
First Presbyterian Church
300 South Main Street, P. O. Box 1038
Greensburg, Pennsylvania 15601-5038
Phone: 724.832.0150 fax: 724.832.0152
January 2015
Sunday School at 9:00 a.m.
Worship 10:00 a.m.
Nursery Care provided
Didymus the Blind, great Christian scholar of the 4th century, is quoted as having said:
“Being the source of goodness, God, even after our failures, calls us anew.”
With the start of a new year, we turn to thoughts of living life a little better than we have in the
past. We make resolutions to do the very things that we should be doing throughout the year and
avoiding the things that we should avoid any other season as well. With the turn of the calendar to a new
year, we feel a renewed energy to “begin again.”
Email submissions to or mail to church office.
The Coulter Society asks that you please consider
remembering our church in your will!
Rev. Martin R. Ankrum, Pastor / Head of Staff
Rev. Nicole C. Brodeur, Associate Pastor for Youth and Educational Ministries
Rev. Bobbie Hineline, Minister of Visitation
Edgar B. Highberger, Minister of Music and Organist
Taylor R. Barner, Seminary Assistant for Campus Ministry
Lu Ann Peters, Financial Secretary
Kimberly A. Stoner, Executive Secretary
Keith L. Huey, Sexton
Stacy A. Somers, FPC Preschool Supervisor
Wendy H. Matchett, FPC Preschool Teacher
Joan L. McGinley, FPC Preschool Teacher
Anita M. Garr, Director of Elementary Music
Michelle Stefl Harbaugh, Assistant to the Minister of Music
Carol A. Scherff, Housekeeper
Richard P. Fabery, Assistant Sexton
Katie Morella, Nursery Care
But with God, his gracious willingness to call us back to full participation and communion with
him is continual. No matter what our failures may be as followers of Jesus Christ, God does not flinch
from reissuing the call upon our lives to be a part of the divine work in this world.
This is amazingly, deliciously glorious good news that we are called by God anew in spite of our
failures. Where else, but within Christ’s church, could we ever really experience such graciousness? At
work, when enough failures pile up after our name, we are dismissed, demoted or at least no longer
trusted with the “big jobs.” At home, where hopefully folks are a little more forgiving, pushed enough,
even the family begins to find avenues around our failures … “Oh, honey, maybe we’d better hire
someone to get that done this time … you remember the last time you attempted to fix …”
In Christ’s church, we are called to initiate our approach to God in worship with the Prayer of
Confession. We are asked to humble ourselves and soundly admit that we are not the “Captains of our
Life.” We are called to relinquish ultimate “ownership” of our own soul to the One who made our soul!
This year, remember that, by the grace of Jesus Christ, God calls his church anew to commitment
and purpose even despite our past failures. So, let us commit ourselves as Christ’s church to renewed
vigor in doing the good work of Christ for all those around us … here and around the globe.
Thanks be to God,
PRAYER LIST: Virginia Abraham, Linda Anderson, Catharine Anthony, Nelda Ashbaugh, Lu
Ann Barkley, Kit Bickerton, Jillian Bowman, Sue Brown, Gail Bupp, Debi Byham, Dorothy
Casteel, Michael Cerilli, Bonnie Chambers, Edna Mary Cox, Anna Crouse, Liz Crowe, Michelle
King Cushey, Elaine Davis, Michele Domenick, Raymond Duffy Family, Richard Enterline,
Albert Essey, Shelley Fazi, Elizabeth Fedele, Elizabeth Felice, Robert Folino, Sarah Frey,
Lance Frye, William Gabel, Alice Genest, Brenda Gessman, Dave Gibson, Janet Glover, Tammy
Gray, Amy Hartman, Shirley Hawk, Sydney Hawk, Ruth Hershey, Cheryl Highberger, Margaret
Hockeborn, Grace Howard, Charlotte Jinkner, Laura Johnson, Bob Kemerer, Casey Kimmel,
Ray and Reta Kuyat, Laura Ligus, Leila Linden, Marcy Lindsay, Leslie Luhovey, May, Eugene
Magness, Gloria Marion, George Maser, Lila May, Brooke McLarty, David McNair, Alex Noel,
Bill Noel, Denise Orr, Leslie Pelzer, John Persico, Victoria Piekut, Kay Powers, Merle Ray, Ed
Rayburg, Ron Russell, Pat Salathe, Amanda Wood Samit, Tim Sarver, Greg Schwing, John
Sember, Liz Sember, Joe Shaffer, Ellen Sheehan, Liam Sherman, Chris Smith, Pat Smith, Robert
and Nancy Stahl, Curt Steigmeyer, Janet Sutherland, Lance Tacik, Monika Tart, Tom Taylor,
Paul Thomas, Gale Pearson Truman, Lynda Turin, Elsie Vanetta, Anh Vu, Michael Washil,
Welsh Family, Cheryl Woods and Marilyn Zielinski.
BIRTHDAYS: Each month we observe the VIP and fourscore or more birthdays: If you are 80 or
older, and would like to be listed in the monthly newsletter, please contact the church. October
birthdays are:
Ann Debich, 896 Weatherwood Ln., Room 104, Gbg (01)
Charlotte Jinkner, New Haven Ct., 100 Freedom Way, Gbg (06)
Leo Porterfield, 668 Lee Street, Gbg (19)
Nancy Boyer, 636 Joseph Street, Gbg (24)
Sam Kimmel, 514 Green Street, Gbg (30)
Sally Turley, 19 Overview Drive, Gbg (31)
Carolyn Jones, December 22, 2014
HAVE YOU CONSIDERED SPONSORING A COFFEE HOUR? Provide your own cookies, muffins
or pastries or underwrite the refreshments for $35. Use the sign-up sheet on the Dining Room
bulletin board. Your contributions and participation are greatly appreciated.
CANCER CARE LIBRARY NOW AVAILABLE ----- The Deacons have added a new Care Note
assortment which addresses many of the questions and challenges that individuals and families
face in dealing with cancer. The new library, which consists of nine cancer-related topics, is
located in the dining room next to our current Care Notes Library.
A NEW ARRIVAL in the family is amazing, exciting and can be overwhelming. The Deacons are
offering a meal for the family on a busy day with appointments, etc. The new mother, or a
family member, can contact Carol Behun (724-744-4603) or Peggy Taylor (724-547-6851). We
do not have a formal network to know of births at the regional hospitals; however, the church
office will forward information as received. Anyone wishing to provide a meal may also contact
Carol or Peggy. Thank you for your help with this ministry.
VIP (VERY IMPORTANT PRESBYTERIANS) The Pastoral Care Committee of the Board of
Deacons are asking church members with family or friends who are hospitalized, have health
conditions that have changed, and/or have other concerns to please inform Kim Stoner at the
church office at 724-832-0150.
On Sunday, January 11, in worship, our new ruling elders & deacons will be ordained and
installed for the term of service. Please join us to celebrate this holy moment both in the lives
of the officers and our congregation.
A special reminder to all members of the Session, the Board of Deacons and the staff: Please
reserve Saturday, January 17 for our Annual Leadership Retreat. The retreat will be held at the
church building and will begin in the Fletcher Room at 9 a.m. The retreat will end by 12 noon.
YOUR participation is vital!
THE FLOWER GARDEN ….. Like the flowers that take a break in the winter, we too have decided
to “rest” until May. We will begin meeting again on May 11, 2015 at 11:00 a.m. and will meet
on the second Monday of every month until October. We will gather in various gardens to
appreciate God’s gifts to us. Watch for information on May’s meeting in a future issue of First
News. Call Bobbie Hineline at 724-850-9342 with any questions.
On Sunday Mornings this Winter …
The Faith & Family group meets in the Fletcher Room to discuss topics related to our faith and
family relationships.
CORNERSTONE….will meet on January 10 at 6:30 p.m. at Belle Mimi Restaurant, 520 Clay
Avenue, Jeannette. Cornerstone is a gathering of folks from FPC on a monthly basis for dinner
and conversation on the second Saturday evening. Please join us if you’re available! Contact
Sandy Beauregard or the church office to reserve your spot.
On the Christian Life is a class that discusses the influence of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German
theologian executed by the Nazis for his views. The class meets in the PW Lounge and is led by
Rev. Ankrum!
On Wednesdays …
The Men’s Breakfast & Bible Study meets at Eat’n Park on Rt. 30 E. each Wednesday
morning at 7:45 a.m. for a time of fellowship, study and, of course, breakfast. We are now
studying the Book of Genesis under the leadership of Rev. Ankrum.
Taste & See meets at Oliver’s Pourhouse on Pennsylvania Ave. each Wednesday evening at 7
p.m. Rev. Niki Brodeur facilitates this discussion group.
Other Opportunities ….
The Biblical Book of the Month Class gathers on the final Monday evening of each month at 7
p.m. in the Assembly Room of the church. Rev. Ankrum teaches the class and covers a single
book of the Bible each month. We will gather on Monday, January 26 … the book of the Bible
to be discussed will be the Old Testament prophet, Micah.
The Last Tuesday Book Club will continue our gatherings on Tuesday, January 27 at 7 p.m. in
the PW Lounge. This year, we are reading and discussing shorter works of classic fiction, often
called novellas. Here is the schedule for the rest of the year:
The Turn of the Screw
Breakfast at Tiffany’s
Animal Farm
Billy Budd
The Third Man
Henry James
Truman Capote
George Orwell
Herman Melville
Graham Greene
located in the Assembly Room!! Stop by and just relax, enjoy the morning paper, or browse the
large collection of books in the library – it’s easy to check them out too! So why not grab a cup
of coffee from the kitchen and relax in the Presby Café! Wi-Fi is available.
The new preschool website is live!!! Check us out at
The website contains lots of information about our preschool. We are excited to spread the word
about our school. Be sure to check us out! Registration for 2015/2016 will open on January 5,
2015. Space fills up quickly so please register early. You can print a form directly from the
OUR CHILDREN’S SUNDAY SCHOOL will be collecting items for the Westmoreland County Food
Bank as part of our Sunday School rotation through mid-January. Our children will be learning
about love from 1 Corinthians 13. There will be a collection box outside of the youth room and
the storytelling room (3rd Floor, Room 1) until January 11th. Items most needed: cereal, tuna,
fruit or vegetable juice, canned fruit or vegetables, pasta, peanut butter, jelly, macaroni & cheese,
canned soup. Thank you!
FPCG FAMILY FUN DAY! Join us at Kerber’s for snow tubing on Saturday,
January 31st from 11am-2pm! All are welcome to come and have fun
together! Bring your neighbor, bring your siblings, bring your cousins, and
bring yourself! RSVP to Niki by Wednesday, January 28th.
Y-Fi* Connections in January
*Youth of First Pres.
When is our next Y-Fi?
January: 11th, 18th, 25th
5:30-6:30pm – Dinner
6:30pm-8:00pm – Growing
Together! (Middle School &
Senior High)
“What’s In Your Face and In Your
Circle Meetings for
Presbyterian Women
Please join us!
This year our Bible study is: “Reconciling Paul”, a contemporary
study of 2 Corinthians. Our study will be presented by our own
Alice Ann Morgan who will make the study come alive! We meet in the Refectory (the small
dining room just off the Dining Room). If you have any questions, please see Peg Carpenter,
Circle Chairperson.
LOIS CIRCLE TO MEET THURSDAY, JANUARY 15 @ 9:30 A.M. … We’ll gather in the Dining
Room at 9:30 a.m. If you are available, please join our fellowship. We make use of the Horizons
Bible Study and take active part in discussions of topics of interest. And of course, we enjoy
each other’s company and the treats that are brought! If you have any questions, please contact
Eleanor McCamant at 724-853-8165
Y-FI PLAYS! Join us on Friday, January 16th from 7pm-9am for our first lock-in of 2015! Bring
snacks to share, and your favorite game! Sign up with Niki by Wednesday, January 14th (and let
her know if you’re bringing a friend!)
Y-FI PLAYS & GROWS! Join us for our 2015 Snowball Retreat! The dates are Friday, February
13th to Sunday, February 15th. The cost of the retreat is $75 per person (covers lodging,
transportation, and meals/snacks.) Sign up on the sheet in the youth room!
COMING SOON…We will have a mission trip interest meeting on January 18 after worship in
the chapel. This meeting will cover aspects of BOTH senior and junior high trips (fundraising,
content, dates, travel, etc.) Thanks!
Save the Date!
Middle School Mission X @ Pine Springs! July 19-23, 2015!
Sr. High Mission Trip to Massanetta Springs! June 21-27, 2015!
Recent Addition to Library features writers from FPC!
The Library has obtained a copy of a recent publication that contains contributions from
members of our own community of faith. Seasons of Caring: Meditations for Alzheimer’s and
Dementia Caregivers is a book of over 140 meditations from leaders of the faith across a broad
range of faith traditions. Our own Jerry Cumer, Bobbie Hineline, and Dick Morgan contributed
entries for this book. From a press release regarding this publication: “Each of the 72
contributors – many caregivers themselves – draws upon his or her years of experience to offer
words of hope, encouragement and understanding to those on the dreaded Alzheimer’s journey,
giving voice to the unique challenges confronting Alzheimer’s and dementia caregivers. The
authors speak from the perspective of their distinct faith traditions, yet are united in their
support of individuals and families facing Alzheimer’s and dementia.”
AN OPEN INVITATION to members and friends of First Presbyterian Church to join the Monday
Morning Sewing Circle that meets at 9:00 a.m. Monday mornings in the Fletcher Room. You
don’t have to be an expert tailor to hem the cotton flannelette baby receiving blankets or to sew
the “little dresses for Africa”. If you are interested, please contact Sylvia Carlson at
724-755-2288 for information. Membership at this church is not a requirement. Everyone is
(taken from “A Celebratory Organ Concert” honoring Edgar for his
50 years as Minister of Music and Organist at FPC)
Thank you Martin and Bob (Emrich) for your kind words and for your wonderful support of
church music and my work as a church musician. I also wish to express my thanks to all of you
for your presence here this evening, to the committee and everyone who has given time and
interest toward this occasion. Many people, in all vocations, bring important gifts to their places
of employment, so it is in the spirit of humility that I accept this tribute for serving First
Presbyterian Church for fifty years.
Actually, I have been playing the organ in church for some fifty-eight years, as I played my first
church service at age 13. Some have asked, just recently, how I came to be associated with First
Presbyterian Church of Greensburg. During the first semester of my senior year in college, I
student taught in the Hempfield Area School District. I was in need of a place to practice, as I
would be playing my senior recital during my final semester. I wrote to several area churches
and the only affirmative answer I received was from Rev. John Purnell, then minister of FPC,
who introduced me to Fred and Margaret Welty, my predecessors, who were gracious enough to
give me plenty of practice time. Little did I know that the Welty’s would be retiring in January
form their long tenure at FPC. Even as a child, I had always loved the beauty of this church and I
remember telling my mother that someday I would be the organist and music director here. So,
this very young, and painfully shy, fellow approached John Purnell and Wilson Saul, Chairman
of the search committee, to see if they would consider hiring me, even though a national search
was underway and I had one more semester to complete my degree. They trusted this young kid
and put me on a trial basis. The rest is history!
I have the habit of overusing the word “wonderful”. It is a simple, but wonderfully expressive
word. So, here I go again – I want to thank my wonderful wife for all she has done to be so
supportive in my life. I always say that she is as much a Presbyterian as a Roman Catholic can
possibly be, going to mass at 300 North Main Street and then coming down the hill to sing in the
choir at 300 South Main Street for 42 of these 50 years.
I want to thank my wonderful family, my wonderful church family, my wonderful choir singers
and ringers, FPC’s very special staff and my wonderful friends and students.
Mission has many guises and one of them has been the wonderful support this congregation has
given to the education of future church musicians, having graciously allowed me to teach the
organ and sacred music in an ecumenical manner, in this well-equipped facility, to some 180
students. Quite a few of these people are serving in churches and in teaching capacities as close
as the Greensburg and Pittsburgh areas to as far away as Plano, Texas and Seoul, Korea. The
majority of these students have come from Seton Hill University, where I have had the good
fortune of being on the faculty for lo, these many years.
I also want to express my appreciation to the staff and to the congregation for preserving, in a
traditional, but eclectic worship experience, two of the great hallmarks of worship – beauty and
And, talking about the word wonderful, there is Dr. Charles Callahan, who has come the whole
way from Vermont to play for us this evening. I have known Charles for a long time through
his compact disc recordings, through his many compositions for organ and through his two great
books on the history of the american classic organ, which are classics in their own right, and
after having been introduced to him by my friend Alan Sterner. Knowing that I love anything
painfully English, Charles composed a Suite of organ music based on five great English hymn
tunes for this occasion.
Sunday, March 22 at 4 p.m. A MORAVIAN MUSICAL LOVEFEAST
with the Westmoreland Choral Society and the Westmoreland Children’s Choir.
Friday, March 27 at 7:30 p.m. SETON HILL UNIVERSITY
Friday, April 10 at 7:30 p.m. ANNUAL GRANT RECITAL—MANUAL MANIA—
Organ Duets/Solos/Works for Violin and Organ with James Riggs and David von Behren.
Friday, April 17 at 7:30 p.m. INTERESTINGLY INTERNATIONAL
A Festival of Organ Music Performed by the Seton Hill University Organ Studio and Organ
Alums of the University.
Have you been considering joining our congregation? Our next class is
January 12 at 6:30 p.m. We will meet in the Dining Room that evening
and discuss membership. Those who wish, will then join the following
Sunday during worship. If you have any questions, please contact Rev.
Ankrum. If you wish to attend, please RSVP the church office
(724-832-0150) by the Friday before the gathering.
You’ll begin to see “I Give Electronically” cards in the
pew racks and in the offering plates as more and more of
your fellow congregation members switch to regular,
automatic, recurring donations. No need to write checks
or handle cash. No need to remember your offering
envelope every week. Those who have switched, report
that the process of setting up giving online is easy and
trouble –free. Simply visit the church website and click the Online Donations
button, or scan the QR code with your smart phone to
create a profile and schedule your donations. Not
computer savvy? Contact Lu Ann Peters at the church
office, who will set up your recurring donations for you.
Mission Committee News
MEMORIAL CONTRIBUTIONS since November 17: Dot Steele & Del and Jeanne Smith, Robert L.
Brock, Jr. Family, Joyce Ross Andrews
CONTRIBUTION ENVELOPES – If you didn’t receive contribution envelopes and would like a set or
if you currently receive envelopes for yourself or a family member and do not wish to receive
them please let me know. Lu Ann Peters, Financial Secretary
Stewardship Report
Total Disbursements through 11/30/14
Total Receipts through 11/30/14
Total Income over/under Expense
($ 78,689.36)
If you would rather receive an electronic version of the First News, please let us know at and we’ll add you to our email list and remove you from
the paper copy list. Then you will receive the First News through your computer rather
than the mail box, but you’ll have to let us know!! A copy of the latest First News can
also be found at our website:
SECOND SUNDAY SUPPER: It was a misty, foggy, dreary day on the second Sunday of December.
However, the kitchen was bustling and bubbling as the meal was prepared. We had a very small
work crew but the guests were full of happy holiday chatter. Arlene Kendra arrived to place
unique greens on each table and then stayed to help us serve almost 60 guests. They enjoyed
chicken-cacciatore on noodles, a large tossed salad topped with croutons and a basket of bread.
Dessert was ice cream and tasty colorful cookies. Louie washed almost every plate in the
kitchen. He is a special blessing.
SUNDAY, JANUARY 25, 2015 – 11 A.M.
The Session has called for the Annual Meeting of the Congregation to
be convened immediately following the conclusion of worship on
Sunday, January 25, 2015. The Annual Report will be shared with the
congregation and the membership will be presented the Terms of Call
for the Revs. Martin R. Ankrum & Nicole C. Brodeur for 2015 for their
approval. As well, at-large members of the 2015 Church Officer
Nominating Committee, will be selected in order to begin their
important work for 2015.