Health and Healing Workshops Exercise Classes
Health and Healing Workshops Exercise Classes
January *** February *** March Exercise Mondays- Kickboxing with Beau, 4:30pm-5:30 pm at Shape-Up Classes Class Cost-$5.00 general admission, $3.00 for HVCH, LHSD and County employees Tuesdays- Zumba with Christine, 4:30pm-5:30 pm at Shape-Up Total Body Blast with Christine, 5:30pm-6:30 pm at Shape-Up Class Cost-$5.00 general admission, $3.00 for HVCH, LHSD and County employees Wednesdays- Zumba Gold with Christine, 8:30pm-9:30 am at Shape-Up Kickboxing with Beau, 4:30pm-5:30 pm at Shape-Up Class Cost-$5.00 general admission, $3.00 for HVCH, LHSD and County employees Thursdays- Zumba with Christine, 7:00 pm at Shape-Up Saturdays- Zumba with Toning Christine, 9:00 am at Shape-Up Class Cost-$5.00 general admission, $3.00 for HVCH, LHSD and County employees Class Cost-$5.00 general admission, $3.00 for HVCH, LHSD and County employees Health and Healing Workshops Fit for 2015- by Denise Kiamy, Registered Dietician and Danielle Arnett, Exercise Physiologist January 22nd, CIC Conference Room, 6:30pm-7:30 pm, We will address a healthy and re alistic way to eat right and exercise in the new year. Free for HVCH, LHSD, and County employees. Sleep for Your Health- by Roy Davis, RRT, Director of Cardio Services February 10th, CIC Conference Room, 6:30 pm-7:30 pm, Learn how sleep affects your health, signs you may need to see a professional for sleep medicine, and things you can do to get bet ter sleep. The Healing Touch- by Maria Hill, Licensed Massage Therapist March 2nd, CIC Conference Room, 6:30 pm-7:30 pm, While massage is excellent for relaxation, it also offers many additional health benefits (including but not limited to problems associated with osteoarthritis, back pain, headaches, anxiety, and much more! Join us to learn the benefits of massage therapy and what Maria offers to meet you health needs. Wellness for Every Body Community Wellness Calendar Janurary-February 2015 Hocking Valley Community Hospital recognizes that good health is achieved with planning, information, and support. We offer a variety of classes that are open to the community to enhance fitness and wellness. To register contact Danielle Arnett, Wellness Coordinator at HVCH at 740-380-8298 or For updates and more information, like us on facebook at “The Power to be a better you” The