gf news issue 11_050114 - Greyfriars Community Centre, Ringwood


gf news issue 11_050114 - Greyfriars Community Centre, Ringwood
January - April 2015
The Royal Hospital Chelsea
February 7 see page 11
Club 3
Affiliation News page 5
Class 10
Prepare for the Greyfriars
Challenge! Details on page 11
Day School
Saturday 28 March
See page 10
Greyfriars Dates
Wednesday 14th January
Film evening 7.30pm
‘Effie Gray’
Saturday 24th January
Greyfriars Study Group
Day School - ‘Brahms’
10.00am - 4.00pm
Saturday 7th February
Greyfriars Luncheon
‘The Royal Hospital Chelsea’
12noon for 12.30pm
Wednesday 11th February
Film evening 7.30pm
‘100 Foot Journey’
Wednesday 11th March
Film evening 7.30pm
‘Mr Turner’
Monday 23rd March
R.D.C.A Council Meeting
Greyfriars just could not be without our wonderful volunteers who help
in so many practical ways; our thanks of appreciation to you all.
For anyone who is not already involved
and has a bit of time to spare, even if it
cannot be on a regular basis, there is
always an opportunity to be a part of
the community here at Greyfriars.
We particularly have a need for more
minibus drivers. The elderly benefit
hugely from their weekly shopping trips
Continued on page 2
Saturday 28th March
W.E.A Day School
‘London Transport’
10.00am - 4.00pm
Wednesday 8thApril
Film evening 7.30pm
‘The Imitation Game’
Wednesday 29th April
Followed by a short meeting
of Council,
refreshments and speaker
(to be announced, please watch
the notice board in reception).
Greyfriars News
is published by
Ringwood & District
Community Association
44 Christchurch Road
Ringwood BH24 1DW
Tel: 01425 472613
Copy deadline for Issue 12
21st March 2015
GFnews reserves the right to
sub-edit all contributions.
(Newsletter no 195)
Committee News
President Gillian Habbin
Chairman Ann Pedersen
Chairman Bruce Dawson
Manager’s Notes
If your club, group or society’s committee ever changes, please ensure that the
office is notified of new contacts and their details.
Please remember on leaving all rooms and halls to turn all radiators back down to
2, close any windows and close the door.
Chairman vacant
FINANCE - Bruce Dawson
We get a bit nervous at this time of year, because we have been putting together our
results for the year which ended on 31 August 2014. We already know that we have
produced a reasonable result, but there are always a few surprises, when all the
transactions over the year are assembled into one financial statement. Some of the
surprises are welcome, but there tend to be one or two going the other way. As we
have now not increased the annual membership fees for six years or indeed the
affiliation fees for five years, there is always some anxiety as to whether we have been
able to make up the income shortfall elsewhere.
Due to the great efforts of our managers, the numbers of room lettings have
increased in each of the last three years, and this has enabled us to keep our income
up to the level required to cover our
In this respect, we also owe a big vote of thanks to the Friends of Greyfriars, who
come to our rescue when major things suddenly go wrong, as they did last year with
the gas boilers and pipe-work.
So at the moment, we are feeling a bit more contented and relaxed!
Chairman Jo Barrett
Chairman Rowan Brockhurst
Chairman Ann Pedersen
Chairman David Tofts
Chairman Brenda Titt
Mimi Parry
Anne Melrose
PRESIDENT - Gillian Habbin
Recently the May meeting of the Association’s Council, where six people are elected
to the Executive Committee, has been poorly attended, sometimes not even reaching
the 25 required for a quorum.
The Executive Committee has decided to hold a short meeting of Council immediately
following the Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 29th April 2015.
The Council Representatives of Affiliated Organisations, Greyfriars Clubs and
Local Authorities are welcome to attend the AGM but may not vote or take part.
Equally, Greyfriars Members may attend the Council meeting, but may not take part
or vote. (Following the meetings there will be a speaker - details to be announced soon.)
May I take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy and successful 2015.
St Leonards & St Ives Parish Council has
given us a grant of £300 towards our mini
bus fund in recognition of the fact that a
number of their residents rely on our
minibus to go shopping each week.
We would also like to offer thanks to the
Old People’s Welfare Association for
sponsoring Christmas shopping trips to
Castle Point and to one of the local garden
centres. Our passengers were delighted to
have the opportunity for a trip out to
somewhere new.
Both driving and escorting on the minibuses is very rewarding as the passengers
are truly appreciative of the independence
the shopping trips offer them.
We are always in need of new drivers
and escorts to join our bank of volunteers.
The more we have, the more we can share
the tasks and improve the service to our
elderly folk.
CHAIRMAN - Ann Pedersen
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the managers for coping so well with the
disruptions caused in the Centre when the new boilers and heating system was being
installed last year. Thanks also to our caretaker Bert Hartman, who skillfully boxed in
the exposed pipe-work especially in Greyfriars Hall, returning it once more to good
decorative order. Fortunately our insurance claim, for replacement of water damaged
carpet tiles in the Hilary Christie room was successful; we also received compensation
of £553 towards loss of income during the period this room was not available for hire.
I have two reminders for members - The first is to request that you do include details
and dates of any special events that you are organising into the Town Diary, which is
kept in our reception area; that way you will hopefully not clash with any other
functions taking place in Ringwood.
The second, is to ask all clubs and affiliated organisations to enter
a team for the Greyfriars Challenge Quiz! Please do participate
in this friendly and entertaining event. (Details on page 11)
GREYFRIARS needs YOU! Continued from front page
and outings. Please don’t let not being a MIDAS trained driver put
you off as this can always be arranged, or if you can assist the
driver by being an escort to the passengers, we’d love to have you
on board!
A cheery face making and serving tea/coffee between 10.00am
and 12.00noon on any week day is very welcoming!
Also, because the maintenance on our buildings is so very costly, if you can use a
paintbrush, or are skilled in basic DIY, it would be so great to have your assistance
If you are interested, and able to offer
a little of your time, even if only on an
occasional basis, we would be
delighted to hear from you in the office.
Members of the Buildings sub-committee
met recently and checked over the premises; they report that the majority of all
areas are in good order. However, as and
when any room is in need of re-decoration, it is planned that additional power
points should be installed to cater for the
increasing number of hirers needing to
use computers and technical equipment
during hiring sessions.
Thanks to Mike Osborne for his work in
developing our original website; however
due to his significant involvement with
the Arts Centre project, further expansion
of the site has been passed to Mike Jay, a
member of the Marketing group.
Mike, known to many of you for his work
supervising Wyn’s bookshop (he and his
team of assistants have raised over £7000
for the centre since 2012) has already
been hard at work updating and adding
information and photographs to the site.
He does state however, that the site is
“work in progress”.
Over the coming weeks the site will be
evolving into an attractive and easy to use
source of Greyfriars information. Much of
the content will remain the same, details
of the site, room hire and bookings etc .
The site will develop into a support to our
clubs, classes, and affiliates; it is hoped
that in time they will use it regularly to
post news and messages; promote events;
encourage new membership and keep
their existing members up to date and well
Keep visiting! ...
J Dolby
B Ricketts
F Randell
Thank you to everybody who helped with views on the Arts Centre 60 Second
Survey which was inside the last Greyfriars News. A total of 840 replies have been
received with an overwhelmingly positive response, particularly for theatre and
cinema. The Steering Group is working hard on pulling together all the facts,
figures and evidence to back up the applications to funding bodies (such as the Arts
Council, Lottery and other major donors) which are about to be prepared.
All the “behind the scenes” work is essential before the big push locally. Surveys
of public opinion, canvassing local businesses, a thoroughly prepared business
plan and assessments of all the other local venues are all essential to show that
the new centre will be self-sustaining financially - and how it will add so much to the
social and commercial life of Ringwood.
With ever changing information on clubs classes and events too!
Club News
Antiques Roadshow Speaker returns!
The Ringwood Antiques Club’s new
season has started with a welcome return
of old members, new people joining and a
programme of excellent speakers.
On 28th January - New Year Dinner
followed by a talk
‘Great Auction Stories’ by Paul Viney
(of Antiques Roadshow fame).
Visitors are very welcome to come at
8.15pm if they want to enjoy the
We have a great talk, of local interest, on
25th February - Miranda Prescott
presents 'The Story of the Victorian
Villa and the Paintings of the Russell
Cotes' which is not to be missed.
On the 25th March - John Cresswell
who joins us to tell us about
'Mourning Jewellery'.
Hopefully 2015 at Ringwood Garden
Club will offer another fruitful year.
Come and join our lively social club for
evening talks to include
‘Trees of Exbury’,
‘Fruit Trees for the Small Garden’,
‘Gardening for Wildlife’,
‘April Roses’,
‘A year at Picket Hill Nursery’
‘Growing Summer Bulbs’
Talks run from September to April on the
1st and 3rd Thursday of the month.
The summer programme of coach trips
and members opening their lovely gardens run through the summer.
Our plant sales are popular, and offer a
lovely way to exchange plants and add
colour to your garden.
For further details visit Greyfriars website
or pick up a programme from the Centre.
H Day
I Flowerday
S E King
J Mitchell
P Mason-Smith
L Jackson
M Blick
M Copp
F Stromach-Hardy
C Hoare
M E Freeman
A Riddell
A M Cole
G Habbin
Contact Wendy Davies 01202 574875
In October we enjoyed an interesting art
Our programme 2015...
talk from David Westwood, a regular
January ‘When not in Rome, do as the
speaker. In November we saw two faces
Romans do’ from Butser Ancient Farm
reconstructed Roman villa.
of Tuscany and our annual Christmas
Dinner closed the year.
All our talks are in
“Elba, the Sunny Island”
English and even if you
have not discovered
“Idyllic Italian Gardens”
Italy, you are very
welcome to join us on
“Off the Tourist Trail in
the first Monday
evening of each month.
For further details please Contact Hazel 01425 476091
~The Right Formula Results in Lively Man Talk~
Members of the Ringwood Table Tennis
Club are now looking forward to the “in
house” Summer League 2015. This has
always proved popular with all our
players, and gives an element of league
play throughout the closed season.
2 of our juniors are now playing regularly
for Dorset Junior squad, and a new cadet
player of only 6 months coaching, is now
also ranked, and a reserve in the Dorset
Cadet squad. So we are continuing to
At the other end of the spectrum we have
a number of over 70 players playing regularly, and even an over 80 player.
The Annual Christmas Tournament was
a great success full of festive banter, with
mince pies, and Xmas fare for the winners
and runners-up.
Pictured - the newly promoted team from
Bournemouth League season 2013/14,
now lying in runner–up position in the
second Division, which could gain them
promotion to Division 1 for next season.
Good luck !
Happy New Year everyone and
if you have played in the past and want
to return to playing again, Friday night is
our club practice night in the Activities
Centre, you are very welcome to join us.
Contact Pat Baldwin 01425 476343
Its time to start the New Year with a new
practical hobby. Get out your knitting
machine and join us at the Ringwood
Machine Knitting Club.
Machine knitting is suitable for men and
women of all ages; my 8 year old granddaughter can knit a patterned scarf.
Our members come from far and near
Wilton, Poole, Christchurch, Southampton
and Ringwood.We meet on
1st & 3rd Monday of the month in
Greyfriars Hall 11.15 am - 1.15 pm.
January 5th & 19th Phil Allen -Alpaca Yarn...
February 2nd & 16th ... March 2nd & 16th
We are looking forward to running a stand
at the Bournemouth Live exhibition in
March, the only local event for machine
knitters. Contact Maureen 01425 472225
All manner of topics are discussed at the Greyfriars Men's Club which has met every
Thursday since its formation in 1975. So we think our formula is the right one.
Subjects covered in lively discussion recently included:
“Christmas comes too early” – all agreed!
“Do we welcome nuclear power?” much longer discussion but generally ‘yes’.
“Life in the country” – we all like it.
“Electronic cigarettes” - we are clean living, so don’t need them.
“Over subscribing antibiotics” – triggered plenty of discussion and it seems we bully
our doctors!
“Low cost of Indian space rockets compared to NASA’s prices” – America should
outsource more often!
Come along any Thursday at 10-15am until midday and let us hear your views.
Contact 01425 470795
Focus on Art
The Ringwood Art Society members put
together another glorious display of art
and ceramics at the Summer Exhibition
in August last year. Over the three weeks
visitors came from as far away as Australia
to visit Ringwood and the exhibition.
The Society’s next exhibition is to be held at
Salisbury Hospital.
9th January to 6th February
Pottery classes continue to flourish, and
are now a pivotal part of the Society’s
programme. Other activities held are
painting afternoons, Saturday workshops
and demonstration evenings, from 7pm to
9.30pm every third Monday of the month.
'Riverbank' by Beryl Richards
Why not come and join us at one of our
demonstration evenings where a warm
welcome awaits you. (there is a small
charge of £5 for non-members)
Contact: D Lowe 01425482602
‘STAMPS?…yes, I’ve got an old album in the loft somewhere…!!’
Frequently GB first day covers hold little value, childhood collections the same.
But if you are talking about Great Aunt Jemima’s collection, well that just might
be a different story!! Philately is so much more than value of course…so come
along to The Ringwood Philatelic Society…to discover more.
13th January - Members’ Evening
Displays + Bring & Buy
10th February - Wendy Buckle
‘The Write Stuff’
10th March - Annual Competition Night
+ Bring & Buy
Pictured, Bob Small, from
Poole Philatelic Society
giving a presentation at a
recent club meeting on
postal history relating to
There is always a warm welcome at our meetings held on the 2nd Tuesday of the
month, 7.30pm Hilary Christie Room
Contact Gordon Masson 01425 470710
The British Society of Australian Philately
Once again Ringwood Philatelic Society are pleased to announce that they are
again playing host to the BSAP following a most successful November meeting
when 20 members and guests were privileged to see a remarkable display of
philatelic material from Australia. The theme continues in February when
Australian Ben Palmer from the Cavendish Auction House will be presenting ...
"New South Wales" the Postage Rates 1850 to 1912.
7th February
The BSAP started in 1931 as a correspondence club to promote interest in
Australian philately, now holds meetings at the Royal Philatelic Society, London
and in selected parts of the country and boasts members from all over the world.
Contact Colin on 01425 474310 or for details,
You will be made very welcome
Have you heard of Winchester’s dark past? WHO’S
the island's less well known FOR
Michael Anderson, from his
attractions and history.
group trips to Israel and
In the New Year we look PONG...?
Jordan, gave us some interforward to Mark Barnes
esting background to the
barefooting his way around
biblical names and stories
Nepal, followed by trips to
we all know so well.
the fjords of Norway, Outer
Not everyone's "must see"
Outer Mongolia
but Fraser Sturt held our interest with his Mongolia and even Winchester's little
enthusiasm for his archaeological work known and sometimes dark past...
on the inhabitants' past in the desolate Ica The Ringwood Travel Club welcomes
new members and meets in Greyfriars
valley in Peru.
Jill and Tom Daniels talk on Madeira, Hall at 7.30pm on the 3rd Wednesday
nostalgic for many, also revealed some of each month.
Contact Ann Cole 01425 478764 / 475734
For good, friendly bridge the place to be is with the Ringwood Bickerley Bridge Club
at Greyfriars on Thursday evenings at 7pm.
As well as bridge, we have various social occasions, the main being two weekends
away each year, and twenty four members have recently had a most enjoyable weekend
away at the Audley Wood Hotel, in Basingstoke.
The year ends with the annual Christmas party in December.
There is a waiting list for membership but, if you would like to have your name added,
please contact Mrs. Mary Booth Tel. 01425 475147
Our friendly, fun
group continues
to thrive, but we
It’s not as serious
are always happy
as it looks!
to see more faces.
Back in the summer some of us took part
in the first annual Ping Pong event held at
the Fleming Park Leisure Centre in
Eastleigh. Various groups from the New
Forest area took part. Competitions were
held for the over 65s and 75s. One of our
members, Margaret Broome won a silver
medal in the over 65 women category.
Everyone enjoyed the day.
Ping Pong is held every 1st and 3rd
Monday from 1.30pm to 3.30pm
in the Activities Centre and you would
be most welcome, even if it’s just
a chat over a cuppa!
Contact Anne 01425 472613
Affiliation News
The Ringwood & Burley Band, had a
busy programme in 2014 completing
around thirty engagements in and around
the town and a few further afield.
The band was as busy as ever over the
Christmas period playing in Ringwood,
New Milton and the popular concert of
Christmas Music at St. Francis of Assisi
Church, Charminster, as well as carols
played in Parley, Three Legged Cross and
It was a fantastic autumn for fungi.
Ringwood Natural History Society carried out field studies in the
New Forest with a vast array seen.
Meetings at Greyfriars, included talks ranging from Brownsea
Island to New Zealand and in October twenty members enjoyed a
short break on the Isle of Wight. The festive season was celebrated
with three events.
The society has an exciting winter/spring programme arranged, weekly field trips
include Snowdrops at Damerham and Mad March Hares at Breamore, a short break at
Hartland Quay, Devon in May and talks varying from Butterflies to Brazil.
We meet at Greyfriars every 2nd and 4th Thursday evening at 7.30 through to April.
New members are always welcome. Contact Maureen on 01202 827294
For more information, programme of
events and band news please visit
The Band currently has the following
vacancies - Principal or 2nd Euphonium,
Principal Trombone and Solo Cornet.
Please contact our Musical Director Steve
Block 07771 537283 to apply or for
further information.
The Band rehearses on Friday nights at
8.00pm in Greyfriars.
New players are always welcome
Contact 01425 472799
The Civil Service Retirement Social Group has enjoyed an interesting programme
during the year. At our coffee mornings we have heard about the Sandbanks Ferry,
Wilton House, Ringwood’s Secret Army and Dorset’s Hill forts. We have taxed our
brains with quizzes and been entertained by a committee version of Cinderella! The
monthly Pub lunches continue in popularity and our mystery trip through the New
Forest by minibus culminating in a cream tea was well received.
This year’s events include, a Beetle Drive, talks on the Falklands and on Great
Entertainers of yesteryear.
We also intend to defend our 2014 title in the 2015 Greyfriars Challenge Quiz!
If you like what we offer, come along and meet us
on the first Friday of each month in Greyfriars Hall.
Wash away the January Blues, come to our café in Folly
Farm Lane (Just off the Ashley Heath roundabout) for that meal with
a difference. All food is freshly prepared daily. The Lantern shop will
be having the post Christmas sale so come and have a browse, there
are lots of goodies to be found. As always there are products from all
our workshops that have created some beautiful hand made items.
Telephone01425 479926 or visit
Rotary Help in fight
against Ebola Virus
The Rotary Club of Ringwood already
has strong links with Sierra Leone in
West Africa. Two of it's members visited
the town of Bo, in the south east of the
country, last year with a view of setting
up a Micro Credit Scheme in conjunction
with our local Tools for Self Reliance.
Now, in response to the devastating
epidemic sweeping the region and with
monies raised in the Ringwood street just
before Christmas, we hope to set up an
Ebola isolation clinic at the Bo Hospital.
The Rotary Club meets most Tuesdays at
Greyfriars, and concerns itself with many
local community and international
projects. Anyone wishing to
visit us or learn more about
the Rotary movement is
welcome to contact Geoff
Kynaston 01425 476500.
Hopefully the New Year
will be kind, weather wise
and our walking programme can be
enjoyed uninterrupted!
The Ringwood & Fordingbridge
Footpath Society reported many problems to the County Council during our
rolling reviews of footpaths. We are
grateful that many have been rectified
since last spring. New bridges and gates,
paths and fallen trees cleared and waymarking has been improved.
Come and join us in 2015, enjoy our
varied weekly walks, and social activities.
On Monday 5th January, 7.30pm,
Stephen Fisher talks on Shipwrecks off
the Hampshire Coast.
Visitors are welcome at our monthly
meetings. All details on our website.
Contact 01425 838534
Ringwood First Responders Benefit from Clover
Ringwood Clover Club has enjoyed a really
good year and we are pleased to announce we
raised £600 for our charity Ringwood First
Response which was gratefully received by them
in October. (pictured)
The charity we are supporting in 2015 is ‘Gullys
Place Trust Fund’ supporting children’s palliative
care at Poole Hospital.
Our programme for this year includes a variety
of interesting speakers and we would welcome any newcomers to come along and join
us. We meet on the fourth Thursday of the month in Ebenezer Hall at 7.30pm.For more
information on all that we do please contact Angie Sims on 01425 477069
Ringwood Writers’ Circle
The previous newsletter was in error reporting that Juliette had two articles recently
published; I can now reveal it was me, Richard Burns, who managed to get into print.
Talking of our wonderful Chair- Juliette, scant attention has been given to her in the
newsletters. Her job is to make sure our group starts on time, finishes on time and
everyone has a chance to read and comment. Her own writing is a compelling and
factual, she is currently writing a biographical novel of her early life, sad, joyous,
revealing, human and eminently readable. It is written in the words and feelings of the
war years and the aftermath and our hearts go out to her characters who lived through
those troubled times.
2015 Already
What talented people the Ringwood and
Fordingbridge Club for the Blind has,
the club was royally entertained by stories, poems and songs from our own
members. We have also had some very
good sing-alongs to a keyboard player
and a guitarist. Our bring and buy sale
was a popular meeting as it enabled members to do some Christmas shopping. The
year finished off with a display of Scottish Country Dancing and a group of Harmonica players which made our
Christmas party go with a swing.
Rosemary has just completed our
programme for 2015 which is crammed
with parties, lunches, choirs, talks and
entertainers. We are a friendly bunch so if
you are partially sighted and would like
some company please come and join us.
Transport can be arranged.
We would love to hear from anyone
willing to drive our members to club especially from the Bransgore area.
Contact Kate on 01425 476568 or
Mary on 01425 470008
Saturday 7th February 2015
Aurum Vocale
featuring singers with
The Sixteen, The Gabrieli
Consort, The Tallis Scholars
and The Monteverdi Choir
Programme to include
Allegri Miserere and
Victoria Requiem
Promoted by
The Friends of Ringwood
Parish Church
Tickets £15
phone 01425 476327 or email
or phone 01425 473593
Concert begins 7.30 p.m
The Meeting House
is open from
10.00am – 12.00noon Monday – Saturday,
and stays open on Wednesdays until 2.30pm
pop in for a cup of tea or coffee,
you are always welcome to come and
visit the History Centre Ringwood’s History now told in
stimulating graphic displays.
Don’t forget the study area containing
historical records, books and maps
connected with the Ringwood area.
It’s well worth a visit!
Last November’s meeting of The New Forest Guild of Weavers,
Spinners and Dyers saw a lively day of activities. The morning
was taken up with the annual competition judged by our speaker
Amanda Hanaford. She gave an informative talk on the Association
Summer School and Certificate of Achievement. The following day
she presented a flax spinning workshop to our members.
December was all about Christmas and looking forward to the new year’s programme,
‘Getting Back To Basics’- focusing on spinning from locally-sourced fleece.
In February - a talk on the history of the Guild over the past 35 years.
The Guild meets at Greyfriars every 2nd Saturday of the month except July and August.
For further details of Guild events visit our website.
The Avon Valley Concet Music Society’s 2014-15 season started in October with a
rarity – a standing ovation for the brilliant, young Italian pianist, Alessandro Taverna
and his immaculate, spirited performance. This concert was followed by another rare
event – a Trio who had never before played together! Judging by the reception, this
will be the first of many successful collaborations. They were: David Pyatt, French
horn, Ian Hardwick, oboe and Benjamin Frith, piano.
Christmas introduced our audience to the vibrant vocal
ensemble Dieci Voices.
Our season continues with...
JANUARY - Sunday Prom
easy classics at reduced ticket price.
FEBRUARY 13th - Martin Bickerton (pictured)
An exciting young classical guitarist
MARCH 20th - The magnificent Gould Piano Trio
Do join us for great music close at hand!
For further information
Ringwood U3A is looking forward to an
eventful New Year. With the new members who joined as a result of the very
successful Open Day in October, several
new groups and extensions to existing
groups are being formed, with help from
the current group leaders and the committee members.
January 15th The Rev Timbrell will
entertain the Club with "Clerical Errors".
February 19th Mike Crankshaw will
share his experiences of
“A Kayak Journey down the Stour,”
March 19th Mike Beech will talk about
"Secret London".
April 16th will see the third AGM of
this flourishing new U3A.
in association with Hampshire Moviola
Tickets £5.00
Available from reception during the
month prior to each film
Doors open at 7.00pm
for 7.30pm start
Wednesday 14th January
‘Effie Gray’
Join us at our Dementia
Café in Ringwood
A look at the mysterious relationship
between Victorian art critic
John Ruskin and his teenage bride
Effie Gray. Starring Dakota Fanning,
Emma Thompson and Claudia Cardinale
If you have dementia, or are caring for
someone with dementia, you’ll be welcomed at the Café. Come along to meet
others in a relaxed social setting.
Wednesday 11th February
‘100 Foot Journey’
Friendly Alzheimer’s Society staff and
local volunteers are on hand to provide
you with informal advice and support.
There’s always tea, coffee and cake!
We meet on the 2nd & 4th Wednesday
every month, 2.00pm - 3.30pm
at Ringwood Conservative Club
We look forward to seeing you
For further information
contact: Dawn Colverd - 01590 644679
Lasse Hallstrom's culture clash drama,
starring Helen Mirren as a
French restaurateur threatened by Indian
newcomers, is a foodie film with bite.
Wednesday 11th March
‘Mr Turner’
The Lions Club is proud to announce...
The winning submissions of students Jade Purley -12, Moyles Court, Charlotte Packham
-12, Burgate School and Megan Hill -13, Ringwood School (Megan’s entry is pictured below).
Their posters now enter the next stage of judging in the National & International finals
of this year’s Lions International Peace Poster Competition.
Over half a million students globally participate in this contest, so
good luck to our winners!
To find out more about Ringwood & Fordingbridge
Lions Club and all that the Lions get involved with visit
our web site or contact 08458 335819
We would love to hear from you!
Festivals & Friendship
At the end of last year at the
Ringwood Floral Decoration Society we enjoyed a
Christmas demonstration which provided us with ideas for decorating our homes
during the festive season. In December we reintroduced our “Mince Pie and Mingle”,
members and friends were invited to join the Committee for a cup of coffee, a mince
pie and a chat whilst having the chance to exchange Christmas cards.
2015 promises to be a busy year. After the AGM in January we will be presenting our
charity cheque. As well as our monthly demonstrations, held on the last Thursday each
month, there will be two major Flower Festivals, Winchester Cathedral in June and
Salisbury Cathedral in September.
We were sorry to say good bye to our President Jenny Davies in September, she has
moved to be near her family.
Eccentric British painter
J.M.W. Turner,
played by Timothy Spall,
lives his last 25 years with gusto and
secretly becomes involved with a
seaside landlady, while his faithful
housekeeper, Dorothy Atkinson bears
an unrequited love for him.
Wednesday 8thApril
‘The Imitation Game’
An engrossing and poignant thriller.
Benedict Cumberbatch’s excellent
performance gives added complexity to a
fine account of the life of codebreaker
Alan Turing
It has been a busy time for the Ringwood
Society with so many things happening in
the town. We welcomed Stephanie Stokes
from Civic Voice to our Autumn Meeting
as we are affiliated to this national body
sharing the same aims. It was a relaxed,
well-attended meeting. It is good to have
a voice and the town council was represented as usual.
We continue to be concerned about the
impact of traffic on the town and work for
appropriate new development.
Ringwood Society AGM
March 19th
7.30pm at Greyfriars
It has been an eventful year for the Ibsley Garden Club
including a highly successful Annual Show, a plant swap, a
fantastic plant sale and many interesting talks including one by
the celebrity Andy MacIndoe, and also visits to special gardens (see right, at Dianna Guy’s Garden). We are very pleased
that all this activity has resulted in a greatly increased memberat Dianna Guy’s Garden
ship as well as much enjoyment.
We meet at Ibsley Village Hall at 7.30pm
on the last Thursday in the month,
summer and winter. Come and join us.
Contact Judy Pittock 01425 472714
The Annual Flower Show and do follow us on Facebook.
indoor kurling club
coming to ringwood
Come & join us for a drink at 7.00 before
the meeting,
‘There is strength in numbers’
For information about the Society Contact
Maureen Mills 01425 479514
The Ringwood Judo Club
We are a Community and family focused
club that provides the opportunity for
people to learn the art of both competitive
and technical judo in a fun, educational,
structured and disciplined environment.
5-7yrs 6.15pm-7.15pm
8-15yrs 7.15pm-8.30pm
Adults 8.30pm-10.00pm
Juniors 6.30pm-7.30pm
Circuits 7.30pm-8.00pm
Gary 07747004692-10425485112
Brendoncare Club Hampshire are launching an indoor kurling club at Greyfriars
starting on
Wednesday 14th January
1.30 - 3.00pm Ann Rose Hall.
This is a popular game for both men and
women; it promises to be a fun afternoon
so come and join us and have a go!
The first introductory session,
on the 14th January, will be...
thereafter the club will run every week at
a cost of £2.50 including refreshments.
We are currently recruiting volunteers to
help with this club, if you have a couple
of hours free on a Wednesday afternoon
we would love to hear from you.
For more information please contact
Catherine 07467 955863 or
Norma on 01962 857099
All Saints Parish Church St Ives is a
family friendly church with a range of
groups during the week and on Sundays.
On the second Wednesday of every month
we hold ‘Messy Church’ from 3.30 till
5.30. This a time for the whole family to
get creative, meet friends and take part in
a short informal service before enjoying a
delicious meal lovingly prepared by our
team of volunteers.
On Sunday mornings ‘Small Saints’ meet
in the Church Hall from 10 am.
On the third and fifth Sundays we hold an
informal Family Service starting at 10 am.
We also have a recently formed
children’s choir which meets to practice
on Fridays at 6 pm in the church.
Cercle Amical has had a successful start
to the season and several people, previous
visitors, have decided to join us as
We have booked Magdelena Atkinson
again for our cabaret evening in May. She
and her pianist will be singing the French
chansons of Piaf, Brel and Asnavour
amongst others.
This was hugely popular in 2013 and
booking will again be necessary for nonmembers - more details nearer the time.
foodbank appeal...CAN YOU HELP??
I’m Craig Adams and I’m the fundraising manager at Ringwood Foodbank.
Since the Foodbank was launched in July 2013 we have provided
emergency food aid and support to more than 800 people including 300
children in the Ringwood area. The number coming to the Foodbank is
increasing – over 400 people have come to us for help in the past seven
months alone.
To continue helping families in crisis, we need to raise £15,000 every year. I
am keen to put together a fundraising team to plan a calendar of fundraising events. If you are interested in being part
of this or would like to make a donation, please email me at
All social evenings are in English.
For information contact Penny Buckley
on 01202 397440 or
Best of all, join us on the second Friday
of the month.
You will be assured of a warm welcome.
Saturday 24th January
The Hundred and One Dalmatians
If you are looking for outstanding entertainment for the whole family over February
half term, then get your tickets for Poulner Players’ next production, The Hundred
and One Dalmatians. Dodie Smith’s classic tale about Pongo and Missis and their
fight for survival against the evil Cruella De Vil is a sure fire winner.
Directed by Sally Whyte, whose last production The Railway Children was a sell out,
in this production you’ll find a cast of endearing spotty dogs, ‘Badduns’, and even
humans, peppered with musical cabaret and comedy to engage adults and children
alike. 18th-21st February 7.30pm Thurs/Sat 2.30pm Tickets £6-£9
Contact 07927 380 214, or
Profits from Front-of-House sales to Woofability, training assistance dogs for disabled people.e.
I would have liked to report the fantastic success of ‘My Boy Jack’ quoting the substantial
amounts donated to The Royal British Legion and St John’s Church but space does not allow!
Friends of Ringwood
Parish Church Charity
Our 2015 programme opens on
Saturday 7th February at 7.00pm
with a choral concert at the
Parish Church.
a professional group drawn from
The Sixteen, The Monteverdi Choir,
The Gabrieli Consort and
the BBC Singers,
directed by David Clegg,
performing the
Allegri Miserere
Victoria Requiem.
Tickets £15
from Peter Goodwin 01425 402028
and Ali Riddell 01425 473593
The Friends are supporting a major
reordering project as well as repairs to
the building.
Further dates for your diaries:
Friday April 24th at 7.00pm
Supper and Talk by Ron Taylor
“From Stourhead to Stanpit”.
Friday September 4th at 2.30 pm
“Tea & Talk” by Mrs Carol Kitching
At the WEA Branch AGM Doris Hughes
announced that, after 31 years as secretary,
of the Ringwood branch and a total of
nearly 60 years working for the WEA, she
will be resigning after the current courses
finish in March. The rest of the Committee
will resign en-bloc, resulting in the
Branch having to close; unless a new team
takes over.
The Greyfriars Study Group will continue
with most of the same tutors so there will
still be courses to enjoy at Greyfriars.
Autumn Courses enrolled well with
"England's Green & Pleasant Land" with
new tutor, Janet Sinclair, featuring historic houses & great estates on the South
Downs & was much enjoyed.
Roy Doughty's “Causes of World War 1”
traced events from the Holy Roman Empire, Charles V washed his hands of Europe in 1555, leaving a host of unsolvable
problems. The intervening 350 years saw
the rise and fall of Empires, numerous
wars & a power struggle culminating inevitably into the Great War.
A Day Course on Italian Gardens with
Elizabeth Proudman on 29 November was
much enjoyed by the 47 people attending.
A Good Year Past. Contact us to find out what’s next.
Last year our branch of the National Health Service Ritirement Fellowship was very
busy with meetings and outings.
We've heard from Mike Crankshaw about the Royal Yacht Britannia, Bob Mizen
MBE about whether there's life in outer space (no one knows!), Eric Watson on the
Bournemouth Fire Brigade and Colin Fry on the Olympic Torch Relay. We also made
delicious chocolates with Fiona Ann Chocolates.
We've been out and about too, walking round
Stanpit March Nature Reserve and by boat from
Poole to Wareham.
We meet on the second Tuesday of every month
at St Leonards Village Hall, Braeside Road.
Anyone who's worked for the NHS, plus their
families and friends is welcome to join us.
On the boat to Wareham
Contact Deirdre 01425 472940
by Terry Barfoot
10am - 4pm Fee £20,
including Coffee, Lunch and Tea
Enquiries: Doris Hughes 01425 478764
Enrolments to Doris Hughes
01425 478764 / 475734 or
Greyfriars 01425 472613.
Please make cheques payable to ‘Greyfriars’ .
‘Music for Special Occasions’
by Grant Bocking
6, weekly meetings
starting 12th January
10am - 12 noon fee £35
New students welcome
‘The Twelve Caesars’
by Nick Griffiths
The first Emperors of Rome
as described by Suetonius
5, weekly meetings
starting 3rd March
10am -12noon
Fee £30
Ringwood and
District Branch
Find out about this beautiful craft.
The Branch meets from September to
April on Wednesday evenings from 7pm
until 9pm at Poulner Junior School.
Contact Peter:
Lip Reading
Iyengar Yoga
Beginning in January, Caroline Court, an
ex police trainer and qualified counsellor
will be running lip reading classes at
Classes will be aimed at adults who have
acquired hearing loss; they used to hear
and now their hearing has deteriorated.
Lip reading is an essential skill which
helps people to manage their hearing loss;
it increases ability in social and workplace conversation and raises confidence
and self-esteem.
Whether you are detecting early signs of
hearing loss, or have been trying to manage with poor hearing for years; come
along, increase your ability to communicate in a hearing world and have a laugh
at the same time.
Tuesdays 3.15 - 5.15 & 6.30 - 8.30
Contact Caroline Court
or (text only please) 07877 468450
Contact Julia for details, before attending
to ensure there is still a space for you.
Iyengar Yoga is a specialised form of
Hatha Yoga with highly trained teachers,
it is really good for promoting flexibility,
health, strength and good alignment.
This form of yoga is widely used in
national and international sports training
schedules for flexibility, but everyone can
benefit, whatever age or state of fitness.
Regular practice of Iyengar yoga helps
you strengthen and balance your body and
mind, and has been proven to help with
injuries and health problems.
You will work hard in these classes, but as
the students will testify you will leave
feeling calmer and stronger.
Class News
Yoga on Mondays, 9.30-11am.
Yoga is such a wonderful way to start the
week, it raises energy, brings clarity of
thinking and a sense of inner calm to face
the tasks ahead.
It brings flexibility of mind and body; in
particular it works with the spine and
helps to eliminate back problems. So do
come along and join our merry band of all
age-groups and abilities. It's never too
late to start! (see below for a special yoga
Mondays 9.30 - 11.00am
Contact Gilly 01202 762371
A day of Yoga
Saturday April 18th 10am- 4pm
'The Ancient Tibetan Rites
of Rejuvenation'
A series of movements that
connect us to
The Fountain of Youth.
Little Dance Club ‘Frozen’ Workshop
To find out more or to book
a place please contact Gilly on
01202 762371
History and Politics
Why not join us? No expertise in either
subject is required. All we ask is interest
and enthusiasm.
In the Spring Term, we shall be exploring
Our history from the late Medieval period
to the Stuarts ~ 1485-1605.
We look forward to seeing you!
Tuesdays 2.00pm - 4.00pm
Next term begins: 13th January
(Half Term 17 February)
Term ends: 24 March
Contact Robert Dicken-Fuller
£80 per ten week term
includes tea and biscuits.
Based on the much loved Disney smash-hit Frozen! This workshop will take
young imaginations on a magical and creative journey with their favourite ‘Frozen’
characters. Decorating cakes and crowns to take home; dancing with Elsa and
skating off on a scavenger hunt with Ana. With lots of Frozen themed games and
activities to take part in, the workshop will end with a sensational and heartmelting sing-along to the favourite song, ‘Let It Go’!
All little Princes and Princesses are welcome!
Monday 16th February
4 - 7 year olds 9.30am - 12noon £20 per child
2 - 3 year olds (accompanied by an adult) 1.00pm - 3.00pm £15 per child
If you are interested in booking a space, please
Contact Leanne 01425 470934 enquiries to
Lorna Byron School of Art How to Paint and Draw
These enjoyable classes are suitable for beginners and all abilities.
The main mediums taught are:-water-colour, charcoal, pen & ink pastel, graphite, and
mixed medium. No experience is necessary as you will be guided through the basic
techniques on how to draw and paint.
Lorna is a professional artist who enjoys teaching – her classes are popular and have
been running for a number of years.
Tuesdays 9.30am – 12:30pm
Contact Lorna 01425 477414 Or visit
W.E.A. Courses
Doris Hughes 01425 478764 or 475734
‘Saints Signs & Symbols’
by Sue Smith
‘Flemish Painters from
Pieter Bruegel to Van Dyck’
by David Westhead
Looking at signs and symbols of
art, architecture, sculpture and
The development of Flemish paintpaintings as they appear in stained ing. Aspects of patronage, innovaglass and medieval
tion and iconography will be central
to our discussions.
5, weekly meetings
Starting 13th January
10.00am - 12 noon Fee £40
7, weekly meetings
Starting 16th January
10.00am - 12 noon Fee £56
Please make cheques payable to ‘W.E.A. Ringwood Branch’
(FREE to those on Income Related Benefits.)
Mondays 6.30pm - 8.30pm
Contact Julia 07732 157226
W.E.A DaySchool
London Transport from early days to present
by Michael Baker
A remarkable history including tales of those who ran and worked
the trams, buses, trains and trolleybuses;
entrepreneurs, crooks, enthusiasts, engineers and artists.
Saturday 28th March 10.00am-4.00pm Fee £20
Including coffee, lunch & tea
Enrolment and information from Doris Hughes
- 01425 478764 or 475734
Yoga & Gentle Exercise
Play Sportz
We welcomed four new students into our classes in September. I look forward to
watching them benefit from the practice of yoga.
During the Autumn term, which was a long one, both classes worked hard, developing
breathing practices, relaxation and concentration skills. These concepts help to fight
the bad guys of modern civilisation, stress, high blood pressure, anxiety, panic attacks,
and lack of concentration. These symptoms and many more can be helped.
In the new year we will develop and enhance our understanding of how these concepts
help with every day living. However, always having fun... Both classes enjoyed
pre-Christmas celebrations at the end of last term!
If you would like more information about the classes, please phone Chris.
Gentle Exercise 2.45pm - 3.45pm
Yoga 4.00pm - 5.15pm
Contact Chris 01425 652077
Pre-school activity sessions using sports
and games as a means to teach spatial
awareness, agility, balance & coordination.
Fun packed sessions that help to develop
your child’s confidence, independence
and social skills.
The little champions deserve a good start
in life!
Wednesday 9.00am – 12.30pm
Contact David 07885 791 368
Other News
& PREPARE FOR.......
Greyfriars Challenge!
This annual team quiz, hosted and
devised by our very own quizmaster
Julian Titt, is a fun event attended by a
number of Greyfriars clubs and classes.
Teams of three members each are put
forward to answer questions,
by pressing a buzzer; no individual
quizzing! It is a knockout competition to
find the cream of Greyfriars!!
Quiz dates:-
Monday 26th January
Monday 23rd February
Monday 30th March
all the above 7.15pm for 7.30pm start
If you’ve not taken part or come
to watch and support a team’re missing out!
application forms, obtainable from
the office, must be returned to the
office by Friday 17th January
The draw takes place on the 20th
Colin in the Courtyard
For the past few years Colin Fryer has
taken over the courtyard at Greyfriars
during holiday times to raise money for
‘Prostate Cancer UK’. He created a magical
display before Christmas and now plans
to celebrate the Spring and Easter in a
similar fashion with an Aladin’s cave of
treasures and gifts to buy....
Royal Hospital
Presented by
Grand Draw
Grand Total
Congratulations to Jill Stanford who won
the 1st prize of £100 at the Grand Draw
on Saturday 13th December. 2nd prize of
£75 was won by Lynda Thornton and
3rd prize of £50 by Gail Barns.
There were 36 other prizes many of which
were collected by the
recipients at the coffee
Jean Todhunter (pictured)
Chelsea Pensioner and Tour Guide
had a particularly
at the
day; having
Geyfriars Luncheon lucky
won two prizes in
Saturday 7th February
fairly rapid succes12.noon for 12.30 in Greyfriars Hall
sion, she graciously
declined the third and
Tickets £12
withdrew her numbers
The list will be posted on the notice
from the draw to give
board from January 2nd
everyone else a chance to win!! well done
Jean. It was a good morning, and a chance
to catch up with friends before Christmas.
Thank you to everyone who donated prizes and to all
who bought tickets in support of Greyfriars. We took
£1768 in total with a profit of £1395 after expenses which
was a good result. Thanks also to Val Griffiths and her
team who raised £363 running the gift stall throughout
the week and during the coffee morning.
The Cake which kept everyone
waiting and hoping, was finally won by
Sid and Betty Slatter.
1 drop in from
Monday 30th March to
Saturday 4th April
(closed on Good Friday)
For an Easter treat.
l Serv g
r Fu
Tappe erously do e that
for ge ristmas Tre t of the
the h ted the fron festive
decor g during th
Netherbrook House
86 Christchurch Road
Large stocks of interesting & unusual
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Down to Earth
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Are pleased to offer
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Legal Services to members of
Ringwood & District
Community Association
David Rowden
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Call us on 01425 472315
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New House, Market Place,
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COPY FOR ISSUE 12 May . June . July . August DUE 21st March 2015