2015 MMEA Conference Proposal Form
2015 MMEA Conference Proposal Form
Maine Music Educators Association (MMEA) Conference Proposal Form 2015 Music educators, professionals, companies, and organizations are invited to submit session proposals for MMEA's In-Service Conference which will be held in Gorham at the University of Southern Maine campus on May 14 & 15, 2015. Presenters are required to be registered for the conference. Any exception, such as exhibitors or special guests, must be addressed under "additional requests". Sessions are scheduled for 50 min. in length. MMEA pays an honorarium of $75 for the first session and $50 for any additional session given by the clinician or team of clinicians listed on this form. Multiple sessions with different titles by the same primary clinician will be considered at the rate of $50. Deadline for submission is January 5, 2015. The conference committee will review and select sessions based on criteria connected to the National Standards. Applicants will be notified by February 1, 2015. Submission of a proposal should not be construed as an accepted proposal. NO CONTRACTS WILL BE ISSUED UNLESS THE PROPOSAL FORM IS FILLED OUT AND POSTMARKED BY THE JANUARY 5, 2015 Primary Clinician: ______________________________ In the event of multiple presenters the named primary clinician will act as the contact for the group. NAfME/MMEA Membership Number: ________________________________ Mailing Address: ___________________________________________________ E-mail Address: ____________________________________________________ Preferred Telephone Number: ( ) _____________________________ Name & Town Preferred for Badge: ______________________________________ Additional Clinician(s) with NAfME Membership Number(s): ________________________ Clinician Bio: Max 200 words-will be used in conference booklet-you may use an additional sheet. Focus (Circle Those That Apply) General Music Band Orchestra Jazz Chorus Technology Other Grade Level Pre-K Elementary K-5 Middle 6-8 High School 9-12 Collegiate Other: ________________________ Session Title: __________________________________________ Session Description-to be used for conference booklet-you may use an additional sheet- Type of Session: Movement with chairs on perimeter Lecture Performance Other Equipment: Clinicians must provide anything not listed on this form. Note that computers and peripherals will not be provided. Screen Table(s) Music Stand Overhead Projector Group Demo/Performance: Yes / No Additional Requests Applicants may list additional requests or special circumstances which are not addressed on this form. Terms of Application Please check each box below: MMEA pays an honorarium of $75 for the first session and $50 for any additional sessions given by the clinician or team of clinicians listed on this form. Multiple sessions with different titles by the same primary clinician will be considered at the rate of $50. MMEA cannot guarantee specific presentation dates/times however we will do our best to accommodate. All correspondence will be with the Primary Clinician. Equipment listed on this application will be provided. Additional equipment will be the responsibility of the clinician. Clinicians are expected to register for the conference. Any exception or special circumstances must be addressed under "Additional Requests". In the event that All State BOC students are requested to leave the festival ensemble rehearsal for a demo group presentation, he/she must have prior permission from the conductor. Furthermore, no more than 5% of students may be excused at any given time from each ensemble. Questions may be directed to Conference Co-Chairs: Silvia Moore-Young at yeomoore1954@gmail.com or Sue Barre at sbarrewtvl@gmail.com Please mail application to: Silvia Moore-Young 97 Torrey Hill Road Turner, ME 04282 (207)224-7349
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