New Year PB Tourney_2015
New Year PB Tourney_2015
QUAD CITIES NEW YEAR PICKLEBALL TOURNAMENT Indoors at Sports Town, 1700 Blackhawk Trail, Eldridge, Iowa. Four courts available. See club website Spectators welcome. Join us for a fun day of pickleball. 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday, Jan. 2, 2015 (Day after New Year’s Day.) Refreshments provided. Format is a Round Robin Scrambles/Seed Play. Each player of an assigned group will play doubles matches WITH and AGAINST players in their group. After Round 1 we will seed all players and play round 2. Then the top scoring individuals will be bracketed in a playoff tournament for a skill level championship. Depending on entries, we plan for Skill Levels 3.5 – 5.0 in the morning and 1.0- 3.0 in the afternoon. Final start times to be announced. SKILL LEVEL GAMES Schedule Rules of Play 7 a.m. – Group 1 check in and warm up. 1. Players grouped into divisions based on skill 8 a.m. – Morning play begins. level. 11:30 a.m. – Group 2 check in and warm up. 2. Doubles only. 12:30 p.m. Afternoon play begins. 3. Random draw for partners in Round 1 For more information, contact Doug Michel at 563-388-2371, email: Detach and mail entry and waiver release to our registrar, Judy Petersen at Quad Cities Pickleball Club, 1704 Picadilly Place, Davenport, IA 52807. Registration fee is $17 ($12 for Quad Cities Pickleball Club Members). Deadline for registration is Friday, Dec. 26, 2014. (Registrations received after Dec. 26 will be accepted, space permitting.) SELF RATING guidelines available on club website, Skills and Drills Tab. Entry Form (All Players Required to Register) Player’s Name _________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________ Volunteers Email ________________________________________________________ If you have a friend or family member, not competing, that would like to volunteer, helping with various tasks for the event, please enter their name and phone number. Thanks!! Your age (as of Dec 31, 2015) ________; Male ________ Female ________ Names: ________________ Playing Skill Level (check one): _______________________ City, State, Zip _________________________________________________ Phone ______________________ Cell Phone _______________________ _____ Skill Levels 1.0-3.0, or _____ Skill Levels 3.5-5.0 _____________ $17 Entry Fee Each ($12 for Club Members) _____________ $15 for QC Pickleball Club Membership _____________ Donation to QC Pickleball Club (not tax deductible) _____________ Total Enclosed. Phone: ___________________ Email: ___________________ 2014 Holiday Pickleball Games Waiver Statement In consideration for being allowed to participate in any way in the Quad Cities Pickleball Club events and activities, I __________________________, the undersigned acknowledge and agree that: (Please Print Your Name) 1. The risk of injury from the activities involved in this program is significant, including the potential for permanent paralysis and death, and while particular rules, equipment, and personal discipline may reduce this risk, the risk of serious injury does exist and, 2. I knowingly and freely assume all such risks, both known and unknown, even if arising from the negligence of others, and assume full responsibility for my participation and, 3. I willingly agree to comply with the stated and customary terms and conditions for participation, If however, I observe any unusual significant hazard during my presence or participation, I will remove myself from participation and bring such to the attention of the nearest official immediately and, 4. I, on behalf of myself and my heirs, assignees, personal representatives, and next of kin, hereby release and hold harmless Quad Cities Pickleball Club and Lancer Courts, LLC (Sportstown), their officers, agents, and/or employees, other participants, sponsoring agencies, sponsors, and advertisers, and if applicable, owners, and lessees of premises used to conduct the event, with respect to any and all injury, disability, death, or loss or damage to person or property, whether arising from the negligence of the releases or otherwise. I have read this release of liability and assumption of risk agreement, fully understand its terms, understand that I have given up substantial rights by signing it, and sign it freely and voluntarily without any inducement. I agree to the waiver statement (Yes or No) Players Name ______________________________________________________ Age _________________________ (Please Print) Player’s Signature __________________________________________________ Date _________________________ If Player is a Minor Parent/Legal Guardian: ____________________________________________________________________________ (Please Print) Parent/Legal Guardian Signature: _______________________________________ Date ________________________ Emergency Info Doctor Doctor’s Phone Number Emergency Contact Name Emergency Contact Relationship Emergency Contact Phone Will Anyone Accompany You to the Games? If yes, Name of Person Yes or No. Quad Cities Pickleball Club Membership Application Why join? Print legibly. Fill in all blanks. We provide a strong voice in the community to advocate for the sport resulting in courts and places to play. We sponsor organized play at multiple venues for people to come together to enjoy the sport. We organize and sponsor tournaments and fun activities in the community. We keep you informed with a website and social media. We offer free lessons for players to learn the strategy of the game. You are included under a liability insurance policy for club-sponsored activities. Together we are strong. □ New Application □ Renewal Application Membership Type: □ Individual $15/Year □ Donor $40/Year Date of Application (mm/dd/year) __________________ Gender: □ Male □ Female Applicant Birth Date (mm/dd/year) _________________ Last Name __________________________________________ First Name ___________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________________________________________ City _______________________________________________ State ________________ Zip _____________________ Phone _____________________________________________ Mobile Phone __________________________________ Your e-mail _______________________________________________________________________________________ Emergency Contact: __________________________________ Phone ________________________________________ Please Note: Your contact information is used for club purposes only. It is not shared with outside organizations. Members occasionally get e-mail notification of events and also have access to club activities and information from the club website. Memberships in other Organizations: (The USA Pickleball Association works every day on behalf of all of us who love this game. You are encouraged to join this Can Help With: □ Activities Coordination □ Safety/Education Events □ Training – Beginner □ Training – Intermediate □Training – Advanced group in addition to the QC Pickleball Club. See website for details.) Check if you are a member of the USA Pickleball Association or other social clubs: □ USA Pickleball Association □ Other (please list) ________________________________ □ Health/Fitness Fairs □Membership □ Fall Picnic □ Winter Picnic □ News / Photography □ Web Site □ Volunteering – QC Senior Olympics Tournament in June □ Volunteering – Other Tournaments □ Other (specify) __________ * Single adult children up to 22 years old living at their parent’s address may continue on their parent’s membership. Make checks payable to Quad Cities Pickleball Club. Mail completed form to QCPC, Attn: Membership, 2895 Central Ave., Bettendorf, IA 52722. Waiver, Consent and Release of Liability WARNING: READ CAREFULLY. THIS AGREEMENT INCLUDES A RELEASE OF LIABILITY AND WAIVER OF LEGAL RIGHTS AND DEPRIVES YOU OF THE RIGHT TO SUE THIS ORGANIZATION AND OTHER PARTIES. DO NOT SIGN THIS AGREEMENT UNLESS YOU HAVE READ IT IN ITS ENTIRETY. SEEK THE ADVICE OF LEGAL COUNSEL IF YOU ARE UNSURE OF ITS EFFECT. Admission of Risk and Liability Release: In submitting this application, I acknowledge that I am assuming risks, and agreeing to indemnify, not to sue and release from liability Quad Cities Pickleball Club (QCPC) and Lancer Courts, LLC, its officers, board of directors, members and volunteers, in the case of any accident, injury, or damage of any kind . I recognize that playing pickleball is potentially dangerous, and I represent that I am a competent player with safe equipment. I understand that I participate in club activities at my own risk. I further recognize that safety is my personal responsibility and I agree to participate in keeping all QCPC activities safe as possible. I agree to hold the club and facility harmless and indemnify either for all costs, judgments and awards that may be claimed including the cost to defend such claims brought by you or another in your behalf or that of others. FOR MINORS: Parent or Guardian must agree to this waiver: I am the parent or guardian of the above listed Applicant, and assure QCPC that the facts and responsibilities listed above concerning my child or ward are true. By signing this form I am giving my permission for my child or ward to participate in QCPC events and activities. I agree to the terms of the above listed Admission of Risk and Liability Release whose terms bind me, my child, my heirs, legal representatives and assignees. If you are older than thirteen, but not yet eighteen or you are incapacitated and/or mentally challenged, please have a parent or legal guardian note their acceptance of the terms of registration by providing their initials where indicated below. If you are at least eighteen, please enter your own initials where indicated below. I understand that this Waiver and Release may be stored electronically and agree that a copy is authentic and admissible as evidence in any future dispute or proceedings. I have read, understood, and accept the agreement above. My submission of this form shall act as my legal signature. Initials of: _____ registrant if over 18 years of age; or parent/legal guardian of minor, incapacitated, or mentally challenged person. Liability Release - Signature Required Individual Membership (self) _______________________________ Date _________________ Parent/Guardian for Child <18 __________________________ Date _____________________