Saint Luke Catholic Church - Catholic Diocese of Lexington


Saint Luke Catholic Church - Catholic Diocese of Lexington
Saint Luke Catholic Church
304 South Main Street
Nicholasville, KY 40356
Rectory/Parish Office--859.885.4892
Rev. William C. Bush, Pastor
Rev. Ronald Schmelzer, 859.293.9318
Dc. Frank Keller, Pastoral Associate, 859.321.4250
Dc. Marco Rajkovich, 859.229.2289
Dc. Gary Rudemiller, 859-325-5323
FAX 859.885.6762
Adoration Chapel/Ed Bldg-859-887-1057
Parish Hall--859.887.5711
Mass Times/Intentions for July 31-August 7, 2016
7:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
5:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
12:05 p.m.
8:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
4:30 p.m.
7:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
5:00 p.m.
For Deceased Knights of Columbus
For the Congregation
misa en español
Joe Fawcett (Dan and Sue Quinn)
Walt Wheeler (Mike and Kathy Montgomery)
Anita Bieger (Cyril Bieger)
Irvin and Helen Casey
(Stuart and Patty Casey)
Dorothy Cople (John Daugherty)
Ben Harp (Barbara Cepek)
Rev. John P. Werner (Dorothy Swintosky)
For the Congregation
misa en español
Can you not watch
one hour with me?
Open Hours
Monday @ 3 p.m.
Thursday @ 10
Friday @ 11 a.m.
Call Deacon
This Weekend—our readings are for the 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time.
Monday—the novena to the Miraculous Medal will be prayed after the 8:00
a.m. Mass
If you are
Tuesday—the novena to St. Anthony will be prayed after the 8:00 a.m.
interested in an
hour or would like
The Knights of Columbus will meet in the parish hall at 7:00 p.m.
to substitute!
Coffee and Cards will continue in the parish hall beginning at 10:00 a.m.
Legion of Mary will meet in the parish hall at 7:30 p.m. All are invited to attend.
Friday—the novena to the Sacred Heart will be prayed after the 8:00 a.m. Mass.
Next Weekend—is the 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time and the first weekend of August. We ask that you
assist with our outreach ministry Christians in Community Service. A green envelope is in your mite box
and may be placed in the collection basket as it is passed a second time.
Church Support, etc.
Mass Attendance
July 24, 2016-382
(5 Envelopes)
Adult Collection
(120 Envelopes)
Votive Lights
Altar Servers
August 6 and 7
4:30 p.m.
7:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
John Will Collier, Alice and
Ken Hagan
Austin Buncher, Anna, Luke,
and Nathan Farrell
Enzo Abbandante, William
Martin, Luke Thompson, Paul
August 6 and 7
Father Bush, Deacon
Rudemiller, Nancy Wiser
Father Bush, Deacon
Rudemiller, Thelma Watkins
Father Bush, Deacon
Rudemiller, Gerald Deeken
Mass in Spanish--Te invitamos a que nos acompañes todos los domingos a las
5:00 pm a la celebración de la misa en español en la iglesia católica de San Lucas.
FYI—For the next two weeks—July 31 and August 7—Father Rob Adams will be celebrating
the 5:00 p.m. Spanish Mass at St. Luke’s. Everyone is welcome to come and join our Hispanic
friends at this Mass!
Holy Day of Obligation—When some of the holy days fall on Saturday or Monday, the
obligation to attend Mass is dispensed. That is true for August 15, the feast of the Assumption
of Mary into Heaven. The feast day will be celebrated at 8:00 a.m. but there is no obligation
attached to the day.
Scheduling Facilities Meeting for 2016-17—All groups who will be using the parish hall
and other parish facilities need to have a representative come to a meeting on Wednesday,
August 17, at 7 p.m. as we set up the days and times for the use of the parish hall. Please
bring your calendar and dates needed.
July 31, 2016-- St. Luke Catholic Church, Nicholasville, KY
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Presentation of the Gifts
Thanks to all who volunteer to present the gifts and take home the vocation cross and prayer card at the ten o’clock
Mass. If your name is not included and you would like to participate, please call the office: we will add you to the list.
We ask that you continue to pray for an increase in vocations to the priesthood and religious life.
4:30 p.m.
7:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
July 30/31
Fred and Lynn Jolly
Lawrence and Leesa Riley
Gerald and Gertie Deeken
Aug 6/7
Mike Hagan Family
Emma Shofner
Christine Cruz Family
Aug 13/14
Batty Battaglia
Tom and Cledith Smith
Will Langfels Family
Aug 20/21
Billy and Susan Blair
Francis Neil and Beulah
Karl Tomaschko Family
Shelly Ferrell Family
Steve and Thelma Watkins
Len and Jane Figler
Aug 27/28
Greeters, Lectors, Rosary Leaders and Ushers for August 2016
4:30 p.m.
7:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
Betty Battaglia and
Theresa Kenesky
Lester and Mary Kay
Rex and Charlotte
Pat Reffitt
Linda Ulanday
Cheryl Joubert
Tom Smith
Jeanette Harp and Steve
Jim LaFountain, Ron
and Theresa Elwood
Chuck Turner and
Richard Shofner
Gene Settles
Parish Information
We welcome into the Community of Faith by the Waters of Baptism—Monica
Rose Lewis, infant daughter of Benjamin and Caitlin Lewis, who will be baptized
here on Sunday, August 7, at our ten o’clock Mass. Please keep Monica and her
family in your prayers as they return to Greece next month.
Pre-School/Kindergarten/Nursery—will begin this week during the 10:00 a.m. Mass. All
are invited to bring your children to the parish hall during this Mass.
CCD Classes will begin in September—after Labor Day—Sign-ups for the classes will take
place this weekend. Yellow registration sheets are on the credenza or you can go to page 8
of our on-line bulletin and print the sheet and return it to the white box on the credenza in
the vestibule. We ask that if possible each family pay a $20 fee to help with the cost of the
Annual Garage Sale will be held on August 4 and 5 from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m.! Workers are needed. Call
Shannon Lutz, 885.8383.
Rosary and Chaplet of Divine Mercy are being prayed each weekend and are begun 30 minutes before
Mass begins. December 8 began Pope Francis’s “Year of Mercy.” Bishop John has designated four
churches/missions as places of pilgrimage in our Diocese. They are the Cathedral of Christ the King in
Lexington, St. Francis De Sales in White Sulphur, St. Francis of Assisi in Pikeville, and Our Lady of Mt.
Vernon in Mt. Vernon.
Knights’ Corner—Some upcoming events being held by our KC Council 10263!
Sunday, July 31, Corporate Communion Sunday at the 7:30 a.m. Mass. All deceased KC members
of our parish will be remembered at this Mass.
The Knights of Columbus will sponsor a Bingo Event at Thomson Hood Veterans Center, 100
Veterans Drive in Wilmore on Friday, August 5, at 7:00 p.m. Help is needed to oversee Bingo
cards. All members of the parish are welcome to join us in Helping our Veterans. For any
information, contact Lester Dzuik at 859.396.8858 or
Eighth and Ninth Graders—Because of the size of our parish, Confirmation is conferred
every two years here at St. Luke’s. This fall, our eighth and ninth grade students and older
students who have not been confirmed will begin the Confirmation process. Parents, please
remember that your children are expected to complete the almost two-year program which
will begin in September, 2016.
July 31, 2016-- St. Luke Catholic Church, Nicholasville, KY
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Mercy Moments - Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy, Dec. 8, 2015 to Nov. 20, 2016.
In the previous 14 weeks in this column, we reviewed the seven corporal works of mercy and the
seven spiritual works of mercy, and shared examples of how we can be examples of God’s mercy to
others by exercising these works of mercy. Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC, reminds us that at the onset of the
Jubilee Year of Mercy Pope Francis said that the Holy Spirit is speaking to the Church about this present
time in history being the time where God wants to pour out a superabundance of merciful love upon
suffering humanity. And humanity is certainly suffering today, as all around the world we see examples
of human atrocities, and human beings seem to increasingly inflict pain and tragedy upon other peoples.
Our world is in desperate need of God’s mercy!
And we, each of us, can be the vehicle to extend this mercy, God’s mercy, to others by allowing Him
to work through us. It’s time for us to help save the world through prayer and works of mercy. The
message of St. Faustina Kowlaska, the great apostle of mercy, is inspiring many people to turn to the very
heart of Catholic spirituality, the very heart of the Gospel - namely, God’s mercy for sinners. St. John
Paul II exhorts us to directly challenge the evils that afflict modern humanity with a most powerful
weapon - Gods’ merciful love. We can exercise these corporal and spiritual works of mercy, and through
them, bring God into the lives of those who are suffering, to offer them a bright light shining from an
otherwise bleak horizon. Let’s answer God’s call!
Gaitley, Fr. Michael, MIC. “Divine Mercy Can Save the World”. Columbia. April, 2016. pgs. 20-21.
Diocesan News
Divorced. Catholic. Now What? Journey of Hope is a unique 15-week divorce recovery ministry
program addressing concerns of divorced or separated Catholics. It offers support on important issues that
result from divorce. The emphasis on prayer, scripture, and the teachings of the Catholic Church lead to
healing and a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. The next 15-week session begins on Monday, August
1, 2016, at 7:00pm– 9:00pm at St. Peter Claver Catholic Church, 410 Jefferson St., Lexington. You may
register on-line at: For additional
information, contact or Tom (859)321-0095, Nancy (859)223-5855.
Next Natural Family Planning Course Begins this Sunday- July 31. Three classes (one per month for
three months) July 31, August 28, September 25, Sundays, 7pm-9:30pm at the Cathedral of Christ the
King in Lexington. Instructors: Brett and Julie Ervin; for info, call 859-294-8636, or email, or register on-line
Rock the Collar Seminarian Tour—The “Rock the Collar” tour is coming soon! Seminarians will travel
across the diocese to witness to their vocation and to visit with priests, religious, and laity. The road trip
offers a wonderful opportunity for the seminarians and those they will be serving to get to know each
other. Everyone is invited to join the seminarians for adoration, Mass, and a shared meal. Their schedule
is as follows but local bulletins will include specific times and events. Bolded information are parishes in
our area!
 Tuesday, August 2—Ss. Francis and John, Georgetown
 Wednesday, August 3—St. Leo, Versailles
 Thursday, August 4—Jesus Our Savior, Morehead
 Friday, August 5—St. Jude, Louisa
 Saturday, August 6—St. Martha, Prestonsburg
 Sunday, August 7—Mother of Good Counsel, Hazard
 Tuesday, August 9—St. Francis, Pikeville
 Wednesday, August 10—Our Lady of Mount Vernon, Mount Vernon
 Thursday, August 11—Mary, Queen of the Holy Rosary, Lexington Hispanic Style Holy
Hour at 6 p.m., Mass at 7 p.m. and potluck dinner at 8 p.m.
 Friday, August 12—Cathedral of Christ the King, Lexington
Come Celebrate the Next Generation! Celebrate NCYC Lexington at Pax Christi Catholic
Church 4001 Victoria Way, Lexington. On Sunday, August 28, begin with Mass at 4:00 p.m.
followed by food and fun from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. The concert will begin at 7:00 p.m. Call
859.273.9999 for tickets-$5 each with a special family ticket for $25.00.
Sts. Peter and Paul School-- Early Childhood Center is seeking full-time employees for the Little Angels
Program which serves children 6 weeks-entering Preschool. Full-time employees are paid hourly based on
experience and have a comprehensive benefits package. Experience in professional childcare is preferred.
Contact Anna Martin, or Pam Rice, to apply or to learn more.
July 31, 2016-- St. Luke Catholic Church, Nicholasville, KY
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Lexington Catholic High School News-- 2250 Clays Mill Road, Lexington, KY 40503.
859.277.7183. Website:
Other Items of Interest
5th Annual Serra Club of Lexington Seminarian Send-off is scheduled for Friday, August 12, following
the 5:30 p.m. Mass at the Cathedral of Christ the King in Hehman Hall. Please join the Serra Club as we
honor our seminarians before they leave for their respective colleges this fall. A fun program with a light
meal and cook-out will be provided for all. Family and friends are welcome. Please RSVP by Friday,
August 5, to Bob Kuhn The Serra Club is the official lay vocations arm of the
Catholic Church. The Serra Club of Lexington meets the second Monday of every month in the Parish Life
Center at Christ the King. Contact Kevin Murphy for more information
“Rachel’s Vineyard”—In this Jubilee Year of Mercy, we are called to act like the friends of the paralyzed man who
lowered their friend from the roof so that he could be healed. If you know of someone who has had an abortion and
years for an experience of God’s Divine Mercy, please tell them about Rachel’s Vineyard, a confidential retreat for
people affected by the trauma of abortion. The next weekend retreat in our diocese takes place August 19-21 at
Cliffview Conference and Retreat Center. For detail, contact Gwen at or 606.874.9170 or visit the
Catholic Charities website: for more information.
Seize your opportunity to play golf on the scenic Pete Dye Course at French Lick, Indiana, plus support the Sisters of
St. Benedict of Ferdinand, Indiana, at the 14th annual Dome Golf Classic on Monday, August 15, 2016. For more
information, visit or call 812.367.1411.
Christian College Fairs —Free admission to Christian College Fairs to be held at Christian Academy of Louisville,
English Station Campus/Louisville, September 13, 6-8 p.m. and Lexington Christian Academy on September 20, from
6-8 p.m. For complete information:
Natural Family Planning (NFP). Learn NFP at home and at your own pace with the Home Study Course from NFP
International, Includes Ecological Breastfeeding (it really can space babies), a double-check
system of fertility awareness, and Catholic teaching that’s easy to understand. Work with a live instructor by email.
Completion certificate. Only $70. We are listed at the U.S Bishops' website under NFP long distance learning:
“Super Raffle” Sisters of Charity of Nazareth are holding a “Super Raffle” with a grand prize of $20,000; second
prize of $5,000; and third prize of $1,000. The drawing is on Friday, August 26, 2016 at 1 p.m. Raffle tickets are
$20 each. Only 3,500 raffle tickets will be sold. All proceeds will go towards the support of the SCN ministries here
in the United States and around the world in Belize, Botswana, India and Nepal. You can join us for a live webcast
of the Super Raffle drawing on Friday, August 26, 2016, beginning at 12:45 p.m. Know, always, of our gratitude to
you for all of your past support! So, now don’t delay! Get your raffle tickets today! Remember, only 3,500 tickets
will be sold. For more information on how to obtain your raffle tickets, please call 502.348.1586 or 502.348.1578
or go to our website at
Don’t miss a brand-new event: Smart Money! For the first time ever, national best-selling author Chris Hogan
along with youth and money expert Anthony O’Neal are bringing a brand-new Smart Money event to Lexington on
October 11. Whether you are just starting your journey of becoming debt-free or need a boost to keep you going,
you won't want to miss this event. You will leave with a plan that will give you the ability to live more and worry
less. At this one-night event, you'll experience the plan that has helped millions of people around the world get out
and stay out of debt. You will learn how to take control of your finances and your future so you can retire with
dignity. We're offering general admission seats for only $29. Don't miss your chance to attend this life-changing
event! Reserve your seats today! Use coupon code: SM16 to waive the $5.99 service fee! EVENT DETAILS: October
11, 2016, Northeast Christian Church, Lexington, KY. Start Time: 6:30 p.m. Erin Finney | Live Event Advisor
Ramsey. Solutions, Call 615.515.3223, ext. 5260
Save the Date--Bid & Buy 2016-An Evening in New Orleans—November 12, 2016, from 6:00 to 11:00 p.m. will be
held at Manchester Music Hall, 899 Manchester Street in the Distillery District. A dinner gala with Jazz and Zydeco
music, beer and wine. Don’t miss the amazing Gourmet Dessert Sales! Silent and live auctions include vacation
packages, UK ball games and sports memorabilia, athletic and entertainment event tickets. Broadway shows,
tropical get-aways, concerts, and the ever-popular “Wall of Wine.” Birthright of Lexington received over 400 calls
in 2016. These included calls from women experiencing a crisis pregnancy. Women received material and
emotional support in a loving, non-pressured environment, free of charge. For more information, call
859.277.2635, of
Help Us Stock the “Wall of Wine” for Birthright’s Bid & Buy 2016 Gala: “An Evening in New Orleans” Your help is
needed in securing donations of bottles of wine (red or white; minimum retail value of $25) for Birthright of
Lexington’s annual gala, Bid & Buy 2016: “An Evening in New Orleans,” on Saturday, November 12 from 6-11 p.m.
These will be incorporated into a “Wall of Wine” featuring 100 bottles of premium vino. Guests will be able to
purchase $25 tickets and choose a bottle of wine (All cloaked in bottle covers to maintain the mystique!), valued at
$25 to $125. This was an extremely popular feature of our event last year. The coordinators, Mike & Myra DeLuca
and John & Katie Terhune, are members of CHRP at Mary Queen and are calling on individuals, CHRP groups, and
other organizations in the community to help make our “Wall” equally successful this year. All donations are tax
deductible and a tax receipt will be supplied. Contact Flo Lankster to donate:
July 31, 2016-- St. Luke Catholic Church, Nicholasville, KY
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Remembering Others
Happy Birthday to You!
July 31
August 1
August 2
Curt Bryant
Austin Buncher
Larry Schneider
Mike Wade
Michael Oghia
August 3
Aileen Byrd
August 4
Chuck Kelly
Sydney O’Dea
August 6
Debbie Owen
Tom Schue
August 7
Briyan Cortez
Katie Farrell
Lindsey Kemp
Fabian Leon
August 5
Jack Balk
Rachel Stafford
Please pray for those who are sick—Bob and Ida Ash, Larry Bates (Beulah Brumlow’s brother), Genevieve Brannon (Emma
Shofner’s aunt), Geneva Brickey, Betty Brousseau, (Andre’s sister), Jeff and Cheryl Brumlow (Neil and Beulah’s son and daughterin-law), Finn Parks Collier, Patricia Cobb (Susie Parson's daughter), Art and Ann Diemond (Donna Garrett’s parents), Bonnie and
Jody Dunlap, Theresa Dzuik (Lester’s mother), Marsha Blair Farler (Billy and Susan Blair’s daughter), Monte Gibson, Ali Marie
Gifford, Bob Gossett (Beth Martin’s father), Justin Graves (Dorothy Swintosky’s grandson), Pat Holland, (Linda Ulanday’s cousin),
Margaret Hrncar, Mary Ice, Dave Jenkins, Mary Jones (Jessie Wooley’s mother), Megan LaFountain (Jim and Pat’s granddaughter),
Robert Leito, James Livers (Faye Cantrell’s father), David Allen Lowry and Doyle Sawyer (Charlotte Webb’s brothers), Robert &
Annette Manabelli (Betty Battaglia’s cousins), Eric, Jim and Ramona McGlennon, Jay McMurtry, Ruth and John Hunt McMurtry,
Marie Miller (Jack Ward’s niece), Matthew Minter (Ruth’s son), Joe Moos, Martha Murphy, Rita Norton, Sydney O’Dea, Marianne
Oghia, Helen Palmer, Susie Parsons, Charles and Marjorie Partin, Ellen Perkins (Fred’s sister-in-law), Rosemary Petrich (Dorothy
Swintosky’s sister), Jim Preston, Jean Quinn, Allen Reed (Donna Garrett’s brother-in-law), Pat Riley, Adrain Roman (Pat and Jim
LaFountain’s son-in-law), Carolyn Rynkowski, Bob Schneider (Dorothy Herrick’s father), Emma Shofner, Tess Sims (Angie Bailey’s
sister), Marquita Stafford, Jimmy Stephens (Connie O’Daniel’s brother-in-law), Joseph, Michael and Thomas Swintosky (Dorothy’s
sons and grandson), Tony Taylor (Terry’s husband), Ida Thomas (Betty Battaglia’s sister-in-law), Joe Ulanday, Dorothy Ward,
Theresa Whitaker, Christine Wiley, Mary Williams (Carol Ackerman’s sister), Bob and Roseanna Zuck. (Newly added names or
those in the hospital are in bold print.)
Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us.
Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. We ask this
in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen.
Please keep in your prayers those in the Military— Amanda and John Boone—daughter and son-in-law of Chuck
and Pam Kelly—both in the Air Force and stationed in Arizona; Patrick Dean--son of Bob and Denise Dean—is
now stationed in Germany; David Kirchner—brother of Linda Ulanday—in Afghanistan; Amanda Masters—
daughter of Scott and Tammy McKnight—Air Force Training at Tyndall AFB, Panama City, FL; Zach Myers—
son of Todd Myers—back at Ft. Riley, Kansas; Claire Schwalbach—stationed on USS Ronald Reagan in Japan;
Lawrence Seay, son of Tom and Cheryl Seay stationed at Air Force Academy in Colorado; Matt Wheeler--son of
Mike Wheeler—serving in the US Navy Special Forces. Please call the office and let us know when these service
personnel return from their tour of duty or if you have a person you would like us to add.
Parish and Sacramental Information
Sacrament of Reconciliation—Confessions are heard on
Saturday from 3:45 to 4:15 p.m. and on Sunday 20 minutes
before each Mass. Confessions may also be heard upon
request. Communal Penance Services are announced in the
Sacrament of Baptism—Parents must be registered, active
members of St. Luke for two months before their child can
be Baptized. They must also attend instructions prior to
Baptism. Call the parish office to make arrangements.
Sacrament of Marriage—Six months’ notice and
completion of the diocesan marriage preparation program is
required. Call the parish office for arrangements.
Instructions in the Faith—A program of formation and
information (R.C.I.A.) is offered each year beginning in
September. Call or email the Rectory for more information.
Sick and Shut-Ins—Please notify the Rectory when you or
someone in your family is ill, in the hospital, or unable to
attend Mass.
Parish Membership—You are invited to register by calling
in person at the Rectory or by submitting a completed
registration card found on the stand in the church vestibule.
Bulletin Deadline—Items should be received by Tuesday at
noon and may be submitted by phone or in writing—dropped
into the mail slot on the Rectory front porch or submitted by
U.S. Mail, or e-mail to
Parish Office Hours—Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m.1:00 p.m.
Web Addresses—Our Email address is
Diocesan Website address is
Our Website address is
Father Bush’s email address is
Father Ron Schmelzer’s email address is
Deacon Keller’s email address is
Deacon Marco Rajkovich’s email address is
Deacon Gary Rudemiller’s email address is
Diocesan Vocation Website is
Welcome to all our Visitors! If you are new to St. Luke’s and the Jessamine County area and would like to join
our parish, please register with us. There are many reasons to become a registered member of a parish: fellowship,
numerous religious education classes for both adults and children, opportunities for Christian service, letters of
recommendation to serve as godparents and sponsors for newcomers to the faith, pre-printed tithing envelopes and an
annual report of your tax-deductible charitable offerings and a subscription to the CrossRoads, our diocesan
newspaper. Call the office or pick up the white and blue form on the stand in front of the St. Luke icon in the vestibule.
We are happy you are worshiping with us!
July 31, 2016-- St. Luke Catholic Church, Nicholasville, KY
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Morning Offering—O, Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer you my prayers, works, joys, and
sufferings of this day in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass throughout the world. I offer them for all the
intentions of Your Sacred Heart; the salvation of souls, reparation for sin, and the reunion of all Christians. I offer
them for the intentions of our bishops and of all Apostles of Prayer, and in particular for those recommended by our
Holy Father this month. Amen.
July 2016
Indigenous Peoples--That indigenous peoples, whose identity and very existence are threatened,
will be shown due respect.
Latin America and the Caribbean--That the Church in Latin America and the Caribbean, by means
of her mission to the continent, may announce the Gospel with renewed vigor and enthusiasm.
August 2016
Sports--That sports may be an opportunity for friendly encounters between peoples and may
contribute to peace in the world.
Living the Gospel--That Christians may live the Gospel, giving witness to faith, honesty, and love of
Pilgrimage Trips this Year
Trip to Portugal and Spain for the Our Lady of Fatima Celebration, October 10-18, 2016! Join our own Father Ron
Schmelzer on this 9-day/7-night pilgrimage departing October 10. The price is only $3,399/person, double occupancy,
from Lexington. For more information, contact Father Ron at or Kent Van Roekel at
Holy Year of Mercy Pilgrimage to Rome, Florence and Assisi celebrating the 150 th Jubilee of Saint Paul Church,
Lexington. Father Chris Clay, pastor of St. Paul Church, will serve as the Spiritual Director on a 10-day trip beginning
October 10 and leaving from Louisville. The price is $3,699/person, Contact Lucille at Regina Tours;
1.800.CATHOLIC (228-4654), ext. 208 or
Trip to Rome—Father Richard Watson is planning a group trip to Rome for the canonization of Mother Teresa,
September 1-9, 2016. Cost is $3,900 all inclusive and more information can be found at
Special 7-Day Pilgrimage to Fatima Portugal will be offered from three Airline Gateways of Newark NJ, New York
JFK, and Boston, Mass. The price of $1,599 is all inclusive and includes airfare, 4-star hotel, 2 meals per day, tour
guide and deluxe bus and more. Price is the same from all three airports and we can assist you in securing air from
your home city to one of the 3 gateways listed above. We will also be flying from Miami International but the
pilgrimage will be one day longer and the all inclusive price will be $1,699. The travel dates from Newark, JFK, and
Boston will be November 14-20, 2016 and the travel dates from Miami will be November 14-21, 2016. Brochures
and reservation forms are available at the Catholic Tour, call 1.877.627.4268 toll free. Or simply email
Catholic Diocese of Lexington Mission Statement
Guided by the Holy Spirit, we witness to Christ’s saving love as disciples and missionaries
in the fifty counties of our mission Diocese.
As a Eucharistic people, we celebrate the sacraments, promote justice in word and deed,
minister to the spiritual and material needs of all, and evangelize by living and sharing the
Word of God and the teachings of the Catholic Church.
Promulgated December 8, 2007
Calvary Cemetery News - Calvary Cemetery is the Catholic Cemetery of the Diocese of Lexington and
is located at 874 West Main Street, Lexington, 40508. 859.252.5415; or
Autumn Mums - Purchase a gorgeous Mum now and Calvary Cemetery will set it for you on or about September 9
at your loved one’s grave. The Mums are available in bronze, red, white or yellow in 8” pots for $18.00 and bronze,
red, white, yellow or pink/lavender in 14” pots for $41. Orders will be accepted through August 26. Calvary is
partnering with Seton Catholic School for its annual 8th Grade Trip fundraiser. Please contact the Calvary office at
874 West Main Street; or 859-252-5415; or to purchase your Mums today! Calvary is the
Cemetery of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Lexington. Thank you for helping to beautify the Cemetery during the
seasonal transition and for the outward reflection of your continued devotion for your family and friends. Are you a
steward of Calvary Cemetery? Please be sure to visit the secure online donations link on our website at to make your contribution today! We thank you for helping
to protect this sacred place.
On-Going Diocesan Information
Notice to All--The Diocese of Lexington, Kentucky and its Bishop, John Stowe, OFM Conv. encourages all victims
who have been abused by a priest, a deacon, or an employee of the diocese to bring forth any instances of sexual
abuse to the appropriate persons. You should report any current or past occurrences of sexual abuse to the Victims
Assistance Coordinator. Bishop Stowe has appointed Ms. Nelda Stevens Jackson as the Victims Assistance
Coordinator for the Diocese of Lexington. Ms. Jackson may be contacted by telephone at 859-253-1993 or by email
at or by mail or personal visit to the Catholic Social Services Bureau offices located at 1310
West Main Street, Lexington, Kentucky 40508.
The Diocese of Lexington pledges to do all it can to assist any victim of child sexual abuse by a cleric or lay
employee by providing the necessary assistance for healing of mind, spirit, and body.
July 31, 2016-- St. Luke Catholic Church, Nicholasville, KY
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La Diócesis de Lexington, Kentucky y su obispo John Stowe hace un llamado a todas las víctimas que han sido
abusadas por un sacerdote, diácono o empleado de la diócesis para que denuncien el abuso sexual a las personas
indicadas. Ud. debe reportar cualquier abuso sexual en el presente o pasado al Coordinador de Ayuda para
Víctimas. El Sr. Obispo John Stowe ha encargado a la Srita. Nelda Stevens Jackson como la Coordinadora de
Ayuda a Víctimas para la Diócesis de Lexington. La Srita Jackson puede ser contactada por teléfono al (859) 2531993 o por e-mail en o por correo o visita personal al Buro de Servicios Sociales Católicos,
localizado en 1310 W. Main Street, Lexington, Ky 40508.
La Diócesis de Lexington se compromete a hacer todo lo posible para ayudar a cualquier víctima de abuso sexual
infantil causada por un miembro del clero o empleado laico proveyendo la ayuda necesaria en mente, espíritu y
cuerpo. Le invitamos a que nos contacte si Ud. necesita ayuda con respecto al abuso sexual.
Calvary Cemetery News - Calvary Cemetery is the Catholic Cemetery of the Diocese of Lexington and
is located at 874 West Main Street, Lexington, 40508. 859.252.5415; or
Natural Family Planning (NFP). Learn NFP at home and at your own pace with the Home Study Course from NFP
International, Includes Ecological Breastfeeding (it really can space babies), a double-check
system of fertility awareness, and Catholic teaching that’s easy to understand. Work with a live instructor by email.
Completion certificate. Only $70. We are listed at the U.S Bishops' website under NFP long distance learning:
Alzheimer’s Caregivers Support Group – Meets at 11:00 a.m. on the first and third Wednesdays of each month in
the Church Parlor of Mary Queen of the Holy Rosary Church, 601 Hill N Dale Drive, Lexington. The Alzheimer’s
caregiver’s life is one of loneliness and stress. The goal of ACSG is to help and aid those on this journey by
addressing the emotions and issues that affect the mind, body and soul. The program “Feeding the Lambs” touches
the concerns of those in the group both mentally and spiritually by letting Alzheimer’s caregivers know that they are
not alone on their journey. If you are currently, or have been in the past, an Alzheimer’s caregiver, please consider
joining this program. Contact John Borders 859.865.2848 or for more information.
• FAITH • FUN • FRIENDSHIP • SERVICE • Catholic Singles of the Bluegrass--Catholic Singles of the
Bluegrass fosters the development of friendships between Catholic singles in the Diocese of Lexington, especially
those who do not feel comfortable in a 20s or 30s group. The group’s mission is to provide opportunities to
participate in social activities, service projects and faith-based education programs. Upcoming events:
August 20 – CatholicMatch and Online Dating--We will be discussing what is purposeful dating, developing an
online profile, the etiquette and pitfalls of online dating, and sharing experiences. Starts at 7p.m. Contact Fred Payne
at for more details or visit web site below.
September 10 Oktoberfest @ Christ the King
October 15 Shaker Village
October 22 Keeneland Races
Contacts for more information:
Lexington Catholic High School News-- 2250 Clays Mill Road, Lexington, KY 40503. 859.277.7183. Website:
Courage is a ministry dedicated to providing support to those experiencing same-sex attraction and seeking to live a
life of chastity according to Catholic teaching. For confidential inquiries, call (859) 253-1993 x 306 or email
Act of Contrition--O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended you, and I detest all my
sins because I dread the loss of heaven and the pains of hell; but most of all because they offend
you, my God, who are all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve with the help of
your grace to confess my sins, to do penance, and to amend my life. Amen.
PRAYER OF ST. GERTRUDE THE GREAT--Eternal Father, I offer thee the most precious blood of thy Divine Son,
Jesus, in union with the Masses said throughout the world today, for all the Holy Souls in Purgatory, for sinners
everywhere, for sinners in the universal church, those in my own home and within my family. Amen.
Prayer for the Recently Deceased—Incline Your ear, O Lord, to our prayers, in which we humbly entreat Your
mercy. Bring to a place of peace and light the soul of Your servant, (NAME), which You have summoned to go forth
from this world, and bid him to be numbered in the fellowship of Your saints. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Prayer for Those Missing Mass—Almighty and most merciful God, Who wills not the death of a sinner, but that he
be converted and live, hear our prayers for those who, of their own free will, from carelessness or indifference, are
not here today to worship You in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Grant them, we beseech You, the light to see how
empty life is without You, a right understanding of their obligation to adore You, and the courage to return to their
Father’s House. And to us here present, O God of Love and Tenderness, grant a greater appreciation of the Mass
and an apostolic spirit to work and pray for those whose hearts are restless until they find their rest in Thee. Through
Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen. (Follow with an Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory be to the Father.)
Vocation Prayer--Heavenly Father, You are the one who made us, and you know us better than we know ourselves.
Call forth your servants, O Lord, and teach us to recognize your voice. Son of god, you gave your life for all people,
and you invite us to share in your mission. Guide us with your love, dear Jesus, and help us to show it to others.
Holy Spirit, you are present within us, and you lend us the strength to live out our calling. Remain with us always, our
Helper, and give us the courage to say, “Yes.” Hail Mary . . . .
Prayer to End Abortion--Lord God, I thank you today for the gift of my life, And for the lives of all my brothers and
sisters. I know there is nothing that destroys more life than abortion, Yet I rejoice that you have conquered death by
the Resurrection of Your Son. I am ready to do my part in ending abortion. Today I commit myself. Never to be
silent, Never to be passive, Never to be forgetful of the unborn. I commit myself to be active in the pro-life movement,
And never to stop defending life Until all my brothers and sisters are protected, And our nation once again becomes
A nation with liberty and justice Not just for some, but for all, Through Christ our Lord. Amen!
July 31, 2016-- St. Luke Catholic Church, Nicholasville, KY
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St. Luke Catholic Church
CCD Registration Form—2016-17
Please Print Legibly
Parent/Guardian Information
Family Name (Last) ____________________________________________________________________
Father’s Name _______________________________________________________________________
Religion __________________________________ Occupation _______________________________
Mother’s Name ______________________________________________________________________
Religion __________________________________ Occupation _______________________________
Guardian’s Name _____________________________________________________________________
Religion __________________________________ Occupation _______________________________
Child(ren) live(s) with: _____ both parents _____ mother
_____ father
_____ guardian
Address ____________________________________________________________________________
Street Address
ZIP Code
Phone ____________________ _______________ Email ____________________________________
(Best Contact Email)
1. Full Name of Child (Nickname) ____________________________________________________
Sacraments: Baptism __yes__no First Communion __yes__no Confirmation __yes __no
School Attending: _________________________ Grade: ______ Birthdate: ______________
Other Information: (Allergies, Medication, Special Needs etc.) _________________________
2. Full Name of Child (Nickname) ____________________________________________________
Sacraments: Baptism __yes__no First Communion __yes__no Confirmation __yes __no
School Attending: _________________________ Grade: ______ Birthdate: ______________
Other Information: (Allergies, Medication, Special Needs etc.) _________________________
3. Full Name of Child (Nickname) ____________________________________________________
Sacraments: Baptism __yes__no First Communion __yes__no Confirmation __yes __no
School Attending: _________________________ Grade: ______ Birthdate: ______________
Other Information: (Allergies, Medication, Special Needs etc.) _________________________
4. Full Name of Child (Nickname) ____________________________________________________
Sacraments: Baptism __yes__no First Communion __yes__no Confirmation __yes __no
School Attending: _________________________ Grade: ______ Birthdate: ______________
Other Information: (Allergies, Medication, Special Needs etc.) _________________________
5. Full Name of Child (Nickname) ____________________________________________________
Sacraments: Baptism __yes__no First Communion __yes__no Confirmation __yes __no
School Attending: _________________________ Grade: ______ Birthdate: ______________
Other Information: (Allergies, Medication, Special Needs etc.) _________________________
6. Full Name of Child (Nickname) ____________________________________________________
Sacraments: Baptism __yes__no First Communion __yes__no Confirmation __yes __no
School Attending: _________________________ Grade: ______ Birthdate: ______________
Other Information: (Allergies, Medication, Special Needs etc.) _________________________
July 31, 2016-- St. Luke Catholic Church, Nicholasville, KY
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7. Full Name of Child (Nickname) ____________________________________________________
Sacraments: Baptism __yes__no First Communion __yes__no Confirmation __yes __no
School Attending: _________________________ Grade: ______ Birthdate: ______________
Other Information: (Allergies, Medication, Special Needs etc.) _________________________
8. Full Name of Child (Nickname) ____________________________________________________
Sacraments: Baptism __yes__no First Communion __yes__no Confirmation __yes __no
School Attending: _________________________ Grade: ______ Birthdate: ______________
Other Information: (Allergies, Medication, Special Needs etc.) _________________________
9. Full Name of Child (Nickname) ____________________________________________________
Sacraments: Baptism __yes__no First Communion __yes__no Confirmation __yes __no
School Attending: _________________________ Grade: ______ Birthdate: ______________
Other Information: (Allergies, Medication, Special Needs etc.) _________________________
10. Full Name of Child (Nickname) ____________________________________________________
Sacraments: Baptism __yes__no First Communion __yes__no Confirmation __yes __no
School Attending: _________________________ Grade: ______ Birthdate: ______________
Other Information: (Allergies, Medication, Special Needs etc.) _________________________
11. Full Name of Child (Nickname) ____________________________________________________
Sacraments: Baptism __yes__no First Communion __yes__no Confirmation __yes __no
School Attending: _________________________ Grade: ______ Birthdate: ______________
Other Information: (Allergies, Medication, Special Needs etc.) _________________________
July 31, 2016-- St. Luke Catholic Church, Nicholasville, KY
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Priests, Religious, Seminarians
& Deacons
Rev. Patrick C. Fitzsimons
VA Medical Center
Chaplaincy Department
5000 West National Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53295
B-date—November 19
Ordained 05-19-2001
Rev. John Dane
193 Barnsley Rd.
Wombwell, Barnsley
South Yorkshire S73 8DR
United Kingdom
B-date—December 12 Ord. 02-16-1991
Rev. Richard Watson
132 Bryan Street
Pikeville, KY 41501
B-date—January 1, 1961
Ordained 05-21-2011
Rev. Chris Shofner
165 N. Waterville Ave.
LeCenter, MN 56057
B-date—August 7
Ordained 05-28-2005
Fr. Tony Stephens, CPM
6616 Beechmont Ave.
Cincinnati, OH 45230
Summer Address is to the right-B-date—December 13
Ordained 06-04-2005
Brandon Bigam (St. Luke’s)
St. Meinrad School of Theology
200 Hill Dr.
St. Meinrad, IN 47577
B-date—Jan. 6
Fr. George L. McInnis, CPM
Fathers of Mercy
806 Shaker Museum Rd.
South Union, KY 42283
B-date—February 16
Ordained 06-02-2007
Deacon Carter Ross
Ordained 06-14-1981
Rev. Rob Adams (St. Luke’s)
The Pontifical North
American College
00120 Vatican City State
B-date—July 23
Ordination Date—May 21,
Terrence de Silva (St. Julian,
St. Meinrad School of
200 Hill Dr.
St. Meinrad, IN 47577
Tim White
Pontifical College Josephinum
7625 N. High St.
Columbus, OH 43235
Jeff Childers
St. Meinrad School of
200 Hill Dr.
St. Meinrad, IN 47577
Danny Taylor (Christ the
St. Meinrad School of
200 Hill Dr.
St. Meinrad, IN 47577
(Pre-Theology I)
Rev. William C. Bush
304 S. Main St.
Nicholasville, KY 40356
B-date—January 13, 1934
Ordination Date—June 9, 1962
Rev. Ronald Schmelzer
116 Daylily Drive
Nicholasville, KY 40356
B-date—February 26,
Ordination Date—June 1, 2002
Transitional Diaconate Ordination—06-042016
James Harding (MQHR)
St. Meinrad School of Theology
200 Hill Dr.
St. Meinrad, IN 47577
Josh Bertram
Pontifical College Josephinum
7625 N. High St.
Columbus, OH 43235
Mark Ouma
Sacred Heart Seminary
7335 S. Hwy 100
P. O. Box 429
Hales Corners, WI 53130
David Wheeler (St. Ann,
Pontifical College Josephinum
7625 N. High St.
Columbus, OH 43235
Aldrin Tayag
Pastoral Year
St. Andrew Church
1125 Danville Rd.
Harrodsburg, KY 40330
Marc Bentley
St. Meinrad School of Theology
200 Hill Dr.
St. Meinrad, IN 47577
Scott Morgan (Sacred Heart, Corbin)
Pontifical College Josephinum
7625 N. High St.
Columbus, OH 43235
John Lijana (Cathedral of Christ
the King
St. Meinrad School of Theology
200 Hill Dr.
St. Meinrad, IN 47577
Sister Marie Therese of Christ’s
Redeeming Mercy Zink
(Theresa Zink)
Sister Servants of the Eternal Word
3721 Belmont Road
Birmingham, AL 35210
B-date—January 19
First Vows—August 15, 2012
Sister Mary Faustina of the Divine
(Katie Byrd)
Sister Servants of the Eternal Word
3721 Belmont Road
Birmingham, AL 35210
B-date—July 4
First Vows—August 15, 2014
Deacon Frank Keller
114 Lone Oak Dr.
Nicholasville, KY 40356
B-date—October 23, 1951
Ordination Date—June 7, 2008
Dc. Marco & Kathy Rajkovich
216 Windom Ln.
Nicholasville, KY 40356
B-date—November 22, 1955
July 31, 2016-- St. Luke Catholic Church, Nicholasville, KY
Ordination Date—June 2, 2012
Kathy B-date—March 15, 1967
Dc. Gary & Doris Rudemiller
107 Yates Court
Nicholasville, KY 40356
B-date—September 7, 1960
Ordination Date—June 4, 2016
Doris B-date—June 10, 1960
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HomeBound Parishioners
Bob and Ida Ash (05-15-
Dorothy Ward
3310 Tates Creek Rd, Apt. 211
Lexington, KY 40502
Geneva and Dean Brickey
111 Hillcrest Ave.
Lancaster, KY 40444
Mr. Fred Dempsey
McDowell Place of
1181 Ben Ali Dr.
Danville, KY 40422
Mary Jo Daugherty
2121 Nicholasville Rd, #707
Lexington, KY 40503
Mrs. Katie Hall
614 S. Third St.
Nicholasville, KY 40356
Mr. David Jenkins
Morning Pointe, No. 204
150 Shoreside Dr.
Lexington, KY 40515
Mrs. Jean Fawcett
116 Keene Crossing Dr.
Nicholasville, KY 40356
Mrs. Rita Norton
Little Sisters of the Poor
15 Audobon Plaza Dr.
Louisville, KY 40217
Ms. Helen Palmer
453 W. Broadway
Danville, KY 40422
Mrs. Jean Quinn
321 Weil Ln.
Nicholasville, KY 40356
Mrs. Rita Ridgway
Thomson-Hood Veterans Ctr.
100 Veterans Drive, Rm 253B
Wilmore, KY 40390
Mrs. Joanna Schue
Royal Manor Nursing
100 Sparks Ave.
Nicholasville, KY 40356
Gene Settles
136 Carolyn Lane
Nicholasville, KY 40356
Mrs. Darlene Tackett
407 N. Second St.
Nicholasville, KY 40356
John H. and Ruth
217 S. Main St.
Nicholasville, KY 40356
Corinne C. Quadland
111 Coconut Grove Dr. No. 10
Nicholasville, KY 40356
Jean and Fran Wingate
209 Fairway West
Nicholasville, KY 40356
Bill and Bobi Ringlein
2187 Lansill Rd.
Lexington, KY 40504
Jim and Ramona McGlennon
3441 Keithshire Way
Lexington, KY 40503
5220 Grey Oak Ln, Apt.
Nicholasville, KY 40356
Former Parishioners &
Bob and Betsy Grant
(Garrett and Julianna)
4005 Powhatan Secondary
Williamsburg, VA 23188
Mr. Joe Musialowski
6730 Cinnamon Circle
Mint Hill, NC 28227-4375
Mrs. Jessie Ross
127 Woodland Dr.
Somerset, KY 42501
B-dates—September 22
Chris and Mary Ice
98 St. Joseph Dr.
Steubenville, OH 43952
Mrs. Margaret Hrncar
920 Dean Street
Woodstock, IL 60098
Bishop Ronald W. Gainer
Mrs. Anna Krolick (His mother)
4810 Union Deposit Rd.
Harrisburg, PA 17111
July 31, 2016-- St. Luke Catholic Church, Nicholasville, KY
Page 11
Thanks to everyone here at St. Luke’s participating in Kroger Community
Re-Enrollment Period is August 1 to August 31, 2016:
* Supporters currently enrolled must re-enroll in August.
* Organizations do not reapply and there is no change to the Organization’s NPO# (account
* Starting August 1 through August 31, supporters can log into their account to
* Kroger will send an email reminder to enrolled supporters in August with a link to re-enroll
for same group or to select a new organization if they choose
* Continued participation requires re-enrollment by all supporters.
* Supporters that do not re-enroll by end of day August 31 will be dropped from the
program and purchases will no longer benefit the Organization.
* Our new year of giving through Kroger Community Rewards starts September 1, 2016.
* If supporters drop from program, there is no deadline in joining again, but the
Organization will miss out earning rewards on Kroger purchases during this time.
* We encourage Organizations to enroll new supporters throughout the whole year, not just
in August. The more supporters, and the more they spend, the larger the reward for the
Why does Kroger require re-enrollment by all supporters each August?
Re-enrollment gives each organization an opportunity to refresh their
membership by spreading the word to new members and keeping their current
members informed of any changes to the program. The process is easy and takes
only a few quick clicks. (The steps are below.)
How to RE-ENROLL in Kroger Community Rewards (if currently participating)
 Go to
 Click the blue Sign In tab at top of the page.
 Enter your email address and password and click the blue Sign In tab.
 From the department menu, click Community, then Community
 From Community Rewards, click on the Edit or Re-enroll button.
 Then,
a. Find Organization (Search by keyword or nonprofit organization
number - NPO #) Our St. Luke, Nicholasville DTS number is 11688.
b. Select Organization (Click the button to the left of the organization)
c. Save your Selection (Click the Save button to save your selection.)
 Call 1-800-KROGERS, Option #3, with questions.
July 31, 2016-- St. Luke Catholic Church, Nicholasville, KY
Page 12