kub 2015 Exhibitions 2015 Kunsthaus Bregenz kub Collection


kub 2015 Exhibitions 2015 Kunsthaus Bregenz kub Collection
Principle sponsor
of Kunsthaus Bregenz
With kind support from
With kind support from
The Society of Friends
of Kunsthaus Bregenz
With kind support from
With kind support from
Cultural body
Cooperation partner
Kunsthaus Bregenz
Karl-Tizian-Platz | 6900 Bregenz | Austria
Phone +43-5574-485 94-0 | Fax +43-5574 485 94-408
kub@kunsthaus-bregenz.at | www.kunsthaus-bregenz.at
kub Arena
Trix and Robert Haussmann
24 | 01 — 06 | 04 | 2015
kub Arena
Summer Program
The Zürich architects
Trix and Robert
Haussmann rank
amongst the most
important representatives of Swiss
Since the beginning
of their collaboration in 1967, they
have been questioning the rigid doctrines in the teaching
of architectural
history. Their playful designs adhere
to a »critical Mannerism,« permitting
them to generate
dissent, and work
kub Arena represents an unusual
program, one that
not infrequently
addresses art institutions in a critical
manner. It is the
venue at Kunsthaus
Bregenz where
art engages in an
ongoing dialog
with other areas of
cultural production,
delineating new
spaces, and making
contemporary art
accessible in unconventional ways.
As in previous years,
kub Arena will temporarily abandon
with deceit, ambiguity, and contradiction, as well as playing with chance.
kub Collection Showcase
Per Kirkeby
Bricks: Sculpture and
27 | 02 | — 27 | 09 | 2015
Dates to be confirmed
the Kunsthaus for
its summer program,
to transform
into a dynamic
public space, not
only offering entertainment but also
the experimental,
along with all the
mutual exchanges
can provide.
Per Kirkeby (born 1938), the most important representative of contemporary Scandinavian art, has
developed a pictorial language revolving round
metamorphosis in nature. His famous brick sculp­
tures provide solutions to fundamental questions
around architecture. They merge the creative with
the functional, and the everyday with the disturbing, his departure from simple forms evolving into
complex and mysterious works.
In 1997 a large Per Kirkeby solo exhibition
took place at Kunsthaus Bregenz. As a result of a gift
by Per Kirkeby, today the archive of Kunsthaus
Bregenz possesses the most important collection of
Kirkeby’s architectonic output.
The exhibition will display the large-format
preparatory drawings for Per Kirkeby’s brick
sculptures along with small-scale sketches, sketchbooks, photographs, books, and other documents.
Tuesday to Sunday 10 a.m. — 6 p.m. | Thursday 10 a.m. — 9 p.m.
Ticket Office ext.-433
Summer Opening Times 2015
July 18 to August 31 daily 10 a.m. — 8 p.m. |
Thursdays 10 a.m. — 9 p.m.
kub Arena
Dexter Sinister
18 | 04 — 05 | 07 | 2015
Admission KUB
Adults 9.– eur | Reductions 7.– eur
Children and adolescents free
Kulturhäuser Card 99.– eur
Dexter Sinister is a
New York-based
founded in 2006 by
Stuart Bailey (UK)
and David Reinfurt
(USA) to model a
just-in-time economy of print production, counter to the
assembly-line which
is one of large-scale
publishing. Since
then the name has
variously referred
to a publishing
imprint, a workshop/bookstore on
New York’s Lower
East Side, and work
produced for and
often within
Information and Booking for Guided Tours
Lidiya Anastasova | ext.-415
Margot Dörler-Fritsche | ext.-409
Copyright © 2014 by Kunsthaus Bregenz Concept Kunsthaus Bregenz Text Birgit
Albers, Yilmaz Dziewior, Eva Birkenstock, Rudolf Sagmeister Editing Birgit Albers
Copy Editing Claudia Voit, Katrin Wiethege Translation Artlanguage Illustrations
Courtesy of Berlinde De Bruyckere, Estate of Joan Mitchell, collection of the Joan
Mitchell Foundation; Hauser & Wirth, Trix und Robert Hausmann, Per Kirkeby, Museo
Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid; Amy Sillman, Dexter Sinister, S.M.A.K.,
Gent; Sprueth Magers, Rosemarie Trockel, Heimo Zobernig Image Copyright © Archiv
Heimo Zobernig © Hélène Binet, Joaquín Cortés/Román Lores © Mirjam Devriendt
© Dexter Sinister, New York © Estate of Joan Mitchell, collection of the Joan Mitchell
Foundation; Alfred Hablützel © Trix und Robert Haussmann © Christian Hinz © Rudolf
Sagmeister © Amy Sillman © Rosemarie Trockel, Bildrecht, Wien, 2014 Basic graphic
design Clemens Theobert Schedler Büro für konkrete Gestaltung Graphic design
Bernd Altenried, Stefan Gassner Paper Balance Silk 115 g, FSC Pre-press production
Boris Bonev, PrePress & PrintService Printed by Thurnher Druckerei GmbH
KUB Program 2015
art institutions –
recently they
participated in
exhi­b itions at Tate
Liverpool (2014), the
pavilion at the
Venice Biennial
(2013), MoMA (2012),
and the Whitney
Biennial (2008).
For kub Arena
Dexter Sinister will
be developing a
site-specific presentation providing
insights into their
»publishing« work
at the intersection
of design, editing,
publishing, and
kub Arena
Amy Sillman
07 | 11 | 2015 — 10 | 01 | 2016
Since the mid 1990s
renowned, New York
based artist Amy
Sillman has been
approaching painting as an ambitious
endeavor. In her
works gesture, color,
and drawing-based
procedures are
imbued with questions of feminism,
performativity, and
humor. Recently
Sillman expanded
her practice from the
canvas to the
screens of Smartphones and tablets,
to transform draw-
ings into digital
animations while
delving into the
current roles of
abstraction, color,
and the diagram.
Following her largescale survey show
one lump or two at
ICA Boston, and
Hessel Museum of
Art in Annandaleon-Hudson, Sillman
is currently teaching
professor at the
Frankfurt am Main.
KUB Collection Showcase
Seestraße 5 | 6900 Bregenz | Austria
Entrance from the Kornmarktstraße side, alongside
the Nepomuk Chapel
Phone +43-5574-485 94-0 | Fax +43-5574-485 94-408
kub@kunsthaus-bregenz.at | www.kunsthaus-bregenz.at
Tickets at the KUB Reception Desk
Karl-Tizian-Platz | 6900 Bregenz | Austria
Adults 6.- eur | Reductions 5.- eur
Children and adolescents free
Combined Ticket Kunsthaus Bregenz and KUB Collection
Showcase 11.- eur | Combined Ticket Reduced 9.- eur
Friday to Sunday 10 a.m. — 6 p.m.
Closed from April 10 to 12 and July 10 to 12
Ticket Office ext.-433
08 09
KUB Arena 2015
Kunsthaus Bregenz
10 11
KUB Collection Showcase
kub 2015
Exhibitions 2015
24 | 01 | 2015 — 10 | 01 | 2016
Kunsthaus Bregenz
Program 2015
Kunsthaus Bregenz’s program for 2015 is largely based
upon three strong female personalities. The internationally renowned artist Rosemarie Trockel has conceived a
large-scale exhibition especially for the Kunsthaus,
centering on her print works, whilst also boldly involving
herself in local customs of the Vorarlberg region.
In spring Berlinde De Bruyckere’s atmospherically
dense installations and sculptures will submerse KUB’s
spaces in an apparently sinister ambience. The exhibition
will revolve around the large-scale work she created in
2013 for the Belgian Pavilion at the Venice Biennale.
A highlight of the program in 2015 will be the
large-scale survey exhibition of the legendary American
painter Joan Mitchell, a leading light of second generation
abstract expressionism. For the first time, a comprehensive look into the archive of the Joan Mitchell Foundation
will provide an introduction to diverse aspects of the
artist’s personality by means of photographs, letters,
invitation cards, and other documents.
The year’s program will conclude with a large-scale
solo exhibition by Austrian artist Heimo Zobernig. He too
will be presenting some of his most renowned works as
well as producing new ones, in which his staging of the
Austrian Pavilion at the Venice Biennale 2015 will play a
significant role.
Concurrently to the large-scale survey exhibitions
on the upper three floors, more experimental formats will
be presented in the KUB Arena along with its summer
In the neighboring post office building, Kunsthaus
Bregenz will be presenting, for the first time, a large body
of sketches and drawings by Per Kirkeby from its comprehensive collection, that relate to his brick constructions.
01 06
KUB Program 2015
kub 2015.01
Rosemarie Trockel
24 | 01 — 0 6 | 04 | 2015
kub 2015.02
Berlinde De Bruyckere
18 | 04 — 05 | 07 | 2015
Rosemarie Trockel (born 1952) is amongst the most
internationally renowned artists of her generation.
She achieved initial attention in the 1980s with works
fabricated with neither brush nor paint: the result was
the now legendary knitted pictures.
Her so-called hot plate works can likewise be
interpreted as a commentary on such art historical
movements as Minimal Art, which was primarily maledominated. Over the course of a more than 30 year career,
Rosemarie Trockel has succeeded in being continually
surprising, as new complexes of work have emerged.
The artist will be developing an exhibition of mainly
new works for Kunsthaus Bregenz. Along with her poster
and print works, which she presents in installational
displays, she will, above all, be creating works which
engage with the architecture of Peter Zumthor’s building,
as well as the local craft techniques and traditional Tracht
costumes of the Bregenzerwald. The Bregenz show
promises new and unusual insights into the work of this
well-renowned artist.
Berlinde De Bruyckere (born 1964) has risen to prominence as a result of numerous prestigious solo and group
exhibitions. In 2013 she represented Belgium in its national pavilion at the Venice Biennale. The artist works
with wax and synthetic resin casts, her sculptures revealing complex affinities to the art historical conventions
of painting and sculpture from the Gothic era through
to those of the present. Such Christian subject matter as
the Man of Sorrow, the horse as an innocent victim of
the great wars across the battlefields of Flanders, or wild
animals, skinned and disemboweled, are telling evidence
of growth and decay and of human involvement in the
cycles of nature.
The exhibition has been organized in cooperation
with Kunstraum Dornbirn, conceived as an exhibition
at two different locations. Concurrently with the presentation at Kunsthaus Bregenz, a large-scale installation
by Berlinde De Bruyckere will be on display in Kunstraum
Dornbirn’s factory building. Both exhibitions provide a
fascinating overview of the Belgian artist’s work.
kub 2015.03
Joan Mitchell
18 | 07 — 25 | 10 | 2015
Together with the Museum Ludwig in Cologne and in
cooperation with the Joan Mitchell Foundation New York,
Kunsthaus Bregenz will be presenting a large-scale survey
exhibition in 2015 of the legendary artist Joan Mitchell
(1925 – 1992). The show’s focus is on her painting – ranging
from the early work of the 1950s through to the late work.
In terms of art history, her œuvre will be located within
developments subsequent to Abstract Expressionism, that
is the milieu of the New York School. Comprising nearly
thirty pictures, including many large-format, multi-part
works, the show at Kunsthaus Bregenz will be a presentation of one of 20th century art’s most significant practitioners. With the aid of film and photographic records,
correspondence, invitation cards, and other ephemera,
light will be shed on Joan Mitchell’s colorful personality
and her multifaceted relationships to visual artists,
writers, and other cultural figures of her time.
kub 2015.04
Heimo Zobernig
07 | 11 | 2015 — 10 | 01 | 2016
Heimo Zobernig’s (born 1958) work is striking in its
extremely precise use of form and content.
His media range from drawing and painting via
installation and sculpture to video and spatial settings
of a functional character. He lays the mechanisms of the
art system bare, addressing hierarchies, and exploring
concepts not only tangibly but also in terms of their
metaphorical significance.
Heimo Zobernig has not only substantially shaped
the art scene within his native country, but is also one of
the most renowned practitioners in the international art
world. As a professor at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna,
where he has been teaching for 14 years, Zobernig continues to influence younger generations of upcoming artists.
In the summer of 2015 Zobernig will be representing
Austria at the Venice Biennale.
For Bregenz he is staging a large-scale exhibition
specifically conceived for Peter Zumthor’s architecture,
and will be working on the development of an open opera
studio in cooperation with the Bregenz Festival.