a voice in the valley - Dell & La Farge United Methodist Churches


a voice in the valley - Dell & La Farge United Methodist Churches
January 2015
How Are We Doing?
In the United Methodist Church world, January is the month for statistical reports. With no
rest for the Advent - Christmas weary, UM pastors have to round up data to submit to the
Annual Conference. Numbers, numbers, and more numbers -- about average attendance
in 2014 for worship, Bible Studies, Sunday School, fellowship groups, United Methodist
Women, etc. Numbers, numbers, and more numbers -- related to church income for the
previous year, as well as expenses. How well did we do with apportionments and special
offerings? That is reported on the online forms. Don’t forget the value of our property and
any debt owed.
All of this is valuable information, and there is good reason to collect and record the data.
It gives the Annual Conference leaders a snapshot view of our churches and helps them
to assess the health of the whole UM body. It also helps local churches to see where they
are at compared to previous years and compared to other churches of similar size. For
the Dell-LaFarge churches, our 2014 statistics will determine our fair share of missional
Pastor Eileen Kuehnl
giving to the Wisconsin Conference (apportionments) in the year 2016.
As important as numbers are, they don’t adequately tell the story of the local church. Statistics don’t reveal the
spirit, the mood, the energy, or the excitement of the people about their church and their ministry. Numbers
don’t shed light on the faith and commitment of a congregation that worships and works together to spread the
gospel and build God’s Kingdom.
I much prefer to use words to tell the story of the Dell and La Farge United Methodist Churches and reflect
upon the question: How are we doing? For both churches I would use words and phrases like:
attentive listening to God’s Word
the voices of children and the cries of babies being heard in the sanctuary (even in La Farge!)
new musical groups forming or re-forming to bring richness to our worship
warm and welcoming fellowship on Sundays and at church events
smiles and laughter
a growing willingness to reach out to the community and the world
increased interest in Bible study
a small but lively Sunday School at Dell (serving church-attending children) and the small but lively after-school
Jivin’ with Jesus at La Farge (serving mostly unchurched kids)
new and younger leaders rising up
improved financial health
a spirit of hope
I would say that the Dell and La Farge UMCs are doing well. And it is due to the healing and restorative power
of our Lord Jesus.
God has plans and a special purpose for each of our churches. We just need to ‘keep up the good work” and
look for signs from the Spirit about where God wants us to go in 2015.
Pastor Eileen
Jivin’ With Jesus
Christmas Pageant
The Jivin’ With Jesus Church School students presented an awesome Christmas program
on Wednesday evening, December 17th!
They started their evening out at 3:30
with practice, practice, practice and by 5:00 they
were ready to share, with friends and family,
their musical talents, their interpretation of the
Nativity and their enthusiasm for Christmas!
They were all stunning in their costumes as Mary
and Joseph, the angels, shepherds and Wisemen.
Not only that, but they are very talented bell ringers, also.
They capped off the evening with a celebration of Jesus’ birth by sharing in a Community
Meal of BBQ sandwiches, cake and ice cream.
Thank you to the parents of the Jivin’
With Jesus children, for letting them take part in
the Wednesday After School Church School.
Thank you, as well, to Sarah Gudgeon,
Pastor Eileen, Shirley Kinsey and Angie
2014 St. Nick’s
La Farge United Methodist Church
The 2014 St. Nick’s Fund was once again a success,
thanks to many organizations and individuals who
donated gifts for the children, food for the grocery
boxes and/or monetary donations to the fund.
The St. Nicks Fund was able to gift 34 children and
give groceries to 12 families. There were also additional gifts of gas cards to a number of individuals
who were experiencing financial difficulties during
this holiday season.
Without the generosity of the businesses and individuals in and around this community, the St. Nick’s
Fund would not be able to complete its mission of
giving to those in need.
Thank you and God’s blessings be with each and
every generous giver!
Chairpersons: Angie McCauley and Shirley Kinsey
Thank you Elmer McCauley, Barb Sarnowski, Art
Thelen, Joe Kinsey, Ken Kuehnl, and for
decorating the outdoor cross, pine tree,
and entrance to the La Farge UMC.
Hens for Haiti
Volume #2015
Issue #1
The Dell and La Farge Circuit
Eileen Kuehnl, Pastor
PO Box 220
212 Penn Street | La Farge WI 54639
La Farge: 608.625.2375
Dell: 608.625.4563
Emergency: 920.319.0662
Email: lafchu@mwt.net
Donate in the La Farge UMC narthex
Winter picnic
January 28, 2015
5:00 p.m.—6:30 p.m.
Sandwiches, Summer
Salads, and Desserts
We provide the food,
you bring the appetite!
Christmas Poinsettias
Given by:
In Memory/Honor of:
Linda & Forrest Dowling…………...Hazel & Willard Erlandson
Linda & Forrest Dowling…………...Frieda & Emil Dowling
John & Sharon Evenstad……………George & Connie Evenstad
Trisha & Mike Miller & Family…….Billy Manders
Tim & Trisha Dahlen………………..George & Evonell Wyman
Doug & Doris Ewing………………..Burlie & Ara Clark
Scott & Kim Wyman………………..Devon & Ethan Wyman
Lori Schmitz………………………...Bud & Lila Miller
Vicki & Larry Parr
Chuck & Sherry Rushman…………..Earl & Nellie Trappe
Vicki & Larry Parr
Chuck & Sherry Rushman…………..Adolph & Esther Benish
Vicki & Larry Parr
Chuck and Sherry Rushman………...Chris Benish
Pastor Eileen & Ken Kuehnl………..Our Parents
George & Nicole Snodgrass………...Janet Churchill
Eric & Trish Evenstad
Addison & Sydney………………….Burt Harvey
Sigert Larson………………………..June Larson
La Farge United Methodist Church
212 Penn St. | La Farge, WI
Jivin’ with Jesus
Thank you Emily Sedgewick for your singing “O Holy Night” at the La
Farge UMC Christmas Eve service. Thank you Angie McCauley and
the choir for singing so beautifully.
Thank you Eric Evenstad, Dell Tones,
and choir for singing at the Dell UMC
Christmas Eve service. Thank you Kirstin
Miller for playing the offertory music of
“Away in the Manger.”
3:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
Food, Fun, and Activities
La Farge UMC
The "impromptu Christmas pageant" at La Farge UMC on
Sunday, December 28, 2014 was a success! Everyone
seemed to enjoy it. The La Farge congregation has a nice
collective sense of humor.
January 6-Epiphany of the Lord "Arise,
shine; for your light has come, and the glory of
the LORD has risen upon you. For darkness
shall cover the earth, and thick darkness the
peoples; but the LORD will arise upon you, and
his glory will appear over you" (Isaiah 60:1-2,
•Isaiah 60:1-6
•Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14
•Ephesians 3:1-12
•Matthew 2:1-12
January Birthdays
4 – Erik Evenstad
- Mike Klen
7 – Annette Hysel
- Jordan Campbell
11–Mari Moore
15- Sarah Moore
15 -Sophie Moore
16- Lisa Haugrud
16- Kristen Miller
17- Brian Muller
18- Paul Thelen
19- Payden McCauley
20- Kent Evenstad
27- Ed Fronk
28- Madisyn Sue Miller
29- Reed Clark
February Birthdays
4 – Kris Walker
– Fred Gudgeon
8 – Kenneth Williams
17- Joanne Campbell
- Dustin Swiggum
21- Teresa Brickl
- Kaleb McCauley
24- Chad Christianson
27- Geneva Wilson
29- Elmer McCauley
14- Freddie & Carol
19- Roger & Kate Parr
20- Ed & Mae Fronk
January 1-New Year’s Day
"Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth;
for the first heaven and the first earth had
passed away, and the sea was no more. And I
saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming
down out of heaven from God, prepared as a
bride adorned for her husband."
•Ecclesiastes 3:1-13
•Psalm 8 (UMH 743)
•Revelation 21:1-6a
•Matthew 25:31-46
Holy Name of Jesus
•Numbers 6:22-27
•Psalm 8
•Galatians 4:4-7 or
•Philippians 2:5-11
•Luke 2:15-21
January 4-Epiphany Sunday
"Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the
glory of the LORD has risen upon you. For
darkness shall cover the earth, and thick darkness the peoples; but the LORD will arise upon
you, and his glory will appear over
you" (Isaiah 60:1-2, NRSV).
•Isaiah 60:1-6
•Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14
•Ephesians 3:1-12
•Matthew 2:1-12
January 11-Baptism of the Lord/First
Sunday after the Epiphany
"The one who is more powerful than I is coming after me; I am not worthy to stoop down
and untie the thong of his sandals.
I have baptized you with water; but he will
baptize you with the Holy Spirit" (Mark 1:7-8,
•Genesis 1:1-5
•Psalm 29
•Acts 19:1-7
•Mark 1:4-11
January 18-Second Sunday after the
Epiphany Human Relations Day/
Ecumenical Sunday
•1 Samuel 3:1-10, (11-20)
•Psalm 139:1-6, 13-18 (UHM 854)
•1 Corinthians 6:12-20
•John 1:43-51
January 25-Third Sunday after the
"As Jesus passed along the Sea of Galilee, he
saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a
net into the sea--for they were fishermen. And
Jesus said to them, 'Follow me and I will make
you fish for people'" (Mark 1: 16-17, NRSV).
•Jonah 3:1-5, 10
•Psalm 62:5-12 (UMH 787)
•1 Corinthians 7:29-31
•Mark 1:14-20
Home Away
From Home
Starting January 13th
Email changes to: lafchu@mwt.net
Vernon Manor
Viroqua, WI. 54665
302 Bob Phinney
Bethel Home
614 Rock Ave.
Viroqua, WI. 54665
124 Doris Muller
208 Virgil Knutson
Bethel Parkside
315 W. Adams St.
La Farge, WI. 54639
Ann Hills
Doreen Benedetti
Dorothy Springer
Duane Young
Lynette Erdman
Ruth White, Vilas Cole
Apt A Phyllis McGinnis
Apt B Carol Donavon
Apt C Stan Campbell
Apt E Darlene Stout
Norseland Nursing Home
323 Black River Road
Westby, WI 54667
Robert Kinsey
101b Shirley Woods
6:30 p.m. Tuesdays | La Farge UMC
Book of Hebrews
Bible Study for Women and Men
Tuesdays | 2:30 p.m.
Dell UMC
Greener Pastors by Mike Klen
I see your husband is playing one of
the wise men.
I let him think he is for Christmas.
January, 2015 Parish Nurse News
When I was young, I remember many service men returning from their military obligation with a tattoo on
their forearm or upper arm. It seemed to be the thing for young men to do when they were in the service
and was rather intriguing to me-how did they do that and how did they get all those designs? Some of the
tattoos were elaborate and others smaller and less fancy –often with a woman’s name included in the design. In recent years we have again seen the popularity of tattooing increase, particularly among younger
men and women with many new and creative designs. Decorative tattooing has been a practice for thousands of years and remains a common custom among various countries and cultures. Among the oldest
evidence of the practice is an Egyptian mummy dating back to 3350 and 3100 BC with more than 50 tattoos and a South American mummy tattooed with a “mustache” dated back to 6000 BC. So as you can
see, tattooing is not a new concept. A tattoo is made when permanent ink is inserted into the dermis,
(lower layer of the skin), with a needle and once embedded the pigment is taken into the cells. Much of
the time the desired effect is achieved. However, introduction of these foreign pigments can result in adverse effects, such as a toxic reaction to the pigments, transmission of infectious disease and localization
of the skin disease within the tattoo itself. These reactions may range from very mild irritation to severe
reactions depending on the individual and existence of pre-existing conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease or compromised immune system. While many tattoos are done in tattoo parlors, there are
also home tattooing kits. In August, 2014, the U.S. FDA issued a consumer warning about potential hazards associated with these home kits. There were reports of infections following use of a line of home tattoo kits and testing revealing bacterial contamination in the unopened tattoo ink bottles. Reactions may
range from a simple contact dermatitis to a severe reaction/ response with red pigments the most common cause of such a reaction or response. There may be simply itching and redness or it may progress to
an open infected draining lesion. The simple reactions may be treated with antihistamines or corticosteroids to stop the itching and swelling. Surgical excision which may necessitate skin grafting may also be
considered for inflamed, infected tattoos but laser therapy is not recommended at this point because of
the risk of inducing a systemic reaction. Currently, while control standards for hygiene and infection control make it unusual for a significant infection to be acquired from the procedure, the break in the skin
may cause introduction of bacteria past the dermal (skin) barrier. The transmission of hepatitis, tuberculosis, syphilis, HIV and leprosy has been reported from tattooing. If you decide to get a tattoo, make sure
you go to a reputable and inspected tattoo parlor and follow all directions for care of the tattoo afterwards. Watch the site closely for adverse reactions and seek immediate medical care if any such reaction
With wishes for a Happy, healthy New Year,
I will invite 3 people to church in 2015
Linda, your Parish Nurse
1. ______________________________
2. ______________________________
3. ______________________________
Ask them to do the same.
Dell Administrative
Board Minutes
Eileen stated that all are required
forms are completed.
Monthly "Church Night": This
month we will be going around to
local residents and doing some
Present were: Pastor Eileen, Linda
holiday caroling. We will meet at
Dowling, Samantha Pedretti, Kim
the Dell church at 5:00 on SaturWyman, and Doris Ewing
day December 13th to begin our
planned route of caroling. AfterThe meeting was called to order
wards there will be a gathering at
by Linda Dowling, chairperson.
the Dowling residents. In the
month of January a sledding party
Pastor Eileen lead us in a brief deis in the works for out church
votional prayer.
night event.
December 3rd, 2014
The secretary's report was read by
Charge Conference Reveiw:
Samantha Pedretti. A motion was
Charge Conference was held at
given by Kim and seconded by
LaFarge this year and was successDoris to accept the report as read.
ful. Looking through the conference booklet, there are some erThe treasurer's report was given
rors that will need to be corrected.
by Kim Wyman. A motion by
There are extra booklets that will
Samantha and seconded by Doris
be available to those who were
to accept the report as read. Mounable to attended or who may
tion carried.
want one.
Old Business was discussed as folNew Business was discussed as
Parsonage Update: Fred continues to work and make good progress on the updates needed at
the parsonage. He pretty much
wrapped up work on the upstairs
this week. Sub flooring was put in,
there has been a lot of trimming
done, a new hot water heater was
put in, and a lot of the electrical
has been replaced because it was
not sufficient. Progress will continue to be made, things are looking great and really coming along.
Pastor Eileen: At this time Pastor
Eileen informed us that there is
still one more conference call in
January with Paul Nickerson. She
also had us take a look at a list of
ideas from Paul Nickerson about
ways to make the most of our
church. There was open discussion
with lots of ideas and plans for the
future of our church.
Motion by Linda and seconded by
Samantha to adjourn the meeting
at 8:35pm
Ministry Plan Form: This was the
form that Pastor Eileen has asked
Respectfully Submitted,
us to fill out last month. It is a
Samantha Pedretti, Secretary
form for Charge Conference. Linda
has sent this form in, and Pastor
You Still
Have Time
to Save at
1st & 3rd Saturdays
8:30 a.m.-3 p.m.
Located on Hwy P in Dell in
the Old Dell School
Large variety for sale - $2.00 for
a full grocery sack, $1.00 for a
half sack and $.30 per single
item of clothing. Rags are $.50
per bag.
All sizes Baby to XL for adults
Books , video, CD’s, DVD’s ,
Tapes, Records, Children’s
clothes and furniture – Games,
puzzles, toys. Kitchen dishes, &
small electrical appliances, bedding & curtains
The proceeds go to the Dell UM
Church to be used for missions
Donations can be put on the
enclosed porch any day
La Farge United
Methodist Women
December 4, 2014
After good fellowship during our pot
luck lunch, we
made cookie plates
to distribute to various businesses and citizens in the community. Carol Persons presented a program on Christmas
Memories. Members shared
some of their favorite Christmas stories from their experiences. These memories highlighted the heart, soul, and
voice of Christmas. We closed
with singing, “Good Christian
Friends Rejoice” with our
heart, soul, and voice.
Some members had to leave
but took some plates to deliver. The rest of us delivered
plates to Bethel Parkside,
Hometown Village Apartments,
and the La Farge Medical Clinic.
We were even asked to sing.
In January, we’ll have Melissa
Sprecher from Richland Center
as a speaker. She will be presenting a program
on her mission trips to Honduras. You are invited to attend
and listen to her experiences.
Our business meeting will be at
1:30 PM, followed by her presentation at 2 PM.
Next Meeting: Thursday,
January 8th at 1:30 PM
Program: Melissa Sprecher
speaking on her Honduras Mission Trips
Sarah Gudgeon and Carol
Respectfully submitted by
Carol Persons, Secretary
La Farge
Christmas Poinsettias
Sponsored by:
Shirley & Joe Kinsey
Shirley & Joe Kinsey
Paul and Darlene Thelen
Ruth Clark and Family
Ruth Clark and Family
Ron and Liz Roberts
Elmer & Angie McCauley
Vernon Nelson
Ellen and Art Thelen
Ellen and Art Thelen
Dorothy Pederson
Douglas Elmer
Avanelle Major
In Memory/Honor of:
David, Audrey, and Byron Kinsey
Bill, Juanita, and Kathy Kopecky
Grace Kirlsing and Cathy Fosdal
Logan, Nellie, Melvin, and Myron Clark
Bessie, Clanus Clark; Leo & Margaret Clark
Ted and Hazel Roberts
Vernon & Louise Markee
Harold Hawley; Byron & Edna McCauley
Art and Olive Nelson
Aaron, Brayden, Joshua, and Adam Palmer
Richard, Kenneth, and Fern Thelen
Mert Pederson
Willard and Emma Jean Elmer
Fredric Major, Zelma and Fred Major,
Bessie and Lester Reed, Masil and
Bob Booher
United Methodist Women
Melissa Sprecher will be presenting a program
on her mission trips to Honduras. You are
invited to attend and listen to her experiences.
Meeting 1:30 PM, followed by her presentation
at 2 PM.
Thursday, January 8th
Lunch: Sarah Gudgeon and Carol Persons
Men’s Bible Study
7:00 p.m.
La Farge UMC
La Farge UMC Administrative
Council Minutes
December 10, 2014
Patty Miller
Family of Joshua, Adam, Brayden,
and Aaron Palmer
Ashley and Steve Palmer
Ellen and Art Thelen and family
Pat and Penny Palmer
Jim Sanford
People of Ferguson, MO
Ginger Jacobs
Tony Benish
Vicki Parr
Maggie Hogan
Siegert Larson
Eva Ferries
Stacy McCauley Gruber
Wally Spengler
All of our members in nursing
homes or who are home bound
Luis Alvarado and family
Our men & women in the Military
Pastor Wayne Hull
Friends & Family members held quietly in private prayers
Blessings for Circuit 50 pastors and
The regular meeting of the LFUMC Council
was opened by Chairperson, Elmer McCauley. Pastor
Eileen led us in prayer before starting the business part
of the meeting.
Those in attendance were Art Thelen, Pastor
Eileen Kuehnl, Joe and Shirley Kinsey and Elmer and
Angie MCauley.
The Secretary’s report was read and approved
on a motion by Art and a second by Shirley.
There was no treasurer’s report as our new
treasurer, Trish Evenstad, is still working on the books.
She did report, though, that new signature cards
needed to be signed at the bank for the accounts that
are separate from the general account. After a bit of
discussion concerning some of these accounts we decided we needed to have a joint Finance/Admin meeting and that will be January 6th at 6:30 p.m.
Pastor Eileen did give us a gentle reminder that
we need to make a concerted effort to pay our apportionments. As a side note from this secretary, our apportionments are a very important part of our mission,
not only locally, but worldwide. So, we (the La Farge
United Methodist Church) must work at doing our part
in that mission.
Pastor reported the parsonage work is still ongoing with some minor fixes in addition to the basement
The meeting was adjourned on a motion by Art
and a second by Joe.
Respectfully submitted, Angie McCauley, Secretary
8:30 a.m.3:00 p.m.
Worship Service
(L) 9 a.m. Worship
(D) 10:30 a.m.
SS 11:00 a.m.
6:30 p.m.
(L) Council &
Finance Meeting
6:30 p.m.
Jivin’ w/Jesus
3:30 p.m.-5 p.m.
(L) Men’s Bible Study
7:00 p.m.
(D) Council Meeting
(L) United
1:30 p.m.
2:00 p.m.
Circuit 50
8:30 a.m.3:00 p.m.
Family Night
Worship Service
(L) 9 a.m. Worship
Baptism-Gavin Baggs
(D) 10:30 a.m.
SS 11:00 a.m.
6:30 p.m.
(D) Women and
Men’s Bible Study
2:30 p.m.
Jivin’ w/Jesus
3:30 p.m.-5 p.m.
Worship Service
(L) 9 a.m. Worship
(D) 10:30 a.m.
SS 11:00 a.m.
(L) Women’s Bible
6:30 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
(D) Women and
Men’s Bible Study
2:30 p.m.
(L) Women’s Bible
6:30 p.m.
Human Relations Day
(L) Men’s Bible Study
7:00 p.m.
(L) Men’s Bible Study
7:00 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
(D) Women and
Men’s Bible Study
2:30 p.m.
(L) Men’s Bible Study
7:00 p.m.
(L) Community
(L) Women’s Bible
6:30 p.m.
Jivin’ w/Jesus
3:30 p.m.-5 p.m.
Worship Service
(L) 9 a.m. Worship
(D) 10:30 a.m.
SS 11:00 a.m.
Joint Mtg.
6:30 p.m.
9:30 a.m.1:00 p.m.
Winter Picnic
5:00 p.m.-6:30 p.m.