding netted off at group level as far as possible. Where foreign International, in Germany, has been proportionally currency balance sheet positions have been hedged, they consolidated with effect from January . In , this are translated at the exchange rate of the hedge. participating interest was carried at net asset value. Bravo Recognition of results arising from hedging operations International in Russia has been fully consolidated with relating to future foreign currency cash flows is deferred effect from January . In addition, Al Ahram in Egypt, until the relevant cash flows are accounted for. Other for- Almaza in Lebanon and Barú in Panama have been includ- eign currency transactions in the profit and loss account ed in the consolidation with effect from October . are recognised at spot rates unless forward contracts have There was also a certain amount of expansion of existing been entered into in connection with these transactions, interests and a number of beverage wholesalers were in which case the forward rate applies. acquired. These changes in the consolidation led to an The financial statements of non-eurozone companies increase in net turnover of € million. The acquisitions are translated into euros. Assets and liabilities are trans- also resulted in a goodwill charge to equity of € million. lated at exchange rates on the balance sheet date. From part of the costs of temporary point-of-sales Profit and loss account items are translated at the average activities were reclassified as marketing and selling monthly exchange rates. The difference between the net expenses, whereas previously they were deducted from profit based on average exchange rates and the net profit net turnover. To facilitate comparison, both net turnover based on the exchange rates as at balance sheet date is and marketing and selling expenses in have been accounted for in the revaluation reserve. The profit and increased by € million. loss accounts of companies in hyperinflation countries are The financial information relating to Heineken N.V. has been included in the consolidated balance sheet and profit and loss account. The abridged presentation permitted by translated at exchange rates prevailing on the balance sheet date. Differences in book value arise on translation into euros Section , Part , Book , of the Netherlands Civil Code of the opening balance of the shareholders’ equity of the has accordingly been used for the Heineken N.V. profit and non-eurozone consolidated companies plus intra-group loss account. long-term loans granted to these companies. These differ- The amounts disclosed in the notes are in millions of euros unless otherwise indicated. ences are treated as revaluations and are credited or debited directly to group equity, with due allowance for taxation. Other differences due to exchange rate movements Consolidation are accounted for directly in the profit and loss account. Heineken N.V. and the subsidiaries with which it forms a group are fully consolidated in the consolidated balance Valuation of assets and liabilities sheet and profit and loss account, with minority interests in group equity and group profits shown separately. Proportional consolidation is applied in the case of com- Intangible fixed assets Goodwill, the difference between the price paid for partici- panies in which the Heineken group has a direct interest pating interests and their valuation according to Heineken and exercises a controlling influence on management accounting policies, is charged to shareholders’ equity decisions in partnership with other shareholders. where the group exercises at least a significant influence In the analyses of movements in various assets and on management decisions. In the case of acquisition of liabilities, disclosures of ‘changes in the consolidation’ beverage wholesalers, the purchase price is almost entire- relate to increases or decreases in the group’s interests ly determined by the customer base and, that being the in consolidated companies. case, it is treated as goodwill. F I N A N C I A L S TAT E M E N TS 2 0 0 2 49 Notes to the Consolidated Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Account and Cash Flow Statement for 2002 When the relevant legal requirements are changed, good- is deducted from the carrying amount as an impairment will will be capitalised and amortised over the expected loss and charged to the profit and loss account. economic life of the assets concerned. Other intangible fixed assets are capitalised and amor- Current assets tised by the straight-line method over three years. If the Stocks bought in from third parties are stated at replace- net realisable value of intangible fixed assets is less than ment cost, arrived at on the basis of prices from current the carrying amount, a diminution in value is applied. purchase contracts and latest prices as at balance sheet Costs of internally developed brands, patents and licences date. Finished products and work in progress are stated at and research and development are expensed. manufactured cost based on replacement cost and taking Brands, patents and licences purchased with acquisitions into account the production stage reached. Stocks of are treated as part of the goodwill paid. spare parts are depreciated on a straight-line basis taking account of obsolescence. If the recoverable amount or net Tangible fixed assets realisable value of stocks is less than their replacement Except for land, which is not depreciated, tangible fixed cost, provisions are made in respect of the difference. assets are stated at replacement cost less accumulated Advance payments on stocks are included at face value. depreciation. The following average useful lives are used Receivables are carried at face value less a provision for depreciation purposes: for credit risks and less the amount of deposits on return- Buildings - years able packaging. Plant and equipment - years Other fixed assets - years Securities are carried at the lower of historical cost and quoted price, or estimated market value in the case of unlisted securities. The replacement cost is based on appraisals by internal Cash is included at face value. and external experts, taking into account technical and economic developments. Other factors taken into account Revaluations include the experience gained in the construction of Differences in carrying amounts due to revaluations breweries throughout the world. are credited or debited to group equity, less an amount Grants received in respect of investments in tangible in respect of deferred tax liabilities where applicable. fixed assets are deducted from the amount of the investment. Projects under construction are included at cost. Provisions The provision for deferred tax liabilities is formed in respect of timing differences between the balance sheet Financial fixed assets for reporting purposes and the recognition of assets and Non-consolidated participating interests where the group liabilities for tax purposes as well as taxation on profit has a significant influence are stated at the Heineken distributions borne by the group. The liabilities are calcu- share of the net asset value, which is arrived at as far as lated at the standard tax rates on balance sheet date and possible on the basis of the Heineken accounting policies. are stated at face value. Deferred tax assets are netted Other non-consolidated participating interests are stated off against deferred tax liabilities of the same kind at cost less any necessary provisions. over matching periods. A net deferred tax asset is not Loans to non-consolidated companies and other financial fixed assets are carried at face value, less provisions for credit risks. recognised unless future realisation is reasonably certain. The provisions for pension liabilities and similar schemes are calculated at net present value according to actuarial principles based on current pay levels. Full provi- Impairment of assets sion is made for pension liabilities in respect of accrued Regular assessments are made for any indications that benefit rights. Prior-service liabilities resulting from intangible and tangible fixed assets might be impaired. improvements in remuneration packages and pension If any such indications exist, the net realisable value of plans are added to the provision for pension liabilities and the assets concerned is determined. If the net realisable charged directly to the result. value of an asset is less than its book value, the difference HEINEKEN N.V. ANNUAL REPORT 2002 50 Provisions connected with reorganisation plans are cal- Notes to the Consolidated Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Account and Cash Flow Statement for 2002 culated at the net present value of the benefit commit- consist of dividends received during the year from com- ments in connection with early retirement, relocation panies carried at cost and Heineken’s share of the net and redundancy schemes. Where applicable, the expected profits of companies carried at net asset value. The share degree of employee participation in the schemes concern- of the results of companies carried at net asset value ed is taken into account. is calculated as far as possible in accordance with group accounting policies for the determination of results, Liabilities Long-term borrowings and current liabilities are stated at face value. taking account of taxation and minority interests. Interest expenses are allocated to the periods to which they relate. Results arising from operations involving interest rate hedging instruments are also accounted for as Determination of results interest. Such instruments are used to hedge the risk of a Income and expenses are accounted for in the profit and reduction in interest income on surplus funds temporarily loss account at the time of supply of the relevant goods invested in bank deposits due to falling interest rates and or services. higher interest charges on interest-bearing liabilities due Net turnover means the proceeds from sales of products and services supplied to third parties, net of sales taxes and customer discounts. Raw materials and consumables are stated at replace- to interest rate rises. Interest rate hedging instruments are not used without a corresponding underlying position. Taxation on profits is calculated on the profit shown in the financial statements by applying the standard tax ment cost in the profit and loss account. rates, taking into account tax payable by the group on Excise duties are stated at the actual amounts payable. profit distributions by participating interests and applica- Depreciation charges based on replacement cost are ble tax facilities. Differences between the amount thus calculated on a straight-line basis according to the esti- calculated and the tax actually payable for the year are mated useful lives of the assets concerned. accounted for in the provision for deferred tax liabilities. The results of non-consolidated participating interests F I N A N C I A L S TAT E M E N TS 2 0 0 2 51 Notes to the Consolidated Balance Sheet Intangible fixed assets With effect from , investments in major ICT projects In , an amount of € million (: € million) was and technical innovations satisfying the applicable criteria capitalised and an amount of € million (: € million) have been capitalised and amortised over three years. was amortised. Tangible fixed assets Total Land and Plant and Other Projects under buildings equipment fixed assets construction 241 Position as at 1 January 2002 3,592 1,135 1,500 716 Changes in the consolidation 378 137 149 77 15 Investments less disposals 696 40 264 182 210 – 28 142 69 – 239 – 144 – 37 – 60 – 32 – 15 53 9 40 4 – Depreciation and value adjustments – 481 – 62 – 218 – 201 – Position as at 31 December 2002 4,094 1,250 1,817 815 212 Completed projects Exchange differences Revaluation This book value is made up as follows: Replacement cost Accumulated depreciation 9,897 2,790 4,781 2,114 212 – 5,803 – 1,540 – 2,964 – 1,299 – 4,094 1,250 1,817 815 212 622 237 355 30 – The aggregate amount of revaluations included in the book value as at 31 December 2002 is: Other fixed assets includes vehicles, office equipment and returnable packaging. Projects under construction also includes advance payments on tangible fixed assets on order. With effect from 2002, investment grants have been deducted from the cost of the tangible fixed assets concerned. HEINEKEN N.V. ANNUAL REPORT 2002 52 Notes to the Consolidated Balance Sheet Financial fixed assets Position as at 1 January 2002 Changes in the consolidation Additions/loans granted Disposals/loan repayments Revaluation Total Non-consolidated participating interests Other financial Shares Loans fixed assets 531 182 1 348 31 – 26 7 50 601 433 1 167 – 158 – 10 –6 – 142 –7 –6 –1 – – – 182 – 182 – Other value adjustments –1 –1 – – Share in net profit 26 26 – – Dividends received –6 –6 – – 835 410 2 423 Goodwill Position as at 31 December 2002 Other financial fixed assets includes €295 million (2001: €270 million) in respect of loans to customers and €22 million (2001: €30 million) in respect of deferred tax assets. 2002 2001 Stocks Raw materials 112 118 58 46 Finished products 184 167 Goods for resale 125 110 72 65 159 138 55 48 Work in progress Non-returnable packaging Other stocks Advance payments on stocks 765 692 Receivables Amounts falling due within one year: Trade debtors 1,111 Packaging deposits – 266 1,070 – 256 845 814 44 57 Other amounts receivable 221 171 Prepayments and accrued income 160 150 1,270 1,192 Non-consolidated participating interests F I N A N C I A L S TAT E M E N TS 2 0 0 2 53 Notes to the Consolidated Balance Sheet 2002 2001 Securities Listed securities 83 16 Unlisted securities 15 13 98 29 Cash Cash in hand and at bank 324 362 Short-term cash deposits 356 784 680 1,146 Total cash not freely disposable amounts to €121 million, mainly relating to letters of credit. Shareholders’ equity Position as at 1 January 2,758 Exchange differences – 107 16 32 56 – 778 – 320 795 767 – 157 – 157 Revaluation Goodwill Net profit for the year Dividend for the year 2,396 2,543 Position as at 31 December 2,758 For an analysis of shareholders’ equity, reference is made to the balance sheet of Heineken N.V. as at 31 December 2002 on page 66. Minority interests Position as at 1 January Changes in the consolidation Exchange differences 381 124 25 156 – 55 – Revaluation 12 5 Minority interests in group profit 62 57 – 31 – 20 –1 59 Dividends payable to minority shareholders Share issue Position as at 31 December HEINEKEN N.V. ANNUAL REPORT 2002 54 393 381 Notes to the Consolidated Balance Sheet Prov isions Deferred tax Pension Other liabilities liabilities provisions 357 338 329 Total The movements were: Position as at 1 January 2002 1,024 Changes in the consolidation 27 21 3 51 Revaluation/exchange differences –7 –4 –3 – 14 Added/released –3 96 5 98 Utilised – – 33 – 73 – 106 Other movements 7 – 66 – 13 – 72 381 352 248 981 Position as at 31 December 2002 The provision for pension liabilities relates to pensions and is % (: %). The other provisions comprise reorga- annuities which have not been insured with third parties. nisation provisions, provisions formed for receivables from With effect from , the provisions for early retirement participating interests, for contracts of suretyship provided and other schemes under which people are laid off with and for current lawsuits. Additions due to planned and pension-like arrangements have been included in this announced restructuring programmes are charged to the item. In additional pension charges amounted to profit and loss account, with the exception of restructuring € million, although half of this amount could be set off programmes relating to recently acquired companies, against existing provisions for staff costs. The average which are taken into account in the calculation of goodwill. rate of interest used in calculating the net present value € million of the provisions (: € million) has a of the provision for pension liabilities, based on current term in excess of one year. applicable interest rates in the countries concerned, F I N A N C I A L S TAT E M E N TS 2 0 0 2 55 Notes to the Consolidated Balance Sheet 2002 Long-term borrowings 2001 Total More than 5 years Total More than 5 years 337 110 264 150 1 – 61 – 162 – 16 – Amounts falling due after more than one year relate to: Loans from credit institutions, in EUR, average effective interest rate 5.2% Loans from credit institutions, in PLN, average effective interest rate 3.62% (2001: 15.8%) Loans from credit institutions, in EUR, average effective interest rate 4.0% (2001: 5.0%) Loans from credit institutions, in EUR, average 427 – 278 278 Private loan, in EGP, interest rate 11.9% 37 37 – – Private loan, in EUR, interest rate 5.8% 68 – 68 68 effective interest rate 4.3% (2001: 5.0%) Other private loans, in various currencies, average interest rate 5.2% (2001: 5.45%) Other loans, interest-free 118 20 72 16 65 26 38 21 1,215 193 797 533 Security in the form of mortgages totalling €116 million (2001: €113 million) has been provided in respect of the other private loans. Current liabilities Amounts falling due within one year relate to: Repayment commitments on long-term 205 32 Bank overdrafts 573 297 Suppliers 629 620 Taxation and social security contributions 322 335 Dividend 105 107 Short-term deposits 261 241 borrowings in 2003 Amounts owed to non-consolidated participating 1 3 Other creditors 250 242 Accruals and deferred income 303 358 interests 2,649 Tangible fixed assets totalling €140 million (2001: €205 million) have been pledged to the authorities in a number of countries as security for the payment of taxation, particularly excise duties and import duties. HEINEKEN N.V. ANNUAL REPORT 2002 56 2,235 Notes to the Consolidated Balance Sheet 2002 2001 48 56 53 84 Off-balance-sheet commitments Tenancy and operating leases Capital expenditure commitments, unless already included in tangible fixed assets Long-term raw material purchase contracts 176 186 Declarations of joint and several liability 398 286 29 12 150 – Currency hedging instruments in US dollars 904 1,321 Currency hedging instruments in other currencies 114 206 1,029 925 Other off-balance-sheet commitments Loan to Stichting Heineken Pensioenfonds In 2003, a subordinated loan of €150 million will be granted to Stichting Heineken Pensioenfonds to satisfy the more stringent minimum reserves requirements of the Pensions and Insurance Supervisory Board in the Netherlands. Financial instruments Contract value as at 31 December Interest-hedging instruments Financial instruments are used in the normal course of one year. Approximately % of the risk of a reduction business to hedge the effects on results of fluctuations in interest income on these deposits due to a fall in the in exchange rates and interest rates. The most important interest rate or an increase in interest charges due to a rise foreign currency inflow is denominated in US dollars and in the interest rate on interest-bearing liabilities is hedged is generated by export activities. The expected net cash with interest rate instruments. These interest-hedging flow in US dollars, which amounts to around USD instruments include interest rate swaps, forward rate million per annum, is hedged well in advance by means of agreements and caps and floors. The interest-hedging a combination of forward contracts and options. This poli- instruments with a term of more than one year amount cy reduces the volatility of export sales proceeds and to €, million. As at December , the aggregate results due to short-term fluctuations in the value of the market value of the various financial instruments used US dollar against the euro and delays the impact of long- amounted to € million. Currency and interest rate risk term fluctuations on results. The financial instruments management is governed by a stringently defined policy used to hedge foreign exchange fluctuations, with a term and strict rules. Only a limited number of counterparties of longer than one year, amount to € million. As far as are used, all with excellent credit ratings. The activities possible, temporary cash surpluses are held centrally and are closely monitored, independently of implementation. invested in bank deposits in euros with maximum terms of F I N A N C I A L S TAT E M E N TS 2 0 0 2 57 Notes to the Consolidated Profit and Loss Account Information by geographical area As almost the entire net turnover of the group is account- Europe, Western Hemisphere, Africa/Middle East and ed for by just one product group, namely beer, the finan- Asia/Pacific. Since nearly all export production facilities cial information is segmented by geographical area only. are located in Europe, the results of these activities are The remaining activities are not reported on a segmented reported under Europe. The results and assets, analysed basis. The following four regions are distinguished: by region, are presented below. Results Europe Western Hemisphere Africa/ Middle East Asia/Pacific Eliminations Consolidated (incl. exports) 2002 2001* 2002 2001 2002 2001 2002 2001 2002 2001 2002 2001* Net turnover Third-party sales proceeds 7,488 6,824 1,372 1,176 795 747 471 465 Interregional sales proceeds 1,276 1,127 – – – – – – Total sales proceeds 8,764 7,951 1,372 1,176 795 747 471 465 156 126 1 – 40 29 5 7 Proceeds from services – – 10,126 – 1,276 – 1,127 9,212 – – – 1,276 – 1,127 10,126 9,212 – 35 – 41 167 121 8,920 8,077 1,373 1,176 835 776 476 472 – 1,311 – 1,168 10,293 9,333 Excise duty 889 831 131 107 120 144 142 144 1,282 1,226 Operating profit 996 881 70 55 169 129 47 60 – – 1,282 1,125 12 6 23 20 6 5 7 14 – – Net turnover Results of non-consolidated 48 45 Interest – 109 – 71 Taxation – 364 – 327 – 62 – 57 795 715 – 52 795 767 participating interests Minority interests Net profit on ordinary activities Extraordinary result after tax Net profit * The 2001 figures have been restated for comparison purposes. HEINEKEN N.V. ANNUAL REPORT 2002 58 Notes to the Consolidated Profit and Loss Account Balance sheet Europe Western Hemisphere Africa/Middle East Asia/Pacific Consolidated (incl. exports) 2002 2001* 2002 2001 2002 2001 2002 2001 2002 2001* 6,199 5,280 4,726 328 308 1,027 768 361 397 6,996 36 53 331 87 25 23 18 20 410 183 5,316 4,779 659 395 1,052 791 379 417 7,406 6,382 375 813 7,781 7,195 4,845 4,056 Total liabilities as per balance sheet 4,845 4,056 Group equity 2,936 3,139 Operating assets Non-consolidated participating interests Total assets Invested cash Total assets as per balance sheet Total provisions and liabilities Investments in intangible fixed assets Investments in tangible fixed assets Amortisation of intangible fixed assets 3,651 3,207 334 236 729 469 131 144 34 17 1 – – – – – 35 17 461 442 10 17 208 103 17 16 696 578 10 4 – – – – – – 10 4 420 403 10 10 33 35 18 17 481 465 Depreciation of and value adjustments to tangible fixed assets 2001* 2002 Raw materials, consumables and serv ices Raw materials 525 507 949 873 Goods for resale 1,080 978 Marketing and selling expenses Packaging 1,585 1,451 Transport costs 402 357 Energy and water 147 138 Repair and maintenance 185 161 Other expenses 685 624 5,558 The movement in work in progress and finished products (increase of €29 million, excluding revaluations and changes in the consolidation) is included in the appropriate component of production costs, i.e. raw materials, packaging materials, excise duties and, with regard to the fixed cost element of stocks, other expenses. * The 2001 figures have been restated for comparison purposes. F I N A N C I A L S TAT E M E N TS 2 0 0 2 59 5,089 Notes to the Consolidated Profit and Loss Account 2001* 2002 Staf f co sts Salaries and wages 1,069 994 Pension costs 111 41 Other social security costs 275 207 Other staff costs 193 187 1,648 1,429 –6 – 12 1,642 1,417 Staff costs capitalised in connection with production of tangible fixed assets for use by the group Other staff costs includes amounts added to other provisions in respect of reorganisations. Number of employees The average number of employees was: Netherlands Rest of Europe Western Hemisphere Africa/Middle East Asia/Pacific 5,527 5,620 22,440 20,646 1,451 839 10,462 6,700 1,377 1,308 Heineken N.V. and fully consolidated 41,257 participating interests Rest of Europe Africa/Middle East Asia/Pacific 2,877 35,113 947 631 537 3,472 3,428 Proportionally consolidated participating interests 6,980 4,912 48,237 40,025 Heineken N.V. and consolidated participating interests Amortisation/depreciation and value adjustments Depreciation of tangible fixed assets Other value adjustments to tangible fixed assets Amortisation of intangible fixed assets Value adjustments to other assets Other value adjustments to tangible fixed assets include the balance of reductions in the book values of production assets to their net realisable value and reversals of exceptional losses from impairment of these assets. The value adjustments to other assets relate mainly to provisions for stocks of finished products and spares held by operating companies. * The 2001 figures have been restated for comparison purposes. HEINEKEN N.V. ANNUAL REPORT 2002 60 476 444 5 21 10 4 491 469 38 7 529 476 Notes to the Consolidated Profit and Loss Account 2002 2001 Results of non- consolidated participating interests Share in net result of participating interests carried at net asset value 15 17 33 28 Dividends received from participating interests carried at cost 48 45 Interest Interest paid Interest received on cash deposits etc. – 146 – 118 37 47 – 109 – 71 – 364 – 327 1,173 1,054 Taxation The taxation amounts to 31.0% (2001: 31.0%) of the profit before tax, excluding the results of non-consolidated participating interests. Taxation The main components of the taxation charge are: Profit before taxation excluding the results of non-consolidated participating interests Taxation charge at the statutory tax rate in the Netherlands Effect of tax rates outside the Netherlands 34.5% 405 35.0% 369 – 0.9% – 11 – 0.5% –5 1.7% 20 1.6% 17 Utilisation of tax losses carried forward – 1.2% – 14 – 2.6% – 28 Tax losses not recognised – 0.1% –1 1.4% 15 Underprovided in prior years – 0.8% –9 – 0.9% –9 Tax incentives and other differences – 2.2% – 26 – 3.0% – 32 Effective tax burden 31.0% 364 31.0% 327 Non-allowable expenses F I N A N C I A L S TAT E M E N TS 2 0 0 2 61 Notes to the Consolidated Profit and Loss Account 2002 Tax losses As at December , the group had tax losses totalling € million, expiring as follows: 2003 20 2004 29 2005 21 2006 12 2007 21 Later than 2007 but not indefinite 31 134 An amount of €22 million of these tax losses has been recognised as a deferred tax asset and included in financial fixed assets. Owing to the uncertainty regarding the ability to realise other tax losses, they have not been recognised. 2002 2001 – 52 Extraordinary result af ter tax Extraordinary result after tax The extraordinary result after tax in 2001 relates to the book profit of €35.5 million on the disposal of the 2% interest in the Spanish hotel group NH Hoteles SA and an exceptional cash dividend of €16.3 million distributed by Whitbread Plc. following the disposal of its Pubs & Bars Division. HEINEKEN N.V. ANNUAL REPORT 2002 62 Notes to the Consolidated Cash Flow Statement The consolidated cash flow statement has been drawn up overdrafts and repayment commitments on long-term using the indirect method. The various consolidated profit borrowings in ). The cash flow from investing and loss account and balance sheet items have been activities relates to the net amount of investments and adjusted for changes which have no effect on the receipts disposals. The net cash position consists of cash in hand and payments during the year. Working capital comprises and at bank, securities and bank overdrafts. stocks, receivables and current liabilities (excluding bank Provisions Position as at 1 January 2002 Revaluation/exchange differences Changes in the consolidation Other non-cash-flow movements Cash flow movements Position as at 31 December 2002 with dividends, interest and taxation Changes in the consolidaton 797 32 –1 51 81 11 – 72 – 136 220 –8 484 – 56 981 1,215 206 – 22 –2 – 49 57 – 42 Cash flow movements 223 Position as at 31 December 2002 165 63 commitments – 11 Other non-cash-flow movements F I N A N C I A L S TAT E M E N TS 2 0 0 2 borrowings – 14 Movements in balance sheet items in connection Revaluation/exchange differences Repayment 1,024 Working capital Position as at 1 January 2002 Long-term Participating Interests of significance for the true and fair view required by law A declaration of joint and several liability pursuant to the provisions of Section , Part , Book , of the Netherlands Civil Code has been issued with respect to the legal entities established in the Netherlands marked with a • below. Fully consolidated participating interests % interest • Heineken Nederlands Beheer B.V. Amsterdam • Heineken Brouwerijen B.V. Amsterdam 100.0 100.0 • Heineken Nederland B.V. Amsterdam 100.0 • Heineken International B.V. Amsterdam 100.0 • Heineken Technical Services B.V. Amsterdam 100.0 • Amstel Brouwerij B.V. Amsterdam 100.0 • Amstel Internationaal B.V. Amsterdam 100.0 • Vrumona B.V. Bunnik 100.0 • Invebra Holland B.V. Amsterdam 100.0 • Brouwerij de Ridder B.V. Maastricht 100.0 • B.V. Beleggingsmaatschappij Limba Amsterdam 100.0 • Brand Bierbrouwerij B.V. Wijlre 100.0 • Beheer- en Exploitatiemaatschappij Brand B.V. Wijlre 100.0 Sogebra S.A. Paris (France) 100.0 Heineken España S.A. Seville (Spain) 97.8 Heineken Italia S.p.A. Pollein (Italy) 100.0 Athenian Brewery S.A. . Grupa Z ywiec S.A. Athens (Greece) . Z ywiec (Poland) Heineken Ireland Ltd. * Cork (Ireland) 100.0 Amstel Brewery Hungary Inc. Komárom (Hungary) 100.0 Heineken Slovensko A.S. Nitra (Slovakia) Heineken Switzerland A.G. Chur (Switzerland) 100.0 Mouterij Albert N.V. Ruisbroek (Belgium) 100.0 Ibecor S.A. Brussels (Belgium) 100.0 98.8 61.8 91.6 Affligem Brouwerij BDS N.V. Opwijk (Belgium) 100.0 Bravo International St. Petersburg (Russia) 100.0 Dinal LLP Almaty (Kazakhstan) Heineken USA Inc. White Plains (United States) Antilliaanse Brouwerij N.V. Willemstad (Netherlands Antilles) 56.8 Commonwealth Brewery Ltd. Nassau (Bahamas) 53.2 Windward & Leeward Brewery Ltd. Vieux Fort (St. Lucia) 72.7 Nigerian Breweries Plc. Lagos (Nigeria) 54.2 51.0 100.0 Al Ahram Beverages Company Cairo (Egypt) 98.7 Brasseries, Limonaderies et Malteries ‘Bralima’ S.A.R.L. Kinshasa (R.D. Congo) 94.3 Brasseries et Limonaderies du Rwanda ‘Bralirwa’ S.A. Kigali (Rwanda) 70.0 Brasseries et Limonaderies du Burundi ‘Brarudi’ S.A. Bujumbura (Burundi) 59.3 Brasseries de Bourbon S.A. St. Denis (Réunion) 85.4 Ghana Breweries Ltd. Kumasi (Ghana) 75.6 Brasseries du Logone S.A. Moundou (Chad) 100.0 P.T. Multi Bintang Indonesia Tbk. Jakarta (Indonesia) 84.5 * In accordance with the provisions of Section of the Republic of Ireland Companies (Amendment) Act , Heineken N.V. has given irrevocable guarantees for the financial year from January to December in respect of the liabilities, as referred to in Section (c) of that Act, of the subsidiary companies Heineken Ireland Limited and Heineken Ireland Sales Limited. 64 Participating Interests Proportionally consolidated participating interests The companies listed below are proportionally consolidated because control of these companies is exercised jointly and directly by virtue of an agreement with the other shareholders. % interest BrauHolding International AG Munich (Germany) 49.9 Zagorka Brewery A.D. Stara Zagora (Bulgaria) 48.0 Ariana Brewery A.D. Sofia (Bulgaria) 47.5 Pivara Skopje A.D. Skopje (Macedonia) 27.3 Brasseries du Congo S.A. Brazzaville (Congo) 50.0 Asia Pacific Breweries (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Singapore 42.5 Shanghai Asia Pacific Brewery Co. Ltd. Shanghai (China) 44.9 Hainan Asia Pacific Brewery Ltd. Haikou (China) 42.5 SP Holdings Ltd. Port Moresby (Papua New Guinea) 32.1 Vietnam Brewery Ltd. Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam) 25.5 Cambodia Brewery Ltd. Phnom Penh (Cambodia) 34.0 DB Group Ltd. Auckland (New Zealand) 32.7 Guinness Anchor Berhad Petaling Jaya (Malaysia) 10.8 Thai Asia Pacific Brewery Co. Ltd. Bangkok (Thailand) 14.9 Florida Bebidas S.A. San José (Costa Rica) 25.0 Non- consolidated participating interests carried at net a s s et va lue Other non- consolidated participating interests ca rrie d a t cos t Quilmes International (Bermuda) Ltd. Hamilton (Bermuda) 15.0 Cervejarias Kaiser Brasil S.A. Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) 20.0 F I N A N C I A L S TAT E M E N TS 2 0 0 2 65 Balance Sheet of Heineken N.V. after proposed appropriation of profit in millions of euros 31 December 2002 31 December 2001 Assets Fixed assets 2,550 Financial fixed assets 2,390 Current assets Receivables Cash 2 12 216 585 218 597 2,768 2,987 Equity and liabilities Shareholders’ equity Issued share capital General reserve 784 784 1,759 1,974 2,543 2,758 Liabilities Long-term borrowings Current liabilities HEINEKEN N.V. ANNUAL REPORT 2002 66 68 68 157 161 225 229 2,768 2,987 Profit and Loss Account of Heineken N.V. in millions of euros 2002 2001 Net profit of group companies 792 736 Other revenues and expenses 3 31 Net profit according to the consolidated profit and loss account F I N A N C I A L S TAT E M E N TS 2 0 0 2 67 795 767 Notes to the Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account of Heineken N.V. for 2002 General Sh ares The amounts disclosed in the notes are in millions of As at December , the members of the Executive euros unless otherwise indicated. The aggregate amounts Board did not hold any of the company’s shares, convert- referred to in Section , subsection , Part , Book , ible bonds or option rights. One of the Executive Board of the Netherlands Civil Code, in respect of the remunera- members held shares of Heineken Holding N.V. as at tion, pensions etc. of existing and former members of December . the Executive Board and of existing and former members of the Supervisory Board disbursed by the company were Superv isory Board as follows: As at December , the Supervisory Board members did not hold any of the company’s shares, convertible 2002 2001 Executive Board members 7.5 5.5 Supervisory Board members 0.3 0.3 bonds or option rights. Two Supervisory Board members together held , shares of Heineken Holding N.V. as at December . The individual members of the Supervisory Board received the following remuneration: Remuneration The remuneration of the members of the Executive Board 2002 in thousands of euros 2001 comprises a fixed component and a variable component, made up of an annual profit-sharing bonus and a long-term J.M. de Jong1 31 – bonus. The profit-sharing bonus is determined individually M. Das 38 29 by the Supervisory Board. The long-term bonus is linked to J. Loudon 38 29 the issue of bonus shares or recapitalisation by Heineken H. de Ruiter 38 29 N.V., which, in the past, has occurred on average once M.R. de Carvalho 38 29 every three years. A.H.J. Risseeuw 38 21 21 J.M. Hessels 38 Pensions C.J.A. van Lede 1 26 – The pensions of the Executive Board members are admin- R. Hazelhoff 2 14 34 istered by the Heineken Pension Fund. In , €, A. Maas 2 12 29 (: €,) was charged to the company in respect L. van Vollenhoven 12 29 2 of pension contributions. Executive Board remuneration Fixed in thousands of euros 1 Appointed 25 april 2002 2 Retired 25 april 2002 Annual Long-term Pension bonus bonus plan Total 2002 2001 2002 2001 2002 2001 2002 2001 2002 2001 A. Ruys 506 432 426 367 – 681 – – 932 1,480 M.J. Bolland 358 239 277 185 – – – – 635 424 J.F.M.L. van Boxmeer 358 239 277 185 – – – – 635 424 D.R. Hooft Graafland 1 239 – 185 – – – – – 424 – S.W.W. Lubsen 2 358 358 412 412 – 514 1,856 – 2,626 1,284 K. Vuursteen 3 181 543 152 455 1,000 845 804 – 2,137 1,843 1 Remuneration since appointment as member of the Executive Board on 2 May 2002 2 Retired on 31 December 2002 3 Retired on 25 April 2002 HEINEKEN N.V. ANNUAL REPORT 2002 68 Notes to the Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account of Heineken N.V. for 2002 Accounting policies for the valuation of ing policies and the price paid on acquisition of group assets and liabilities and for the determination companies, is taken to the general reserve. Positive differ- of results ences are credited to the revaluation reserve. Any differ- Shares in group companies are carried at net asset value ence in value of a group company between the beginning calculated in accordance with the accounting policies and end of the year which does not relate to changes in for the valuation of assets and liabilities stated on page the paid-up share capital, results and dividends of that et seq. Amounts receivable from group companies are company is credited or debited to the revaluation reserve stated at face value. Also stated at face value are other or, if this is insufficient, to the general reserve. amounts receivable, cash, long-term borrowings and cur- The profit and loss account has been prepared in accor- rent liabilities. Goodwill, being the difference between the dance with the accounting policies stated on page . value as calculated in accordance with the stated account- Financial fixed assets Group companies Total Shares Receivables 1,676 Position as at 1 January 2002 2,390 714 Revaluation – 853 – 853 – 792 792 – – 362 – 362 – 583 – 583 2,550 291 2,259 Net profit of group companies Dividend payments by group companies Other movements Position as at 31 December 2002 2002 2001 2 12 216 585 784 711 – 73 784 784 Receivables Amounts receivable The amounts receivable fall due within one year. Cash Short-term cash deposits Issued capital Position as at 1 January Recapitalisation charged to the general reserve Position as at 31 December The issued share capital comprises 391,979,675 shares of €2.00 nominal value and the authorised share capital is €2.5 billion. F I N A N C I A L S TAT E M E N TS 2 0 0 2 69 Notes to the Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account of Heineken N.V. for 2002 2002 2001 General reserve Position as at 1 January 1,974 1,685 Revaluation – 853 – 248 795 767 – 157 – 157 – – 73 Net profit for the year Dividend for the year Recapitalisation 1,759 Position as at 31 December Long-term borrowings 1,974 Total More than 5 years Total More than 5 years 68 – 68 – 68 – 68 – Amounts falling due after more than one year relate to: Private loan, in EUR, interest rate 5.84%, redeemable 2 June 2006 Current liabilities Amounts falling due within one year relate to: Taxation 59 63 Dividend 94 94 4 4 Other creditors 157 Off-balance-sheet commitments Third parties Group companies Third parties Group companies – 780 – 880 Declarations of joint and several liability Amsterdam, February HEINEKEN N.V. ANNUAL REPORT 2002 70 161 Supervisory Board Executive Board De Jong de Carvalho Ruys Das Risseeuw Bolland Loudon Hessels Van Boxmeer De Ruiter Van Lede Hooft Graafland Other information Audito rs’ Re p ort Introduction supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial We have audited the financial statements of statements. An audit also includes assessing the account- Heineken N.V., Amsterdam, as included on pages to ing principles used and significant estimates made by of this report. The financial statements are the responsi- management, as well as evaluating the overall financial bility of the company’s management. Our responsibility is statement presentation. We believe that our audit pro- to express an opinion on these financial statements based vides a reasonable basis for our opinion. on our audit. Opinion Scope In our opinion, the financial statements give a true and We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing fair view of the financial position of the company as standards relating generally accepted in the Netherlands. at December and of the result for the year then Those standards require that we plan and perform the ended in accordance with accounting principles generally audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the accepted in the Netherlands and comply with the financial financial statements are free of material misstatement. reporting requirements included in Part , Book , of the An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence Netherlands Civil Code. Amsterdam, February KPMG Accountants N.V. Appropriation of Profit Authorised Capital Article , paragraph , of the Articles of Association The company’s authorised capital amounts to €. billion. stipulates: ‘From the net profit there shall first be distributed, if Events af ter Balance Sheet Date possible, six per cent dividend on the issued part of the On January , Heineken signed an agreement for authorised share capital. The amount then remaining shall the acquisition of a % interest in a joint venture which be at the disposal of the General Meeting of Shareholders.’ has a controlling interest of % in the Chilean brewery It is proposed to appropriate € million of the net CCU. Heineken simultaneously reached agreement with profit for payment of dividend and to add € million to Quilmes on the sale of the % interest in the Argentinian the general reserve. brewing group Quilmes International (Bermuda) Ltd., realising at net non-recuring gain of € million. The trans- Special Rights pursuant to the Articles actions in Chile and Argentina will involve a net investment of Association of € million. Article , paragraph , of the Articles of Association reads: On the same date, Heineken reached heads of agreement ‘The appointment of the members of the Executive Board on the acquisition of a % interest in the Croatian brewer and of the Supervisory Board shall be made by the General Karlovacka Pivovara. Meeting of Shareholders from a binding nomination of at least two persons to be drawn up for each appointment by the Supervisory Board.’ Heineken N.V. is not a ‘structuurvennootschap’ within the meaning of Sections – of the Netherlands Civil Code. Heineken Holding N.V., a company listed on Euronext Amsterdam, holds .% of the shares of Heineken N.V. HEINEKEN N.V. ANNUAL REPORT 2002 71 Information for Shareholders 50 50 40 40 37.20 60 40 40 40 60 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 0 27.65 30 32 32 35 25 25 16 15 20 20 16 20 20 10 share price range closing price 19 9 19 3 9 19 4 9 19 5 9 19 6 9 19 7 9 19 8 9 20 9 00 20 0 20 1 02 19 9 19 3 94 19 9 19 5 9 19 6 9 19 7 9 19 8 9 20 9 0 20 0 0 20 1 02 0 19 9 19 3 9 19 4 9 19 5 9 19 6 9 19 7 9 19 8 9 20 9 0 20 0 0 20 1 02 5 share price range closing price Dividend per share Heineken N.V. share price Heineken Holding N.V. share price in euro cents in euros in euros after restatement for recapitalisation Euronext Amsterdam Euronext Amsterdam and share split after restatement for recapitalisation after restatement for recapitalisation and share split and share split Average trade in 2002: Average trade in 2002: 841,064 shares per day 137,473 shares per day HEINEKEN N.V. ANNUAL REPORT 2002 72 Information for Shareholders Heineken N.V. Share capital The shares and options of Heineken N.V. are traded on On December , the following numbers of shares Euronext Amsterdam, where the company is included were in issue: in the main AEX index. In , the average daily volume of trade was , shares. The shares are also listed ,, A shares of €. nominal value ,, B shares of €. nominal value on Euronext Brussels and on the Luxembourg Bourse. priority shares of €. nominal value Heineken N.V. is not a ‘structuurvennootschap’ within The B shares confer the same rights as the A shares. the meaning of the Netherlands Civil Code. Consequently, At a closing price of €. the market capitalisation decisions on all important matters are taken by the of Heineken Holding N.V. on balance sheet date was General Meeting of Shareholders. €. billion. Market capitalisation Rules concerning insider dealing On December , there were ,, shares of Within Heineken Holding N.V. there are established rules €. nominal value in issue. At a closing price of €., governing the disclosure of transactions in shares of the market capitalisation of Heineken N.V. on balance Heineken N.V. and Heineken Holding N.V. that are applica- sheet date was €. billion ble to the members of the Management Board and to a number of permanent advisers. Rules concerning insider dealing Within Heineken N.V. there are established rules governing Major Holdings in Listed Companies Disclosure Act the disclosure of transactions in shares of Heineken N.V. Pursuant to the Major Holdings in Listed Companies and Heineken Holding N.V. that are applicable to the mem- Disclosure Act, l’Arche Holding S.A., Sion, Switzerland, bers of the Supervisory Board and the Executive Board, has disclosed an interest of .% and Greenfee B.V. to other managers and staff who might be in possession of has disclosed an interest of .% in Heineken Holding N.V. price-sensitive information and to outside consultants. Financial calendar in for both Major Holdings in Listed Companies Disclosure Act Heineken N.V. and Heineken Holding N.V. Pursuant to the Major Holdings in Listed Companies Announcement of figures February Disclosure Act, Heineken Holding N.V., Amsterdam, Publication of annual report March has disclosed an interest of .% in Heineken N.V. Annual General Meeting of Heineken Holding N.V. Quotation ex-final dividend The A shares of Heineken Holding N.V. are traded on Final dividend payable Euronext Amsterdam. Options on A shares are traded on Announcement of half-year results Optiebeurs Euronext.Liffe. In , the average daily Quotation ex-interim dividend volume of trade was , shares. Heineken Holding N.V. Interim dividend payable Shareholders, Amsterdam April April May September September September is not a ‘structuurvennootschap’ within the meaning of the Netherlands Civil Code. Consequently, decisions on all Contacting Heineken N.V. important matters are taken by the General Meeting of and Heineken Holding N.V. Shareholders. Further information on Heineken N.V. is obtainable from the Corporate Communication and/or Investor Relations Dividend policy Department, telephone + , As provided by Article of the Articles of Association, or by e-mail: the shareholders of Heineken Holding N.V. are paid the Further information on Heineken Holding N.V. is obtainable same dividend as shareholders of Heineken N.V. by: telephone + , or fax + . Information is also obtainable from the Investor Relations Department of Heineken N.V. The website also carries further information about both Heineken N.V. and Heineken Holding N.V. S U P P L E M E N TA R Y I N F O R M AT I O N 73 Historical Summary 2002 2001 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 10,293 9,333 8,107 7,148 6,272 6,131 5,531 4,603 4,422 4,011 1,282 1,125 921 799 659 546 459 457 406 362 as % of net turnover 12.5 12.1 11.4 11.2 10.5 8.9 8.3 9.9 9.2 9.0 as % of total assets 16.4 15.6 14.6 13.3 12.4 10.7 9.5 10.4 10.0 9.8 Interest cover ratio 12.2 16.5 14.8 20.8 63.1 46.9 40.9 – – 342.7 Net profit including extraordinary results 795 767 621 516 445 345 297 301 300 236 Turnover and profit in millions of euros Net turnover Operating profit Net profit* as % of shareholders’ equity 795 715 621 516 445 345 297 301 274 236 31.3 25.9 25.9 19.7 19.4 14.9 14.5 14.0 13.9 13.1 157 157 125 125 100 80 80 80 64 64 19.7 22.0 20.1 24.2 22.4 23.1 26.8 26.4 23.3 27.1 Increase in share capital – 73 – – 142 – – 114 – – Cash payment – – – – 16 – – 13 – – Distribution from reserves – 73 – – 158 – – 127 – – Percentage increase – 10 – – 25 – – 25 – – Cash flow from operating activities* 3.02 2.97 2.64 2.39 2.25 1.92 1.38 1.63 1.79 1.43 Net profit* 2.03 1.82 1.58 1.32 1.14 0.88 0.76 0.77 0.70 0.60 Dividend 0.40 0.40 0.32 0.32 0.25 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.16 0.16 Shareholders’ equity 6.49 7.04 6.11 6.68 5.87 5.91 5.23 5.48 5.04 4.60 Bonus shares (nominal value) – 0.23 – – 0.57 – – 0.57 – – Cash payment – – – – 0.06 – – 0.06 – – 1,184 1,165 1,035 935 882 753 539 640 703 562 187 168 160 112 114 94 93 93 77 72 Dividend as % of net profit* Bonus shares in millions of euros Per share of € 2.00 in euros Cash flow statement in millions of euros Cash flow from operating activities Dividend Investments 1,973 783 1,503 527 728 439 840 344 334 279 Financing – 427 – 34 335 – 13 80 36 111 – 70 – 179 36 Net cash flow – 549 175 – 293 283 120 255 – 283 133 113 247 * Excluding extraordinary result HEINEKEN N.V. ANNUAL REPORT 2002 74 Historical Summery 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 Financing in millions of euros 784 784 711 711 711 569 569 569 455 455 Reserves 1,759 1,974 1,685 1,907 1,588 1,747 1,479 1,579 1,521 1,348 Shareholders’ equity 2,543 2,758 2,396 2,618 2,299 2,316 2,048 2,148 1,976 1,803 393 381 124 248 256 182 186 157 160 108 2,936 3,139 2,520 2,866 2,555 2,498 2,234 2,305 2,136 1,911 981 1,024 976 770 733 769 734 637 619 581 Share capital Minority interests Group equity Provisions Long-term borrowings 1,215 797 875 490 522 412 359 192 228 210 Current liabilities 2,649 2,235 1,892 1,860 1,460 1,384 1,462 1,187 1,010 929 Liabilities 3,864 3,032 2,767 2,350 1,982 1,796 1,821 1,379 1,238 1,139 Total equity and liabilities 7,781 7,195 6,263 5,986 5,270 5,063 4,798 4,321 3,993 3,631 0.61 0.77 0.67 0.92 0.94 0.97 0.87 1.14 1.15 1.11 Group equity/borrowed capital Employ ment of capital in millions of euros Intangible fixed assets Tangible fixed assets Financial fixed assets Fixed assets 39 13 – – – – – – – – 4,094 3,592 3,250 2,964 2,605 2,521 2,452 2,086 2,076 1,921 835 531 615 422 490 429 380 335 293 245 4,968 4,136 3,865 3,386 3,095 2,950 2,832 2,421 2,369 2,166 765 692 550 490 452 466 447 360 312 313 1,270 1,192 1,024 903 775 799 771 563 522 441 778 1,175 824 1,207 948 848 739 977 790 711 Current assets 2,813 3,059 2,398 2,600 2,175 2,113 1,957 1,900 1,624 1,465 Total assets 7,781 7,195 6,263 5,986 5,270 5,063 4,789 4,321 3,993 3,631 Group equity/fixed assets 0.59 0.76 0.65 0.85 0.83 0.85 0.79 0.95 0.90 0.88 Current assets/current liabilities 1.06 1.37 1.27 1.40 1.49 1.53 1.34 1.60 1.61 1.58 Stocks Receivables Cash and securities S U P P L E M E N TA R Y I N F O R M AT I O N 75 Operating Companies and Participating Interests As at 31 December 2002 Export offices are not shown Europe Country Company Location Brands Belgium Affligem Brouwerij BDS (100%) Opwijk Affligem, Opale Bulgaria Zagorka (48.0%) Stara Zagora Zagorka, Amstel Bulgaria Ariana Brewery (47.5%) Sofia Ariana France Sogebra (100%) Marseilles, Mons-en-Baroeul, Heineken, Amstel, Buckler, Pelforth, Murphy’s Irish Stout, Schiltigheim, St. Omer “33“ Export, Fischer, Kingston, Desperados, Adelscott, St. Omer, Kriska, Dorreleï Germany BrauHolding International (49.9%) Munich, Rosenheim Paulaner, Hacker- Pschorr Kulmbach, Plauen, Chemnitz Kulmbacher, Thurn und Taxis, Auerbräu, Mönchshof, Kapuziner, EKU, Sternqueel, Braustolz Greece Athenian Brewery (98.8%) Athens, Patras, Thessaloniki Heineken, Amstel, Buckler, Murphy’s Irish Stout, Alfa Hungary Amstel Brewery Hungary (100%) Komárom Heineken, Amstel, Buckler, Talléros, Fregatt, Zlatý Bažant Ireland Murphy Brewery Ireland (100%) Cork Heineken, Amstel, Murphy’s Irish Stout, Buckler Italy Heineken Italia (100%) Aosta, Bergamo, Cagliari, Heineken, Amstel, Murphy’s Irish Stout, Buckler, Dreher, Massafra, Messina, Pedavena Birra Messina, McFarland, Sans Souci, Ichnusa, Birra Moretti, Classica von Wunster, Prinz Kazakhstan Dinal LLP (51%) Almaty Tian Shan, Amstel Macedonia Pivara Skopje (27.3%) Skopje Skopsco, Star Lisec Netherlands Heineken Nederland (100%) ’s-Hertogenbosch, Zoeterwoude Heineken, Amstel, Kylian, Lingen’s Blond, Murphy’s Irish Red Netherlands Brand Bierbrouwerij (100%) Wijlre Brand Netherlands Brouwerij De Ridder (100%) Maastricht Ridder, Wieckse Witte, Vos Poland . Grupa Z ywiec (61.8%) . . Z ywiec, Elblag, Warka, Lezajsk, . . Heineken, Z ywiec, Warka, Lezajsk, Specjal, Tatra Cieszyn, Braniewo Russia Bravo International (100%) St. Petersburg Botchkarev, Ochota, Löwenbräu Slovak Republic Heineken Slovensko (91.6%) Hurbanovo, Nitra Zlatý Bažant, Amstel, Kelt, Corgon, Martiner, Gemer Spain Heineken España (97.8%) Madrid, Valencia, Seville, Jaen, Arano Heineken, Amstel Aguila, Buckler, Murphy’s Irish Stout, Guinness, Kaliber, Legado de Yuste Sweden Spendrups (licence) Grängesberg Heineken Switzerland Heineken Switzerland (100%) Chur Heineken, Amstel, Murphy’s Irish Stout, Calanda, Haldengut United Kingdom Whitbread (licence) Samlesbury Heineken, Murphy’s Irish Stout United Kingdom Bulmers (licence) Trowbridge Amstel 76 Operating Companies and Participating Interests Western Hemisphere Country Company Location Brands Argentina Quilmes International (15%) Buenos Aires, Corrientes, Mendoza, Heineken, Quilmes, Andes, Norte, Bieckert, San Miguel de Tucuman, Zárate Palermo, Liberty, Iguana Bahamas Commonwealth Brewery (53.2%) Nassau Heineken, Kalik, Guinness, Vita Malta Bolivia Quilmes International (15%) Cochabamba, Santa Cruz, La Paz Ducal, Taquina, Imperial, Paceña Brazil Cervejarias Kaiser Brasil S.A. (20%) Feira de Santana, Gravatai, Heineken, Kaiser, Santa Cerva, Bavaria, Summer, Xingu Jacarei, Ponta Grossa, Queimados, Pacatuba, Araraguara, Manous, Cuiabá, Ribeirã, Preto Chile Quilmes International (15%) Santiago Heineken, Becker, Baltica Costa Rica Cerveceria Costa Rica (25%) San José Heineken, Imperial, Pilsen, Bavaria, Rock Ice Dominican Republic Cerveceria Nacional Dominicana (9.3%) Santo Domingo Heineken, Presidente Haiti Brasserie Nationale d’Haïti (22.5%) Port-au-Prince Prestige, Guinness, Malta Jamaica Desnoes & Geddes (26.3%) Kingston Heineken, Red Stripe, Dragon Stout, Guinness Martinique Brasserie Lorraine (83.1%) Lamentin Lorraine, Porter, Malta Willemstad Amstel, Amstel Bright, Coral, Malta Managua Victoria, Tona Netherlands Antilles Antilliaanse Brouwerij (56.3%) Nicaragua Compania Cervecera Centroamericano S.A. (8%) Panama Cervecerias Barú-Panama (74.5%) Panama City, David Panama, Soberana, Cristal, Guinness Paraguay Quilmes International (15%) Ypané Bremen, Pilsen, Baviera, Quilmes, Dorada, Joia St. Lucia Windward & Leeward Brewery (73.9%) Vieux-Fort Heineken, Piton, Guinness Surinam Surinaamse Brouwerij (76.5%) Paramaribo Parbo Uruguay Quilmes International (15%) Montevideo Heineken, Pilsen, Zillertal Affiliated company (non-consolidated) S U P P L E M E N TA R Y I N F O R M AT I O N 77 Operating Companies and Participating Interests Africa/Middle East Country Company Location Brands Angola Nocal (27.1%) Luanda Nocal, Primus Angola EKA (46%) Dondo EKA Burundi Brarudi (59.3%) Bujumbura, Gitega Amstel, Primus, Dynamalt Cameroon Brasseries du Cameroun (8.8%) Bafoussam, Douala, Garoua, Yaoundé Amstel, Mützig Chad Brasseries du Logone (100%) Moundou Gala, Chari, Maltina Congo Brasseries du Congo (50%) Brazzaville, Pointe Noire Mützig, Primus, Guinness, Ngok Democratic Bralima (95%) Boma, Bukavu, Kinshasa, Kisangani, Amstel, Primus, Mützig, Guinness, Turboking Republic of Congo Mbandaka, Lubumbashi Egypt Al Ahram Beverages Company (98.7%) El Obour, Sharka, Badr, Gianarlis Stella, Fayrouz, Birell, Sakara Ghana Ghana Breweries (75.6%) Kumasi, Accra Amstel Malta, Star, Gulder, ABC Golden Lager, ABC Stout Israel Tempo Beer Industries (17.8%) Netanya Maccabee, Gold Star, Nesher, Malt Star Jordan General Investment (10.8%) Zerka Amstel Lebanon Almaza (80.8%) Beirut Almaza Morocco Brasseries du Maroc (2.2%) Casablanca, Fès, Tangiers Heineken, Amstel Nigeria Nigerian Breweries (54.2%) Aba, Enugu, Ibadan, Kaduna, Lagos Amstel Malta, Maltina, Star, Gulder, Legend Nigeria Consolidated Breweries (24.8%) Jjebu Ode, Owe Omamma “33“ Export, Hi-malt Réunion Brasseries de Bourbon (85.4%) Saint Denis Bourbon, Dynamalt, 974 Rwanda Bralirwa (70%) Gisenyi, Kigali Primus, Mützig, Guinness Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Brewery (42.5%) Freetown Star, Guinness, Maltina South Africa South African Breweries-Miller (licence) Cape Town, Durban, Johannesburg Amstel, Heineken HEINEKEN N.V. ANNUAL REPORT 2002 78 Operating Companies and Participating Interests Asia/Pacific Country Company Location Brands Cambodia Cambodia Brewery (34%) Phnom Penh Tiger, Anchor, Gold Crown, ABC Stout China Shanghai Asia Pacific (44.9%) Shanghai Tiger, Reeb China Hainan Asia Pacific (42.5%) Haikou Tiger, Anchor, Aoke Indonesia Multi Bintang Indonesia (84.5%) Tangerang, Sampang Agung Bintang, Guinness Japan Kirin (licence) Tokyo Heineken Malaysia Guinness Anchor Berhad (10.8%) Kuala Lumpur Heineken, Tiger, Guinness, Anchor Ice, Baron’s, KilKenny New Caledonia Grande Brasserie de Nouvelle Noumea Number One, Havannah Greymouth, Mangatainoka, Heineken, DB Draft, Murphy’s Irish Stout, Export Gold, Otahuhu, Timaru Export Dry, Tui, Monteith, Amstel Calédonie (87.3%) New Zealand DB Group (32.7%) Papua New Guinea South Pacific Brewery (32.1%) Port Moresby, Lae SP Lager, South Pacific Export Lager, Niugini Ice Singapore Asia Pacific Breweries (42.5%) Singapore Heineken, Tiger, Anchor, ABC Stout, Baron’s Tahiti Brasserie de Tahiti (licence) Papeete Heineken Thailand Thai Asia Pacific Brewery (14.9%) Bangkok Heineken Vietnam Vietnam Brewery (25.5%) Ho Chi Minh City Heineken, Tiger, Bivina Vietnam Hatay Brewery (27.7%) Hatay, under construction Affiliated company (non-consolidated) S U P P L E M E N TA R Y I N F O R M AT I O N 79 In France last year, Heineken won the prestigious French market-tested a new bottle for Oscar d’Emballage for innova- the upper end of the on-trade tive packaging. Heineken plans segment. The appeal of the to launch the new aluminium all-aluminium bottle lies in a bottle in around more creative mix of design and markets in , including the material. Consumer reactions United States, Italy, Germany, in up-market clubs in the major Spain, the Netherlands and cities have been extremely Hong Kong. positive, and the new bottle > Aluminium bottle Cool and exclusive Colophon A Heineken N.V. publication Heineken N.V. Tweede Weteringplantsoen 21 1017 ZD Amsterdam P.O. Box 28 1000 AA Amsterdam Netherlands telephone +31 20 523 92 39 fax +31 20 626 35 03 Copies of this annual report and further information are obtainable from the Corporate Communication Department, telephone +31 20 523 92 39 or via Translation Mac Bay Consultants Graphic design and electronic publishing Design Studio Hans Kentie BNO Colour separations UnitedGraphics Printing Boom Planeta While the authors of this publication have as far as possible obtained the permission of copyright holders where required, any organisations or individuals considering that their copyright has been infringed should contact Heineken’s Corporate Communication Department
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