MPI-CC EducationPlusMeeting
MPI-CC EducationPlusMeeting
MPI-CC EducationPlus Meeting Morrisville, North Carolina January 21, 2015 PRELIMINARY MEETING AGENDA EDUCATIONAL SESSION Wednesday, January 21 - Four Points by Sheraton “Meetings Outlook: A Deep Dive Into the Latest Trends” Business Attire 11:00am-2:00pm Registration 11:00am-11:30am Committee Meetings (TBD by Director) Speaker: Christian Savelli Senior Director Business Intelligence and Research for Meeting Professionals International 11:00am-11:30am New Member Mixer 11:00am-12:00pm Networking Event 12:00pm-2:00pm Luncheon and Education Session 2:15pm-2:45pm CMP Exam Information Session 3:00pm-5:00pm Board of Directors Meeting Meeting professionals are so over-taxed in the present, they often forget—or don’t have the time—to look ahead. Take a moment to preview the future based on MPI’s most recent Meetings Outlook research and other important studies, and then discuss the trends that are most affecting you and your peers. Brainstorm ways to start planning for the uncertain future with case studies and best practices from around the globe. FOUR POINTS BY SHERATON RALEIGH DURHAM AIRPORT This is a session you won’t want to miss! 1200 Claren Circle Morrisville, NC 27560 (919) 380-1221 FUNDRAISER Room Rate: $115 Single or Double, plus tax Reservations: (919) 380-1221, code: MPI-CC Help MPI-CC by RAIDING SANTA’S SACK! This year Santa had a few gifts left over and he wants to clear out his sack so that he can start getting ready for next year. Please stop by the registration desk and you can pay only $10 for a raffle ticket to win a variety of mystery gifts! Reservation Cut-off: Monday, January 12, 2015 Register online at MPI-CC EducationPlus Meeting Morrisville, North Carolina January 21, 2015 R E G I S T R AT I O N EVENTS Register online: Email form to: Register by fax: (704) 333-6927 Mail check to: MPI-CC 1800 Camden Road Suite 107 #213 Charlotte, NC 28203 REGISTRATION FEES Prior to or Jan 13 After January 13 Member $55.00 $80.00 $35.00 $25.00 $70.00 $95.00 $50.00 $40.00 Spouse/Non-Industry Guest Student MI Affiliation (Company) Last Name PAYMENT INFORMATION Check/Visa/Master Card and American Express payments accepted. If paying with a check, a credit card number is required in order to confirm your registration. Checks must be mailed to the office prior to the meeting or delivered to the registration staff at the meeting. If the check is not received, then the credit card will be charged. Title Street Address or PO Box City Phone State Zip Fax Email Meeting & Hospitality Industry Guests must register as NonMembers and pay the registration fee. The MPI fiscal year begins July 1, 2014. Registrations received after January 13, 2015 will incur a higher registration fee, as indicated above. Registrations may be canceled without penalty until Tuesday, January 13, 2015. Cancellations received after that date and ‘no shows’ will be billed. Emergency Contact Name Relationship Education Session CMP Exam Info Session Non-Member PERSONAL INFORMATION First Name New Member Mixer Networking Event Luncheon Phone I will bring my check in the amount of $____________ to the meeting. Make check payable to MPI-CC (Federal Tax ID #31-1135138). REGISTRATION TYPE I authorize payment by: Member Membership # Spouse Non-Member/Industry Guest Non-Industry Guest Student Visa Are you a: New Member Annual Sponsor First-time Attendee Dietary Requests/Special Needs or Pre-Existing Conditions: MasterCard AMEX MasterCard AMEX Guarantee by: Visa Credit Card # Signature Exp. Date