Face to Face - American Baptist Churches of Ohio


Face to Face - American Baptist Churches of Ohio
Face to Face
An opportunity for initial contact between church search
committees, clergy available for relocation, seminary seniors and/or
graduates in the ordination process.
ABPS Profiles Required
Friday and Saturday
February 27 - 28, 2015
Site: Crawfordsville IN First Baptist
1905 Lebanon Road, Crawfordsville, IN 47933
For details about the event, contact
Face To Face Team:
Indiana / Kentucky: Jim Walter (765) 795-4400
Greater Indianapolis: Joan Friesen (317) 484-9327
Ohio: Jane Gibbons — (419) 774-9886
Michigan: Mary Beth Robertson (517) 332-3594
Illinois / Missouri (Great Rivers): Dwight Stinnett (217) 726-7366
For registration materials, contact your Area Minister,
Face to Face Registrar
ABC of Indiana/Kentucky
1350 N. Delaware St., Indianapolis, Indiana 46202-2493
Ph (317) 635-3552
FAX (317) 635-3554
or Register Online: f2f-abc.org
All participants will be required to sign a Covenant
 Non-negotiable for clergy and pastor search committees
 Registrations (Churches) & Applications (Clergy) will not be processed
without a signed covenant.
 Failure to comply with the terms of the covenant will be grounds for asking a
committee or clergy to withdraw from an event.
 Promise of Confidentiality and Minimum Salary + Housing (See Covenant)
Contacts Before Event
 Churches and clergy agree not to initiate new conversations with participants
registered for the upcoming Face to Face.
 Contacts that began between participants prior to the receipt of the Face to Face
registration materials may continue.
Inclusive environment for the search and call process
 Each search committee will be required to interview at least one clergy woman if
Participants Must Be in Good Standing with ABCUSA
 Churches must be affiliated with one of the Event’s sponsoring regions.
 Each clergy must be registered in American Baptist Personnel Services and
must be a clergy in good standing with ABCUSA.
 Senior seminary students and graduates must also be registered with ABPS to
participate (contact your region for sponsorship by Executive Minister)
Non resident Participation
 Clergy from outside the participating regions will be allowed to register, as
space is available
References from the home Region Executive and Area Minister will be
required along with the necessary registration material and requirements.
 Churches from outside the participating regions will NOT be allowed to register.
Waiting List
 A waiting list may be used to assure each clergyperson has at least 5 interviews.
Confirmation of standing on registration/wait list will be sent.
 Resident clergy will be given preference
Use of video and audio taping devices in interview sessions is not permitted.
Registration Due Dates
 Clergy: January 23, 2015
 Church Search Committees: January 30, 2015
Register by January 10 and Save
Shortly after the registration/application period is closed, the registrar will send a copy of all
clergy profiles from the active registration list to all church committees registered and all church
information will be sent to all clergy on the active registration list.
Once the preference mailing occurs, there will be no refunds for clergy or church
that withdraws from the event.
With a very short turn around time, clergy and churches may indicate the interviews they prefer
to conduct. Preferences you submit assist in scheduling the interviews. These preferences are
collated with preferences submitted by clergy. The planning team makes every effort to
schedule interviews with your top preferences. However, you are not likely to receive an
interview slot with every participant on your preference list. Your schedule will also include
clergy who are not on your preference list. (Several churches have called clergy who were not
on their preference lists.) You will receive additional information when the preference packets
are sent out after the registration/application period has closed.
Cancellations accepted and fees returned only to churches who call a pastor or to pastors
who receive and accept a call prior to the event. Any other cancellations after the
preference mailing will forfeit the registration fee and meal fees.
Note to churches:
Minimum Compensation: Total of Salary + Housing must be a minimum of $35,000. This does
not include ministry expenses (e.g. mileage, continuing education, books) and it does not include
benefits of medical insurance, retirement, etc. If your support is less than this, please contact
your area minister or member of the Face to Face Team representing your Region. Thank you.
Registration (search committees) and Application (clergy) materials may be obtained
 Your Regional Office
 Your Area / Resource Minister
 The Face to Face Website: f2f-abc.org
Registration / Application may be accomplished by:
 Mailing / Faxing to the Registrar of the Event, the completed registration
materials, or…
 Completing the registration form online:
ABC Face To Face
February 27 – 28, 2015
Participant Timeline
Use the following timeline and checklist to assist you in your preparation for the
upcoming Face to Face event.
There are two due dates for each participating clergy and search committee:
1. Registration / Application
2. Preferences for Interviews
Pre-registration work for churches:
Get authorization from your church for the amounts of your salary package.
Your cash salary plus housing amount must be at least $35,000 or this
event is not for your church. Benefits and reimbursement of ministry
expenses are in addition to this minimum.
January 10, 2015
Early Registration Deadline (Clergy & Committees)
January 23, 2015
Clergy Application Deadline
January 30, 2015
Church Registration Deadline
January 30, 2015
Registration Confirmations Sent by Registrar
February 6, 2015
Preference Packets Mailed after
February 13, 2015
Deadline for indicating number and names of
committee members attending
February 13, 2015
Preference forms Due
February 27 - 28, 2015
Face To Face Event – First Baptist Church of
Crawfordsville, IN
For registration options (downloads of forms or register online) and information
go to f2f-abc.org
ABC Face To Face
Materials to Bring with you
Search Committees –
• 8 church profiles for the *Library and 1 profile for each interviewee.
• Any community information not included in the profile.
• Posters and other display materials for your interview room.
(Committees will be assigned a room for the duration of the event.)
• DO NOT BRING: Recording Equipment – video cameras and audio
recorders are prohibited.
Clergy –
• 12 ABPS profiles for the *Library and 1 profile to have with you at
each interview.
• Personal information not on the ABPS profile for the Library. (Clergy
have made available tapes and cds/dvds of preaching/interviews)
• DO NOT BRING: Recording Equipment – video cameras and audio
recorders are prohibited.
*The library consists of two sets of folders – one of all participating clergy
and one of all participating search committees.
These are set up on tables in an accessible part of the site to allow clergy
and search committees to browse through materials of those participating
in the Event.
What Is … Face To Face?
Face to Face is a day and a half event which brings clergy, church search committees and
seminary seniors / recent graduates in the ordination process together in one location for a
series of 45 minute first time interviews.
Church search committees are assigned an interviewing space and pastors move from
interview to interview per schedule.
There are ten interview slots. Interviews are scheduled based on a preference request
and matching process prior to the event. Participants are scheduled with churches or
clergy who have requested to meet with them and also scheduled with other matches that
have been determined by the matching team based on interests, experience, required
interview of women candidate, and other background information.
The ratio in numbers of clergy to churches also impacts the number of interviews that
are possible to schedule for the event.
There is a system using a message board whereby clergy and churches may initiate their
own interviews with participants. Churches and candidates initiate these. These may be
used to meet with someone not already on the schedule of interviews or to conduct a second
or follow-up interview at the event.
Additional interviews are also possible for clergy with regional staff who are present at
the event.
Confidentiality is a critical component of Face to Face. To ensure the comfort level of
participants, a signed Covenant of Confidentiality is required from each individual and
church. Face to Face events provide an important educational opportunity for clergy and
churches in addition to being a search and call process. In some instances, a pastor may
participate and come away from Face to Face even more committed to his or her present
ministry. Confidentiality is a key ingredient to an open, easy exchange between churches
and clergy to make an event as effective and instructive as possible.
Once the names of the participants are made known to one another, no contact is
allowed prior to the event. If there has been contact between a clergy and a church prior
to registration, further contact is delayed until the event. Contact between a church and
pastor may continue by choice after the event is over.
The event includes:
• A brief opening worship each day to invite God’s presence into the time together.
• A brief orientation to acquaint participants with Face to Face and the local setting.
• Training – Clergy and search committees meet in two separate groups to enhance
comfort in asking questions prior to interviews. Training may include role-playing,
dos and don’ts of interviewing and inappropriate questions for interviews. The
training creates a safe environment in which to ask questions and raise
concerns about interviewing and being interviewed.
American Baptist Churches
of Indiana / Kentucky
TO: Church Search Committee
FROM: Registrar, ABC Face to Face
Re: Face to Face Registration
Thank you for your interest in the ABC Face to Face 2015, which will be held on February 27 - 28, 2015 at First
Baptist Church of Crawdordsville, IN 1905 Lebanon Road, Crawfordsville, IN 47933
Church Information form. Complete this form and return it along with the $100.00 fee ($85 on /
before January 10) plus $25 per person for meals (see below) to register your committee for
this event. Please use only this information form or the online option ( f2f-abc.org) for registration.
Your registration must be received by the Registrar by January 30, 2015.
Lunch and dinner will be served at First Baptist Church for all participants on Friday at the cost of
$25.00 per person (includes lunch, dinner & snacks). Please send checks in advance from
committees for meals for the number attending.
Covenant of Confidentiality. Everyone participating in the Face to Face is required to sign a
Covenant of Confidentiality in advance of receiving names of other participants. This is critical to the
success of the Face to Face experience. All participants must feel they can participate in a climate of
trust and openness with those they meet.
 Information packet. Review all these materials Online: f2f-abc.org
Information in Follow up Mailings:
Selecting Clergy to meet with: Soon after February 6, 2015, all registered search committees will receive
additional information and materials. These include preference forms to select clergy you prefer to
interview. Please return these by February 13 by mail or online per included directions.
Hotel and travel arrangements. A list of hotels in the area of the Face to Face event
Face to Face Registrar 1350 N. Delaware St., Indianapolis, IN 46202-2493
Ph (317) 635-3552 / FAX (317) 635-3554 e-mail: JenniferGreene@abc-indiana.org
Michigan Region - Mary Beth Robertson (517) 332-3594 marybethrobertson1@gmail.com
Ohio Region - Jane Gibbons at (419) 774-9886 jgibbonsohio@aol.com
Great Rivers Region (IL & MO) - Dwight Stinnett (217) 726-7366 dwight@abcgrr.org
Indiana/Kentucky Region - Jim Walter (765) 720 - 2313 jimwalter@abc-Indiana.org
Greater Indianapolis Region - Joan Friesen (317) 484-9327 abcgiexec@gmail.com
Application checks should be made payable to
ABC Indiana / Kentucky and mailed to:
Face to Face Registrar
ABC Indiana/Kentucky
1350 N. Delaware St.
Indianapolis, Indiana 46202-2493
Confirmed Clergy Participants’ Application /
Meals fees will not be returned after the
deadline date due to cancellations unless you
accept a call to a church and are no longer in the
search process.
If registering online, you may use the online credit card payment option, or designate that you will send a check.
Registration is considered complete when the check or credit card information is received by Registrar.
Church Information Form
Church Name:
F2F Team Member:
Church Address:
City, State & Zip Code:
Chair of Pastoral Search Committee
Office Phone:
Home Phone:
 Type of Community 
Choose One
Small Town/
Metro Area/
 Church Information 
Significant Ministries of Your Church:
Hopes and Expectations for Your New Pastor:
Vision for Ministry for Your Church:
 Indicate the Theological Stance of Your Congregation 
Liberal to Moderate
Moderate to Conservative
 Average Worship Attendance 
Average Worship Attendance:
Total Budget:
Your Church and Stewardship 
Total ABC Mission Giving:
Stewardship Education in the past 3 years?
Total Non-ABC Mission Giving:
If Yes, name of program:
Form continues
Describe Position You Area Searching to Fill 
Please Note: Minimum Compensation (Salary + Housing) must be a minimum of
$35,000 plus benefits of retirement, and medical insurance. If your church cannot
meet this minimum, this event is not for you. Questions? Please contact your area
minister or member of the Face to Face Team representing your Region. Thank you.
Full time Position Your
Church is Seeking:
Associate Pastor
Number of Years Served by Your Last Pastor (don’t include interim):
Minister’s Compensation (See examples on following page)
Cash Salary:
Housing (either a. or b.):
a. Parsonage Rental Value:
Parsonage Allowance:
Utilities Allowance:
--- OR --$
b. Housing Allowance:
Total Compensation
(Cash Salary + Total
of either a. or b.):
For churches supplying parsonage: Do
you give the minister an equity allowance?
Is housing negotiable?
Health Insurance Coverage:
Our church provides health insurance coverage for (select one)
Pastor, Spouse, and Family  Pastor Only
 None Provided
Amount: $__________
 Members of Search Committee to Participate
At least half of your search committee members need to be participating. List names
of those who are planning to come at this time. You may change this list until the date
of the Preference Mailing. In consideration for the host church providing the meals,
we need a solid number at that time!
Search Members to Participate (Print Names requested for your name tags):
Also Coming:
 Registration and Meal Fees
Search Committee Registration Fee: $ 85 if paid on/before January 10, 2015; $100
Registration Fee:
Number Participating:
Total Fees Payable:
$25 (Lunch Fee)
= Total Meal Fees
Total Meal Fees + Registration
Make check payable to ABC-IN/KY and note Face to Face on the Memo Line
Please send payment for Total Fees Payable with this registration form to:
To Mail:
1. This Form
2. Check
3. Signed
Jennifer Greene
Registrar, Face to Face
ABC Indiana / Kentucky
1350 N. Delaware St.
Indianapolis, Indiana 46202-2493
Before registering for this event, have your church approve the sum of what you may offer a candidate!
Your church will supply a parsonage (“a” in form on previous page)
Cash Salary
Base Salary:
$ ________________
Sum of Fair Rental value of parsonage + cash for renter’s insurance and upkeep + utilities
Parsonage Allowance: $ ________________
Total of these 2 items must be at least $35,000 by themselves. This does include ministry
expenses (e.g. mileage, conference, books). This does not include medical insurance nor
does it include retirement.
You expect the Pastor to own or rent a home (“b” in form on previous page)
Cash Salary
Housing Allowance: $ ____________ (Cost of house payments or lease + insurance + utilities)
Total of these 2 items must be at least $35,000 by themselves. This does include ministry
expenses (e.g. mileage, conference, books). This does not include benefits of medical insurance and
You do not have the salary + housing figure “broken down” as the above shows:
Your numbers to name the two amounts separately can be negotiated (within IRS guidelines) later.
However, Your total amount must be at least $35,000. Benefits must be in addition to this amount,
not included in this amount.
Utilities Include:
Heating / Air, Garbage, Electrical, Cable, Internet, Water/Sewage
Benefits (not included in the $35,000 minimum support criteria for participating in Face to Face)
Retirement, Medical Insurance, Social Security Offset (as self-employed, pastors pay the full percentage of
self-employment/social security taxes; this is equal to the sum of Salary + Housing (including fair rental
value of the parsonage) + social security offset + honorariums)
Ministry Expenses (dispersed through a “draw account” accountable reimbursement plan:
Books, software, journals, conferences, continuing education events (away from church and through the
web), travel for church related ministries (e.g. visitation, mission trips, work trips, etc), hospitality tasks, and
office expenses (if there is no other line item in the budget for office expenses)
Covenant of Confidentiality & Participation
for Church Search Committee Member
Please Print
Church Name:_____________________________________________________________________________
Church Address (city / State / Zipcode):___________________________________________________________
Committee Member Name:___________________________________________________________________
Chairperson’s Name:_______________________________________________________________________
Chairperson’s Address (city / State / Zipcode):________________________________________________________
Chairperson’s Phone: _______________________Chairperson’s E-mail:____________________________
ABCUSA Region:
Region Executive:
Or Area Minister:
We agree to the following conditions for participating in the Face to Face event:
To support your pastor with at least a minimum compensation of $35,000 (Salary +
Housing) plus benefits of retirement & medical insurance; and to reimburse ministry
expenses such as mileage, continuing education, books, journals, electronic media.
To keep confidential the names and information shared.
To abide by all the policies of this event.
To not withdraw from the Event once we have received the Preference Packets.
We understand that we will forfeit all registration and meal fees should we do so.
To be present and on time for all sessions of this event.
To make no contact with participating candidates prior to the event.
To make no final decisions at this event.
Because the Face to Face is designed to be a first time interview experience, are you
currently in conversation or contact with any clergy concerning the position in your
 Yes
 No
If yes, with whom: _____________________________________________________________.
(Continue this on back of this form, if necessary. This will assist the Planning Team so they will
not assign you an interview with someone you have already met).
 Your registration must be received by January 30, 2015 ($85 on / before January
10)— return this covenant, the church profile, the church information form and a
check for $100.00 for registration plus $25.00 per search committee member for
two meals; snacks and photos. You may send one check payable to: ABC
Indiana/Kentucky and mail to – Face to Face Registrar 1350 N. Delaware St.,
Indianapolis, Indiana 46202-2493. (Or, you may register and submit payment (by credit
card) at: f2f-abc.org
1. Be warm and friendly.
2. Try several subjects to see which gets the best data.
3. Ask one question at a time.
4. Make your questions clear.
5. Press for clarity and understanding.
6. Put the person at ease.
7. Maintain control of the interview.
8. Participate in the conversation.
9. Give information on your church in writing.
10. Be an objective observer.
11. Take copious notes.
12. Relieve any tension.
13. Allow the person you are interviewing to ask questions.
14. Follow-up with a note expressing appreciation for the interview in two weeks.
1. Ask questions that can be answered “yes” or “no”.
2. Rush into every pause with another question.
3. Fail to take notes.
4. Ask highly personal questions.
5. Show impatience or criticism of answers.
6. Jump to early conclusions.
7. Talk too much. Listen instead.
8. Let your personal attitude show.
9. Express approval or disapproval.
10. Use any electronic recording device. (Taping of interviews is not permitted.)
February 27 - 28, 2015
First Baptist Church of Crawfordsville, Indiana
Check-in and Light Refreshments
9:00 a.m. — 9:45 a.m.
Introductions in Sanctuary
9:45 a.m. — 10:10 a.m.
Worship in Sanctuary
10:10 a.m. — 10:30 a.m.
10:35 a.m. — 11:00 a.m.
First Interview
11:15 a.m. — 12:00 p.m.
12:00 p.m. — 12:45 p.m.
Second Interview
1:00 p.m. — 1:45 p.m.
Third Interview
2:00 p.m. — 2:45 p.m.
2:45 p.m. — 3:15 p.m.
Fourth Interview
3:15 p.m. — 4:00 p.m.
Fifth Interview
4:15 p.m. — 5:00 p.m.
5:15 p.m. — 6:00 p.m.
Sixth Interview
6:15 p.m. — 7:00 p.m.
Vacate Building At 7:30 P.M.
SATURDAY, February 28, 2015
Light Refreshments
BEFORE 8:30 a.m.
Worship – Sanctuary
8:30 a.m. — 8:50 a.m.
Seventh Interview
9:00 a.m. — 9:45 a.m.
Eighth Interview
10:00 a.m. — 10:45 a.m.
10:45 a.m. — 11:15 a.m.
Ninth Interview
11:15 a.m. — 12:00 p.m.
Tenth Interview
12:15 a.m. — 1:00 p.m.
Hand in Evaluations
1:00 p.m. – 1:15 p.m.
Vacate Building At 1:30 P.M.
Thank You for sharing this journey!