Newsletter - Nativity BVM High School


Newsletter - Nativity BVM High School
PHONE NO: (570) 622-8110
FAX (570) 622-0454
The season of Advent brings many blessings to us. It gives us the opportunity to prepare our hearts and
minds for the birthday of Jesus. During homeroom each day members of the student body pray together at
the advent Wreath in the Main Lobby. The blessing of the Advent Wreath and our Advent Penance
Service help us to prepare spiritually for the birth of Christ. Finally, we celebrate together the joy of
Christmas at our school Christmas Liturgy. Please join us at the many religious services during the month
of December and at our annual Christmas concert.
Christmas is a special time for all of us. It is a time for us to recognize the love and goodness of God and
a time to know that Jesus has come among us.
Merry Christmas and a Blessed and Happy New Year!
Governance Board
The Nativity Governance Board, continues to
work with the School’s administration for the
benefit of Nativity BVM High School. We
continue to work on increasing enrollment,
increasing financial aid and upgrading the school
facility. The Board remains committed to
continuing to grow Nativity’s enrollment and to
providing a Nativity education to all who desire
one, regardless of ability to pay. Our efforts in
marketing, enrollment and fundraising will
continue to make Nativity a viable and vibrant
educational alternative well into the future.
Liturgical Calendar
December 8th Liturgy – 10:30 AM
December 18th Advent Penance Service
December 23
Liturgy – Christmas @
11:00 AM* Early Dismissal @ Noon
Christmas Holidays – A Tradition
We will again be decorating our Christmas tree
in the lobby. Students are asked to bring in an
ornament to hang on the tree. This was a great
success last year as the tree symbolized the entire
Nativity community. Please remind you children
to bring an ornament in to school.
Our Christmas Vacation extends from
Wednesday, December 24th through Friday,
January 2, 2015. School reopens on Monday,
January 5, 2015.
Looking ahead: School will be closed on
Monday, January 19, 2015 for a Teacher/Staff
Studies Office News
Financial Concerns
Deficiency notices will be sent to the parent’s
home on Wednesday, December 3rd. Parents and
students should be aware that this is the mid-way
point of the second quarter. Deficiencies are a
reminder that extra effort needs to be made in the
second half of the quarter.
Please make yourself aware of the tuition
collection policy. It is posted on the school
Mid year exams will be administered on
Tuesday, January 13th, Wednesday, January 14th
and Thursday, January 15th. These exams are 75
minutes in length and count 20% toward the first
semester grade. Students should be encouraged
to begin to prepare early for these important
The second quarter will end Friday, January 16th.
It is essential that all families keep their tuition
and fundraising payments up to date. Students
who have outstanding balances will not be able
to receive report cards, take exams or possibly
not be able to participate in activities. This
includes attending the Christmas Dance.
Seniors who are applying to college must have
their financial obligations up to date in order for
transcripts to be released. Please make every
effort to make payments in a timely fashion. It is
crucial to the cash flow of the school. Thank you
for your understanding!
REGISTRATION for the 2015-2016 school year
at Nativity is scheduled for Sunday, January 11,
2015 from 1:00 to 3:00 PM at the school.
Faculty, Staff, Administration and Coaches will
be available to answer questions. Tours of the
school will be given and tuition assistance
drawings will be available that afternoon for
those who register. Please contact Jennifer
Daubert at 570-622-8110 with any questions.
On Monday, December 15, 2014, Nativity will
be hosting a Parent Information Night for the
2015-2016 school year beginning at 6:30 PM.
The presentation will include specific
information about academics, financial aid,
guidance services and opportunities for students.
This information will be particularly helpful for
incoming freshmen, transfer students, new
students and potential host families. We invite
you and your family to join us for this event. No
pre-registration is required. All are welcome!
Please contact the school at 570-622-8110 or with any questions.
Campbells Labels For Education
Just a reminder that Nativity is collecting
Campbells Labels and Turkey Hill Moo Caps.
The school will be able to purchase items from
these collections. Labels and caps can be
dropped off in the main office.
Dress Code
Please take the time over the holidays to make
sure that your son/daughter has appropriate
uniforms. Many girls have been told to lengthen
their skirts and some boys and girls need to
purchase new school polo shirts. Please refer to
the Student Handbook if you have any questions
relating to dress code or contact Mr. Jarrod
NOVEMBER 12, 2014
Mike & Mary Lou
Seller: Steele
Amy Farr
Seller: Amanda Farr
Dan McGoey Seller: Ryan McDonald
Bob & Marie Finlan Seller: J. Honish
There is an addition to the school handbook
regarding electronic cigarettes.
Cigarettes are considered to be contraband.
Any student possessing or using an electronic
cigarette will be subject to all school policies
regarding smoking.
Scholarship Information – A list of Scholarship
Information has been posted on the Nativity
Website under Guidance. Seniors received a
hard copy in their home room. Be sure to search
the Financial Aid Offices website at your college
of choice for their specific scholarships. Private
and public colleges and universities do have a
gambit of scholarships available. It will be well
worth your time to check. If you do not ask, you
may not receive all of the available aid.
Seniors – Continue to persevere with College
Applications and Scholarships. Many colleges
have Open Houses to accommodate any seniors
still unsure of what college they wish to attend.
Check out their websites. Be sure to visit each
college you have are interested in attending. It is
a big decision to make!
Juniors – Now is the time to explore your career
choice and start thinking about your college
major. All juniors will be completing a Career
Search in the month of November. The search
will connect juniors to college majors and
colleges that offer their major of interest. Juniors
it is crucial that you start thinking about your
future. All juniors will meet with Ms. Stasulli in
early 2015.
SAT & ACT – SAT and ACT information and
advice is available in Guidance. Be sure to
upload your picture ID early. Juniors are advised
to take the SAT in the spring.
Financial Aid Night – Mark your calendar.
December 3, 2014 is Financial Aid Night from 6
to 7. Penn State University will be heading the
workshop and Mary Beth Matz from the
Schuylkill Area Community Foundation will be
sharing all local scholarship information for
Vision Team – Kayla & Chloe Prezelski
represented Nativity well as our town council
team. On December 9th three Vision Team
members will head to the Courthouse as
Nativity’s voice among other county leaders.
Sophomore HOBY Leadership Award - For
sophomores early December is time for the
appointment of the Nativity Hugh O’Brien
Leadership recipient. The HOBY recipient is
chosen by a faculty committee based on a
submitted leadership essay and their qualities as
a leader. Former HOBY reps, Becky Petlansky
and Amanda Wills, spoke to all sophomores in
late November on their experiences. The winner
will attend a 4 day leadership conference in May
at Shippensburg University. Please see Ms.
Stasulli for details.
College Acceptances – Many Nativity seniors
already been
Congratulations! Your hard work paid off!
Interact Club
The Art Department
Members of the Interact Club collected winter
clothing during the month of November. All
clothing was donated to local organizations
including Women in Crisis. Members of the
Club have been delivering Meals on Wheels
twice a month on Wednesday’s. Mrs. Holohan is
coordinating this effort. The students deliver the
meals over their lunch period. Members of the
club also collected diapers for the Nurse-Family
Partnership. The next event will be the writing of
Christmas cards to the students Pre-K through
2nd grade in our partner schools.
The Seventh Annual Schuylkill Christmas Gala
will be held Saturday and Sunday, December 6th
and 7th and December 13th and 14th from 3:00 to
8:00 PM at the Pottsville Masonic Building, 4
South Second Street, Pottsville.
The Interact Club also sponsored a Dress Down
day to collect money for “Giving Our Gift”
which will purchase Christmas gifts for the
children at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.
Math Club
Congratulations to Trinity Academy on their first
place finish in the Mathletics Competition.
Assumption BVM finished in 2nd place, while
St. Ambrose placed 3rd. Thank you to all who
participated. Congratulations to the members of
the Math Club who competed at the Bloomsburg
Math Competition. Members of the Math Club
continue to tutor students in need of help.
The fifth floor will be filled with twenty live
trees donated by local growers and decorated by
local community organizations in the theme of
their choice. Visitors will vote on their favorite
tree. Take your family and friends and vote for
“Winter Wonderland” decorated by Nativity Art
Students. Admission is Free! At the end of the
gala, all trees, decorations included, will be
given to needy families in the area.
A Holiday Market will be held December 6th
from 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM and December 7th
from 12:00 Noon to 5:00 PM at the Walk In Art
Center in Schuylkill Haven, in addition to the
regularly scheduled open house.
students will be available to assist with
children’s activities and act as greeters.
Also, January 3, 2015 is the WIAC Open House
from 12:00 Noon to 6:00 PM.
From the French Room
Students are reminded service hours are
available at the WIAC the first Saturday of each
month for the open house programs. See Mrs.
Sandra Schwenk, Art Teacher, for details.
French students will experience a taste of France
when they return from Thanksgiving break. Just
like those sold on the street corners in Paris,
crepes will be made using a reverse crepe pan.
Each student will make their own crepe and add
topping of choice. Bon Appetite!
Creative talents continue to flow as art students
continue work on murals at the Simon Kramer
Institute, New Philadelphia, after school and
Saturdays. Watch for the opening of the student
art gallery and the unveiling of these
All juniors received a packer from Sophy
Jewelers containing brochures and order
information on class rings and the Nativity cross.
It is important that orders and placed in a timely
fashion to ensure delivery for Junior Ring Day
Mass scheduled during Catholic Schools Week,
January 26, 2015. Items can be ordered by
visiting Sophy Jewelers in the Coal Creek Plaza,
Saint Clair, or its new location in Hazelton.
Contact junior homeroom
moderators, Mr. Lee Labosky or Mr. Joseph
Christmas is quickly approaching and if you are
thinking of ordering certificates, the sooner the
better. Great Lake Scrip certificates will take a
few days longer due to the high volume of
orders. A complete list of certificates are
available in the school store. There are also
Christmas gift card holders, so if you need any,
just send a note in with your order.
CAP & GOWN measurements will be taken on
December 22nd. There are no charges for the
Graduation Cap & Gown as long as your
Graduation Fee is paid. At this time, Mr. Jeff
Crouse, Herff Jones, will present a package to
announcements and memorabilia. Please read all
information and decide if want any
announcements, etc. Packets are asked to be
returned by January 20, 2015.
THANK YOU for your cooperation! If you
have any questions please contact Mrs. Jane
Yourey at 570-622-8110.
ADDITIONAL information regarding our
seniors will follow in the coming newsletters.
THANK YOU for helping to make the Senior
Pumpkin Roll Fundraiser a success, sixty per
cent of the seniors sold pumpkin rolls and the
remaining participated in the buy out. A total of
$592.00 was realized. This profit, along with
any other monies raised by the seniors, will be
put toward their Senior Gift to the School,
Decorations for the Prom and other incidentals
for the Senior Trip.
PLEASE NOTE: The last day of ordering Scrip
Certificates will be DECEMBER 17th to
guarantee Christmas delivery.
On Tuesday, December 2nd through Friday,
December 5th, every order $200.00 or more will
receive a free gift card for the holidays. If you
purchase between $200-$300, your card amount
will be $10; if you purchase $305 or more, your
card amount will be $25. Please mark on your
order the free gift card of your choice.
I would like to THANK all of you for making
the certificate program a great success.
Sue Eckley
The Nativity raffle is in full swing. First prize is
$20,000.00. Second prize will be $100 for every
fifteen tickets sold. The campaign will continue
to limit sales to 555 tickets. Tickets are $100
each and can be purchased in the school office.
The drawing will take place on FRIDAY,
DECEMBER 19, 2014, at the half time of the
Nativity Girls Varsity Basketball Game.
For every five tickets a Nativity student sells,
his/her name will be entered into a drawing to
win a $500 Nativity scholarship. For further
information please contact Sue Eckley at 570640-0930.
An ordinary classroom at Saint Joseph Center has been transformed into a simulated work environment
where students explore everything from office equipment, kitchen appliances and utensils, to carpentry
tools and production processes.
There is still something uniquely different about this “room”. After students arrive and greet the
Supervisor, they, without direction, get to work. Each student punches a time card, and gets the material
needed for the task to which they have been assigned. Then, they are ready to begin. Students come to
the understanding that they are now at work and work place behavior is the norm.
As students learn new jobs and life skills, they have the opportunity to discover their interests and
abilities. They work at their own pace. They learn to read instructions and work through problems. They
also learn to work independently. When they have completed the job, they raise their hands to review
their work. The students take pride in their accomplishments. The PAES Lab is “fun and kinda hard”.
Students attending the PAES Lab are provided hands-on experience in five career areas.
When students finish PAES the Supervisor will know what skills a student can actually perform and if
they are competitive with the real world.
COME and SEE what is working for our students and possible yours, at the Saint Joseph Center PAES
OPEN HOUSE DATES: December 9 and 10, 2014 and January 8 and 9, 2015.
TIME: 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM and 6:00 to 7:00 PM
LOCATION: 2075 West Norwegian Street, Pottsville, PA 17901
Phone: 570-622-4638