South Fargo
South Fargo
EARLY YEARS DISCOVERY CENTER DECEMBER 2014 NEWSLETTER Contact Information Linda Bakken (218)329-2000 Jennifer Tornell (701)799-9413 Kalynn Lerud (701)356-0499 WEEKLY LESSON PLAN THEMES FOR DECEMBER December 8th – 12th Christmas Trees & Trees December 15th – 19th Reindeer December 22nd – 26th Santa’s Village December 29th – January 2nd Happy New Year UPCOMING TUITION REMINDER Friday, December 5th Friday, December 19th If you are interested in our automatic payment option please let the Director know. You have the option to choose from Credit Card or Checking Account. CENTER CLOSED Early Years will be closed on Wednesday, December 24th & Thursday, December 25th in recognition of the Holidays! UPCOMING EVENTS & REMINDERS FOR DECEMBER December Field Trip- Giraffes and Kangaroos will be going to Santa’s Village on Thursday, December 4th ….our appointment with Santa is at 9AM….please ask your child’s lead teacher for more information! Pajama Day- Pajama Day will be on Friday, December 26th ……it will always be on the last Friday of the Month! Room Christmas Parties- Room Christmas parties will be on Wednesday, December 23rd …..Each room will be sending out more information soon! Outside Reminders- As a reminder we go outside twice a day unless it is raining or the temp is below zero….please make sure you are sending your child to the center everyday with Coat, hat, mittens, boots & snow pants. Year-End Statements- will be in your child’s mailbox on January 9th! All families need to have a zero balance on their account as of December 31, 2014. GIVING TREE The “Giving Tree” is up. Parents are able (if they would like) to take and ornament and then donate that item on the ornament to their child’s room. You can wrap the items if you would like. All rooms will open their “Giving Tree” items on the day of their Family/Child Holiday parties. The “Giving Tree” will be located on the counter by the main door. If you have any questions please feel free to ask your child’s Lead Teacher or our Director/Assistant Director. All giving Tree items will be opened up at our room Christmas parties on Wednesday, December 23rd! CREATIVE CURRICULUM FOR INFANTS, TODDLERS & TWOS Tasting & Preparing Food The idea of involving young children in food preparation may see a bit strange. However, one of the reasons that preparing food appeals to children is that it is a meaningful, grown-up activity. Participating in activities that your child observes you doing every day is exiting for them. In our program, we build on children’s interest in food experiences because they help your child develop many concepts and skills. What you can do at Home: Let your child help with the food preparation and talk about the foods and what each of you is doing! Room Emails Kalynn/Elizabeth- Sara- Ashley- Kristina- WEATHER CLOSING REMINDERS The decision to cancel Early Years will be made by the Early Years Executive Director or designee and an announcement will be made. If you child is School Age, you must call the center to see if we meet the child to staff ratio in order to accommodate children that are not normally in attendance for a full day. The decision to close will be based first on meeting our licensing requirements, the safety of the children, travel conditions and law enforcement advisories. In those cases of inclement weather, the center may choose to remain closed, open late, close early or encourage early pickup. Regardless of these announcements, whenever travel and weather conditions deteriorate, you may pick up your child at any time. Please use your best judgment for you and your family. Parents should check WDAY at There will be a notice posted to the Early Years Facebook Page. A discount to families will be determined after three consecutive days in which the business is closed. CREATIVE CURRICULUM FOR PRESCHOOL & UP Cooking Cooking is an important part of our Curriculum. When children cook, they have an opportunity to learn about nutrition, to be creative, and to prepare their own healthy snacks. Cooking teachers a lot of academic skills too. Cooking is a very special part of our program. It is one of the few activities children get to do that is also done by adults. What you can do at Home: Since Cooking is already a part of your home life, think about involving your child. Start your child on simple tasks like stirring batter, squeezing lemons, adding spices, or shaping meatballs. Discuss what you are doing together while cooking. The beauty of cooking with children is that they learn skills and have fun at the same time you ate attending to a household chore. What could be better than that!
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