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our price list KLICK here: Bestandsliste
Bestandsliste 3/2015 11.1.2015 nächste Aktualisierung 16.jan. / alte Listen verlieren ihre Gültigkeit, Infos zum Versand und Bezahlung befinden sich auf der letzten Seite der Liste. NEXT UPDATE: 16jan / old lists are no more valid / for shipment und payment details see the last page of this list @ email: subfusca@gmx.net ☏ +49 157 7172 9143 Preorders for fairs are recommanded shipment with animal spedition can be arranged Shipments worldwide possible Preorder for fairs are recommanded fabulous TIGER BEETLES -Manticora latipennis – S.Africa, very rare offered, only few left! Lampropelma violaceopes SINGAPUR BLUE Phromictopus platus - Cuba, very rare offered! Vogelspinnen - tarantulas – mygales Please note our sizes are body lengths, therefore some of our spiders from this list may appear smaller than similar specimens sold by some other sellers who give leg spans. SUCHE stets adulte Vogelspinnen-Männchen und Nachzuchten – bitte alle Arten anbieten Wir sind ständig auf der Suche nach Qualitätsnachzuchten & generell sind wir an Sammlungauflösungen interessiert! Bitte Schicken Sie uns doch einfach eine email mit Ihrem Angebot an subfusca@gmx.net mit folgenden Daten − − − Ihr Name, Ihre Anschrift inklusive Mailadresse & Telefonnummer die Art, Größe & die Stückzahl die Sie uns anbieten möchten sowie Ihre Preisvorstellung Wir bitten Sie allerdings um Verständnis, das wir nicht alle Angebote wahrnehmen können ..... ART / species Slings stage 1-3 Juveniles stage 4-5 Big juvenile stage 6-7 semi/subadult adult Female Acanthoscurria geniculata * 18€ 28€ * 80€ Avicularia sp. Columbia * * * * 169€ Avicularia diversipes 12€ * * * 89€ Avicularia geroldi 12€ * * * * Avicularia juruensis * * * * 139€ Avicularia minatrix * 24€ * * * Avicularia purpurea * 20€ * * * Avicularia versicolor * 12€ * * 75€ Chilobrachys andersoni * * * * 59 € Chilobrachys fimbriatus 6€ * 24 € * 75€ Chilobrachys sp. MEGHALAYA 6€ * * * pair 59€ Chilobrachys sp. VIETNAM BLUE 6€ * * * 49 € Chromatopelma cyanepubescens 12€ 18€ 32€ * * Cyclosternum fasciatum * * * * 49€ Cyclosternum pentalore 7€ * * * * Cyriopagopus schioedtei * * * 59€ 119€ Encyocratella olivacea * * 35€ 79€ 119€ Ephebopus cyanognathus * 15€ * * * Euathlus sp. BLUE 9€ * * * 69€ Euathlus sp. FIRE * * * 49€ * Euathlus sp. GREEN * * * 49€ * Eucratosceles constrictus * * 20€ * * Grammostola porteri * * * * 24€ ART / species Slings stage 1-3 Juveniles stage 4-5 Big juvenile stage 6-7 semi/subadult adult Female Grammostola pulchra * * * 39€ 79€ Grammostola pulchripes * 12€ * * * Grammostola rosea * * * * 24€ Grammostola sp. CONCEPTION * * * * 45€ Grammostola sp. MAULE * * * * 59€ Haplocosmia himalayana 7€ * * * * Haplopelma albostriatum * * * * 59€ Haplopelma lividum * 18€ * * * Heteroscodra maculata * 18€ 24€ 39€ 60€ Holothele sp. “Nord Santander” * * * 39€ * Lampropelma nigerrimum 6€ * * * 69€ Lampropelma sp. “BLACK” * * * * 69€ Lampropelma violaceopes * 18€ 28€ 59€ 119€ Lasiodora difficilis * * 29€ 39€ * Lasiodora klugi * * 29€ 39€ XL 99€ Lasiodora parahybana * 18€ * 39€ XXL 119€ Lasiodora sp. BAHIA * * * 39€ 89€ Lasiodorides stratipes * * * * 79€ Megophobema velvetosoma * * * * 69€ Moncentropus balfouri * 28€ * 69€ 119€ Moncentropus lambertoni * * * * 99€ Nhandu chromatus * * * 39€ 79€ 20€ * * * * Ornithoctonidae “orange fringed” * * * * 49€ Orphnaceus sp. “NEGROS” * * * * 39€ Pamphobeteus “chicken spider” * * * * XL 149€ Pamphobeteus antinous * * * * 79€ Pamphobeteus petersi * * * * 119€ Pelinobius muticus /C.crawshayi/ 12€ * * * 69€ Phlogielus sp. KARON rare! 6€ * * * 39€ Phormictopus platus BLUE /rare!/ 12€ * 28€ * * Plesiopelma longisternale/very rare/ * * * * 59€ Poecilotheria fasciata * * * * 59€ Poecilotheria formosa * * * 59€ 79€ Poecilotheria miranda * * 28€ * 79€ Poecilotheria ornata * 18€ * * * Poecilotheria regalis * * 20€ 40€ 65€ Poecilotheria rufilata * * 24€ * 89€ Poecilotheria smithi * * * * 59€ Poecilotheria striata * * * * 59€ Poecilotheria subfusca * * 35€ * 89€ Poecilotheria vitatta * * * * 59€ Oligoxystre diamantensis ART / species Slings stage 1-3 Juveniles stage 4-5 Big juvenile stage 6-7 semi/subadult adult Female * 12€ 18€ 39€ * 18€ 28€ * * 89€ Psalmopoeus sp. BELIZE * * * * 79€ Pterinochilus murinus “LUGOBA” * * * * 60€ Pterinochilus murinus “red” * 18€ 24€ 32€ 45€ Selenocosmia sp. “Mont Garut” * * * 29€ 49€ 10€ * 24€ * * * 65€ * * XXL 220€ Psalmopoeus irminia Psalmopoeus langenbucheri Stromatopelma calceatum Theraphosa stirmi True Spiders ART/ Species Spiderlinge Mittlgrosse/ juveniles ADULTI / adults Gorgyrella sp. trapdoor red adult 20€ Gorgyrella sp. trapdoor black adult 20€ Barylestis scutatus XL 0,1 adult XL 25€, 20 slings 40€ Heteropoda boiei Juveniles/semiadult 15-24€, Heteropoda davidbowie Subadult 35€ adult 40€, Heteropoda hosei adult 20€, 1,1 35€ Heteropoda sp. /true giants!/ ex Kamerun, very nice pattern, Juveniles 8€, adult 0,1 15€, 1,1 25€, 0,1 with cocon 35€ Heteropoda sp. origin Borneo (yellowleg) Adult 0,1 25€, pair 45€ Heteropoda sp. origin Sumatra (blueleg) Adult 0,1 35€, Nilus sp. Malaysian Fishing Spider 0,1 adult 25€, pair subadult 39€ 10 Undeterm. Sparassidae Malaysia MIX 90€ 50 Undeterminated spiders Malaysia MIX 320€ Jumping Spider Hyllus giganteus Subadult/adult 20€ Nephila senegalensis 10 Slings 15€ Linothele megatheloides Big slings 9€ Insekten / insects PREDATORY beetles Giant Tiger Beetles Mantichora scabra RARITY! first time offered after long time – pair 79€, 3pairs 200€ Heteropterix dilatata adult 0,1, XL, mated 28€, pair sub-adult 28€, adult 38€, SKORPIONE kein Verkauf an Minderjährige! Die jeweiligen Gesetze des Bundeslandes beachten! ART /Species Jungtiere / scorplings instar 1-3 Mittelgrosse / midllesized instar 4-6 SubAdult ADULT / subadult-adult instar 7+ Hadrurus arizonensis TEXAS GIANT 35€, Hadrurus pallidus Heterometrus bengalensis RARE Heterometrus cyaneus 1,1adult 115€, 0,1 60€ 12€ XL 30€, trio 80€ 2-3rd instar 8€ XL 18€ 1,1 30€ Heterometrus longimanus XL RARE XL 28€, pair 48€ Heterometrus sp. KALIMANTAN 12 € XL 25€ Heterometrus spinifer 10 € 25€, pair 45€ Heterometrus swammerdammi Sub adult 45€ Opisthophtalmus wahlbergi XL adult 79€ 24€ pair 40€ Pandinus cavimanus «Yellow» UGANDA adult 25€, pairs 42€ Androctonus australis adult XL 25€ pair 45€, from 10pieces 20€ Androctonus australis «hector» 20€ 40€ Androctonus mauritanicus 28€ adult 45€ Babycurus gigas 9€, 10 for 79€ adult 30€ Babycurus jacksoni 8€, 10 for 59€ adult 28€ Buthus tunetanus subadult/adult 20€ Centruroides bicolor Juveniles 25€ Centruroides gracilis adult 25€ Hottentotta trilineata adult 20€, trio 50€ Leiurus quinqestriatus adult 15€ Parabuthus liosoma L4 15€ Semiadult 20€ Subadult 28€ Adult XL 35€ 24€ Subadult 48€ Parabuthus schlechteri Parabuthus villosus black Tityus stigmurus L3-4 18€ Subadult 48€ Semiadult 15€, group of 5 60€ adult 25€ WHIP SPIDERS / WHIP SCORPIONS / Sun Spiders- Solifugae Stygophrynus sp /new species, description in progres/ Damon medius rarity! Galeodes granti, giant camel spider Adults 20€, group of 3 - 55€ 25€, XL giants 40€ 25€ ART / species KLEINE ARTEN - Herkunft, Länge als adult origin, adult size Stückpreis unit price small species Undeterminated, orange /browncolor Cameroon, 7-8cm Pill millipedes BLACK/ORANGE Malaysia 3-6cm 9€ 9€, small 6€ MITTELGR. ARTEN - middlesized Epibolus pulchripes Rast Africa, 15cm 12€ Mardonius parilis acuticonus Kongo, 16-20cm 12€ BIG SPECIES – Sehr große Arten Acladocricus sp. shiny black,yellow leg, Borneo, till 30cm, FANTASTIC! Only few left as big as A.gigas XL 24€, Archispirostreptus gigas Ost Africa, 28cm XXL 20€, big adults 16€ Spirostreptidae nr. 8 “green fairytail” Adults 20-24cm Cameroon Thyropygus sp. Striped red/greenish Malaysia 20-24cm 16€ Undeterminated shinyblack/white legs Malaysia 20-24cm 16€ 20€, group of 5 80€ VAMPIR CRABS/SPRING WATER CRABS/HERMIT Crabs: - Metasesarma aubryi 9€, - Geosesarma tiomanicum 9€ - Geosesarma cf. notophorum 9€ - Geosesarma bicolor 12€ - EINSIEDLER/Hermit crabs Cenobita brevimanus XL 12€, big youngs 5€ − EINSIEDLER/Violetclaw Hermit crabs Cenobita rugosus 6€ − EINSIEDLER/Redclaw Hermit crabs Cenobita violascens 8€ Hundertfüsser / centipedes ART / species Alipes grandidieri Herkunft / origin, Preis / price East Africa adult Alipes multicostis rare! Can be kept in groups, sozial Kamerun adult XL 35€ Ethmostigmus spec. BLUE East Africa adult 60€ Ethmostigmus rubripes Borneo adult 40€ Scolopendra cingulata Greece adult 15€ Scolopendra galapagoensis Peru adult XL 250€ Scolopendra hermosa Peru adult 90€ Scolopendra morsitans “black head” Tanzania adult 20€ Scolopendra morsitans “red head” Tanzania adult 20€ Scolopendra sp “mahagony” Sumatra adult 25€ Scolopendra sp.”golden giant” Sumatra adult 25€ XXX The biggiest centipedes I ever saw (even bigger than gigantea) Scolopendra viridicornis Equador adult 250€ Scolopendra sp “red Krakatau” Indonesia adult 35€ Scolopendra sp.Hispaniola Red Giant Adults 20€ Group of 3 pieces 50€ 280€ ALLE angebotenen Schnecken, sind gute Fresser, die meisten Arten wurden von uns schon gezüchtet. Die WF-Tiere sind sehr gut eingelebt und gewöhnt an das übliche Schnecken-Futter, WARNUNG: Cocos-Bricketts können die Substratfressenden-Schneckenarten töten! WARNING: don't use any cocos-brickets as substrat! This can kill your snails if they eat this substrat (many species do this!) for pictures see the Galleries on www.polyped.de or our FACEBOOK account p olyped PDF – list with pictures on the homepage for download PREORDER for fairs recommanded Art / species Größe / size Preis / price Achatina achatina (black leg) 15cm+ 45€ Achatina achatina albino Achatina achatina albino Achatina achatina albino Achatina fulica XL, WC from Cameroon for fresh genes Achatina glutinosa Achatina glutinosa Achatina reticulata F1 NZ from Tanzania parents (fresh genes for breed) 5-6cm 7-8cm 9cm+ 12cm+ 8cm+ 11cm+ 8cm+ 12€ /from 5pieces 10€/ 15€ /from 5pieces 14€/ 20€ From 3 pieces 10/each 14€, 5pieces 60€ 18€, 5pieces 80€ 20€ Archachatina marginata candefacta Archachatina marginata suturalis NIGERIA Archachatina marginata suturalis Kamerun Archachatina marginata var. eduardi Archachatina marginata var. egregiella ALBINO, first time offered! Archachatina marginata var. rhodei /dark shell very nice/ Archachatina marginata var. rhodei ALBINO Archachatina purpurea albino VERY RARE, only few left Adult 12cm+ 9cm+ 8cm+ 5cm+ 20€ 15€ 15€, from 5pieces 12€ each 15€, from 10 specimens 12€ 25€, 8cm+ Adult adult 15€, from 10 specimens 12€ 25€ 40€, Megalobulimus oblongus haemastomus Megalobulimus oblongus haemastomus Megalobulimus oblongus haemastomus Big adult 55€ 48€ 35€ ACHATINIDAE - African Giant Landsnails bank account for international transfer Bank: POSTBANK Dortmund BIC: PBNKDEFF IBAN: DE09440100460945308466 Adult JUVENILES (34CM Kontodaten: POSTBANK Dortmund BIC: PBNKDEFF IBAN: DE09440100460945308466 We accept payment as bank transfer to our bank account paypal payment only as exception possible (+6% PayPal fee) NO paypal payment from asian countries possible – bank transfer only paypal account same like emailadress Mindestbestellwert bei Tieren 30€ / minimum order for foreign customer 40€ VERSAND Versand in Deutschland: ein Versand per TIERSPEDITION kann vermittelt werden /Paket kommt übernacht, kostet ca. 3040€/ DHLPaket, versichert 7€ Porto Im Winter: Unter 6°C nur per Express DHL 30€ (Styroporbox plus Heatpack) Versand geht auf Risiko des Empfängers, da verständlicherweise wir keinen Einfluss auf die Anlieferung nehmen können. Versandtage montags/ dienstags, anderes nach Absprache möglich Wir richten uns bei der Verpackung und Spedition nach Ihren Wünschen – bitte teilen Sie uns diese rechtzeitig mit Shipment Europe / Worldwide costs depend size and country 9 30€, for example: registered parcel with trackingnumber in the European Community countries: as DHLparcel 17€ , delivery time 27 days depend your country for example UK 24days, France 46 days, Japan 57 days, Italy 28 days Spain 37 days regular delivery time..., register please: there are some countries with horrible postal service! Shipment can be tracked on internet (depend your national postal office) the parcels leaves Germany as usual in1st days, after this, we can't control the postal ways in your country! we send good feeded healthy animals only, WC are good aclimatised, shipments are still a risk and this is by receiver's, by courier or air cargo shipmnents the DOA will be replaced please tell us ALL your wishes for kind of package and shipment, we'll do our best Kein Umtausch von lebenden Tieren möglich, Gesetze betreffend der Tierhaltung des jeweiligen Bundeslandes sind zu beachten! Impressum: Richard Peter Grabowitz, Rothgerberbach 2, 50676 Köln, tel. 004915771729143 Ust.Nr-ID 266059673 email: subfusca@gmx.net,