

Stereo-based Pedestrian Detection using
Multiple Patterns
Hiroshi Hattori
Research & Development Center,
TOSHIBA Corporation, JAPAN
Akihito Seki
Manabu Nishiyama
Tomoki Watanabe
Detecting pedestrians from a moving vehicle is a challenging problem since the
essence of the task is to search non-rigid moving objects with various appearances in
a dynamic and outdoor environment. In order to alleviate these difficulties, we propose
a new human detection framework which makes the most use of stereo vision. While
the conventional stereo-based detection methods initially generate regions of interest or
ROIs on one of stereo images, the proposed one defines the ROIs on both left and right
images. This paper presents two different ways for utilizing the stereo ROIs. The first one
is to classify the stereo ROIs individually and integrate the classification scores to obtain
the final decision. The second one is to extend gradient-based local descriptors [1, 14] to
multiple views and present new feature descriptors which we call Stereo HOG and Stereo
CoHOG. Through experiments we show that both methods significantly reduce the false
alarm rate while keeping the detection rate comparing with monocular-based methods.
Detecting people in images has been a central issue in computer vision and long been
investigated[1, 5, 10, 11, 13]. In the past few years, the task has attracted even more research
attention and considerable advances have been made [2, 3, 7, 8]. Among many applications,
automotive ones[4, 12] are particularly promising as they have the potential to dramatically
improve traffic safety. This paper deals with pedestrian detection from a moving vehicle.
The conventional methods for pedestrian detection can roughly be classified into two categories; monocular-based and stereo-based. In the monocular-based ones, as the first stage
towards finding people, certain texture-based [12] or motion-based [9] mechanism generates
candidate regions of interest or ROIs. While this step makes a significant contribution to
overall performance, it is rather difficult to create candidate rectangles whose scales and positions are reasonable with a single image alone. In the stereo-based methods, on the other
hand, binocular disparities or depths are available to obtain possible human regions which
c 2009. The copyright of this document resides with its authors.
It may be distributed unchanged freely in print or electronic forms.
BMVC 2009 doi:10.5244/C.23.94
contain any vertical surfaces. The extracted regions are then fed to a pattern classifier which
decides if the candidate regions contain a pedestrian or not.
Normally, ROIs are defined in a single view, not only in the monocular-based approach
but also in the stereo-based one. It means that just a single image is used for the classification procedure. This paper describes a new human detection framework where ROIs are
defined on both left and right images and we utilize them together for the pattern classification. There are two different methods to use a pair of ROIs on stereo images. The first
one is to classify a pair of local image patterns individually and combine those outputs to
obtain the final decision. The second one is to extend two gradient-based local descriptors,
HOG [1] and CoHOG[14], to deal with stereo views and to present new stereo feature descriptors which we call Stereo HOG and Stereo CoHOG. Through experiments we show that
both methods significantly reduce the false alarm rate while maintaining the detection rate
comparing monocular-based detectors.
Overview of our stereo-based detection system
In this section, we introduce our stereo-based human detection system from a moving vehicle. Figure 1 provides an overview of our system whose detection examples in urban
environments are shown in Figure 2. Our stereo-based detection system consists of three
components as follows.
Stereo Disparity Estimation: We use an area-based stereo method suitable for road applications [6]. We adopt Sum of Absolute Differences(SAD) as matching criteria and a recursive
correlation technique improves computational efficiency. And we use a geometric restriction
for further reduction of the computational cost. In road scenes, humans are on a road surface
and they have a certain maximum height. Therefore, we can define upper and lower boundary planes where SAD measures are estimated just for the limited space. Also, consistency
check between left to right and right to left correspondence is performed in order to filter
out mismatches. The combination of these processes produces a high quality dense disparity
map at a reasonable computational cost. Figure 1(b) shows an example of a disparity map.
More red intensity indicates larger disparities which mean closer areas while black indicates
unknown disparities.
Stereo-based ROI Generation: The next step is a disparity-based ROI generation. Basically, uniform disparity regions are extracted as shown in Figure 1(c) illustrated with green
rectangles. The dense disparity estimation makes this process straightforward and it determines proper scales of rectangles wherever the candidate objects appear. Also, road areas are
easily detected as zero-height regions. The ability is significant as road regions occupy the
(a) Stereo images.
(b) Disparity map.
(c) Detected ROIs.
Figure 1: Detection Overview.
(d) Detected region.
Figure 2: Detection examples. No post-processing is applied to merge multiple detections.
large part of an input image in most cases and those regions can be excluded in the following
process. These tasks are rather difficult if we use a monocular camera.
Pattern Classification : The final step is to classify intensity patterns within the candidate
regions. Figure 1(d) shows a detection example indicated with a red rectangle. A linear support vector machine is applied as a baseline classifier for simplicity and speed throughout this
study. We basically adopt gradient-based local descriptors which proved to be appropriate
for human detection. The next section provides an outline of our feature descriptor.
Co-occurence Histograms of Oriented Gradients
Histogram of Oriented Gradient(HOG) [1] is frequently selected as a feature descriptor for
human detection. The outline procedure is as follows. The first step is to compute gradient orientations at every pixel x = (x, y). A gradient orientation θ is defined as θ (x) =
tan−1 v(x)/h(x), where v(x) and h(x) are vertical and horizontal gradients, respectively. The
orientation θ (x) is then coded into eight discrete labels. We divide a candidate rectangle
into several spatial blocks and create a direction histogram for each block. Finally, all 8-D
histograms are concatenated and the combined feature vector is used for classification. An
orientation histogram Hi for each block is defined as Hi = #{x|θ (x) = i}, where # is the
number of elements in the set and i is the direction label.
We adopt CoHOG or Co-occurrence Histograms of Oriented Gradients [14] as a standard
feature descriptor. The CoHOG feature can be thought as the extension of the HOG feature.
The basic idea is to handle gradient orientations in pairs instead of individually. The CoHOG
indicates the joint histogram of oriented gradients of two pixels at a certain displacement. For
example, a pair of two horizontally adjacent pixels generates 8 × 8 dimensional histogram as
Figure 3: (a) Overview of CoHOG descriptor. (b) Typical 30 offset vectors.
corresponding region
Extract stereo ROIs
Left view
Right view
Human or not
Figure 4: Detection via multiple monocular-based classifiers.
shown in Figure 3(a). A different pair also creates another 64-D histogram. Assuming d to
be a certain 2D displacement vector, the (i, j)-th element of the histogram is defined as
Hi j = #{x|θ (x) = i, θ (x + d) = j}.
In our current implementation, we use 30 pairs whose Chebyshev distances from each other
are up to four pixels as shown in Figure 3(b). These pairs generate a 1920 (= 64×30) dimensional feature. Combined with a HOG histogram, we define a 1928-D histogram for each
block and concatenate them to generate a CoHOG descriptor. Typically we divide a candidate rectangle into 3 × 6 blocks which create a 34704 (=1928×3×6) dimensional feature
descriptor in total. CoHOG feature descriptors have extensive vocabulary and outperform
HOG features for human detection as reported in [14].
Detection with Multiple classifiers
In addition to our baseline detection system stated above, we introduce detection methods
to use corresponding regions on left and right images as shown in Figure 4(a) in order to
improve classification performance. Let the right view be reference one where original ROIs
are generated. The corresponding ROIs are defined on the left image using dominant disparity values within the original ROIs. The simplest way to utilize those pairs of ROIs is to
evaluate each candidate rectangle individually and integrate the classification scores to determine if it is a human or not. As shown in Figure 4(a), we also employ left and right reversed
image patterns besides left and right patterns. Four identical classifiers, each of which is
learned from monocular training samples, evaluate the four intensity patterns individually
and the total value of the outputs is then computed to determine if it is a pedestrian or not.
Although we can expect the improvement in classification accuracy as it employs multiple intensity patterns instead of a unique pattern, the computational cost becomes higher as it
needs to classify more than once. Let N be the number of original ROIs in the reference image and M be the number of image patterns per an original ROI. The number of classification
operations becomes up to M × N. However, the cascade structure is effective to accelerate
the processing since it makes processing times for subsequent steps smaller. Thus, it makes
the total number of times of classification less than M × N as follows.
We refer to each of the four classifiers as i-th classifier whose output is pi (i = 1 ∼ 4).
The output pi is normalized from 0 to 1 where 1 represents positive class. In the following
description, we call the normalized score pi classification probability. A candidate region is
classified as positive if ∑4i=1 pi > Ttotal , where Ttotal is a predefined threshold. Figure 4(b)
shows the detection cascade and we describe below the cascade procedure assuming Ttotal =
3.2, which means that the candidate region is classified as positive if the average probability
is higher than 0.8(= Ttotal /4). The first classifier evaluates all candidate regions and rejects
a large number of negative examples. The sum of subsequent classification probabilities,
∑4i=2 pi , is 3.0 at most. Therefore, if p1 ≤ T1 where T1 = 0.2(= Ttotal − 3.0), we can reject
the samples without further procedures. Then, the second classifier evaluates those candidate
regions selected by the first classifier. As the sum of subsequent classification probabilities,
p3 + p4 , is 2.0 at most, we can discard the samples as negative without further procedures
if p1 + p2 ≤ T2 = 1.2(= Ttotal − 2.0). Analogously, the third classifier examines remaining
candidates and eliminates the samples whose total probability p1 + p2 + p3 is less than T3 =
2.2(= Ttotal − 1.0). The fourth classifier examines selected candidates and decides whether
they are human or not by ∑4i=i pi > Ttotal .
Figure 5 shows a detection example. Totally, 151 ROIs are generated as depicted by
green windows. Out of these candidates, 13 regions are finally classified as pedestrians as
shown in Figure 5(b). No post-processing is performed for merging overlapping detections.
The numbers of candidates which the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th classifier evaluate are 151, 61,
24 and 19, respectively. The first classifier rejects 90 samples as negative, which are about
60% of the original candidates. The number of classification processes is 255(= 151 + 61 +
24 + 19) in total while it is 151 when we use a single classifier alone. Therefore, even if
we use four classifiers, the cascade structure allows us to detect humans at about 1.7 times
more computational cost in this scene. The number of times of classification varies mainly
depending on the threshold Ttotal and how many people there are. In our experiment, the
cascade detection using four patterns needs roughly less than twice as much computational
cost as the monocular-based detection does.
Figure 5: (a) Extracted ROIs. (b) Detected pedestrians.
Experimental Results
We have performed some experiments in which the proposed method was applied to outdoor stereo images. The stereo images were acquired with a pair of cameras mounted on a
car driven in urban environments. We use CCD cameras with 12.5mm lenses. The stereo
baseline is about 70cm and each camera is at the height of about 115cm. We have tested our
method on three sequences, each of which contains 20,000 frames roughly equivalent to 11
minutes. Each detection is counted as correct if it overlaps with an annotation by more than
Detection rate
Detection Rate
Detection rate
false positives/frame
false positives/frame
false positives/frame
Figure 6: ROC curves on three different stereo sequences.
1/3 using the intersection-over-union measure [2] or IoU given by
IoU =
area(Rd ∩ Rg )
area(Rd ∩ Rg )
area(Rd ∪ Rg ) area(Rd ) + area(Rg ) − area(Rd ∩ Rg )
where Rd and Rg are a detected region and a ground truth annotation respectively.
Figure 6 shows qualitative results on the three sequences. The y-axis corresponds to the
detection rate and the x-axis to the number of false positives per frame. Higher curves are better. Red curves indicate the detection performance using a unique intensity pattern extracted
from the right image. Green ones represent results using a pair of ROIs on stereo views. Blue
plots corresponds to results using four patterns; stereo patterns and left-right mirrored patterns of them. These results show a clear advantage of the pedestrian detection using stereo
image regions and the performance becomes better when the left-right reflections are combined with them. Table 1 shows the total number of false detections of “Sequence (a)” when
the detection rate is fixed at 60%. The stereo patterns reduce about 40% of false detections
which further decreases by half when mirrored patterns are taken into account.
Table 1: A comparison of the total number of false detection at detection rate of 60%.
# of FPs
Rate of reduction
Stereo Feature Descriptors
For more precise classification, this section describes an alternative method to utilize stereo
ROIs. We introduce new feature descriptors which combine local appearances and stereo
disparities. Figure 7 shows a pedestrian detection overview using our stereo feature descriptors. Our stereo feature descriptor is obtained from a pair of input images and its disparity
measurements. We have investigated both HOG-based and CoHOG-based stereo descriptors
which we call Stereo HOG and Stereo CoHOG, respectively. In the following subsections,
we describe the detail of these two stereo feature descriptors.
Left view
Right view
feature extraction
Depth map
Human or not
Figure 7: Pedestrian detection based on our stereo feature descriptor.
Histogram of Relative Disparities
In our stereo descriptor, features are extracted from a disparity map as well as from stereo
images. Although the original HOG features are extracted from oriented gradients, it is difficult to calculate oriented gradients from disparity maps as they have regions of unknown
disparities as shown in Figure 7. Also, since an absolute disparity value corresponds to the
distance between stereo cameras and target objects, it is not an appropriate feature to discriminate between humans and the other objects. Instead of oriented gradients of disparities
or raw disparity values, we use relative disparity values given as,
if d(x, y) = occ.
∆d(x, y) =
min(|d(x, y) − dre f |, T ) otherwise
where d(x, y) represents a disparity value of an image point (x, y), dre f indicates the dominant
disparity within a candidate rectangle. The label occ. represents unknown disparities and T
is a pre-defined threshold for a saturating operation. Based on the relative disparity ∆d(x, y),
histograms of relative disparities or HRD are created in the same way as for the standard
HOG and co-occurrence histograms of relative disparities or CoHRD are generated in the
same procedure as for the monocular CoHOG. Figure 8(a) shows an example of histogram
of relative disparities or HRD. Foreground and background features are roughly divided in
the histogram.
Foreground/background separation
In general, the presence of cluttered background makes human detection even more difficult.
When we refer to disparity values, it is possible to roughly separate foreground regions from
background ones. Background regions normally have rather different disparities from the
majority of disparities or dre f . Figure 8(b) shows a pair of foreground regions obtained from
disparity estimates. Now we have two options for utilizing this foreground/background separation. The first one is to remove background image regions and generate a feature descriptor of foreground image areas exclusively. We call feature descriptors of foreground regions
alone F-HOG and F-CoHOG. The second one is to remain feature descriptors of background
regions and combine them with foreground feature descriptors. As foreground/background
segmentation is not perfect, some critical features may lie on background regions as a result.
We call combined feature descriptors of foreground and background regions FB-HOG or
Figure 8: (a) Histogram of relative disparities. (b) A pair of ROIs. (c) Its foreground regions.
Experimental Results
We have performed some qualitative evaluations of various combinations of different features. For this experiment, we use 4,472 positive and 6,230 negative samples for training.
The test data consists of 3,103 human and 5,011 non-human image regions. As our feature
descriptors are extracted from stereo images and its disparity estimates, each training or test
sample is a triplet of corresponding image regions and its disparity estimates.
HOG: Figure 9 shows the performance of the various HOG-based descriptors on our data
sets. The monocular HOG is the original HOG descriptor which uses a pair of image regions
independently for both training and test phases. The concatenated HOG is a feature vector
which we just concatenate a pair of HOGs from stereo views. It results in poor performance
and this means that the feature descriptor may overfit the training data. The average HOG or
the average vector of the left and right HOGs is more distinctive than the monocular HOG.
The HRD descriptor, which is extracted from disparity estimates alone, is more powerful
than the average HOG. The F-HOG, extracted from foreground regions exclusively, is more
discriminative than the HRD. The FB-HOG is a concatenated vector of the F-HOG and BHOG generated from background regions. The FB-HOG is more discriminative than the
F-HOG. It shows that critical features exist on background regions since the foreground
and background separation is not accurate. The FB-HOG+HRD is a combined vector of
the FB-HOG and the HRD, which achieves the highest performance among various HOGbased descriptors. Given the detection rate fixed at 95%, the false positive rate of the FBHOG+HRD is 2.4% while the rate of the original or monocular HOG is about 24.5%. It
Figure 9: Results by various HOG descriptors.
Figure 10: Experimental results by various CoHOG-based descriptors. Note that the scales
are different from those of Figure 9.
shows that our stereo-based feature descriptor decreases the false alarm rate by an order of
magnitude comparing to the monocular-based HOG descriptor.
CoHOG: Figure 10 shows the performance of the various CoHOG-based descriptors on the
same stereo data sets. ROC curves move leftward and upward as the original CoHOG by itself is more distinctive than the original HOG. Again, it is clear that stereo disparities and the
foreground/background separation contribute to accurate classification. FB-CoHOG and FCoHOG features are more discriminative than the average vector of left and right CoHOGs.
Although the disparity descriptor or CoHRD is not discriminative comparing to the monocular or original CoHOG, CoHRD makes a great deal of contribution when combined with
FB-CoHOG. The best combined descriptor is FB-CoHOG+CoHRD which is a concatenated
vector of the foreground and background CoHOGs and the CoHRD from stereo disparities.
Given the detection rate fixed at 95%, the false positive rate of the FB-CoHOG+HRD is
about 0.75% while the rate of the original CoHOG is about 8%. Our stereo-based feature descriptor, therefore, decreases the false alarm rate by an order of magnitude comparing to the
monocular-based descriptor also in case of CoHOG. Table 2 summarizes the improvements
on classification accuracy of HOG-based and CoHOG-based stereo features.
Table 2: Comparison of false positive rates at 95% detection rate.
monocular stereo
Summary and conclusions
In this paper we have proposed a new stereo-based pedestrian detection framework which
uses pairs of ROIs defined on both left and right view instead of monocular ROIs. This paper
introduces two different approaches. Firstly, we use multiple classifiers to evaluate multiple
patterns individually and combine those outputs to obtain the final decision. In this scheme,
the simple cascade detector is effective to reduce computational cost. Secondly, we extend
gradient-based local descriptors to multiple views and propose new stereo feature descriptors
or Stereo HOG and Stereo CoHOG which combine local appearances and stereo disparities.
The quantitative results show that both approaches significantly reduces the false alarm rate
while maintaining the high detection rate comparing with monocular-based detectors. In future work, we will investigate how to combine various detectors for computational efficiency
and how to combine motion descriptors with stereo ones.
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