National Conference on "Governance of Traditional Knowledge and
National Conference on "Governance of Traditional Knowledge and
Important Dates December 06th, 2014 Abstract Submission December 10th, 2014 Notification to Authors Full Paper Submission & Registration December 31st, 2014 National Conference on Governance of Traditional Knowledge and Contemporary Innovations (March 13-14, 2015) Payment Details Till 31/12/2014 INR 1500 INR 2500 INR 3500 Participants Research Scholars Academicians Industry Delegates After 31/12/2014 INR 2000 INR 3000 INR 4500 Organized By:- MHRD-IPR Chair Conference Participants (Not Presenting Paper) Till 31/12/2014 INR 1000 INR 2000 INR 3000 Participants Research Scholars Academicians Industry Delegates DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, ROORKEE, INDIA After 31/12/2014 INR 1500 INR 2500 INR 3500 Registration The participants have to send the filled in registration form along with requisite amount of demand draft drawn in favour of Dean SRIC IIT Roorkee, Payable at Roorkee. Registration fees includes registration kit, study material and accomodation (on request, in the institute`s guest house for outstation candidates only on first come - first serve basis). Organising Committee Prof. Pradipta Banerji Patron Director, IIT Roorkee Prof. P.K. Ghosh Chairman MHRD-IPR Chair Professor Ph: +91 1332 285699, Convener Head Department of Management Studies IIT, Roorkee Dr. Vinay Sharma Treasurer Associate Professor, Department of Management Studies Phone: +91 1332 285175 E-mail: Prof. K.L. Yadav Organizing Secretary & Contact Person Executive Member, MHRD-IPR Chair, Professor, Department of Physics Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee – 247 667 Phone: +91 1332 285744 E-mail: Correspondence Address :MHRD-IPR Chair Office : Department of Management Studies Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee – 247 667 Phone : +91 1332 285699, 285118 FAX: +91 1332 285118, 273560 E-mail About the Conference Themes The MHRD IPR Chair, DOMS, IIT Roorkee is pleased to announce two day National conference on “Governance of Traditional Knowledge and Contemporary Innovations” on March 13-14, 2015 in the Department of Management Studies, to provide a special forum to present and discuss about latest research in the field of traditional knowledge management and contemporary innovations. Various sub themes of the conference are (but not limited to) :Contemporary perspectives in traditional knowledge governance. New epistemologies in traditional knowledge based innovations. Enablers and challenges in the governance of traditional knowledge management for contemporary innovations. Traditional knowledge governance and innovations, myths and realities. Developing biotechnological innovations through traditional knowledge management. Governance of traditional knowledge and its role in the national economy. Commercialization of traditional knowledge and benefit sharing. Prospects of indigenous traditional knowledge for promotion of sustainable rural development. Introduction Traditional knowledge comprises the knowledge, innovations and practices of indigenous and local communities around the world developed from experiences gained over centuries, and adapted to local culture and environments, which is transmitted orally from generation to generation. It tends to be collectively owned and takes the form of stories, songs, folk lore, proverbs, culture values, beliefs, rituals, community laws, local language and agricultural practices. Traditional knowledge is not so called because of its antiquity, it is a living body of knowledge that is developed, sustained and passed on from generation to generation within a community often forming part of its cultural loss or spiritual identity. Over the passed decade traditional knowledge and its contribution in innovation management has gained growing interest from the international community. More than eleven UN and numerous other world renowned agencies have been dealing with traditional knowledge and innovation management. The United Nations System and indigenous organizations through ECOSCO, has made a number of recommendations on traditional knowledge addressed to government and the UN system. In India, Government has set up the National innovation foundation to identify, recognize and support innovations evolved from traditional knowledge. The Society for Research and Initiative for Sustainable Technologies (SRIST) and Institutions and the Grassroots Innovation Augmentation Network (GIAN) collectively documented hundreds of contemporary innovations based on outstanding traditional knowledge. Hence the key focus area today in the field of IP creation & management is effective governance of traditional knowledge for contemporary innovations to foster a world class environment for innovators across the nation to grow and sustain indigenously and compete internationally. Objectives of the Conference To provide an opportunity to academicians, research scholars and industry delegates to share their research and thoughts on traditional knowledge and innovation management through MHRD IPR chair's podium. Highlight specific areas in the field of traditional knowledge management, which are still unexplored and can provide ample opportunities in IP creation and management leading to sustainable innovations. Who Should Attend The conference is for academicians, research scientists, research scholars, industry delegates and whole intellect community who has active involvement in traditional knowledge governance, innovation propulsion and IP creation. Format of the Conference Conference will be organized in two dimensions, invited talk and paper presentation. Participants can take benefit of paper presentation as well as listening to eminent speakers. Date & Venue The Conference will be held on March 13-14, 2015 in the Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee. Abstract Submission Abstract is to be submitted in soft copy only by email to Word limit for abstract is 300 - 400 words. Abstract should include personal particulars in the following order. name, title of work, affiliation (department and institute) email, telephone and postal address. Abstract should be in Times New Roman 12 point font, single spacing APA Style referencing. The interested candidates may attend the conference with or without presenting papers. Certificate will be issued accordingly. Note : Papers of participants registered untill december 31st, 2014 will be included in the book of proceedings. Selected papers will be published in the book of referred conference proceedings (with an ISBN Number). Paper Submission Guidlines The authors are requested to submit paper in the journal format (Camera ready) in two column IEEE format typeset in 12 pt. Times New Roman font, single spaced on A4 size in 6 page limit including authors name and affiliation, abstract, figures, tables, references in MSWord through e-mail to Submitted papers will be peer reviewed and published in proceedings. National Conference on Governance of Traditional Knowledge and Contemporary Innovations (March 13-14, 2015) REGISTRATION FORM PRESENTATION / PARTICIPATION Personal & Professional Details Name ________________________________________________________________________________ Title of Profession ________________________________Organization __________________________ Explain in 2-3 lines your association with Innovation/IPR/Traditional Knowledge __________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Contact Details Mailing Address ________________________________________________________________________ City _______________________ State ______________________________ Zip Code _______________ Phone Number _______________________________ Mobile No. ________________________________ Fax ____________________ E-mail ____________________________, ___________________________ Registration Fee Details (i) DD attached amount ______________ No. _____________ Bank Name _______________________ Dated ___________________ (Demand Draft in favor of 'Dean SRIC IIT, Roorkee') Travel Plan Arrival Date _____________________________ Departure Date _______________________________ Additional Information Paper Title (if applicable) _______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Name of Co author (1) ________________________________ Name of Co author (2) ________________________________ Signature ___________________