CAP Vector - Jan-Mar 2015
CAP Vector - Jan-Mar 2015
CAP Vector Quarterly National Staff Update January - March 2015 Maj Gen Joe Vazquez, National Commander and CEO Mr. Don Rowland, Chief Operating Officer Upcoming Key Dates National Legislative Day and Command Council Meeting: 26-28 Feb 2015, Washington DC National Staff College: 24-30 May 2015, Maxwell AFB AL National Conference: 27-29 August 2015, Orlando FL AEROSPACE EDUCATION - Deputy Director for AE: Dr. Jeff Montgomery – National AE: Lt Col Mike McArdle – Home School Development: Lt Col Mike Fultz – CAP STEM Kit Program: CAP continues the initiative to promote an interest in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) subjects and careers to CAP cadets and educator members’ students across the nation. Through CAP’s free STEM Kit program, CAP Unit AEOs, Educator Members and AFJROTC instructors can select from five kits to use and retain. Collaboration with other youth groups is encouraged, especially amongst the CAP units. Thus far, over 1,500 kit requests have been filled, impacting over 85,000 cadets & K-12 students. AEOs are encouraged to select and order a kit on eServices at Aerospace Connections in Education (ACE) Program: Over 16,000 students in grades K-6 completed the 2013-2014 ACE program under the tutelage of over 700 educators in 28 states across the nation. Viewed by CAP as a great early introduction to the CAP Cadet program, CAP squadrons can help introduce the program to educators and schools and offer to assist in teaching lessons and/or presenting end-ofprogram completion plaques and student certificates. Cadets can be exceptional role models for the K-6 students and CAP adults are excellent school mentors. For more information, go to or contact AFA’s Aerospace/STEM Education Grants for CAP: The AFA continues to provide $250 grants in alternating quarterly cycles to CAP units and educator members to help fund aerospace and STEM project subjects and careers. For information, go to AEO and AEM grant links at Aerospace Education Officer (AEO) Schools: Five AEO Schools were conducted in 2014; four regional schools and one national school. The regional schools were GLR, MER, NER, and PCR. AEO schools provide education, training, resources, and AE Action Plan guidance to the attendees to help them better accomplish their AE responsibilities as an integral part of the overall CAP program. 2015 AEO School information will be available by spring at the AEO Resources link at CADET PROGRAMS - Deputy Director for Cadet Programs: Curt LaFond – National Cadet Programs: Lt Col Ned Lee – National Cadet Advisory Council (NCAC) Liaison: Lt Col John Erickson – Drug Demand Reduction: Lt Col Jett Mayhew – Home School Development: Lt Col Mike Fultz – USAFA Prep School Nominations & College & Flight Scholarships: Applications are being accepted through 15 January for more than $300,000 in scholarships. Some are open to senior members, as well as cadets. The USAF Academy Prep School program is a “must” for any 12th grade cadet with Academy aspirations. See for details. 1 National Cadet Special Activities: Cadets have until 15 January to apply for 20+ special activities this summer. There’s no better way to explore aerospace careers and develop leadership skills than CAP’s NCSA program. Cadets who are unsure about their summer plans or whether they can afford an activity should still apply since they are not asked to make any commitments when applying. Many activities are in search of senior members as staff. Commanders and directors of cadet programs can start endorsing applications now through 15 February. For details, please see Quality Cadet Unit Awards: 299 units earned the title “Quality Cadet Unit” for 2013-2014. The award criteria have been updated for 2014-2015. All cadet and composite squadrons and flights with a minimum of 10 cadets are eligible to earn the award by pursuing goals that inevitably lead to having a vibrant Cadet Program. Learn more at National Cadet Competition: NCC will return in December 2015. Details on the updated competition are posted on the Cadet Blog. DDR Speech Contest: The 2014/2015 Drug Demand Reduction Speech Contest is open to all cadets. Speeches will be on various topics related to Civil Air Patrol and will incorporate a theme of responsible choices or a drug-free message. Speeches will be presented in front of an audience, filmed, and uploaded for judging. Winners will receive recognition, prizes, and invitations to speak at Wing, Region, or National events. Speeches must be submitted by April 1, 2015. Please see the contest rules for more details. Cadets: research well, practice frequently, speak persuasively, and good luck! Cadet Awards from the Air Force Association at the Squadron Level: Each year, between 1 December and 15 January, the AFA National office accepts nominations for an outstanding squadron-level cadet award package. Each cadet and composite squadron in CAP has the opportunity to recognize one outstanding cadet with an easy application. The certificate, ribbon and medal give squadrons the chance to recognize cadets who may never receive such recognition otherwise. Find more details on the website or contact CHAPLAIN CORP Chief of CAP Chaplain Corps: Chap (Col) James Hughes - Chaplain Corps Administrator: Kenya Bogans – Items in Process • • • CAPR 265-1 update – the regulation is in coordination at NHQ and should be ready for distribution early in 2015. Character Development Specialty Track rewrite – broadening the training of CDIs. This will be processed once the CAPR 265-1 is released. Mission Chaplain SQTR rewrite – introducing a multi-level Mission Chaplain training program. This will be accomplished once the CAPR 265-1 is released. DEVELOPMENT Director of Development: Dr. Skip Dotherow – Civil Air Patrol Foundation: In response to a request made by Maj.Gen. Joe Vazquez, the CAP Foundation has issued a challenge to raise funds to support the top cadet graduate from the powered flight academies to go on and earn their private pilot license. The Foundation will match, dollar for dollar up to $25,000 to support this project. The challenge will expire on May 30, 2015. For more information, please contact 2 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Chief Financial Officer: Susan Easter – WEX Vehicle Minor Maintenance Program Card Management Best Practices: The following are a few processes wings have found helpful when instituting the WEX card program. • Locate service providers now and create a preferred vendor list for your members. Contact providers/merchants you already work with to ensure they take WEX and know how to handle our account. If you can, do a test run to ensure the process works from start to finish. • If existing vendors aren’t already accepting WEX, encourage them to sign up. You have clout as a recurring user with multiple vehicles. • Find vendors that have stores in multiple locations within your wing/region whenever possible. • Train members in card use. If they are aware of the potential problems they can communicate better with the vendors about handling our account. • (See the Logistics section for more information on the WEX program) Contact Jeanne Stone Hunter at 334-953-7748 ext 430 or for more information. WFA Financial Reviews: In prior years WFAs have prepared a visit report for the Wing in conjunction with preparing the Finance Section D-3 for Compliance Inspections. In the future, the WFA will no longer prepare a visit report. The new IG reporting and tracking system has made this change possible because the CI reports are now issued in a very timely manner. Commanders are responding to the issues that would have been noted in a visit report so there is no reason to require duplicate reporting. FY14 Audit Status: CAP’s FY14 audit is well underway. Wing staff has been incredibly responsive to requests for information from the auditors. There may be additional requests when the auditors return to complete the fourth quarter analysis, but the majority of testing has been completed. It is anticipated that the audit will be finalized in time to present to the April meeting of the Board of Governors. GOVERNMENT RELATIONS Director of Government Relations: John Swain – National Legislative Officer: Lt Colonel Gerald Marketos – State Legislative Officer: Lt Colonel James Nova – Special Projects Officer: Lt Colonel Lindsay Shipps – CAP Congressional Gold Medal (CGM): CAP was presented the CGM for its World War II service by Congressional leadership in a special ceremony in Emancipation Hall at the U.S. Capitol on December 10, 2014. This is the highest award Congress can give an individual or group. Accepting the award for CAP were Major General Joseph Vazquez and retired Member of Congress and CAP WWII veteran Lester Wolff. The presentation was followed by a veteran’s dinner where 45 living veterans and 55 families were presented replica medals by General Vazquez. Legislative Agenda for 2016: The Board of Governors approved CAP’s legislative agenda for 2016 at its December meeting. It includes obtaining adequate funding for essential Operations and Maintenance and th procurement as well as recognition of CAP’s 75 Anniversary in 2016 with a Congressional proclamation. 2015 Legislative Day: Planning continues for Legislative Day on Thursday, February 26, 2015. Wings should begin making appointments now with every Member of Congress in their state Congressional delegation. • • • Provide the names, dates and times involved with each appointment to as soon as each appointment is made. Note if the meeting will be with a Member of Congress and advise if you want a CAP leader, legislative expert or photographer for any particular meeting. For key or sensitive meetings a CAP leader or legislative expert may be assigned to attend. 3 • Mandatory training will be held for wing commanders and government relations advisors the night before at the Crystal City Marriott. Everyone is welcome to attend that training. FY15 Defense Appropriations: On December 16, 2014, a Fiscal Year 2015 Omnibus appropriations bill containing CAP’s FY15 appropriations was signed into law. It provides CAP $39.5 million (M) overall including $27.4M for Operations and Maintenance, $10.4M for aircraft and $ 1.7M for vehicles. This appropriation fully funds essential CAP missions and programs. Government Relations Wing Commander Survey: Wing Commanders have been asked to complete a survey on how the NHQ Government Relations team can better assist with key issues such as state funding, legislation and other matters. Wings are asked to complete the study as soon as possible. For more information or assistance contact Lt Colonel James Nova at HISTORY Chief Historian: Col Frank Blazich, Jr., National Historian Emeritus: Col Len Blascovich, Assistant Chief Historian: Lt Col Phil Saleet, National Curator: Maj Jacob Gerstein, National Archivist: Capt Colleen McCormick, Director, Museum Displays and Design: Vacant Director, Office of Preservation: Lt Col Todd Engelman, Director, Office of Outreach: Lt Col Sean Neal, National Historical Editor: Lt Col Richard Mulanax, Director, Office of CAP Heraldry: Lt Col Phil Kost, Director, Oral History Program: Chaplain (Maj) Marvin Owen, Chief Historian: Actively involved in myriad of elements with NHQ with the CAP Congressional Gold Medal (CGM) project. The 75th anniversary logos are finished and will be unveiled in early 2015. Awaiting samples from Vanguard of CAP World War II insignia being reproduced for reenactors and living history efforts. For the first months of 2015, the Chief Historian is on a leave of absence, with the Assistant Chief Historian filling in. Assistant Chief Historian: Worked on revising CAPR 210-1, currently in the final stages of completion, and assisting the World War II CAP veterans of North Carolina. National Historian Emeritus: Currently working on a monograph about the CAP U.S. Army and Air Force appointed national commanders, 1941 – 1975 and General Spaatz. Also developing a monograph on CAP’s involvement with the International Geophysical Year where cadets were sent to Antarctica sponsored by the Kodak Corporation. Finished a white paper on Public Law 79-476 and what was accomplished between March to July 1, 1946. National Curator and National Archivist: Assisted the Chief Historian and NHQ with work on the CAP Congressional Gold Medal project. National Historical Editor: The fifth issue of the CAP National Historical Journal is due out soon. Office of Preservation: Developing a poster for sale by Vanguard of all World War II CAP insignia in conjunction with the 75th anniversary celebration. Office of Outreach: Assisted veterans at the CAP Congressional Gold Medal presentation and banquet and working on draft of CAPP8 to cover CAP living history and reenacting efforts. Office of Heraldry: CAPR 210-2, Civil Air Patrol Heraldry, and CAPP 7, Civil Air Patrol Heraldry have been reviewed by the Chair of the National Uniform Committee and are awaiting final review and publication. Also assisted the Chief Historian and the National Historian Emeritus on researching insignia cable colors for the National Uniform Committee. 4 Oral History Program: Currently transcribing oral histories and working on interviewing more CAP veterans. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Deputy Director of Information Technology: Joseph Hall, Jr. – Information Technology Officer: Lt Col Bill Hughes – eServices applications now available and slated for release: (Please stay tuned to eServices news for more information on these upcoming releases.) • (Released) Soft launch of eServices V.2 - eServices has been released for all to use. The home page has a new look and has been reorganized and other pages will adopt a similar appearance over time. All members are able to toggle back and forth using the new main page or staying with the current version. Please continue to test and provide feedback to the CAP Helpdesk. • (In Testing) Recommendation For Decoration – CAPF 120 - Allows members to submit a CAPF 120 electronically. Currently in beta test by the IT Committee. • ORMS Update - ORMS will be updated to track Expendable Property more efficiently. These will not require a full Report of Survey or retirement. Release Date: Jan 2015. • Commander’s Dashboard Updates – Provide additional metrics to better assist Commanders on readiness and effectiveness of its resources. Release Date: Feb 2015. CAP Websites – In support of the CAP branding initiative, a website template has been developed to incorporate into your unit website. The template will be available for use in Jan 2015; please stay tuned to eServices news on the release. For more information, please contact Joseph Hall at CAP.GOV new administration page – The new domain administration page has been revamped and integrated into eServices under Information Technology / Internet Operations or For more information please contact LEGAL OFFICER CORPS General Counsel: Rafael Robles – Chief Legal Officer Corps: Maj Gen Dwight Wheless – National Legal Officers College 2015 (NLOC): The next bi-annual NLOC will be held at the Ravinia Crowne Plaza in Atlanta, Georgia, June 11-13, 2015. All CAP Legal Officers are encouraged to attend, and CLE credits will be applied for. Attendees receive an average of 20 Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credits for NLOC, including two hours of ethics, depending on the jurisdiction. CAP Commanders and IG’s at the Wing level and above are encouraged to attend also. NLOC provides an excellent grounding in the legal framework within which CAP operates. For more information watch the General Counsel’s page on the National website; or send an e-mail to Lt Col James Garlough, CAP, NLOC Director, at LOGISTICS Director of Logistics: Gary Schneider – CAP Fleet Manager: Larry Kauffman – Aircraft Fleet Modernization: During the calendar year 2014 CAP accepted 11 new Turbo Stationair (Model T206H) aircraft, purchased with FY 13 procurement funds, and all have been distributed to the wings. The FY 14 aircraft buy consists of 21 Cessna 172s with glider tow packages installed. The final delivery dates are still to be determined, but we anticipate receiving the first of them in the spring of 2015. In early October General Vazquez, Don Rowland, John Desmarais and Gary Schneider met with members of Textron Aviation at their facility in Wichita, Kansas to discuss CAP aircraft and imagery acquisition strategy. A key topic for this meeting was Cessna’s decision to discontinue avgas-fueled engines in their 182T aircraft and replacing them with SMA compression-ignition engines powered by Jet A. Following this 5 meeting Cessna representatives agreed to reconsider their decision and to continue to offer CAP avgasfueled 182Ts. POC: Gary Schneider – Property Management: The annual inventory cycle was completed on 31 December. While not every wing was complete at the close of the cycle, the FY14 inventory was the smoothest we have seen since the introduction of ORMS. Additionally, the FY14 inventory was the first complete cycle to include the real property module. In January 2015 CAP/LG will be implementing a change to ORMS that will treat property with an initial acquisition cost of $500 or less, or property with an initial acquisition cost of $500 or more that has depreciated to below $500, as expendable property. Several years ago the DoD/IG noted in their inspection report that CAP was tracking items with an acquisition cost of less than $500 and by doing so was placing an unnecessary burden on members and staff. CAP/LG recently conducted an analysis of property in ORMS with an acquisition cost of less than $500 and found more than 35,000 items that met these criteria. It was further determined that this property had an average current value of less than $4.00. Today CAP places property into two categories: Equipment and Supplies. Equipment items are nonexpendable property with a useful life of more than 1 year and with an acquisition cost of $5,000 or more per unit. Supplies are all other items in the inventory. Supplies can be either expendable or nonexpendable and any item with an initial acquisition cost of less than $500 would normally fall into the expendable category. The disposition and/or decision to conduct a ROS on any of these expendable items (if lost or damaged) will now rest with the wing commander. The assessment decision will also be made by the wing commander, with any appeals for these assessments being heard by the region commander. Some communications property and IT devices determined by the CAP/LG to be vulnerable to theft or known to contain sensitive encryption information (laptops and tablets, for example) will be exempt from this procedure. Under the new policy there will be two categories of tracked equipment: Tracked - Nonexpendable (T/N), items with an acquisition cost/current value of $500 or more; and Tracked - Expendable (T/E), items with an acquisition cost/current value of less than $500. Property with an acquisition cost of $5,000 or greater (Fixed Assets) will continue to be tracked as Equipment items. Property with an acquisition cost of less than $5,000 but greater than $500 will be tracked as T/N until depreciated to below $500, at which time it will be tracked as T/E for the remainder of its useful life. This change will permit property management officers to issue, transfer and track expendable items throughout their lifecycle, while at the same time reducing the management burden of disposing of low value property. CAP has gone far beyond guidance provided in DODGARs in tracking property, so this change will not negatively impact DODGARS compliance. POC: KC Jones – WEX Fleet Card Program: The WEX fleet card program has been field-tested and deployed throughout the wings. Over the past few months we have shared lessons learned and best practices gained through use of the cards. The learning curve has been steep, both for our vehicle custodians and vendors alike. A new feature not normally associated with a traditional credit card is the Driver Identification Number required to process a transaction. This feature helps reduce and eliminate improper card usage and streamlines administration of the program. Lack of familiarity with the use of the Driver ID appears to be a contributing factor in cases where a vendor is unable to process a transaction. We are working with the WEX staff to help educate service providers on procedures to process WEX transactions. There will be times when we must revert to the previous method of issuing a control number and creating a purchase order to cover the cost of repair, and we stand ready to support you on those occasions. Our goal is to have everyone using the WEX cards for day-to-day, service, repairs and preventive maintenance by February 2015. We genuinely believe that through use of the WEX program we will be able to streamline operations and ultimately reduce costs associated with vehicle operations. (See the Finance section for more information on the WEX program) POC: Gary Schneider – 6 OPERATIONS, CISM, COMM, STAN EVAL, TRAINING and EMERGENCY SERVICES Director: John Desmarais – Chief, Aircraft Operations: Joe Piccotti – Chief, Critical Incident Stress Management: Lt Col Tom Janisko - Chief, Communications: Malcolm Kyser – Chief, National Operations Center: Terry Raymond – Chief, Operations Support: Lt Col Pete Norris – Chief, Training: Col Carlton Sumner – Aircraft Operations: There have been many updates posted on the CAP Pilots web page at: - Good news! Pilot Proficiency Flight Profiles have been updated to include a Takeoff & Landing Proficiency Flight Profile. The updated Air Force Approved Proficiency Flight Profiles can be found on the CAP Pilots webpage or click here to go directly to the Pilot Proficiency Flight Profiles web page. - “Aircraft Ground Handling Training” has been updated and is available for use. It is conveniently posted on the CAP Pilots web page in the “Training” section. Aircraft Ground Handling Training is essential to safe and effective aircraft movement and handling during ground operations. All CAP members who perform duties in the vicinity of CAP aircraft must complete the course at least every second year. It’s not a bad idea to review it even more frequently though. - Aircrew Professionalism information is posted on the CAP Pilots web page in the “Aircrew Professionalism” section to include the “Aviators Model Code of Conduct” website along with the actual Aviators Model Code of Conduct (AMCC) document. The AMCC family of documents provides great information, and we strongly encourage you to review and share the appropriate ones with your pilots. - All military service branch DD Form 2401s (USAF, ARMY, NAVY & USMC Landing Permits) are approved for FY15. th - A page insert change was released to CAPR 60-1 the 19 of December. The updated regulation with this change is available at: Critical Incident Stress Management: Welcome aboard the newly selected Lt Col Tom Janisko as the Chief of CISM. He comes with significant CISM experience as an active duty US Public Health Service Officer, currently assigned as the Command Surgeon for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. He is jumping in with both feet and will be looking at updates to CAPR 60-5 as well as identifying support staff officers in the near future. Communications: - Don’t forget to update your communications plans. Region plans are due at NHQ/DOK NLT 10 January and wing plans NLT 10 April. See CAPR 100-1, Chapter 2. If there are no changes from the 2014 plan, advise DOK. Please be sure to review them with your operations partners in emergency services, counterdrug, homeland security, and other mission areas to be sure they meet current needs. - The national “Triblade” CAP HF radio net is building expertise for relaying critical WMIRS data when ICPs do not have Internet or telephone access. When a wing or region receives one of these "Whiskey Tango" training messages, receipt is documented in the Communications section of eServices and accuracy of message text is checked in order to measure success. - The Communications program is continuing to build partnerships with other federal emergency communications response agencies. In 2014, CAP Communications leaders attended a DHS Office of Emergency Communications Communication Technician Course (COMT) at Maxwell AFB. As a follow-up to this highly successful event, plans are being made for a second COMT course for CAP in the Western United States. - In December, DOK achieved a major spectrum management victory, receiving USAF recognition and continued permission to use 10 Inter Squad Radio (ISR) frequencies that had been designated for phaseout. DOK is achieving dramatically increased visibility with USAF spectrum management agencies. This means faster turnarounds on matters related to CAP frequency use and better spectrum management coordination for real world joint exercises with the military. Operations Support: - National Emergency Services Academy (NESA): Applications are currently being accepted for the 2015 NESA sessions being held from 18 July - 1 August. 7 - Updates are being finalized to the Counterdrug Orientation and Refresher Courses that are expected to be released in January for members to complete in the Learning Management System. Training: Col Sumner will be advertising for staff members to assist with operations and emergency services academies as well as training plans. Personnel interested in supporting these areas should prepare their applications. PERSONNEL Chief of Personnel: Susie Parker – Asst Chief of Personnel: Marie Vogt – National Level Annual Awards: Just a reminder that all national-level annual awards nominations are due to the Region by 15 February, with region nominations due to National Headquarters by 15 March. Please don’t let your deserving nominees be disqualified from consideration by missing these deadlines. Check CAPR 39-3 at or the appropriate functional regulations for complete nomination requirements and details. Contact Susie Parker at or Frances Sides at for additional assistance. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT -; Chief of PD: Bobbie Tourville – PD Manager: Col Bryan Cooper – eLearning Program Manager: Ron Olienyk – eLearning Staff Assistant: Col Stan Skrabut -- 2015 National Staff College: Dates for National Staff College have been tentatively set for 24-30 May 2015. The Director for the 2015 National Staff College is Colonel Virginia Nelson ( Additional information on registration will be published in February 2015. 2015 Region Staff Colleges: Regions should send their 2015 Region Staff College information to Bobbie Tourville when dates are finalized so that they can receive funding. Please send RSC date, location, director’s name, and notional schedule or flyer according to local region administrative policies. Regions will receive $1500 to help defray costs. For more information, please contact Bobbie at CAP Knowledgebase: Containing over 2600 answers to the most frequently-asked questions about CAP, the Knowledgebase should be the first stop when looking for answers about CAP. The Knowledgebase has been updated to allow the addition of CAP IDs when asking a question which will allow for a personalized reply. The Knowledgebase can be accessed at If you have any questions please contact Ron Olienyk at PUBLIC AFFAIRS Senior Director: John Salvador – Deputy Director for Public Affairs: Julie DeBardelaben – Public Affairs Manager: Lt Col Steven Solomon – Marketing and Social Media Manager: Lt. Col. Paul Cianciolo – Assistant Public Affairs/Marketing/Social Media Manager: Lt. Col. Joe Winter – CGM Publicity:National Media coverage of CAP’s Congressional Gold Medal generated 23.3 million unique visitors for online stories and 210.9 million total page views. Approximately 700 news clips were also generated. For CAP’s coverage on “Coca Cola Journey” alone, our story was available to the site’s 1.3 million monthly visitors. Many of the local stories generated by CAP’s wings are posted on the CGM website at The publicity numbers will continue to grow as wings hold local events to present the medal to veterans and families who did not attend the CGM ceremony in Washington on Dec. 10. In January, members will receive CAP’s commemorative 80-page edition of the Volunteer, devoted exclusively to the Congressional Gold Medal. Souvenir copies of the magazine, featuring a special gold foil embossed CAP Congressional Gold Medal on the cover, will be available from Vanguard. Information on how to purchase this edition will be released after it is printed. 8 Social Media: CAP's main Facebook Page has over 28,500 followers. Of the people who follow the page, the largest age bracket is 18-24 years old followed by 25-54 years old. CAP's main Twitter profile has over 4,500 followers. On average, links to CAP content are clicked over 750 times per day. A social media campaign was established to bring awareness to the Congressional Gold Medal by using the hashtag #CAPGoldMedal and directing people to CAP's Flickr account was used to provide WWII photos and video footage with detailed captions to media. A cover image was also developed specifically for official CAP Facebook and Twitter accounts, which was published on CAP's main profiles and sent to all PAOs to post on their unit's official profiles. RECRUITING AND RETENTION National Recruiting & Retention Officer: Vacant Asst Chief, Personnel & Member Actions: Marie Vogt – Recruiting and Retention Facebook page: Traffic has increased on the Facebook page climbing to over 750 members. Unit RROs are sharing their ideas for all units to benefit from. Please nominate your unit for selection as “Recruiting Unit of the Month”. Join the conversation at SAFETY Chief of Safety: George Vogt – Assistant Chief of Safety: Col Robert Castle - National Assistant Chief of Safety: Col Robert “Bob” Castle, CAP, has been selected as the Assistant Chief of Safety. Col Castle served most recently as the Southwest Region Director of Safety and also served as the Oklahoma Wing Commander. New Safety Program Announced for CAP: CAP will be completely revamping its safety program, modeling the program after the “Safety Management System” adopted by the FAA, the USAF, and all air carriers worldwide. This new industry-standard model for safety programs emphasizes risk management in every facet of CAP programs and processes, as well as providing a voice for members at all levels. Read more about the program in the December issue of the Safety Beacon Newsletter: SPAATZ ASSOCIATION Vice President, The Spaatz Association: Lt Col “JD” Ellis – TSA Leadership Grants: TSA has updated its application for the 2015 Leadership Grant program. More than $25,000 is available to individuals, squadrons, groups, wings, regions, or national-level programs that support cadet leadership development. Grants are awarded quarterly. Deadlines for applications are 31 January, 30 April, 31 July, and 31 October. For more information, visit TSA Mid Winter Dinner: The next TSA Mid Winter Dinner is set for Saturday, 28 February 2015 in Washington, DC. Registration is now open at Looking for recommendations on how to conduct a Spaatz Award ceremony? Check out the outline approved by the Spaatz Family at Commanders, we need your help! TSA maintains contact information for all Spaatz and Falcon Award recipients, even after they leave the Civil Air Patrol. Unfortunately, more than 2/3 of all recipients are 9 considered "lost" in our database. If you know a Spaatz or Falcon award recipient, ask them to visit and complete our online Information Update Form. STRATEGIC PLANNING Chief of Strategic Planning: Col Brooks Cima – Chief of Plans: Paul Gloyd – In order to understand the importance of Strategic Planning and the significance it has in the accomplishment of all of CAP missions, all wing commanders and staff should accomplish the following: • • • Make yourself familiar with the National CAP Strategic Plan Review the National Staff Power Point presentation: 2014-2015 Unit Action Plan Review one of the following publications or websites on the methodology of Strategic Planning: o Driving Strategic Planning: A Nonprofit Executive’s Guide by Susan A. Waechter o Presenting: Strategic Planning by Michela M. Perrone, Ph. D. and Janis Johnson o All About Strategic Planning go to: Additionally, the presentation given during the recent Wing Commanders’ Course will assist in making the connections about how our Wing plans can be an excellent way of supporting the National organization and bringing our Wings into alignment with CAP’s overall goals and objectives. All of CAP’s Strategic Planning resources can be found at 10