Pathology Laboratory Services Director CV


Pathology Laboratory Services Director CV
Douglas A. Weeks, MD March 2016
Academic Rank: Professor
DepartmentiDivision: Department of Pathology
Professional Address: Oregon Health & Science University
Department of Pathology, L113
3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Road
Portland, OR 97239-3098
(Basic Science Building, Room 1375A)
E-Mail Address:
Birthdate*: September 11, 1952, Takoma Park, Maryland
Marital Status/
Married - Richelle L. Malott, MD / two children
Elizabeth Anne (born January 1998)
Katherine Jane (born September 2000)
Home Address*: P.O. Box 8825, Portland OR 97207
Undergraduate and Graduate:
University of California, Riverside, Riverside, California
B.S. (Medical Science)
Lorna Linda University, Lorna Linda, California
Lorna Linda University School of Medicine, Lorna Linda,
Advanced Management Certificate
University of California at Riverside, Riverside, California
Lorna Linda
Lorna Linda, California
Lorna Linda
Lorna Linda, California
Lorna Linda University Medical Center, Lorna
and Electron Microscopy, The Children's
Research Fellow in Pediatric
Denver, Colorado
Fellow, National Wilms' Tumor Study
Diplomate, National Board of Medical Examiners
Certified, American Board of Pathology (AP, CP)
California I G-31 068
School of
Lorna Linda, CA
Assistant Professor ofPathoiogy, Lorna Linda
Associate Professor of Pathology, Lorna Linda University School of Medicine, Lorna Linda, CA
Professor of Pathology, Lorna Linda University School of Medicine, Lorna Linda, CA
Clinical Professor of Pathology, Lorna Linda University School of Medicine, Lorna Linda, CA
Health & Science University, Portland, OR
Professor of Pathology,
Staff Physician and Faculty Member, Department of
Pennanente Medical
Staff Pathologist,
Associate Medical
Community Hospital,
Practice, Kaiser
Douglas County, Oregon
Staff Pathologist, Lorna Linda University Medical Center, Lorna
Clinical Laboratory, Lorna Linda Community Hospital
Director, Section of renal pathology and electron microscopy, Clinical
Lorna Linda University Medical Center
Director, Research Electron Microscopy/Special Histology Laboratory, Department of
Pathology, Lorna Linda University School of Medicine
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A. Weeks, MD
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1. Pettis Memorial Veterans Administration Hospital
March 2013
Vice-Chair, Department of Pathology and Human Anatomy, Lorna Linda University
School of Medicine
Head, Division of Anatomic Pathology, Lorna Linda University School of Medicine
Chief, Anatomic Pathology Service and Co-Director, Clinical Laboratory, Lorna Linda
University Medical Center
Chair, Department of Pathology and Human Anatomy, Lorna Linda University School
of Medicine
Research Sabbatical, Lorna Linda University School of Medicine
Staff Pathologist, Mercy Medical Center, Roseburg, Oregon
Director, Surgical Pathology, Oregon Health Sciences University
I 999-Present
Staff Pathologist, Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland, Oregon
Director, Electron Microscopy Laboratory, Oregon Health Sciences University
Interim Chair, Department of Pathology, Oregon Health & Science University (In 200 I
the University's name changed from Oregon Health Sciences University to Oregon
Health & Science University)
Chair, Department of Pathology, Oregon Health & Science University
Area(s) of Research/Scholarly Interest:
Pediatric Pathology, with emphasis on solid neoplasms
Electron Microscopy, pediatric and general
General tumor immunocytochemistry
Publications/Creative Work:
Peer-reviewed Scientific Publications
I. Weeks DA, Beckwith JB, Luckey DW. Relapse-associated variables in Stage 1 Favorable Histology Wilms'
Tumor - A report of the National Wilms' Tumor Study. Cancer 60: 1204- 1212, 1987.
2. Beckwith JB, Weeks DA. Congenital mesoblastic nephroma. When should we worry? Arch Pathol Lab Med
110:98, 1986.
3. Mierau GW, Weeks DA, Beckwith JB. Ultrastructure and histogenesis of the renal tumors of childhood.
Ultrastruct Pathol II :313-333, 1987.
4. Mierau GW, Weeks DA. Chondroid chordoma. Ultrastruct Pathol11 :731-737,1987.
5. Weeks DA . Diagnosis of small round blue cell tumors in children. Western Journal of Medicine 149:598,
6. Mierau GW, Weeks DA, Beckwith JB. Anaplastic Wilms' Tumor and other clinically aggressive childhood
renal neoplasms: Ultrastructural and immunocytochemical features. Ultrastruct Pathol 13 :225-248,1989.
7. Weeks DA, Beckwith JB, Mierau GW. Rhabdoid Tumor, entity or phenotype? Arch Pathol Lab Med
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113:113-114, 1989.
8. Weeks DA, Beckwith JB, Mierau GW, Luckey DW. Rhabdoid Tumor of Kidney: A
of 111 cases from
the National Wilms' Tumor Study
Center. Am J
Pathol 13(6): 439-458, 1989.
9. lung
Young MP, Schlund
Weeks D, Miller S, Wong 0, Juhn SK. Effect of prostaglandin,
leukotriene, and arachidonic acid on experimental otitis media with effusion in chinchillas. Ann 0101 Rhinol
Laryngol 99:28-32, 1990.
10. Panossian
peritonitis. The American Surgeon
Weeks DA. Epidermoid cyst of the spleen
1990. II. Nutter RL, Kettering
Aprecio RM, Weeks
DS. Effects
induced tumor tlp'l,pl{'lnO',pnt and immune responses. Nutr Cancer 13: 141-1
as a fat and protein on DMH1990.
12. Colburn K, Boucek R, Gusewitch
Wong A, Wat P, Weeks D.
receptor stimulation increases anti-DNA antibody production in MRL/I pr mice. J Rheumatol
17:138-141, 1990.
13. Weeks DA, Beckwith 18, Mierau GM. Benign nodal lesions mimicking metastases from pediatric renal
of the National Wilms' Tumor Study Pathology Center.
14. Lubniewski AJ, Houchin KW, Holland
Wessels IF, McNeill JI, Cameron 10. Posterior
infectious crystalline keratopathy with Staphylococcus epidermidis. Ophthalmology 97: 1454-1459, 1990.
15. Zuppan
Weeks D. Lipid-rich rhabdomyosarcoma--a potential source
Ultrastruct Pathol 15
16. Mulder
Gardiner G, Weeks DA. Primary small-cell carcinoma ofthe esophagus. Case presentation and
review of the literature. Gastrointest Radiol 16:5-10, 1991.
17. Zuppan CW, Beckwith JB, Weeks DA, Luckey DW, Pringle KC. The effect of preoperative therapy on
Wilms' tumor histology: Analysis of cases from the third National Wilms' Tumor Study. Cancer
18. Weeks DA, Malott RL, Arnesen M, Zuppan C, Aitken D, Mierau G. Hepatic angiomyolipoma with striated
of two cases. Ultrastruct Pathol
and positivity with melanoma-specific antibody (HMB-45): A
15:563-571, 1991.
19. Weeks DA, Malott RL, Zuppan C, Mierau GW, Beckwith JB. Primitive pelvic sarcoma resembling clear-cell
sarcoma of kidney. Ultrastruct Pathol 15:403-408, 1991.
20. Weeks DA, Beckwith 18, Mierau GW, Zuppan CWo Renal
A report from the National Wilms' Tumor Study Pathology Center.
rhabdoid tumor of kidney.
Pathol 15: 1042- 1054, 1991.
21. Panossian D,
Weeks D, Sandefur J, Park YM, Miller
Krohn KA. Effect of the radioprotector
WR2721 on radiation-induced injury to ciliated cells of eustachian tube. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 101 :395­
Carlen B, Dardick 1, Henderson DW, Pysher
Yowell RL.
22. Mierau GW, Agostini R, Beals
The role of electron microscopy in evaluating ciliary dysfunction: Report of a workshop. Ultrastruct Pathol
A. Weeks, MD
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16:245-254, 1992.
23. Stabholz A, Khayat A, Weeks DA, Neev J, Torabinejad M. Scanning electron microscopic study of the apical
dentin surfaces lased with Nd:YAG laser following apicectomy and retrofill. International Endodontic Journal
24. Radoycich GE, Zuppan CW, Weeks DA, Krous HF, Langston C. Patterns of measles pneumonitis. Pediatric
Pathology 12:773-786, 1992.
25 . Jung TTK, Tambunan D, Rice R, Lee JS, Miller SK, Guswitch G, Chang L, Nehlsen-Cannarella S, Stewart R,
Malott RL and Weeks DA. Role of arachidonic acid metabolites in the pathogenesis of nasal polyps.
Immunobiology in Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology. MacCabe B, Feldman J, and Mogie G, Editors.
Kugler and Ghedini Publications, Netherlands. Pp 221-230, 1992.
26. Kawauchi M, Gundry SR, de Begona JA, Razzouk AJ, Bouchart F, Fukushima N, Hauck AJ, Weeks DA,
Nehlsen-Cannarella S, Bailey LL. Prolonged survival of orthotopically transplanted heart xenograft in infant
baboons. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 106:779-786, 1993.
27. Jung TTK, DuBose DT, Penner G, Weeks DA, Sandefur J, Ro S, Villaneuva R, Park Y-M, Miller SK. Ciliary
abnormality of eustachian tube in the pathogenesis of radiation-induced otitis media. Proceedings of the Fifth
International Symposium on Recent Advances in Otitis Media. Lim D, Bluestone C, Klein J, and Nelson J,
editors. Decker Publishing. pp 107-110, 1993
28 . Rhee CK, Jung TTK, Miller S and Weeks DA. Platelet activating factor (PAF)-induced experimental otitis
media with effusion and PAF-antagonist in chinchillas. Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on
Recent Advances in Otitis Media. Lim D, Bluestone C, Klein J, and Nelson J, editors. Decker Publishing.
29. Rhee CK, Miller S, Jung TTK and Weeks DA . Experimental otitis media with effusion induced by platelet
activating factor. Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology 102:600-605, 1993.
30. Heinrich JA, Jung TTK, Miller SK and Weeks D. Effect of leukotriene-inhibitor, ibuprofen, and
corticosteroids on killed H. Influenza-induced otitis media . Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium
on Recent Advances in Otitis Media. Lim D, Bluestone C, Klein J, and Nelson J, editors. Decker Publishing.
31. Weeks DA, Chase DR, Malott RL, Chase RL, Zuppan CW, Beckwith lB, Mierau GW. HMB-45 staining in
angiomyoJipoma, cardiac rhabdomyoma, other mesenchymal processes and tuberous-sclerosis associated brain
lesions. International Journal of Surgical Pathology 1(3): 19 I -198, 1994.
32. Chase DR, Oberg KC, Chase RL, Malott RL, Weeks DA. Pseudoepithelialization of breast implant capsules.
International Journal of Surgical Pathology 1(3): 151-154, 1994. (Selected for abstraction in Advances in
Anatomic Pathology, volume 2(1):24-27, 1995, Raven Press Ltd., New York.)
33. Zuppan CW, Mierau G, Weeks DA. Ependymoma with signet-ring cells. Ultrastruct Pathol. 18:43-46, 1994.
34. Zuppan CW, Liwnicz BH, Weeks DA. Meningioma with chordoid features . Ultrastruct Pathol. 18:29-32,
35. Liwnicz BH, Weeks DA, Zuppan CWo Extrarenal angiomyolipoma with melanocytic and hibernoma-like
features . Ultrastruct PathoI.18:443-448, 1994.
36. Weeks DA, Malott RL, Zuppan CW, Liwnicz BH, Beckwith lB. Primitive cerebral tumor with rhabdoid
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features: A case of phenotypic rhabdoid tumor of the central nervous system. Ultrastruct Pathol 18:23-28,
37. Weeks DA, Beckwith lB, Mierau GW, and Zuppan CWo Renal neoplasms mimicking rhabdoid tumor of
kidney . A report from the National Wilms' Tumor Study Pathology Center. Am 1 Surg Pathol 15:1042-1054,
1991. (Selected for abstraction in the 1993 Year Book ofPathology and Clinical Pathology. Mosby-Year
Book, Chicago.)
38. Kataoka Y, Shimada H, Sugimoto T, Mine H, Hachitanda Y, Doi Y, Sawada T, Weeks DA. Congenital
sarcoma in the terminal ileum histologically resembling clear cell sarcoma of the kidney : A case report with
immunohistochemical study. Human Pathology 24(9): 1026-1030, 1993.
39. Parham OM, Weeks DA, Beckwith 18. The clinicopathologic spectrum of putative extrarenal rhabdoid
tumors. An analysis of 42 cases studied with immunohistochemistry and/or electron microscopy. Am 1 Surg
Pathol18 (10): 1010-1029, 1994.
40. Green OM, Beckwith 18, Weeks 0, Breslow NE, Moskness 1, D'Angio GJ. The relationship between
microsubstaging variables, tumor weight and age at diagnosis of children with stage I1favorable histology
Wilms tumor. A report from the National Wilms Tumor Study. Cancer 1994; 74: 1817-20.
4l. lung TTK, Rhee C, Park Y, Choi 0, Miller S, Weeks DA. Effect of the inhibitors of leukotriene and platelet­
activating factor on killed H.Influenza-induced experimental otitis media. Recent Advances in Otitis Media.
G. Mogi, et ai, editors. Kugler Publications, AmsterdamlNew York. pp. 661-665, 1994.
42. Park Y, lung TTK, Choi 0, Rhee C, Richmond T, Weeks D. Effect ofbJockers ofleukotriene and/or platelet­
activating factor on experimental otitis media with effusion induced by eustachian tube obstruction. Recent
Advances in Otitis Media. G. Mogi, et aI., editors. Kugler Publications, Amsterdam! New York. pp. 671­
675, 1994.
43. Weeks DA, Mierau GW, Malott RL, Beckwith 18 . Practical Electron Microscopy of Pediatric Renal Tumors.
Ultrastruct Pathol20: 31-33, 1996.
44. Aitken 0, Hopkins A, Moores 0, Andrews G, Archambeau J, Bedros A, Weeks D. The role of intraoperative
radiotherapy in the treatment of neuroblastoma: Report ofa pilot study. Annals of Surgical Oncology. Ann
Surg Oncol 2(4):343-350, 1995.
45. O'Malley DP, Mierau GW, Beckwith 18, Weeks DA. Ultrastructure of cellular congenital mesoblastic
nephroma. Ultrastructural Pathol 20:417-427,1996.
46. Faria P, Beckwith 18, Mishra K, Zuppan C, Weeks DA, Breslow N, Green OM. Focal versus diffuse
anaplasia in Wilms tumor: New defmitions with prognostic significance. A report from the National Wilms
Tumor Study Group. Am J Surg Pathol 20(8): 909-920, 1996.
47. Mierau GW, Berry PJ, Malott RL, Weeks DA. Appraisal of the comparative utility of immunocytochemistry
and electron microscopy in the diagnosis of childhood round cell tumors. Ultrastruct Pathol 20: 507-517,
48. Mierau GW, Greffe BS, Weeks DA. Primary leiomyosarcoma of brain in an adolescent with common variable
immunodeficiency syndrome. Ultrastruct PathoI21:301-307, 1997.
49. Mierau GW, Weeks DA. Role of Electron Microscopy in the diagnosis of Metabolic Storage diseases
affecting the nervous system of children. Ultrastruct Pathol 21 :345-354, 1997.
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50. Zuppan CW, Weeks DA, Wenger GD, Alvarez OA, Mierau GW. Use of electron microscopy and other
special techniques in the investigation of suspected specimen contamination. Ultrastruct Pathol 21 :453­
51. Mierau GW, Weeks DA. Role of electron microscopy and other special techniques in the diagnosis of
childhood round cell tumors. Hum Pathol29: 1347-1355, 1998.
52. Green DM, Breslow NE, Beckwith 18, Ritchey ML, ShambergerRC, Ha GM, D' Angio GJ, Perlman E,
Donaldson M, Grundy PE, Weettnan R, CMJ, Malogolowkin M, Shearer P, Coccia P, Kletzel M, Thomas PR,
Tomlinson G, Huff V, Newbury R Weeks D. Treattnent with nephrectomy only for small, stage IIfavorable
histology Wilms' tumor: a report from the National Wilms' Tumor Study Group. J Clin Oncol 19:3719-24,
2001 .
53. Woods LL, Weeks DA, Rasch R. Hypertension after neonatal uninephrectomy in rats precedes glomerular
damage. Hypertension 38:337-47, 2001.
54. Faigel DO, Gopal D, Weeks DA, Corless C. Cap-assisted endoscopic submucosal resection of a pancreatic
rest. Gastrointest Endosc 54 (6): 782-84, 200.1
55. Weeks DA, Hammar SP, Rader AE, Malott RL, Mierau GW. Sclerosing Hemangioma of the lung in a young
woman with cutaneous melanoma: The role of Electron Microscopy in preventing an erroneous diagnosis of
metastasis. Ultrastruct Pathol 26:261-265, 2002.
56. Weeks DA, Malott RL, Mierau GW . Ultrastructural spectrum of medulloblastoma with immunocytochemical
correlations. Ultrastruct Pathol 27 : 10 1-107, 2003.
57. Weeks DA, Nixon R Kaimaktchiev V Mierau, GW. Intranuclear rod myopathy, a rare and morphologically
striking variant ofnemaline rod myopathy . Ultrastruct Pathol27: 151-154,2003.
58 . Weeks DA, Zuppan GW, Malott RL, Mierau GW. Microvillous inclusion disease with prominent
intracytoplasmic membranous vesicles. Ultrastruct Pathol27:337-340, 2003.
59. Zuppan CW, Weeks DA, Cutler D. Nail-patella glomerulopathy without associated constitutional
abnormalities. Ultrastruct Pathol 27:357-361 , 2003 .
60. Fidda N, Weeks DA. Juvenile granulosa cell tumor of the testis, presenting as a small round blue cell tumor of
childhood . Ultrastruct Pathol 27:451-455,2003.
61. Woods L, Weeks DA, Rasch R. Programming of adult blood pressure by maternal protein restriction : role of
nephrogenesis. Kidney Internationa165(4): 1339-48,2004.
62. Woods L, Weeks DA . Naturally-occurring intrauterine growth retardation and adult blood pressure in rats.
Pediatr Res 56(5):763-767, 2004 .
63 .
Woods L, Weeks DA . Prenatal programming of adult blood pressure: role of maternal corticosteroids. Am J
Physiol Integ Comp Physiol 289:955-962,2005.
64. Kaimaktchiev V, Goebel H, Laing N, Narus M, Weeks D, Nixon R. Intranuclear nemaline rod myopathy.
Muscle Nerve 34: 369-372,2006.
65. Weeks D, Mierau GW. Renal Tumors in Childhood: A Pragmatic Approach. Pathology Case Reviews
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66. Green DM, Cotton CA, Malogolowkin M, Breslow NE, Perlman E, Miser J, Ritchey ML, Thomas PR, Grundy
PE, D'Angio GJ, Beckwith JB, Shamberger RC, Haase GM, Donaldson M, Weetman R, Coppes MJ, Shearer
P, Coccia P, Kletzel M, Macklis R, Tomlinson G, Huff V, Newbury R, Weeks D. Treatment of Wilms Tumor
Relapsing After Initial Treatment with Vincristine and Actinomycin D: A Report from the National Wilms
Tumor Study Group. Pediatr Blood Cancer 48(5):493-499, 2007
67. Green DM, Cotton CA, Malogolowkin M, Breslow NE, Perlman E, Miser J, Ritchey ML, Thomas PR, Grundy
PE, D'Angio GJ, Beckwith JB, Shamberger RC, Haase GM, Donaldson M, Weetman R, Coppes MJ, Shearer
P, Coccia P, Kletzel M, Macklis R, Tomlinson G, Huff V, Newbury R, Weeks D. Treatment of Wilms Tumor
Relapsing After Initial Treatment with Vincristine, Actinomycin D, and Doxorubicin: A Report from the
National Wilms Tumor Study Group. Pediatr Blood Cancer 50(2):236-241, 2008
68. Shamberger RC, Anderson JR, Breslow NE, Perlman EJ, Beckwith JB, Ritchey ML, Haase GM, Donaldson
M, Grundy PE, Weetman R, Coppes MJ, Malogolowkin M, Shearer PD, Kletzel M, Thomas PR, Macklis R,
Huff V, Weeks DA, Green DM. Long-term outcomes for infants with very low risk Wilms tumor treated with
surgery alone in National Wilms Tumor Study-5. Ann Surg 251 (3):555-558, 20 I O.
69. Davis JL, Matsumura L, Weeks DA, Troxell ML. PAX2 Expression in Wilms tumors and other childhood
neoplasms. Am J Surg Pathol 8, 1186-94, 20 II.
70. Walter GF, Weeks DA. Pediatric Medulloblastoma: Ultrastructure. In Pediatric Cancer, Diagnosis, Therapy,
and Prognosis, M.A. Hayat, Ed; Vol. 3, 145-51,2012.
Stenzel P, Weeks DA. Abundant Hepatic Gaucher-like cells following chemotherapy and bone marrow
transplantation for hematologic malignancy: two cases. Int J Surg Pathol. Feb;21 (I ):89-92, 2013
I. Dardick I, Eyden B, Federman M, Hammar S, Lajoie G, Malott R, Munn R, Robb I, Vogt P, Weeks D.
Handbook of diagnostic electron microscopy for pathologists-in-training. Igaku-Shoin Medical Publishers,
New York, 1996.
Published Abstracts
I. Weeks DA, Beckwith JB, Luckey D. Relapse-associated variables in Stage I Wilms' Tumor:
"Microsubstaging" of confmed lesions. Pediatric Pathol 5: 117, 1986.
2. Weeks DA, Mierau GW. Chordoma: Histologic subtypes and histogenetic considerations. Pediatric Pathol
3. Weeks DA, Beckwith JB, Mierau GW. Benign epithelial inclusions and other "pseudometastatic" lesions in
lymph nodes draining Wilms' tumors. Lab Invest 54: lOP, 1986.
4. Weeks DA, Beckwith JB, Mierau GW. "Pseudo-rhabdoid" tumors ofkidney. Lab Invest 54 :IOP, 1986.
5. Weeks DA, Beckwith JB . Stage III, Favorable Histology Wilms' Tumor: Correlation of basis and node
"score" with prognosis. Lab Invest 1987.
6. Weeks DA, Beckwith JB, Mierau GW. Rhabdoid Tumor of Kidney, the National Wilms' Tumor Study
experience. Lab Invest 58, 10 IA, 1988.
7. Weeks DA, Beckwith JB, Mierau GW, Luckey DW. Rhabdoid tumor of the kidney (RTK): A
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clinicopathologic report from the National Wilms' Tumor Study Pathology Center. Proc Ann Meet Am Assoc
Cancer Res 30:AII14, 1989.
8. Malott R, Weeks D, Erdman S, Chase R. Fatal massive hepatic necrosis in an infant due to infection with
Ebstein Barr virus. Pediatric Pathology 9:797, 1989.
9. Malott RL, Weeks DA, Beckwith JB . Primitive extra-renal pelvic sarcoma resembling clear cell sarcoma of
kidney. Mod Pathol 3 :61 A, 1990, and Lab Invest 62 :61 A, 1990.
10. Yamada S, Nehlsen-Cannarella S, Curtis B, Weeks DA, Thio A, Dayes L, Knierim D, Cooley D, Clark L.
Survival of grafted adrenal tissue in nude mice: Experimental study on secondary autologous transplant.
Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery 54,55 :374, 1990.
II. Radoycich G, Zuppan C, Langston D, Weeks D. Pathologic patterns of measles pneumonitis. Lab Invest
64:9P, 1991, and Mod PathoI4:9P, 1991.
12. Weeks DA, Chase DR, Malott RL, Mierau GW, Zuppan C, Chase RL. HMB-45 staining in renal
angiomyolipoma and in other mesenchymal processes of vascular, myogenous and fatty derivation. Lab
Invest 64:9A, 1991,and Mod PathoI4:9A, 1991.
13. Weeks DA, Beckwith JB, Zuppan C, Mierau G, Malott RL. Extra-renal rhabdoid tumors, the National
Wilms' Tumor Study Pathology Center experience. Lab Invest 64: 112A, 1991, and Mod Pathol 4: 112A, 1991
14. Jung TTK, Rice R, Tambunan D, Chung KR, Lee JS, Miller SK, Guswitch G, Chang L, Nehlsen-Cannarella
S, Stewart R, Malott RL, and Weeks DA. Arachidonic acid metabolites and platelet activating factor in nasal
polyp disease. Abstracts of the American Academy ofOtolaryngologic Allergy and American Rhinological
Society Combined Scientific Meeting. 5/9/1991 .
15 .
Roloson CJ, Beckwith JB, Weeks DA, Mierau GW. A distinctive hamartomatous tumor of the adolescent
kidney. Lab Invest 66:9P, 1992, and Mod Path 5:9P, 1992.
16. Zuppan C, Beckwith JB, Weeks DA, Breslow N. Blastemal patterns in favorable histology Wilms' tumor.
Lab Invest 66: 112A, 1992, and Mod Path 5: 112A, 1992.
17. Toorkey BC, Weeks DA, Malott RL, Zuppan C, Mierau GW. Tubulo-reticular inclusions in pediatric biopsy
material. Lab Invest 66:9P, 1992, and Mod Path 5:9P, 1992.
18. Chase DR, Oberg KC, Chase RL, Malott RL, Weeks DA. Pseudoepithelialization of breast implant capsules.
Lab Invest 68: 13A, 1993, and Mod Path 6: 13A, 1993.
19. Mierau GW, Berry PJ, Malott RL, Weeks DA. Comparative utility of immunofluorescence,
immunoperoxidase and electron microscopic studies in the diagnosis of childhood round cell tumors. Lab
Invest 70:7P, 1994, and Mod Path 7:7P, 1994.
20. West DM, Zuppan CW, Hauck AJ, Weeks DA, Chinnock RE, Bailey LL. Coronary artery lesions in
pediatric heart transplant recipients. Lab Invest 70: l48A, 1994, and Mod Path 7: 148A, 1994.
21. Houchin K, Weeks DA, et a\. Crystalline keratopathy. (Accepted for publication)
22. Petti G, Malott RL, Weeks DA, et a\. Anaplastic carcinoma of the thyroid with cardiac involvement.
(Accepted for publication)
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Gruzensky WD, Onnerod LD, McNeill JI, Weeks DA, et al. Investigation ofUW solutions for human
corneal storage in comparison with Dexsol and Optisol. (Accepted for publication.)
24. Rhee CK, Jung TTK, Miller S and Weeks DA. Platelet activating factor (PAF)-induced experimental otitis
media with effusion and PAF-antagonist in chinchillas. Abstracts of the Fifth International Symposium on
Recent Advances in Otitis Media.
25. Jung TTK, DuBose DT, Penner G, Kirk G, Weeks DA, Sandefur J, Ro S, Villanueva R, Miller SK and Park
Y. Ciliary abnonnaJity of eustachian tube in the pathogenesis of radiation-induced otitis media . Abstracts of
the Fifth International Symposium on Recent Advances in Otitis Media.
26. Arnold MM, Weeks DA, Beckwith 18, Fario P and Kelly DR. Renal angiomyolipomas: morphological
spectrum and value of HMB45 and PAS-diastase stains in diagnosis. J ASCP 1994.
27. Malott RL, Weeks DA, Metzler ML, Zuppan CW, Mierau GW, Beckwith JB. Recurrent abruptio placenta
and fetal demise with unique multiorgan cytoplasmic inclusions. A new fibrillar glycogenosis? Ped Pathol
14(3):555, 1994.
28. West OM, Zuppan CW, Hauck AJ, Weeks DA. Mild coronary arteriopathy in children and infants -- a non­
specific lesion. Mod Pathol 8(1):36A, 1995.
29. Arnold MM, Beckwith 18, Faria P, Weeks DA. Embryonal sarcoma of adult and pediatric kidneys. Mod
Pathol 8(1):72A, 1995.
Published Illustration
I. Weeks DA. Electron micrograph of endometrial stromal sarcoma nucleus. Cover photo for Pediatric
Pathology 9:3, 1989.
Published Letters To Editor
I. Chase DR, Oberg KC, Chase RL, Malott RL, Weeks DA. Reply to letter to editor regarding
"Pseudoepithelialization of breast implant capsules". (Int J Surg Pathol I: 151-154, 1994) published in
Int J Surg Pathol 2( I ):79, 1994.
2. Chase DR, Oberg KC, Chase RL, Malott RL, Weeks DA. Silicone breakdown and capsular synovial
metaplasia in texture-wall saline breast prostheses. J Plast Reconstr Surg. In press.
3. Chase DR, Oberg KC, Chase RL, Malott RL, Weeks DA. Letter to the editor of MODERN PATHOLOGY
re: Psuedoepithelialization of peri-implant capsules. Submitted June 1995. Accepted for publication July
Invited Lectures, Conference Presentations or Professorships:
International and National
Children's Cancer Study Group, Fort Worth, TX Update from the National Wilms' Tumor Study Pathology Center. 1988
Ultrapath IV (Diagnostic Ultrastructure), Norway
Co-presentation with Gary Mierau, Ph.D., "Anaplastic Wilms' tumor and other aggressive
childhood renal tumors."
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Ultrapath IV (Diagnostic Ultrastructure), Norway "Pattern variations in rhabdoid twnor of kidney." 1990
Society for Diagnostic Ultrastructural Pathology, Park City, UT "Extra-renal clear cell sarcoma." 1990
Society for Diagnostic Ultrastructural Pathology, Park City, UT "Hepatic angiomyolipoma with melanosome-like granules." 1990
Ultrapath V, Society for Diagnostic Ultrastructural Pathology, Park City, UT "Radial spoke defect as a cause ofimmotile cilia syndrome." 1992
Ultrapath VI, Society for Diagnostic Ultrastructural Pathology, Jackson, NH
Co-presentation with Gary Mierau, Ph.D., "Small round cell twnors of childhood : dealing with
the diagnostically difficult case."
Society for Pediatric Pathology, San Francisco, CA
"Comparative utility of inununofluorescence, immunoperoxidase and electron microscopic
studies in the diagnosis of childhood round cell twnors." (Co-author)
Society for Pediatric Pathology Annual Meeting, platform session chair. San Francisco
Society for Ultrastructural Pathology, Steamboat Springs, CO
"Comparative utility of immunofluorescence, inununoperoxidase and electron microscopic
studies in the diagnosis of childhood round cell twnors." (Co-author)
Society for Ultrastructural Pathology, Steamboat Springs, CO
"Adenocarcinoma of lung with pleurotropic rhabdoid-like cells mimicking mesothelioma: an
immunohistochemical and ultrastructural study." (Co-author)
Membership in Professional Societies:
College of American Pathologists International Academy of Pathology American Society of Clinical Pathologists Society for Pediatric Pathology Society for Ultrastructural Pathology Editorial and Ad Hoc Review Activities:
Associate Editor, Alumni Journal (LLUSM) 1986-1991 Co-editor, LLUSM Anatomic Pathology Residents' Manual Contributing reviewer, Pediatric Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Contributing reviewer, Journal of the American Medical Association Contributing reviewer, Western Journal of Medicine Contributing reviewer, Cancer Contributing reviewer, The European Journal of Cancer Douglas A. Weeks, MD
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1993-1998 1992-1995
National Wilms' Tumor Study National Committee, National Wilms' Tumor Study Intergroup Strategy Committee Children's Cancer Study Group Wilms' Tumor Steering Committee Protocol 4XX2 Review Committee, Children's Cancer Study Group Education Committee, Society for Pediatric Pathology,
Practice Committee, Society for Pediatric Pathology,
Executive Committee, Society for Ultrastructural Pathology
Committee for Education, Society for Ultrastructural Pathology
Advisory Board, California Tumor Tissue Registry
Scientific Advisory Panel on Pathology, California Medical Association
Boards of Directors, Lorna Linda University
1995-1999 Board of Directors, Lorna Linda University Medical Center
1996-1999 Board of Directors, Lorna Linda University Adventist Health Sciences Center
Committees, Lorna Linda University School of Medicine 1987
Basic Science curriculum review subcommittee 1987
National Board Performance Review committee 1988
Faculty report to accreditation team 1990
Academic Appeals Committee 1990
Tenure task force committee 1990-1995 Curriculum committee 1990-1995 Interschool Faculty Advisory Committee, LLU 1990-1993 Promotions committee 1990-1991 SM WASC subcommittee (chair) 1993
SM LCME subcommittee on Objectives (chair) 1993
SM LCME subcommittee on Education 1994-1996 SM Executive committee 1994-1996 Basic Science Advisory Council 1994-1996 Clinical Science Advisory Council 1994-1996 Dean's Committee, LL VAH 1994-1996 Basic Science Implementation Task Force 1994-1996 Subcommittee on resource allocation, BSITF Lorna Linda University School of Medicine Alumni Association 1992- 1997
Board of Directors (chair 95-96) 1992-1997
Executive Committee (chair 95-96) 1992-1996
Financial Advisory Council J994-1996
Nominating Committee (chair 94-95) 1992-1996
Editorial Advisory Committee 1992-1996
Holding Fund Board of Directors 1994- t 996
By-laws Review Council (chair 94-95) 1994-1996
Membership Promotion Council 1992-1996
APC Governing Board 1994-1996
Student Affairs Council 1992-1996
AIMS Board of Directors Douglas A. Weeks, MD
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President's Advisory Council WEMS Board of Directors Budget Committee (chair 93-94) Alumni Fund Council Alumni Center Operations Council Lorna Linda University Medical Center/Staff committees 1986-1988
Cardiac Transplantation Committee 1988
Neonatal cardiac transplantation grant committee 1994
Member at large, Medical Staff Executive Committee Veterans Administration Hospital Committees
1989-1991 Veterans Administration Hospital committees Transfusion review committee (chair) Surgical case review committee (secretary) Research committee Laboratory management committee (chair) Safety committee Clinical Executive Board Director's Senior Staff Departmental
Research Committee, Department of Pathology, Lorna Linda University
Community Service:
Associate Director, National Wilms' Tumor Study Pathology Center
American Counselor, Society for Ultrastructural Pathology
Children's Cancer Study Group Institutional Pathologist
Co-Director, California Tumor Tissue Registry
Scientific Coordinator, LLUSM Annual Alumni Pathology Reunion
March 1992-March 1993
Assistant fmancial officer, Lorna Linda University School of Medicine Alumni
March I 993-March 1994
Chieffmancial officer, Lorna Linda University School of Medicine Alumni
March 1994 - March 1995
President-elect, Lorna Linda University School of Medicine Alumni, Association
March 1995 - March 1996
President, Lorna Linda University School of Medicine Alumni Association
Member, Board of Trustees, Lorna Linda University Medical Center
Member, Board of Trustees, Lorna Linda University Behavioral Medical Center
Member, Board of Trustees, Lorna Linda University Health Sciences Center
Honors and Awards for Education:
Alpha Omega Alpha 1972 Alumni Association Annual Award
Douglas A. Weeks, MD
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Griggs Award
Pres ident's Award
Class of 1989
Faculty Recognition Award, Lorna Linda University, School of Medicine
Class of 1992
Class sponsor, Lorna Linda University, School of Medicine
President, Lorna Linda University School of Medicine Alumni Association
Leadership Award, Lorna Linda University Adventist Health Sciences Center
Anatomic pathology resident teaching award, Oregon Health & Science University
Douglas A. Weeks, MD
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