December 28


December 28
for your giving spirit toward
our Global Missions Offering of
Matthew 28:18-20
God bless you.
Happy New Year!
Room In The Inn
Our next RITI date is January 23.
If you can help, please contact Joanne Prather
Family Night Meal
Our Family Night Meal will be Wednesday, January 7 at 5:30
pm. The menu will be chili and grilled cheese sandwiches.
Cost is $3.00 a person or no more than $10.00 for a family.
Life Groups Rally
Sunday, January 4 at 8:30 am
Continental breakfast in the Fellowship Hall
Homebound Ministry
Homebound will not meet
until Sunday, January 4, 2015.
Black Forest
Today is Black Forest Sunday. On the last Sunday of every
month, each person is asked to give at least $1.00 for the
Black Forest Church in Romania.
January Bible Study
“A Challenge for a New Generation”
Begins Wednesday, January 14
Pick up your study guide in the office
$7 donation, if you can
Missions’ Corner
"These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye
might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer ; I have overcome the
world." -- John 16:33
"Remember, your worth is founded in Jesus Christ."
-- Warren Wiersbe
No evening service tonight.
New Year’s Eve service at 6:00 pm.
Please remember those who are homebound:
Lou Vester Babb
Raymell Brasher
John Buckley
Doris Collins
Joyce Collins
Carolyn Crownover
James Cupples
Wilma Daniel
Bobbie Estes
Willie Mae Evans
Margie Ferguson
Arvin & Mary Frances Frye
Maidell Green
Pat Haggard
Bill Haskins
Robbie Hearn
Annette Kennon
Brenda Kiestler
Jo McClure
Robert Pyles
Alice Rogers
Ouida Scoggins
Rachel Stowe
Virgie Tillman
Freddie Tosh
Dorothy Warren
Dear First Baptist Church Family,
In January we will be sending teams to minister in India, Peru, Nepal and South Africa. We look forward to seeing all that God is
going to do in and through these teams. Thanks for partnering with
us in reaching the nations. You are a blessing to us and to our ministry.
Andy, Carmelita, Ethan & Claire
Thank you for the fruit basket, the stocking filled with goodies and
for the carolers that came by to sing for us.
James & Peggy Cupples
Jim Horne
Jim and his wife, Linnette, have joyfully served the Lord at FBC
Bemis for 30 years. If they can assist you or your family, please
call 423-0249 or email them at
Sunday, December 28
9:00 am Life Groups
10:00 am Morning Worship
No evening service
Wednesday, December 31
6:00 pm Evening Service
Thursday, January 1
Office Closed
Prepare for The Lord’s Day
General Fund
Global Missions
$ 17,523.40
Building Fund
$ 100.00
This Week’s Scheduled Workers
Roy Jones/Fred Jones
Prayer Concerns
FBC Bemis Members-Winifred Matthews, Georgia Drumwright, Janetta Smith,
Shaun Davis, Vicki Diggs, Ricky Dunavant, Faye Jackson, Rachel Stowe, Vicki
Watson, Dennis Watson, Michael Housman, Jennifer Rowan, Judy Matlock, Patsy
Massey, Linda Young, Arvin & Mary Frances Frye, Pat Warren, Joe Harris, John
Buckley, Norma Dennison, Clarence Hermann, Virgie Tillman, Pete Peterson, Janet
Watson, Raymond & Raymell Brasher, Barbara Finley, Jeri O’Steen, Families in
Crisis, Shut-ins
Sunday, December 28, 2014
Family & Friends-Janna Rickman, Jerry Jordan, Lucy Allison, Joe Ferguson, Lois
Smith, Glenda Barber, Larry Benson, Mary Huff, Frank & Karen Burton, Dr. Elzie
Danley, Leta Bailey, Tony & Martha Nell Arnold, Vickie Jones, Dr. John & Robbie
Adams, Judy Whitt, Annette Kennon, Carolyn Rhodes, Elizabeth Hines, Loran
Newton, Regina Spayde, Randy Smith, Odell & Cathy Frye, Ralph Fisher, Randie
Snider, John Wayne & Jane Williams, Patty Antwine, Noel Blankenship, Carolyn
Warren, Jennifer Cupples, Janice Morris, John Woodall, Jerry Taylor, Vince
Yodushock, James Cupples, Bruce Bishop, Community Servants, Drug Users and
Dealers, Military Personnel & Families, Community Servants, National, State, and
Local Leaders
Nursery Workers (Morning)-Vicki Diggs, Margaret Miller, Reba Roach, Caitlin Roach; (Evening)-No evening service
Life Groups Attendance
Worship Attendance
December 21
Last Year
Prelude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Instruments
Morning Prayer & Welcome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pastor Sims
Call to Worship
Worship with Tithes & Offerings
Choir Sings
(Children’s Church Dismissal)
Message in Music
Message from God’s Holy Word . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pastor Sims
MATTHEW 1:18-25
Benediction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jim Horne
To read through the Bible in one year, read the four passages listed
beside each date. Each week new passages will be listed.
Dec 29
Dec 30
Dec 31
Jan 1
Jan 2
Jan 3
Jan 4
Nm 10
Nm 11
Nm 12
Nm 13
Nm 14
Nm 15
Nm 16
Is 30:1-17
Is 30:18-33
Is 31-32
Is 33
Is 34
Is 35
Is 36
Ps 71:17-24
Ps 72:1-11
Ps 72:12-20
Ps 73:1-12
Ps 73:13-20
Ps 73:21-28
Ps 74:1-11
Lk 15:11-31
Lk 16:1-18
Lk 16:19-17:19
Lk 17:20-37
Lk 18:1-14
Lk 18:15-34
Lk 18:35-43
“All scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching,
for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness.”
2Tim. 3:16
“The Son of Man is come to seek and to save that which was lost. Neither is there
salvation in any other; for there is none other name under heaven given among
men, whereby we must be saved.”
Luke 19:10; Acts 4:12