This Week's News Sheet - St Andrew's Church, Reading Street


This Week's News Sheet - St Andrew's Church, Reading Street
St. Andrew’s
Reading Street
One family, with Christ at the centre,
welcoming all!
Sunday 28th December 2014
First Sunday of Christmas
Holy Innocents
Verse of the week: “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to
those on whom his favour rests” Luke 2:14 page 1027.
Welcome: Today we welcome Rev Derek Duncanson as our celebrant and
preacher. We hope that he will enjoy his time with us.
The Net: “The Net” has now ceased publication. Discussions are taking place
with a view to producing one magazine for all three Churches in our group, but
these are at an early stage. In the meantime we will be producing a monthly
news letter for St Andrew’s, which Pauline Jackson has volunteered to edit. We
hope to produce the first edition in early January. Contributions in the form of
reports from church groups or other interesting articles are needed urgently.
Please hand them in to the office, give them direct to Pauline or post them to
her at 8 Coxes Avenue, Ramsgate CT12 6SD. If you want more details, Pauline
can be contacted on 591605.
Thank you: To Anne and her team who have once again made our Church
beautiful for Christmas.
Calendars: The last copy of the St Peter’s calendar has disappeared. Would
whoever took it please remember to put £5 in the box marked “St Peter’s
Calendars” at the back of the Church.
December’s “Net” is still available at the back of the Church. Also, please take a
copy of the Diocesan “Outlook” magazine – it’s free!
January’s prayer diary: Next month’s diary is at the back of the Church. Please
take a copy and use it in your private devotions.
News from not so far afar: The news sheets from St Peter’s and Holy Trinity are
available at the back of the Church.
Processional Hymn:
Almighty God,
who wonderfully created us in your own image
and yet more wonderfully restored us
through your Son Jesus Christ:
grant that, as he came to share in our humanity,
so we may share the life of his divinity;
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and forever.
Jeremiah 31: 15–17, page 793
1 Corinthians 1: 26-29, page 1145
Gradual Hymn
Matthew 2: 13-18, page 966
Offertory Hymn
Communion Hymn
Post Communion:
Heavenly Father,
whose blessed Son shared at Nazareth the life of an earthly home:
help your Church to live as one family,
united in love and obedience,
and bring us all at last to our home in heaven;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Recessional Hymn
Refreshments are available in the Hall after the service
Please pray for: Wynne Thomas, Evelyn Smart and Roy Hanson.
Please continue to pray for: Geoffrey Wheeler, Sandra Arnold and Anne, Paul and
Mark Buckley.
The deceased: We remember Jesse John Goodey of this Parish, who was killed in
action on 2nd January 1915, aged 19 years, while serving in France and Flanders. In
1911, he was living with his parents in 9 Balliol Road and working as a gardener’s
boy. He enlisted in the Rifle Brigade at Stratford, Essex.
This Week: Monday 29th December – Sunday 4th January
Philip’s and Michael’s bible study groups have broken
up for Christmas
“Little Ted’s” parent and toddler group and the
Womens Group are resting and will return on 7th
No 10:00 am communion this week
No Friday coffee this week
8:00 am
Said Communion
10:00 am Family Communion and Junior Church
Book this date:
A reminder: There are a large number of Christmas cards addressed to various
congregation members at the back of the Church. Have a look and see if any
belong to you.
Friendship lunch: The next lunch is on Monday 19th January at 12:30, at Taddy’s
barn. Names to Janet Porter on 865178 please.
Voyager’s AGM: The Voyager’s AGM will be held in the hall at 7:30pm on
Wednesday 21st January
Churches Together: Saturday, 24th January. As the week of prayer for Christian
unity comes to an end, Holy Trinity is hosting a prayer service at 9:00am,
followed by breakfast at 9:30am. All are welcome and both events are being
held in their hall.
December Quiz: Entry sheets are available from the Office, The White Swan and
the Village stores. £1 entry fee. This month’s questions loosely relate to
Christmas or winter.
Food bank: We are continuing to support the Thanet Food bank. Details of items
they particularly need are on the posters at the back of the Church.
Alterations: Don’t forget that Krystyna Green will carry out alterations and
repairs to clothing. Contact her at Church or on 868840. All proceeds go to our
Gift Aid: If you are visiting us and would like to make a contribution to the
collection, cash donations of £20 or less are now automatically “gift aided”.
Only complete a gift aid envelope if you are an income tax payer and your gift is
more than £20.
Oasis women’s refuge: Gifts of women’s, children’s clothing, bedding, towels
and toys are most welcome. Please leave at the Office. Copies of the latest Oasis
news letter are available at the back of the Church.
St Andrew’s Monthly Draw: Your chance to win money AND help the Church.
From January 2015 we will be holding a draw on the 4th Sunday of each month in
the hall at 11:30am. One payment of £12:00 gets you a number and entry to the
draws for all of 2015. Applications forms are at the back of the Church and in the
Office, so just fill one in and give it to Sandra Foster, Peggy Long, Jean Hefford or
the office with £12 cash or cheque payable to St Andrew’s Church. The more
people who enter, the larger the prize fund will be and the more the Church will
benefit. Come on – be a winner!
Did you know? Today in 1918 saw the first general election in which women
were allowed to vote and David Lloyd George was elected Prime Minister.
Apparently, he knew my Father..........
Parish office: The Office is closed until Monday 5th January. Contributions for the
news sheet for 11th January to the office by Wednesday 7th please.
Parish Administrator:
Simon Kemp
Reverend Philip Musindi
St Andrew’s Church Office
Telephone 579945
Telephone 609513
Mrs Barbara McParland
9 am – 12 noon Mon - Fri
Mr Duncan Foster