Shofar - Congregation Shalom


Shofar - Congregation Shalom
January 2015 | Tevet-Shevat 5775
Vol. 64 No.5
Rabbi Ronald M. Shapiro
January is always a month which
allows reason to ponder. A new year
begins and thereby compels us to
make resolutions. Jewish people
are afforded two pivotal times to
ponder our lives in order to make
commitments which enhance life
act in a manner that enhances life.
One such time is Rosh HaShanah,
and the second is the approach of the New Year. Here follows
an activity which may enable you to feel that you are offering
your support and conviction to a cause which is noble and
advances the lives of people.
The Bible teaches: “Forsake me not in my old
age”, and here is a meaningful opportunity to
fulfill this mitzvah of enhancing people’s lives in
“old age”.
Congregation Shalom is a participating partner with a
meaningful and important agency named Interfaith Older Adult
Programs. Our synagogue is associated with their North Shore
Chapter, Shoreline. I am very proud that Congregation Shalom
is a partner and supporter of Shoreline Interfaith. Interfaith
coordinates programming and support for older adults.
Shoreline offers through volunteer services a “much-needed
helping hand that allows older adults to remain living in their
own homes.” Indeed, Shoreline’s mission is to link older adults
with a caring community. Here awaits you an opportunity to
provide a hands-on volunteer activity which enhances the
helping those senior citizen neighbors stay independent.
The volunteer opportunities revolve around giving rides to
seniors in the North Shore so that they can be transported to
medical appointments, grocery shopping, or banking tasks. If
we can enhance other people’s lives, and correspondingly make
to live, and we derive meaning from our lives.
I recently offered the invocation at the Interfaith annual
luncheon, and I was moved by the testimonies of volunteers
who stated that providing these simple day-to-day tasks for
seniors enhanced their lives. Some volunteers said that though
Interfaith only expects volunteers to drive seniors once or twice
a month, they found the relationships so meaningful that they
people could provide such service, yet what was inspiring was
the passion expressed by some to offer friendship and service
to senior neighbors. The Bible teaches: “Forsake me not in
mitzvah of enhancing people’s lives in “old age”. How meaningful
it is for elderly people to be able to remain within their home.
(continued on page 2)
Photographers &
Rabbi Ron Retirement Weekend
May 15-17, 2015
The retirement planning committee is looking for
experienced photographers and videographers
willing to donate time and talent to help capture
the weekend’s events. To learn more or volunteer,
contact Lori at
RABBI SHAPIRO MESSAGE (continued from page 1)
They just are unable to get themselves to some of the activities
that we all take for granted by virtue of our mobility and our
automobiles. One man who spoke at the luncheon said, “After
that opportunity through Interfaith. I feel as if I have enriched the
lives of other people, and those people, so vibrant and kind, so
interesting and warm, have correspondingly enriched my life.”
I hope you may enjoy this meaningful activity which indeed
me to see how to be involved with Shoreline Interfaith, or you
may simply call them at 414-962-9950. Shoreline is located in
Shorewood at 1200 E. Hampton Rd. If you like, you may tell
them that you are a member of Congregation Shalom, as they
know that there may be calls from members of our congregation.
I know that it is said, “You are only as old as you feel”. Yet,
if we assist others to feel cared for and respected, then that
person may become “an old friend” and that help you will offer
may just provide a youthful skip in your step.
January 2 & 3
Torah Portion:
6:45 p.m.
10:00 a.m.
Vayehi | Genesis 47:28-50:26
I Kings 2:1-12
Family Shabbat Service – Samson Sanctuary
Saturday Shabbat Service with Kiddush
Luncheon – Kesselman Chapel
January 9 & 10
Torah Portion: Sh’mot | Exodus 1:1-6:1
Isaiah 27:6-28:13, 29:22-23
7:30 p.m.
Shabbat Service – Samson Sanctuary
10:00 a.m.
Saturday Shabbat Service with Kiddush
Luncheon – Kesselman Chapel
Watch for Rabbi Shapiro’s message on ARZA,
the Association for Reform Zionists of America,
coming in the February issue of Shofar.
January 16 & 17
Torah Portion: Va’era | Exodus 6:2-9:35
Ezekiel 28:25-29:21
7:30 p.m.
Shabbat Service – Samson Sanctuary
10:00 a.m.
Saturday Shabbat Service with Kiddush
Luncheon – Kesselman Chapel
January 23 & 24
Torah Portion: Bo | Exodus 10:1-13:16
Jeremiah 46:13-28
7:30 p.m.
Shabbat Service – Samson Sanctuary
10:00 a.m.
Saturday Shabbat Service with Kiddush
Luncheon – Kesselman Chapel
On November 22, 26 residents joined Rabbi Shapiro and other
volunteers from Congregation Shalom. They included Bob
Markey, Paul Joseph, Ken Stein, Julie and Sherwin Peltin,
Rebecca Lubar, Marlene Kagen, Barbara and Larry Newman,
and newcomers Abby and Chana Messerman.
These Community Sabbath gatherings start with 30 minutes
of congregant-led prayer, followed by Kiddush and study/
discussion in the adjacent community hall. Having one of our
rabbis present has never been essential, but their involvement
has only added to the experience of all who attended.
Our next date is scheduled for February 21 at 2 p.m.
If interested, please contact Bob Markey at (414) 355-5646 or
January 30 & 31
Torah Portion: B’Shalach | Exodus 13:17-17:16
Judges 4:4-5:31
7:30 p.m.
Family Shabbat Service – Samson Sanctuary
10:00 a.m.
Saturday Shabbat Service with Kiddush
Luncheon – Kesselman Chapel
Rabbi Shapiro will be on vacation until February 18, 2015.
In his absence, please feel free to contact Rabbi Noah,
Cantor Berman or Rabbi Marcey.
While we all deal with the travails of
another Wisconsin winter, the clergy
and lay leadership are focused on
bring to the Shalom community.
Three very important workgroups
have been formed as Rabbi Shapiro
moves toward Rabbi Emeritus and
Rabbi Noah assumes Senior Rabbi
status, on July 1.
The Transition Team, chaired by Aaron Goodstein and Kari
time and will provide opportunities for congregant
involvement, input and engagement in this process.
We will be adding an Assistant Rabbi to our clergy team,
allowing us to meet the spiritual needs of congregants and
continue to offer educational and other program opportunities.
Beth Silver is the chair of the Search Committee, which will
be carrying out the important task of determining who will
be joining us on July 1.
continues planning for the weekend that honors and
celebrates Rabbi Shapiro on May 15-17. As planning
proceeds, information will be shared via letter, email and
Shofar articles.
I welcome hearing from all congregants about
your thoughts, ideas, questions or concerns
regarding the changes happening at Shalom.
All of our focus, however, is not on the future. There are
many opportunities this month to make and continue connections
with fellow congregants and our clergy. In the pages of this
activities, adult education classes, gatherings of Sisterhood,
Book Club and Young at Hearts, as well as our ongoing
Shabbat services and Torah Study.
A Pancake Breakfast welcoming students back to Religious
School will be held on Sunday morning, January 4. I encourage
all the parents, siblings and grandparents of our students to
join us — it’s a wonderful way to begin the second half of the
school year.
I welcome hearing from all congregants about your thoughts,
ideas, questions or concerns regarding the changes happening
at Shalom. It is important to us that all voices are heard at this
important time. Please feel free to contact me (414-732-8101;
(414-352-9288;; our clergy, or any
of the committee chairs named above. Together, our beloved
Shalom community will move from strength to strength.
Every year, a Nominating Committee is formed and is charged with the responsibility of
identifying the next leaders of Congregation Shalom. The Bylaws state that the Committee is
comprised of eleven members of the Congregation; the Immediate Past President,
Trustees that are then presented for approval at the annual meeting in June. If you
would like to be considered as either a member of the Nominating Committee or as a
phone at 414 352-9288.
The weekend of February 6-8, Alex Cicelsky (http://urjbiennial.
Shalom for the weekend. He is an Israeli Ecologist and will be
doing programs for students and adults focusing on the care
and feeding of our environment along with incorporating art,
story and music. We are also planning a “Sunday Switch” day.
Abby Habush Schroeder, our Director of Synagogue Relations
brought this idea back from a programming conference. On
a date to be announced, students and parents will switch for
the day, and parents will have an opportunity to experience a
Religious School day as if they were their children! Relax, we
will not force you to conjugate Hebrew verbs, indeed we have a
compelling program that I am sure you will enjoy.
We have many, many other great things to come! The
Purim Shpiel, the carnival and auction, other speakers and
programs for the students, more Family Education, celebrations
and concerts and culminating in a very special weekend to
honor our beloved teacher, Rabbi Shapiro.
We have multiple offerings for those interested in adult
education: classes, speakers, movie nights for adults, there
will be a fascinating program in March with Angela Schulter,
the daughter of Edith Hahn Beer, who was an Austrian Jewish
woman who survived the Holocaust by hiding her Jewish
book, !"#$%&'($)*+,#-./$0(*# about her experience.
There are many ways to learn, to grow, to connect at
Congregation Shalom. We are always eager to hear what
offerings interest you and your families. Please stop by the
that interests you! Shalom!
Shalom U’vracha,
Peace and Blessings!
By the time you read this, we will be
pushing towards the new secular
winter break and we will be almost
halfway through the school year.
Religious School free and come and
attend our Welcome Back Pancake
breakfast on January 4. It’s a wonderful time to reconnect with
friends and trade vacation stories or talk about the fun things
you did over break.
As I write this, I am thinking about all of the great things we
have done so far this school year and the many to come! The
students and teachers have been enjoying the “Torah Specials”.
Every other week or so I meet with the students and we do
Torah study in a very similar way that it is done on Shabbat
mornings; the students ask excellent questions and it gives us
an opportunity to ponder some of life’s mysteries and to share
our ideas about the best way to move through the world, the
best way to always be a mensch!
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in the Chai School to visit with seniors at Chai Point, we have
celebrated Channukah, we have had a toy drive, the Chai School
in full swing. Sunday morning services are a wonderful time to
gather as a community of parents, grandparents, teachers and
students to pray, to contemplate, to sing together.
We have much to look forward to in school programming:
Welcome Back from Winter Break
We will celebrate the return to Religious School on Sunday, January 4,
with a Pancake Breakfast. That morning please take your children to their
classrooms (there will not be services that morning), and then the classes
will come up together. We encourage parents and younger
siblings to stay and join us for breakfast! The more the
Special thank you to our Sisterhood for
sponsoring our breakfast and for volunteering
their time to help with the breakfast.
January 4
asked those same people in what Hebrew month their birthdays
fall, I would be answered by blank stares. What happens to
the memories of our experiences if we no longer have the
vocabulary to describe them? One might question why this
matters but I believe that in our synagogue community being
able to articulate our celebration, our study, our lives in the actual
words of our Jewish history means that it isn’t just history.
Calendars… We have them on our
desks, in our phones or computers,
and some brave few even keep
them in their heads! I sometimes
think I live my life in 15 minute
increments and catalogue all that is
accomplished. So when I read an
article in a recent HUC — JIR
(Hebrew Union College — Jewish
Institute of Religion) newsletter about
Jewish life and learning, I was reminded by the author that we
Jews are doubly blessed. We not only live in secular time, but
we also have a Jewish calendar superimposed on our lives.
We of course live in a modern western culture. As Jews, we
have emerged from the ghetto, from the shtetl, from centuries
of segregation self-imposed or created by others into a world
seeming to welcome us with open arms.
But Jewish lives also need Jewish time, that wonderful
rhythm of the lunar calendar that has us celebrating the new
moon each month and a New Year which comes in our seventh
month. Throughout the Torah, we are given gifts of time.
Shabbat, of course, which offers a weekly island of time, and
Festivals which three times each year urged our ancestors to
gather and celebrate. Other holidays and observances added in
response to our people’s historical experience created a fabric
of time which has come through history to us today.
I would say with likely assuredness, that if asked, most
congregants could tell me without hesitation the day and time
of the next Green Bay Packer’s game. But in all likelihood if I
... we Jews are doubly blessed. We not only
live in secular time, but we also have a
Jewish calendar superimposed on our lives.
So here is my hope. Maybe a few of you will glance at that
Jewish calendar you got in the mail in September. Perhaps you’ll
make note of the date your Ketubah was signed or observe your
loved one’s yahrzeit on the Hebrew date as well as the English
date. I myself write letters of congratulation to our B’ne Mitzvah
and always include the Hebrew calendar date so that they will
have some record of it. If there is a special date from your
personal history you’d like to mark, perhaps your birthday, bar or
bat mitzvah, please call or email me and I will look it up for you.
Our second graders have been learning a song about
the names of Hebrew months. I want them to use this new
vocabulary. So as 5775 continues and 2015 begins on the 10th
of Tevet don’t hesitate to ask us what comes next. After all if
Tevet is here, can Shevat be far behind?
Jack Harris and Deb Larkey | January 3 | 25 Years
Randy and Judy Nelson | January 4 | 40 Years
Marvin and Leona Wasserman | January 14 | 63 Years
ADULT Education
Introduction to Judaism
Tuesdays, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
First Trimester: Focus on Overview and Jewish Time
Teacher: Rabbi Marcey
January 13:!"#$%&'()$*&#+!,-.#*$*&#/+!0*/$&%*)12!34-%4*-5+!
Origins of Judaism, Judaism’s link to the Bible.
February 10: Shabbat, Synagogue, Worship and Ritual,
siddur, Torah). Transporting Shabbat to home and back.
January 20: The Exodus, Pesach, Shavuot.
February 17: Yamim Noraim, Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur.
Concept of New Year, Heshbon Ha’Nefesh, Repentance and
January 27: Minor Holidays: Tu B’shvat; Tisha B’Av;
Yom HaShoah, Yom HaAtzmaut, Shoah and Israel.
February 3:!6#7!(#.#*/8-'!9%&:!$8-!1;&4-+!<*=#*.)1#$!>*;2*)12!
Personalities, Biblical and Rabbinic views of God.
February 24: Sukkot, Simchat Torah.
March 3: The Festivals of Channukah and Purim.
For questions or to register, contact Abby at
Perspectives on Modern Feminism
and Its Impact on Jewish Culture in the 20th and 21st century
With Rabbi Noah | Tuesday, January 6 | 7:30 – 8:30 PM
Anita Diamant’s novel, The Red Tent, now airing on Lifetime is set in
biblical times and looks at the impact of feminism. You may want to read
the book or watch the show prior to attending the class.
Sex in the Text
Thursday, January 15
11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
What did the Rabbis have to say about sex?
We will learn a section from the Babylonian Talmud in
which the Rabbis examine what constitutes healthy intimacy.
This event is free and open to all. Please bring your own lunch. Coffee,
tea and dessert are provided. This session will be held in the Choir Room.
Lunch &
with Rabbi Marcey
RSVP by 1/12 to Amber at 414-352-9288 or
Then we went to Miss Katie’s Diner, a landmark in
Milwaukee, and we enjoyed a very tasty lunch.
We have many great programs planned for 2015!
On January 14, Manning Bookstaff will enlighten us with the
February 11, we will be privileged to meet our speaker! Ruth
Silver has written a wonderful book entitled, “Invisible.” I might
add that Ruth is blind, and she is a very special woman. On
March 11, we will again welcome Ben Merens, who many of you
have requested to have return to us. In the future, we will have
Neil Willenson who was the founder of Camp Heartland and has
recently founded an organization that helps children who have
lost a parent serving in the military. He is an unbelievable young
man! He will also tell us about the Chinooks baseball team.
There are many other people I have contacted and am
waiting for a response. But at our January meeting, we will
discuss our future.
Our YOUNG AT HEARTS group meets on the second
Wednesday of every month at 10 a.m. at Temple Shalom. All
senior singles are welcome to join us at any time! It would be
very nice to make some new friends in the new year!
WOW! What a delightful morning we had at the Domes. Our
city is so fortunate to have these domes. They sure take a lot
of work, and we so appreciated it. By the way, if any of you were
concerned that there would be a lot of Christmas decorations,
how wrong you were! Each dome had its own theme and
Christmas was not one of them!
The Show Dome’s theme was Hawaiian….Melekikimaka.
There were Birds of Paradise, banana plants, poinsettias,
pineapple plants, Buddhist pine trees, and tikis from the south
sea islands. There were many other wonderful plants and trees,
which we all loved.
The Desert Dome had many varieties of cactus, which were
unreal. The plants were from Madagascar, Africa, and many
other countries. There were elephant trees, river bottom palms,
Mother-in-law’s tongue, shaving brush tree, only to mention a
few unbelievable species. This was our botany lesson.
The third dome was the Tropical Dome. If you were cold,
this was the place to warm up. There were so many unusual
plants and trees in this rainforest….sugar apple trees, travelers
tree, Queen Anthurium, Calabash tree, and so many more.
All in all, it was a fabulous experience for those who went.
Questions about YOUNG AT HEARTS?
Please call Bobbie at 414-352-3623.
Gayle Riches Youth Fund
Named in memory of Gayle by her family after
her passing in 2002, this fund helps to support
our youth group programming. Our youth groups
provide recreational, educational and social
opportunities for youth in first through 12th
grade. We greatly appreciate your generous
contributions to this fund.
Brrr it is cold outside! SHFTY has been busy keeping warm
in so many ways. We studied Torah with the adults in our
congregation. We sent 14 SHFTY members to Winter Kallah.
It was such a great time. I think the teens all found their magic.
On December 25, SHFTY cooked and served breakfast for
residents at Sojourner Truth Center. What a great opportunity
to help those in need. They had french toast ,eggs, fruit and hot
chocolate. It was a wonderful community building experience.
We are helping lead the January 9 service for the
congregation and would love to have you participate with a
reading or song. Contact Geri Berg or Shelby Kasinski for more
In January, all eighth graders are invited to join SHFTY for
an incredibly fun night. We are going to have dinner, play laser
tag, and other assorted games.
SHFTY would like to warmly THANK everyone who
purchased equal exchange products. With your help and
support we raised around $600 to send some teens to NFTY
Convention. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
We are starting to think Purim carnival and need your help.
We need teens to help run the games and set up/ take down the
Purim carnival. Mark your calendars for Sunday, March 1. As
always, feel free to contact Geri at 414-916-0922 or Jacquelyn
at 414-412-2505.
What a great month! We had so much fun at
Glaze pottery and made some really cool
Chanukah presents.
On January 31, we will have a movie
and game night at Temple. You will choose
the movie. Bring in your favorite board
game to play, and let’s have some fun.
There will be lots of snacks for kids to
enjoy as well.
Please contact Geri Berg
at 414-916-0922 for more
January 18, 2015, Sur la Table
Do you like to eat? Do you like to make cookies and other
sweet treats? Do you like to make sweet treats you can eat?
Then you will want to sign up for CLUB 12’s January event. We
will meet at Sur la Table at Bayshore Towne Center where we will
make chocolate candy, cookies and other treats to enjoy together.
It will be a SWEEEET event! Hope to see you there.
To register, please contact Julie Shlensky, CLUB 12 Youth
Group Advisor, at 414-352-7886 or
Club 34 had a blast at the Milwaukee Public Museum overnight.
The theme for the evening was “Aliens and Androids”. Children
exhibits and building their own mini robots. The highlight of the
evening was sleeping in the Rocky Mountain exhibit. Thank you
to the following parents for chaperoning the event: Ron Cohen,
Jamie Druck, Adria Willenson, Sarah Mirocha and Mindy Price.
Mark your calendar for Club 34’s next event…..snow tubing at
Sunburst on the evening of Saturday, January 24, 2015. For
more information about Club 34 contact Jennifer Saber, Club 34
Advisor at
Introducing the new 7th and 8th grade youth group at
Congregation Shalom — START (Shalom Teens At Reform
Temple). Thank you to Jennifer Saber’s Chai School elective for
working hard to create our new youth group. From choosing a
name, to planning events, to designing a logo, this group was
truly developed for the teens of Shalom by the teens of Shalom.
A big todah rabah (thank you) to class members, Sam Komisar,
Alex Acker, Ben Acker, Eli Finder, Ben Hersh, Rachel Dallet,
Sam Komisar and Michael Spector.
Seventh and 8th graders had a meaningful experience
in October volunteering at the Mequon Fire Department. The
We brought lunch to the staff on duty to thank these mitzvah
heroes for all that they do for our community. While breaking
jobs and involvement in the community.
In November, 7th and 8th graders had a swim-tastic time
at Country Springs Hotel Water Park braving the Cyclone and
relaxing in the Barrel Roll River.
Mark your calendar for START upcoming events...snow
tubing at Sunburst on the afternoon of Sunday, January 18.
JYG (Junior Youth Group) Kallah- a winter camp-like
experience at OSRUI (Olin Sang Ruby Union Institute) the
weekend of February 27 to March 1. You can also volunteer to
help run a booth at Congregation Shalom’s Purim carnival on
Sunday, March 1.
For more information about START please contact
Co-Advisors Jennifer Saber at and
Sarah Acker at
The No Stress Book Club
Book Selections for the 2014-15 Year
January 15 — Once We Were
Brothers by Ronald Balson
February No meeting
(taking a winter break)
March 19 — The Orphan Train
by Christina Kline
April 16 — Washington Square
by Henry James
As you know, our group has decided not to meet during
January, February or March, but will meet again when the
snowbirds come back and the weather is warm again on
April 20th.
We hope that we will all continue to knit for the young
people in need in Milwaukee. We want to share with you
that recently we have given a number of healing shawls to
Columbia St. Mary’s Cancer Center on Lake Drive and that
the staff were very happy to receive them.
So keep on knitting and we will get together again in
April. Judy Shapiro will be happy to answer any questions.
May 21 — After A Long Silence by Helen Fremont
We will meet the Third Thursday of each month, at 10 a.m.
This is a change from last season.
Book World Books next to Sendik’s in Mequon offers us
a 20% discount on these titles. They also are available at
libraries and for your e-readers. We encourage all members
to join our group and enjoy interesting books and good
discussions. New readers are always welcome.
Sisterhood Meeting
with Dinner
January 12, 5:45 p.m. | Klurfeld Hall
Please RSVP to Mandy or Susie at or Any questions, please call (414) 690-1472.
Throw Back Movie Night
Lion King
January 31
6 p.m.
Sunday March 22, 6:30 p.m.
Marcus Center for the Performing Arts
Uihlein Hall, 929 North Wather Street
Join us at Shalom for our next Family Movie Night celebration!
Our feature movie will be “The Lion King.” Enjoy Havdallah, pizza,
snacks, games and fun with other Shalom families.
This event is open to all. Shalom members and prospective
members are free. Non-members are $20 per family. Suggested
donation of $5 is appreciated, but not required.
Disney’s BEAUTY AND THE BEAST, the smash hit
Broadway musical, is coming to Milwaukee! This
characters, lavish sets and costumes, and dazzling
production numbers including “Be Our Guest” and
the beloved title song.
RSVP by January 29th to Abby at 414-352-9288 or
Please let us know your pizza preference, cheese or cheese with green
peppers, mushrooms, black olives and onions, as well as any food allergies.
Please join us on
Sunday, February 22 at 6:30 p.m.
MAMMA MIA! is the ultimate feel-good show that has audiences coming back
again and again to relive the thrill. Now it’s your turn to have the time of your life at
this smash-hit musical that combines ABBA’s greatest hits in an enchanting tale.
Uihlein Hall, 929 North Water Street
Marcus Center for the Performing Arts
Members: $75.35 | Non-Members $85
Limited supply of tickets available
RSVP by January 22 to abby at 414-352-9288
Members: $71 | Non-Members: $81
Limited supply of tickets available.
RSVP by February 20 to Abby at or (414)352-9288
NEW BOOKS IN OUR LIBRARY! by Ellen Abrams Blankenship
Look for these new additions to the Pastor Memorial Library…
The Winter Horses, by Philip Kerr (2014). In this Young Adult
book, Kalinka is alone on the frigid, snowy Ukrainian steppe.
She is pursued by Nazis. Tracked like prey. The cold is strangling
her, and the hunger won’t go away. No food, no warmth, no help.
Except for a loyal dog and two remarkable horses she is trying
to save, against all odds. Her only allies. Are they enough?
Members of the Tribe, Native America in the Jewish
Imagination, by Rachel Rubenstein (2010). This book examines
interventions by Jewish writers into an ongoing American
mirror for their own anxieties about tribal and national belonging.
Through a diverse series of literary readings, Rubenstein traces a
shifting and unstable dynamic of imagined Indian-Jewish kinship.
Plus a few newer ones that have been on the shelves for a bit…
The Lost Matriarch, Finding Leah in the Bible and Midrash,
by Jerry Rabow (2014). This is a unique response to the sparse
and puzzling biblical treatment of the matriarch Leah. Through
weaving of biblical text and midrash, readers learn the lessons
of the remarkable Leah, who triumphed over adversity and
hardship by living a life of moral heroism.
Open Heart, by Elie Weisel (2012)
Covenant of the Generations: New Prayers, Poems, and
Meditations from Women of Reform Judaism, (2013)
Sisterhood: A Centennial History of Women of Reform
Judaism, (2013)
Nest, by Esther Ehrlich (2014). This Young Adult book features
house. But when life feels too hard, she and her friend Joey
create their own private world and come up with the perfect
plan: Escape. Adventure. Discovery.
A Tale of Two Soldiers: The Unexpected Friendship
Between a WWII American Jewish Sniper and a
German Military Pilot, by
Max Gendelman, (2013)
Jewish Meaning in a World of Choice, Studies in Tradition
and Modernity, by David Ellenson (2014). Written by a former
president of HUC-JIR, these are 23 essays on a description and
examination of the complex push and pull between Jewish
tradition and Western culture. Among other topics, he addresses
gender equality, women’s rights, conversion, issues relating to
who is a Jew, the future of the rabbinate, Jewish day schools,
plus religious tolerance and pluralism in Israel.
Books are listed in the black binder
under both Author and Title. Then
just use the call numbers to locate
the book on the shelves!
Happy reading!
Date Night With Mom!
Join us for an awesome pj party at Glaze! Pizza, pjs, pottery, painting; what
more could you ask for? Kids will have the choice of painting pottery or glass
fusing. Moms and kids, come in your pjs and enjoy a creative evening out of
the house together.
$25 per family | 149 Green Bay Road, Thiensville
RSVP by January 9 to Limited spots available.
Congregation Shalom is pleased to be able to offer
camperships to children of members planning to
attend OSRUI, Interlaken, and other Jewish camps, as
well as the NFTY trip to Israel.
In order to qualify for a campership, a child must
be enrolled in and regularly attending Congregation
Shalom’s religious school, Chai School or participating
family must be in good standing.
# *.-/&,)%!/)#5!66#7&#.5.,3&3#7.)&3#("#+"."8!.6#
need. Please be aware that a limited number of
camperships will be available this year through
Congregation Shalom. Submission of an application does
not guarantee that a campership will be awarded.
To learn about other campership resources, visit
campers),, or contact the camp
your child would like to attend.
# *.-/&,)%!/#.//6!8.$!(")#.,&#.>.!6.76&#!"#$%&#(=+8&#
or on our website. For questions, please contact Linda
than March 31, 2015.
Dec. 28 - January 3
Margaret Altman
Julia Bar-Lev
Ilomae Berkovits
Helen Bernhardt
Arthur Blumenthal
Sophie Bodner
Perlanne Bruskin
Fannie Cohen
Miranda Dietrich
Justin Donovan
May Dubin
Daniel Dukor
Georgeann Gutman
George Herman
Joseph Himes
Grace Hyman
Frederick Kahn
Harvey Karas
Harvey R. Kipen
Issac Kipen
Maurice Kipen
Maurice Lerner
Robert Lewenauer
Ilene Linetsky
David Lipschultz
Esther Lubar
Carl Manes
Daniel Margolis
Theodore Matsoff
Anna Mayerson
Benjamin Meisenberg
Bernard Milhendler
Fannie Miller
Jeanette Miller
James Morris
John Moser
Sam Pasch
Joyce Phillips
Evelyn Rose
Jordan Rosengarten
Pearl Rubin
Benjamin Rubinstein
Eugene Sadoff
Milton Sattell
Richard Shulkin
Morris Solochek
Sara Stern
Edward Weber
Jeanette Weber
Sally Weisbuch
Jack Weiss
January 4 - 10
Sarah Adashek
William Baum
Sarah Berger
Rose Blackman
Lester Cohen
Louis Cohen
Bee Dubin
Joseph Dubin
Florence Eisenberg
Gertrude Eisenberger
Spencer Frank
Della Garber
Marvin Golper
Harry Gordon
Melody Greene
Leona Harris
Carol Jamron
Charles Johnson Sr.
Leah Kellman
Morton Komisar
Michael Kritzik
Doris Ladish
Shirley London
Joseph Maremont
Roz Matsoff
Enid Minkin
Milissa Nye
Rosalyn Palay
Evelyn Sable
Richard Schefrin
Selma Shlensky
Louis Stern
Ruth Stolle
Bessie Tureck
Milton Turner
Sophie Wasserman
Ethel Williams
Joel Winnik
Margaret Wright
Jeannette Young
Rubin Zeiger
Florine Zezblatt
Louis Zitzer
January 11 - 17
Ada Banks
Clara Bard
Philip Bernstein
Myrtle Cohen
Marisa Drew
Karen Edelstein
Muriel Fogel
Bettie Frost
David Gersen
Leon Gil
Daniel Golden
Bernice Greenberg
Sam Himmelreich
Leo Irvings
Faith Isaacson
Peter Kimmel
Lillian Kretchmer
Isaac Lipton
Samuel Marshak
Hyman Mendeloff
Ethel Mendelson
Yetta Ollman
David Orlinsky
Ethel Ottenstein
Jeannine Pavillard
Newton Peckarsky
William Peterman
Jeanne Pitt
Faye Pivar
Diane Primason
Ethel Rabinovitz
Leah Resnick
Anthony (Tony)
Kate Romanik
Arthur Rosenberg
David Safer
Eugene Sattler
Irene Sattler
Irving Shapiro
Rose Shapiro
Abraham Shlensky
Adrienne Stearns
Alvin Stein
Morris Ugent
Mel Wallace
Joyce Weiss
Harold Willenson
Steve Lozoff
William Mautner
Max Medved
Harold Meldman
January 18 - 24
Ray Mitchell
Marcia Acker Levey
Lucille Pass
Arlene Arnstein
Norman Persten
Alfred Barnett
Kimberly Blankenship Edward Plotkin
Nettie Plotkin
Allen Blumenfeld
Esther Rubnitz
Nathan Breslauer
Ida Sher
Sondra Breslauer
Charlotte Sherkow
Joseph Cohn
Sadye Shimon
Howard Cox
Ida Shumow
Arthur Dallet
Bessie Steinberg
Carol Ehrlich
Hyman Ellio-Zigman Frieda Tarlowe
Edward Tashkin
Winifred Engerman
Max Teper
Alan Ettinger
Max Wiviott
Esther Fein
Sam Yanow
Edward Gellman
Joseph Zaharias
Noah Glick
Fan Zarne
David Goldberg
Hyman Zigman
Martha Goodman
Stanley Greenberg
January 25 - 31
Alfred Harris
Helma Anderson
Edward Heller
Al Bander
Michael Herzoff
David Berman
Russell Hirsch
Sarah Blecker
Sharon Hirsch
Benjamin Breitman
Evelyn Holman
Ella Cash
Elihu Horwitz
Benjamin Elbaum
Jerome Jasculca
Marvin Evans
Edward Jones
Joseph Fefer
Edward Kramsky
Estelle Feldman
Alvin Kurzon
Dorothy Frindell
Edna Lee
Jack Gilbert
Faye Levine
Marvin Zembrosky
Robert Zuckerman
Sidney Goldberg
Aaron Goldsmith
Victor Goodstein
Burton Kampner
Betty Katz
Kimberly Kubinek
Jack Lee
Adam Lemel
Burton Lepp
Edward Libber
Anne Lubotsky
Fannie Marshak
Jack Mayerson
Anita Messerman
Sol Mirochnik
Anna Moskowitz
Harry Pittelman
James Podell
Marly Podell-Frank
Milton Polland
Ambrose Reihbandt
Ida Rosenberg
Jane Ross
Hazel Sandler
Alice Schwartz
Minna Schwartz
Bea Scott
Jack Stein
Laverne Stein
Sol Steren
Sally Waters
Jack Wein
Irving Wichman
Donald E. Winnik
Morris Zuckerman
We extend our heartfelt sympathy to the families of:
MARVIN LEVEY — Father of Michael (Linda Gorens-Levey) Levey; Ellen (Larry Selig) Levey; and Barbara (Michael) Warheit
Grandfather of Jacob and Benjamin Levey; Madeline Levey Lambert; and Alexander, Samuel and Julia Warheit
MILDRED LOOKNER — Wife of Abraham S. Lookner | Mother of Lawrence Lookner; Paula (Steve) Markman; and
Taryn Lookner | Grandmother of Glenn and Beth Lookner | Sister of Herb (Dorothy) Cummins; Toby (Stanley) Orel; and
Myron (Marjorie) Cummins | Aunt of Sara (David) Lubar
GERRY MURPHIE — Sister of Agie Laev
MICHAEL “Mike” SPECTOR — Husband of Joan Spector | Father of John (Marcie Berger) Spector; Tom Spector; and
Joe Spector | Grandfather of Sarah and Michael Spector
IT’S A Mitzvah!
Gary Katz Fund
In Memory of Mel Sinykin
Gerrie and Jerry Weinberg
In Memory of Nancy Mandel
Jackie and Lee Katz
Arlene Arnstein Fund for Children and Families in Need
In Honor of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Pollack’s Grandson’s Bar Mitzvah
Mickey and Suzi Cherner
In Honor of Art Arnstein
Monica, Taylor, Joey, and Natalie Arnstein
In Memory of Ervin London
Ben and Ethel Stern
Charles and Jane Sauer
Dolly and Bobby Sucher
In Memory of Sandy Hoffman
Ralph and Harleene Hoffman
In Memory of Al Hansher
Mickey and Suzi Cherner
Gayle Riches Youth Fund
In Memory of Ervin London
Lauren and Ron Miller
I. Sidney Rosen Campership Fund
In Honor of Dr. and Mrs. Richard Rosen’s
! "#$%&'()!*+,-.(/0!1(22+3%
Mildred Wolf
In Memory of Esther Rosen
Jack and Ilene Leff
Wendy and Mark Sommer
Larry and Jeanne Kessler
Jan and Irv Berlin
Mildred Wolf
Dick and Debbie Alpert
Elizabeth Residence of Bayside
Bruce and Sandy Paler and Family
Elyse, BJ, Benji, and Ariel Cohn
Cindy and Max Rasansky
Andrea Rickmeier
Ethel Lieberthal
Terry Schnoll
Margaret Knorr
Laura and Henry Kalt
Eric and Linda Hersh
In Memory of Ervin London
Jan and Irv Berlin
Betty Klurfeld Education Fund
In Honor of Stan Ferstadt’s 75th Birthday
Barbara and Al Simon
In Memory of Gertrude Prochep
Phyllis and Stuart Blackman
In Memory of Al Hansher
Beverly Ugent
In Memory of Diane Biller
Shelby and Joan Lozoff
Congregation Shalom Music Fund
In Memory of Gerald Kahn
Robert Krauss
Emmie Merar
In Memory of Howard Barr
Shelly Devorkin
Food Bank Fund
In Honor of Bobbie and Sandy Fedderly’s Birthday
Bonnie and Marshall Medved and Carol Kagelmann
In Honor of Barbara Lepp’s Good Health
Harriet Dizack
In Honor of Judy and Randy Nelson’s Grandson
Bunny and Ron Cohen
In Memory of Ervin London
Adrienne and Neville Sender
Shelly Devorkin
In Memory of Michael Jankowski
Sue and Dick Miller
In Memory of Gerald Kahn
Harriet Dizack
In Memory of Al Hansher
Terry and Barbara Volk
Iz Abrams Building Fund
In Honor of Dan and Lihi’s Marriage
David Karp
Mitzvah Day Fund
In Memory of Ervin London
Sue and Dick Miller
In Memory of Esther Rosen
Al and Carol Weiss
In Memory of Jerrey and Judy Schumacher’s Sister Diane
Joan and Dick Siegel
IT’S A Mitzvah!
Sanford J. Ettinger Memorial Lecture Fund
In Honor of Suzy Ettinger
Seema Gorens
Linda Gorens-Levey and Mike Levey
Lynne B. Lewin
Bev and Marty Greenberg and Kari and Michael Altman
Bob and Sandy Meldman
In Memory of Sanford Ettinger
Seema Gorens
Rosalie Rellin
Bunny and John Fried
In Memory of Gerald Kahn
Suzy Ettinger
In Memory of Polly Siegel
Chip Alberts
Giving Tzedakah in honor or in
memory of someone or some event
is a mitzvah at any time. Minimum
donations are $5 for payment by
check and $18 for payment by credit
card. Make a donation online at
Selma Shlensky Greatest Need Fund
In Honor of Joan and Marc Saperstein’s New Granddaughter
Hannah and Larry Goodman
In Memory of Esther Rosen
Susan, Mark, and Daniel Wichman
Goodman-Bensman WFB Funeral Home
In Memory of Howard Barr
Goodman-Bensman WFB Funeral Home
In Memory of Harold Biller
Goodman-Bensman WFB Funeral Home
In Memory of Ervin London
Nancy and Jim Proman
Ellen and Lew Smith
Rabbi Marc and Debbie Carter Berkson
Isla Adelson, Rabbi Noah Chertkoff, Lauren Berger Chertkoff and
Hannah Chertkoff
In Memory of Gerald Kahn
David and Barbara Merar
In Memory of Michael Spector
Toby Recht
Mark and Judy Paschen and Family
Sisterhood Fund
In Honor of Marilyn Lederman’s Speedy Recovery
Marilyn Simons
Anne Wright
In Memory of Ervin London
Phyllis and Stuart Blackman
David and Sharron Rottman
Social Action Fund
In Memory of Ervin London
Judy and Burt Naimon
Shelly Devorkin
Marvin and Ann Margolis
In Memory of Herb Braun
Howard and Elaine Myers
In Memory of Jay Kodner
Marvin and Ann Margolis
Technology Fund
In Memory of Ervin London
Carrie B. Kingsley and Marc Miller
Shalom Campership and Israel Fund
In Memory of Ervin London
Susan and Richard Strait
Wolf Family Choir Fund
In Memory of Al Hansher
Burt and Judy Naimon
In Memory of Ervin London
Shalom Adult Volunteer Choir
Shalom Perpetual Endowment Fund
In Honor of the birth of Larry and Hannah Goodman’s
Granddaughter Zoey
Neil and Karen Pinsky
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Rabbi Ronald Shapiro
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Rabbi Noah Chertkoff
Cantor Karen Berman
Rabbi Marcey Rosenbaum
Rabbi Educator
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Milwaukee, WI 53217
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Executive Director
Abby Habush Schroeder
Director of Synagogue Relations
Forwarding Service Requested
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Rabbi Harry B. Pastor
z”l Founding Rabbi
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