February - North East River Yacht Club
February - North East River Yacht Club
Where the Season Never Ends Member Newsle er February 2016 www.neryc.com Upcoming Events February 13 Valentine’s Day Dinner Birthday/Anniversary Night Note: it is SATURDAY this month February 27 Murder On The Gambling Cruise Murder Mystery Dinner Theater March 13 Family Glass Painting and Picnic Supper March 26 Three Sheets to the Wind 1 Hello Fellow Members – February always reminds me of the winter doldrums and cabin fever is certainly a challenge. However the days are ge ng longer and it’s downhill to get to our boa ng season in just 3 months from now! On the business front, there are a few highlights to share in this month’s Waterline. Remember you can find specific details of our club business in the monthly BOG Minutes published to membership: From the financial perspec ve, our Treasurer Ron Roecker highlights that NERYC is star ng out this year in a good posi on in January. Accounts Receivable is a bit higher this year compared to last year. Cash is a li le lower than last year. Slips and moorings are li le behind. But all in all we are off to a fine start. And of course since we exited 2015, we have begun preparing our financial filings. Under Vice Commodore Paul Miller’s leadership we’ve established a “House Commi ee”. Thanks to Claire Brechter, Susan Andrews, Judy Murray and Cindy Gamble for volunteering! The House Commi ee is responsible for selec ng the décor in the Clubhouse interior, including pictures, displays and furnishings. One item that will be addressed is the upstairs ‘conversion’ process from event to game room as well as storage in our facility. I could not think of a be er group of talented individuals to take on this responsibility. Through Rear Commodore Bob Molloy’s leadership we are moving forward with several IT ini a ves, yes we do have Informa on Technology in and around our club. We are replacing our aging Digital Dining so ware and hardware, upgrading PC’s in our offices, revamping our wireless infrastructure and programming our call menu so that we can operate with efficiency. Fleet Captain Brian Fuchs has been at work developing cruising plan for the 2016 season. I recommend you check out his plan in this issue of the Waterline. Under our Sail Chair Jeff Ronald’s leadership, we have made excellent progress on 2016 planning in Junior Sail, Sail Camp and Adult Sailing. Though it is with mixed feelings that I accepted Jeff Ronald stepping down as chair so he can focus on his work career and family. Jeff has done an outstanding job with the program and will con nue being involved in the club. We are aggressively seeking Jeff’s replacement to con nue the momentum and announcements will be forthcoming. Notwithstanding, planning for Sail Camp is moving along with our Sail Camp Director Sharlene Wilkins leading plans from the Bahamas. Adult Sail plans are underway with Chris Reno taking the lead laying out our 2016 program and Junior Sail Program plans are underway with Mike Wagner and Mary Schorse leading plans working with parents for our very successful junior race team. A large very successful planning mee ng was held at the club this past month and addi onal planning mee ngs scheduled in the future. Through Building and Grounds Chair Glenn Davis’ leadership all that snow was plowed, several repairs were made around our windows and various improvements on ligh ng are in process. Most noteworthy is a renego a on of our waste management program saving $400 a month. Plans are moving forward to establish a punch list for our upcoming workday. 2 Under DockMaster Chair Dave Brzezowski’s leadership our bubblers are bubbling way to protect the marina from ice and docks and moorings are at 78% overall occupancy (74% docks and 100% Moorings). A very good posi on to be in at this me of year. Dave has also been leading the upstairs bathroom remodel and projects comple on in February Through our Finance Chair Judy Herman’s leadership our 1099’s and W2’s are being prepared and we are in process of closing out 2015 actuals to compare against budget. You will see more details on this in next month’s BOG report Under Membership Chair Babs Mange’s leadership we have welcomed new members to full membership: Glenn Rogers, Middletown DE, Simon and Gretchen Tusha, North East MD, Michael Lanasa and Amy Markey, Drexel Hill, PA, Jim and Kate Magee, Eagleville, PA, Aaron and Caitlin Michael, Li tz PA, Vance Jaffee, North East, MD and we have welcomed Student Members Mary Forrest, Maplewood NJ , Theodore Straus, Dover MA, and Calyn O’Connell, West Islip, NY. Please welcome our new members when you see them! Through Restaurant Chair Barb Luloff’s leadership we have started 2016 off well with very good restaurant patronage in January. Several themed dinners are planned and we con nue the successful Sunday Brunch. We also have about $106k of weddings and events projected in the upcoming year which will posi on restaurant financials on solid ground. Our staff will be quite busy this year. Under Administrator Chair Bob Brecther’s leaderhship our club’s daily ac vi es are well under control. We have established a marke ng plan through Gary Denapoli exper se. He has coordinated plans that cross Restaurant, Docks and Junior Sail. Be on the lookout for ads appearing in various publica on. Vivian Molloy con nues her steadfast dedicaon publishing an outstanding Waterline newsle er each month and I hope you enjoy our February Issue. So from the business side there is lots going at NERYC as we move through the winter months leading up to our Opening Day in May. Back in November I highlighted 4 areas that I felt important to focus on during the year: A ract New Members Con nue a Strong Youth Program Operate our Club with Fiscal Responsibility Increase Volunteerism Make Memories I believe we are making excellent progress in all 5 areas and we will con nue to do so. Item four, volunteerism, is very important because we simply rely upon many volunteer members in our club to operate, take on projects, donate talent and energy to make our club into what we want to be. So I encourage everyone to volunteer whatever talent you can to help make our club shine and con nue its success right here on the North East River. There are few things to look forward to in February that you’ll want to mark calendars for. wE have a special Valen nes Dinner menu planned for the 13th and the Famous “Murder Mystery” Dinner Event is on the 27th. I understand there is quite a show brewing. I will be jet se ng back from India on a 15 hour flight landing that morning so I can make it. If I have circles under my eyes you will know why. See you around the club as we con nue “Making Memories”….. Fair Winds, Bob Gamble Commodore NERYC 3 Special Valentine’s Day Dinner Menu February 13, 2016 Watch for further details A rose for the first 25 ladies 4 February Birthday/ Anniversary Night 2/13/2016 Yes it is on Saturday with the 6:00PM Valentine’s Day Dinner Birthdays 2 Richard Harris 9 Martina Culik-Moore 10 Glen Scarcelle 10 Mark Silver 11 Cliff Shaw 11 Tom Zalewski 12 Steve Hogan 13 Tim DeHaan 13 Suzie Krapf 14 Laura Miller 18 Michael Roe 18 Gregg Strawbridge Anniversaries 2 Paul & Janet Carrick 2 Norman & Lisa Wehner 14 Rosey & Michael Tracy 19 Ron Edwards 19 Keith Gordon 21 Amber Belon 21 Pam Deem 22 Celia Battaglini 24 William Brown 24 Karen Carter 24 Charles Paris 24 Henry Proud 26 Cece Peters 26 Tim Weidman New Members Glenn Rogers Simon and Gretchen Tusha Vance Jaffe and Karen Mac Cleary Michael Lanasa and Amy Markey Mary Forrest Jim and Kate Magee Calyn O’Connell Aaron and Caitlin Michael 5 Theodore Straus What You Should Know About Your Restaurant Welcome to The Kitchen at North East River Yacht Club. Let’s start by mee ng the people who keep it up and running. There is Chef and manager Ernie Herzog, an chef assistant, head waitress and bartender Chrissy Combs, and server Jeff Crowl. This group has developed into a well running team to keep the Burgee Lounge popping and serve the needs of the Commodore’s Ballroom when required. They are under the direc on of Barbara Lullof, the NERYC Restaurant and Bar Chair. The Chef prepares our menus for each week and, as members of the NERYC Yahoo group, you get a copy of this menu by Thursday. Special events call for special menus. These are prepared in consulta on between the Chef, the Restaurant and Bar Chair, and the event coordinator. Some of the things that guide the choices are availability of local and fresh food, supplier price and availability, prepara on me, and overall cost. Our serving staff not only takes your order, but they do so with a 10-year old system that is a bit cranky, to put it mildly. Your Board is working with the DBS Inc. to upgrade the Digital Dining system in the near future. This team does the serving in both the Burgee Lounge and the Pa o and does it with a friendly smile and nice word for all. When there are special events, either club sponsored or outside, they handle both the set up and take down including: handling the table tops, chairs, linens and center pieces. If you have ever helped with an event, you know how heavy and clumsy those table tops are. The facili es are inspected by the Cecil County Board of Health on a regular basis. This includes the kitchen, the bar, and the water temperature in the rest rooms. Some mes they will surprise us and just show up unannounced. Our kitchen con nues to pass these inspec ons. Having our restaurant staff to support special events, either member or outside sponsored, is important to maintaining the good financial standing of the club. We recommend that, if you have an event you think of your club. 6 Your club has received numerous le ers thanking the restaurant staff for great food and service. These have come from wedding par es, other clubs and organiza ons. My husband and I are enthusias c restaurant fans and dine there whenever we are in or near North East. We look forward to seeing you using the club facili es. If you have plans to dine with us, you can make reserva ons by calling 410 287-633. Come dine with us! 7 Meet Your Chef—Ernie Herzog My parents were born and raised in Switzerland. They came to the States in 1955. Actually the first stop was Puerto Rico. My father was recruited as Chef for the then famous Swiss Chalet in San Juan. Three of us kids were born there, me being the oldest and two sisters. My brother was born 12 years later. From there Dallas Texas was the next stop, then my father was picked as opening Chef for a Sheraton Hotel in Portland Oregon. That is where we stayed. My whole family is s ll there; mother, brother, sisters, nephews, nieces, etc. My mother is a great-grandmother at 86 years old. I went to grade school and high school in East Portland. Graduated from HS with a 3.85. Then I was awarded a scholarship at Portland State University for wrestling. I a ended for 2 years, but I always had worked for my parents at their restaurant and I decided to make Culinary my profession. My father taught me a lot at the restaurant but I wanted to get a formal culinary educaon. I was chosen to a end a 3-year culinary appren ceship in Switzerland with 3 years working at a hotel and 2 nights a week of schooling. It was a great experience. I received my formal training, traveled, snow skied, and met many workers from all over Europe. From there I did a 6-month s nt on a cruise ship, then 2 years as a Sous Chef back in Portland at an award winning seafood restaurant, then 2 years in Atlanta, then 2 years in Charleston as an Execu ve Chef at a seaside golf resort. I worked for 10 years in South Florida at private golf clubs as Chef. That is where I learned the mentality of working at a private club, doing my best to please the members. Then it was off to Bal more, Wilmington and then 5 years on Long Island. I got red of sleeping 90% of the me in a hotel room so it went back to Wilmington, DE. Special note: in Charleston, SC, I won Seafood Chef of the Year and 2nd place in the Orlando South East Regional Cooking Contest with 20 par cipants. I had built a house in Glasgow with my son, Hunter and his mother. Our neighbors were Dave and Susan Andrews. We developed a friendship that has lasted to this day. We enjoyed many wine dinners together and in the summer they would invite us to the North East River Yacht Club on the Bayhound. We enjoyed many days at the club. Many years later, a er Long Island I was searching Craigslist and saw the ad for a Chef at the Club. I met Rick Hanson and Barbara Luloff and had a great interview. They gave me a trial period and here I am 14 months later!! 8 I’ve had many big jobs in my career. Along with that, lots of responsibility, many weddings, bar mitzvahs, organiza on events, long hours and my share of stress. The Yacht Club is a nice change of pace. With a smaller membership I have go en to know many of the members personally. They are all so nice and a pleasure to cook for. Don’t get me wrong. As the only cook with an assistant, I have my share of hard work but I enjoy making the membership happy. My true passion has always been to cook great tas ng food. It makes my day when the members have posi ve comments. That’s why I’m here! I have always loved the outdoor experience and anything to do with water- the beach, fishing, water skiing and yes boa ng. My first boat when I was younger was a 16 . nearly flat bo om race boat with a skag for the corners. It had a 135hp Mercury with a 1:1 gear ra o. Yes it was fast and I would skim the corners, but only on calm waters, otherwise I’d be airborne! I had a 20 . center console fishing boat in South Florida where the gulf stream is closest to the Florida shore. I loved ocean fishing. I would catch sailfish, mahi-mahi, wahoo, snapper, grouper, tuna and kingfish to name a few. Now I have a Sunbird 20 . center console with a 140hp Johnson. It’s old, but looks and runs good! My 15 year old son and his friends love to tube and wakeboard. I have made friends with Joel and Cece Peters, new members, and Joel says he is going to help me catch a rockfish this April. I am coun ng the days! What I like most about being the Chef at NERYC are the nice, apprecia ve members. I want to thank my superiors and the board for their coopera on. I hope we have many successful years together! 9 Swiss-German Dinner Menu Jan. 30, 2016 Maps, flags, Beautiful setting Our wait staff Jeff, Chrissy, and Jeff 10 Attendees at the Swiss-German Dinner Jan. 30, 2016 11 12 Along the NERYC Docks & Moorings……………….. Well, last month I men oned that we were enjoying a mild winter. Since then Mother Nature has done a resounding about face dumping upwards of 30 inches of snow in some places in the span of 24 hours. As you know this impacted the club the weekend of Friday January 22nd thru Sunday the 25th forcing us to close the restaurant for the dura on. I can let you know I was down at the marina Friday before the snow hit to check the deicers and all but three were running. (Two were clogged with leaves were running albeit slowly and the third tripped the GFI.) I promptly got those running again and when I came down again on Sunday a er the storm all was well with most of the marina free of ice. With that all of the boats wintering in the water seem to be doing well. Looking at the forecast it looks like we will be creeping back into the 40’s during the day me and low 30’s overnight so we may be able to shut the deicers off for a bit to save on electricity. Let’s hope that we do not get any more snow! I’ve had enough and I am sure you have as well. We all want to get our boats back into the water and start complaining how hot it is! For those of you that have signed up for a slip in 2016 please do not forget that by now all of your paperwork (slip agreement and copy of insurance with $500k minimum liability insurance) needs to be sent to Linda in the club’s office. Also slip balances are due by the end of January. If you want a slip for this year please let me know and return a complete slip agreement form and payment ASAP. The form and deposit is the only way to lock in a slip at this point. There are several slip holders that I have yet to hear from if you are coming back or not next year and I want to know either so I can make the slip available to others if needed. Important Dates to Remember: Mid January – Slip electric bills were mailed to 2015 slip holders January 31st – Payment of slip balance is due in full. March 5th – Sail Race Seminar March 15th – Marina / Slips open for 2016 season!! April 1st docks maintenance work day (project list will be sent out) water / marine pump out will be turned back on April 9th – targe ng for moorings install Speaking of moorings, the club is need of at least one replacement 300 lb mushroom anchor. We had a couple ‘slip from our grasp’ last season and will need to replace at least one of them. If you have or know someone who has some of these that they would like to sell please let me know. I would like to get at least two to be able to keep an extra hand. I do have a source to buy them new but if there are some used ones in the area that would be cheaper that is be er. 13 On a last note, the upstairs (third floor) bathroom is coming along very nicely. It will be finished completely within the next couple of weeks. Many thanks to Ron and Jus ne for pain ng everything. I have a few minor things to finish and hope to do so by the second weekend in February but for now the new sink and loo are func onal. When you are the club please stop in and check it out. Keeping in mind the intent of using this space as a dressing room for weddings and other events I am looking for a small dressing table and chair – preferably without a mirror as I intend to install a large mirror on the wall opposite of the sink along with a long light fixture to provide plenty of light. If you have such a table that you would like to donate to the club please let me know. (Send me a picture first so I can run it past the house commi ee for their approval.) Well, that is all I have for now. If anyone has any ques ons please feel free to email me at dbrzezowski@comcast.net or call me at 610-308-8708. Thank you and Happy Holidays to all! I think the water may be a little too cold for swimming Dave Brzezowski – NERYC Dock Master 14 From the Fleet It’s February, there is a foot and half snow on the ground and it’s me to think about the 2016-cruise schedule. Our inten on is follow our Commodore Bob Gamble’s lead in making memories and having fun. I encourage all NERYC members to join us for these fun filled ou ngs. Here are the tenta ve dates and des na ons, please mark your calendars or check the club’s website. April 23-24 May 28-30 June 25-26 July 23-24 August 20-21 September 3-5 October 15-16 Shakedown Memorial Day Summer Cruise Ra Up Bay Jam Labor Day Frostbite Tidewater – Havre de Grace Bal more Yacht Club Castle Harbor Marina or Rock Hall S ll Pond Turner’s Creek Bal more Marine Center - Harborview Chesapeake City Marina As we get closer to the cruise date, I will send out more detailed informa on regarding sign ups and the a endee list, slip reserva ons, ac vi es and food and beverage planning. This is a great opportunity to spend me with your family and fellow members. By the way, don’t own a boat, consider driving down to the des na on. Please call or email with any ques ons or sugges ons. FC Brian Fuchs 15 Second Place Crock-Pot™ Cook-Off Winner Braun’s New Orleans Seafood Stew ¼ olive oil 2 large onions, chopped 2 green peppers, chopped 2 cups celery, chopped 2 28oz cans tomatoes - can be diced, chunked, peeled – not stewed 32oz tomato sauce 2 cup white wine 1 cup water ½ cup or more fresh parsley, chopped 6 cloves+ diced garlic 2 tsp ground cumin 1 tsp oregano 2 tsp cayenne pepper 1 tsp salt 1 tsp black pepper 6 cups unpeeled cubed potato 3 to 4 10oz cans whole baby clams, with juice 2 to 2.5 lbs red snapper, lapia or other firm white fish – cubed 1 to 1.5 lbs whole small to medium shrimp – peeled, uncooked 1 to 1.5 lbs bay scallops or halved sea scallops Saute onion, pepper, and celery in oil un l lightly browned. Add wine, water, tomatoes and spices. Cover and simmer for 10 to 15 minutes. Add potato, clams. Simmer un l potatoes are nearly cooked, but s ll firm. Add remaining ingredients, simmer un l shrimp and fish are cooked, just a couple of minutes. Serve with sourdough bread and salad 16 January 2016 Snow Storm 17 January 2016 Snow on the Docks 18 Family Glass Painting Sunday March 13, 2016 2:00PM to 4:00PM Indoor Picnic Suppper To follow Watch your e-mails for more information. Reservations for painting will be required. Picnic $12 adults, $8 children 19 Three sheets to the Wind March 26, 2016 6:00 PM Bring the whole family Everyone is welcome whether you boat or not Bring your friends Great Food Lots of prizes Fun Drinks Games for all ages 20