Annual Solvency Return and Annual Asset Data Instructions
Annual Solvency Return and Annual Asset Data Instructions
ANNUAL SOLVENCY RETURN (ASR) / ANNUAL ASSET DATA (AAD) INSTRUCTIONS DECEMBER 2014 Version 1.0 1 Contents Pages Section 1: Introduction 3 Section 2: General Instructions 7 Section 3: Form Instructions for Annual Solvency Return (ASR) 12 Section 4: Form Instructions for Annual Asset Data (AAD) 34 Section 5: Qualitative Reporting 49 Appendices 1. EIOPA Complementary Identification Code (CIC) Table 2. Mapping of SII Balance Sheet to QMA002 3. Managing agent’s reports – ASR910 and AAD910 2 Section 1: Introduction 1.1 Introduction 1.1.1 The PRA’s Supervisory Statement SS4/13 applies the requirements of EIOPA’s preparatory guidelines to all PRA authorised firms falling within the scope of Solvency II. Among other things, it requires the submission of interim Pillar 3 reporting to the PRA as at 31 December 2014 and 30 September 2015. This represents a part of the UK insurance industry’s preparations towards full Solvency II compliance. 1.1.2 Accordingly, Lloyd’s will be required to submit to PRA, quantitative and qualitative data in respect of the ‘association of underwriters known as Lloyd’s’ in aggregate. This shall be achieved by collecting returns from managing agents in respect of each syndicate, and then aggregating this data with that held centrally in respect of the Corporation, Central Fund and members’ funds at Lloyd’s. 1.2 Solvency II 1.2.1 It is confirmed that the Solvency II regime shall be implemented from 1 January 2016, with the passing of the Omnibus II Directive (OMD II) by the European Parliament earlier this year. OMD II confirms the high level legislative framework, including the Solvency II start date and certain transitional measures, by making modifications to the original Solvency II Directive. 1.2.2 The next step in the completion of the legislative framework is the finalisation of the Level 2 measures, now known as Delegated Acts. The final text of these is currently being considered by the European Parliament. Finalisation (i.e. adoption by the European Parliament) and publication of these is expected in early 2015. 1.2.3 Finally, the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) is completing its work on drafting the Level 3 measures, which will take the form of Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) and Guidelines. EIOPA has already issued Guidelines on provision of information to national supervisory authorities, which among other things introduces interim quantitative and Pillar 3 reporting as at 31 December 2014 and 30 September 2015. EIOPA is consulting on two broader set of ITS and Guidelines; this includes a consultation on the Pillar 3 ITS, which shall cover the final forms of quantitative and qualitative reporting, from December 2014 to February 2015, within Set 2. The final Set 2 material shall be published in July 2015. 1.2.4 Lloyd’s shall review the final Set 2 requirements in advance of publishing its final requirements for Pillar 3 quantitative and qualitative reporting, in Q3 2015. This shall address the full qualitative reporting required from 2016 onwards. 1.3 Pillar 3 reporting 1.3.1 Pillar 3 represents the supervisory reporting and disclosure requirements under Solvency II. Insurers are required to provide information, both for public disclosure and for private reporting to the supervisor, on a quarterly and annual basis. This is necessary to enable a harmonised approach to supervision across the European Union as well as improving the consistency of publicly disclosed information. 1.3.2 The Pillar 3 requirements include annual and quarterly quantitative reporting (the completion of standardised templates). In addition, the annual supervisory reporting requirements include an element of qualitative reporting, which insurers are required to submit with their public Solvency and Financial Condition Report (SFCR) as well as the private Regular Supervisory Report (RSR). 3 1.3.3 However, the EIOPA Guidelines on provision of information to national supervisory authorities introduce the requirement to report on a sub-set of the quantitative templates as well as aspects of qualitative reporting – specifically on systems of governance, capital management and valuation of assets and liabilities – as part of the interim reporting. 1.4 Application at Lloyd’s 1.4.1 Solvency II applies to Lloyd’s as a single undertaking – the ‘association of underwriters known as Lloyd’s’ – as defined within the Solvency II Directive. However, within this, Lloyd’s expects each managing agent to meet the full set of Solvency II tests and standards. In addition, the PRA expects that the supervisory reporting requirements for each syndicate at Lloyd’s are consistent with treating it as ‘any other insurer’. Therefore managing agents are required to complete Solvency II Pillar 3 returns to Lloyd’s on a similar basis to other European Union insurers. 1.4.2 The basis of Lloyd’s Pillar 3 reporting to the PRA is that Lloyd’s provides a SFCR, RSR and quantitative reporting templates to the PRA. These returns are prepared from an aggregation of syndicate level returns made to the PRA, together with the additional data held by the Corporation, in respect of the Corporation and Central Fund, and members’ funds at Lloyd’s. 1.4.3 This basis of submitting to the PRA affects the timetable for syndicates reporting to Lloyd’s. In order to provide Lloyd’s with sufficient time to review and aggregate the syndicate level data, as well as adding the data held centrally, go through Lloyd’s governance process and expected audit requirements (only anticipated in respect of some of the annual data under ‘full’ Solvency II), it is necessary for Lloyd’s to collect returns from syndicates in advance of Lloyd’s (and other insurers’) submission deadline to the PRA. 1.4.4 The syndicates and Lloyd’s deadlines for compliance with Pillar 3 requirements are summarised below (shown in weeks after the reporting date): Interim reporting Solvency II 4 1.5 Quantitative data requirements 1.5.1 Managing agents will be required to submit data as at 31 December 2014 and 30 September 2015. 1.5.2 The data at as 31 December 2014 must be submitted using the Annual Solvency Return (ASR)/Annual Asset Data (AAD) provided within Lloyd’s Core Market Return (CMR) system. The returns must be submitted to Lloyd’s by 2pm, 16 April 2015. 1.5.3 The data as at 30 September 2015 must be submitted using the Quarterly Solvency Return (QSR)/Quarterly Asset Data (QAD) within the CMR system. Some of the forms required for the 31 December 2014 submission are not required as at 30 September 2015 and are shown as ‘N/A’ in the table below. The returns must be submitted to Lloyd’s by 2pm, 5 November 2015 . 1.5.4 The specific forms to be submitted for the interim reporting are listed below: Form Description ASR Reference QSR Reference Balance sheet ASR002 QSR002 Own funds ASR220 QSR220 Non-life technical provisions by line of business – Part A ASR240 QSR240 Non-life technical provisions by line of business – Part B ASR241 N/A Non-life gross best estimate by country ASR242 N/A Assets and liabilities by currency ASR260 N/A Life technical provisions ASR280 QSR280 Life gross best estimate by country ASR281 N/A Health SLT technical provisions ASR283 QSR283 Health SLT gross best estimate by country ASR284 N/A Minimum capital requirement – Non-life ASR510 QSR510 Minimum capital requirement – Life ASR511 QSR511 Solvency Capital Requirement – for syndicates on full internal models ASR522 N/A Form Description AAD Reference QAD Reference Investment data – portfolio list AAD230 QAD230 Derivatives data – open positions AAD233 QAD233 Investment funds (look-through approach) AAD236 QAD236 1.5.5 This document provides instructions to managing agents in respect of completion of the above returns which have been developed in the CMR. The forms specifications have also been uploaded onto the respective sections of the CMR. 5 1.6 Qualitative requirements 1.6.1 Managing agents will be required to be submit a qualitative report as at 31 December 2014 and the deadline for submission is the same as that of quantitative reporting above. This should be as per section 5 of the instructions. 1.7 Confidentiality of information 1.7.1 The information provided by managing agents to comply with these interim reporting requirements shall remain confidential to Lloyd’s and the PRA; no information shall be made public by Lloyd’s. 6 Section 2: General instructions The following instructions are common to the all of the interim Pillar 3 returns. 2.1 Pillar 3 returns 2.1.1 The Pillar 3 returns required to be submitted by syndicates as at 31 December 2014 and 30 September 2015 are based on Solvency II preparatory templates issued by EIOPA in July 2014 as part of the XBRL taxonomy package, but tailored where necessary to cover areas of relevance to Lloyd’s syndicates. 2.1.2 The asset data should be reported in the AAD with all the rest of the Solvency II information reported in the ASR. 2.1.3 The ASR is a synchronous return, similar to the QMA, while AAD is an asynchronous return due to the high volume of data required. Synchronous This has been the standard approach used for returns with relatively low volume of data, for example, QMA. Below are some of the features: data can be input to CMR either through the user interface or in csv format data submitted in csv format can be edited via the user interface validations are done as and when the data is input all data can be printed Asynchronous This approach has been used for returns with high volume of data, for example, PMD/GQD/TPD returns. Below are some of the features: data is input to CMR as a series of zipped csv files edits to the data are made by updating the csv and re-uploading it validations are done when the data is uploaded prior to submission, a validation tool is provided to pre-process the data for format compliance summary data can be printed 2.1.4 A managing agent’s report (ASR910 and AAD910) must be also be completed for each of the ASR and AAD respectively. The relevant formats are provided as Appendix 3 to these instructions. 2.1.5 No audit is required. 7 2.2 Reporting timetable 2.2.1 Timetable: The following table provides the deadlines for Pillar 3 submissions. The electronic version of the completed return is required to be submitted by the managing agent to the Core Market Returns site by 2pm of the relevant submission date. Quarter Submission date Audited? Type of submission Q4 2014 Thursday 16 April 2015 No Electronic only* Q3 2015 Thursday 5 November 2015 No Electronic only* (*NB: Hard copies of the Pillar 3 returns are not required, however, hard copies of the signed managing agent’s reports (ASR910 and AAD910) are required to be submitted to Lloyd’s by the designated deadline). The managing agent’s reports should be sent to: Paul Appleton Market Finance Gallery 5 Lloyd’s 1986 Building One Lime Street London EC3M 7HA There is no reception area on Gallery 5 so hard copies that are to be delivered by hand must be taken to the “tenants and courier” office which is located on the lower ground floor on the left hand side of the Lloyd’s building when viewed from Lime Street. 2.2.2 Late submissions: Failure to submit the returns by the due deadline will be considered a breach of the Solvency and Reporting Byelaw (No.5 of 2007), as amended. A resubmission of the returns after the deadline date will be considered a late submission. Where a managing agent has reason to believe that it may be unable to submit the return on time it is encouraged to contact Lloyd’s Market Finance at the earliest opportunity in advance of the deadline to discuss the matter. Failure to do so will be a factor Lloyd’s will take into account in deciding whether a fine is appropriate. If an inaccurate or incomplete submission has been submitted then Lloyd’s may at its discretion regard that submission as being “late” in which case a fine may be imposed. In deciding whether to exercise that discretion Lloyd’s Market Supervision and Review Committee (MSARC) will have 8 regard to whether the managing agent itself identified the inaccuracy and brought the matter to Lloyd’s attention at the earliest opportunity. Where Lloyd’s is satisfied that a fine is appropriate then the following fining regime will be applied: Per return per syndicate – flat fine £5,000 Per return per syndicate – additional fine per working day late £1,000 Persistent delays will lead to further disciplinary action. Please note that in accordance with the above policy Lloyd’s will take disciplinary action against managing agents who fail to submit market returns on time and fines will be imposed in appropriate circumstances, a policy supported by MSARC. 2.3 Key contacts 2.3.1 Any queries about the completion of the Pillar 3 returns should be directed by e-mail to Market Finance at All queries will be responded to by the end of the following working day. Please contact Paul Appleton ( via email if a response remains outstanding at that time. 2.3.2 Please include the relevant form number(s) and a reference to the issue raised in the email header. 2.3.3 The key contacts within the Corporation of Lloyd’s in relation to the Pillar 3 returns are: Paul Appleton Senior Manager, Accounting Policy George Maina Project Manager, Accounting Policy Jane Tusar Project Executive, Accounting Policy 2.4 Overview of return 2.4.1 Parallel corporate syndicates must complete and submit separate Pillar 3 returns. 2.4.2 The return must be completed in respect of all open years of account and all run-off years of account, in order to reflect the total insurance business transacted by underwriting members of Lloyd’s. 2.4.3 When setting up a return, the system will generate the forms to be completed, and establish the validation rules to be adhered to, as appropriate to that syndicate’s circumstances. 2.5 Basis of preparation 2.5.1 The returns must be prepared in accordance with these instructions. Where additional clarification is required this will be issued via Frequently Asked Questions posted on the CMR website. This will clearly set out whether the update is a change to the instructions or for guidance purposes only. 2.5.2 The return must be prepared in accordance with the Solvency II Directive, Level 2 Implementing Measures and Level 3 Technical Guidance as issued by EIOPA, except where an alternative treatment is specifically required in the instructions. 2.5.3 The instructions in respect of each form state the level at which the forms should be completed. Each form must be completed at one of the following levels: 9 Whole syndicate (all reporting years combined) Reporting year Pure/Underwriting year 2.5.4 Whole syndicate or all reporting years combined means all of the transactions or assets and liabilities as appropriate for the syndicate as a whole. 2.5.5 Reporting year means the calendar year that is being reported, for example, when reporting for the year end 2014, the reporting year will be 2014. 2.5.6 Pure/Underwriting year relates to the year in which the business was originally written and to which the original premiums and all subsequent transactions are signed. The pure original year may still be open, or subsequently reinsured to close into another year of account. For general (non-life) business the pure original year may be from the 1993 to the 2014 year of account, all liabilities in respect of 1992 and prior years having been reinsured into Equitas effective at 31 December 1995. When reporting on the transactions for a pure original year, only the transactions relating specifically to that pure year must be reported. 2.6 Exchange rates 2.6.1 All figures are to be provided in GBP. A market bulletin will be issued on the next working day following each quarter end providing suggested, but not mandatory, average and closing rates. 2.6.2 For the profit and loss account, all conversions will normally be made using exchange rates at the dates of the transactions (or at average rate for the period when this is a reasonable approximation) as defined under IAS 21, The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates. Lloyd’s will not prescribe the actual rates to be used. 2.6.3 For the balance sheet, conversions must be made using closing rates of exchange in accordance with IFRS. Non-monetary items (if any) should be treated in the ASR as per IAS 21. IAS 21 requires the following at the end of each reporting period: Foreign currency monetary items should be translated using the closing rate Non-monetary items that are measured in terms of historical cost in a foreign currency should be translated using the exchange rate at the date of the transaction Non-monetary items that are measured at fair value in a foreign currency should be translated using the exchange rates at the date when the fair value was measured 2.6.4 Solvency II requires that all assets and liabilities should be measured at fair value, hence all foreign currency assets and liabilities should be translated at closing rate. 2.7 Reporting configuration 2.7.1 All forms are to be completed in currency units, not 000's, unless specified on the form. Generally, all values must be entered as positive numbers unless otherwise stipulated on the forms and instructions 2.8 Completion of forms 2.8.1 All amounts on each form must be completed as indicated on the form. Additional guidance is provided in respect of each form in these instructions. 2.8.2 Certain figures disclosed on some forms in the return must agree or relate to figures on other forms. 10 2.8.3 The Pillar 3 returns must be prepared on the same underlying data as used in the preparation of the QMA. In other words, no adjustment is made in respect of post balance sheet events in the returns unless such an adjustment has already been made in accordance with UK GAAP for the purpose of the QMA (and thus the syndicate accounts). Furthermore, any adjustments made to technical provisions for Solvency II purposes shall be based on the underlying technical provisions as reported in the QMA. 2.9 ‘Analysis’ cells 2.9.1 Certain cells require analysis of material amounts to be provided in the analysis section (i.e. a description and details of the material amount must be disclosed). For such items, the system will generate a sequentially numbered continuation sheet. Where we have identified common reasons for an ‘other’ entry, use the suggested description in the analysis section where appropriate. 2.9.2 Any amount greater than £1m must be given a description that is sufficient for the reader to understand its nature. General terms such as “other,” “miscellaneous,” etc. should not be used for amounts greater than £1m. Descriptions given to amounts below £1m will be at the discretion of the agent and auditor given the circumstances of the syndicate and the nature of the analysis figure. 2.10 Equitas 2.10.1 The Pillar 3 returns must be prepared on a basis of recognising the reinsurance to close of all 1992 and prior non-life business into Equitas, effective as at 31 December 1995. In particular, only transactions, assets and liabilities relating to 1993 and post non-life business (and ALL life business) must be reported in the return. Any transactions occurring in the current year relating to 1992 and prior non-life business must NOT be reported in this return. 2.11 Quarterly Monitoring Return part C (QMC) 2.11.1 Syndicates are currently required to submit a QMC and this is used for capital setting/release tests at Lloyd’s. This return will still be required to be submitted and specific instructions for completion can be found on the CMR website. 2.12 Scope of these instructions 2.12.1 The instructions below are specifically for completion of the ASR and AAD returns which are required for the year ending 31 December 2014. Instructions for the Q3 2015 interim reporting will be issued in Q2 2015. 11 Section 3: form instructions for ANNUAL SOLVENCY RETURN 3.1 ASR 010: Control page Purposeofform: This form collects/confirms basic information regarding the syndicate, including the syndicate number, managing agent, reporting years of account and their status (open/closed/run-off) and pure years comprising each reporting year. The software will generate the forms required to be completed in accordance with the data in the matrix. It is important that you check that the matrix is populated correctly. When you set up a return, you are required to enter a person as the contact for the return. Any queries on the return will be addressed to this person together with the person who clicks the action “sign off” prior to submission of the return. Each syndicate will have a return Administrator. The Administrator is responsible for adding/amending contact details for the return. Please ensure that all contact details are correct. Details can be updated via the ‘Admin’ link on the Core Market Returns menu. We do recognise, however, that the persons signing off the return may not necessarily be those to whom queries should be sent to. If this is the case, please email Market Finance via, with details of an alternative contact, who shall be included on the queries distribution list relating to the syndicate. 3.2 ASR 026: Additional Material Currency Selection Purposeofform: This form allows syndicates to select additional material currencies required on ASR260. This form allows syndicates to select additional currencies required in ASR260 i.e. other than the 6 currencies (USD, GBP, EUR, CAD, AUD and JPY) already presented in ASR260. Syndicates are required to report separately any additional currencies that represent 20% or more of both assets and liabilities. 3.3 ASR 002: Overall Balance Sheet Purposeofform: This form presents an overall view of the balance sheet of the syndicate under Solvency II valuation rules, compared with UK GAAP. This form is required for all reporting years combined. The amounts in Column A will be valued based on Solvency II valuation principles while those in Column B will be on a UK GAAP basis. The Solvency II amounts reported in column A are expected to be positive but there are cases where these amounts can be negative and this is mainly in respect of technical provisions best estimate i.e. where the cash in-flows is greater than cash out-flows. Please see Appendix 2 for the mapping of Solvency II balance sheet to QMA002, but this is only a guide and syndicate should ensure that amounts are reported within the correct balance sheet lines. The UK GAAP amounts as reported in column B are expected to be positive and must agree to the disclosure in the syndicate annual accounts and QMA002, Column C or, where fewer lines/different names are used in the accounts/QMA, it should be possible to agree the figures in total. Assets Solvency II amounts reported in the balance sheet should be valued at fair value, for example, investments should be valued using one of the following valuation methods: Quoted market price in active markets for the same assets 12 Quoted market price in active markets for similar assets Other alternative valuation methods The amounts reported in this form, for those assets that are required to be reported in the AAD230/233, should agree with the total Solvency II amount. To assist in the reconciliation between this form and the AAD230/233, a play back summary has been developed and is based on the lines on the balance sheet. Hence syndicate should ensure that the amount reported in this form agrees with the amount presented in the AAD230s (play back summary). Line A1 - Goodwill: This is valued nil under Solvency II Line A2 – Deferred acquisition costs: There are no deferred acquisition costs under Solvency II as all acquisition costs not received by the reporting date are included in the calculation of technical provisions. Hence, no amount is expected within A2. Line A3 – Intangible assets: These are intangible assets other than goodwill. They should be valued at nil under Solvency II valuation principles, unless they can be sold separately and the syndicate can demonstrate that there is a market value for the same or similar assets that has been derived in accordance with Level 2 implementing measures. Line A4 – Deferred tax assets: This is an asset that may be used to reduce any subsequent period's income tax expense. Deferred tax assets can arise due to net loss carry-overs, which are only recorded as assets if it is deemed more likely than not that the asset will be used in future fiscal periods (i.e. where it is probable that future taxable profit will be available against which the deferred tax asset can be utilised). We do not expect syndicates to report any amount within this line since tax would apply at member level. Line A5 – Pension benefit surplus: This is net surplus related to staff pension scheme, if applicable. We would not expect syndicates to report any amount within this line. Line A6 – Property, plant & equipment held for own use: These are tangible assets which are intended for permanent use and property held by the undertaking for own use, but Lloyd’s would not expect any amount to be reported within this line. The amount reported within this line should agree with the total Solvency II amount reported in AAD230 with a CIC of XT93 and XT95. Line A7 - Property (other than for own use): This is investment property and Lloyd’s is not expecting any amount to be reported within this line. Where a syndicate has investment in funds investing in real estates, this should be reported within line A21, real estate funds. The amount reported within this line should agree with the total Solvency II amount reported in AAD230 with a CIC of XT91, XT92, XT94 and XT99. Line A8 – Participations: This is defined in article 13(20) of the Solvency II Directive as “ownership, direct or by way of control, of 20% or more of the voting rights or capital of an undertaking”. Lloyd’s does not expect syndicates to have any participations, hence no amount is expected within this line. Line A9 – Equities-listed: These are shares representing corporations’ capital, e.g. representing ownership in a corporation, listed on a public stock exchange. The amount reported within this line should exclude participations and should agree with the total Solvency II amount reported in AAD230 with a CIC category 3#, excluding XL3#, XT3#. Line A10 – Equities –unlisted: These are shares representing corporations’ capital, e.g. representing ownership in a corporation, not listed on a public stock exchange. The amount reported within this line should exclude participations and should agree with the total Solvency II amount reported in AAD230 with CIC categories of XL3# and XT3#. Line A12 – Government Bonds: These are bonds issued by public authorities, whether by central 13 government, supra-national government institutions, regional governments or municipal governments. The amount reported within this line should agree with the total Solvency II amount ( market value plus accrued interest) reported in AAD230 with a CIC category of ##1#. Line A13 – Corporate Bonds: These are bonds issued by corporations including those issued by government agencies, for example, Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) and Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac). The amount reported within this line should agree with the total Solvency II amount (market value plus accrued interest) reported in AAD230 with a CIC category of ##2#. Line A14 – Structured notes: These are hybrid securities, combining a fixed income instrument with a series of derivative components. Excluded from this category are fixed income securities that have been issued by sovereign governments. These are all securities that have embedded all categories of derivatives, including Credit Default Swaps (CDS), Constant Maturity Swaps (CMS) and Credit Default Options (CDO). The amount reported within this line should agree with the total Solvency II amount (market value plus accrued interest) reported in AAD230 with a CIC category of ##5#. Line A15 – Collateralised securities: These are securities whose value and payments are derived from a portfolio of underlying assets. These include Asset Backed securities (ABS), Mortgage Backed securities (MBS), Commercial Mortgage Backed securities (CMBS), Collateralised Debt Obligations (CDO), Collateralised Loan Obligations (CLO) and Collateralised Mortgage Obligations (CMO). The amount reported within this line should agree with the total Solvency II amount (market value plus accrued interest) reported in AAD230 with a CIC category of ##6#. Lines A17 - A25 – Investment funds: These should include all the funds (including money market funds) that are held by the syndicate. Overseas trust funds that are managed by Lloyd’s should also be reported as investment funds and the type of fund should be based on the CIC reported in AAD230. For example, where the CIC is reported as 42, then this should be reported in the balance sheet within debt funds. The amounts reported within these lines should agree with the total Solvency II amount reported in AAD230 as follows: Equity funds – CIC ##41 Debt funds – CIC ##42 Money market funds – CIC ##43 Asset allocation funds – CIC ##44 Real estate funds – CIC ##45 Alternative funds – CIC ##46 Private equity funds – CIC ##47 Infrastructure funds – CIC ##48 Other – CIC ##49 Line A27 – Derivatives: Only derivative assets should be included on this line i.e. those with positive values. These should be derivative assets that are directly held by the syndicate and hence do not include those that are held indirectly through investments funds or structured notes. The amount reported within this line should agree with the total Solvency II amount reported in AAD233 with a CIC of A to F (where the value is positive). Line A28 - Deposits other than cash and cash equivalents: These are deposits other than transferable deposits. These means that they cannot be used to make payments at any time and that they are not exchangeable for currency or transferable deposits without any kind of significant restriction or penalty. The amount reported within this line should agree with the total Solvency II amount reported in AAD230 with CIC 14 XT73, XT74 and XT79. Line A29 – Other investments: This cell is an analysis cell. All material amounts included in this cell must be separately listed in the analysis table (see section 2.9 ‘analysis cell’ above for details of materiality). Line A31 – Assets held for unit-linked & index-linked funds: These are assets held for insurance products where policyholder bears the risk (unit-linked). Lloyd’s would not expect any amount reported within this line. Line 32 – Loans & mortgages to individuals: These are financial assets created when creditors lend funds to debtors - individuals, with collateral or not, including cash pools. Line 33 – Other loans & mortgages: These are financial assets created when creditors lend funds to debtors - others, not classifiable as loans & mortgages to individuals, with collateral or not, including cash pools. The amount reported within lines 33 and 34 should agree with the total Solvency II amount reported in AAD230 with CIC of XT81, XT82, XT84, XT85 and XT89. Line A34 – Loans on policies: These are loans to policyholders collateralised on policies. We do not expect syndicates to have this type of asset. The amount reported within this line should agree with total amount reported in AAD230 with a CIC of XT86. Lines 36 & 37 – Reinsurance recoverables (Non-life excluding health and health similar to non-life): Reinsurers’ share of technical provisions relating to non-life and health similar to non-life should be reported within the appropriate lines. The total amount of these two lines should agree to the recoverable from RI/SPV after adjustment for expected losses due to default reported in ASR240, Q29. Line 39 - Reinsurance recoverables (Health similar to life): Reinsurers’ share of technical provisions relating to health similar to life should be reported within this line. This amount should agree to the recoverable from RI/SPV after adjustment for expected losses due to default reported in ASR283, F7. Line 40 - Reinsurance recoverables (Life): Reinsurers’ share of technical provisions relating to life should be reported within this line. This amount should agree to the recoverable from RI/SPV after adjustment for expected losses due to default reported in ASR280, I7. Line 42 – Life index-linked and unit-linked: Reinsurers’ share of technical provisions relating to life indexlinked and unit-linked should be reported within this line. Syndicates do not write this type of business hence no amount is expect to be reported within this line. Line 44 – Deposits to cedants: These are deposits relating to reinsurance accepted and should agree with the amount reported in AAD230 with a CIC of XT75. Line 45 – Insurance & intermediaries receivables: These are amounts due by policyholders, intermediaries, other insurers, and linked to insurance business, but that are not included in cash-in flows of technical provisions. Includes also amounts overdue by policyholders and insurance intermediaries (e.g. premiums due but not yet received). Line 46 – Reinsurance receivables: These are amounts due by reinsurers and linked to reinsurance business, but that are not reinsurance recoverables (RI share of technical provisions). It may include; creditors from reinsurers that relate to settled claims of policyholders or beneficiaries and payments in relation to other than insurance events or settled insurance claims. Line 47 – Receivables (trade, not insurance): Includes amounts owed by employees or various business partners (not insurance-related), incl. public entities (no reason to have separate lines for current tax assets). Line 48 – Own shares: These are own shares held by the undertakings. Syndicates do not have shares, hence no amount is expected within this line. 15 Line 49 – These are amounts due in respect of own fund items or initial fund called up but not yet paid in: This would mainly relate to Funds in Syndicate (FIS) that has been called up but had not been paid by year end. We do not expect syndicates to have any unpaid FIS, hence no amount is expected within this line. Line A50 – Cash and cash equivalents: These are notes and coins in circulation that are commonly used to make payments, and deposits exchangeable for currency on demand at par and which are directly usable for making payments by cheque, draft, giro order, direct debit/credit, or other direct payment facility, without penalty or restriction. These are amounts classified with CIC codes, XT71 and XT72. Line A51 – Any other assets, not elsewhere shown: This cell is an analysis cell. All material amounts included in this cell must be separately listed in the analysis table (see section 2.9 ‘analysis cell’ above for details of materiality). Liabilities Technical provisions These should be valued in accordance with Lloyd’s Solvency II guidance titled “Technical Provisions under Solvency II Detailed Guidance (March 2011 update)”. These instructions can be accessed through the following link: Link to Technical Provisions Guidance. There have previously been some areas of uncertainty relating to the calculation of technical provisions on a Solvency II basis and the key ones included: binary events, contract boundaries for binding authorities and allowance for reinsurance on future business. Lloyd’s has received clarification on two of these, binary events and contracts boundaries for binding authorities, more details are given below. Uncertainty remains as to the treatment of outwards reinsurance on future business, Lloyd’s is seeking further clarification on this. For each of the three areas above Lloyd’s anticipates updating its Technical Provisions Guidance in early 2015. Binary events It’s requirement to take account of all possible future outcomes when calculating Solvency II basis technical provisions. The difference in basis between the UK GAAP ‘reasonably foreseeable’ and Solvency II ‘all outcomes’ is commonly referred to as allowance for events not in data (ENID) or binary events. Managing agents are expected to justify their approach in respect of their own data as well as nature and uncertainty inherent in their business. Contract boundaries for binding authority contracts EIOPA’s Guidelines on Contract Boundaries (para 2.16) notes: “A need to reassess the contract boundaries can arise, where a delegated underwriting authority or binder exists which can sign business on behalf of the undertaking. The undertaking requires information on the underlying insurance contracts written within the binder to assess the contracts which fall within the contract boundary at a given valuation date. If this information is not available, estimates will need to be made.” Therefore, syndicates will need to carry out a look-through process to identify the underlying contracts that are written (including bound but not incepted) within the reporting period. Reasonable approximations for the look-through approach can be made. Estimates of contracts entered into can be based on historical experience of specific binders and/or the terms and conditions of the binder to assess the number of contracts likely to be entered into and likely corresponding cash-flows. Where the syndicate has not received information of the contracts entered into, an estimate will need to be made. The treatment of the binding authority as the ‘contract’ in this regard is not appropriate (e.g. through the use of cancellation periods of the binder). As binding authorities are not contracts of (re)insurance a look-through to the underlying contracts (or reasonable approximation) is required. 16 Risk margin Calculation of the risk margin as at 31 December should be based on the final SCR submitted to Lloyd’s in September via the Lloyd’s Capital Return (LCR), plus any capital add-on notified by Lloyd’s by 31 December. However, if a revised SCR has been produced then this should be used. The SCR to be used for the calculation of the risk margin is the ‘one year’ SCR, not the SCR to ultimate and should be based on current obligations on the balance sheet only (i.e. not allow for business to be written in future not included on the Solvency II balance sheet). In discounting technical provisions as at 31 December, managing agents should use the risk free yield curves published by Lloyd’s in early January. However, where EIOPA has issued the risk free yield curves, these should be used. Where Lloyd’s’/EIOPA publishes the risk free yield curves, a link will be provided on the Lloyd’s website. The ‘Solvency II value of the technical provisions’ should be reported in the respective line, i.e. risk margin and best estimate while the UK GAAP statutory accounts value should be reported on the “Technical Provisions calculated as a whole” line. Technical Provisions calculated as a whole: Separate calculation of the best estimate and risk margin are not required where the future cash-flows associated with insurance obligations can be replicated using financial instruments for which a market value is directly observable. The portfolio must be replicable/hedgeable. Lloyd’s does not expect syndicates to calculate technical provisions as a whole, however, where a syndicate has transferred its liabilities to another syndicate through RITC and the technical provisions transferred cannot be split into best estimate and risk margin, the price payable can be considered to be the market price of the technical provisions and hence should be reported within “technical provisions calculated as a whole”. The amounts reported within the technical provisions lines (53 to 68) should agree with the amounts reported in the non-life, life and health technical provisions forms (ASR240, 280 and 283 respectively) as shown in the table below: ASR002 Reference ASR240/280/283 Reference Sum of lines 53 and 57 ASR240, Q1 Sum of lines 54 and 58 ASR240, Q25 Sum of lines 55 and 59 ASR240, Q27 Line 61 ASR283, F1 Line 62 ASR283, F2 Line 63 ASR283, F9 Line 65 ASR280, I1 Line 66 ASR280, I2 Line 67 ASR280, I9 17 Lines 69-72 – Technical provisions – index linked and unit linked: Syndicates do not write this type of business, hence no amount is expected to be reported within these lines. Line 73 – Other technical provisions: These are other technical provisions arising from UK GAAP. This line should be nil for Solvency II column. Line 74 – Contingent liabilities: These are liabilities that are contingent, therefore off-balance sheet according to IAS 37, Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets. The standard defines a contingent liability as: (a) A possible obligation that arises from past events and whose existence will be confirmed only by the occurrence or non-occurrence of one or more uncertain future events not wholly within the control of the entity; or (b) A present obligation that arises from past events but is not recognised because: (i) it is not probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation; or (ii) the amount of the obligation cannot be measured with sufficient reliability. These are neither related to insurance, nor financing nor lease; they are, for example, related to legal expenses (with an expected probability of less than 50%). Line 75 – Provisions other than technical provisions: These are liabilities of uncertain timing or amount, for example, provisions for legal expenses or deferred income reserve. Line 76 – Pension benefit obligations: These are net obligations related to staff pension scheme, if applicable according to pension system. Line 77 – Deposits from reinsurers: These are amounts received from reinsurer or deducted by the reinsurer according to the reinsurance contract. Line 78 – Deferred tax liabilities: A tax liability that a company owes and does not pay at that current point, although it will be responsible for paying it at some point in the future. These are tax liabilities that are a result of temporary differences between the accounting and tax carrying values, the anticipated and enacted income tax rate, and estimated taxes payable for the current year. In simple terms, it is tax that is payable in future. We do not expect syndicates to report any amount within this line since tax would apply at member level. Line 79 – Derivatives: Only derivative assets should be included on this line i.e. those with negative values. These should be derivative liabilities that are directly held by the syndicate and hence do not include those that are held indirectly through investments funds or structured notes. The amount reported within this line should agree with the total Solvency II amount reported in AAD233 with a CIC of A to F (where the value is negative). Line 80 - Debts owed to credit institutions: These are debts, such as mortgage and loans that are owed to credit institutions, for example, banks. This excludes bonds being held by credit institutions, since it is not possible for the undertaking to identify all the holders of the bonds it issues. Subordinated liabilities should not be included here. Line 81 – Financial liabilities other than debts owed to credit institutions: This includes bonds issued by the undertaking (whether they are held by credit institutions or not), and mortgage and loans due to other entities than credit institutions. This includes structured notes issued by the undertaking itself (not by SPV). Subordinated liabilities should not be included here. 18 Line 82 – Insurance & intermediaries payable: These are amounts due to policy holders, other insurers, and linked to insurance business. This would relate to amounts that not been transferred to technical provisions i.e. over-due amounts. This includes amounts due to (re)insurance intermediaries (e.g. commissions due to intermediaries but not yet paid by the syndicate). These excludes loans & mortgages due to insurance companies, if they are not linked to insurance business but are only related to financing (and are therefore included in financial liabilities). Line 83 – Reinsurance payables: These are amounts due to reinsurers other than deposits and linked to reinsurance business, but that are not included in reinsurance recoverables i.e not transferred to RI share of technical provisions. These includes debtors to reinsurers that relate to settled claims of policy holders or beneficiaries. Line 84 – Payables (trade, not insurance): This includes amounts due to employees, suppliers, etc. and not insurance-related, similar to receivables (trade, not insurance) on asset side; includes public entities. Line 85 – Subordinated liabilities not in BOF: These are debts which rank after other debts when company is liquidated, only subordinated liabilities that are not classified in basic own funds (BOF) should be presented here. We do not expect syndicates to report any amounts within this line. Line 86 – Subordinated liabilities in BOF: These are debts which rank after other debts when company is liquidated, only subordinated liabilities that are classified in BOF should be presented here. We do not expect syndicates to report any amounts within this line. Line 87 – Any other liabilities, not elsewhere shown: This includes any liabilities not included in the other balance sheet items. Other areas Future cash flows transferred from (re)insurance receivables/payables to technical provisions Solvency II requires transfer of future cash flows from (re)insurance receivables/payables to technical provisions. Amounts included in (re)insurance receivables/payables that are not “over-due” should be transferred to technical provisions as future cash flows. Agents should ensure that adjustments made to (re)insurance receivables/payables in relation to future cash flows agree to respective amounts included in the calculation of the technical provisions and reported in the technical provision data return (TPD). We would not expect any adjustments against reinsurance receivables in respect of recoverable on paid claims as these amounts should be left as debtors in the balance sheet. LCA balances LCA balances are future cash flows and hence should be included in the Technical Provisions. However, any amount included in the LCA balances where the contractual settlement due date has passed by the period end date but which at the period end date have not been received should be reported as debtors in ASR002. From a premium stand point the agent needs to consider what has been received. If the agent is notified of a premium signing which has not yet been settled and has a due date after the balance sheet date then this is a future cash flow and should be reported in technical provisions. This remains as a future cash flow in technical provisions until the cash is received by the syndicate. From a claims standpoint, the managing agent will know when a claim has been paid and can deem the cash flow as having occurred. If it is reported in LCA balances once paid at the balance sheet date then it should be left in creditors on the balance sheet i.e. should not be considered a future cash flow in technical provisions. 19 In summary, managing agents need to consider the cash flow between the syndicate and LCA and decide if it is a future cash flow from the syndicate's perspective. Reinsurance recoveries The key defining characteristic is when the reinsurance recoveries in question are booked as "paid" (i.e. the moment they would appear in the QMA/financial statements as "debtors arising out of reinsurance operations/reinsurance receivables” in the balance sheet and “reinsurers’ share of paid claims" in the P&L account). If, for any reason, the processing of reinsurance recoveries results in a mis-match to the gross payment (e.g. there is a delay in calculating and processing outwards amounts to "paid") then the unprocessed expected reinsurance recoveries would remain as outstanding (unsettled) reinsurance claims for a period of time. As with the current treatment, these recoveries would remain within technical provisions for Solvency II until this is processed as paid (and collection notices issued). For most agents, this would be the same as the current financial reporting/accounting basis. For the avoidance of doubt, any uncollected reinsurance recoveries in respect of reinsurance items booked as "paid" are not reported as technical provisions but as debtors. Hence, on ASR002, we would not expect any adjustments (relating to claims paid) within line 46 ‘Reinsurance receivables’ to technical provisions. The same principles would apply to any associated reinstatement or outwards adjustment premiums. This is consistent with the principle of correspondence in that technical provisions only include the expected reinsurance cash flows that relate to the expected (unsettled) gross claims on current obligations but recognising that, in practice, some reinsurance recoveries will see a lag between the gross and reinsurance claims being calculated and/or processed. Other assets and other liabilities These should be valued at fair value by discounting expected cash flows using a risk free rate. However, book value as per UK GAAP may be used as a proxy to the fair value for Solvency II balance sheet purposes where the impact of discounting is not material because the balances are due/payable within one year or amounts due/payable in more than one year are not material. Materiality should be determined in accordance with International Accounting Standards (IAS1) i.e. “Omissions or misstatements of items are material if they could, individually or collectively, influence the economic decisions that users make on the basis of the financial information. Materiality depends on the size and nature of the omission or misstatement judged in the surrounding circumstances.” Profit commission Where the profit under Solvency II would be different to that under UK GAAP, agents should recalculate the profit commission to reflect the change in the profit. Hence, the profit commission recognised in the Solvency II column should be based on the Solvency II profit. However, where the syndicate year is closing, there is no recalculation of the profit commission in respect of the closing year as distribution will be based on the QMA (UK GAAP result). However, the effect of Solvency II valuation differences on the liabilities accepted by the reinsuring year of account, either for the same or another syndicate, should be taken into account when calculating the notional Solvency II profit commission for the reinsuring syndicate year. Funds in syndicate (FIS) Where a syndicate holds FIS, this should be reported within the respective investments lines i.e. ASR002, lines 7-29. The amount reported within these lines should agree with the respective total Solvency II amounts reported in the AAD230. 20 3.4 ASR220: Own Funds Purposeofform: This form provides a detailed overview of the syndicate’s own funds. This form is required for all reporting years combined. The syndicate should report funds in syndicate (FIS) in this form but funds at Lloyd’s (FAL) should be excluded. All items of own funds should be reported in Tier 1. If the managing agent considers that this is not appropriate, it should contact Lloyd’s, Line 1 – Members’ contributions: This is the amount of capital contributed by and held by syndicates. Only FIS should be reported on this line. FIS is Tier 1 (unrestricted), hence we would expect that only B1 is completed. Line 2 – Reconciliation reserve: The reconciliation reserve represents reserves (e.g. retained earnings), net of adjustments (e.g. foreseeable distributions). It also reconciles differences between the accounting valuation and Solvency II valuation. In the case of syndicates, the value on this line will equal members’ balances, less foreseeable distributions and FIS (if applicable). Line 3 – Other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above: This is the total of any items of basic own funds not identified above. We don’t expect syndicates to have any amount reported within this line. Line 5 – Total available own funds to meet the SCR: This is the total own funds of the syndicate, comprising basic own funds after adjustments plus ancillary own funds, that are available to meet the SCR. In the case of syndicates, this is the total amount of basic own funds. Line 6 – Total available own funds to meet the MCR: This is the total own funds of the syndicate, comprising basic own funds, that are available to meet the MCR. Line 7 – Total eligible own funds to meet the SCR: At least 50% of the SCR should be covered by Tier 1 own funds and a maximum of 15% may be covered by Tier 3. Also, restricted Tier 1 eligible funds to cover SCR cannot be more than 20% of the total Tier 1 funds used to cover SCR. The balance of the restricted Tier 1 funds may be included as Tier 2 funds. Lloyd’s expect that all syndicates’ own funds would fall under unrestricted Tier 1 funds. Line 8 – Total eligible own funds to meet the MCR: At least 80% of the MCR should be covered by Tier 1 eligible own funds with the balance being covered by Tier 2 basic own funds. Line 9 – Solvency Capital Requirement (SCR): This is the total SCR of the syndicate and should correspond to SCR amount reported in ASR522, line 10. Line 10 – Minimum Capital Requirement (MCR): This is the MCR of the syndicate and should correspond to the total MCR disclosed in ASR510, A24 or ASR511, A13 for non-life and life syndicates respectively. Line 13 – Excess of assets over liabilities: This amount should agree to the excess of assets over liabilities amount reported in ASR002, A89. Line 14 – Foreseeable distributions: This is the amount of distribution that has been approved by the managing agent’s Board but has not been made by the reporting date. Hence at the end of Q4, profit from the closing year should be reported within this line. For example, assuming that the reporting date is 31 December 2014 and the syndicate has 2012, 2013 and 2014 years of account, the expected distribution for 2012 should be reported within this line. The same treatment should be applied on the expected open year profit release, i.e. on the 2013 and 2014 reporting years. 21 Open/run-off years Open/run-off year profit release should be based on the lower of the syndicate UK GAAP solvency result as per QMA005, line 7 and Solvency II net balance i.e. QMC002 column C line 55 to 64 for the relevant reporting year of account. Where the UK GAAP solvency result has been improved by a positive adjustment to reflect exchange differences on technical provisions for solvency in respect of non-monetary items (QMA005 line 2) then this element of the result is not available for release. The lower amount determined as per above should be reported within line 14, foreseeable distributions. However, this should only be where the syndicate is planning to have an open/run-off year profit release i.e has indicated “NO” on QMA101 and has provided a signed QMA923 for the respective open year(s). Closed year Closed year profit release should be based on the syndicate’s UK GAAP result as per QMA360, A5, but adjusted for “three year funded adjustments” as per QMA102, D54. This amount should be reported within line 14, foreseeable distributions. Line 15 – Other basic own fund items: This is the sum of “members’ contributions (Funds in syndicate – FIS) (line 1)” and “other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above (line 3)”. Line 16 – Restricted own fund items due to ring fencing: We do not expect any amounts reported within this line. Line 18 & 19 – Expected profits included in future premium (EPIFP) – Life/non-life: These are the expected profits included in future premiums and that are recognised in technical provisions. Only one line is expected to be completed i.e. either line 18 or line 19 for life and non-life respectively. However, where a non-life syndicate has annuities stemming from non-life insurance contracts, line 18 should also be completed with EPIFP from these insurance contracts. The following is the definition of EPIFP split between incepted and unincepted business: For incepted business: take the future premium relating to incepted business (net of acquisition costs and reinsurance), and subtract the anticipated net claims and expenses, related to this future premium only. These anticipated net claims are not the same as the incepted net insurance losses since these net insurance losses include anticipated losses in respect of premiums already received. Similarly for expenses. For un-incepted business: on the assumption that no premiums have been received for un-incepted business, simply take the un-incepted premium (net of acquisition costs and reinsurance) within the premium provisions, and subtract the un-incepted net claims and expenses within the premium provisions. All the amounts should be determined on a Solvency II basis. Line 24 – Paid in - Members’ contributions (FIS) – Movement in the period: This is the amount of FIS that has been paid in and should agree to the amount reported in the QMA202. The balance b/fwd amount should be the same as the amount reported in the prior year’s QMA 202. The movement during the year as a result of additional/released capital or valuation differences should be reported under increase or reduction column, as appropriate. Line 25 – Called up but not yet paid in - Members’ contributions (FIS) – Movement in the period: This is any additional FIS that has been requested from members but has not been received by reporting date. 22 Line 27 – Difference in the valuation of assets: Solvency II requires that all assets are valued at fair value while under GAAP some assets could be valued at cost or amortised cost. For example, under GAAP receivables are valued at recoverable amount, but Solvency II requires that the expected recoverable amount should be discounted. Hence this would lead to a difference in valuation. The amount reported within this line is automatically calculated from the amounts reported in the balance sheet (ASR002). Line 28 – Difference in the valuation of technical provisions: Valuation of technical provisions is different under Solvency II compared to GAAP. Solvency II requires that technical provisions should be on a best estimate. Also under Solvency II, technical provision is based on a legal obligation basis i.e. unincepted contracts are included in the valuation of the best estimate. These are some of the differences, however for further details on Solvency II technical provisions, refer to Lloyd’s Solvency II guidance titled “Technical Provisions under Solvency II Detailed Guidance (March 2011 update)”. These instructions can be accessed through the following link: Solvency II Technical Provisions Guidance. The amount reported within this line is automatically calculated from the amounts reported in the balance sheet (ASR002). Line 29 – Difference in the valuation of other liabilities: Similar to assets, liabilities should be valued at fair value. Differences between valuation of other liabilities (excluding technical provisions) should be reported within this line. The amount reported within this line is automatically calculated from the amounts reported in the balance sheet (ASR002). Line 30 – Total of reserves and retained earnings from financial statements: This is the members’ balances as reported in the QMA002, C32 and financial statements. Where the members’ balances is a surplus (balance due to members), this should be reported as a positive amount but if it is a deficit (balance due from members), it should be reported as a negative amount. For syndicates with FIS, this amount should exclude the FIS amount as this is reported within line 33. Line 31 – Other: This is an analysis cell, hence all material amounts included in this cell must be separately listed in the analysis table (see section 2.9 ‘analysis cells’ above for details of materiality). The syndicate should report within this line any amount making up the excess of assets over liabilities that is not reported in lines 27-30. Lloyd’s does not expect any amount to be reported within this line. Hence where an amount is reported within this line, details of the amount should be provided on form 990. Line 33 - Excess of assets over liabilities attributable to basic own fund items (excluding the reconciliation reserve): This is basic own funds making up the excess of assets of liabilities other than retained earnings and valuation differences. In the case of syndicates with FIS, this will be the value of FIS, otherwise it will be nil for those syndicates with no FIS. Line 34 - Excess of assets: This should agree with the excess of assets over liabilities reported in ASR002 (A89) 3.5 ASR240: Non-life Technical Provisions (By line of business – Part A) Purposeofform: This form reports an overview of the non-life technical provisions by Solvency II line of business and split into main components; best estimate (gross and net), reinsurance recoverable, claims/premiums provisions and risk margin. This form is required for all reporting years combined and the amounts should be discounted. Calculation of the best estimate should be in accordance with Solvency II principles and as detailed in the Lloyd’s Solvency II guidance titled “Technical Provisions under Solvency II Detailed Guidance (March 2011 update)”. These instructions can be accessed through the following link: Solvency II Technical Provisions Guidance. Technical provisions calculated as whole: This is the amount of technical provisions in the case of replicable or hedgeable (re)insurance obligations, as defined in Article 77.4 of the Framework Directive. The best estimate and risk margin are calculated together where future cash flows associated with the 23 (re)insurance obligations can be replicated reliably using financial instruments for which a reliable market value is observable. In this case, the value of technical provisions should be determined on the basis of the market value of those financial instruments. Lloyd’s does not expect syndicates to calculate technical provisions as a whole, however, where a syndicate has transferred its liabilities to another syndicate through RITC and the technical provisions transferred cannot be split into best estimate and risk margin, the price payable can be considered to be the market price of the technical provisions and hence should be reported within “technical provisions calculated as a whole”. The valuation of the best estimate should be calculated separately in respect of premium provisions and claims provisions. Classification of business as direct business should be based on the insured i.e. insurance contracts issued to policyholder either directly by the syndicate or through an intermediary should be classified as “direct” business. This form requires reporting of technical provisions by Solvency II lines of business. Agents also submit similar information by risk codes, via the Technical Provisions Data return (TPD). To assist in the completion of this form, there is already an existing mapping between risk codes and Solvency II lines of business that was provided as part of the TPD reporting. This may be accessed via the following link:Risk code mapping to SII class of business The amounts reported in this form should agree to the amount reported in the balance sheet as follows: (i) Total technical provisions calculated as a whole (Q1) should be equal to ASR002 (A53+A57) (ii) Total gross best estimate (Q25) should be equal to ASR002 (A54+A58) (iii) Total Risk margin (Q27) should be equal to ASR002 (A55+A59) (iv) Total recoverable from RI (Q29) should be equal to ASR002, A38 3.6 ASR241: Non-life Technical Provisions (By line of business – Part B) Purposeofform: This form reports an overview of the premium and claims provisions cash out-flows and inflows and details of the number of homogeneous risk groups, by Solvency II line of business. This form is required for all reporting years combined. Article 80 of the Solvency II Directive requires that, “(re)insurance undertakings shall segment their insurance and reinsurance obligations into homogeneous risk groups and as a minimum by lines of business, when calculating their technical provisions”. Hence, where syndicates have segmented their business in homogeneous risks groups other than Solvency II lines of business, they are required to report on this form, the number of homogeneous risk groups per Solvency II line of business. The form also requires a split of cash flows used in the calculation of claims and premium provision. The cash in-flows should include future premiums (gross of acquisition costs) and receivables for salvage and subrogation while the cash out-flows should include claims, benefits and expenses. The net cash flows for each Solvency line of business should agree to the gross best estimate reported in ASR240 i.e. line 7 and 12 should agree to ASR240, lines 5 and 15 respectively. 24 Line 13 – Percentage of gross technical provisions calculated using simplified methods: The term "simplified method" refers to a situation where a specific valuation technique has been simplified in line with the proportionality principle, or where a valuation method is considered to be simpler than a certain reference or benchmark method. In practice, every method is likely to have some degree of simplification. The percentage of gross technical provisions calculated using simplified methods should include risk margin since technical provisions is defined as total of best estimate (including technical provisions calculated as a whole) and risk margin (as calculated and reported in form 240). The percentage should be reported as absolute positive amount. 3.7 ASR242: Non-life Technical Provisions (By Country) Purposeofform: This form reports the split of gross best estimate for direct business (excluding accepted reinsurance) by material countries. This form is required for all reporting years combined. Gross best estimate for different countries: Only the gross best estimate relating to direct business should be reported here i.e. excluding reinsurance accepted. Information is required by localisation of risk (i.e. country where the insured risk is based) for medical expenses, income protection, workers’ compensation, fire and other damage to property and credit suretyship lines of business. For all other lines of business, information is required by country of underwriting. Information is required on all countries representing up to 90% of the best estimate (direct business) with the rest reported in “other EEA” or “other non-EEA”. This materiality applies at Lloyd’s level and hence syndicates should report best estimate by either localisation of risk or country of underwriting for the following countries: United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Other EEA, United States of America, Australia, Bermuda, Canada, Japan, New Zealand and Other non-EEA, irrespective of materiality to the syndicate. The allocation should be done on a reasonable basis and should be used consistently year on year. The total per Solvency II line of business for all countries should agree to the sum of the amount (direct business) reported in ASR240, lines 2, 6 and 16. 3.8 ASR260: Assets and liabilities by currency Purposeofform: This form analyses assets and liabilities by currency. This form is required for all reporting years combined. The required materiality threshold for reporting this information for the insurer is that all currencies representing in aggregate up to 90% of both assets and liabilities (in Solvency II value) should be reported separately. Materiality has been determined at Lloyd’s level and there are 6+1 currencies that syndicates will be required to complete. These are: GBP, USD, EUR, CAD, AUD, JPY and OTHER. The syndicate must provide information for all these currencies, regardless of whether the currency is material for them or not. All these currencies should be reported unless where a syndicate has been given dispensation in the reporting of the Technical Provisions Data return (TPD). However, we would expect that syndicates will regularly review the relevancy of the dispensation, at least on an annual basis. The data based on the original currency should be converted into reporting currency (GBP) using the rate of exchange ruling at the end of the year and should be included in the appropriate/correct currency bucket. All other currencies (outside the 6 currencies listed above) should be converted to GBP and included as 25 “OTHER”. Please note that these currencies are based on the original currency rather than settlement currencies and the amounts should be reported in GBP. Where a syndicate has assets and liabilities in currencies other than the 6 listed currencies and these are material to them i.e. represent 20% or more of both assets and liabilities, these should be reported separately. Syndicates should not delete the 6+1 currencies already listed on the form and any additional currencies required should be selected on ASR026. However, where a syndicate has a currency that is not material and have been given a dispensation for currency reporting in the TPD, this dispensation may be applied when completing this form. The currency that is not required to be reported separately due to the dispensation should be included in the “OTHER” bucket. Lloyd’s expects that syndicates with dispensation should reassess the appropriateness of the dispensation on a regular basis (at least once a year). The amounts reported in this form in column H should agree with that reported in the balance sheet (ASR002) as per the mapping provided below: Assets Assets and liability by currency (ASR260) Balance Sheet (ASR002) Investments (other than assets held for index-linked and unitlinked funds) A30 Other assets within scope of AAD230 (other than index-linked and unit linked funds) A6+A35+A50 Assets held for index-linked and unit-linked funds A31 Reinsurance recoverables A43 Deposits to cedants and insurance and reinsurance receivables A44+A45+A46 Any other assets A1+A2+A3+A4+A5+A47+A48+A49+A51 Total assets A52 Liabilities Assets and liability by currency (ASR260) Balance Sheet (ASR002) Technical provisions (excluding index-linked and unit-linked funds) A56+A60+A64+A68 Technical provisions – index- linked and unit-linked funds A72 Deposits from reinsurers and insurance and reinsurance payables A77+A82+A83 Derivatives A79 Financial liabilities A80+A81 Contingent liabilities A74 Any other liabilities A73+A75+A76+A78+A84+A85+A86+A87 Total liabilities A88 26 3.9 ASR280: Life Technical Provisions Purposeofform: This form reports an overview of life technical provisions (TP) by Solvency II line of business. This form is required for all reporting years combined. The form should be completed by life syndicates, however non-life syndicates with annuities arising from non-life insurance contracts other health insurance should complete the form. Where applicable, the non-life syndicates should complete column H only, “annuities stemming from non-life insurance contracts and relating to insurance obligations other than health insurance obligations” and the life syndicates should complete all other relevant columns/lines of business. The segmentation required on this form should reflect the nature of the risks underlying the contract (substance), rather than the legal form of the contract (form). This form requires reporting of technical provisions by Solvency II lines of business. Syndicate have already been submitting similar information by risk codes, via the Technical Provisions Data return (TPD). To assist in the completion of this form, there is already an existing mapping between risk codes and Solvency II lines of business that was provided as part of the TPD reporting. This may be accessed via the following link:Risk code mapping to SII class of business Cash flows (out and in): These are discounted cash flows. Future expenses and other cash out- flows: As per Article 78(1) of the Directive, these are expenses that will be incurred in servicing insurance and reinsurance obligations, and other cash-flow items such as taxation payments which are, or are expected to be, charged to policyholders, or are required to settle the insurance or reinsurance obligations. Future premiums: These are cash-flows from future premiums and include premiums from accepted reinsurance business (gross of acquisition costs). Other cash in-flows: This does not include investment returns, which are not other cash-in flows for best estimate calculation purposes. The net cash flows for each Solvency line of business should agree to the gross best estimate i.e. line 17 should agree to line 2. The amounts reported in this form should agree to that reported in the balance sheet as follows: (i) Total technical provisions calculated as a whole (I1) should be equal to ASR002, A65 (ii) Total gross best estimate (I2) should be equal to ASR002, A66 (iii) Total risk margin (I9) should be equal to ASR002, A67 (iv) Total recoverable from RI (I7) should be equal to ASR002, A40 Line 18 – Percentage of gross technical provisions calculated using simplified methods: The term "simplified method" refers to a situation where a specific valuation technique has been simplified in line with the proportionality principle, or where a valuation method is considered to be simpler than a certain reference or benchmark method. In practice, every method is likely to have some degree of simplification. The percentage of gross technical provisions calculated using simplified methods should include risk margin since technical provisions is defined as total of best estimate (including technical provisions calculated as a whole) and risk margin. The percentage should be reported as absolute positive amount. 27 3.10 ASR281: Life Gross Best Estimate by Country Purposeofform:This form reports an overview of life gross best estimate by country. This form is required for all reporting years combined. The form should be completed by life syndicates, however, non-life syndicates with annuities stemming from non-life insurance contracts and relating to insurance obligation other than health insurance obligations should also complete this form. They should complete row 3, “annuities stemming from non-life insurance contracts and relating to insurance obligation other than health insurance obligations”. The life syndicate will be required to complete all other relevant lines of business. This should be both direct and accepted reinsurance business. Gross best estimate for different countries: On an annual basis, information is required on all countries representing up to 90% of the best estimate with the rest reported in “other EEA” or “other non-EEA”. This should be reported based on the location where the risk was underwritten. Materiality applies at Lloyd’s level and hence syndicates should report information for the following countries: United Kingdom, Norway, Italy, Other EEA, United States of America, Japan and Other non-EEA, irrespective of materiality to the syndicate. The allocation should be done on a reasonable basis and should be used consistently year on year. The total per Solvency II line of business for all countries should agree to the sum of the amount reported in ASR280, lines 1 and 2. 3.11 ASR283: Health SLT Technical Provisions Purposeofform: This form reports an overview of health SLT technical provisions (TP) by Solvency II line of business. This form is required for all reporting years combined. The form should be completed by life syndicates, however non-life syndicates with annuities arising from non-life insurance contracts relating to health insurance should also complete this form. Where applicable, the non-life syndicates should complete column E only, “annuities stemming from non-life insurance contracts and relating to health insurance obligations” and the life syndicates should complete all other relevant columns/lines of business. SLT means: Similar to life techniques. The segmentation required on this form should reflect the nature of the risks underlying the contract (substance), rather than the legal form of the contract (form). Cash flows (out and in): These are discounted cash flows. Future expenses and other cash out-flows: As per Article 78(1) of the Directive, these are expenses that will be incurred in servicing insurance and reinsurance obligations, and other cash-flow items such as taxation payments which are, or are expected to be, charged to policyholders, or are required to settle the insurance or reinsurance obligations. Future premiums: These are cash-flows from future premiums and include reinsurance premiums. Other cash in-flows: This does not include investment returns, which are not other cash-in flows for best estimate calculation purposes. The net cash flows for each Solvency line of business should agree to the gross best estimate i.e. line 17 should agree to line 2. The amounts reported in this form should agree to that reported in the balance sheet as follows: (i) Total technical provisions calculated as a whole (F1) should be equal to ASR002, A61 (ii) Total gross best estimate (F2) should be equal to ASR002, A62 28 (iii) Total Risk margin (F9) should be equal to ASR002, A63 (iv) Total recoverable from RI (F7) should be equal to ASR002, A39 Line 18 – Percentage of gross technical provisions calculated using simplified methods: The term "simplified method" refers to a situation where a specific valuation technique has been simplified in line with the proportionality principle, or where a valuation method is considered to be simpler than a certain reference or benchmark method. In practice, every method is likely to have some degree of simplification. The percentage of gross technical provisions calculated using simplified methods should include risk margin since technical provisions is defined as total of best estimate (including technical provisions calculated as a whole) and risk margin. The percentage should be reported as absolute positive amount. 3.12 ASR284: Health SLT Gross Best Estimate by Country Purposeofform:This form reports an overview of health SLT gross best estimate by country. This form is required for all reporting years combined. The form should be completed by life syndicates, however non-life syndicates with annuities arising from non-life insurance contracts relating to health insurance should also complete this form. Where applicable, the non-life syndicates should complete row 3 only, “annuities stemming from non-life insurance contracts and relating to health insurance obligations” and the life syndicates should complete all other relevant lines of business. This should be both direct and accepted reinsurance business. Gross best estimate for different countries: On an annual basis, information is required on all countries representing up to 90% of the best estimate with the rest reported in “other EEA” or “other non-EEA”. This should be reported based on the location where the risk was underwritten. Materiality applies at Lloyd’s level and hence syndicates should report information for the following countries: United Kingdom, Norway, Italy, Other EEA, United States of America, Japan and Other non-EEA, irrespective of materiality to the syndicate. The allocation should be done on a reasonable basis and should be used consistently year on year. The total per Solvency II line of business for all countries should agree to the sum of the amount reported in ASR283, lines 1 and 2. 3.13 ASR510: Minimum Capital Requirement – Non-life Purposeofform: This form provides details of the input and output of the minimum capital requirement (MCR) calculation. This form is required for all reporting years combined. The calculation of the MCR combines a linear formula with a floor of 25% and a cap of 45% of the SCR. The MCR is subject to an absolute floor, expressed in euro, depending on the nature of the undertaking (as defined in Article 129 (1) (d) of the Solvency II Directive). However, these will not apply at syndicate level and the reported MCR reported on this form will be the result of applying set factors to the net technical provisions (excluding risk margin) and net written premiums. The written premiums should be for the preceding 12 months to the reporting date and should be net of reinsurance premiums ceded which corresponds to these premiums. The definition for written premium in the draft delegated acts is as follows: 29 'written premiums' means, in relation to a specified time period, the premiums due to an insurance or reinsurance undertaking during that time period regardless of the fact that such premiums may relate in whole or in part to insurance or reinsurance cover provided in a different time period’ The above definition is not GAAP but rather on a cash flow basis. Hence if bound but not incepted contracts (BBNI) are due during the period under consideration, then these should be considered as written premium, for example: Full Premium (£m) Due by 2014 Year End (£m) Due after 2014 Year End (£m) 2014 YoA (Incepted by 2014 year end) 25 20 5 2014 YoA (Unincepted by 2014 year end) 75 50 25 2015 YoA (Unincepted by 2014 year end) 15 10 5 Total 115 80 35 The written premium on a UK GAAP basis would be £25m (the top left most cell). The written premium on a Solvency II basis is only the amounts due to be received (whether received or not) in the 2014 calendar year and this would be £80m. The technical provisions should be net of reinsurance recoverables and should be without the risk margin (i.e. sum of the net best estimate and technical provisions calculated as a whole should be used). The net technical provisions amount (by Solvency II lines of business) reported in the form should agree to the amount per corresponding lines of business as reported in ASR240, lines 1 and 26 (where the amounts reported in ASR240 are positive). Hence the total net technical provisions should agree to sum of ASR240, Q1 plus ASR240, Q26. Line 19 – SCR: This should agree to the SCR amount reported in ASR522, D10. Lines 20 & 21 – MCR cap and floor: MCR should fall between 25% (floor) and 45% (cap) of the syndicate’s SCR as reported on line 19. Line 23 – Absolute floor of the MCR: MCR reported shall have an absolute floor of: (i) EUR 2,500,000 for non-life insurance undertakings, including captive insurance undertakings, save in the case where all or some of the risks included in one of the classes 10 to 15 listed in Part A of Annex 1 of the Solvency II Directive are covered, in which case it shall be no less than EUR 3,700,000. Refer to Appendix 1 for the classes of business listed in Annex 1, Part A (ii) EUR 3,700,000 for life insurance undertakings, including captive insurance undertakings (iii) EUR 3,600,000 for reinsurance undertakings, except in the case of captive reinsurance undertakings, in which case the MCR shall be no less than EUR 1,200,000 We would expect that most non-life syndicates will be writing at least one of the classes 10-15 and hence the expected absolute floor to be reported within line 23 would be EUR 3,700,000. The amount should be translated to GBP using the closing rate at the end of the period. 30 3.14 ASR511: Minimum Capital Requirement – Life Purposeofform: This form provides details of the input and output of the minimum capital requirement (MCR) calculation. This form is required for all reporting years combined. The technical provisions should be net of reinsurance recoverables and should be without the risk margin (i.e. sum of the net best estimate and technical provisions calculated as a whole should be used). The net technical provisions amount (by Solvency II lines of business) reported in the form should agree to the amount per corresponding lines of business as reported in ASR280/ASR283, lines 1 and 8 (where amounts reported in ASR280 and ASR283 are positive). The non-life syndicates with annuities arising from non-life insurance contracts should also report in this form MCR arising from these contracts. Hence, relevant amounts should be reported within lines 4 and 5. Syndicates are not expected to be writing with profit and unit linked insurance contracts, hence lines 1 to 3 should be zero. Capital at risk for all life (re)insurance obligations: This is the total capital at risk in relation to all contracts that give rise to life insurance or reinsurance obligations, equivalent to total sum insured less the value of technical provisions for such contracts. Line 8 – SCR: This should agree to the SCR amount reported in ASR522, D10. Lines 9 & 10 – MCR cap and floor: MCR should fall between 25% (floor) and 45% (cap) of the syndicate’s SCR as reported on line 8. Line 23 – Absolute floor of the MCR: MCR reported shall have an absolute floor of: (iv) EUR 2,500,000 for non-life insurance undertakings, including captive insurance undertakings, save in the case where all or some of the risks included in one of the classes 10 to 15 listed in Part A of Annex 1 of the Solvency II Directive are covered, in which case it shall be no less than EUR 3,700,000. Refer to Appendix 1 for the classes of business listed in Annex 1, Part A (v) EUR 3,700,000 for life insurance undertakings, including captive insurance undertakings (vi) EUR 3,600,000 for reinsurance undertakings, except in the case of captive reinsurance undertakings, in which case the MCR shall be no less than EUR 1,200,000 We would expect that life syndicates would report the absolute floor of the MCR (line 12) as EUR 3,700,000 but translated to GBP using the closing rate at the end of the period. 3.15 ASR522: Solvency Capital Requirement – for syndicates on full internal models Purposeofform: This form reports the calculation of SCR using a full internal model. This form is required with respect to the prospective reporting year, for example, when reporting for the year end 2014, the reporting year to be indicated on the form should be 2015 as the SCR being reported would relate to business due to be written in 2015. The SCR should be the one year amount and also any capital add-on should be the one year amount. The risk components listed in the form are similar to those required in the Lloyd’s Capital Return (LCR). Hence the amount reported in this form, per risk component, should agree to the amount reported in the LCR submitted in September (including any agreed capital add-on) or a subsequent updated LCR that has been agreed with Lloyd’s. 31 The difference between gross and net SCR is the impact of loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions and deferred taxes. According to Article 108 of the Solvency II Directive, the only element to be considered as a “loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions” is the future discretionary benefits of insurance contracts. These two would not apply to syndicates, hence the gross and net SCR amounts should be the same. Modelling approach to calculation of loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions To identify modelling approach to a calculation of the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions, the following closed list of options should be used: Modelled and identifiable (MI) Modelled but not identifiable (MNI) Not modelled (NM) Depending on each case, the information reported in cells D1 to D5, G1 to G5 and E9 will vary as follows: If it is modelled and identifiable, the capital charge reported in D1 to D5 should be including this loss absorbing capacity (net SCR) while that reported in G1 to G5 should be excluding this loss absorbing capacity (gross SCR). Also, cell E9 should not be reported and an estimate of an adjustment should be reported in cell E8 for information only If it is modelled but not identifiable, the capital charge reported in D1 to D5 and G1 to G5 should be including this loss absorbing capacity (net SCR). Also, cell E9 should not be reported and an estimate of an adjustment will be reported in cell E8 for information only If it is not modelled, D1 to D5 and G1 to G5 will both be reported for the capital charge excluding this loss absorbing capacity, i.e. gross SCR and cell E9 will be reported. Modelling approach to calculation of loss absorbing capacity of deferred taxes To identify modelling approach to a calculation of the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions, the following closed list of options should be used: Modelled and identifiable (MI) Modelled but not identifiable (MNI) Not modelled (NM) Depending on each case, the information reported in cells D1 to D5, G1 to G5 and F9 will vary as follows: If it is modelled and identifiable, the capital charge reported in D1 to D5 should be including this loss absorbing capacity (net SCR) while that reported in G1 to G5 should be excluding this loss absorbing capacity (gross SCR). Also, cell F9 should not be reported and an estimate of an adjustment should be reported in cell F8 for information only If it is modelled but not identifiable, the capital charge reported in D1 to D5 and G1 to G5 should be including this loss absorbing capacity (net SCR). Also, cell F9 should not be reported and an estimate of an adjustment will be reported in cell F8 for information only If it is not modelled, D1 to D5 and G1 to G5 will both be reported for the capital charge excluding this loss absorbing capacity, i.e. gross SCR and cell F9 will be reported. Line 7 – Diversification: This is the total of the diversification within components calculated using the full internal model. 32 Line 11 – Capital requirement for business operated in accordance with Art. 4 of Directive 2003/41/EC (transitional): Directive 2003/41/EC (transitional) deals with activities and supervision of institutions for occupational retirement provision. This does not apply to syndicates hence we would not expect any amount to be reported within this line. Line 12 – Solvency capital requirement, excluding capital add-on: This should agree to the net SCR amount reported in the final LCR agreed with Lloyd’s. Line 13 – Capital add-ons: This is the amount of capital add-ons that had been agreed with Lloyd’s by the deadline date of submitting the return to Lloyd’s. Line 14 – Total amount of Notional Solvency Capital Requirements for ring fenced funds (other than those related to business operated in accordance with Art. 4 of Directive 2003/41/EC (transitional)): We do not consider to have any ring fenced funds at Lloyd’s, hence no amount should be reported within this line. Line 15 – Total amount of Notional Solvency Capital Requirements for remaining part: This is total SCR reported within line 10, less any amount that relates to ring fenced funds (line 14). Hence considering that no amount is expected to be reported within line 14, the amount reported within this line should agree to that reported within line 10. Line 16 – Diversification between ring fenced funds and between ring fenced funds and remaining part: We do not consider to have any ring fenced funds at Lloyd’s, hence no amount is expected within this line. Line 17 – Gross discretionary benefits: These are amounts of technical provisions without risk margin in relation to future discretionary benefits gross of reinsurance. Line 18 – Net discretionary benefits: These are amounts of technical provisions without risk margin in relation to future discretionary benefits net of reinsurance. Line 19 – Date of formal approval of internal model: This should be the date when the syndicates’ internal models are approved. This will be communicated once the Lloyd’s internal model process with PRA has been finalised, hence for interim reporting, please report this as 2014/12/31. 33 Section 4: form instructions for ANNUAL ASSET DATA 4.1 AAD010: Control page Purposeofform: This form collects/confirms basic information regarding the syndicate, including the syndicate number and managing agent. When you set up a return, you are required to enter a person as the contact for the return. Any queries on the return will be addressed to this person together with the person who clicks the action “sign off” prior to submission of the return. Each syndicate will have a return Administrator. The Administrator is responsible for adding/amending contact details for the return. Please ensure that all contact details are correct. Details can be updated via the ‘Admin’ link on the Core Market Returns menu. We do recognise, however, that persons signing off the return may not necessarily be those to whom queries should be sent to. If this is the case, please email Market Finance via, with details of an alternative contact who will be included on the queries distribution list relating to the syndicate. Due to the volume of data being reported in the Annual Asset Data (AAD), this return is asynchronous. Hence syndicates will not be able to view the forms as they appear on the specifications, but will get playback summaries of the information loaded into CMR. 4.2 AAD230: Investment Data – Portfolio List Purposeofform: This form collects a detailed list of investments and it provides a full vision of the risks in the investment portfolio. This form is required for all years combined. All types of investments (including bank deposits and deposits relating to reinsurance accepted) should be reported in this form. However, derivatives are not included in this form because they are required to be completed in specific form i.e. AAD233 for open derivatives. In the case of investment funds, these should be included in this form at a total level and not on a look-through basis, as the look-through is reported on AAD236 i.e. only one line per fund should be reported on this form. All investments, other than the ones listed below, should be reported individually, per ID code. However, in the case of following assets: Cash and deposits (CIC XT71, XT72, XT73, XT74 & XT79), only one line per pair (bank and currency) should be reported Deposits to cedants (CIC XT75), only one line per counterparty should be reported Mortgage and loans (CIC XT8#); for mortgages & loans to individuals, including loans on policies, there should be only two lines, one line regarding loans to senior management and another regarding loans to other individuals without distinction between individuals This form will be used for collecting information required for the Lloyd’s Internal Model (LIM) as well as for reporting to the PRA. To ensure that adequate information for LIM is available, the original EIOPA template has been tailored to include fields to collect information on funds in syndicate (FIS). The two fields that have been added are market value (Non-FIS) and market value (FIS). 34 Lloyd’s managed and cash sweep investment funds Lloyd’s are proposing (subject to agreement with the PRA) that funds managed by Lloyd’s Treasury & Investment Management (LTIM) (ASL, Overseas Trust Funds and PTF Commingled Funds) and the primary sweep accounts will be reported as investment funds in AAD 230 with full look-through information provided by Lloyd’s in AAD236. When reporting these investments please include as a single line entry on both the AAD 230 and 236; classifying the “Level of look-through” as “O” and the “CIC” as “XL39” on the 236. Refer to the AAD 230 and 236 Lloyd’s managed investment fund (LMIF) templates on the AAD/QAD FAQ document for detailed information on how to report these investments. The templates provide the correct data for all the AAD fields; syndicates will only need to add their total valuation for each fund (please remember that all the valuations must be reported in GBP). The complete list of underlying assets will then be applied by Lloyd’s upon submission. Please use the LMIF ID Codes as per the below tables and note that these fund codes should only be used for trust fund assets managed by Lloyd’s Treasury & Investment Management (LTIM) (ASL, Overseas Trust Funds and PTF Commingled Funds). All other syndicate assets within your trust funds should be reported as directly held investments i.e. individual securities should be reported only in AAD230 and investment funds should be reported as a single line in AAD230 and lookthrough in AAD236. Additional Securities Limited (ASL) LMIF Investment Fund Name ASLAU0001 ASL – Australia ASLBS0001 ASL – Bahamas ASLBR0001 ASL – Brazil ASLKY0001 ASL - Cayman Islands ASLGD0001 ASL – Grenada ASLHK0001 ASL - Hong Kong ASLNA0001 ASL – Namibia ASLSG0001 ASL – Singapore ASLVC0001 ASL - St Vincent & Grenadines ASLCH0001 ASL – Switzerland ASLTT0001 ASL – Trinidad The ASL Lloyd’s Asia and ASL Singapore assets are managed together and should therefore be combined in your submission under ASL Singapore (ASLSG0001) 35 Overseas Securities Trust Funds (OSTF) LMIF Investment Fund Name AJATF2001 Australian JATF(2) ATF000001 Australian Trust Fund CMF000001 Canadian Margin Fund ITF000001 Illinois Trust Fund JATFRE001 JATF Reinsurance JATFSL001 JATF Surplus Lines KJATF0001 Kentucky JATF KTF000001 Kentucky Trust Funds SATTF0001 South Africa Transitional Fund SATF00001 South Africa Trust Fund PTF Commingled Funds LMIF Investment Fund Name PTFCA0001 Canadian PTF Commingled Account LCBACA001 LCBA CAD Commingled Account LCBAUS001 LCBA USD Commingled Account LDTF00001 LDTF Commingled Account PTFEU0001 PTF EURO Commingled Account PTFGBP001 PTF Sterling Commingled Account Cash Sweep Investment Funds LMIF Investment Fund Name FIERACAD1 FIERA Canadian Dollar Short Term Blended Investment Account (RBC Sweep) FIERAUSD1 FIERA US Dollar Short Term Blended Investment Account (RBC Sweep) WALF00001 Western Asset (US Dollar) Liquidity Fund (WALF) previously Citi Institutional Liquidity Fund (CILF) WAICR0001 Western Asset Institutional Cash Reserves (WAICR) previously Citi Institutional Cash Reserve (CICR) 36 Investments issued by government agencies or issued with a government guarantee and private equity investments The definition provided by EIOPA on government bonds includes “bonds issued by public authorities, whether by central governments, supra-national government institutions, regional governments or municipal governments”. This definition does not include agency and government guaranteed bonds, therefore Lloyd’s expects these assets to be classified as corporate bonds (CIC ##2#) and reported as such until further clarification is received from EIOPA/PRA. In addition, EIOPA does not provide specific CIC sub-categories for investments issued by government agencies, investments issued with a government guarantee, reverse repurchase agreements or private equity investments, but Lloyd’s requires these assets to be identified for modelling purposes. Therefore, please complete the Issue type field for agency, government guaranteed instruments, reverse repurchase agreements and private equity investments as per the below table. Asset Type Issue Type Agency AGENCY Government Guaranteed GOVTGTD Private Equity PRIVEQ Reverse Repurchase Agreements REVREPO Other NA For reverse repurchase agreements, Lloyd’s also requires syndicates to identify the asset type of the collateral; when reporting a reverse repurchase agreement in AAD230, the CIC field should be completed using the asset class of the collateral. When reporting a reverse repurchase agreement in AAD 236 the CIC and the Underlying asset category fields should also be completed using the asset class of the collateral. Supra-national bonds These are bonds issued by public institutions established by a commitment between national states, e.g. issued by a multilateral development bank as listed in Annex VI, Part 1, Number 4 of the Capital Requirements Directive (2006/48/EC) or issued by an international organisation listed in Annex VI, Part 1, Number 5 of the Capital Requirements Directive (2006/48/EC). These are: Multilateral banks International Bank for Reconstruction and Development International Finance Corporation Inter-American Development Bank Asian Development Bank African Development Bank Council of Europe Development Bank Nordic Investment Bank Caribbean Development Bank European Bank for Reconstruction and Development European Investment Bank European Investment Fund 37 Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency. International organisations European Community International Monetary Fund Bank for International Settlements. Portfolio: This should be reported as either Life (L) or Non-life (NL) depending on the type of syndicate. Fund number: This is applicable to assets held in ring-fenced or other internal funds (defined according to national markets). This number should be consistent over time and with the fund number in ASR288, column F. Lloyd’s does not consider there to be any ring-fenced or internal funds, hence this field should be left blank. Asset held in unit linked and index linked funds (Y/N): There are two options for reporting i.e. “Y” or “N” and since syndicates do not write unit linked and index linked contracts, the option to be reported should be “N”. ID code: All assets reported in AAD230 should be allocated a unique ID code and where there are multiple holdings of the same asset these should be aggregated and reported as one line. The ID code should be ISIN if available, other recognised code (CUSIP, CINS, Sedol, Bloomberg ticker etc.) or the syndicate’s specific code if nothing else is available. In the case of cash at bank, the bank account number may be used as ID code. Where this is not possible, a unique ID should be allocated and this should be used in all future submissions. In the case of investment funds, the ID code reported in this form should be the investment fund code (LMIF code if the fund is a Lloyd’s Treasury & Investment Management (LTIM) fund or a cash sweep investment fund) and, for the same investment fund, this code should be the same as the investment fund code reported in AAD236. ID code type: Type of ID Code used for the “ID Code” item and should be one of the following: ISIN, CUSIP, CINS, Bloomberg, LMIF, undertaking specific and other. This is presented in the CMR as a closed list and it is included in the reference data. For each investment fund, the ID code type reported on this form should be the same as the Investment fund code type reported in AAD236. Assets pledged as collateral: This identifies assets in the balance sheet that have been pledged as collateral, i.e. collateral pledged (CP), collateral for reinsurance accepted (CR), collateral for securities borrowed (CB), repos (R) and not applicable (NA). For partially pledge assets two lines for each asset should be reported, one for the pledged amount and other for the remaining part. Security title: This is the name of the security and it is not applicable for mortgages and loans on individuals within CIC category 8 (Mortgages and Loans) as these are not required to be reported individually, and for Plant and Equipment (CIC XT95). For cash in hand and cash at bank, the security title may be referred to as “cash in hand” and “cash at bank” respectively. Issuer name: An issuer is defined as the entity that offers securities representing parts of its capital, debt, derivatives etc., for sale to investors. For investment funds, the issuer name is the name of the funds manager. This is not applicable for mortgages and loans on individuals within CIC category XT8# (Mortgages and Loans), as these are not required to be reported individually, and for Property (CIC category XT9#). Issuer code: This should be completed with legal entity identifier (LEI) or interim entity identifier (PRE-LEI). LEI is a unique identifier (20-digit, alpha-numeric code) associated with a legal person or structure that is organised under the laws of any jurisdiction (excluding natural persons) and created in accordance with the 38 international standard ISO 17442. LEIs will enable consistent and unambiguous identification of parties to financial transactions, including non-financial institutions. The Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) initiative is designed to create a global reference data system that uniquely identifies every legal entity or structure, in any jurisdiction, that is party to a financial transaction. Endorsed by the G20, the establishment of a Global LEI System (GLEIS) is critical to improving measurement and monitoring of systemic risk. Global, standardised LEIs will enable regulators and organisations to more effectively measure and manage counterparty exposure while also resolving long standing issues on entity identification across the globe. To aid global allocation of LEIs, Local Operating Units (LOUs) have been formed and must be sponsored by local regulators to assign and maintain LEIs to firms on a cost recovery basis. While the GLEIS is being developed official Pre-LOUs have been introduced to provide an interim solution. As with the proposed official GLEIS model, Pre-LEIs are allocated by Pre-LOUs according to the agreed international standard which outlines the structure and minimum data record requirements. In the UK, the London Stock Exchange has been endorsed by the Regulatory Oversight Committee (ROC) as an authorised Pre-LOU for the global allocation of LEIs. Where a code does not exist, syndicates should leave this field blank. Issuer code type: This is the type of issuer code i.e. LEI or PRE-LEI. Where the issuer code field was left blank because the code does not exist, “NA” should be reported in this field. Issuer sector: This is the economic sector of the issuer of the security and should be based on the latest version of the NACE code. The letter reference of the NACE code identifying the section should be used as a minimum for identifying sectors, for example, “A” or “A.01.11” would be acceptable except for NACE relating to financial and insurance activities for which the letter identifying the section followed by the 4 digits code for the class should be used (for example, “K.66.30” to denote “fund management activities”). This item is not applicable for CIC category 8, mortgages and loans (for mortgages and loans on individuals, as those assets are not required to be individualised), and CIC XT95, plant and equipment (for own use). Issuer group: This is the name of the ultimate parent undertaking of the issuer. For investment funds, the group relation is in relation to the fund manager. Issuer group code: This is legal entity identifier (LEI) or interim entity identifier (PRE-LEI). Where a code does not exist, syndicates should leave this field blank. Issuer group code type: This is the type of the issuer group code i.e. LEI or PRE-LEI. Where the issuer group code field was left blank because the code does not exist, “NA” should be reported in this field. Issuer country: This is the country where the legal seat of issuer is located. For investment funds, the country is relative to the funds manager. The legal seat, for this purpose, should be understood as the place where the issuer head office is officially registered, at a specific address, according to the commercial register (or equivalent). The International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) alpha 2 codes should be used, i.e. two letter country codes. For example, “US” to denote United States, except for supranational issuers and European Union institutions where “XA” and “EU” should be used respectively. Country of custody: This is the ISO code of the country where undertaking assets are held in custody. For identifying international custodians (e.g. Euroclear), the country of custody will be the one corresponding to the legal establishment where the custody service was contractually defined. Where there are multiple custodians, the country of the biggest custodian should be reported i.e. one that holds securities with the highest value. 39 Currency (ISO code): This is the currency of the issue and the code should be the ISO code as defined in ISO 4217 alphabetic code, for example, USD for US dollars. CIC: This refers to Complementary Identification Code (CIC) and it is the EIOPA Code used to classify securities. See Appendix 1 for the CIC table. When classifying an asset using the CIC table, syndicates should take into consideration the most representative risk to which the asset is exposed. The code should comprise of four characters, for example, ES15 denoting, treasury bonds listed in Spain. When identifying the location of the asset, the country ISO code where the asset is traded should be used. When determining CIC for supranational issuers and European Union institutions “XA” and “EU” should not be used, but instead the country ISO code where the security is traded/listed should be used. If this is traded in more than one country, then the country used for valuation reference should be used. Participation: This is defined in article 13(20) of the Solvency II Directive as “ownership, direct or by way of control, of 20% or more of the voting rights or capital of an undertaking”. These are the five different criteria for classifying participation: the asset is not a participation (N) it is a participation but not consolidated at group level and not strategic (YNGNS) it is a participation not consolidated at group level but strategic (YNGS) it is a participation, consolidated at group level and not strategic (YGNS) it is a participation, it is consolidated at group level and is strategic (YGS) Lloyd’s would not be expecting any syndicate to have participations hence the expected selection is “N” External rating: This is the rating given by an external rating agency and is only applicable to CIC categories ##1#, ##2#, ##5# and ##6#. The syndicate must report the external rating (only the rating symbol, without any outlook) that in their perspective is best representative and used internally for SCR calculations. This field must always be populated, therefore where a security is not rated, “NR” should be reported. The rating reported should be as per the closed list provided in the CMR as part of the reference data. Rating agency: This is the rating agency giving the external rating and should be selected from a closed list provided in the CMR as part of the reference data. Similar to the external rating, where a security is not rated, “NR” should be reported. Duration: This is the ‘residual modified duration’ in years. For assets without fixed maturity the first call date should be used. It only applies to CIC categories ##1#, ##2#, ##42 (when applicable, e.g. for investment funds mainly invested in bonds), ##5# and ##6#. Quantity: This depends on the type of assets (e.g. number of shares for equity and investment funds). This is not applicable for CIC categories ##1#, ##2#, ##5#, ##6#, XT7#, XT8# and XT9#. Total par amount: This is a new field introduced in the template so as to separate quantity (for shares and investment funds) and par amount invested (for debt securities). This is the par value of debt securities i.e. CIC categories ##1#, ##2#, ##5# and ##6# and will be the same as the amount previously reported in the quantity field. Unit Solvency II price: This depends on the type of assets (amount in GBP for shares or units held in investment funds). This is not applicable for CIC categories ##1#, ##2#, ##5#, ##6#, XT7#, XT8# and XT9#. Percentage of par Solvency II value: This is a new field introduced in the template in line with the introduction of the total par amount field. This is the percentage of market value/par value (only for CIC 1,2,5 and 6) and is similar to the unit Solvency II price previously reported for debt securities (note that this field 40 should be completed as a percentage and not a ratio as previously reported in the unit Solvency II value). The market value should be the clean price (i.e. should not include accrued interest). For example, percentage of par Solvency II value for a corporate bond with a clean market price of £ 900 and a par value of £ 1,000 should be reported as 90. This is not applicable for CIC categories ##3#, ##4#, XT7#, XT8# and XT9#. Solvency II valuation method: Identify the valuation method used when valuing assets. This should either be one of the three options below: Quoted market price in active markets for the same assets (QMP) Quoted market price in active markets for similar assets (QMPS) Alternative valuation methods (AVM) Acquisition price: This is the acquisition price of each asset i.e. unit price per share/unit held in the investment fund. Where there are different acquisition prices due to acquisitions made at different dates, an average acquisition price must be used and consequently only one line is completed for one single asset, independently of having more than one acquisition. This is not applicable to CIC categories XT7# and XT8#. Total Solvency II amount: This is the Solvency II value of the investments and it corresponds to: Multiplication of “Quantity” by “Unit Solvency II price” plus “Accrued interest” (Quantity x Unit Solvency II price + Accrued interest) for the following CIC categories; ##3# and ##4#. It must also equal to the sum of Market value (Non-FIS), Market value (FIS) and Accrued interest; or Multiplication of “Total par amount” by “Percentage of par Solvency II value” plus “Accrued interest” (Total par amount x Percentage of par Solvency II value + Accrued interest) for the following CIC categories; ##1#, ##2#, ##5# and ##6#. It must also equal to the sum of Market value (Non-FIS), Market value (FIS) and Accrued interest. Maturity date: This is only applicable for CIC categories ##1#, ##2#, ##5#, ##6# and ##8# and corresponds always to the maturity date, even for callable securities. The date should be reported in ISO date format i.e. YYYY/MM/DD and for perpetual securities, the date should be reported as 9999/12/31. This date should be greater than the reporting end date. Accrued interest: This is the amount of interest that is to be received in future from each asset and it forms part of Total Solvency II amount. Market value (Non-FIS): This is the market value (clean value) of the securities held in the premium trust funds (PTFs) in respect of open and run-off reporting years of account. Where the valuation basis adopted in the QMA is the same as that required for Solvency II, the total market value (Non-FIS) should tie back to the amounts reported in the QMA201. Market value (FIS): This is the market value (clean value) of the securities held as, either separately or commingled within the syndicates PTFs, in respect of funds in syndicates (FIS). Where the valuation basis adopted in the QMA is the same as that required for Solvency II, the total market value (FIS) should tie back to the amounts reported in the QMA202. Where securities are commingled, that is, investments in respect of FIS and open/run-off years of account (Non-FIS) are not managed separately, only one entry per security should be reported with the amounts presented in the appropriate columns. Issue type: This is the means of identifying investments issued by a government agency, government guaranteed bonds and reverse repurchase agreements for capital modelling purposes. Please use the appropriate code as listed on page 37. If none of the specific options is applicable please report “NA”. 41 4.3 AAD233: Derivatives Data – Open Positions Purposeofform: This form reports information on all derivatives held by the syndicate. It provides information on risks and risk mitigating strategies followed through the use of derivatives. This form is required for all years combined. This includes all derivatives contracts that existed during the reporting period and were not closed prior to the end of the reporting period. Derivatives to be reported in this form are the ones directly held so please don’t include the ones held indirectly through investment funds or structured products. The value of the open contracts at the end of the reporting year should agree to ASR002, lines A27 and A79. Lloyd’s expect syndicates to report one line for each derivative, except for derivatives which have more than one currency as these derivatives should be split into the components and reported in different lines. Foreign exchange contracts, for example, should be populated as two entries (one for each currency); a long (buy) leg and a short (sell) leg. Worked examples of derivatives data reported on AAD233 are available in the AAD/QAD FAQ document (Valuation and Balance Sheet section of Portfolio: This should be reported as either Life (L) or Non-life (NL) depending on the type of syndicate. Fund number: This is applicable to assets held in ring-fenced or other internal funds (defined according to national markets). This number should be consistent over time and with the fund number in ASR288, column F. Lloyd’s does not consider there to be any ring-fenced or internal funds, hence this field should be left blank. Derivatives held in unit linked and index linked funds (Y/N): There are two options for reporting i.e. “Y” or “N” and since syndicates do not write unit linked and index linked contracts, the option to be reported should be “N”. ID code: This should be ISIN if available, other recognised code (CUSIP, Sedol, Bloomberg ticker etc.) or syndicate’s specific if nothing else is available. When a derivative is reported in multiple lines (e.g. a foreign exchange contracts reported in two lines, one for each leg) the same ID code should be used for all the related entries. ID code type: Type of ID Code used for the “ID Code” item and should be one of the following: ISIN, CUSIP, Bloomberg, undertaking specific and other. This is presented in the CMR as a closed list and it is included in the reference data. Counterparty name: This is the identification of the counterparty of the derivative contract (derivative exchange or the counterparty for OTC derivatives). Counterparty code: This is legal entity identifier (LEI) or interim entity identifier (PRE-LEI) i.e. an ISO code that identifies the counterparty. Where a code does not exist, syndicates should leave this field blank. Counterparty code type: This is the type of counterparty code i.e. LEI or PRE-LEI. Where the counterparty code field was left blank because the code does not exist, “NA” should be reported in this field. External rating: This is the rating of the counterparty given by an external rating agency and is only applicable to OTC or bespoken derivatives. The syndicate must report the external rating (only the rating symbol, without any outlook) that in their perspective is best representative and used internally for SCR calculations. This field must always be filled in, hence where a security is not rated, “NR” should be reported. Rating agency: This is the rating agency giving the external rating and should be selected from a closed list. Similar to the external rating, where a security is not rated, “NR” should be reported. Counterparty group: This is the name of the ultimate parent undertaking of the counterparty. 42 Counterparty group code: This is legal entity identifier (LEI) or interim entity identifier (PRE-LEI) i.e. an ISO code that identifies the ultimate parent undertaking of the counterparty. Where a code does not exist, syndicates should leave this field blank. Counterparty group code type: This is the type of counterparty group code i.e. LEI or PRE-LEI. Where the counterparty group code field was left blank because the code does not exist, “NA” should be reported in this field. Contract name: This is the name of the derivative contract. Asset or liability underlying the derivative: This is the asset or liability underlying the derivative contract. This should be reported in the form of the ID code and it should be provided for derivatives that have a single underlying instrument in the syndicate’s portfolio. Currency (ISO code): This is the currency of the derivative and should be presented as the ISO currency code, for example, CAD for Canadian Dollar. For derivatives that have more than one currency, it should be split into the components and reported in different lines. Foreign exchange contracts should be populated as two entries (one for each currency); a long (buy) leg and a short (sell) leg. CIC: This refers to Complementary Identification Code (CIC) and it is the EIOPA Code used to classify securities. Please see Appendix 1 for the CIC table. When classifying an asset using the CIC table, syndicates should take into consideration the most representative risk to which the asset is exposed to. The code should comprise of four characters, for example, FIC3 denoting, put option on currency listed in Finland. Use of derivatives: This describes the use of derivative i.e. micro / macro hedge (MI/MA), efficient portfolio management (EPM). Micro hedge refers to derivatives covering a single financial instrument, forecasted transaction or liability. Macro hedge refers to derivatives covering a set of financial instruments, forecasted transactions or liabilities. Delta: This measures the rate of change of option value with respect to changes in the underlying asset's price. This is only applicable to CIC categories ##B# and ##C# (Call and put options). Notional amount: This is the amount covered or exposed to the derivative. For futures and options, this corresponds to the contract size multiplied by the number of contracts; and for swaps and forwards, this corresponds to the contract amount. The notional amount refers to the amount that is being hedged / invested (when not covering risks). If several trades occur, this should be the net amount at the reporting date. Lloyd’s expect the notional amount to be reported always in GBP and as a positive value. When a derivative is reported in two or more lines (e.g. a foreign exchange contracts reported in two lines, one for each leg), the same GBP equivalent notional amount should be reported in both lines. Long or short position: A holder of a long position owns the security or notional amount at the contract inception, while a holder of a short position will own the security or the nominal amount at the end of the derivative contract. For derivatives that have more than one currency, the syndicates should report both the long (or buy) side of the derivative contract and the short (or sell) side in different lines. The long and short position for swaps is defined relatively to the notional amount. For interest rate swaps (CIC categories ##D1 and ##D3) the syndicate has to report one of the following: "FX-FL (fixed-for-floating)", "FX-FX (fixed-for-fixed)", “FL-FX (floating-for-fixed)” or "FL-FL (floating-for-floating)". 43 Premium paid/received to date: This is the amount received (if sold) or paid (if bought), for options and also up-front and periodical amounts paid / received for swaps, since inception. If the cost is zero, report “0”. Number of contracts: These are the number of derivative contracts in the portfolio and it should be the number of contracts entered into. The number of contracts should be the ones outstanding at the end of the period. Contract dimension: These are the number of underlying assets in the contract (e.g. for equity futures, it is the number of equities to be delivered per derivative contract at maturity, for bond futures it is the reference amount underlying each contract). This only applies to futures (CIC category ##A#) and options (CIC categories ##B# and ##C#). Trigger value: This is the reference price for futures, strike price for options, currency exchange rate or interest rate for forwards, etc. This is not applicable to interest rate and currency swaps. In the case of more than one trigger over time, report the trigger value during the reporting period. Unwind trigger of contract: This is to identify the event that causes the unwinding of the contract. Possible options are: B - bankruptcy of the underlying or reference entity F - adverse fall in value of the underlying reference asset R - adverse change in credit rating of the underlying assets or entity N - novation i.e. the act of replacing an obligation under the derivative with a new obligation or replacing a party of the derivative with a new party M - multiple events or a combination of events O - other events. Maximum loss under unwinding event: This is the maximum amount of loss if an unwinding event occurs and it should be reported as negative value. It is only applicable to CIC category ##F#. Swap outflow amount: This is the amount delivered under the swap contract, during the reporting period. It corresponds to the interest paid for interest rate swap (IRS) and amounts delivered for currency swaps, credit swaps, total return swaps and other swaps. It is only applicable to CIC category ##D#. Swap inflow amount: This is the amount received under the swap contract, during the reporting period. It corresponds to interest received for IRS and amounts received for currency swaps, credit swaps, total return swaps and other swaps. It is only applicable to CIC category ##D#. Swap delivered currency: This is the currency of the swap price and it should be in form of ISO currency code. This is only applicable for currency swaps (CIC ##D2) and interest rate and currency swaps (CIC ##D3). Swap received currency: This is the currency of the swap notional amount and it should be in form of ISO currency code. This is only applicable for currency swaps (CIC ##D2) and interest rate and currency swaps (CIC ##D3). Trade date: This is the date of the trade of the derivative contract. When various trades occur for the same derivative, only the first trade date of the derivative and only one line for each derivative (no different lines for each trade) should be reported. The date should be reported in ISO date format (YYYY/MM/DD). 44 Maturity date: This is the contractually defined date of close of the derivative contract, whether at maturity date, expiring date for options (European or American), etc. The date should be reported in ISO date format (YYYY/MM/DD). The maturity date is expected to be greater than the reporting end date. Duration: This is the residual modified duration of the underlying asset, in years, for derivatives for which a duration measure is applicable. Solvency II valuation method: This is the valuation method used when valuing assets. This should be one of the three options below: Quoted market price in active markets for the same assets (QMP) Quoted market price in active markets for similar assets (QMPS) Alternative valuation methods (AVM) Total Solvency II amount (Non-FIS): This is the market value of the derivatives (i.e. the value of the derivative contract and not of the underlying asset) held in the premium trust funds and can be positive, negative or zero. Derivative assets (profits) should be reported as positive while liabilities (losses) as negative values. When a derivative is reported in two or more lines (e.g. a foreign exchange contracts reported in two lines, one for each leg), the syndicate should report the total Solvency II amount (Non-FIS) on only one line i.e. either on the buy (L) side or on the sell (S) side. Total Solvency II amount (FIS): This is the market value of the derivatives (i.e. the value of the derivative contract and not of the underlying asset) held as funds in syndicates (FIS) and can be positive, negative or zero. Derivative assets (profits) should be reported as positive while liabilities (losses) as negative values. When a derivative is reported in two or more lines (e.g. a foreign exchange contracts reported in two lines, one for each leg), the syndicate should report the total Solvency II amount (FIS) on only one line i.e. either on the buy (L) side or on the sell (S) side. Total Solvency II amount: This is the market value of the derivative (i.e. the value of the derivative contract and not of the underlying asset) as of the reporting date and and it should be equal to the sum of Total Solvency II amount (Non-FIS) and Total Solvency II amount (FIS). It can be positive, negative or zero. Derivative assets (profits) should be reported as positive values while derivative liabilities (losses) as negative values. For every derivative Lloyd’s expect the total Solvency II amount (in absolute terms) to be lower than the notional amount. 4.4 AAD236: Investment Funds (look-through approach) Purposeofform: This form reports information for each investment fund at a security by security level. This form is required for all years combined. All the investment funds reported in the balance sheet (ASR002) and AAD230 should be reported in this form. The syndicate should ensure that reconciliation between this form, AAD230 and the balance sheet is carried out at a fund level as well as in aggregate. The level of look-through on investment funds should ensure that all material risks are captured. Solvency II requires this form to be reported at asset category level. However since this form is required for LIM purposes, additional fields (similar to those required in AAD230) have been added and the form will be required to be completed at security level. Look-through should be performed based on the following three options: 45 Standard (S): This is the security level look-through. Where there are a number of iterations of the lookthrough approach (for example, where an investment fund is invested in other investment funds), the number of iterations should be sufficient to ensure that all material market risks are captured. When performing a standard look-through, syndicates should report only one line for each underlying security, even if the underlying security is a derivative with more than one currency (e.g. a forward exchange rate agreement). In the case of derivatives that are part of an investment fund, these should not be reported in AAD233. Mandate (M): This option is acceptable where a full security level look-through is not possible. For collective investment schemes that are not sufficiently transparent, the investment mandate/fund’s prospectus guidelines should be used as a reference. It should be assumed that the scheme invests in accordance with its mandate in such a manner as to produce the maximum overall capital requirement Other (O): Where security level and mandate look-through options are not possible, funds should be treated as equity and classified as “Other”. This assumes a high level of investment risk and will always have a CIC of XL39. We also request that the option of “Other” is used when reporting those investments in Lloyd’s Treasury & Investment Management (LTIM) Funds (ASL, Overseas Trust Funds and PTF Commingled Funds) and the primary sweep accounts (as listed above previously). Lloyd’s will then apply the full “Standard” look-through on behalf of the syndicate. This means that for all investment funds reported with a level of look-through of “O”, only one line per fund should be reported on this form. Considering that this information is also being collected for LIM purposes, where possible, syndicates are required to use a security level look-through for investment funds and to refer to the investment mandate/prospectus if this is not possible. Please note that only one level of look-through per investment fund should be reported. Where there is a combination of standard and mandate look-through approaches within a single investment fund, please report the level of look-through as “M” mandate for the whole fund. Investment fund code: This should be ISIN if available, other recognised code (CUSIP, Sedol, Bloomberg ticker etc.) or syndicate’s specific if nothing else is available. LMIF code should be used if the fund is a Lloyd’s Treasury & Investment Management (LTIM) fund or a cash sweep investment fund. For each investment fund, the investment fund code reported on this form should be the same as the respective ID code reported in AAD230. Investment fund code type: Type of ID Code used for the “Investment fund Code” item and this should be one of the following: ISIN, CUSIP, Bloomberg, LMIF, undertaking specific and other. This is presented in the CMR as a closed list and it is included in the reference data. For each investment fund, the Investment fund code type reported on this form should be the same as the ID code type reported in AAD230. ID code: This is the ID code of the securities in which a fund is invested. This should be ISIN if available, other recognised code (CUSIP, CINS, Sedol, Bloomberg ticker etc.) or undertaking specific if nothing else is available. Where the level of look-through of a fund is “S” or “M”, Lloyd’s expect the ID codes to be the ID codes of the underlying securities and to be different from the investment fund code. There should be no duplicate ID codes reported within the same investment fund. Indicative ID codes can be used for “M” (e.g. FUNDXYEQTY, FUNDXYGOVT, etc…). Where the level of look-through is “O”, Lloyd’s expect the ID code to be the same as the investment fund code. ID code type: Type of ID Code used for the “ID Code” item and this should one of the following: ISIN, CUSIP, CINS, Bloomberg, LMIF, undertaking specific and other. This is presented in the CMR as a closed list and it is included in the reference data. 46 Security title: This is the name of the securities in which a fund is invested. For cash in hand and cash at bank, the security title may be referred to as “cash in hand” and “cash at bank” respectively. Where the level of look-through of a fund is “S” or “M”, security title should refer to the securities in which the fund is invested. Where the level of look-through is “O”, Lloyd’s expects the security title to be the name of the investment fund. Issuer group: This is the name of the ultimate parent undertaking of the issuer.Where the level of lookthrough of a fund is “S”, the issuer group should be the ultimate parent undertaking of the issuer of the securities in which a fund is invested. Where the level of look-through is “O” or “M”, the issuer group should be the ultimate parent undertaking of the fund manager. Issuer group code: This is legal entity identifier (LEI) or interim entity identifier (PRE-LEI). Where a code does not exist, syndicates should leave this field blank. Issuer group code type: This is the type of the issuer group code i.e. LEI or PRE-LEI. Where the issuer group code field was left blank because the code does not exist, “NA” should be reported in this field. External rating: This is the rating given by an external rating agency and is only applicable to CIC categories ##1#, ##2#, ##5# and ##6#. The syndicate must report the external rating (only the rating symbol, without any outlook) that in their perspective is best representative and used internally for SCR calculations. This field must always be populated, therefore where a security is not rated, “NR” should be reported. The rating reported should be as per the closed list provided in the CMR as part of the reference data. Rating agency: This is the rating agency giving the external rating and should be selected from a closed list provided in the CMR as part of the reference data. Similar to the external rating, where a security is not rated, “NR” should be reported. Duration: This is the ‘residual modified duration’ in years. For assets without fixed maturity the first call date should be used. It only applies to CIC categories ##1#, ##2#, ##5# and ##6#. Duration is expected to be zero when the level of look-through is “O”. CIC: This is the Complementary Identification Code (CIC) of the securities in which a fund is invested. Please see Appendix 1 for the CIC table. When classifying an asset using the CIC table, syndicates should take into consideration the most representative risk to which the asset is exposed. The requirement to provide “lookthrough” data to underlying exposures of mutual funds and investment funds means that the “investment funds” (CIC category ##4#) should not be used. In the case where no look-through is performed, i.e. level of look-through is reported as “O”, this is treated as equity other, and the reported CIC should be XL39. CIC for investment fund liabilities, where applicable, should be reported as “NA”. Underlying asset category: This identifies the securities categories present in the investment fund and these categories should be as defined in the CIC table. This should be the third character of the CIC. For example, government bonds should be reported as “1” and Structured notes as “5”. However, for equity, CIC category must be split between listed (3L) and non-listed (3NL). The investment fund’s liabilities should also be identified with (L). Where the Level of look-through is “O”, the underlying asset category should be “3NL”. Geographical zone of issue: This should show a breakdown of asset category by issuer geographical zone i.e. where the legal seat/head office of the issuer is located. This is to identify the geographical zone of the security category, using the following closed list of geographical zones: 47 EEA OECD (non-EEA) RoW (rest of the world) Currency (ISO code): This is the currency of the issue and the code should be the ISO code as defined in ISO 4217 alphabetic code, for example, USD for US dollars. Total Solvency II amount (Non-FIS): This is the Solvency II value (including accrued interest) of the securities held in the premium trust funds (PTFs), in respect of open and run-off reporting years of account. Where the valuation basis adopted in the QMA is the same as that required for Solvency II, the total Solvency II amount (Non-FIS) should tie back to the amounts reported in the QMA201 (plus respective accrued interest reported as receivable in the QMA). Total Solvency II amount (FIS): This is the Solvency II value (including accrued interest) of the securities held as, either separately or commingled within syndicates PTFs, in respect of funds in syndicates (FIS). Where the valuation basis adopted in the QMA is the same as that required for Solvency II, the total Solvency II amount (FIS) should tie back to the amounts reported in the QMA202 (plus respective accrued interest reported as receivable in the QMA). Where securities are commingled, that is, investments in respect of FIS and open/run-off years of account (Non-FIS) are not managed separately, only one entry per security should be reported with the amounts presented in the appropriate columns. Total Solvency II amount: This is the total Solvency II value (including accrued interest) of the securities and it should be equal to the sum of Total Solvency II amount (Non-FIS) and Total Solvency II amount (FIS). The “Total Solvency II amount” for each investment fund code reported on AAD236 should agree to the “Total Solvency II amount” for the corresponding ID code reported on AAD230. Hence the sum of “Total Solvency II amount” for all entries on AAD236 should equal the sum of “Total Solvency II amount” for all investment fund entries on AAD230 (i.e. where the third character of the CIC on AAD230 is “4”). Issue type: This is the means of identifying investments issued by a government agency, government guaranteed bonds and reverse repurchase agreements for capital modelling purposes. Please use the appropriate code as listed on page 37. If none of the specific options is applicable please use “NA”. Level of look-through: This indicates the level of look-through performed and selection should be as follows: Standard (S) – look-through is performed at security by security level Mandate (M) – where investment funds are not sufficiently transparent, investment mandates should be used Other (O) – If the above is not achievable, the funds should be reported as “equity other”. Depending on the level of look-through, some of the fields will not be required to be reported. Below is a table showing what fields are required to be completed under each level of look-through: All the fields (apart from “duration” that is not required when the level of look-through is “O”) are required to be completed. 48 Section 5: QUALITATIVE REPORTING 5.1 Introduction 5.1.1 This section covers qualitative reporting as at 31 December 2014. This is required to ensure Lloyd’s compliance with the EIOPA Guidelines on Pillar 3 reporting, as enacted for within the United Kingdom by the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) Supervisory Statement SS4/13. 5.1.2 EIOPA Guidelines on provision of information to national supervisory authorities introduce qualitative reporting – specifically on systems of governance, capital management and valuation of assets and liabilities – as part of the interim reporting. 5.2 Detailed application of the Guidelines on qualitative reporting to syndicates 5.2.1 Each syndicate shall be required to make a qualitative submission as at 31 December 2014 as part of its Pillar 3 interim reporting as at that date to Lloyd’s. 5.2.2 The submission must address each of Guidelines 21 to 32 (excluding Guideline 26) as set out in EIOPA’s Guidelines on Submission of Information to National Competent Authorities. 5.2.3 The objective of the interim qualitative information is to provide the supervisor with information on the insurer’s system of governance, capital management and valuation of assets and liabilities. The supervisor is interested in knowing the particular circumstances of each insurer in this respect. This is explained further in paragraph 5.14 of the PRA’s SS4/13, repeated below: ‘The guidelines … include information about the areas relating to the system of governance for firms and groups and capital management, in particular information on own funds and valuation for solvency purposes. The PRA expects firms to include information at a point in time, related to the submission reference date. Firms are also encouraged, where relevant, to indicate where further development is expected as part of the firm’s preparations for compliance with Solvency II. The PRA is willing to engage with firms to discuss how the firm’s developing Solvency II work in this area may be used to meet current regulatory requirements, or support work being done in ICAS+ or IMAP during the preparatory phase to reduce any potential for duplication.’ 5.2.4 For syndicates, the qualitative information should be prepared in accordance with the Guidance below. The Guidance tailors the requirements to Lloyd’s syndicates – there will be certain Guidelines which do not or are unlikely to apply to syndicates. 5.2.5 As noted above, the interim qualitative reporting covers system of governance, capital management and valuation of assets and liabilities. 5.2.6 System of governance (Guidelines 21 to 25 and 37) – it is expected that this material will already have been prepared and maintained by managing agents as part of their compliance with the Pillar 2 requirements in respect of system of governance. It is not expected that agents will need to prepare ‘new’ material specifically for this purpose however it should be updated to show the status, eg organisation chart, as at 31 December 2014. 5.2.7 Capital management (Guideline 28) – this covers details regarding the own funds of the syndicate. This will generally always be Tier 1 basic own funds and explanatory information is only required if this is not the case. 5.2.8 Valuation of assets and liabilities (Guidelines 29 to 32) – some of these requirements relate to the Solvency II valuation rules provided by Lloyd’s which are common to all syndicates. These are thus addressed at Lloyd’s level and do not need to be reported at syndicate level. However some of the 49 approaches, particularly regarding technical provisions, will be syndicate specific and analysis is required as described under each Guideline, below. 5.2.9 The submission of the qualitative information to Lloyd’s shall be made on a freeform document which should be submitted to Lloyd’s in PDF format as part of the Pillar 3 interim reporting i.e. as an attachment in ASR990. 5.2.10 The document should set out each Guideline as a heading. For each Guideline, there should be a brief description of how the requirements are covered. As set out in the detail below, most of the Guidelines will be covered by existing documentation maintained by the managing agent. Thus in this circumstance the explanation should reference the relevant supporting documents which should also be provided within the PDF file. 5.2.11 For managing agents which manage more than one syndicate, it is possible that elements of the qualitative submission may be identical across two or more syndicates. However, to facilitate review purposes, it is necessary for each syndicate’s submission to ‘stand alone’ in this respect, ie the elements of the submission common to more than one syndicate must be provided in each syndicate’s submission. 5.2.12 The qualitative disclosures must be reported on by the managing agent in the ASR910; the wording of this report reflects this. 50 Guideline 21: General governance requirements Requirement (1.72) Expectation from syndicates a) Information allowing the national competent authority to gain a good understanding of the system of governance within the undertaking, and to assess its appropriateness to the undertaking’s business strategy and operations. Article 41 (1) of the Solvency II Directive requires that: ‘Member States shall require all insurance and reinsurance undertakings to have in place an effective system of governance which provides for sound and prudent management of the business. That system shall at least include an adequate transparent organisational structure with a clear allocation and appropriate segregation of responsibilities and an effective system for ensuring the transmission of information. It shall include compliance with the requirements laid down in Articles 42 to 49. The system of governance shall be subject to regular internal review.’ This should already be the subject of documentation and review, and Lloyd’s would expect agents to be able to provide the following as evidence of their governance framework: • Organisational structure showing accountability – i.e. board, committees, decision making bodies and required functions (actuarial, internal audit, compliance, risk management) • Personnel organisation structure / function organisational charts – i.e. resources • Matters for the board including delegation to committees / decision making bodies • Terms of reference for the board and each committee / decision making body including Committee membership (with job title of the individual members) • Board and committee timetable – detailing dates and outline of agenda / matters to be discussed • Management information (MI) – summary details of the MI provided to the Board, committees and decision making bodies. The governance framework should clearly demonstrate where the following activities are being considered and decisions made: • Underwriting • Reinsurance • Claims • Reserving • Investment management 51 Requirement (1.72) Expectation from syndicates • Asset liability management • Liquidity and concentration management • Operational risk b) information relating to the undertaking's delegation of responsibilities, reporting lines and allocation of functions. These requirements should be addressed in respect of each committee, decision making body and required functions (actuarial, internal audit, compliance, risk management). This should have already been documented by the managing agent as part of its system of governance. c) The structure of the undertaking’s administrative, management or supervisory body, providing a description of their main roles and responsibilities and a brief description of the segregation of responsibilities within these bodies, in particular whether relevant committees exist within them, as well as a description of the main roles and responsibilities of key functions held by such bodies. An organisational structure should be provided showing accountability – ie board, committees, decision making bodies and required functions (actuarial, internal audit, compliance, risk management). Guideline 22: Fit and proper requirements Requirement (1.73) Expectation from syndicates a) a list of the persons in the undertaking, or external to the undertaking in the case that the undertaking has outsourced key functions that are responsible for key functions. This is self explanatory and should include those persons in post as at the reporting date. b) information on the policies and processes established by the undertaking to ensure that those persons are fit and proper. ‘Fit and proper’ policies and procedures should be in place for directors, senior staff and those holding key functions. Under Solvency II key functions are those considered critical or important in the system of governance and include at least the risk management, compliance, internal audit and actuarial functions. Other functions may be considered key functions according to the nature, scale and complexity of the business or the way it is organised. The following may be regarded as evidence of procedures to ensure the adequacy of skills and experience: Fit and Proper Policy Recruitment procedures Performance review/appraisal process Board evaluation process – including review and 52 Requirement (1.73) Expectation from syndicates mitigation Training and CPD. Guideline 23: Risk management system Requirement (1.74) Expectation from syndicates a) A description of the undertaking’s risk management system comprising strategies, processes and reporting procedures, and how it is able to effectively identify, measure, monitor, manage and report, on a continuous basis, the risks on an individual and aggregated level, to which the undertaking is or could be exposed. Article 41 (3) states that ‘Insurance and reinsurance undertakings shall have written policies in relation to at least risk management….’ The risk-management system shall cover at least the following areas: (a) underwriting and reserving; (b) asset–liability management; (c) investment, in particular derivatives and similar commitments; (d) liquidity and concentration risk management; (e) operational risk management; (f) reinsurance and other risk-mitigation techniques. Thus the managing agent should already have documentation in place which meets this requirement, notably a Risk Management Framework or Policy document. b) A description of how the risk management system including the risk management function are implemented and integrated into the organisational structure and decisionmaking processes of the undertaking. c) Information on the undertaking’s risk management strategies, objectives, processes and reporting procedures for each category of risk, with an explanation how these are documented, monitored and enforced. This simply covers documentation of the risk management function and how it fits into the organisational and operational structure of the managing agent. The following may be regarded as existing evidence in relation to this: Risk Management Framework, Strategy or Policy Individual Risk Category Policies This is simply the documentation setting out, for each category of risk, risk appetite and toleration, processes to monitor and control risk, reporting of actual outcomes and breaches against tolerances, and processes for taking remedial action to bring the risk back to within tolerance. This includes explaining the governance process, including responsibility for decision making, reporting lines and oversight. The following may be regarded as existing evidence in relation to this: 53 Requirement (1.74) d) Information on how the undertaking fulfils its obligation related to the 'prudent person principle' as set out in the Guidelines 22 to 30 on the System of Governance. Expectation from syndicates Risk Management Framework, Strategy or Policy Individual Risk Category Policies The ‘prudent person principle’ is set out in Article 131 of the Solvency II Directive. The managing agent should have a written investment policy which should demonstrate how the agent complies with these requirements. A managing agent must define its investment policy in line with what a competent, prudent and expert manager would apply in order to pursue the chosen investment strategy. The investment policy must: • Take into account the syndicate's business, its overall risk tolerance levels, long-term risk versus performance requirements, its solvency position and its gross and net underlying asset exposures. • If an agent uses derivative products or investment instruments with the characteristics of derivatives, its investment policy must take into account their purpose in the portfolio, their contribution to efficient portfolio management, the procedures in place to evaluate their suitability for purpose and the risk management principles applied. • Consider how to prudently manage liquidity risk in the short, medium and long term, taking into account investment strategy, underwriting strategy and claims management strategy • Include quantitative limits on assets or exposures, including off-balance sheet exposures. • Include special management, monitoring and control procedures, in particular in relation to investments not quoted in a market and to complex structured products. e) Information on how the undertaking verifies the appropriateness of credit assessments from external credit assessments institutions including how and the extent to which credit assessments from external credit assessments institutions are used. An agent’s risk management framework must be capable of identifying, mitigating and measuring credit risk, according to internally defined limits. Credit ratings should be monitored and probabilities of default evaluated, including for unrated exposures. Exposure to speculative assets should be limited and syndicates with significant exposure to assets bearing credit risk should be capable of hedging that exposure. The agent should have written policies, as part of their Risk Management System, which set out which external ratings agents are used to assist the agent in this function, the extent 54 Requirement (1.74) Expectation from syndicates to which reliance is place upon them, including whether their assessments are compared against internal assessments of the credit rating. Guideline 24: Internal control system Requirement (1.75) Expectation from syndicates a) A description of the undertaking’s internal control system. A managing agent’s internal control system must secure its compliance with applicable laws, regulations and administrative processes and the effectiveness and efficiency of operations in view of its objectives, as well as the availability and reliability of financial and non-financial information. The managing agent must have in place a suitable control environment, appropriate control activities, effective information and communication procedures and adequate monitoring mechanisms. The agent should already have documented this, most likely through an Internal Control Policy and should provide this information in response to this requirement. b) Information on the key procedures that the internal control system includes. This is documentation of the key processes that the agent operates within its internal control system. This is likely to be documented within an Internal Control Policy or broader Risk Management Framework documentation. c) A description of how the compliance function is implemented. Agents may provide the following as evidence of the role and operation of their compliance function: • Terms of reference / framework detailing the operation of the compliance function within the business eg unfettered access, reporting structure. • Compliance plan – this should detail the timetable of compliance activities undertaken by the function on a “risk based” approach • Compliance report to Board – should include report on compliance with laws, regulations and administrative provisions from regulators (including Lloyd’s) and possible impact of changes in the legal environment and the assessment of compliance risk. 55 Guideline 25: Additional information on system of governance Requirement (1.76) Expectation from syndicates Any other material information regarding the insurance and reinsurance undertaking’s system of governance. It is not expected that anything is reported here. Guideline 26: System of governance – groups (not applicable) Guideline 27: Governance structure Requirement (1.79) Expectation from syndicates An organisational chart indicating the positions of key function holders. This is self explanatory. ‘Key functions’ include at least the risk management, compliance, internal audit and actuarial functions. Guideline 28: Own funds Requirement (1.80/1.81) Expectation from syndicates 1.80 (a) A quantitative and qualitative explanation of any material differences between equity as shown in the undertaking’s financial statements and the excess of assets over liabilities as calculated for solvency purposes. The quantitative information can be addressed as a summary of information reported in the ASR002 showing the UK GAAP and Solvency II numbers. 1.80 (b) Information on the structure, amount and quality of basic own funds and ancillary own funds. For a syndicate, the excess of assets over liabilities, ie the amount attributable to members including funds in syndicate (FIS) will be Tier 1 basic own funds. The agent should provide a short narrative explanation as to the movement in equity, summarising these differences. This will be the same for every syndicate and thus the syndicate is not required to state this in this submission. If this is not the case, an explanation as to why the own funds do not meet this criteria, setting out which tiering they are assigned to and quantifying the amounts should be provided. 1.81 (a) How the group’s own funds have been calculated net of any intragroup transactions, including intragroup transactions with undertakings of other financial sectors. This is not applicable for a syndicate. 1.81 (b) The nature of the restrictions to the transferability and fungibility of own funds in the related undertakings, if any. This is not applicable for a syndicate. 56 Guideline 29: Valuation of assets Requirement (1.82) Expectation from syndicates a) Separately for each material class of assets, the value of the assets as well as a description of the bases, methods and main assumptions used for valuation for solvency purposes. The quantitative information can be addressed as a summary of information reported in the ASR002 showing the UK GAAP and Solvency II numbers. b) Separately for each material class of assets, a quantitative and qualitative explanation of any material differences between the bases, methods and main assumptions used by the undertaking for the valuation for solvency purposes and those used for their valuation in financial statements. The quantitative information can be addressed as a summary of information reported in the ASR002 showing the UK GAAP and Solvency II numbers. The agent should provide a short narrative explanation summarising these differences. The agent should provide a short narrative explanation summarising these differences. Guideline 30: Valuation of technical provisions Requirement (1.83/1.84) Expectation from syndicates 1.83 (a) Separately for each material line of business the value of technical provisions, including the amount of the best estimate and the risk margin, as well as a description of the bases, methods and main assumptions used for their valuation for solvency purposes. A quantitative summary of the technical provisions as described should be provided for each material line of business as used to run the syndicate (ie not necessarily the Solvency II classes of business) should be provided. If the syndicate’s ‘material lines of business’ are the same as the Solvency II classes of business then this should be referenced in the narrative, and a reference made to the ASR240 disclosures which in this case would not need to be repeated here. The qualitative description of the bases, methods and main assumptions used for their valuation for solvency purposes will be common to all syndicates and thus need not be provided at syndicate level. This shall be addressed in Lloyd’s qualitative reporting. However the agent should disclose any additional information regarding their valuation approach where relevant and material to assisting Lloyd’s in understanding this. 1.83 (b) A description of the level of uncertainty associated with the amount of technical provisions. This should be sourced from existing material prepared by the agent for instance in provision to the Board when approving the level of technical provisions. 1.83 (c) Separately for each material line of business, a quantitative and qualitative A quantitative summary of the technical provisions as described should be provided for each material line of business as used to run the syndicate (ie not necessarily the explanation of any material differences 57 Requirement (1.83/1.84) Expectation from syndicates between the bases, methods and main assumptions used by the undertaking for the valuation for solvency purposes and those used for their valuation in financial statements. Solvency II classes of business) should be provided. 1.83 (d) A description of the recoverables from reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles. This is a quantification of amounts recoverable (separately) from reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles by material line of business consistent with the quantitative analysis provided to address the above requirements. 1.84 Details of the relevant actuarial methodologies and assumptions used in the calculation of the technical provisions including details of any simplification used in the calculation of the technical provision, including deriving the risk margin and its allocation to the single lines of business and including a justification that the method chosen is proportionate to the nature, scale and complexity of risks. The agent should provide a description of the approaches used eg chain ladder, Bornhuetter Ferguson etc, calculation of ENIDs (binary events) etc. This should be capable of being sourced from the agent’s existing procedures for the calculation of Solvency II technical provisions and/or the information contained in the actuarial function report. This must be provided by material line of business (ie consistent with Requirement 1.83). The qualitative description of the bases, methods and main assumptions used for their valuation for solvency purposes will be common to all syndicates and thus need not be provided at syndicate level. This shall be addressed in Lloyd’s qualitative reporting. However the agent should disclose any additional information regarding their valuation approach where relevant and material to assisting Lloyd’s in understanding this. Guideline 31: Valuation of other liabilities Requirement (1.85) Expectation from syndicates (a) Separately for each material class of other liabilities the value of other liabilities as well as a description of the bases, methods and main assumptions used for their valuation for solvency purposes. The quantitative information can be addressed as a summary of information reported in the ASR002 showing the UK GAAP and Solvency II numbers. (b) Separately for each material class of other liabilities, a quantitative and qualitative explanation of any material differences with the valuation bases, methods and main assumptions used by the undertaking for the valuation for solvency purposes and those used for their valuation in financial statements. The quantitative information can be addressed as a summary of information reported in the ASR002 showing the UK GAAP and Solvency II numbers. The agent should provide a short narrative explanation summarising these differences. The agent should provide a short narrative explanation summarising these differences. 58 Guideline 32: Other information relating to valuation of assets and liabilities Requirement (1.86 to 1.88) Expectation from syndicates 1.86 Any other material information regarding the insurance and reinsurance undertaking’s valuation of assets and liabilities for solvency purposes. It is not expected that anything shall be reported in respect of this item. 1.87 A description of: Managing agents should explain the future management actions assumed in their determination of technical provisions and capital. This may include, for example, the future purchase of reinsurance or future changes to the business profile. Assumptions should be realistic and verifiable based on historical experience or current business practice and strategy. a) the relevant assumptions about future management actions, and b) the relevant assumptions about policyholders’ behaviour. ‘Policyholders’ behaviour’ typically applies with respect to investment-linked life insurance products which are not underwritten at Lloyd’s and is thus not applicable. 1.88 In cases where mark to model techniques are used: information on: a) identification of the assets and liabilities to which that valuation approach applies; b) justification of the use of that valuation approach for the assets and liabilities referred to in a); c) documentation of the assumptions underlying that valuation approach and; The managing agent should have written procedures with respect to the valuation of assets and liabilities under Solvency II. These will include asset and liability classes where modelling techniques are used to quantify the value. This will typically be in respect of technical provisions (gross and reinsurers’ share) but may include other asset/liability classes. These written procedures should be provided in response to this requirement. d) assessment of the valuation uncertainty of the assets and liabilities referred to in a). 59 Complementary Identification Code (CIC) table (as issued by EIOPA) Appendix 1 First 2 positions Asset listed in Third position Category Fourth position Subcategory or main risk ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 country code or XL (for not listed) or XT (for not exchange tradable) 1 Government bonds 2 Corporate bonds 3 Equity 4 Investment funds 5 Structured notes 6 Collateralised securities 7 Cash and deposits 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Central Government bonds Corporate bonds Common equity Equity funds Equity risk Equity risk Cash 8 Mortgages and loans 9 Property 1 Uncollateralized loans made A Futures B Call Options C Put Options D Swaps E Forwards F Credit derivatives 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Property (office and commercial) Equity and index futures Equity and index options Equity and index options Interest rate swaps Forward interest rate agreement Credit default swap 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Supra-national bonds Convertible bonds Debt funds Interest rate risk Interest rate risk Loans made collateralized with securities Property (residential) Interest rate futures Bond options Bond options Currency swaps Forward exchange rate agreement Credit spread option 3 3 3 Transferable deposits (cash equivalents) 3 Money market funds Currency risk Currency risk Other deposits 3 3 Equity of real estate related corporation 3 Regional government bonds Commercial paper Equity rights short term (less than one year) 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Municipal government bonds Money market instruments Preferred equity Asset allocation funds Credit risk Credit risk Other deposits with term longer than one year Mortgages 5 5 5 5 5 5 Treasury bonds Hybrid bonds Real estate funds Real estate risk Real estate risk Deposits to cedants 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 Property (for own use) Currency futures Currency options Currency options Interest rate and currency swaps Credit spread swap 4 4 4 4 (under construction) Warrants Warrants Total return swap 5 5 Property 5 5 Other collateralized loans Plant and Commodity futures Commodity options Commodity options made equipment (for own use) 6 6 6 5 Security swaps 6 6 6 6 6 Covered bond Common covered bonds 7 Alternative funds Commodity risk Commodity risk 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Covered bonds subject to specific law Private equity funds Catastrophe and Weather risk Catastrophe and Weather risk Catastrophe and Weather risk Catastrophe and Weather risk Catastrophe and Weather risk Catastrophe and Weather risk Catastrophe and Weather risk Loans on policies Swaptions Swaptions 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Subordinated bonds Mortality risk Mortality risk Mortality risk Mortality risk Mortality risk Mortality risk Mortality risk 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Other Other 9 9 9 Infrastructure funds 9 Other Other Other Other Definition of CIC (as issued by EIOPA) Assets listed in Country ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 country code XL Assets that are not listed in a stock exchange XT Assets that are not exchange tradable 1 Government bonds Definition Identify the country ISO code where the asset is listed in. An asset is considered as being listed if it is negotiated on a regulated market or on a multilateral trading facility, as defined by Directive 2004/39/EC. If the asset is listed in more than one country, the country should be the one used as the reference for valuation purposes Identify assets that are not negotiated on a regulated market or on a multilateral trading facility, as defined by Directive 2004/39/EC Identify assets that by their nature are not subject to negotiation be negotiated on a regulated market or on a multilateral trading facility, as defined by Directive 2004/39/CE. This applies to asset categories 7, 8 and 9 Category Definition Bonds issued by public authorities, whether by central governments supra-national government institutions, regional governments or municipal governments Bonds issued by central governments 11 Central Government bonds 12 Supra-national bonds 13 Regional government bonds Bonds issued by public institutions established by a commitment between national states, e.g. issued by a multilateral development bank as listed in Annex VI, Part 1, Number 4 of the Capital Requirements Directive (2006/48/EC) or issued by an international organisation listed in Annex VI, Part 1, Number 5 of the Capital Requirements Directive (2006/48/EC) Regional government or autonomous communities debt instruments offered to the public in a public offering on the capital market 14 Municipal government bonds Bonds issued by municipalities, including cities, provinces, districts and other municipal authorities 15 Treasury bonds Short term government bonds, issued by central governments (issued with a maturity term up to 1 year) 16 Covered bonds Government bonds which have a pool of assets that secures or "covers" the bond. Those assets remain on the issuer balance sheet. Other Other government bonds, not classified under the above categories 19 2 Corporate bonds Bonds issued by corporations 21 Corporate bonds 22 Convertible bonds 23 Commercial paper 24 Money market instruments Very short term debt securities (usualy with maturities ranging form 1 day up to 1 year), consisting mainly of negotiable certificates of deposit (CDs), bankers acceptances, repurchase agreements (repos) and other highly liquid instruments. Commercial Paper is excluded from this category 25 Hybrid bonds Corporate bonds that have debt and equity-like features, but are not convertible. 26 Common covered bonds Corporate bonds which have a pool of assets that secures or "covers" the bond. Those assets remain on the issuer balance sheet. Covered bonds subject to specific law are excluded from this category 27 Covered bonds subject to specific law Corporate bonds which have a pool of assets that secures or "covers" the bond if the originator becomes insolvent and are subject by law to special public supervision designed to protect bond-holders, as definid in Article 22(4) of Directive 85/611/EEC. An example of this category is Pfandbrief: "Covered bonds which are issued on the basis of the Pfandbrief Act. They are used to refinance loans for which collateral is furnished in the form of loans secured by real estate liens (Mortgage Pfandbriefe), public-sector loans (Public Pfandbriefe), ship mortgages (Ship Pfandbriefe) or aircraft mortgages (Aircraft Pfandbriefe). Thus, the distinction made between these Pfandbrief types refers to the cover pool created for each type of Pfandbrief." 28 Subordinated bonds Corporate bonds which have a lower priority than other bonds of the issuer in case of liquidation. 29 Other Other corporate bonds, with other characteristics than the ones identified in the above categories 3 Equity Bonds issued by corporations, with simple characteristics, usually covering the ones referred to as "plain vanilla", and that don't have any special feature described in the categories 22 to 28 Corporate bonds that the holder can convert into shares of common stock in the issuing company or cash of equal value, having debt and equity-like features Unsecured, short-term debt instrument issued by a corporation, typically for the financing of accounts receivable, inventories and meeting short-term liabilities, usualy with original maturity lesser than 270 days. Shares and other securities equivalent to shares representing corporations' capital, i.e., representing ownership in a corporation 31 Common equity Equity that represents basic property rights on corporations 32 Equity of real estate related corporation Equity representing capital from real estate related corporations 33 Equity rights Rights to subscribe to additional shares of equity at a set price 34 Preferred equity Equity security that is senior to common equity, having a higher claim on the assets and earnings than common equity, but is subordinate to bonds Other Other equity, not classified under the above categories 39 4 Investment funds 41 Equity funds Investment funds mainly invested in equity 42 Debt funds Investment funds mainly invested in bonds 43 Money market funds Investment funds mainly invested in money market instruments 44 Asset allocation funds Fund which invests its assets pursuing a specific asset allocation objective, e.g. primarily investing in the securities of companies in countries with nascent stock markets or small economies, specific sectors or group of sectors, specific countries or other specific investment objective 45 Real estate funds Investment funds mainly invested in real estate 46 Alternative funds Funds whose investment strategies include such as hedging, event driven, fixed income directional and relative value, managed futures, commodities etc. 47 Private equity funds Investment funds used for making investments in equity securities following strategies associated with private equity. 48 Infrastructure funds Funds that invest in utilities such as toll roads, bridges, tunnels, ports and airports, oil and gas distribution, electricity distribution and social infrastructure such as healthcare and educational facilities Other investment funds, not classified under the above categories 49 Other Undertakings the sole purpose of which is the collective investment in transferrable securities and/or in other financial assets 5 Structured notes Hybrid securities, combining a fixed income instrument with a series of derivative components. Excluded from this category are fixed income securities that are issued by sovereign governments. Concerns securities that have embedded one or a combination of categories of derivatives, including Credit Default Swaps (CDS), Constant Maturity Swaps (CMS), Credit Default Options (CDOp). Assets under this category are not subject to unbundling 51 Equity risk Structured notes mainly exposed to equity risk 52 Interest rate risk Structured notes mainly exposed to interest rate risk 53 Currency risk Structured notes mainly exposed to currency risk 54 Credit risk Structured notes mainly exposed to credit risk Definition of CIC (as issued by EIOPA) Assets listed in Definition 55 Real estate risk Structured notes mainly exposed to real estate risk 56 Commodity risk Structured notes mainly exposed to commodity risk 57 Catastrophe and Weather risk Structured notes mainly exposed to catastrophe or weather risk 58 Mortality risk Structured notes mainly exposed to mortality risk 59 Other Other structured notes, not classified under the above categories 6 61 Equity risk Securities whose value and payments are derived from a portfolio of underlying assets. Includes Asset Backed Securities (ABS), Mortgage Backed securities (MBS), Commercial Mortgage Backed securities (CMBS), Collateralised Debt Obligations (CDO), Collateralised Loan Obligations (CLO) , Collateralised Mortgage Obligations (CMO). Assets under this category are not subject to unbundling Collateralised securities mainly exposed to equity risk 62 Interest rate risk Collateralised securities mainly exposed to interest rate risk 63 Currency risk Collateralised securities mainly exposed to currency risk 64 Credit risk Collateralised securities mainly exposed to credit risk 65 Real estate risk Collateralised securities mainly exposed to real estate risk 66 Commodity risk Collateralised securities mainly exposed to commodity risk 67 Catastrophe and Weather risk Collateralised securities mainly exposed to catastrophe or weather risk 68 Mortality risk Collateralised securities mainly exposed to mortality risk 69 Other Other collateralised securities, not classified under the above categories 7 Collateralised securities Cash and deposits Money in the physical form, bank deposits and other money deposits 71 Cash Notes and coins in circulation that are commonly used to make payments 72 Transferable deposits (cash equivalents) 73 Other deposits short term (less than one year) Deposits exchangeable for currency on demand at par and which are directly usable for making payments by cheque, draft, giro order, direct debit/credit, or other direct payment facility, without penalty or restriction Deposits other than transferable deposits, with remaining maturity inferior to 1 year, that cannot be used to make payments at any time and that are not exchangeable for currency or transferable deposits without any kind of significant restriction or penalty 74 Other deposits with term longer than one year Deposits other than transferable deposits, with remaining maturity superior to 1 year, that cannot be used to make payments at any time and that are not exchangeable for currency or transferable deposits without any kind of significant restriction or penalty 75 Deposits to cedants Deposits relating to reinsurance accepted 79 Other Other cash and equivalents, not classified under the above categories 8 81 Mortgages and loans Financial assets created when creditors lend funds to debtors, with collateral or not, including cash pools. Loans made without collateral 82 Uncollateralized loans made Loans made collateralized with securities 84 Mortgages Loans made with collateral in the form of real estate 85 Other collateralized loans made Loans made with collateral in any other form 86 Loans on policies Loans made with insurance policies as collateral 89 Other Other mortgages and loans, not classified under the above categories 9 Property Loans made with collateral in the form of financial securities Buildings, land, other constructions that are immovable and equipment 91 Property (office and commercial) Office and commercial building used for investment 92 Property (residential) Residential buildings used for investment 93 Property (for own use) Real estate for the own use of the undertaking 94 Property (under construction) Real estate that is under construction, for future own usage or future usage as investment 95 Plant and equipment (for own use) Plant and equipment for the own use of the undertaking 99 Other Other real estate, not classified under the above categories A Futures A1 Equity and index futures Standardised contract between two parties to buy or sell a specified asset of standardised quantity and quality at a specified future date at a price agreed today Futures with equity or stock exchange indices as underlying A2 Interest rate futures Futures with bonds or other interest rate dependent security as underlying A3 Currency futures Futures with currencies or other currencies dependent security as underlying A5 Commodity futures Futures with commodities or other commodities dependent security as underlying A7 Catastrophe and Weather risk Futures mainly exposed to catastrophe or weather risk A8 Mortality risk Futures mainly exposed to mortality risk A9 Other Other futures, not classified under the above categories B Call Options B1 Equity and index options Contract between two parties concerning the buying of an asset at a reference price during a specified time frame, where the buyer of the call option gains the right, but not the obligation, to buy the underlying asset Call options with equity or stock exchange indices as underlying B2 Bond options Call options with bonds or other interest rate dependent security as underlying B3 Currency options Call options with currencies or other currencies dependent security as underlying B4 Warrants Call options that entitles the holder to buy stock of the issuing company at a specified price B5 Commodity options Call options with commodities or other commodities dependent security as underlying B6 Swaptions B7 Catastrophe and Weather risk Call options granting its owner the right but not the obligation to enter into a long position in an underlying swap, i.e., enter into a swap where the owner pays the fixed leg and receive the floating leg Call options mainly exposed to catastrophe or weather risk B8 Mortality risk Call options mainly exposed to mortality risk B9 Other Other call options, not classified under the above categories C Put Options C1 Equity and index options Contract between two parties concerning the selling of an asset at a reference price during a specified time frame, where the buyer of the put option gains the right, but not the obligation, to sell the underlying asset Put options with equity or stock exchange indices as underlying C2 Bond options Put options with bonds or other interest rate dependent security as underlying C3 Currency options Put options with currencies or other currencies dependent security as underlying C4 Warrants Put options that entitles the holder to sell stock of the issuing company at a specified price Definition of CIC (as issued by EIOPA) Assets listed in Definition C5 Commodity options Put options with commodities or other commodities dependent security as underlying C6 Swaptions C7 Catastrophe and Weather risk Put options granting its owner the right but not the obligation to enter into a short position in an underlying swap, i.e., enter into a swap in which the owner will receive the fixed leg, and pay the floating leg Put options mainly exposed to catastrophe or weather risk C8 Mortality risk Put options mainly exposed to mortality risk C9 Other Other put options, not classified under the above categories D D1 Interest rate swaps Contract in which counterparties exchange certain benefits of one party's financial instrument for those of the other party's financial instrument, and the benefits in question depend on the type of financial instruments involved Swap that exchange interest flows D2 Currency swaps Swap that exchange currency D3 Interest rate and currency swaps Swap that exchange interest and currency flows D5 Security swaps Swap that exchange securities D7 Catastrophe and Weather risk Swaps mainly exposed to catastrophe or weather risk D8 Mortality risk Swaps mainly exposed to mortality risk D9 Other Other swaps, not classified under the above categories E Swaps Forwards Non-standardised contract between two parties to buy or sell an asset at a specified future time at a price agreed today E1 Forward interest rate agreement E2 Forward exchange rate agreement E7 Catastrophe and Weather risk Forward contract in which typicaly one party pays a fixed interest rate, and receives a variable interest rate usualy based on an underlying index rate, at the predefined forward date Forward contract in which one party pays an amount in one currency, and receives an equivalent amount in a different currency resulting from the conversion using the contractual exchange rate, at the predefined forward date Forwards mainly exposed to catastrophe or weather risk E8 Mortality risk Forwards mainly exposed to mortality risk E9 Other Other forwards, not classified under the above categories F Credit derivatives Derivative whose value is derived from the credit risk on an underlying bond, loan or any other financial asset F1 Credit default swap Credit derivative transaction in which two parties enter into an agreement whereby one party pays the other a fixed periodic coupon for the specified life on the agreement and the other party makes no payments unless a credit event relating to a predetermined reference asset occurs F2 Credit spread option Credit derivative that will generate cash flows if a given credit spread between two specific assets or benchmarks changes from its current level F3 Credit spread swap F4 Total return swap A swap in which one party makes a fixed payment to the other on the swap's settlement date and the second party pays the first an amount based on the actual credit spread A swap in which the non-floating rate side is based on the total return of an equity or fixed income instrument with the life longer that the swap F9 Other Other credit derivatives, not classified under the above categories Appendix 2 Syndicate - Agent 002 - Overall Balance sheet Period: All Years of Account Combined ASR ???? Edition X Mapping of Statutory Accounts to QMA2 (Column C) Assets 1 Goodwill 2 Deferred acquisition costs 3 Intangible assets 4 Deferred tax assets 5 Pension benefit surplus 6 Property, plant & equipment held for own use Investments (other than assets held for index-linked and unit-linked funds) 7 Property (other than for own use) 8 Participations Equities 9 Equities - listed 10 Equities - unlisted 11 Sub-total (9 to 10) Bonds 12 Government bonds 13 Corporate bonds 14 Structured notes 15 Collateralised securities 16 Sub-total (12 to 15) Investment funds 17 Equity funds 18 Debt funds 19 Money market funds 20 Asset allocation funds 21 Real estate funds 22 Alternative funds 23 Private equity funds 24 Infrastructure funds 25 Other 26 27 28 29 Sub-total (17 to 25) Derivatives Deposits other than cash equivalents Other investments Sub-total of investments (other than assets held for index-linked and unit-linked funds) (7 to 30 8 +11+16+26+27+28+29) 31 Assets held for index-linked and unit-linked funds Loans & mortgages (except loans on policies) 32 Loans & Mortgages to individuals 33 Other Loans & Mortgages 34 Loans on policies 35 Sub-total (32 to 34) Reinsurance recoverables Non-life and health similar to non-life 36 Non-life excluding health 37 Health similar to non-life 38 Sub-total (36 to 37) Life and health similar to life, excluding health and index-linked and unit-linked 39 Health similar to life 40 Life excluding health and index-linked and unit-linked 41 Sub-total (39 to 40) 42 Life index-linked and unit-linked 43 Sub-total Reinsurance recoverables (38+41+42) 44 Deposits to cedants 45 Insurance & intermediaries receivables 46 Reinsurance receivables 47 Receivables (trade, not insurance) 48 Own shares Solvency II value A Statutory Accounts valuation basis B N/A 28 N/A N/A N/A 22 + + + + + + + + + + + + 7 N/A + + + + + + A9+A10 + + B9+B10 + + + + A12+A13+A14+A15 + + + + B12+B13+B14+B15 1, 6, 24 1, 6, 24 2, 6, 24 2, 6, 24 2, 6, 7, 24 2, 6, 7, 24 1, 3, 6 & 24 1, 3, 6 & 24 1, 3, 6 & 24 1, 3, 6 & 24 1, 3, 6 & 24 1, 3, 6 & 24 1, 3, 6 & 24 1, 3, 6 & 24 1, 3, 6 & 24 7 5 7 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Analysis cell Analysis cell A17+A18+A19+A20+A21+A22+A23+A24+A2 5 B17+B18+B19+B20+B21+B22+B23+B24+B25 + + + + Analysis cell Analysis cell A7+A8+A11+A16+A26+A27+A28+A29 + B7+B8+B11+B16+B26+B27+B28+B29 + 4 4 N/A + + + A32+A33+A34 + + + B32+B33+B34 13 13 + + A36+A37 + + B36+B37 13 13 + + A39+A40 + A38+A41+A42 + + + + + + + B39+B40 + B38+B41+B42 + + + + + N/A N/A 9 14 & 18 15 & 19 16 & 20 N/A 49 Amounts due in respect of own fund items or initial fund called up but not yet paid in 50 Cash and cash equivalents 51 Any other assets, not elsewhere shown N/A 5, 23 & 24 25, 27 & 29 52 Total assets (1 to 6 +30+31+35+ 43 to 51) Liabilities Technical provisions – non-life (excluding health) 53 TP calculated as a whole 54 Best Estimate 55 Risk margin 56 Sub-total (53 to 55) Technical provisions - health (similar to non-life) 57 TP calculated as a whole 58 Best Estimate 59 Risk margin 60 Sub-total (57 to 59) Technical provisions - health (similar to life) 61 TP calculated as a whole 62 Best Estimate 63 Risk margin 64 Sub-total (61 to 63) Technical provisions – life (excluding health and index-linked and unit-linked) 65 TP calculated as a whole 66 Best Estimate 67 Risk margin 68 Sub-total (65 to 67) Technical provisions – index-linked and unit-linked 69 TP calculated as a whole 70 Best Estimate 71 Risk margin 72 Sub-total (69 to 71) 73 Other technical provisions 74 Contingent liabilities 75 Provisions other than technical provisions 76 Pension benefit obligations 77 Deposits from reinsurers 78 Deferred tax liabilities 79 Derivatives 80 Debts owed to credit institutions 81 Financial liabilities other than debts owed to credit institutions 82 Insurance & intermediaries payables 83 Reinsurance payables 84 Payables (trade, not insurance) 85 Subordinated liabilities not in BOF 86 Subordinated liabilities in BOF 87 Any other liabilities, not elsewhere shown 31 88 Total liabilities (56+60+64+68+72 to 87) 32 & 52 89 Excess of assets over liabilities 32 + + + Analysis cell + Analysis cell A3+A4+A5+A6+A30+A31+A35+A43+A44+A4 B1+B2+B3+B4+B5+B6+B30+B31+B35+B43+ 5+A46+A47+A48+A49+A50+A51 B44+B45+B46+B47+B48+B49+B50+B51 33 & 34 N/A N/A + + + A53+A54+A55 + + + B53 33 & 34 N/A N/A + + + A57+A58+A59 + + + B57 33 & 34 N/A N/A + + + A61+A62+A63 + + + B61 33 & 34 N/A N/A + + + A65+A66+A67 + + + B65 + + + A69+A70+A71 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Analysis cell A56+A60+A64+A68+A72+A74+A75+A76+A7 7+A78+A79+A80+A81+A82+A83+A84+A85+ A86+A87 + + + B69 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Analysis cell B56+B60+B64+B68+B72+B73+B75+B76+B77 +B78+B79+B80+B81+B82+B83+B84+B85+B8 6+B87 A52-A88 B52-B88 N/A N/A N/A 35 N/A 37 N/A 38 N/A 43 & 49 42 & 48 41 & 47 39 & 45 40 & 46 43 & 49 N/A N/A 51 ANNUAL SOLVENCY RETURN (ASR) / ANNUAL ASSET DATA (AAD) INSTRUCTIONS DECEMBER 2014 Version 1.0 1 Contents Pages Section 1: Introduction 3 Section 2: General Instructions 7 Section 3: Form Instructions for Annual Solvency Return (ASR) 12 Section 4: Form Instructions for Annual Asset Data (AAD) 34 Section 5: Qualitative Reporting 49 Appendices 1. EIOPA Complementary Identification Code (CIC) Table 2. Mapping of SII Balance Sheet to QMA002 3. Managing agent’s reports – ASR910 and AAD910 2 Section 1: Introduction 1.1 Introduction 1.1.1 The PRA’s Supervisory Statement SS4/13 applies the requirements of EIOPA’s preparatory guidelines to all PRA authorised firms falling within the scope of Solvency II. Among other things, it requires the submission of interim Pillar 3 reporting to the PRA as at 31 December 2014 and 30 September 2015. This represents a part of the UK insurance industry’s preparations towards full Solvency II compliance. 1.1.2 Accordingly, Lloyd’s will be required to submit to PRA, quantitative and qualitative data in respect of the ‘association of underwriters known as Lloyd’s’ in aggregate. This shall be achieved by collecting returns from managing agents in respect of each syndicate, and then aggregating this data with that held centrally in respect of the Corporation, Central Fund and members’ funds at Lloyd’s. 1.2 Solvency II 1.2.1 It is confirmed that the Solvency II regime shall be implemented from 1 January 2016, with the passing of the Omnibus II Directive (OMD II) by the European Parliament earlier this year. OMD II confirms the high level legislative framework, including the Solvency II start date and certain transitional measures, by making modifications to the original Solvency II Directive. 1.2.2 The next step in the completion of the legislative framework is the finalisation of the Level 2 measures, now known as Delegated Acts. The final text of these is currently being considered by the European Parliament. Finalisation (i.e. adoption by the European Parliament) and publication of these is expected in early 2015. 1.2.3 Finally, the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) is completing its work on drafting the Level 3 measures, which will take the form of Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) and Guidelines. EIOPA has already issued Guidelines on provision of information to national supervisory authorities, which among other things introduces interim quantitative and Pillar 3 reporting as at 31 December 2014 and 30 September 2015. EIOPA is consulting on two broader set of ITS and Guidelines; this includes a consultation on the Pillar 3 ITS, which shall cover the final forms of quantitative and qualitative reporting, from December 2014 to February 2015, within Set 2. The final Set 2 material shall be published in July 2015. 1.2.4 Lloyd’s shall review the final Set 2 requirements in advance of publishing its final requirements for Pillar 3 quantitative and qualitative reporting, in Q3 2015. This shall address the full qualitative reporting required from 2016 onwards. 1.3 Pillar 3 reporting 1.3.1 Pillar 3 represents the supervisory reporting and disclosure requirements under Solvency II. Insurers are required to provide information, both for public disclosure and for private reporting to the supervisor, on a quarterly and annual basis. This is necessary to enable a harmonised approach to supervision across the European Union as well as improving the consistency of publicly disclosed information. 1.3.2 The Pillar 3 requirements include annual and quarterly quantitative reporting (the completion of standardised templates). In addition, the annual supervisory reporting requirements include an element of qualitative reporting, which insurers are required to submit with their public Solvency and Financial Condition Report (SFCR) as well as the private Regular Supervisory Report (RSR). 3 1.3.3 However, the EIOPA Guidelines on provision of information to national supervisory authorities introduce the requirement to report on a sub-set of the quantitative templates as well as aspects of qualitative reporting – specifically on systems of governance, capital management and valuation of assets and liabilities – as part of the interim reporting. 1.4 Application at Lloyd’s 1.4.1 Solvency II applies to Lloyd’s as a single undertaking – the ‘association of underwriters known as Lloyd’s’ – as defined within the Solvency II Directive. However, within this, Lloyd’s expects each managing agent to meet the full set of Solvency II tests and standards. In addition, the PRA expects that the supervisory reporting requirements for each syndicate at Lloyd’s are consistent with treating it as ‘any other insurer’. Therefore managing agents are required to complete Solvency II Pillar 3 returns to Lloyd’s on a similar basis to other European Union insurers. 1.4.2 The basis of Lloyd’s Pillar 3 reporting to the PRA is that Lloyd’s provides a SFCR, RSR and quantitative reporting templates to the PRA. These returns are prepared from an aggregation of syndicate level returns made to the PRA, together with the additional data held by the Corporation, in respect of the Corporation and Central Fund, and members’ funds at Lloyd’s. 1.4.3 This basis of submitting to the PRA affects the timetable for syndicates reporting to Lloyd’s. In order to provide Lloyd’s with sufficient time to review and aggregate the syndicate level data, as well as adding the data held centrally, go through Lloyd’s governance process and expected audit requirements (only anticipated in respect of some of the annual data under ‘full’ Solvency II), it is necessary for Lloyd’s to collect returns from syndicates in advance of Lloyd’s (and other insurers’) submission deadline to the PRA. 1.4.4 The syndicates and Lloyd’s deadlines for compliance with Pillar 3 requirements are summarised below (shown in weeks after the reporting date): Interim reporting Solvency II 4 1.5 Quantitative data requirements 1.5.1 Managing agents will be required to submit data as at 31 December 2014 and 30 September 2015. 1.5.2 The data at as 31 December 2014 must be submitted using the Annual Solvency Return (ASR)/Annual Asset Data (AAD) provided within Lloyd’s Core Market Return (CMR) system. The returns must be submitted to Lloyd’s by 2pm, 16 April 2015. 1.5.3 The data as at 30 September 2015 must be submitted using the Quarterly Solvency Return (QSR)/Quarterly Asset Data (QAD) within the CMR system. Some of the forms required for the 31 December 2014 submission are not required as at 30 September 2015 and are shown as ‘N/A’ in the table below. The returns must be submitted to Lloyd’s by 2pm, 5 November 2015 . 1.5.4 The specific forms to be submitted for the interim reporting are listed below: Form Description ASR Reference QSR Reference Balance sheet ASR002 QSR002 Own funds ASR220 QSR220 Non-life technical provisions by line of business – Part A ASR240 QSR240 Non-life technical provisions by line of business – Part B ASR241 N/A Non-life gross best estimate by country ASR242 N/A Assets and liabilities by currency ASR260 N/A Life technical provisions ASR280 QSR280 Life gross best estimate by country ASR281 N/A Health SLT technical provisions ASR283 QSR283 Health SLT gross best estimate by country ASR284 N/A Minimum capital requirement – Non-life ASR510 QSR510 Minimum capital requirement – Life ASR511 QSR511 Solvency Capital Requirement – for syndicates on full internal models ASR522 N/A Form Description AAD Reference QAD Reference Investment data – portfolio list AAD230 QAD230 Derivatives data – open positions AAD233 QAD233 Investment funds (look-through approach) AAD236 QAD236 1.5.5 This document provides instructions to managing agents in respect of completion of the above returns which have been developed in the CMR. The forms specifications have also been uploaded onto the respective sections of the CMR. 5 1.6 Qualitative requirements 1.6.1 Managing agents will be required to be submit a qualitative report as at 31 December 2014 and the deadline for submission is the same as that of quantitative reporting above. This should be as per section 5 of the instructions. 1.7 Confidentiality of information 1.7.1 The information provided by managing agents to comply with these interim reporting requirements shall remain confidential to Lloyd’s and the PRA; no information shall be made public by Lloyd’s. 6 Section 2: General instructions The following instructions are common to the all of the interim Pillar 3 returns. 2.1 Pillar 3 returns 2.1.1 The Pillar 3 returns required to be submitted by syndicates as at 31 December 2014 and 30 September 2015 are based on Solvency II preparatory templates issued by EIOPA in July 2014 as part of the XBRL taxonomy package, but tailored where necessary to cover areas of relevance to Lloyd’s syndicates. 2.1.2 The asset data should be reported in the AAD with all the rest of the Solvency II information reported in the ASR. 2.1.3 The ASR is a synchronous return, similar to the QMA, while AAD is an asynchronous return due to the high volume of data required. Synchronous This has been the standard approach used for returns with relatively low volume of data, for example, QMA. Below are some of the features: data can be input to CMR either through the user interface or in csv format data submitted in csv format can be edited via the user interface validations are done as and when the data is input all data can be printed Asynchronous This approach has been used for returns with high volume of data, for example, PMD/GQD/TPD returns. Below are some of the features: data is input to CMR as a series of zipped csv files edits to the data are made by updating the csv and re-uploading it validations are done when the data is uploaded prior to submission, a validation tool is provided to pre-process the data for format compliance summary data can be printed 2.1.4 A managing agent’s report (ASR910 and AAD910) must be also be completed for each of the ASR and AAD respectively. The relevant formats are provided as Appendix 3 to these instructions. 2.1.5 No audit is required. 7 2.2 Reporting timetable 2.2.1 Timetable: The following table provides the deadlines for Pillar 3 submissions. The electronic version of the completed return is required to be submitted by the managing agent to the Core Market Returns site by 2pm of the relevant submission date. Quarter Submission date Audited? Type of submission Q4 2014 Thursday 16 April 2015 No Electronic only* Q3 2015 Thursday 5 November 2015 No Electronic only* (*NB: Hard copies of the Pillar 3 returns are not required, however, hard copies of the signed managing agent’s reports (ASR910 and AAD910) are required to be submitted to Lloyd’s by the designated deadline). The managing agent’s reports should be sent to: Paul Appleton Market Finance Gallery 5 Lloyd’s 1986 Building One Lime Street London EC3M 7HA There is no reception area on Gallery 5 so hard copies that are to be delivered by hand must be taken to the “tenants and courier” office which is located on the lower ground floor on the left hand side of the Lloyd’s building when viewed from Lime Street. 2.2.2 Late submissions: Failure to submit the returns by the due deadline will be considered a breach of the Solvency and Reporting Byelaw (No.5 of 2007), as amended. A resubmission of the returns after the deadline date will be considered a late submission. Where a managing agent has reason to believe that it may be unable to submit the return on time it is encouraged to contact Lloyd’s Market Finance at the earliest opportunity in advance of the deadline to discuss the matter. Failure to do so will be a factor Lloyd’s will take into account in deciding whether a fine is appropriate. If an inaccurate or incomplete submission has been submitted then Lloyd’s may at its discretion regard that submission as being “late” in which case a fine may be imposed. In deciding whether to exercise that discretion Lloyd’s Market Supervision and Review Committee (MSARC) will have 8 regard to whether the managing agent itself identified the inaccuracy and brought the matter to Lloyd’s attention at the earliest opportunity. Where Lloyd’s is satisfied that a fine is appropriate then the following fining regime will be applied: Per return per syndicate – flat fine £5,000 Per return per syndicate – additional fine per working day late £1,000 Persistent delays will lead to further disciplinary action. Please note that in accordance with the above policy Lloyd’s will take disciplinary action against managing agents who fail to submit market returns on time and fines will be imposed in appropriate circumstances, a policy supported by MSARC. 2.3 Key contacts 2.3.1 Any queries about the completion of the Pillar 3 returns should be directed by e-mail to Market Finance at All queries will be responded to by the end of the following working day. Please contact Paul Appleton ( via email if a response remains outstanding at that time. 2.3.2 Please include the relevant form number(s) and a reference to the issue raised in the email header. 2.3.3 The key contacts within the Corporation of Lloyd’s in relation to the Pillar 3 returns are: Paul Appleton Senior Manager, Accounting Policy George Maina Project Manager, Accounting Policy Jane Tusar Project Executive, Accounting Policy 2.4 Overview of return 2.4.1 Parallel corporate syndicates must complete and submit separate Pillar 3 returns. 2.4.2 The return must be completed in respect of all open years of account and all run-off years of account, in order to reflect the total insurance business transacted by underwriting members of Lloyd’s. 2.4.3 When setting up a return, the system will generate the forms to be completed, and establish the validation rules to be adhered to, as appropriate to that syndicate’s circumstances. 2.5 Basis of preparation 2.5.1 The returns must be prepared in accordance with these instructions. Where additional clarification is required this will be issued via Frequently Asked Questions posted on the CMR website. This will clearly set out whether the update is a change to the instructions or for guidance purposes only. 2.5.2 The return must be prepared in accordance with the Solvency II Directive, Level 2 Implementing Measures and Level 3 Technical Guidance as issued by EIOPA, except where an alternative treatment is specifically required in the instructions. 2.5.3 The instructions in respect of each form state the level at which the forms should be completed. Each form must be completed at one of the following levels: 9 Whole syndicate (all reporting years combined) Reporting year Pure/Underwriting year 2.5.4 Whole syndicate or all reporting years combined means all of the transactions or assets and liabilities as appropriate for the syndicate as a whole. 2.5.5 Reporting year means the calendar year that is being reported, for example, when reporting for the year end 2014, the reporting year will be 2014. 2.5.6 Pure/Underwriting year relates to the year in which the business was originally written and to which the original premiums and all subsequent transactions are signed. The pure original year may still be open, or subsequently reinsured to close into another year of account. For general (non-life) business the pure original year may be from the 1993 to the 2014 year of account, all liabilities in respect of 1992 and prior years having been reinsured into Equitas effective at 31 December 1995. When reporting on the transactions for a pure original year, only the transactions relating specifically to that pure year must be reported. 2.6 Exchange rates 2.6.1 All figures are to be provided in GBP. A market bulletin will be issued on the next working day following each quarter end providing suggested, but not mandatory, average and closing rates. 2.6.2 For the profit and loss account, all conversions will normally be made using exchange rates at the dates of the transactions (or at average rate for the period when this is a reasonable approximation) as defined under IAS 21, The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates. Lloyd’s will not prescribe the actual rates to be used. 2.6.3 For the balance sheet, conversions must be made using closing rates of exchange in accordance with IFRS. Non-monetary items (if any) should be treated in the ASR as per IAS 21. IAS 21 requires the following at the end of each reporting period: Foreign currency monetary items should be translated using the closing rate Non-monetary items that are measured in terms of historical cost in a foreign currency should be translated using the exchange rate at the date of the transaction Non-monetary items that are measured at fair value in a foreign currency should be translated using the exchange rates at the date when the fair value was measured 2.6.4 Solvency II requires that all assets and liabilities should be measured at fair value, hence all foreign currency assets and liabilities should be translated at closing rate. 2.7 Reporting configuration 2.7.1 All forms are to be completed in currency units, not 000's, unless specified on the form. Generally, all values must be entered as positive numbers unless otherwise stipulated on the forms and instructions 2.8 Completion of forms 2.8.1 All amounts on each form must be completed as indicated on the form. Additional guidance is provided in respect of each form in these instructions. 2.8.2 Certain figures disclosed on some forms in the return must agree or relate to figures on other forms. 10 2.8.3 The Pillar 3 returns must be prepared on the same underlying data as used in the preparation of the QMA. In other words, no adjustment is made in respect of post balance sheet events in the returns unless such an adjustment has already been made in accordance with UK GAAP for the purpose of the QMA (and thus the syndicate accounts). Furthermore, any adjustments made to technical provisions for Solvency II purposes shall be based on the underlying technical provisions as reported in the QMA. 2.9 ‘Analysis’ cells 2.9.1 Certain cells require analysis of material amounts to be provided in the analysis section (i.e. a description and details of the material amount must be disclosed). For such items, the system will generate a sequentially numbered continuation sheet. Where we have identified common reasons for an ‘other’ entry, use the suggested description in the analysis section where appropriate. 2.9.2 Any amount greater than £1m must be given a description that is sufficient for the reader to understand its nature. General terms such as “other,” “miscellaneous,” etc. should not be used for amounts greater than £1m. Descriptions given to amounts below £1m will be at the discretion of the agent and auditor given the circumstances of the syndicate and the nature of the analysis figure. 2.10 Equitas 2.10.1 The Pillar 3 returns must be prepared on a basis of recognising the reinsurance to close of all 1992 and prior non-life business into Equitas, effective as at 31 December 1995. In particular, only transactions, assets and liabilities relating to 1993 and post non-life business (and ALL life business) must be reported in the return. Any transactions occurring in the current year relating to 1992 and prior non-life business must NOT be reported in this return. 2.11 Quarterly Monitoring Return part C (QMC) 2.11.1 Syndicates are currently required to submit a QMC and this is used for capital setting/release tests at Lloyd’s. This return will still be required to be submitted and specific instructions for completion can be found on the CMR website. 2.12 Scope of these instructions 2.12.1 The instructions below are specifically for completion of the ASR and AAD returns which are required for the year ending 31 December 2014. Instructions for the Q3 2015 interim reporting will be issued in Q2 2015. 11 Section 3: form instructions for ANNUAL SOLVENCY RETURN 3.1 ASR 010: Control page Purposeofform: This form collects/confirms basic information regarding the syndicate, including the syndicate number, managing agent, reporting years of account and their status (open/closed/run-off) and pure years comprising each reporting year. The software will generate the forms required to be completed in accordance with the data in the matrix. It is important that you check that the matrix is populated correctly. When you set up a return, you are required to enter a person as the contact for the return. Any queries on the return will be addressed to this person together with the person who clicks the action “sign off” prior to submission of the return. Each syndicate will have a return Administrator. The Administrator is responsible for adding/amending contact details for the return. Please ensure that all contact details are correct. Details can be updated via the ‘Admin’ link on the Core Market Returns menu. We do recognise, however, that the persons signing off the return may not necessarily be those to whom queries should be sent to. If this is the case, please email Market Finance via, with details of an alternative contact, who shall be included on the queries distribution list relating to the syndicate. 3.2 ASR 026: Additional Material Currency Selection Purposeofform: This form allows syndicates to select additional material currencies required on ASR260. This form allows syndicates to select additional currencies required in ASR260 i.e. other than the 6 currencies (USD, GBP, EUR, CAD, AUD and JPY) already presented in ASR260. Syndicates are required to report separately any additional currencies that represent 20% or more of both assets and liabilities. 3.3 ASR 002: Overall Balance Sheet Purposeofform: This form presents an overall view of the balance sheet of the syndicate under Solvency II valuation rules, compared with UK GAAP. This form is required for all reporting years combined. The amounts in Column A will be valued based on Solvency II valuation principles while those in Column B will be on a UK GAAP basis. The Solvency II amounts reported in column A are expected to be positive but there are cases where these amounts can be negative and this is mainly in respect of technical provisions best estimate i.e. where the cash in-flows is greater than cash out-flows. Please see Appendix 2 for the mapping of Solvency II balance sheet to QMA002, but this is only a guide and syndicate should ensure that amounts are reported within the correct balance sheet lines. The UK GAAP amounts as reported in column B are expected to be positive and must agree to the disclosure in the syndicate annual accounts and QMA002, Column C or, where fewer lines/different names are used in the accounts/QMA, it should be possible to agree the figures in total. Assets Solvency II amounts reported in the balance sheet should be valued at fair value, for example, investments should be valued using one of the following valuation methods: Quoted market price in active markets for the same assets 12 Quoted market price in active markets for similar assets Other alternative valuation methods The amounts reported in this form, for those assets that are required to be reported in the AAD230/233, should agree with the total Solvency II amount. To assist in the reconciliation between this form and the AAD230/233, a play back summary has been developed and is based on the lines on the balance sheet. Hence syndicate should ensure that the amount reported in this form agrees with the amount presented in the AAD230s (play back summary). Line A1 - Goodwill: This is valued nil under Solvency II Line A2 – Deferred acquisition costs: There are no deferred acquisition costs under Solvency II as all acquisition costs not received by the reporting date are included in the calculation of technical provisions. Hence, no amount is expected within A2. Line A3 – Intangible assets: These are intangible assets other than goodwill. They should be valued at nil under Solvency II valuation principles, unless they can be sold separately and the syndicate can demonstrate that there is a market value for the same or similar assets that has been derived in accordance with Level 2 implementing measures. Line A4 – Deferred tax assets: This is an asset that may be used to reduce any subsequent period's income tax expense. Deferred tax assets can arise due to net loss carry-overs, which are only recorded as assets if it is deemed more likely than not that the asset will be used in future fiscal periods (i.e. where it is probable that future taxable profit will be available against which the deferred tax asset can be utilised). We do not expect syndicates to report any amount within this line since tax would apply at member level. Line A5 – Pension benefit surplus: This is net surplus related to staff pension scheme, if applicable. We would not expect syndicates to report any amount within this line. Line A6 – Property, plant & equipment held for own use: These are tangible assets which are intended for permanent use and property held by the undertaking for own use, but Lloyd’s would not expect any amount to be reported within this line. The amount reported within this line should agree with the total Solvency II amount reported in AAD230 with a CIC of XT93 and XT95. Line A7 - Property (other than for own use): This is investment property and Lloyd’s is not expecting any amount to be reported within this line. Where a syndicate has investment in funds investing in real estates, this should be reported within line A21, real estate funds. The amount reported within this line should agree with the total Solvency II amount reported in AAD230 with a CIC of XT91, XT92, XT94 and XT99. Line A8 – Participations: This is defined in article 13(20) of the Solvency II Directive as “ownership, direct or by way of control, of 20% or more of the voting rights or capital of an undertaking”. Lloyd’s does not expect syndicates to have any participations, hence no amount is expected within this line. Line A9 – Equities-listed: These are shares representing corporations’ capital, e.g. representing ownership in a corporation, listed on a public stock exchange. The amount reported within this line should exclude participations and should agree with the total Solvency II amount reported in AAD230 with a CIC category 3#, excluding XL3#, XT3#. Line A10 – Equities –unlisted: These are shares representing corporations’ capital, e.g. representing ownership in a corporation, not listed on a public stock exchange. The amount reported within this line should exclude participations and should agree with the total Solvency II amount reported in AAD230 with CIC categories of XL3# and XT3#. Line A12 – Government Bonds: These are bonds issued by public authorities, whether by central 13 government, supra-national government institutions, regional governments or municipal governments. The amount reported within this line should agree with the total Solvency II amount ( market value plus accrued interest) reported in AAD230 with a CIC category of ##1#. Line A13 – Corporate Bonds: These are bonds issued by corporations including those issued by government agencies, for example, Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) and Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac). The amount reported within this line should agree with the total Solvency II amount (market value plus accrued interest) reported in AAD230 with a CIC category of ##2#. Line A14 – Structured notes: These are hybrid securities, combining a fixed income instrument with a series of derivative components. Excluded from this category are fixed income securities that have been issued by sovereign governments. These are all securities that have embedded all categories of derivatives, including Credit Default Swaps (CDS), Constant Maturity Swaps (CMS) and Credit Default Options (CDO). The amount reported within this line should agree with the total Solvency II amount (market value plus accrued interest) reported in AAD230 with a CIC category of ##5#. Line A15 – Collateralised securities: These are securities whose value and payments are derived from a portfolio of underlying assets. These include Asset Backed securities (ABS), Mortgage Backed securities (MBS), Commercial Mortgage Backed securities (CMBS), Collateralised Debt Obligations (CDO), Collateralised Loan Obligations (CLO) and Collateralised Mortgage Obligations (CMO). The amount reported within this line should agree with the total Solvency II amount (market value plus accrued interest) reported in AAD230 with a CIC category of ##6#. Lines A17 - A25 – Investment funds: These should include all the funds (including money market funds) that are held by the syndicate. Overseas trust funds that are managed by Lloyd’s should also be reported as investment funds and the type of fund should be based on the CIC reported in AAD230. For example, where the CIC is reported as 42, then this should be reported in the balance sheet within debt funds. The amounts reported within these lines should agree with the total Solvency II amount reported in AAD230 as follows: Equity funds – CIC ##41 Debt funds – CIC ##42 Money market funds – CIC ##43 Asset allocation funds – CIC ##44 Real estate funds – CIC ##45 Alternative funds – CIC ##46 Private equity funds – CIC ##47 Infrastructure funds – CIC ##48 Other – CIC ##49 Line A27 – Derivatives: Only derivative assets should be included on this line i.e. those with positive values. These should be derivative assets that are directly held by the syndicate and hence do not include those that are held indirectly through investments funds or structured notes. The amount reported within this line should agree with the total Solvency II amount reported in AAD233 with a CIC of A to F (where the value is positive). Line A28 - Deposits other than cash and cash equivalents: These are deposits other than transferable deposits. These means that they cannot be used to make payments at any time and that they are not exchangeable for currency or transferable deposits without any kind of significant restriction or penalty. The amount reported within this line should agree with the total Solvency II amount reported in AAD230 with CIC 14 XT73, XT74 and XT79. Line A29 – Other investments: This cell is an analysis cell. All material amounts included in this cell must be separately listed in the analysis table (see section 2.9 ‘analysis cell’ above for details of materiality). Line A31 – Assets held for unit-linked & index-linked funds: These are assets held for insurance products where policyholder bears the risk (unit-linked). Lloyd’s would not expect any amount reported within this line. Line 32 – Loans & mortgages to individuals: These are financial assets created when creditors lend funds to debtors - individuals, with collateral or not, including cash pools. Line 33 – Other loans & mortgages: These are financial assets created when creditors lend funds to debtors - others, not classifiable as loans & mortgages to individuals, with collateral or not, including cash pools. The amount reported within lines 33 and 34 should agree with the total Solvency II amount reported in AAD230 with CIC of XT81, XT82, XT84, XT85 and XT89. Line A34 – Loans on policies: These are loans to policyholders collateralised on policies. We do not expect syndicates to have this type of asset. The amount reported within this line should agree with total amount reported in AAD230 with a CIC of XT86. Lines 36 & 37 – Reinsurance recoverables (Non-life excluding health and health similar to non-life): Reinsurers’ share of technical provisions relating to non-life and health similar to non-life should be reported within the appropriate lines. The total amount of these two lines should agree to the recoverable from RI/SPV after adjustment for expected losses due to default reported in ASR240, Q29. Line 39 - Reinsurance recoverables (Health similar to life): Reinsurers’ share of technical provisions relating to health similar to life should be reported within this line. This amount should agree to the recoverable from RI/SPV after adjustment for expected losses due to default reported in ASR283, F7. Line 40 - Reinsurance recoverables (Life): Reinsurers’ share of technical provisions relating to life should be reported within this line. This amount should agree to the recoverable from RI/SPV after adjustment for expected losses due to default reported in ASR280, I7. Line 42 – Life index-linked and unit-linked: Reinsurers’ share of technical provisions relating to life indexlinked and unit-linked should be reported within this line. Syndicates do not write this type of business hence no amount is expect to be reported within this line. Line 44 – Deposits to cedants: These are deposits relating to reinsurance accepted and should agree with the amount reported in AAD230 with a CIC of XT75. Line 45 – Insurance & intermediaries receivables: These are amounts due by policyholders, intermediaries, other insurers, and linked to insurance business, but that are not included in cash-in flows of technical provisions. Includes also amounts overdue by policyholders and insurance intermediaries (e.g. premiums due but not yet received). Line 46 – Reinsurance receivables: These are amounts due by reinsurers and linked to reinsurance business, but that are not reinsurance recoverables (RI share of technical provisions). It may include; creditors from reinsurers that relate to settled claims of policyholders or beneficiaries and payments in relation to other than insurance events or settled insurance claims. Line 47 – Receivables (trade, not insurance): Includes amounts owed by employees or various business partners (not insurance-related), incl. public entities (no reason to have separate lines for current tax assets). Line 48 – Own shares: These are own shares held by the undertakings. Syndicates do not have shares, hence no amount is expected within this line. 15 Line 49 – These are amounts due in respect of own fund items or initial fund called up but not yet paid in: This would mainly relate to Funds in Syndicate (FIS) that has been called up but had not been paid by year end. We do not expect syndicates to have any unpaid FIS, hence no amount is expected within this line. Line A50 – Cash and cash equivalents: These are notes and coins in circulation that are commonly used to make payments, and deposits exchangeable for currency on demand at par and which are directly usable for making payments by cheque, draft, giro order, direct debit/credit, or other direct payment facility, without penalty or restriction. These are amounts classified with CIC codes, XT71 and XT72. Line A51 – Any other assets, not elsewhere shown: This cell is an analysis cell. All material amounts included in this cell must be separately listed in the analysis table (see section 2.9 ‘analysis cell’ above for details of materiality). Liabilities Technical provisions These should be valued in accordance with Lloyd’s Solvency II guidance titled “Technical Provisions under Solvency II Detailed Guidance (March 2011 update)”. These instructions can be accessed through the following link: Link to Technical Provisions Guidance. There have previously been some areas of uncertainty relating to the calculation of technical provisions on a Solvency II basis and the key ones included: binary events, contract boundaries for binding authorities and allowance for reinsurance on future business. Lloyd’s has received clarification on two of these, binary events and contracts boundaries for binding authorities, more details are given below. Uncertainty remains as to the treatment of outwards reinsurance on future business, Lloyd’s is seeking further clarification on this. For each of the three areas above Lloyd’s anticipates updating its Technical Provisions Guidance in early 2015. Binary events It’s requirement to take account of all possible future outcomes when calculating Solvency II basis technical provisions. The difference in basis between the UK GAAP ‘reasonably foreseeable’ and Solvency II ‘all outcomes’ is commonly referred to as allowance for events not in data (ENID) or binary events. Managing agents are expected to justify their approach in respect of their own data as well as nature and uncertainty inherent in their business. Contract boundaries for binding authority contracts EIOPA’s Guidelines on Contract Boundaries (para 2.16) notes: “A need to reassess the contract boundaries can arise, where a delegated underwriting authority or binder exists which can sign business on behalf of the undertaking. The undertaking requires information on the underlying insurance contracts written within the binder to assess the contracts which fall within the contract boundary at a given valuation date. If this information is not available, estimates will need to be made.” Therefore, syndicates will need to carry out a look-through process to identify the underlying contracts that are written (including bound but not incepted) within the reporting period. Reasonable approximations for the look-through approach can be made. Estimates of contracts entered into can be based on historical experience of specific binders and/or the terms and conditions of the binder to assess the number of contracts likely to be entered into and likely corresponding cash-flows. Where the syndicate has not received information of the contracts entered into, an estimate will need to be made. The treatment of the binding authority as the ‘contract’ in this regard is not appropriate (e.g. through the use of cancellation periods of the binder). As binding authorities are not contracts of (re)insurance a look-through to the underlying contracts (or reasonable approximation) is required. 16 Risk margin Calculation of the risk margin as at 31 December should be based on the final SCR submitted to Lloyd’s in September via the Lloyd’s Capital Return (LCR), plus any capital add-on notified by Lloyd’s by 31 December. However, if a revised SCR has been produced then this should be used. The SCR to be used for the calculation of the risk margin is the ‘one year’ SCR, not the SCR to ultimate and should be based on current obligations on the balance sheet only (i.e. not allow for business to be written in future not included on the Solvency II balance sheet). In discounting technical provisions as at 31 December, managing agents should use the risk free yield curves published by Lloyd’s in early January. However, where EIOPA has issued the risk free yield curves, these should be used. Where Lloyd’s’/EIOPA publishes the risk free yield curves, a link will be provided on the Lloyd’s website. The ‘Solvency II value of the technical provisions’ should be reported in the respective line, i.e. risk margin and best estimate while the UK GAAP statutory accounts value should be reported on the “Technical Provisions calculated as a whole” line. Technical Provisions calculated as a whole: Separate calculation of the best estimate and risk margin are not required where the future cash-flows associated with insurance obligations can be replicated using financial instruments for which a market value is directly observable. The portfolio must be replicable/hedgeable. Lloyd’s does not expect syndicates to calculate technical provisions as a whole, however, where a syndicate has transferred its liabilities to another syndicate through RITC and the technical provisions transferred cannot be split into best estimate and risk margin, the price payable can be considered to be the market price of the technical provisions and hence should be reported within “technical provisions calculated as a whole”. The amounts reported within the technical provisions lines (53 to 68) should agree with the amounts reported in the non-life, life and health technical provisions forms (ASR240, 280 and 283 respectively) as shown in the table below: ASR002 Reference ASR240/280/283 Reference Sum of lines 53 and 57 ASR240, Q1 Sum of lines 54 and 58 ASR240, Q25 Sum of lines 55 and 59 ASR240, Q27 Line 61 ASR283, F1 Line 62 ASR283, F2 Line 63 ASR283, F9 Line 65 ASR280, I1 Line 66 ASR280, I2 Line 67 ASR280, I9 17 Lines 69-72 – Technical provisions – index linked and unit linked: Syndicates do not write this type of business, hence no amount is expected to be reported within these lines. Line 73 – Other technical provisions: These are other technical provisions arising from UK GAAP. This line should be nil for Solvency II column. Line 74 – Contingent liabilities: These are liabilities that are contingent, therefore off-balance sheet according to IAS 37, Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets. The standard defines a contingent liability as: (a) A possible obligation that arises from past events and whose existence will be confirmed only by the occurrence or non-occurrence of one or more uncertain future events not wholly within the control of the entity; or (b) A present obligation that arises from past events but is not recognised because: (i) it is not probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation; or (ii) the amount of the obligation cannot be measured with sufficient reliability. These are neither related to insurance, nor financing nor lease; they are, for example, related to legal expenses (with an expected probability of less than 50%). Line 75 – Provisions other than technical provisions: These are liabilities of uncertain timing or amount, for example, provisions for legal expenses or deferred income reserve. Line 76 – Pension benefit obligations: These are net obligations related to staff pension scheme, if applicable according to pension system. Line 77 – Deposits from reinsurers: These are amounts received from reinsurer or deducted by the reinsurer according to the reinsurance contract. Line 78 – Deferred tax liabilities: A tax liability that a company owes and does not pay at that current point, although it will be responsible for paying it at some point in the future. These are tax liabilities that are a result of temporary differences between the accounting and tax carrying values, the anticipated and enacted income tax rate, and estimated taxes payable for the current year. In simple terms, it is tax that is payable in future. We do not expect syndicates to report any amount within this line since tax would apply at member level. Line 79 – Derivatives: Only derivative assets should be included on this line i.e. those with negative values. These should be derivative liabilities that are directly held by the syndicate and hence do not include those that are held indirectly through investments funds or structured notes. The amount reported within this line should agree with the total Solvency II amount reported in AAD233 with a CIC of A to F (where the value is negative). Line 80 - Debts owed to credit institutions: These are debts, such as mortgage and loans that are owed to credit institutions, for example, banks. This excludes bonds being held by credit institutions, since it is not possible for the undertaking to identify all the holders of the bonds it issues. Subordinated liabilities should not be included here. Line 81 – Financial liabilities other than debts owed to credit institutions: This includes bonds issued by the undertaking (whether they are held by credit institutions or not), and mortgage and loans due to other entities than credit institutions. This includes structured notes issued by the undertaking itself (not by SPV). Subordinated liabilities should not be included here. 18 Line 82 – Insurance & intermediaries payable: These are amounts due to policy holders, other insurers, and linked to insurance business. This would relate to amounts that not been transferred to technical provisions i.e. over-due amounts. This includes amounts due to (re)insurance intermediaries (e.g. commissions due to intermediaries but not yet paid by the syndicate). These excludes loans & mortgages due to insurance companies, if they are not linked to insurance business but are only related to financing (and are therefore included in financial liabilities). Line 83 – Reinsurance payables: These are amounts due to reinsurers other than deposits and linked to reinsurance business, but that are not included in reinsurance recoverables i.e not transferred to RI share of technical provisions. These includes debtors to reinsurers that relate to settled claims of policy holders or beneficiaries. Line 84 – Payables (trade, not insurance): This includes amounts due to employees, suppliers, etc. and not insurance-related, similar to receivables (trade, not insurance) on asset side; includes public entities. Line 85 – Subordinated liabilities not in BOF: These are debts which rank after other debts when company is liquidated, only subordinated liabilities that are not classified in basic own funds (BOF) should be presented here. We do not expect syndicates to report any amounts within this line. Line 86 – Subordinated liabilities in BOF: These are debts which rank after other debts when company is liquidated, only subordinated liabilities that are classified in BOF should be presented here. We do not expect syndicates to report any amounts within this line. Line 87 – Any other liabilities, not elsewhere shown: This includes any liabilities not included in the other balance sheet items. Other areas Future cash flows transferred from (re)insurance receivables/payables to technical provisions Solvency II requires transfer of future cash flows from (re)insurance receivables/payables to technical provisions. Amounts included in (re)insurance receivables/payables that are not “over-due” should be transferred to technical provisions as future cash flows. Agents should ensure that adjustments made to (re)insurance receivables/payables in relation to future cash flows agree to respective amounts included in the calculation of the technical provisions and reported in the technical provision data return (TPD). We would not expect any adjustments against reinsurance receivables in respect of recoverable on paid claims as these amounts should be left as debtors in the balance sheet. LCA balances LCA balances are future cash flows and hence should be included in the Technical Provisions. However, any amount included in the LCA balances where the contractual settlement due date has passed by the period end date but which at the period end date have not been received should be reported as debtors in ASR002. From a premium stand point the agent needs to consider what has been received. If the agent is notified of a premium signing which has not yet been settled and has a due date after the balance sheet date then this is a future cash flow and should be reported in technical provisions. This remains as a future cash flow in technical provisions until the cash is received by the syndicate. From a claims standpoint, the managing agent will know when a claim has been paid and can deem the cash flow as having occurred. If it is reported in LCA balances once paid at the balance sheet date then it should be left in creditors on the balance sheet i.e. should not be considered a future cash flow in technical provisions. 19 In summary, managing agents need to consider the cash flow between the syndicate and LCA and decide if it is a future cash flow from the syndicate's perspective. Reinsurance recoveries The key defining characteristic is when the reinsurance recoveries in question are booked as "paid" (i.e. the moment they would appear in the QMA/financial statements as "debtors arising out of reinsurance operations/reinsurance receivables” in the balance sheet and “reinsurers’ share of paid claims" in the P&L account). If, for any reason, the processing of reinsurance recoveries results in a mis-match to the gross payment (e.g. there is a delay in calculating and processing outwards amounts to "paid") then the unprocessed expected reinsurance recoveries would remain as outstanding (unsettled) reinsurance claims for a period of time. As with the current treatment, these recoveries would remain within technical provisions for Solvency II until this is processed as paid (and collection notices issued). For most agents, this would be the same as the current financial reporting/accounting basis. For the avoidance of doubt, any uncollected reinsurance recoveries in respect of reinsurance items booked as "paid" are not reported as technical provisions but as debtors. Hence, on ASR002, we would not expect any adjustments (relating to claims paid) within line 46 ‘Reinsurance receivables’ to technical provisions. The same principles would apply to any associated reinstatement or outwards adjustment premiums. This is consistent with the principle of correspondence in that technical provisions only include the expected reinsurance cash flows that relate to the expected (unsettled) gross claims on current obligations but recognising that, in practice, some reinsurance recoveries will see a lag between the gross and reinsurance claims being calculated and/or processed. Other assets and other liabilities These should be valued at fair value by discounting expected cash flows using a risk free rate. However, book value as per UK GAAP may be used as a proxy to the fair value for Solvency II balance sheet purposes where the impact of discounting is not material because the balances are due/payable within one year or amounts due/payable in more than one year are not material. Materiality should be determined in accordance with International Accounting Standards (IAS1) i.e. “Omissions or misstatements of items are material if they could, individually or collectively, influence the economic decisions that users make on the basis of the financial information. Materiality depends on the size and nature of the omission or misstatement judged in the surrounding circumstances.” Profit commission Where the profit under Solvency II would be different to that under UK GAAP, agents should recalculate the profit commission to reflect the change in the profit. Hence, the profit commission recognised in the Solvency II column should be based on the Solvency II profit. However, where the syndicate year is closing, there is no recalculation of the profit commission in respect of the closing year as distribution will be based on the QMA (UK GAAP result). However, the effect of Solvency II valuation differences on the liabilities accepted by the reinsuring year of account, either for the same or another syndicate, should be taken into account when calculating the notional Solvency II profit commission for the reinsuring syndicate year. Funds in syndicate (FIS) Where a syndicate holds FIS, this should be reported within the respective investments lines i.e. ASR002, lines 7-29. The amount reported within these lines should agree with the respective total Solvency II amounts reported in the AAD230. 20 3.4 ASR220: Own Funds Purposeofform: This form provides a detailed overview of the syndicate’s own funds. This form is required for all reporting years combined. The syndicate should report funds in syndicate (FIS) in this form but funds at Lloyd’s (FAL) should be excluded. All items of own funds should be reported in Tier 1. If the managing agent considers that this is not appropriate, it should contact Lloyd’s, Line 1 – Members’ contributions: This is the amount of capital contributed by and held by syndicates. Only FIS should be reported on this line. FIS is Tier 1 (unrestricted), hence we would expect that only B1 is completed. Line 2 – Reconciliation reserve: The reconciliation reserve represents reserves (e.g. retained earnings), net of adjustments (e.g. foreseeable distributions). It also reconciles differences between the accounting valuation and Solvency II valuation. In the case of syndicates, the value on this line will equal members’ balances, less foreseeable distributions and FIS (if applicable). Line 3 – Other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above: This is the total of any items of basic own funds not identified above. We don’t expect syndicates to have any amount reported within this line. Line 5 – Total available own funds to meet the SCR: This is the total own funds of the syndicate, comprising basic own funds after adjustments plus ancillary own funds, that are available to meet the SCR. In the case of syndicates, this is the total amount of basic own funds. Line 6 – Total available own funds to meet the MCR: This is the total own funds of the syndicate, comprising basic own funds, that are available to meet the MCR. Line 7 – Total eligible own funds to meet the SCR: At least 50% of the SCR should be covered by Tier 1 own funds and a maximum of 15% may be covered by Tier 3. Also, restricted Tier 1 eligible funds to cover SCR cannot be more than 20% of the total Tier 1 funds used to cover SCR. The balance of the restricted Tier 1 funds may be included as Tier 2 funds. Lloyd’s expect that all syndicates’ own funds would fall under unrestricted Tier 1 funds. Line 8 – Total eligible own funds to meet the MCR: At least 80% of the MCR should be covered by Tier 1 eligible own funds with the balance being covered by Tier 2 basic own funds. Line 9 – Solvency Capital Requirement (SCR): This is the total SCR of the syndicate and should correspond to SCR amount reported in ASR522, line 10. Line 10 – Minimum Capital Requirement (MCR): This is the MCR of the syndicate and should correspond to the total MCR disclosed in ASR510, A24 or ASR511, A13 for non-life and life syndicates respectively. Line 13 – Excess of assets over liabilities: This amount should agree to the excess of assets over liabilities amount reported in ASR002, A89. Line 14 – Foreseeable distributions: This is the amount of distribution that has been approved by the managing agent’s Board but has not been made by the reporting date. Hence at the end of Q4, profit from the closing year should be reported within this line. For example, assuming that the reporting date is 31 December 2014 and the syndicate has 2012, 2013 and 2014 years of account, the expected distribution for 2012 should be reported within this line. The same treatment should be applied on the expected open year profit release, i.e. on the 2013 and 2014 reporting years. 21 Open/run-off years Open/run-off year profit release should be based on the lower of the syndicate UK GAAP solvency result as per QMA005, line 7 and Solvency II net balance i.e. QMC002 column C line 55 to 64 for the relevant reporting year of account. Where the UK GAAP solvency result has been improved by a positive adjustment to reflect exchange differences on technical provisions for solvency in respect of non-monetary items (QMA005 line 2) then this element of the result is not available for release. The lower amount determined as per above should be reported within line 14, foreseeable distributions. However, this should only be where the syndicate is planning to have an open/run-off year profit release i.e has indicated “NO” on QMA101 and has provided a signed QMA923 for the respective open year(s). Closed year Closed year profit release should be based on the syndicate’s UK GAAP result as per QMA360, A5, but adjusted for “three year funded adjustments” as per QMA102, D54. This amount should be reported within line 14, foreseeable distributions. Line 15 – Other basic own fund items: This is the sum of “members’ contributions (Funds in syndicate – FIS) (line 1)” and “other items approved by supervisory authority as basic own funds not specified above (line 3)”. Line 16 – Restricted own fund items due to ring fencing: We do not expect any amounts reported within this line. Line 18 & 19 – Expected profits included in future premium (EPIFP) – Life/non-life: These are the expected profits included in future premiums and that are recognised in technical provisions. Only one line is expected to be completed i.e. either line 18 or line 19 for life and non-life respectively. However, where a non-life syndicate has annuities stemming from non-life insurance contracts, line 18 should also be completed with EPIFP from these insurance contracts. The following is the definition of EPIFP split between incepted and unincepted business: For incepted business: take the future premium relating to incepted business (net of acquisition costs and reinsurance), and subtract the anticipated net claims and expenses, related to this future premium only. These anticipated net claims are not the same as the incepted net insurance losses since these net insurance losses include anticipated losses in respect of premiums already received. Similarly for expenses. For un-incepted business: on the assumption that no premiums have been received for un-incepted business, simply take the un-incepted premium (net of acquisition costs and reinsurance) within the premium provisions, and subtract the un-incepted net claims and expenses within the premium provisions. All the amounts should be determined on a Solvency II basis. Line 24 – Paid in - Members’ contributions (FIS) – Movement in the period: This is the amount of FIS that has been paid in and should agree to the amount reported in the QMA202. The balance b/fwd amount should be the same as the amount reported in the prior year’s QMA 202. The movement during the year as a result of additional/released capital or valuation differences should be reported under increase or reduction column, as appropriate. Line 25 – Called up but not yet paid in - Members’ contributions (FIS) – Movement in the period: This is any additional FIS that has been requested from members but has not been received by reporting date. 22 Line 27 – Difference in the valuation of assets: Solvency II requires that all assets are valued at fair value while under GAAP some assets could be valued at cost or amortised cost. For example, under GAAP receivables are valued at recoverable amount, but Solvency II requires that the expected recoverable amount should be discounted. Hence this would lead to a difference in valuation. The amount reported within this line is automatically calculated from the amounts reported in the balance sheet (ASR002). Line 28 – Difference in the valuation of technical provisions: Valuation of technical provisions is different under Solvency II compared to GAAP. Solvency II requires that technical provisions should be on a best estimate. Also under Solvency II, technical provision is based on a legal obligation basis i.e. unincepted contracts are included in the valuation of the best estimate. These are some of the differences, however for further details on Solvency II technical provisions, refer to Lloyd’s Solvency II guidance titled “Technical Provisions under Solvency II Detailed Guidance (March 2011 update)”. These instructions can be accessed through the following link: Solvency II Technical Provisions Guidance. The amount reported within this line is automatically calculated from the amounts reported in the balance sheet (ASR002). Line 29 – Difference in the valuation of other liabilities: Similar to assets, liabilities should be valued at fair value. Differences between valuation of other liabilities (excluding technical provisions) should be reported within this line. The amount reported within this line is automatically calculated from the amounts reported in the balance sheet (ASR002). Line 30 – Total of reserves and retained earnings from financial statements: This is the members’ balances as reported in the QMA002, C32 and financial statements. Where the members’ balances is a surplus (balance due to members), this should be reported as a positive amount but if it is a deficit (balance due from members), it should be reported as a negative amount. For syndicates with FIS, this amount should exclude the FIS amount as this is reported within line 33. Line 31 – Other: This is an analysis cell, hence all material amounts included in this cell must be separately listed in the analysis table (see section 2.9 ‘analysis cells’ above for details of materiality). The syndicate should report within this line any amount making up the excess of assets over liabilities that is not reported in lines 27-30. Lloyd’s does not expect any amount to be reported within this line. Hence where an amount is reported within this line, details of the amount should be provided on form 990. Line 33 - Excess of assets over liabilities attributable to basic own fund items (excluding the reconciliation reserve): This is basic own funds making up the excess of assets of liabilities other than retained earnings and valuation differences. In the case of syndicates with FIS, this will be the value of FIS, otherwise it will be nil for those syndicates with no FIS. Line 34 - Excess of assets: This should agree with the excess of assets over liabilities reported in ASR002 (A89) 3.5 ASR240: Non-life Technical Provisions (By line of business – Part A) Purposeofform: This form reports an overview of the non-life technical provisions by Solvency II line of business and split into main components; best estimate (gross and net), reinsurance recoverable, claims/premiums provisions and risk margin. This form is required for all reporting years combined and the amounts should be discounted. Calculation of the best estimate should be in accordance with Solvency II principles and as detailed in the Lloyd’s Solvency II guidance titled “Technical Provisions under Solvency II Detailed Guidance (March 2011 update)”. These instructions can be accessed through the following link: Solvency II Technical Provisions Guidance. Technical provisions calculated as whole: This is the amount of technical provisions in the case of replicable or hedgeable (re)insurance obligations, as defined in Article 77.4 of the Framework Directive. The best estimate and risk margin are calculated together where future cash flows associated with the 23 (re)insurance obligations can be replicated reliably using financial instruments for which a reliable market value is observable. In this case, the value of technical provisions should be determined on the basis of the market value of those financial instruments. Lloyd’s does not expect syndicates to calculate technical provisions as a whole, however, where a syndicate has transferred its liabilities to another syndicate through RITC and the technical provisions transferred cannot be split into best estimate and risk margin, the price payable can be considered to be the market price of the technical provisions and hence should be reported within “technical provisions calculated as a whole”. The valuation of the best estimate should be calculated separately in respect of premium provisions and claims provisions. Classification of business as direct business should be based on the insured i.e. insurance contracts issued to policyholder either directly by the syndicate or through an intermediary should be classified as “direct” business. This form requires reporting of technical provisions by Solvency II lines of business. Agents also submit similar information by risk codes, via the Technical Provisions Data return (TPD). To assist in the completion of this form, there is already an existing mapping between risk codes and Solvency II lines of business that was provided as part of the TPD reporting. This may be accessed via the following link:Risk code mapping to SII class of business The amounts reported in this form should agree to the amount reported in the balance sheet as follows: (i) Total technical provisions calculated as a whole (Q1) should be equal to ASR002 (A53+A57) (ii) Total gross best estimate (Q25) should be equal to ASR002 (A54+A58) (iii) Total Risk margin (Q27) should be equal to ASR002 (A55+A59) (iv) Total recoverable from RI (Q29) should be equal to ASR002, A38 3.6 ASR241: Non-life Technical Provisions (By line of business – Part B) Purposeofform: This form reports an overview of the premium and claims provisions cash out-flows and inflows and details of the number of homogeneous risk groups, by Solvency II line of business. This form is required for all reporting years combined. Article 80 of the Solvency II Directive requires that, “(re)insurance undertakings shall segment their insurance and reinsurance obligations into homogeneous risk groups and as a minimum by lines of business, when calculating their technical provisions”. Hence, where syndicates have segmented their business in homogeneous risks groups other than Solvency II lines of business, they are required to report on this form, the number of homogeneous risk groups per Solvency II line of business. The form also requires a split of cash flows used in the calculation of claims and premium provision. The cash in-flows should include future premiums (gross of acquisition costs) and receivables for salvage and subrogation while the cash out-flows should include claims, benefits and expenses. The net cash flows for each Solvency line of business should agree to the gross best estimate reported in ASR240 i.e. line 7 and 12 should agree to ASR240, lines 5 and 15 respectively. 24 Line 13 – Percentage of gross technical provisions calculated using simplified methods: The term "simplified method" refers to a situation where a specific valuation technique has been simplified in line with the proportionality principle, or where a valuation method is considered to be simpler than a certain reference or benchmark method. In practice, every method is likely to have some degree of simplification. The percentage of gross technical provisions calculated using simplified methods should include risk margin since technical provisions is defined as total of best estimate (including technical provisions calculated as a whole) and risk margin (as calculated and reported in form 240). The percentage should be reported as absolute positive amount. 3.7 ASR242: Non-life Technical Provisions (By Country) Purposeofform: This form reports the split of gross best estimate for direct business (excluding accepted reinsurance) by material countries. This form is required for all reporting years combined. Gross best estimate for different countries: Only the gross best estimate relating to direct business should be reported here i.e. excluding reinsurance accepted. Information is required by localisation of risk (i.e. country where the insured risk is based) for medical expenses, income protection, workers’ compensation, fire and other damage to property and credit suretyship lines of business. For all other lines of business, information is required by country of underwriting. Information is required on all countries representing up to 90% of the best estimate (direct business) with the rest reported in “other EEA” or “other non-EEA”. This materiality applies at Lloyd’s level and hence syndicates should report best estimate by either localisation of risk or country of underwriting for the following countries: United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Other EEA, United States of America, Australia, Bermuda, Canada, Japan, New Zealand and Other non-EEA, irrespective of materiality to the syndicate. The allocation should be done on a reasonable basis and should be used consistently year on year. The total per Solvency II line of business for all countries should agree to the sum of the amount (direct business) reported in ASR240, lines 2, 6 and 16. 3.8 ASR260: Assets and liabilities by currency Purposeofform: This form analyses assets and liabilities by currency. This form is required for all reporting years combined. The required materiality threshold for reporting this information for the insurer is that all currencies representing in aggregate up to 90% of both assets and liabilities (in Solvency II value) should be reported separately. Materiality has been determined at Lloyd’s level and there are 6+1 currencies that syndicates will be required to complete. These are: GBP, USD, EUR, CAD, AUD, JPY and OTHER. The syndicate must provide information for all these currencies, regardless of whether the currency is material for them or not. All these currencies should be reported unless where a syndicate has been given dispensation in the reporting of the Technical Provisions Data return (TPD). However, we would expect that syndicates will regularly review the relevancy of the dispensation, at least on an annual basis. The data based on the original currency should be converted into reporting currency (GBP) using the rate of exchange ruling at the end of the year and should be included in the appropriate/correct currency bucket. All other currencies (outside the 6 currencies listed above) should be converted to GBP and included as 25 “OTHER”. Please note that these currencies are based on the original currency rather than settlement currencies and the amounts should be reported in GBP. Where a syndicate has assets and liabilities in currencies other than the 6 listed currencies and these are material to them i.e. represent 20% or more of both assets and liabilities, these should be reported separately. Syndicates should not delete the 6+1 currencies already listed on the form and any additional currencies required should be selected on ASR026. However, where a syndicate has a currency that is not material and have been given a dispensation for currency reporting in the TPD, this dispensation may be applied when completing this form. The currency that is not required to be reported separately due to the dispensation should be included in the “OTHER” bucket. Lloyd’s expects that syndicates with dispensation should reassess the appropriateness of the dispensation on a regular basis (at least once a year). The amounts reported in this form in column H should agree with that reported in the balance sheet (ASR002) as per the mapping provided below: Assets Assets and liability by currency (ASR260) Balance Sheet (ASR002) Investments (other than assets held for index-linked and unitlinked funds) A30 Other assets within scope of AAD230 (other than index-linked and unit linked funds) A6+A35+A50 Assets held for index-linked and unit-linked funds A31 Reinsurance recoverables A43 Deposits to cedants and insurance and reinsurance receivables A44+A45+A46 Any other assets A1+A2+A3+A4+A5+A47+A48+A49+A51 Total assets A52 Liabilities Assets and liability by currency (ASR260) Balance Sheet (ASR002) Technical provisions (excluding index-linked and unit-linked funds) A56+A60+A64+A68 Technical provisions – index- linked and unit-linked funds A72 Deposits from reinsurers and insurance and reinsurance payables A77+A82+A83 Derivatives A79 Financial liabilities A80+A81 Contingent liabilities A74 Any other liabilities A73+A75+A76+A78+A84+A85+A86+A87 Total liabilities A88 26 3.9 ASR280: Life Technical Provisions Purposeofform: This form reports an overview of life technical provisions (TP) by Solvency II line of business. This form is required for all reporting years combined. The form should be completed by life syndicates, however non-life syndicates with annuities arising from non-life insurance contracts other health insurance should complete the form. Where applicable, the non-life syndicates should complete column H only, “annuities stemming from non-life insurance contracts and relating to insurance obligations other than health insurance obligations” and the life syndicates should complete all other relevant columns/lines of business. The segmentation required on this form should reflect the nature of the risks underlying the contract (substance), rather than the legal form of the contract (form). This form requires reporting of technical provisions by Solvency II lines of business. Syndicate have already been submitting similar information by risk codes, via the Technical Provisions Data return (TPD). To assist in the completion of this form, there is already an existing mapping between risk codes and Solvency II lines of business that was provided as part of the TPD reporting. This may be accessed via the following link:Risk code mapping to SII class of business Cash flows (out and in): These are discounted cash flows. Future expenses and other cash out- flows: As per Article 78(1) of the Directive, these are expenses that will be incurred in servicing insurance and reinsurance obligations, and other cash-flow items such as taxation payments which are, or are expected to be, charged to policyholders, or are required to settle the insurance or reinsurance obligations. Future premiums: These are cash-flows from future premiums and include premiums from accepted reinsurance business (gross of acquisition costs). Other cash in-flows: This does not include investment returns, which are not other cash-in flows for best estimate calculation purposes. The net cash flows for each Solvency line of business should agree to the gross best estimate i.e. line 17 should agree to line 2. The amounts reported in this form should agree to that reported in the balance sheet as follows: (i) Total technical provisions calculated as a whole (I1) should be equal to ASR002, A65 (ii) Total gross best estimate (I2) should be equal to ASR002, A66 (iii) Total risk margin (I9) should be equal to ASR002, A67 (iv) Total recoverable from RI (I7) should be equal to ASR002, A40 Line 18 – Percentage of gross technical provisions calculated using simplified methods: The term "simplified method" refers to a situation where a specific valuation technique has been simplified in line with the proportionality principle, or where a valuation method is considered to be simpler than a certain reference or benchmark method. In practice, every method is likely to have some degree of simplification. The percentage of gross technical provisions calculated using simplified methods should include risk margin since technical provisions is defined as total of best estimate (including technical provisions calculated as a whole) and risk margin. The percentage should be reported as absolute positive amount. 27 3.10 ASR281: Life Gross Best Estimate by Country Purposeofform:This form reports an overview of life gross best estimate by country. This form is required for all reporting years combined. The form should be completed by life syndicates, however, non-life syndicates with annuities stemming from non-life insurance contracts and relating to insurance obligation other than health insurance obligations should also complete this form. They should complete row 3, “annuities stemming from non-life insurance contracts and relating to insurance obligation other than health insurance obligations”. The life syndicate will be required to complete all other relevant lines of business. This should be both direct and accepted reinsurance business. Gross best estimate for different countries: On an annual basis, information is required on all countries representing up to 90% of the best estimate with the rest reported in “other EEA” or “other non-EEA”. This should be reported based on the location where the risk was underwritten. Materiality applies at Lloyd’s level and hence syndicates should report information for the following countries: United Kingdom, Norway, Italy, Other EEA, United States of America, Japan and Other non-EEA, irrespective of materiality to the syndicate. The allocation should be done on a reasonable basis and should be used consistently year on year. The total per Solvency II line of business for all countries should agree to the sum of the amount reported in ASR280, lines 1 and 2. 3.11 ASR283: Health SLT Technical Provisions Purposeofform: This form reports an overview of health SLT technical provisions (TP) by Solvency II line of business. This form is required for all reporting years combined. The form should be completed by life syndicates, however non-life syndicates with annuities arising from non-life insurance contracts relating to health insurance should also complete this form. Where applicable, the non-life syndicates should complete column E only, “annuities stemming from non-life insurance contracts and relating to health insurance obligations” and the life syndicates should complete all other relevant columns/lines of business. SLT means: Similar to life techniques. The segmentation required on this form should reflect the nature of the risks underlying the contract (substance), rather than the legal form of the contract (form). Cash flows (out and in): These are discounted cash flows. Future expenses and other cash out-flows: As per Article 78(1) of the Directive, these are expenses that will be incurred in servicing insurance and reinsurance obligations, and other cash-flow items such as taxation payments which are, or are expected to be, charged to policyholders, or are required to settle the insurance or reinsurance obligations. Future premiums: These are cash-flows from future premiums and include reinsurance premiums. Other cash in-flows: This does not include investment returns, which are not other cash-in flows for best estimate calculation purposes. The net cash flows for each Solvency line of business should agree to the gross best estimate i.e. line 17 should agree to line 2. The amounts reported in this form should agree to that reported in the balance sheet as follows: (i) Total technical provisions calculated as a whole (F1) should be equal to ASR002, A61 (ii) Total gross best estimate (F2) should be equal to ASR002, A62 28 (iii) Total Risk margin (F9) should be equal to ASR002, A63 (iv) Total recoverable from RI (F7) should be equal to ASR002, A39 Line 18 – Percentage of gross technical provisions calculated using simplified methods: The term "simplified method" refers to a situation where a specific valuation technique has been simplified in line with the proportionality principle, or where a valuation method is considered to be simpler than a certain reference or benchmark method. In practice, every method is likely to have some degree of simplification. The percentage of gross technical provisions calculated using simplified methods should include risk margin since technical provisions is defined as total of best estimate (including technical provisions calculated as a whole) and risk margin. The percentage should be reported as absolute positive amount. 3.12 ASR284: Health SLT Gross Best Estimate by Country Purposeofform:This form reports an overview of health SLT gross best estimate by country. This form is required for all reporting years combined. The form should be completed by life syndicates, however non-life syndicates with annuities arising from non-life insurance contracts relating to health insurance should also complete this form. Where applicable, the non-life syndicates should complete row 3 only, “annuities stemming from non-life insurance contracts and relating to health insurance obligations” and the life syndicates should complete all other relevant lines of business. This should be both direct and accepted reinsurance business. Gross best estimate for different countries: On an annual basis, information is required on all countries representing up to 90% of the best estimate with the rest reported in “other EEA” or “other non-EEA”. This should be reported based on the location where the risk was underwritten. Materiality applies at Lloyd’s level and hence syndicates should report information for the following countries: United Kingdom, Norway, Italy, Other EEA, United States of America, Japan and Other non-EEA, irrespective of materiality to the syndicate. The allocation should be done on a reasonable basis and should be used consistently year on year. The total per Solvency II line of business for all countries should agree to the sum of the amount reported in ASR283, lines 1 and 2. 3.13 ASR510: Minimum Capital Requirement – Non-life Purposeofform: This form provides details of the input and output of the minimum capital requirement (MCR) calculation. This form is required for all reporting years combined. The calculation of the MCR combines a linear formula with a floor of 25% and a cap of 45% of the SCR. The MCR is subject to an absolute floor, expressed in euro, depending on the nature of the undertaking (as defined in Article 129 (1) (d) of the Solvency II Directive). However, these will not apply at syndicate level and the reported MCR reported on this form will be the result of applying set factors to the net technical provisions (excluding risk margin) and net written premiums. The written premiums should be for the preceding 12 months to the reporting date and should be net of reinsurance premiums ceded which corresponds to these premiums. The definition for written premium in the draft delegated acts is as follows: 29 'written premiums' means, in relation to a specified time period, the premiums due to an insurance or reinsurance undertaking during that time period regardless of the fact that such premiums may relate in whole or in part to insurance or reinsurance cover provided in a different time period’ The above definition is not GAAP but rather on a cash flow basis. Hence if bound but not incepted contracts (BBNI) are due during the period under consideration, then these should be considered as written premium, for example: Full Premium (£m) Due by 2014 Year End (£m) Due after 2014 Year End (£m) 2014 YoA (Incepted by 2014 year end) 25 20 5 2014 YoA (Unincepted by 2014 year end) 75 50 25 2015 YoA (Unincepted by 2014 year end) 15 10 5 Total 115 80 35 The written premium on a UK GAAP basis would be £25m (the top left most cell). The written premium on a Solvency II basis is only the amounts due to be received (whether received or not) in the 2014 calendar year and this would be £80m. The technical provisions should be net of reinsurance recoverables and should be without the risk margin (i.e. sum of the net best estimate and technical provisions calculated as a whole should be used). The net technical provisions amount (by Solvency II lines of business) reported in the form should agree to the amount per corresponding lines of business as reported in ASR240, lines 1 and 26 (where the amounts reported in ASR240 are positive). Hence the total net technical provisions should agree to sum of ASR240, Q1 plus ASR240, Q26. Line 19 – SCR: This should agree to the SCR amount reported in ASR522, D10. Lines 20 & 21 – MCR cap and floor: MCR should fall between 25% (floor) and 45% (cap) of the syndicate’s SCR as reported on line 19. Line 23 – Absolute floor of the MCR: MCR reported shall have an absolute floor of: (i) EUR 2,500,000 for non-life insurance undertakings, including captive insurance undertakings, save in the case where all or some of the risks included in one of the classes 10 to 15 listed in Part A of Annex 1 of the Solvency II Directive are covered, in which case it shall be no less than EUR 3,700,000. Refer to Appendix 1 for the classes of business listed in Annex 1, Part A (ii) EUR 3,700,000 for life insurance undertakings, including captive insurance undertakings (iii) EUR 3,600,000 for reinsurance undertakings, except in the case of captive reinsurance undertakings, in which case the MCR shall be no less than EUR 1,200,000 We would expect that most non-life syndicates will be writing at least one of the classes 10-15 and hence the expected absolute floor to be reported within line 23 would be EUR 3,700,000. The amount should be translated to GBP using the closing rate at the end of the period. 30 3.14 ASR511: Minimum Capital Requirement – Life Purposeofform: This form provides details of the input and output of the minimum capital requirement (MCR) calculation. This form is required for all reporting years combined. The technical provisions should be net of reinsurance recoverables and should be without the risk margin (i.e. sum of the net best estimate and technical provisions calculated as a whole should be used). The net technical provisions amount (by Solvency II lines of business) reported in the form should agree to the amount per corresponding lines of business as reported in ASR280/ASR283, lines 1 and 8 (where amounts reported in ASR280 and ASR283 are positive). The non-life syndicates with annuities arising from non-life insurance contracts should also report in this form MCR arising from these contracts. Hence, relevant amounts should be reported within lines 4 and 5. Syndicates are not expected to be writing with profit and unit linked insurance contracts, hence lines 1 to 3 should be zero. Capital at risk for all life (re)insurance obligations: This is the total capital at risk in relation to all contracts that give rise to life insurance or reinsurance obligations, equivalent to total sum insured less the value of technical provisions for such contracts. Line 8 – SCR: This should agree to the SCR amount reported in ASR522, D10. Lines 9 & 10 – MCR cap and floor: MCR should fall between 25% (floor) and 45% (cap) of the syndicate’s SCR as reported on line 8. Line 23 – Absolute floor of the MCR: MCR reported shall have an absolute floor of: (iv) EUR 2,500,000 for non-life insurance undertakings, including captive insurance undertakings, save in the case where all or some of the risks included in one of the classes 10 to 15 listed in Part A of Annex 1 of the Solvency II Directive are covered, in which case it shall be no less than EUR 3,700,000. Refer to Appendix 1 for the classes of business listed in Annex 1, Part A (v) EUR 3,700,000 for life insurance undertakings, including captive insurance undertakings (vi) EUR 3,600,000 for reinsurance undertakings, except in the case of captive reinsurance undertakings, in which case the MCR shall be no less than EUR 1,200,000 We would expect that life syndicates would report the absolute floor of the MCR (line 12) as EUR 3,700,000 but translated to GBP using the closing rate at the end of the period. 3.15 ASR522: Solvency Capital Requirement – for syndicates on full internal models Purposeofform: This form reports the calculation of SCR using a full internal model. This form is required with respect to the prospective reporting year, for example, when reporting for the year end 2014, the reporting year to be indicated on the form should be 2015 as the SCR being reported would relate to business due to be written in 2015. The SCR should be the one year amount and also any capital add-on should be the one year amount. The risk components listed in the form are similar to those required in the Lloyd’s Capital Return (LCR). Hence the amount reported in this form, per risk component, should agree to the amount reported in the LCR submitted in September (including any agreed capital add-on) or a subsequent updated LCR that has been agreed with Lloyd’s. 31 The difference between gross and net SCR is the impact of loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions and deferred taxes. According to Article 108 of the Solvency II Directive, the only element to be considered as a “loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions” is the future discretionary benefits of insurance contracts. These two would not apply to syndicates, hence the gross and net SCR amounts should be the same. Modelling approach to calculation of loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions To identify modelling approach to a calculation of the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions, the following closed list of options should be used: Modelled and identifiable (MI) Modelled but not identifiable (MNI) Not modelled (NM) Depending on each case, the information reported in cells D1 to D5, G1 to G5 and E9 will vary as follows: If it is modelled and identifiable, the capital charge reported in D1 to D5 should be including this loss absorbing capacity (net SCR) while that reported in G1 to G5 should be excluding this loss absorbing capacity (gross SCR). Also, cell E9 should not be reported and an estimate of an adjustment should be reported in cell E8 for information only If it is modelled but not identifiable, the capital charge reported in D1 to D5 and G1 to G5 should be including this loss absorbing capacity (net SCR). Also, cell E9 should not be reported and an estimate of an adjustment will be reported in cell E8 for information only If it is not modelled, D1 to D5 and G1 to G5 will both be reported for the capital charge excluding this loss absorbing capacity, i.e. gross SCR and cell E9 will be reported. Modelling approach to calculation of loss absorbing capacity of deferred taxes To identify modelling approach to a calculation of the loss absorbing capacity of technical provisions, the following closed list of options should be used: Modelled and identifiable (MI) Modelled but not identifiable (MNI) Not modelled (NM) Depending on each case, the information reported in cells D1 to D5, G1 to G5 and F9 will vary as follows: If it is modelled and identifiable, the capital charge reported in D1 to D5 should be including this loss absorbing capacity (net SCR) while that reported in G1 to G5 should be excluding this loss absorbing capacity (gross SCR). Also, cell F9 should not be reported and an estimate of an adjustment should be reported in cell F8 for information only If it is modelled but not identifiable, the capital charge reported in D1 to D5 and G1 to G5 should be including this loss absorbing capacity (net SCR). Also, cell F9 should not be reported and an estimate of an adjustment will be reported in cell F8 for information only If it is not modelled, D1 to D5 and G1 to G5 will both be reported for the capital charge excluding this loss absorbing capacity, i.e. gross SCR and cell F9 will be reported. Line 7 – Diversification: This is the total of the diversification within components calculated using the full internal model. 32 Line 11 – Capital requirement for business operated in accordance with Art. 4 of Directive 2003/41/EC (transitional): Directive 2003/41/EC (transitional) deals with activities and supervision of institutions for occupational retirement provision. This does not apply to syndicates hence we would not expect any amount to be reported within this line. Line 12 – Solvency capital requirement, excluding capital add-on: This should agree to the net SCR amount reported in the final LCR agreed with Lloyd’s. Line 13 – Capital add-ons: This is the amount of capital add-ons that had been agreed with Lloyd’s by the deadline date of submitting the return to Lloyd’s. Line 14 – Total amount of Notional Solvency Capital Requirements for ring fenced funds (other than those related to business operated in accordance with Art. 4 of Directive 2003/41/EC (transitional)): We do not consider to have any ring fenced funds at Lloyd’s, hence no amount should be reported within this line. Line 15 – Total amount of Notional Solvency Capital Requirements for remaining part: This is total SCR reported within line 10, less any amount that relates to ring fenced funds (line 14). Hence considering that no amount is expected to be reported within line 14, the amount reported within this line should agree to that reported within line 10. Line 16 – Diversification between ring fenced funds and between ring fenced funds and remaining part: We do not consider to have any ring fenced funds at Lloyd’s, hence no amount is expected within this line. Line 17 – Gross discretionary benefits: These are amounts of technical provisions without risk margin in relation to future discretionary benefits gross of reinsurance. Line 18 – Net discretionary benefits: These are amounts of technical provisions without risk margin in relation to future discretionary benefits net of reinsurance. Line 19 – Date of formal approval of internal model: This should be the date when the syndicates’ internal models are approved. This will be communicated once the Lloyd’s internal model process with PRA has been finalised, hence for interim reporting, please report this as 2014/12/31. 33 Section 4: form instructions for ANNUAL ASSET DATA 4.1 AAD010: Control page Purposeofform: This form collects/confirms basic information regarding the syndicate, including the syndicate number and managing agent. When you set up a return, you are required to enter a person as the contact for the return. Any queries on the return will be addressed to this person together with the person who clicks the action “sign off” prior to submission of the return. Each syndicate will have a return Administrator. The Administrator is responsible for adding/amending contact details for the return. Please ensure that all contact details are correct. Details can be updated via the ‘Admin’ link on the Core Market Returns menu. We do recognise, however, that persons signing off the return may not necessarily be those to whom queries should be sent to. If this is the case, please email Market Finance via, with details of an alternative contact who will be included on the queries distribution list relating to the syndicate. Due to the volume of data being reported in the Annual Asset Data (AAD), this return is asynchronous. Hence syndicates will not be able to view the forms as they appear on the specifications, but will get playback summaries of the information loaded into CMR. 4.2 AAD230: Investment Data – Portfolio List Purposeofform: This form collects a detailed list of investments and it provides a full vision of the risks in the investment portfolio. This form is required for all years combined. All types of investments (including bank deposits and deposits relating to reinsurance accepted) should be reported in this form. However, derivatives are not included in this form because they are required to be completed in specific form i.e. AAD233 for open derivatives. In the case of investment funds, these should be included in this form at a total level and not on a look-through basis, as the look-through is reported on AAD236 i.e. only one line per fund should be reported on this form. All investments, other than the ones listed below, should be reported individually, per ID code. However, in the case of following assets: Cash and deposits (CIC XT71, XT72, XT73, XT74 & XT79), only one line per pair (bank and currency) should be reported Deposits to cedants (CIC XT75), only one line per counterparty should be reported Mortgage and loans (CIC XT8#); for mortgages & loans to individuals, including loans on policies, there should be only two lines, one line regarding loans to senior management and another regarding loans to other individuals without distinction between individuals This form will be used for collecting information required for the Lloyd’s Internal Model (LIM) as well as for reporting to the PRA. To ensure that adequate information for LIM is available, the original EIOPA template has been tailored to include fields to collect information on funds in syndicate (FIS). The two fields that have been added are market value (Non-FIS) and market value (FIS). 34 Lloyd’s managed and cash sweep investment funds Lloyd’s are proposing (subject to agreement with the PRA) that funds managed by Lloyd’s Treasury & Investment Management (LTIM) (ASL, Overseas Trust Funds and PTF Commingled Funds) and the primary sweep accounts will be reported as investment funds in AAD 230 with full look-through information provided by Lloyd’s in AAD236. When reporting these investments please include as a single line entry on both the AAD 230 and 236; classifying the “Level of look-through” as “O” and the “CIC” as “XL39” on the 236. Refer to the AAD 230 and 236 Lloyd’s managed investment fund (LMIF) templates on the AAD/QAD FAQ document for detailed information on how to report these investments. The templates provide the correct data for all the AAD fields; syndicates will only need to add their total valuation for each fund (please remember that all the valuations must be reported in GBP). The complete list of underlying assets will then be applied by Lloyd’s upon submission. Please use the LMIF ID Codes as per the below tables and note that these fund codes should only be used for trust fund assets managed by Lloyd’s Treasury & Investment Management (LTIM) (ASL, Overseas Trust Funds and PTF Commingled Funds). All other syndicate assets within your trust funds should be reported as directly held investments i.e. individual securities should be reported only in AAD230 and investment funds should be reported as a single line in AAD230 and lookthrough in AAD236. Additional Securities Limited (ASL) LMIF Investment Fund Name ASLAU0001 ASL – Australia ASLBS0001 ASL – Bahamas ASLBR0001 ASL – Brazil ASLKY0001 ASL - Cayman Islands ASLGD0001 ASL – Grenada ASLHK0001 ASL - Hong Kong ASLNA0001 ASL – Namibia ASLSG0001 ASL – Singapore ASLVC0001 ASL - St Vincent & Grenadines ASLCH0001 ASL – Switzerland ASLTT0001 ASL – Trinidad The ASL Lloyd’s Asia and ASL Singapore assets are managed together and should therefore be combined in your submission under ASL Singapore (ASLSG0001) 35 Overseas Securities Trust Funds (OSTF) LMIF Investment Fund Name AJATF2001 Australian JATF(2) ATF000001 Australian Trust Fund CMF000001 Canadian Margin Fund ITF000001 Illinois Trust Fund JATFRE001 JATF Reinsurance JATFSL001 JATF Surplus Lines KJATF0001 Kentucky JATF KTF000001 Kentucky Trust Funds SATTF0001 South Africa Transitional Fund SATF00001 South Africa Trust Fund PTF Commingled Funds LMIF Investment Fund Name PTFCA0001 Canadian PTF Commingled Account LCBACA001 LCBA CAD Commingled Account LCBAUS001 LCBA USD Commingled Account LDTF00001 LDTF Commingled Account PTFEU0001 PTF EURO Commingled Account PTFGBP001 PTF Sterling Commingled Account Cash Sweep Investment Funds LMIF Investment Fund Name FIERACAD1 FIERA Canadian Dollar Short Term Blended Investment Account (RBC Sweep) FIERAUSD1 FIERA US Dollar Short Term Blended Investment Account (RBC Sweep) WALF00001 Western Asset (US Dollar) Liquidity Fund (WALF) previously Citi Institutional Liquidity Fund (CILF) WAICR0001 Western Asset Institutional Cash Reserves (WAICR) previously Citi Institutional Cash Reserve (CICR) 36 Investments issued by government agencies or issued with a government guarantee and private equity investments The definition provided by EIOPA on government bonds includes “bonds issued by public authorities, whether by central governments, supra-national government institutions, regional governments or municipal governments”. This definition does not include agency and government guaranteed bonds, therefore Lloyd’s expects these assets to be classified as corporate bonds (CIC ##2#) and reported as such until further clarification is received from EIOPA/PRA. In addition, EIOPA does not provide specific CIC sub-categories for investments issued by government agencies, investments issued with a government guarantee, reverse repurchase agreements or private equity investments, but Lloyd’s requires these assets to be identified for modelling purposes. Therefore, please complete the Issue type field for agency, government guaranteed instruments, reverse repurchase agreements and private equity investments as per the below table. Asset Type Issue Type Agency AGENCY Government Guaranteed GOVTGTD Private Equity PRIVEQ Reverse Repurchase Agreements REVREPO Other NA For reverse repurchase agreements, Lloyd’s also requires syndicates to identify the asset type of the collateral; when reporting a reverse repurchase agreement in AAD230, the CIC field should be completed using the asset class of the collateral. When reporting a reverse repurchase agreement in AAD 236 the CIC and the Underlying asset category fields should also be completed using the asset class of the collateral. Supra-national bonds These are bonds issued by public institutions established by a commitment between national states, e.g. issued by a multilateral development bank as listed in Annex VI, Part 1, Number 4 of the Capital Requirements Directive (2006/48/EC) or issued by an international organisation listed in Annex VI, Part 1, Number 5 of the Capital Requirements Directive (2006/48/EC). These are: Multilateral banks International Bank for Reconstruction and Development International Finance Corporation Inter-American Development Bank Asian Development Bank African Development Bank Council of Europe Development Bank Nordic Investment Bank Caribbean Development Bank European Bank for Reconstruction and Development European Investment Bank European Investment Fund 37 Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency. International organisations European Community International Monetary Fund Bank for International Settlements. Portfolio: This should be reported as either Life (L) or Non-life (NL) depending on the type of syndicate. Fund number: This is applicable to assets held in ring-fenced or other internal funds (defined according to national markets). This number should be consistent over time and with the fund number in ASR288, column F. Lloyd’s does not consider there to be any ring-fenced or internal funds, hence this field should be left blank. Asset held in unit linked and index linked funds (Y/N): There are two options for reporting i.e. “Y” or “N” and since syndicates do not write unit linked and index linked contracts, the option to be reported should be “N”. ID code: All assets reported in AAD230 should be allocated a unique ID code and where there are multiple holdings of the same asset these should be aggregated and reported as one line. The ID code should be ISIN if available, other recognised code (CUSIP, CINS, Sedol, Bloomberg ticker etc.) or the syndicate’s specific code if nothing else is available. In the case of cash at bank, the bank account number may be used as ID code. Where this is not possible, a unique ID should be allocated and this should be used in all future submissions. In the case of investment funds, the ID code reported in this form should be the investment fund code (LMIF code if the fund is a Lloyd’s Treasury & Investment Management (LTIM) fund or a cash sweep investment fund) and, for the same investment fund, this code should be the same as the investment fund code reported in AAD236. ID code type: Type of ID Code used for the “ID Code” item and should be one of the following: ISIN, CUSIP, CINS, Bloomberg, LMIF, undertaking specific and other. This is presented in the CMR as a closed list and it is included in the reference data. For each investment fund, the ID code type reported on this form should be the same as the Investment fund code type reported in AAD236. Assets pledged as collateral: This identifies assets in the balance sheet that have been pledged as collateral, i.e. collateral pledged (CP), collateral for reinsurance accepted (CR), collateral for securities borrowed (CB), repos (R) and not applicable (NA). For partially pledge assets two lines for each asset should be reported, one for the pledged amount and other for the remaining part. Security title: This is the name of the security and it is not applicable for mortgages and loans on individuals within CIC category 8 (Mortgages and Loans) as these are not required to be reported individually, and for Plant and Equipment (CIC XT95). For cash in hand and cash at bank, the security title may be referred to as “cash in hand” and “cash at bank” respectively. Issuer name: An issuer is defined as the entity that offers securities representing parts of its capital, debt, derivatives etc., for sale to investors. For investment funds, the issuer name is the name of the funds manager. This is not applicable for mortgages and loans on individuals within CIC category XT8# (Mortgages and Loans), as these are not required to be reported individually, and for Property (CIC category XT9#). Issuer code: This should be completed with legal entity identifier (LEI) or interim entity identifier (PRE-LEI). LEI is a unique identifier (20-digit, alpha-numeric code) associated with a legal person or structure that is organised under the laws of any jurisdiction (excluding natural persons) and created in accordance with the 38 international standard ISO 17442. LEIs will enable consistent and unambiguous identification of parties to financial transactions, including non-financial institutions. The Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) initiative is designed to create a global reference data system that uniquely identifies every legal entity or structure, in any jurisdiction, that is party to a financial transaction. Endorsed by the G20, the establishment of a Global LEI System (GLEIS) is critical to improving measurement and monitoring of systemic risk. Global, standardised LEIs will enable regulators and organisations to more effectively measure and manage counterparty exposure while also resolving long standing issues on entity identification across the globe. To aid global allocation of LEIs, Local Operating Units (LOUs) have been formed and must be sponsored by local regulators to assign and maintain LEIs to firms on a cost recovery basis. While the GLEIS is being developed official Pre-LOUs have been introduced to provide an interim solution. As with the proposed official GLEIS model, Pre-LEIs are allocated by Pre-LOUs according to the agreed international standard which outlines the structure and minimum data record requirements. In the UK, the London Stock Exchange has been endorsed by the Regulatory Oversight Committee (ROC) as an authorised Pre-LOU for the global allocation of LEIs. Where a code does not exist, syndicates should leave this field blank. Issuer code type: This is the type of issuer code i.e. LEI or PRE-LEI. Where the issuer code field was left blank because the code does not exist, “NA” should be reported in this field. Issuer sector: This is the economic sector of the issuer of the security and should be based on the latest version of the NACE code. The letter reference of the NACE code identifying the section should be used as a minimum for identifying sectors, for example, “A” or “A.01.11” would be acceptable except for NACE relating to financial and insurance activities for which the letter identifying the section followed by the 4 digits code for the class should be used (for example, “K.66.30” to denote “fund management activities”). This item is not applicable for CIC category 8, mortgages and loans (for mortgages and loans on individuals, as those assets are not required to be individualised), and CIC XT95, plant and equipment (for own use). Issuer group: This is the name of the ultimate parent undertaking of the issuer. For investment funds, the group relation is in relation to the fund manager. Issuer group code: This is legal entity identifier (LEI) or interim entity identifier (PRE-LEI). Where a code does not exist, syndicates should leave this field blank. Issuer group code type: This is the type of the issuer group code i.e. LEI or PRE-LEI. Where the issuer group code field was left blank because the code does not exist, “NA” should be reported in this field. Issuer country: This is the country where the legal seat of issuer is located. For investment funds, the country is relative to the funds manager. The legal seat, for this purpose, should be understood as the place where the issuer head office is officially registered, at a specific address, according to the commercial register (or equivalent). The International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) alpha 2 codes should be used, i.e. two letter country codes. For example, “US” to denote United States, except for supranational issuers and European Union institutions where “XA” and “EU” should be used respectively. Country of custody: This is the ISO code of the country where undertaking assets are held in custody. For identifying international custodians (e.g. Euroclear), the country of custody will be the one corresponding to the legal establishment where the custody service was contractually defined. Where there are multiple custodians, the country of the biggest custodian should be reported i.e. one that holds securities with the highest value. 39 Currency (ISO code): This is the currency of the issue and the code should be the ISO code as defined in ISO 4217 alphabetic code, for example, USD for US dollars. CIC: This refers to Complementary Identification Code (CIC) and it is the EIOPA Code used to classify securities. See Appendix 1 for the CIC table. When classifying an asset using the CIC table, syndicates should take into consideration the most representative risk to which the asset is exposed. The code should comprise of four characters, for example, ES15 denoting, treasury bonds listed in Spain. When identifying the location of the asset, the country ISO code where the asset is traded should be used. When determining CIC for supranational issuers and European Union institutions “XA” and “EU” should not be used, but instead the country ISO code where the security is traded/listed should be used. If this is traded in more than one country, then the country used for valuation reference should be used. Participation: This is defined in article 13(20) of the Solvency II Directive as “ownership, direct or by way of control, of 20% or more of the voting rights or capital of an undertaking”. These are the five different criteria for classifying participation: the asset is not a participation (N) it is a participation but not consolidated at group level and not strategic (YNGNS) it is a participation not consolidated at group level but strategic (YNGS) it is a participation, consolidated at group level and not strategic (YGNS) it is a participation, it is consolidated at group level and is strategic (YGS) Lloyd’s would not be expecting any syndicate to have participations hence the expected selection is “N” External rating: This is the rating given by an external rating agency and is only applicable to CIC categories ##1#, ##2#, ##5# and ##6#. The syndicate must report the external rating (only the rating symbol, without any outlook) that in their perspective is best representative and used internally for SCR calculations. This field must always be populated, therefore where a security is not rated, “NR” should be reported. The rating reported should be as per the closed list provided in the CMR as part of the reference data. Rating agency: This is the rating agency giving the external rating and should be selected from a closed list provided in the CMR as part of the reference data. Similar to the external rating, where a security is not rated, “NR” should be reported. Duration: This is the ‘residual modified duration’ in years. For assets without fixed maturity the first call date should be used. It only applies to CIC categories ##1#, ##2#, ##42 (when applicable, e.g. for investment funds mainly invested in bonds), ##5# and ##6#. Quantity: This depends on the type of assets (e.g. number of shares for equity and investment funds). This is not applicable for CIC categories ##1#, ##2#, ##5#, ##6#, XT7#, XT8# and XT9#. Total par amount: This is a new field introduced in the template so as to separate quantity (for shares and investment funds) and par amount invested (for debt securities). This is the par value of debt securities i.e. CIC categories ##1#, ##2#, ##5# and ##6# and will be the same as the amount previously reported in the quantity field. Unit Solvency II price: This depends on the type of assets (amount in GBP for shares or units held in investment funds). This is not applicable for CIC categories ##1#, ##2#, ##5#, ##6#, XT7#, XT8# and XT9#. Percentage of par Solvency II value: This is a new field introduced in the template in line with the introduction of the total par amount field. This is the percentage of market value/par value (only for CIC 1,2,5 and 6) and is similar to the unit Solvency II price previously reported for debt securities (note that this field 40 should be completed as a percentage and not a ratio as previously reported in the unit Solvency II value). The market value should be the clean price (i.e. should not include accrued interest). For example, percentage of par Solvency II value for a corporate bond with a clean market price of £ 900 and a par value of £ 1,000 should be reported as 90. This is not applicable for CIC categories ##3#, ##4#, XT7#, XT8# and XT9#. Solvency II valuation method: Identify the valuation method used when valuing assets. This should either be one of the three options below: Quoted market price in active markets for the same assets (QMP) Quoted market price in active markets for similar assets (QMPS) Alternative valuation methods (AVM) Acquisition price: This is the acquisition price of each asset i.e. unit price per share/unit held in the investment fund. Where there are different acquisition prices due to acquisitions made at different dates, an average acquisition price must be used and consequently only one line is completed for one single asset, independently of having more than one acquisition. This is not applicable to CIC categories XT7# and XT8#. Total Solvency II amount: This is the Solvency II value of the investments and it corresponds to: Multiplication of “Quantity” by “Unit Solvency II price” plus “Accrued interest” (Quantity x Unit Solvency II price + Accrued interest) for the following CIC categories; ##3# and ##4#. It must also equal to the sum of Market value (Non-FIS), Market value (FIS) and Accrued interest; or Multiplication of “Total par amount” by “Percentage of par Solvency II value” plus “Accrued interest” (Total par amount x Percentage of par Solvency II value + Accrued interest) for the following CIC categories; ##1#, ##2#, ##5# and ##6#. It must also equal to the sum of Market value (Non-FIS), Market value (FIS) and Accrued interest. Maturity date: This is only applicable for CIC categories ##1#, ##2#, ##5#, ##6# and ##8# and corresponds always to the maturity date, even for callable securities. The date should be reported in ISO date format i.e. YYYY/MM/DD and for perpetual securities, the date should be reported as 9999/12/31. This date should be greater than the reporting end date. Accrued interest: This is the amount of interest that is to be received in future from each asset and it forms part of Total Solvency II amount. Market value (Non-FIS): This is the market value (clean value) of the securities held in the premium trust funds (PTFs) in respect of open and run-off reporting years of account. Where the valuation basis adopted in the QMA is the same as that required for Solvency II, the total market value (Non-FIS) should tie back to the amounts reported in the QMA201. Market value (FIS): This is the market value (clean value) of the securities held as, either separately or commingled within the syndicates PTFs, in respect of funds in syndicates (FIS). Where the valuation basis adopted in the QMA is the same as that required for Solvency II, the total market value (FIS) should tie back to the amounts reported in the QMA202. Where securities are commingled, that is, investments in respect of FIS and open/run-off years of account (Non-FIS) are not managed separately, only one entry per security should be reported with the amounts presented in the appropriate columns. Issue type: This is the means of identifying investments issued by a government agency, government guaranteed bonds and reverse repurchase agreements for capital modelling purposes. Please use the appropriate code as listed on page 37. If none of the specific options is applicable please report “NA”. 41 4.3 AAD233: Derivatives Data – Open Positions Purposeofform: This form reports information on all derivatives held by the syndicate. It provides information on risks and risk mitigating strategies followed through the use of derivatives. This form is required for all years combined. This includes all derivatives contracts that existed during the reporting period and were not closed prior to the end of the reporting period. Derivatives to be reported in this form are the ones directly held so please don’t include the ones held indirectly through investment funds or structured products. The value of the open contracts at the end of the reporting year should agree to ASR002, lines A27 and A79. Lloyd’s expect syndicates to report one line for each derivative, except for derivatives which have more than one currency as these derivatives should be split into the components and reported in different lines. Foreign exchange contracts, for example, should be populated as two entries (one for each currency); a long (buy) leg and a short (sell) leg. Worked examples of derivatives data reported on AAD233 are available in the AAD/QAD FAQ document (Valuation and Balance Sheet section of Portfolio: This should be reported as either Life (L) or Non-life (NL) depending on the type of syndicate. Fund number: This is applicable to assets held in ring-fenced or other internal funds (defined according to national markets). This number should be consistent over time and with the fund number in ASR288, column F. Lloyd’s does not consider there to be any ring-fenced or internal funds, hence this field should be left blank. Derivatives held in unit linked and index linked funds (Y/N): There are two options for reporting i.e. “Y” or “N” and since syndicates do not write unit linked and index linked contracts, the option to be reported should be “N”. ID code: This should be ISIN if available, other recognised code (CUSIP, Sedol, Bloomberg ticker etc.) or syndicate’s specific if nothing else is available. When a derivative is reported in multiple lines (e.g. a foreign exchange contracts reported in two lines, one for each leg) the same ID code should be used for all the related entries. ID code type: Type of ID Code used for the “ID Code” item and should be one of the following: ISIN, CUSIP, Bloomberg, undertaking specific and other. This is presented in the CMR as a closed list and it is included in the reference data. Counterparty name: This is the identification of the counterparty of the derivative contract (derivative exchange or the counterparty for OTC derivatives). Counterparty code: This is legal entity identifier (LEI) or interim entity identifier (PRE-LEI) i.e. an ISO code that identifies the counterparty. Where a code does not exist, syndicates should leave this field blank. Counterparty code type: This is the type of counterparty code i.e. LEI or PRE-LEI. Where the counterparty code field was left blank because the code does not exist, “NA” should be reported in this field. External rating: This is the rating of the counterparty given by an external rating agency and is only applicable to OTC or bespoken derivatives. The syndicate must report the external rating (only the rating symbol, without any outlook) that in their perspective is best representative and used internally for SCR calculations. This field must always be filled in, hence where a security is not rated, “NR” should be reported. Rating agency: This is the rating agency giving the external rating and should be selected from a closed list. Similar to the external rating, where a security is not rated, “NR” should be reported. Counterparty group: This is the name of the ultimate parent undertaking of the counterparty. 42 Counterparty group code: This is legal entity identifier (LEI) or interim entity identifier (PRE-LEI) i.e. an ISO code that identifies the ultimate parent undertaking of the counterparty. Where a code does not exist, syndicates should leave this field blank. Counterparty group code type: This is the type of counterparty group code i.e. LEI or PRE-LEI. Where the counterparty group code field was left blank because the code does not exist, “NA” should be reported in this field. Contract name: This is the name of the derivative contract. Asset or liability underlying the derivative: This is the asset or liability underlying the derivative contract. This should be reported in the form of the ID code and it should be provided for derivatives that have a single underlying instrument in the syndicate’s portfolio. Currency (ISO code): This is the currency of the derivative and should be presented as the ISO currency code, for example, CAD for Canadian Dollar. For derivatives that have more than one currency, it should be split into the components and reported in different lines. Foreign exchange contracts should be populated as two entries (one for each currency); a long (buy) leg and a short (sell) leg. CIC: This refers to Complementary Identification Code (CIC) and it is the EIOPA Code used to classify securities. Please see Appendix 1 for the CIC table. When classifying an asset using the CIC table, syndicates should take into consideration the most representative risk to which the asset is exposed to. The code should comprise of four characters, for example, FIC3 denoting, put option on currency listed in Finland. Use of derivatives: This describes the use of derivative i.e. micro / macro hedge (MI/MA), efficient portfolio management (EPM). Micro hedge refers to derivatives covering a single financial instrument, forecasted transaction or liability. Macro hedge refers to derivatives covering a set of financial instruments, forecasted transactions or liabilities. Delta: This measures the rate of change of option value with respect to changes in the underlying asset's price. This is only applicable to CIC categories ##B# and ##C# (Call and put options). Notional amount: This is the amount covered or exposed to the derivative. For futures and options, this corresponds to the contract size multiplied by the number of contracts; and for swaps and forwards, this corresponds to the contract amount. The notional amount refers to the amount that is being hedged / invested (when not covering risks). If several trades occur, this should be the net amount at the reporting date. Lloyd’s expect the notional amount to be reported always in GBP and as a positive value. When a derivative is reported in two or more lines (e.g. a foreign exchange contracts reported in two lines, one for each leg), the same GBP equivalent notional amount should be reported in both lines. Long or short position: A holder of a long position owns the security or notional amount at the contract inception, while a holder of a short position will own the security or the nominal amount at the end of the derivative contract. For derivatives that have more than one currency, the syndicates should report both the long (or buy) side of the derivative contract and the short (or sell) side in different lines. The long and short position for swaps is defined relatively to the notional amount. For interest rate swaps (CIC categories ##D1 and ##D3) the syndicate has to report one of the following: "FX-FL (fixed-for-floating)", "FX-FX (fixed-for-fixed)", “FL-FX (floating-for-fixed)” or "FL-FL (floating-for-floating)". 43 Premium paid/received to date: This is the amount received (if sold) or paid (if bought), for options and also up-front and periodical amounts paid / received for swaps, since inception. If the cost is zero, report “0”. Number of contracts: These are the number of derivative contracts in the portfolio and it should be the number of contracts entered into. The number of contracts should be the ones outstanding at the end of the period. Contract dimension: These are the number of underlying assets in the contract (e.g. for equity futures, it is the number of equities to be delivered per derivative contract at maturity, for bond futures it is the reference amount underlying each contract). This only applies to futures (CIC category ##A#) and options (CIC categories ##B# and ##C#). Trigger value: This is the reference price for futures, strike price for options, currency exchange rate or interest rate for forwards, etc. This is not applicable to interest rate and currency swaps. In the case of more than one trigger over time, report the trigger value during the reporting period. Unwind trigger of contract: This is to identify the event that causes the unwinding of the contract. Possible options are: B - bankruptcy of the underlying or reference entity F - adverse fall in value of the underlying reference asset R - adverse change in credit rating of the underlying assets or entity N - novation i.e. the act of replacing an obligation under the derivative with a new obligation or replacing a party of the derivative with a new party M - multiple events or a combination of events O - other events. Maximum loss under unwinding event: This is the maximum amount of loss if an unwinding event occurs and it should be reported as negative value. It is only applicable to CIC category ##F#. Swap outflow amount: This is the amount delivered under the swap contract, during the reporting period. It corresponds to the interest paid for interest rate swap (IRS) and amounts delivered for currency swaps, credit swaps, total return swaps and other swaps. It is only applicable to CIC category ##D#. Swap inflow amount: This is the amount received under the swap contract, during the reporting period. It corresponds to interest received for IRS and amounts received for currency swaps, credit swaps, total return swaps and other swaps. It is only applicable to CIC category ##D#. Swap delivered currency: This is the currency of the swap price and it should be in form of ISO currency code. This is only applicable for currency swaps (CIC ##D2) and interest rate and currency swaps (CIC ##D3). Swap received currency: This is the currency of the swap notional amount and it should be in form of ISO currency code. This is only applicable for currency swaps (CIC ##D2) and interest rate and currency swaps (CIC ##D3). Trade date: This is the date of the trade of the derivative contract. When various trades occur for the same derivative, only the first trade date of the derivative and only one line for each derivative (no different lines for each trade) should be reported. The date should be reported in ISO date format (YYYY/MM/DD). 44 Maturity date: This is the contractually defined date of close of the derivative contract, whether at maturity date, expiring date for options (European or American), etc. The date should be reported in ISO date format (YYYY/MM/DD). The maturity date is expected to be greater than the reporting end date. Duration: This is the residual modified duration of the underlying asset, in years, for derivatives for which a duration measure is applicable. Solvency II valuation method: This is the valuation method used when valuing assets. This should be one of the three options below: Quoted market price in active markets for the same assets (QMP) Quoted market price in active markets for similar assets (QMPS) Alternative valuation methods (AVM) Total Solvency II amount (Non-FIS): This is the market value of the derivatives (i.e. the value of the derivative contract and not of the underlying asset) held in the premium trust funds and can be positive, negative or zero. Derivative assets (profits) should be reported as positive while liabilities (losses) as negative values. When a derivative is reported in two or more lines (e.g. a foreign exchange contracts reported in two lines, one for each leg), the syndicate should report the total Solvency II amount (Non-FIS) on only one line i.e. either on the buy (L) side or on the sell (S) side. Total Solvency II amount (FIS): This is the market value of the derivatives (i.e. the value of the derivative contract and not of the underlying asset) held as funds in syndicates (FIS) and can be positive, negative or zero. Derivative assets (profits) should be reported as positive while liabilities (losses) as negative values. When a derivative is reported in two or more lines (e.g. a foreign exchange contracts reported in two lines, one for each leg), the syndicate should report the total Solvency II amount (FIS) on only one line i.e. either on the buy (L) side or on the sell (S) side. Total Solvency II amount: This is the market value of the derivative (i.e. the value of the derivative contract and not of the underlying asset) as of the reporting date and and it should be equal to the sum of Total Solvency II amount (Non-FIS) and Total Solvency II amount (FIS). It can be positive, negative or zero. Derivative assets (profits) should be reported as positive values while derivative liabilities (losses) as negative values. For every derivative Lloyd’s expect the total Solvency II amount (in absolute terms) to be lower than the notional amount. 4.4 AAD236: Investment Funds (look-through approach) Purposeofform: This form reports information for each investment fund at a security by security level. This form is required for all years combined. All the investment funds reported in the balance sheet (ASR002) and AAD230 should be reported in this form. The syndicate should ensure that reconciliation between this form, AAD230 and the balance sheet is carried out at a fund level as well as in aggregate. The level of look-through on investment funds should ensure that all material risks are captured. Solvency II requires this form to be reported at asset category level. However since this form is required for LIM purposes, additional fields (similar to those required in AAD230) have been added and the form will be required to be completed at security level. Look-through should be performed based on the following three options: 45 Standard (S): This is the security level look-through. Where there are a number of iterations of the lookthrough approach (for example, where an investment fund is invested in other investment funds), the number of iterations should be sufficient to ensure that all material market risks are captured. When performing a standard look-through, syndicates should report only one line for each underlying security, even if the underlying security is a derivative with more than one currency (e.g. a forward exchange rate agreement). In the case of derivatives that are part of an investment fund, these should not be reported in AAD233. Mandate (M): This option is acceptable where a full security level look-through is not possible. For collective investment schemes that are not sufficiently transparent, the investment mandate/fund’s prospectus guidelines should be used as a reference. It should be assumed that the scheme invests in accordance with its mandate in such a manner as to produce the maximum overall capital requirement Other (O): Where security level and mandate look-through options are not possible, funds should be treated as equity and classified as “Other”. This assumes a high level of investment risk and will always have a CIC of XL39. We also request that the option of “Other” is used when reporting those investments in Lloyd’s Treasury & Investment Management (LTIM) Funds (ASL, Overseas Trust Funds and PTF Commingled Funds) and the primary sweep accounts (as listed above previously). Lloyd’s will then apply the full “Standard” look-through on behalf of the syndicate. This means that for all investment funds reported with a level of look-through of “O”, only one line per fund should be reported on this form. Considering that this information is also being collected for LIM purposes, where possible, syndicates are required to use a security level look-through for investment funds and to refer to the investment mandate/prospectus if this is not possible. Please note that only one level of look-through per investment fund should be reported. Where there is a combination of standard and mandate look-through approaches within a single investment fund, please report the level of look-through as “M” mandate for the whole fund. Investment fund code: This should be ISIN if available, other recognised code (CUSIP, Sedol, Bloomberg ticker etc.) or syndicate’s specific if nothing else is available. LMIF code should be used if the fund is a Lloyd’s Treasury & Investment Management (LTIM) fund or a cash sweep investment fund. For each investment fund, the investment fund code reported on this form should be the same as the respective ID code reported in AAD230. Investment fund code type: Type of ID Code used for the “Investment fund Code” item and this should be one of the following: ISIN, CUSIP, Bloomberg, LMIF, undertaking specific and other. This is presented in the CMR as a closed list and it is included in the reference data. For each investment fund, the Investment fund code type reported on this form should be the same as the ID code type reported in AAD230. ID code: This is the ID code of the securities in which a fund is invested. This should be ISIN if available, other recognised code (CUSIP, CINS, Sedol, Bloomberg ticker etc.) or undertaking specific if nothing else is available. Where the level of look-through of a fund is “S” or “M”, Lloyd’s expect the ID codes to be the ID codes of the underlying securities and to be different from the investment fund code. There should be no duplicate ID codes reported within the same investment fund. Indicative ID codes can be used for “M” (e.g. FUNDXYEQTY, FUNDXYGOVT, etc…). Where the level of look-through is “O”, Lloyd’s expect the ID code to be the same as the investment fund code. ID code type: Type of ID Code used for the “ID Code” item and this should one of the following: ISIN, CUSIP, CINS, Bloomberg, LMIF, undertaking specific and other. This is presented in the CMR as a closed list and it is included in the reference data. 46 Security title: This is the name of the securities in which a fund is invested. For cash in hand and cash at bank, the security title may be referred to as “cash in hand” and “cash at bank” respectively. Where the level of look-through of a fund is “S” or “M”, security title should refer to the securities in which the fund is invested. Where the level of look-through is “O”, Lloyd’s expects the security title to be the name of the investment fund. Issuer group: This is the name of the ultimate parent undertaking of the issuer.Where the level of lookthrough of a fund is “S”, the issuer group should be the ultimate parent undertaking of the issuer of the securities in which a fund is invested. Where the level of look-through is “O” or “M”, the issuer group should be the ultimate parent undertaking of the fund manager. Issuer group code: This is legal entity identifier (LEI) or interim entity identifier (PRE-LEI). Where a code does not exist, syndicates should leave this field blank. Issuer group code type: This is the type of the issuer group code i.e. LEI or PRE-LEI. Where the issuer group code field was left blank because the code does not exist, “NA” should be reported in this field. External rating: This is the rating given by an external rating agency and is only applicable to CIC categories ##1#, ##2#, ##5# and ##6#. The syndicate must report the external rating (only the rating symbol, without any outlook) that in their perspective is best representative and used internally for SCR calculations. This field must always be populated, therefore where a security is not rated, “NR” should be reported. The rating reported should be as per the closed list provided in the CMR as part of the reference data. Rating agency: This is the rating agency giving the external rating and should be selected from a closed list provided in the CMR as part of the reference data. Similar to the external rating, where a security is not rated, “NR” should be reported. Duration: This is the ‘residual modified duration’ in years. For assets without fixed maturity the first call date should be used. It only applies to CIC categories ##1#, ##2#, ##5# and ##6#. Duration is expected to be zero when the level of look-through is “O”. CIC: This is the Complementary Identification Code (CIC) of the securities in which a fund is invested. Please see Appendix 1 for the CIC table. When classifying an asset using the CIC table, syndicates should take into consideration the most representative risk to which the asset is exposed. The requirement to provide “lookthrough” data to underlying exposures of mutual funds and investment funds means that the “investment funds” (CIC category ##4#) should not be used. In the case where no look-through is performed, i.e. level of look-through is reported as “O”, this is treated as equity other, and the reported CIC should be XL39. CIC for investment fund liabilities, where applicable, should be reported as “NA”. Underlying asset category: This identifies the securities categories present in the investment fund and these categories should be as defined in the CIC table. This should be the third character of the CIC. For example, government bonds should be reported as “1” and Structured notes as “5”. However, for equity, CIC category must be split between listed (3L) and non-listed (3NL). The investment fund’s liabilities should also be identified with (L). Where the Level of look-through is “O”, the underlying asset category should be “3NL”. Geographical zone of issue: This should show a breakdown of asset category by issuer geographical zone i.e. where the legal seat/head office of the issuer is located. This is to identify the geographical zone of the security category, using the following closed list of geographical zones: 47 EEA OECD (non-EEA) RoW (rest of the world) Currency (ISO code): This is the currency of the issue and the code should be the ISO code as defined in ISO 4217 alphabetic code, for example, USD for US dollars. Total Solvency II amount (Non-FIS): This is the Solvency II value (including accrued interest) of the securities held in the premium trust funds (PTFs), in respect of open and run-off reporting years of account. Where the valuation basis adopted in the QMA is the same as that required for Solvency II, the total Solvency II amount (Non-FIS) should tie back to the amounts reported in the QMA201 (plus respective accrued interest reported as receivable in the QMA). Total Solvency II amount (FIS): This is the Solvency II value (including accrued interest) of the securities held as, either separately or commingled within syndicates PTFs, in respect of funds in syndicates (FIS). Where the valuation basis adopted in the QMA is the same as that required for Solvency II, the total Solvency II amount (FIS) should tie back to the amounts reported in the QMA202 (plus respective accrued interest reported as receivable in the QMA). Where securities are commingled, that is, investments in respect of FIS and open/run-off years of account (Non-FIS) are not managed separately, only one entry per security should be reported with the amounts presented in the appropriate columns. Total Solvency II amount: This is the total Solvency II value (including accrued interest) of the securities and it should be equal to the sum of Total Solvency II amount (Non-FIS) and Total Solvency II amount (FIS). The “Total Solvency II amount” for each investment fund code reported on AAD236 should agree to the “Total Solvency II amount” for the corresponding ID code reported on AAD230. Hence the sum of “Total Solvency II amount” for all entries on AAD236 should equal the sum of “Total Solvency II amount” for all investment fund entries on AAD230 (i.e. where the third character of the CIC on AAD230 is “4”). Issue type: This is the means of identifying investments issued by a government agency, government guaranteed bonds and reverse repurchase agreements for capital modelling purposes. Please use the appropriate code as listed on page 37. If none of the specific options is applicable please use “NA”. Level of look-through: This indicates the level of look-through performed and selection should be as follows: Standard (S) – look-through is performed at security by security level Mandate (M) – where investment funds are not sufficiently transparent, investment mandates should be used Other (O) – If the above is not achievable, the funds should be reported as “equity other”. Depending on the level of look-through, some of the fields will not be required to be reported. Below is a table showing what fields are required to be completed under each level of look-through: All the fields (apart from “duration” that is not required when the level of look-through is “O”) are required to be completed. 48 Section 5: QUALITATIVE REPORTING 5.1 Introduction 5.1.1 This section covers qualitative reporting as at 31 December 2014. This is required to ensure Lloyd’s compliance with the EIOPA Guidelines on Pillar 3 reporting, as enacted for within the United Kingdom by the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) Supervisory Statement SS4/13. 5.1.2 EIOPA Guidelines on provision of information to national supervisory authorities introduce qualitative reporting – specifically on systems of governance, capital management and valuation of assets and liabilities – as part of the interim reporting. 5.2 Detailed application of the Guidelines on qualitative reporting to syndicates 5.2.1 Each syndicate shall be required to make a qualitative submission as at 31 December 2014 as part of its Pillar 3 interim reporting as at that date to Lloyd’s. 5.2.2 The submission must address each of Guidelines 21 to 32 (excluding Guideline 26) as set out in EIOPA’s Guidelines on Submission of Information to National Competent Authorities. 5.2.3 The objective of the interim qualitative information is to provide the supervisor with information on the insurer’s system of governance, capital management and valuation of assets and liabilities. The supervisor is interested in knowing the particular circumstances of each insurer in this respect. This is explained further in paragraph 5.14 of the PRA’s SS4/13, repeated below: ‘The guidelines … include information about the areas relating to the system of governance for firms and groups and capital management, in particular information on own funds and valuation for solvency purposes. The PRA expects firms to include information at a point in time, related to the submission reference date. Firms are also encouraged, where relevant, to indicate where further development is expected as part of the firm’s preparations for compliance with Solvency II. The PRA is willing to engage with firms to discuss how the firm’s developing Solvency II work in this area may be used to meet current regulatory requirements, or support work being done in ICAS+ or IMAP during the preparatory phase to reduce any potential for duplication.’ 5.2.4 For syndicates, the qualitative information should be prepared in accordance with the Guidance below. The Guidance tailors the requirements to Lloyd’s syndicates – there will be certain Guidelines which do not or are unlikely to apply to syndicates. 5.2.5 As noted above, the interim qualitative reporting covers system of governance, capital management and valuation of assets and liabilities. 5.2.6 System of governance (Guidelines 21 to 25 and 37) – it is expected that this material will already have been prepared and maintained by managing agents as part of their compliance with the Pillar 2 requirements in respect of system of governance. It is not expected that agents will need to prepare ‘new’ material specifically for this purpose however it should be updated to show the status, eg organisation chart, as at 31 December 2014. 5.2.7 Capital management (Guideline 28) – this covers details regarding the own funds of the syndicate. This will generally always be Tier 1 basic own funds and explanatory information is only required if this is not the case. 5.2.8 Valuation of assets and liabilities (Guidelines 29 to 32) – some of these requirements relate to the Solvency II valuation rules provided by Lloyd’s which are common to all syndicates. These are thus addressed at Lloyd’s level and do not need to be reported at syndicate level. However some of the 49 approaches, particularly regarding technical provisions, will be syndicate specific and analysis is required as described under each Guideline, below. 5.2.9 The submission of the qualitative information to Lloyd’s shall be made on a freeform document which should be submitted to Lloyd’s in PDF format as part of the Pillar 3 interim reporting i.e. as an attachment in ASR990. 5.2.10 The document should set out each Guideline as a heading. For each Guideline, there should be a brief description of how the requirements are covered. As set out in the detail below, most of the Guidelines will be covered by existing documentation maintained by the managing agent. Thus in this circumstance the explanation should reference the relevant supporting documents which should also be provided within the PDF file. 5.2.11 For managing agents which manage more than one syndicate, it is possible that elements of the qualitative submission may be identical across two or more syndicates. However, to facilitate review purposes, it is necessary for each syndicate’s submission to ‘stand alone’ in this respect, ie the elements of the submission common to more than one syndicate must be provided in each syndicate’s submission. 5.2.12 The qualitative disclosures must be reported on by the managing agent in the ASR910; the wording of this report reflects this. 50 Guideline 21: General governance requirements Requirement (1.72) Expectation from syndicates a) Information allowing the national competent authority to gain a good understanding of the system of governance within the undertaking, and to assess its appropriateness to the undertaking’s business strategy and operations. Article 41 (1) of the Solvency II Directive requires that: ‘Member States shall require all insurance and reinsurance undertakings to have in place an effective system of governance which provides for sound and prudent management of the business. That system shall at least include an adequate transparent organisational structure with a clear allocation and appropriate segregation of responsibilities and an effective system for ensuring the transmission of information. It shall include compliance with the requirements laid down in Articles 42 to 49. The system of governance shall be subject to regular internal review.’ This should already be the subject of documentation and review, and Lloyd’s would expect agents to be able to provide the following as evidence of their governance framework: • Organisational structure showing accountability – i.e. board, committees, decision making bodies and required functions (actuarial, internal audit, compliance, risk management) • Personnel organisation structure / function organisational charts – i.e. resources • Matters for the board including delegation to committees / decision making bodies • Terms of reference for the board and each committee / decision making body including Committee membership (with job title of the individual members) • Board and committee timetable – detailing dates and outline of agenda / matters to be discussed • Management information (MI) – summary details of the MI provided to the Board, committees and decision making bodies. The governance framework should clearly demonstrate where the following activities are being considered and decisions made: • Underwriting • Reinsurance • Claims • Reserving • Investment management 51 Requirement (1.72) Expectation from syndicates • Asset liability management • Liquidity and concentration management • Operational risk b) information relating to the undertaking's delegation of responsibilities, reporting lines and allocation of functions. These requirements should be addressed in respect of each committee, decision making body and required functions (actuarial, internal audit, compliance, risk management). This should have already been documented by the managing agent as part of its system of governance. c) The structure of the undertaking’s administrative, management or supervisory body, providing a description of their main roles and responsibilities and a brief description of the segregation of responsibilities within these bodies, in particular whether relevant committees exist within them, as well as a description of the main roles and responsibilities of key functions held by such bodies. An organisational structure should be provided showing accountability – ie board, committees, decision making bodies and required functions (actuarial, internal audit, compliance, risk management). Guideline 22: Fit and proper requirements Requirement (1.73) Expectation from syndicates a) a list of the persons in the undertaking, or external to the undertaking in the case that the undertaking has outsourced key functions that are responsible for key functions. This is self explanatory and should include those persons in post as at the reporting date. b) information on the policies and processes established by the undertaking to ensure that those persons are fit and proper. ‘Fit and proper’ policies and procedures should be in place for directors, senior staff and those holding key functions. Under Solvency II key functions are those considered critical or important in the system of governance and include at least the risk management, compliance, internal audit and actuarial functions. Other functions may be considered key functions according to the nature, scale and complexity of the business or the way it is organised. The following may be regarded as evidence of procedures to ensure the adequacy of skills and experience: Fit and Proper Policy Recruitment procedures Performance review/appraisal process Board evaluation process – including review and 52 Requirement (1.73) Expectation from syndicates mitigation Training and CPD. Guideline 23: Risk management system Requirement (1.74) Expectation from syndicates a) A description of the undertaking’s risk management system comprising strategies, processes and reporting procedures, and how it is able to effectively identify, measure, monitor, manage and report, on a continuous basis, the risks on an individual and aggregated level, to which the undertaking is or could be exposed. Article 41 (3) states that ‘Insurance and reinsurance undertakings shall have written policies in relation to at least risk management….’ The risk-management system shall cover at least the following areas: (a) underwriting and reserving; (b) asset–liability management; (c) investment, in particular derivatives and similar commitments; (d) liquidity and concentration risk management; (e) operational risk management; (f) reinsurance and other risk-mitigation techniques. Thus the managing agent should already have documentation in place which meets this requirement, notably a Risk Management Framework or Policy document. b) A description of how the risk management system including the risk management function are implemented and integrated into the organisational structure and decisionmaking processes of the undertaking. c) Information on the undertaking’s risk management strategies, objectives, processes and reporting procedures for each category of risk, with an explanation how these are documented, monitored and enforced. This simply covers documentation of the risk management function and how it fits into the organisational and operational structure of the managing agent. The following may be regarded as existing evidence in relation to this: Risk Management Framework, Strategy or Policy Individual Risk Category Policies This is simply the documentation setting out, for each category of risk, risk appetite and toleration, processes to monitor and control risk, reporting of actual outcomes and breaches against tolerances, and processes for taking remedial action to bring the risk back to within tolerance. This includes explaining the governance process, including responsibility for decision making, reporting lines and oversight. The following may be regarded as existing evidence in relation to this: 53 Requirement (1.74) d) Information on how the undertaking fulfils its obligation related to the 'prudent person principle' as set out in the Guidelines 22 to 30 on the System of Governance. Expectation from syndicates Risk Management Framework, Strategy or Policy Individual Risk Category Policies The ‘prudent person principle’ is set out in Article 131 of the Solvency II Directive. The managing agent should have a written investment policy which should demonstrate how the agent complies with these requirements. A managing agent must define its investment policy in line with what a competent, prudent and expert manager would apply in order to pursue the chosen investment strategy. The investment policy must: • Take into account the syndicate's business, its overall risk tolerance levels, long-term risk versus performance requirements, its solvency position and its gross and net underlying asset exposures. • If an agent uses derivative products or investment instruments with the characteristics of derivatives, its investment policy must take into account their purpose in the portfolio, their contribution to efficient portfolio management, the procedures in place to evaluate their suitability for purpose and the risk management principles applied. • Consider how to prudently manage liquidity risk in the short, medium and long term, taking into account investment strategy, underwriting strategy and claims management strategy • Include quantitative limits on assets or exposures, including off-balance sheet exposures. • Include special management, monitoring and control procedures, in particular in relation to investments not quoted in a market and to complex structured products. e) Information on how the undertaking verifies the appropriateness of credit assessments from external credit assessments institutions including how and the extent to which credit assessments from external credit assessments institutions are used. An agent’s risk management framework must be capable of identifying, mitigating and measuring credit risk, according to internally defined limits. Credit ratings should be monitored and probabilities of default evaluated, including for unrated exposures. Exposure to speculative assets should be limited and syndicates with significant exposure to assets bearing credit risk should be capable of hedging that exposure. The agent should have written policies, as part of their Risk Management System, which set out which external ratings agents are used to assist the agent in this function, the extent 54 Requirement (1.74) Expectation from syndicates to which reliance is place upon them, including whether their assessments are compared against internal assessments of the credit rating. Guideline 24: Internal control system Requirement (1.75) Expectation from syndicates a) A description of the undertaking’s internal control system. A managing agent’s internal control system must secure its compliance with applicable laws, regulations and administrative processes and the effectiveness and efficiency of operations in view of its objectives, as well as the availability and reliability of financial and non-financial information. The managing agent must have in place a suitable control environment, appropriate control activities, effective information and communication procedures and adequate monitoring mechanisms. The agent should already have documented this, most likely through an Internal Control Policy and should provide this information in response to this requirement. b) Information on the key procedures that the internal control system includes. This is documentation of the key processes that the agent operates within its internal control system. This is likely to be documented within an Internal Control Policy or broader Risk Management Framework documentation. c) A description of how the compliance function is implemented. Agents may provide the following as evidence of the role and operation of their compliance function: • Terms of reference / framework detailing the operation of the compliance function within the business eg unfettered access, reporting structure. • Compliance plan – this should detail the timetable of compliance activities undertaken by the function on a “risk based” approach • Compliance report to Board – should include report on compliance with laws, regulations and administrative provisions from regulators (including Lloyd’s) and possible impact of changes in the legal environment and the assessment of compliance risk. 55 Guideline 25: Additional information on system of governance Requirement (1.76) Expectation from syndicates Any other material information regarding the insurance and reinsurance undertaking’s system of governance. It is not expected that anything is reported here. Guideline 26: System of governance – groups (not applicable) Guideline 27: Governance structure Requirement (1.79) Expectation from syndicates An organisational chart indicating the positions of key function holders. This is self explanatory. ‘Key functions’ include at least the risk management, compliance, internal audit and actuarial functions. Guideline 28: Own funds Requirement (1.80/1.81) Expectation from syndicates 1.80 (a) A quantitative and qualitative explanation of any material differences between equity as shown in the undertaking’s financial statements and the excess of assets over liabilities as calculated for solvency purposes. The quantitative information can be addressed as a summary of information reported in the ASR002 showing the UK GAAP and Solvency II numbers. 1.80 (b) Information on the structure, amount and quality of basic own funds and ancillary own funds. For a syndicate, the excess of assets over liabilities, ie the amount attributable to members including funds in syndicate (FIS) will be Tier 1 basic own funds. The agent should provide a short narrative explanation as to the movement in equity, summarising these differences. This will be the same for every syndicate and thus the syndicate is not required to state this in this submission. If this is not the case, an explanation as to why the own funds do not meet this criteria, setting out which tiering they are assigned to and quantifying the amounts should be provided. 1.81 (a) How the group’s own funds have been calculated net of any intragroup transactions, including intragroup transactions with undertakings of other financial sectors. This is not applicable for a syndicate. 1.81 (b) The nature of the restrictions to the transferability and fungibility of own funds in the related undertakings, if any. This is not applicable for a syndicate. 56 Guideline 29: Valuation of assets Requirement (1.82) Expectation from syndicates a) Separately for each material class of assets, the value of the assets as well as a description of the bases, methods and main assumptions used for valuation for solvency purposes. The quantitative information can be addressed as a summary of information reported in the ASR002 showing the UK GAAP and Solvency II numbers. b) Separately for each material class of assets, a quantitative and qualitative explanation of any material differences between the bases, methods and main assumptions used by the undertaking for the valuation for solvency purposes and those used for their valuation in financial statements. The quantitative information can be addressed as a summary of information reported in the ASR002 showing the UK GAAP and Solvency II numbers. The agent should provide a short narrative explanation summarising these differences. The agent should provide a short narrative explanation summarising these differences. Guideline 30: Valuation of technical provisions Requirement (1.83/1.84) Expectation from syndicates 1.83 (a) Separately for each material line of business the value of technical provisions, including the amount of the best estimate and the risk margin, as well as a description of the bases, methods and main assumptions used for their valuation for solvency purposes. A quantitative summary of the technical provisions as described should be provided for each material line of business as used to run the syndicate (ie not necessarily the Solvency II classes of business) should be provided. If the syndicate’s ‘material lines of business’ are the same as the Solvency II classes of business then this should be referenced in the narrative, and a reference made to the ASR240 disclosures which in this case would not need to be repeated here. The qualitative description of the bases, methods and main assumptions used for their valuation for solvency purposes will be common to all syndicates and thus need not be provided at syndicate level. This shall be addressed in Lloyd’s qualitative reporting. However the agent should disclose any additional information regarding their valuation approach where relevant and material to assisting Lloyd’s in understanding this. 1.83 (b) A description of the level of uncertainty associated with the amount of technical provisions. This should be sourced from existing material prepared by the agent for instance in provision to the Board when approving the level of technical provisions. 1.83 (c) Separately for each material line of business, a quantitative and qualitative A quantitative summary of the technical provisions as described should be provided for each material line of business as used to run the syndicate (ie not necessarily the explanation of any material differences 57 Requirement (1.83/1.84) Expectation from syndicates between the bases, methods and main assumptions used by the undertaking for the valuation for solvency purposes and those used for their valuation in financial statements. Solvency II classes of business) should be provided. 1.83 (d) A description of the recoverables from reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles. This is a quantification of amounts recoverable (separately) from reinsurance contracts and special purpose vehicles by material line of business consistent with the quantitative analysis provided to address the above requirements. 1.84 Details of the relevant actuarial methodologies and assumptions used in the calculation of the technical provisions including details of any simplification used in the calculation of the technical provision, including deriving the risk margin and its allocation to the single lines of business and including a justification that the method chosen is proportionate to the nature, scale and complexity of risks. The agent should provide a description of the approaches used eg chain ladder, Bornhuetter Ferguson etc, calculation of ENIDs (binary events) etc. This should be capable of being sourced from the agent’s existing procedures for the calculation of Solvency II technical provisions and/or the information contained in the actuarial function report. This must be provided by material line of business (ie consistent with Requirement 1.83). The qualitative description of the bases, methods and main assumptions used for their valuation for solvency purposes will be common to all syndicates and thus need not be provided at syndicate level. This shall be addressed in Lloyd’s qualitative reporting. However the agent should disclose any additional information regarding their valuation approach where relevant and material to assisting Lloyd’s in understanding this. Guideline 31: Valuation of other liabilities Requirement (1.85) Expectation from syndicates (a) Separately for each material class of other liabilities the value of other liabilities as well as a description of the bases, methods and main assumptions used for their valuation for solvency purposes. The quantitative information can be addressed as a summary of information reported in the ASR002 showing the UK GAAP and Solvency II numbers. (b) Separately for each material class of other liabilities, a quantitative and qualitative explanation of any material differences with the valuation bases, methods and main assumptions used by the undertaking for the valuation for solvency purposes and those used for their valuation in financial statements. The quantitative information can be addressed as a summary of information reported in the ASR002 showing the UK GAAP and Solvency II numbers. The agent should provide a short narrative explanation summarising these differences. The agent should provide a short narrative explanation summarising these differences. 58 Guideline 32: Other information relating to valuation of assets and liabilities Requirement (1.86 to 1.88) Expectation from syndicates 1.86 Any other material information regarding the insurance and reinsurance undertaking’s valuation of assets and liabilities for solvency purposes. It is not expected that anything shall be reported in respect of this item. 1.87 A description of: Managing agents should explain the future management actions assumed in their determination of technical provisions and capital. This may include, for example, the future purchase of reinsurance or future changes to the business profile. Assumptions should be realistic and verifiable based on historical experience or current business practice and strategy. a) the relevant assumptions about future management actions, and b) the relevant assumptions about policyholders’ behaviour. ‘Policyholders’ behaviour’ typically applies with respect to investment-linked life insurance products which are not underwritten at Lloyd’s and is thus not applicable. 1.88 In cases where mark to model techniques are used: information on: a) identification of the assets and liabilities to which that valuation approach applies; b) justification of the use of that valuation approach for the assets and liabilities referred to in a); c) documentation of the assumptions underlying that valuation approach and; The managing agent should have written procedures with respect to the valuation of assets and liabilities under Solvency II. These will include asset and liability classes where modelling techniques are used to quantify the value. This will typically be in respect of technical provisions (gross and reinsurers’ share) but may include other asset/liability classes. These written procedures should be provided in response to this requirement. d) assessment of the valuation uncertainty of the assets and liabilities referred to in a). 59