St. Francis of Assisi MERRY CHRISTMAS


St. Francis of Assisi MERRY CHRISTMAS
St. Francis of Assisi
WEDDINGS: Contact Father Broheimer
as soon as possible, at least six months in
BAPTISMS: Contact Father Broheimer
about time and class
CONFESSIONS: 30 minutes before all
Sat and Sun Masses; after 7 pm Mass Sat
and 10 am Mass Sun; 15 minutes before
weekday Masses
Call the Parish Office
ROSARY: Every Sat 10 am at the
Knights of Columbus: First Tue of the
month, 8 pm
PO Box 259, Neligh, NE 68756
Phone 402-887-4521 e-mail
Rev. John Broheimer, Pastor
December 28, 2014
Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph
Mon 29 Dec ------------No Mass - Father’s day off
Tue 30 Dec ----- 9:00 am (T) Leonard & Agnes Starman +
Wed 31 Dec --- 9:30 am (GLC) Charlotte Beyer +
Holy Day of Obligation - Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God
Wed 31 Dec --- 5:30 pm (T) Parishioners of OLMC & St. Francis
Thu 1 Jan ------ 8:30 am (N) Living & Deceased Members of
Martin Dresden Family +
Fri 2 Jan -------- 8:00 am (N)
John Kreivenas +
Sat 3 Jan--------5:00 pm
7:00 pm
Sun 4 Jan ------ 8:00 am
10:00 am
Bernice Schindler +
Theresa Freeman +
Parishioners of OLMC & St. Francis
Shirley Schmit +
Rosary Sodality: next meeting is 12 Jan
Parish Council: Third Thu of the month,
7 pm
Saturday 3 January 5 pm
Sunday 4 January 10 am
Natalie Bitney, Dr. Russ & Joan Vetick,
Dale Kallhoff, Milly Clemens
Tim & Amy Baker, Matt & Angie Belitz,
Dewayne & Germaine Voborny
Susan Ames
Cole Belitz, Garret Belitz, Colby Sehi
Leroy Clarkson Family
Tom Parks Family
Chad Kaup, Bill Lyons,
Gary Gunderson, Dave Jacobsen
Jack Sehi, Tim Steffl
Duane Knievel, Ted Hughes
Holy Day
Thursday 1 Jan
8:30 am
Doris Ternus
Beau Murray, Layne Bullock, Gracie Bullock
Kathy Schultz
Kathy Sauser
Haley Kerkman
Connor Ramold
Andrew Jacobsen
New donation envelope packets are by the west door of
church. The Church calendars can also be found on the
table by the envelopes. Please pick your envelope
packets and calendars today. Thank you to Dave and
Joan Wright and the Neligh News and Leader for
donating the church calendars for us.
Advent Baby Shower Unwrapped gifts can be placed in
the play pen across from the St. Joseph statue. Items
needed are disposable diapers size 4 especially, lotion,
shampoo, baby bath and any clothing up to size 18
months. Advent gifts will be gathered until Epiphany.
Rosary Sodality committee for January
Traci Jacobsen, Janet Allemang, Lucy Pyle, Pam
Klabenes, Gwen Jacobsen, Jenny Murray, Deanne
Schrage, Penny Voborny, Hannah Hoefer, Becky
Kerkman, Sara Mitchell, Deb Rice, Dolly Baker,
Jill Beacom, Carmen Peetz.
We’ve had faithful couples overseeing our Super Bowl/
Winter Brunch for a number of years now. They would
like to train others to do this important fundraising work
for the parish. If you are interested in helping to
organize the Brunch please call either Matt and Melissa
Henery (887-1377) or Nick and Kristen Strom (8875437). Thanks.
Del Ames
Don Zegers
Daryl Booth
Merle Kallhoff
Dale Kallhoff
Thank you to Diana Bailey, Emerson Knust, Sherri
Steffl, Mark Ervin, Noelle Ervin, Mathew Ervin, Larry
and Mary Reuss, Gary and Denise Gunderson, Joe and
Bev Hartz, Gwen Jacobsen, Dan Schrage, Ethan
Kallhoff and Leroy and Sally Clarkson for their
assistance in decorating the church on Sunday for
We pray for all those who cannot see the
preciousness of each God-given life.
Weekly Collection Report
December 20 and 21, 2014:
weekly offering budgeted
offering received on Sun
weekly surplus/(deficit)
Sunday collection report for this fiscal year:
year-to-date budgeted
year-to-date received
year-to-date surplus/(deficit)
Thank you for your generous
donations to your parish.
Merry Christmas to everyone. I hope
your Christmas Day was special and
filled with blessings.
Remember, though,
Christmas is too big to be celebrated in just one day.
First we have the Octave of Christmas; these are the
first eight days of celebration from Christmas Day
through January 1, which is a holy day in honor of
Mary, the Mother of God. In the Church’s prayer
each of these days is treated like Christmas Day
itself. Then we have the fuller 12 days of the
Christmas, from Christmas Day to traditional
Epiphany on January 6 - from the Birth of Our Lord
until he is manifested to the nations in the persons
of the Magi. The Christmas season in the Ordinary
Form of the Roman Rite (that’s what we are) ends
the Christmas Season on the weekend of January 11
this year with the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord.
The Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite (using
the older, Latin form of the liturgy) celebrates
Christmas all the way to February 2 with the Feast
of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary; now
that’s a long Christmas Season.
What does all this mean? It means the Church
wants us to really celebrate Christmas! Something
so joyful and profound as the Incarnation and Birth
of Our Lord is not something we can celebrate in a
24 hour period and then put away the decorations
on the 26th. In fact, if we really take the truth of
Christmas to heart, all year we would celebrate the
love God has for us that he sent his Son to be one of
us in the flesh in order to save us from our sins.
Celebrate especially by being joyful, kind,
courteous, and loving to all. The best way to
celebrate God’s love is to share it with others.
- Fr. Broheimer
Events in Other Places
St Boniface Parish in Elgin will be offering the Great
Adventure Bible Study series beginning 7 Jan. Two sessions
of “Matthew, The King and His Kingdom” will be held. Wed 9
-10:30 am (weekly) or Wed 6:30-8 pm (twice-a-month). Cost
is $30 per individual or couple. Contact St. Boniface Parish
402-843-2345 to register.
Please remember in your prayers:
Derek Heiss, Jeannie Desanti, Dodi Bauer, Eleanor
Hemenway, Dr. Paul Thomassen, Phil Schaefer,
Ken Hansen, Hannah Wright, Mandy Ofe, Colleen Rech.
Please call the parish office to add names to this list.
Names will remain for three weeks unless otherwise specified.
Thank you for your prayers.
St. Francis families responsible for cleaning
the church Saturdays in January at 9 am
Jan 3 Dave Schrader, Dewey Teel, Lyle Meis
Jan 10 Mary Hackett, Natalie Bitney, Marge Lichty
Jan 17 Dr. Russ Vetick, Sandra Christensen, Fred
Jan 24 Rick Werner, Pat Van Ert, Steve Kuester
Jan 31 Don Zegers, Ron Rice, Les Ridder
Thank you for helping. If you cannot be present
at your assigned time, please find a substitute.
Fr. Broheimer is willing to sub if you need.
Pope John XXIII School News
The Annual CCPJ Breakfast will be held Sun 4 Jan from
9 am until noon in the St. Boniface Gym. Serving
pancakes, French toast, sausage, ham, hash browns, fruit,
rolls, coffee, milk & juice for a free will offering.
Prayer for Holy Families
O God, Heavenly Father, it
was part of your eternal will
that your only-begotten Son,
Jesus Christ, the Savior of the
human race, should form a
Holy Family with Mary, His
Blessed Mother, and His
foster father, Saint Joseph. In
Nazareth, home life was
sanctified and a perfect
example was given to every Christian family. Grant,
we beseech you, that we may fully comprehend and
faithfully imitate the virtues of the Holy Family so
that we may be united with them one day in their
heavenly glory. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Opening Collect for the Holy Family
O God, who were pleased to give us the shining
example of the Holy Family, graciously grant that
we may imitate them in practicing the virtues
of family life and in the bonds of charity,
and so, in the joy of your house,
delight one day in eternal rewards.