11 th January 2015 Baptism of Jesus Year B Bulletin
11 th January 2015 Baptism of Jesus Year B Bulletin
with the enthusiastic crowd listening to John’s preaching. Submitting to John’s baptism was a moment of compassionate solidarity that he would have prayerfully shared with the Father. Suddenly, Mark’s account takes an unexpected turn - ‘the heavens are torn open’ and a Trinitarian drama unfolds as the presence of God’s Spirit is made manifest, and the incarnate Son receives a commission from the Eternal Father, indicating what is in store for him in the public mission he will undertake: ‘You are my Son, the Beloved; my favour rests on you. Readings: Isaiah 55:1-11 1 John 5:1-9 Mark 1:7-11 The baptism by John in the river Jordan would not have been easy for the first Christians to understand. On the face of it, this undergoing of a ritual of repentance did not seem to make sense. It can only have been included in the gospel tradition because it really happened. However, the account we have in Mark’s gospel shows us that reflection upon this event led to an understanding of its great significance - as the defining inauguration of the mission of Jesus. It was the Father’s authorization of the public role he was about to assume, and a prefiguring of the climax to which his career would lead – the Paschal Mystery – which he was later to look forward to as ‘a baptism’ (Lk 12:50). The destiny of each of us has its origin in the Father’s decision, before time began, to create us and to call us to a unique place in the divine plan of creation. Our response to God’s call is made as we take up the issues of our lives. Because he ‘has been put to the test in exactly the same way as we ourselves are, apart from sin’ (Heb 4:15), the Eternal Son’s life among us followed the same pattern as ours. His baptism by John was a decisive moment in his human life. Come to carry forward the designs of God among the chosen people, Jesus came and mingled This commission echoes two Old Testament traditions. ‘You are my Son’ the gospels make it clear that Jesus was sustained throughout his public life by his relationship with his Father. Though the phrase ‘son of God’ meant originally no more than an adoptive sonship (as, for example, in honour of Israel’s kings (e.g. Ps 2:7), when Mark’s gospel was written, applied to Jesus these words referred to the unique, strictly divine sonship that was one of the basic themes of the New Testament. ‘You are the Beloved; my favour rests on you’, echoes God’s words to the ‘Suffering Servant’ in Isaiah: ‘here is my servant; the chosen one in whom my soul delights’ (Is 42:1). This remarkable ‘Servant’ tradition takes us to the very threshold of the Christian Gospel. It foretells - in the time of the nation’s exile humiliation - a future triumph of God, through one will ‘astonish the nations’ as he embodies the nation’s true destiny, ‘a man of sorrows’, ‘led like a lamb to the slaughter house’, bringing ‘healing’ to the people as he ‘bears the sorrows’ of all (cf. Is 52-53). The commission of the Father indicated, therefore, that the compassionate solidarity that led Jesus to undergo John’s baptism would be the pattern of the mission he was about to undertake. Today’s first reading from Isaiah (closely associated with the ‘Servant’ prophecies) celebrates the glorious future the Saviour will inaugurate: God’s banquet, a new exodus, an everlasting covenant, the triumph of God’s Word. John Thornhill sm Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament Church Catholic Archdiocese of Perth Western Australia Parish Priest: Fr Patrick Lim Email: pp@gosnellsparish.org.au Address: 175 Corfield St, Gosnells WA 6110 Entry by:1 Isdell Place, Gosnells Postal Address: PO Box 297, Gosnells WA 6990 Telephone: 9398 2331 Facsimile: 9398 8491 PARISH OFFICE HOURS Tuesday to Friday 9.00 am - 1.30pm (Closed until 3rd February 2015) Entry by: 1 Isdell Place, Gosnells Parish Secretary: Maureen Byrne Tel: 9398 2331 Email: secretary@gosnellsparish.org.au Catechist Coordinator: Barbara Ingram Tel: 9398 2864 What Pope Francis said As Bishop of Rome, Pope Francis expressed his desire to take on the experiences of those living in the “eternal city,” recalling the witness of the martyrs Saints Peter and Paul. Reflecting on the recently-revealed corruption cases in Rome, he called for a conversion of hearts, as well as for a “renewed commitment to create a more just and stable city, where the poor the weak, and the marginalized are at the center of our concern and our daily activities.” The poor and weak, when cared for, “reveal the treasure of the Church” and of society, he said. On the other hand, when the poor are ignored, “persecuted, criminalized,” and forced into a life of crime, the society is revealed to be “impoverished to the point of misery.” This society “loses freedom and prefers the 'garlic and onions'” of slavery. Such a society ceases to be Christian, he said. Next Weekend Readings St Munchin’s Primary School Principal: Mr Robert Romeo Address: 1 Isdell Place, Gosnells Postal Address: PO Box 172, Gosnells WA 6990 Telephone: 9234 7555 Facsimile: 9398 1581 admin@stmunchins.wa.edu.au 18th January 2015 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B Jonah 3:1-5, 10 1 Corinthians 7:29-31 Mark 1:14-20 11th January 2015 Baptism of the Lord Year B Parish Liturgical Schedules Weekend Masses Saturday 6.00pm Vigil Mass Sunday 7.30am & 9.30am Mass Weekday Masses Monday 8.00am Communion Service (Mass on Solemnity only) Tuesday 6.00pm Mass - 1st Tuesday Mass of Anointing Wednesday & Thursday 8.00am Mass Friday 9.00am Mass & (1st Friday 7.00am Mass at Sisters house) Reconciliation Saturday 5.15-5.45pm or anytime by appointment Buckley Centre Mass Intentions this week Jan 10 Sat 6.00pm For Parishioners 11 Sun 7.30am Thanksgiving (Bridget Soh) 9.30am For Vocations 13 Tue 6.00pm Private Intention 2nd Friday of the month 10.00am Mass 14 Wed 8.00am Private Intention McMahon Centre 1st Thursday in Feb, Apr, June, Aug, Oct, Dec 10.45am Mass 15 Thu 8.00am Private Intention Rosary After weekday Masses Exposition Tuesday 5.00-6.00pm with Benediction; Sunday 6.00-7.00pm 16 Fri 9.00am Private Intention 4th Sunday Naming and Welcoming at the 9.30am Mass 2nd Sunday during 9.30am Mass 3rd Sunday after Mass at 11.00am 17 Sat 6.00pm For the parish Baptism 18 Sun 7.30am Peter Mack jnr (RIP) Marriage By appointment - Minimum of SIX MONTHS of notice 9.30am For all priests Parish Calendar Jan 11 Sun 6-7.00pm Church Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Deadline for Bulletin OUR BULLETIN is printed on Thursday. Any items to be included should be received by Wednesday at the latest. Please pray for those who are sick especially Gary Robless, Kay Ford, Ian Ballantyne, Rodney Anthony, Helen Whitfield, Jacqui Richardson, Maria Siciliano, Melissa Marklew, Marc Rodrigues, Mavis Hall, Rudy Ring, Paula Office closed The Parish Office is closed until Tuesday 3rd February 2015. Prayers for the Sick For emergency please contact my mobile 0424 979 187 Fr Pat Please notify the Parish Office every four weeks if prayers are still required. ROSTER THIS WEEKEND MASSES 10/11 January Masses Readers Commentators Extraordinary Ministers Acolytes Greeters Choir Sat 6.00pm Pam Davies Lynette Lieveaux Vivian Loh, Bridget Soh, John Parker, Norman Rodgers, Theresa Spicer & Dan Hewitt Volunteer Louise Ireland Carolyne Ireland Recorded Music Sun 7.30am Silvana Sciorilli Deb Wild Clint Barnes, Russell Lally, Moiya McAtee, Yvonne Padua Yvonne Padua Sandra Reid Recorded Music Sun 9.30am Volunteer Mary Ballantyne Servite Sister, Maureen Byrne, Helen Magness, Geraldine Pereira, Kay Nigel Hayward Ford & Carolina Hayward Jackie Vogels Hanna Allen Recorded Music Geoff Mills Telling Brian Cutjar, Elvira & Ken Panici-Allen ROSTER NEXT WEEKEND MASSES 17/18 January Sat 6.00pm Vilma Lyra Geoff Mills Vivian Loh, Bridget Soh, John Parker, Norman Rodgers, Theresa Spicer & Dan Hewitt Volunteer Rosa Ford Recorded Leonie Higginson Music Sun 7.30am Cheryl Andrade Cath Callaghan Clint Barnes, Russell Lally, Moiya McAtee, Yvonne Padua Terance Daniel Jackie Hall Recorded Music Sun 9.30am Pat Simm Brian Cutjar Servite Sister, Maureen Byrne, Helen Magness, Geraldine Pereira, Kay Nigel Hayward Ford & Carolina Hayward Nicolina Ierino Cosimo Ierino Recorded Music Geoff Mills SVDP Emergency Relief Phone 1300 794 054 Marycare Contact Maureen 9398 7375 Anne 9490 3377 Jim & Anne Brink and Kerry Keys The SVDP Society is low on wool stocks for their Knitting Ladies Group. Any old / new wools would be appreciated. Please also remember the Vinnies 2015 Calendars available in the foyer would make a practical Christmas gift. Thanks for your generosity. Golden Age Club Our Lady Statue The Club is in recess until the new year. The Club’s first meeting for 2015 will be Tuesday, 20th January. The Our Lady Pilgrim Statue needs homes to go to for 2015! If you would like to have it for a week for a prayer devotion there is a book in the foyer for all parishioners to put their names down to indicate when they would like to take it home. Another week and we will be back! Thanks - Bridget Soh Children's Liturgy of the Word Please note that there is no Children’s Liturgy at the 9.30am Mass until the new year. Parents, we have printed some work sheets for your children which can be collected from the Foyer. After Mass please take one home for your children. HAPPY NEW YEAR! The Prospective Students Office at The University of Notre Dame Australia wishes you and your family a happy and prosperous New Year. There Is Still Time! The University of Notre Dame Australia is still accepting applications for Semester 1, 2015. Please feel free to contact the Prospective Students Office on 9433 0533. Our office is open from Monday to Friday from 8:30 - 5:00pm, no appointment necessary. For more information please email fremantle.recruitment@nd.edu.au or phone 9433 0533. Flame Ministries International 25th Annual Flame Congress "HOPE" at John 23rd College, Claremont - Jan 23, 24, 25 2015. Five International Speakers. Evening Sessions at 7.30pm and Day Sessions, including Mass on Sunday. Refer to the notice board for more information or contact fmi@flameministries.org - ph 93823668. Columbarium News The Special Container for this purpose is in the Church foyer and welcomes all those “useless” 5-cent pieces. All coins collected help assist the maintenance of the Parish Columbarium gardens. So far almost $2800 has been collected. Thank you for your continued support. World Youth Day is not just a day or an experience, but an ongoing pilgrimage of faith for young people. These special days and celebrations are meant to rejuvenate and reinvigorate the spiritual life of youth and young adults along their pilgrim journey, which ultimately leads to Christ Jesus. Sponsorships Fund Raising Coin Collection Garden Sponsorships are available for sections of the Garden for $250.00, which will include a quality plaque to acknowledge your donation. Niche Wall Sponsorships are available at $5,000 each. This sponsorship includes a double niche reservation for the donor as well as a plaque on the appropriate Saint’s Wall to acknowledge the donation. Please contact the Parish Office for further information. B.J Hickey Biblical Foundation Scholarships Interested in studying the Bible in the Holy Land, or in Rome, or here in Perth, or elsewhere?... Applications are now open for scholarships for biblical studies from the B.J. Hickey Biblical Foundation. The scholarships are offered to lay people residing in the Archdiocese of Perth. You don’t need to be an academic or have any other studies to your name. What matters is a desire to know the Bible better and to help others with that knowledge. For more details visit www.thebiblicalfoundation.org.au Your Bible Questions Answered “Want to know Jesus better?” Get to know the Bible better! For daily Gospel reflections, a weekly Bible Q&A and a monthly Bible guide, visit www.thebiblicalfoundation.org.au. Our Christmas Raffle has netted $618 towards our support for those who would like to attend the World Youth in 2016. With thanks to those who supported. The Rite of Election will be held at St Mary’s Cathedral on: Thursday 26th February 2015. We are still looking for members to join this wonderful choir which welcomes adults seeking to be received into the Catholic faith at Easter. Please register your interest. Hymns and rehearsals are attached. Thank you also to those who have already registered for this wonderful choir. God Bless Karen Telephone: 9207 3350 Fax: 9349 0362 Email: liturgy.centre@perthcatholic.org.au Shoprider for sale Fully serviced and checked in near new condition with extras include New Battery Charger, Sun Shade, Storage Bags and Weather cover for $1,500. Please phone Carmel 9398 2263 for more information if you are interested. Truth, Justice and Healing Council is coordinating the Catholic Church’s response to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse with a commitment to co-operation, openness and justice for victims and survivors. It has been established in recognition of the imperative for the Church to address the past openly and honestly, the good with the bad. There are flyers available in the foyer explaining the work of the council. For more information on the Council visit www.tjhcouncil.org.au www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au FAST EFFECTIVE & AFFORDABLE Tile and Grout Cleaning Perth Sealing of Grout lines Cleaning and sealing of natural stone Porcelain wax removal and sealing Grout colour sealing Independent Contractor Problem solving Mobile 0424 950 611 Grout repairs sidney@turboforce.com.au Antislip treatment Sidney D’Souza www.turboforce.com.au Mend A Bath offers a cost effective alternative for rejuvenating your bathroom. * Bath tubs - cast iron, metal, fibreglass, plastic & acrylic Don’t replace * Hand basins resurface! * Wall tiles Contact: NORMAN * Shower recess (M):0426492711 * Chip repairs ABN:64878538808 * Polishing service Fully insured + National Police Cleared FREE Quotes + Seniors Discount www.mendabath.com.au mjferns@bigpond.net.au CALATOMIC ENTERTAINMENT All Type of Tree Work MUSIC PRODUCTION, RECORDING, LIVE SOUND Joseph Boundy Mobile: 0427 912 939 Office: 9493 7755 Fax: 9493 5439 Preferred Western Power Contractor Email: Tagtrees1@bigpond.com For personal and professional service and with over 24 years Real Estate experience contact Rick & Jean Rispoli 0413 119 032 or email rispo1@hotmail.com MC’s AND BANDS DJ SERVICES WEDDINGS, KIDS PARTIES, SCHOOLS, PUBS & CLUBS, LIVE PERFORMANCE, EVENTS & CORPORATE FUNCTIONS Calvin: 0432 352 064 Craig Renshaw Simply Local Manager Respectful Simply Affordable Simply Australian T 9390 3000 F 9390 3111 M 0419 745 840 138 Third Avenue Kelmscott WA 6111 crenshaw@simplicityfunerals.com.au www.simplicityfunerals.com.au FULL PACKING SERVICE OUR SPONSORS Please support our sponsors who are helping us to cut down the cost of the production of our Weekly Bulletin Cartons, tapes, bubble wrap & paper Metro - Country - Office - Interstate Storage (CCTV, alarm, monitored) Polite, Courteous, Uniformed Staff Fleet of small, medium & large vans Hills Area guardianremovals@bigpond.com operations@guardianremovals.com.au Osborne Park Bayswater 9295 1716 9446 8333 9272 4711