WHAT'S GOING ON AT cTc - Calvary Temple Church


WHAT'S GOING ON AT cTc - Calvary Temple Church
Mom to mom
Mom to Mom will not be meeting on January 9 due to the All Church Worship Night scheduled that evening.
Men's movie night
Plan to attend our Men's Movie Night on Friday, January 16 at 7:00 p.m. in Room 222-223. This event is for
all teenage boys and men and it is FREE! Snacks will be available for a minimal fee.
Men's Breakfast
Our next Men's Breakfast is scheduled for Saturday, January 24 at 8:00 a.m. in the Worship Center. Special
guest speaker will be Pastor Joey Steelman. Tickets on sale in the lobby and online at calvarytemple.org/men.
Ladies bible Study
Ladies' Winter Bible Study begins on Thursday, January 15 with an 8-week session by Lisa Harper entitled
"Hebrews, the Nearness of King Jesus." Cost is $15 (includes workbook and free childcare for children
birth through pre-k by pre-registration only). Classes meet on Thursday mornings at 9:30 a.m. or Thursday
evenings at 7:00 p.m. Register for the Bible study at the kiosk in the lobby or online at calvarytemple.org/
adults/women. Cost goes up $3 after January 15.
The Ladies' Tea previously announced for February is being rescheduled and reformatted into The Spring
Fling Luncheon on Saturday, March 21 at11:30 a.m. Hostesses are still being recruited to decorate their
tables and an exciting event is being planned. If you would like to be a hostess, contact Michelle Wojack
(925-497-6020). For general questions, contact Marci Kitowski (925-458-9100 x124).
Cleansing stream
This 14-week class (with a one-day retreat) will meet every Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. starting January 27
through April 28. This is NOT a support group, but a class that will help you find healing, wholeness and
greater freedom in your walk with God. Register in the lobby starting January 3 or online at calvarytemple.
org/cleansingstream. A $50 non-refundable deposit is required towards the purchase of materials. For
more info, contact Paul/Kathy Martin at ctcleansingstream@gmail.com or call 925-459-0525. For Spanish,
contact Gloria Tremaine at gloria.tremaine@gmail.com or call 925-586-0272.
college + young adults
Our first team meeting will be held on Saturday, January 17 at 7:00 p.m. in room 222. Everyone wishing
to attend this trip must have already turned in their application and deposit and also must attend this
meeting. To donate to this trip or to an individual or to learn more information, go to calvarytemple.org/
We have a YouTube channel with all of Pastor Jason Bishop's weekly downloads. Check out The Resistance
Channel by going scanning the code to the left.
intern positions
We currently still have one intern position open for the 2014/15 school year in Middle/High School. If you are
interested in serving as an intern here at CTC and having your college costs paid, please contact asunda@
calvarytemple.org or stop by the kiosk in the lobby.
Looking to stay
You can follow Pastor Jason on Twitter and get all of the latest event updates and devotionals, including our
weekly Resistance Download! Just text "follow livetruth2day" to 40404.
Night of worship
Please join us for a powerful night of prayer and worship during the Week of Prayer on Friday, January 9 at
7:00 p.m. in the Worship Center. Our Saturday night worship team will be leading us in worship and there
will be a brief devotional from Pastor Jason - we hope you are able to make it!
If you are new to CTC please come by the Guest Room! It's a relaxed, casual atmosphere where our pastors and
servant leaders are available to answer your questions. The Guest Room is located in Room 222 (down the left hallway,
past Early Childhood) and is open after our 10:00 & 11:30 a.m. services. Stop by for a few minutes after service so we
can meet you!
Hope2Home is a team that does practical acts of service to those in our church and community, while sharing
the love of Christ. Hope2Home...bringing hope one home at a time. Contact hope2home@calvarytemple.org
for more information. If you are a single parent or elderly and would like to have a Hope2Home team come to
your house, please stop by the Compassion kiosk in the lobby to fill out a "NEEDS CARD".
Class starts on Sunday, February 8 at 11:30 a.m. in Room 223. This 9-week class will run each Sunday
through April 12. Register online at calvarytemple.org/financialpeace. To learn more about this program,
visit daveramsey.com. There is a materials fee for this class.
If you are a new Christ-follower, have questions about what it means to be a Christian, or have simply never
been taught the basics, then our Starting Point class is designed just for you! It also serves as preparation for
those who want to follow Jesus by obedience in Water Baptism. Learn CTC's core habits of spiritual formation
(doing truth); become a fully-devoted follower of Jesus Christ. Join us for a one-day class on Saturday,
January 17 from 9:00 a.m. until noon in Room 223. Continental breakfast served. Contact maryann@
calvarytemple.org to register.
surf + turf
This year's Crab Feed & Silent Auction is Friday, February 6 here at CTC. The purpose of this event is to resource
Compassion Ministries at CTC. Our focus this year is Frontline Ministry; "Serving Those Who Serve". Tickets are
on sale now in the lobby - early bird special until mid-January: $40/person, $280/table; after mid-January: $45/
person, $315/table. To donate items or services for the auction, contact karenbibel@calvarytemple.org.
This year benefiting
“Serving those who serve”
Special Needs
Notes updated weekly.
Our special needs ministry, "Viewpoint" is looking for volunteer "buddies" to assist children with special
needs during our Sunday services for kids Kindergarten to Middle School. Come and join our great team,
make a difference in the lives of kids, and show your own kids how to serve others! No experience necessary;
training provided. Applications can be picked up at The Zone check-in downstairs.
THANK YOU! To each of you for your generous donations last month for Christmas to the Community. We were able
to provide gifts for hundreds of people in our area. This month our compassion bag effort will go to help Options
for Women and single mothers. Please pick up a bag and fill a need...together we will impact our community with
the love of Christ. Contact carey@calvarytemple.org for more information.
calvary temple church . 4725 evora road . concord ca 94520
8:30 10:00 11:30 a.m.
Our Annual Business Meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 25 at 7:00 p.m. This is our opportunity as a church
to celebrate what God has done during the past year. We will also be electing three Deacons to serve on our team of
Servant Leaders.
For weekend teaching notes visit:
OUR VISION Loving God, loving people
OUR PURPOSE To become fully-devoted followers of Jesus Christ through worship, fellowship, discipleship, ministry and evangelism
OUR VALUES Full devotion to Christ / Loving relationships / Biblically centered / Every-person ministry / Lost people matter / Life Stewardship
Business Meeting
Church Office / 925-458-9100 / info@calvarytemple.org / After hours emergency pastor line 925-550-4502
real church for real people
5:30 p.m.
Our next membership class with John & Carey is Sunday, February 22 from 2:00 - 6:45 p.m. (dinner and childcare
provided). This class will help you understand who we are as a local church, where we're going, and how we're going
to get there. Register online at calvarytemple.org/membershipclass.
> > For updated information on Thrive's events, contact boblingo@astound.net or call 925-270-3900.
Membership Class
> > Questions or for more information regarding College + Young Adults email asunda@calvarytemple.org
For singles 30-60+. Bible class and fellowship every Sunday in room 103 from 11:30 a.m. - 12:45 p.m.
Starting Sunday, January 4 through Sunday, January 11, we will be setting aside a full week to pray for the needs of
our church, community, country and world. Join us Monday-Friday at 7:00 p.m. for a one-hour prayer service in the
Worship Center. This is a great opportunity to teach your family to pray together (childcare provided for ages 5 and
under). Our nightly focus will be: Monday - CTC Ministries; Tuesday - Nation & Government; Wednesday - Families;
Thursday - Missions; Friday - Youth & Night of Worship. Contact carey@calvarytemple.org for more information.
Missions trip
If you enjoy introducing people to Jesus and/or praying with others, then please consider joining our "I Raised
My Hand" team. We'll provide pizza and training on Friday, January 30 at 6:30 p.m. here at CTC. Please RSVP
to maryann@calvarytemple.org or 925-458-9100 x141.
like us on
[k-5th grade]
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// like us on
John 10:38 (NLT)
"But if I do His work, believe in the evidence of the
miraculous works I have done, even if you don't believe
me. Then you will know and understand that the
Father is in me, and I am in the Father."
Wk 1:
Wk 2:
Wk 3:
Wk 4:
Wk 5:
Believe in the Power of Faith // Matthew 8:5-13
Believe in the Power of God's Voice // Mark 4:35-41
Believe in the Power of a Thankful Heart // Luke 17:11-19
Believe in the Power of God's Provision // Luke 9:10-17
Believe in the Power of Friendship // Luke 5:17-26
(Early Childhood) Located to the left when entering the church building. Our caring workers provide excellent
care for your children during the weekend service.
For ladies who need a little privacy with their newborns. This room is located past the Early Childhood Center,
around and to the right of the stairs.
3 YRS - 5th GRADE
Boys & Girls Ministries (Rainbows, God Girls & Rangers) meets each Wednesday evening at 7:00 p.m. Join us
each week for fun, creative nights! Register at The Zone check-in - cost is $5 for the year.
Kids in eXtreme Service for all 4th and 5th grade students meets on Sunday, January 25 from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.
in The Zone. We'll have fun games and great food while we build relationships and train the next generation!
The Royal Rangers Pinewood Derby car preparations have begun! Please email Pastor Jason at jasonmorgan@
calvarytemple.org for more information. The competition will take place in February 2015.
Weekly "Parent Cues" and "God Time Cards" are online at calvarytemple.org/ctckids. Use these tools to help
reinforce at home what your kids learn each week in The Zone.
Kids from K-5th grade are invited to join us at SkyHigh Sports in Concord on Friday, January 16 from 6:00 to
8:00 p.m. Cost is $16 per child. Please note there will be no food provided and this is NOT A DROP-OFF EVENT.
Parents must stay with their children. Flyers and video will be going out soon with more information.
Check out facebook.com/ctkidsconcord. There you will find information about what our kids are learning and
info on upcoming events. See the amazing videos our team creates; enjoy them at home with your kids!
School Guys
Adventure & Expedition Rangers for all middle and high school guys, Thursdays from 7:00-8:30 p.m. in Room
110. No Thursday night ministry January 1.
Parent Volunteers
Parent volunteers are needed for Saturday night service and tech and puppetry areas. Small group leaders and
check-in greeter positions are open. Join our great team, make a difference in the lives of kids, and show your
own kids how to serve others! No experience necessary; training provided. Applications can be picked up at The
Zone check-in.
> > Questions or for more information visit calvarytemple.org/ctckids or email amy@calvarytemple.org
To help safeguard our children, if you are a volunteer in any ministry at CTC, you are required to be fingerprinted.
This service is offered here at CTC at no cost to you! If you have NOT been fingerprinted here at CTC in the
last 4 years using the new LiveScan (NO-INK) process, please be fingerprinted again. January 2015 Sunday
Schedule: January 4 & 18 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. downstairs near The Zone. Weekday Schedule:
Tuesday-Friday between 11:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. by appointment only. Contact sarah@calvarytemple.org or
(925) 458-9100 x144 for an appointment.
January 2015
Opportunities To Serve
CONTACT (925) 458-9100
Would you like to be part of the CTC
weekend experience team as we
care for people from the time they
drive up until they sit in their seat?
We need friendly people to join
our parking team, lobby greeters,
ushers, servers & hospitality team!
Weekends Services / Flexible
Sign up online at calvarytemple.
Laundry ministry to the homeless.
Join us as we do laundry for those
in need. Donate quarters at the
Compassion kiosk in the lobby!
Third Saturday of each month
Meet at the church at 7:30 a.m.
We then go to a local laundomat
CARING for those
in crisis
If you would like more information
on how to become a Stephen
Minister and help care for those in
crisis, please stop by the kiosk in the
lobby. Classes begin in February.
Bob & Judy Wintermute
Campus safety
& security
Help provide campus safety, parking
lot security, emergency medical
response and other needs.
Services vary / flexible
Baby bottle banks
On January 18, we will be partnering
with Options For Women, our local
crisis pregnancy center, to celebrate
Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. That
day, we will have baby bottle banks
available in the lobby for you to
take home and fill with your spare
Fill a baby bottle bank
church office
Stage Design Team
Our stage design team is looking for
"handy" people to help with painting,
crafting, light carpentry, shopping
and design install.
Varies / Flexible - We will train you
Caring for people
(Street to Seat)
Ministries, Classes & Groups
Weekly prayer opportunities here at CTC: Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. in Room
222; Wednesday mornings (women only) at 6:45 a.m. in the Mother's Room;
Sunday mornings during all services downstairs in the room directly across
from Room 103. There will be no Tuesday Night Prayer Meeting on January 20.
Ven y participar a el grupo de Antioch #1 con Santiago y Lourdes en el primer
y tercer Miercoles de cada mes a las 7 de la tade.
Registrese en el mostrador de
grupos chicos hoy!
Monday evenings - 7:00 p.m. in Room 223. Join anytime.
Monday evenings - 7:00 p.m. - Room 222 - this support group is for people
grieving the death of someone close - join anytime.
If you are going through a crisis or just need someone to walk along side you for
a while, our Stephen Ministry may be able to help you. We are here for you. All
information is held in the strictest confidence; calvarytemple.org/stephenministry.
Call or text Bob & Judy Wintermute
(925) 360-9287
Adult Bible Study led by Dwayne Fisher. Wednesday at 7:00 p.m., room 101.
No meeting on December 31.
Dwayne Fisher
celebrate recovery
Have hurts, hang-ups or habits? Thursday at 7:00 p.m. downstairs in The
Zone. Newcomers always welcome!
Pat Fisher
Looking to get connected and be part of a community here at CTC? We have
small group Bible studies that meet across the county on different days of the
week! Sign up at calvarytemple.org/smallgroups or stop by the kiosk in the
lobby today!
visit the lobby or go online at
Relationships are the only thing we can take with us to heaven. How's yours
going? Go from good to great or from bad to better with practical Biblical
teaching. Join us each Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m. in Room 101.
Check out beyondthewedding.net for more information.
Contact Ron & Jean Nichols
(925) 778-9509
divorce care
Join us for an amazing get-away this February 13-15, 2015 up in the beautiful mountains of Tahoe! Check out
ctcresistance.org/wintercamp to see the cost, where we are staying, who is speaking and what band is playing.
It is going to be an experience like never before! Pick up a brochure in the lobby or check it out online!
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// like us on
"epic" groups will resume on Wednesday, January 14 at 7:00 p.m. in the Student Ministries Center. If you enjoyed
small groups during our fall season, winter season will be even better as we dive just a little deeper. Also, main
services for middle school will continue on Sunday at 10:00 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.
"epic" groups will resume the week of January 26. Come to The Resistance on a Tuesday night to sign up for your
group. "epic" groups happen all throughout the week at different times at leaders' homes. It is an awesome time
of fun and fellowship! Also, high school main services are on Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. in the Student Ministries
Center. Bring a friend for a free Italian soda!
> > Questions or for more information regarding middle & high school email samantha@calvarytemple.org
CARING for those
in crisis
weekly bible study
Calvary Temple Christian School
The Fall is coming soon! Please join us to learn more about our Kindergarten-8th grade accredited school at
the Calvary Temple Christian School Open House Information Evening on Monday, February 9 at 6:30 p.m.
Meet staff members and get all of your questions answered for the upcoming enrollment period. For additional
information, check out ctcs1.org or call 925-458-9870.