Student Production Award Entry Form for 2015


Student Production Award Entry Form for 2015
Student Production Awards Competition
2014-2015 Entry Form
Entry forms must be received no later than October 17, 2014
Send Us Your Best...
Intercollegiate National Religious Broadcasters (iNRB), along with the student and faculty membership of the
National Religious Broadcasters (NRB), sponsors the Student Production Awards to encourage and reward
excellence in Christian Radio/Audio, TV/Video, and Film production by students. Please carefully read the rules
and regulations on the attached pages. (Rules are subject to change as needed.)
STUDENT ENTRANT(S): Please type or print. List each individual’s name per entry (up to 3), address, phone &
email. All entrants must be current iNRB members. Multiple entries (in different categories) are encouraged but you
must use a separate form for each entry. Remember that the judges see these forms, so write legibly.
Student Name
Cell Phone or School Phone (circle which)
Student Name
Cell Phone or School Phone (circle which)
Student Name
Cell Phone or School Phone (circle which)
Mailing Address at School
Mailing Address at School
Mailing Address at School
City & State
SIGNATURES: I (We) have read the rules of the NRB Student Production Awards and hereby grant permission to
NRB to broadcast all or part of this entry during the NRB Convention or in any future publicity.
We certify that this entry complies fully with the rules of the competition, and all entrants have joined iNRB.
1. Student Signature
2. Student Signature
3. Student Signature
Faculty Signature & Department
________________ Date _________
(Entry form must include a faculty signature or it cannot be considered.)
FEES & PAYMENT: A current academic year iNRB Student Membership is required and it covers all Student
Production Award entry fees. Checks made payable to NRB for iNRB Student Membership dues ($50.00) should
be included with your iNRB Student Membership application and can be mailed to NRB, 9510 Technology Drive,
Manassas, VA 20110. Also, credit card payments are accepted and your payment information should be included
on the iNRB Student Membership application. iNRB Student Membership applications paid with a credit card can
be faxed (703-330-7100) or emailed as an attachment to
All Entry forms and iNRB Student Membership Applications (one for each entrant)
with dues payment included must be received by October 17, 2014.
Student Production Awards Competition
2014-2015 Entry Form
Entry forms must be received no later than October 17, 2014
ENTRY TITLE (Required):
Print legibly!
ENTRY CATEGORIES: Please check one category below – Send one category per entry form – and circle which where
applicable. See the Entry Category Details page (included) for more information. NOTE: Only one entry per category can
be submitted.
As an example: A team cannot submit 2 entries for Radio PSA or Commercial as that is the same category.
A team can submit one entry for Radio PSA or Commercial and one entry for Radio News & Sports, along with one entry
for TV Studio Production and one for TV Web Production. (This means a total of 11 entries per person or team can be
____ PSA or Commercial (Circle which of 2)
____ Promo, Imaging, or Branding (Circle which of 3)
____ Original Short Form Feature
____ News & Sports
____ PSA, Commercial, or Promo (Circle which of 3)
____ Studio Production
____ Field Production
____ Web Production
___ Documentary
___ Short Film
___ Music Video
Please give a description of your entry and the goal you hope to achieve.
Explain how your entry furthers a Judeo-Christian purpose or goal.
(You may use a separate sheet of
paper should you need additional space.)
Student Production Awards Competition
2014-2015 Rules & Guidelines
Entry forms must be received no later than October 17, 2014
Send Us Your Best...
WHO MAY ENTER: Individual student members of Intercollegiate National Religious Broadcasters (iNRB) who are
currently undergraduate college or university students at or who have graduated within the past year from an NRB
member school. An individual or group may submit only one entry per category but may enter in as many categories as
desired, up to eleven entries. Each entry must be accompanied by an entry form. Entries without entry forms will be
disqualified. The entrant(s) must have played a major role in the production, such as producer and/or director. All work must
be totally student produced (faculty/staff may serve in the production role as advisor only).
must be totallyREQUIRED:
student produced
may serve inapplication
the production
as advisorbyonly).
2. All
Student Membership
is to be
all entrants and
submitted with the competition entry form. All payments must be received by October 17, 2014.
All projects and accompanying identification forms must be uploaded. Instructions on how to do this will be sent to you from
NRB, upon receipt of this Entry Form. Identify yourself and your University on the file name of each project.
4. FORMATS: Audio must be submitted as an audio file that is playable on Windows Media Player, QuickTime, or Real
Player, preferably MP3. Video must be submitted as a YouTube video entry. An H.264 MP4 Quicktime version will be
required by the award winners.
5. RIGHTS: iNRB or its parent organization, NRB, shall have the right to use productions entered in the competition in
promotions or broadcasts produced in connection with iNRB/NRB and/or the awards competition.
 Entry form(s) must be received by October 17, 2014, (expedite this by emailing them to
 You will receive a reply email by October 17, 2014, with instructions on how to upload your project(s).
 If you don’t receive a reply email by October 20, 2014, please call Judy Stephens at 703-331-4510.
 All projects must be uploaded by October 24, 2014.
7. WINNERS will be notified by email.
 Awards/money will be presented at the International Christian Media Convention, Nashville, TN, February 2015.
 Winners are expected to be present at the ceremony.
Prize information:
 1 place winners receive $150 cash prize money – divided among the team members.
 1st place winners receive a trophy – one for each team member.
 1st place winners receive $300 travel stipend – divided among the team members.
 1 place winners who do not attend the convention will not receive a travel stipend.
 1 place winners receive a complementary 2015 NRB Convention Registration – one for each team member
are not
 1 , 2 and 3 place winners receive a certificate – one for each team member.
 2 & 3 place winners do not receive a travel stipend
 All prize money and travel stipends are in the form of a check – given out during the Convention only
8. JUDGING will be done by media professionals.
Productions that go over the time allotted in the Entry Category Details section (if applicable) will be penalized.
iNRB/NRB reserves the right not to award a winner in each category.
Each Radio/Audio, TV/Video, and Film entry will be judged by all or some of the following criteria:
• Artistry, originality, and creativity
• Overall production techniques
• Capacity to hold audience attention
• Well chosen interviews and actualities
• Originality in program/content
• Solid dramatic tension (if needed)
• Clear and captivating writing
• Proper editing techniques
• Program content and creativity
• Proper audio and video levels
• Proper diction and delivery
• Proper Christian message/themes/values
Each entrant is responsible for music and image copyright clearances and permissions.
NRB is assured that all entries are cleared for competitive use by the signature of the endorsing faculty member.
Student Production Awards Competition
2014-2015 Rules & Guidelines
Entry forms must be received no later than October 17, 2014.
PSA or Commercial (59 or 30 seconds) PSA: A creative audio production that promotes a non-profit organization, a
ministry, or event and/or falls within the FCC parameters designated for a PSA. COMMERCIAL: A creative audio
production that focuses on a product and could air on any commercial station (does not have to be “ministry” oriented).
Promo, Imaging, or Branding (59 seconds or less): A creative audio production that promotes the brand of a media
outlet, format for station, or program.
Original Short Form Feature (6-10 minutes in length): An opportunity to explore the “Theater of the Mind.” Proper sound
effects are a must, along with dramatic dialogue reflecting Christian principles and truths.
News & Sports (4 minutes or less): A production that may include national and local news, sports, and weather in any of
the following forms: Newscast, Sportscast, Story, Commentary, Play-By-Play.
PSA, Commercial, or Promo (59 or 29 seconds) PSA: A creative video production that promotes a non-profit
organization, a ministry, or event and/or falls within the FCC parameters designated for a PSA. COMMMERCIAL: A creative
video production that is commercial in nature. PROMO: A creative video production that promotes the station or a program.
Studio Production : A student-produced newscast, drama, talk show, or game show. Creativity, professionalism, and
production techniques are areas in which to concentrate. (Please submit only 10 minutes of production.)
Field Production: A non-narrative video/News package that is produced and directed outside of the studio environment.
Creativity, professionalism, and production techniques are areas in which to concentrate. (Please submit only 10 minutes
of production.)
Web Production (up to 6 minutes in length) : Webasodic series that airs exclusively on the Web.
Documentary (under 30 minutes): A short narrative film focusing on storytelling, production values, creativity,
cinematography, and sound.
Short Film (under 30 minutes): A short narrative film focusing on storytelling, production values, creativity,
cinematography, and sound.
Music Video (under 10 minutes): Demonstrates proficiency in storytelling through music. Proper directing and editing is a
must. All those entering the Music Video category are responsible for music copyright clearance and permission.
NRB will assume that all entries are cleared for competitive use.