WHAT'S ON YOUR LIST - 404 kw wing, rcafa
WHAT'S ON YOUR LIST - 404 kw wing, rcafa
404 KITCHENER-WATERLOO WING R.C.A.F.A. January 2015 510 Dutton Drive Waterloo 519-884-1272 WE PROUDLY PERPETUATE THE GLORIOUS TRADITIONS OF THE ROYAL CANADIAN AIR FORCE PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE THIS ISSUE PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE GENERAL MEETING ENTERTAINMENT VALENTINE’S PARTY MEMBERSHIP REPORT LADIES AUXILIARY FUND RAISER JUST US JAMMING SHUFFLEBOARD EUCHRE NEW YEARS LEVEE ROBBIE BURNS FRIDAY LUNCHES BID EUCHRE SIT & BE FIT CALENDAR EXEC’S PHONE LIST 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 7 8 The Wing Ding is published monthly. The opinions expressed are those of the editor and contributors and in no way reflect opinions of the Air Force Association of Canada or of the 404 K-W Wing, who jointly and separately assume no liability. On New Year’s Day and throughout the year may the kindness you’ve given to others return many times to you. Happy New Year! Our guest speaker at the December 4th meeting provided insight into the new transit system (ION) coming soon to our twin cities and the maintenance building being constructed next door to the Wing; our members asked pertinent and great questions. December was a happy and busy month at the Wing. It was great to see members bustling about the Wing and to hear the hum of voices as they enjoyed a good meal and the company of others at all the special Christmas events and activities. There was one exception, we had a small break-in; there were minimal losses and fortunately no major damage was done, but it is unsettling; the City of Waterloo staff were a great support and speedily fixed the roof. Congratulations to the Ladies Auxiliary on a most successful Cookie Walk and breakfast. Donna Kuehl Some special thank you notes: ·to the cooks, crew and other helpers for a wonderful Christmas dinner and social evening; and to the entertainer for his musical contributions to this festive event ·to the Ladies Auxiliary for once again sponsoring a delicious and free luncheon on the Friday before Christmas. ·to the Wednesday night Jammers who add a special zing to the Wing every week. ·To all the volunteers who help at events and the sundry other things that need to be done to keep the Wing healthy and vibrant. The first six months of this fiscal year have flown by. As we move into the winter months, we continue to need your support and participation. Making resolutions is a big topic this time of year – let’s make a couple for the Wing - come out to the Wing more often and BRING YOUR FRIENDS! See you at the Wing! WHAT’S ON YOUR LIST GENERAL MEETING NOTICE Monthly meeting will be held Thursday, January 8th, 2015 Meet & Greet 5 pm, Dinner at 6 pm, Meeting at 7:15 pm. Please reserve dinner tickets early. Page 2 Regular Features The Wing Ding January/2015 ENTERTAINMENT REPORT Christmas Dinner and a levee are the main social events There were many compliments for the Christmas Dinner that was held in the fireplace room at the Wing; Don Linseman was the entertainer and also led the guests in an enthusiastic and rousing sing-along. Tickets are available now for the annual Robbie Burn’s Supper on January 24th. Coming Events January 24, 2015 February 14, 2015 March 15, 2015 Robbie Burns Supper Valentine Party Irish Pub Day VALENTINE’S PARTY MEMBERSHIP REPORT Regular (50) Social (45) Donna Kuehl Regular Life - AFAC (3) 404 Honorary (12) Regular Lifetime (3) Associate (17) Corporate (3) Please let us know if you move, change your email or phone number. Call 519-744-3146 or email adeline@sympatico.ca The Wing Ding January/2015 Page 3 Regular Features LADIES AUXILIARY By the time you read this message, Christmas will be past. I hope everyone had a happy and safe holiday. The Ladies Auxiliary’s Cookie Walk and Breakfast was a success again this year. That and the Gourmet Basket ticket sales totalled $1517. (the cookies were sold out in one and one half hours). Thanks to everyone who baked or bought cookies, cooked and served breakfast, and sold tickets on the Gourmet basket, or helped in any way. Many hands make lighter work. The winner of the Gourmet basket was Mary Cybulski, (aunt of Brenda Bennett). 2nd prize was won by Gerth Daub and 3rd prize, Michelle Leschak. FUND RAISER Carol Totzke The Ladies Christmas Dinner was catered by Kennedys, and served by five handsome and competent men. HARVEY FRY, VIC SNOWDEN, LARRY ALLENSON, TOM STAMP and Santa Clause (KEITH NORRIS), and our bar keeper GARRY KUEHL. The dinner was enjoyed by all. Thanks to the generosity of all the Ladies we were able to donate 84 pounds of food to the food bank as well as $250. to the Salvation Army Angel Tree. Friday Lunches will start again on January 9th, 2015. Our next regular meeting will be on January 21st. Mark your calendars for APRIL 22nd for our annual CARD PARTY. We had to change the date from the 3rd Wednesday to the 4th Wednesday as the City needed the room. More on that in future bulletins. WEDNESDAY ENTERTAINMENT The 2015 TREASURES BOOKS will be on sale until February. Coupons are valid until December 2015. Buy a book to share with your family and friends. Larry Allenson JUST US JAMMING! Come out to play or just to enjoy every Wednesday, at 7 pm. Carol & Keith Norris 370 Highland Road W., Kitchener, Ontario N2M 5J9 Phone: 519-581-1158 Fax: 1-519-581-0624 Happenings Page 4 SHUFFLEBOARD Tom Stamp The Wing Ding January/2015 EUCHRE Shuffleboard will be held on Wednesday January 7th and 14th, and 28th 1:30-3:30. There will be no Friday shuffleboard. Happy New Year. KidsAbility KidsAbility serves over 4,000 children with physical, developmental and communication disabilities in Waterloo Region and Wellington County each year. Phone: 519-886-8886 x 201 www.kidsability.ca Ad courtesy of Harvey Gib Newman Charitable Business #89094 3673 RR0001 “ Please support our advertisers” by the Desslers Come out and enjoy Euchre in January every Tuesday at 7 pm. See you at the Wing. The Wing Ding January/2015 ENTERTAINMENT Happenings Page5 Page 6 Happenings The Wing Ding January/2015 FRIDAY LUNCHES Great Lunches are here again starting Friday January 9th from 11:30 - 1:00 pm. The Ladies will be happy to see and serve you once again. SIT & BE FIT by Chris Barker BID EUCHRE by Carol & Keith Norris Come out for a relaxing afternoon on Mondays from 1:00 to 4:30 p.m. We will no longer be teaching unless there is at least three or more who need help. If there is a request, I will take their names and call them when we have enough for a teaching table. Cost is $2.50 per person. Cash prizes will be awarded. Contact Information: 519885-1083. “ Please support our advertisers” Calendar The Wing Ding January/2015 Sun January, 2015 Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 NEW YEARS’ LEVEE 2-5 pm 4 5 Bid Euchre 1 - 4:30 pm CLOSED 6 7 Shuffleboard 1:30-3:30 pm Euchre 7 pm “Just Us” Jamming 7 pm 11 CLOSED 18 CLOSED 12 Bid Euchre 1 - 4:30 pm 19 Bid Euchre 1 - 4:30 pm 13 Euchre 7 pm Optimist Exec Mtg (Roundel Room) 7 pm 20 Sit & Be Fit 10 - 11 am Euchre 7 pm 25 CLOSED 26 14 Shuffleboard 1:30-3:30 pm “Just Us” Jamming 7pm 21 Ladies Exec Mtg 1 pm Ladies Aux Mtg 2 pm 8 27 28 Sit & Be Fit 10 - 11 am Shuffleboard 1:30-3:30 pm Optimist Dinner 6 pm Euchre 7 pm “Just Us” Jamming 7 pm Fri 2 CLOSED 9 Friday Lunch 11:30 to 1 pm General Dinner Mtg. 6 pm Singles Selective Mtg 7:15 pm 7:30 pm 15 CLOSED 22 CLOSED 16 Friday Lunch 11:30 to 1 pm Singles Selective (Large Hall) 8:00 pm 23 Friday Lunch 11:30 to 1 pm Singles Selective 7:30 pm “Just Us” Jamming 7 pm Bid Euchre 1 - 4:30 pm Page 7 29 CLOSED 30 Friday Lunch 11:30 to 1 pm Singles Selective 7:30 pm Sat 3 Closed 10 Pub Day 17 Pub Day 24 Robbie Burns Supper 5:30 pm 31 Pub Day Page 8 EXECUTIVES 2012-2014 & MEMBERSHIP The Wing Ding January/2015 404 WING EXECUTIVE COUNCIL 2014 - 2015 (Call 519 area code unless otherwise stated) EXECUTIVE OFFICE DIRECTORS President Donna Kuehl 744-3146 Director (R) 1st Vice President Bill Sutherland ----------- Director (R) 2nd Vice President pending ----------- Director (R) IMM. P.P. Harvey Fry 743-2958 Director (R) Secretary (acting) Kristin Dippel 725-1194 Treasurer Bob Drummond Wilf Dippel Sid Kenmir Larry Allenson Ernie Dyck 226-972-2528 664-2669 748-1778 576-9929 746-0496 Appointed Chairpersons and Committees Air Cadets (P) Wilf Dippel 664-2669 Parade Marshall(P) Bob Berg 745-0212 (P) Air Cadets Garry Kuehl 744-3146 Poppy Fund Rep(P) Sid Kenmir 748-1778 (P) Bar Officer Larry Allenson 576-9929 Vic Snowden 744-1206 Dinner Meetings (VP) Pending -----------Regalia1 Wilf Dippel 664-2669 Entertainment (P) TBA ----------- Sgt-At-Arms(P) Bob Berg 745-0212 Events Booking Harvey Fry 743-2958 Visiting TBA ----------(P) (P) Historian Vic Snowden 744-1206 Veterans Council Sid Kenmir 748-1778 House (VP) Larry Allenson 576-9929 Vic Snowden 744-1206 (M) (P) Membership Donna Kuehl 744-3146 Western Region RVP Jim Scherb. through Exec OLG Contact(P) Donna Kuehl 744-3146 Ontario Group President(P) Les Ball through Exec Exec Wing Ding (Editor)(P)Larry Allenson 576-9929 Padre Dr. Bruce Sweet 886-1471 Wing Ding (Producer) (E) Trish Walker ----------- 1 Reports through 1st Vice President Parade Co-ordinator(P) Bob Berg 745-0212 2 Reports through 2nd Vice President EXECUTIVE OFFICERS President Immed. Past President Vice President E Reports through Editor P Reports through President M Reports through immediate Past President LADIES AUXILIARY EXECUTIVE 2014 - 2015 Carol Totzke Bev Rylott Ev Berg 885-6173 579-4583 745-0212 Secretary Treasurer Anne Mulhall Michelle Leschak 885-7030 576-1272 Mindy Scott Jean Jarosz Pat Snowden Terry Bruce Nancy Ellis Elizaeth Maurer 621-8938 743-7333 744-1206 884-3642 579-4583 742-7810 DIRECTORS Kitchen Dinner Meetings Joan Fry 743-2958 Phoning Ada Monahan 885-0975 Kitchen L.A. Meetings Ev Berg 745-0212 Publicity Liaison Bev Rylott 579-4583 Special Events Membership Dorothy Dippel 664-2669 Sick & Visiting