
Our Lady Queen of Peace
SUNDAY - January 11
(The Fidelie Families)
MEN PHAM† by (Diep Tran)
JIMMY MILES† (St. Bernadette Circle)
11:00 am - PRO POPULO
MONDAY - January 12
8:00am - Liturgy of the Hours
TUESDAY - January 13
8:00 am - Liturgy of the Hours
WEDNESDAY - January 14
10:00am - ND Mass/church
6:15pm - Liturgy of the Hours
THURSDAY - January 15
8:00am - Liturgy of the Hours
FRIDAY - January 16
(The Fidelie Families)
Special Intention (Sr. Ginny Vissing)
SATURDAY - January 17
6:00 pm - BONNIE KOCHER/INT-Birthday
and ROLAND SIGLER, Sr.† (M/M Ed Vokes)
(Mary Cluley)
ROLAND SIGLER, Sr.† (M/M Ed Vokes)
BERNARD LAUER† (M/M Cyril Renner)
SUNDAY - January 18
8:30 am - BOB TIBEY† (M/M John Horn)
TOMMY LITTLE† (The Fidelie Families)
(M/M John Kapraun)
11:00 am - PRO POPULO
Baptism of the Lord
Those for Whom We Pray
Parishioners, Family & Friends
Doug Allison, Nicholas Allison, Vic Allison, Dennis Anderson, Melissa Anderson, Ricky Arnold, Wanda Baltine,
Elizabeth “Beth” Bater, Joan Baumann, Jo Bearden, Al Belgrado, Dick Belgrado, Shirley Bennet, Tommy &
Sheryl Berend, Jeanette Bilbay, Pat Blake, Anna Bogart, Cyndi Boone, Glen Borgman, Francisco Borja, Rocky
Bray, George Brosche, Ivy Cadotte, Carmen Caballo, Shirley Chancelor, Jennifer Chewens, Marge Conklin,
Joan Cook, Jeff Conrady, Ruth Copeland, Grace Ann Crocker, Mike Crumpton, Joe Cuba, Thomas Daniels,
Fr. Chris Davis, Johnnie & Nellie Deal, Faye Dominy, John & Lilian Dove, Mark Dreher, Terry Farris, Carol
Faustina, Jathan Fields, Johnnie Fields, Jerry Fletcher, James Geary*, Mary George, Lola Clyde Greaves,
Jeff Gregg, Courtney Shook Gysell,, Adell Hanvey, Mike Herrian, Jean Hoing, Dorothy Hughes, Don & Jean
Isbell,, Nelda Jansen, Eve Johnson, Jeremy Johnson, Mike Jozwiak, Jonathan Kegley, Travis Keith,, John
Kinsella, Bonnie Kocher, John* & Anita Kortbawi, Marion Lauer, Marife Lee, Fred Lentz, Art Litteken, Shirley
Litteken, Abel Mahesh, Cindy Majewski, Eloise Majewski, Rusty Maley, Ryan Maley, Owen & Pat Mansfield,
Clara Mathe, Kristi Melsteade, Mike &Virginia Michonski, Carolyn Morath, Clyde Morbitzer, Tony Moreno,
Tina Morian, David Musil, Stephen Musil, Dorothy “Dot” Myers, Dr. Sam Nilasena*, Fr. James O’Toole*,
Geneva Pennartz, Joe Petz, Joe Petz, Jr., Nina Peysen, Michael Pitpit, Karen Poirot, Betty Pond, Rowdy
Ramans, Aubrey Reaves, Eddie Richardson, Cathy Roberts, Lori Ross, Chuck Ryan, Janna Scarebrough,
Nelda Schreiber, Charles Simons, Bette Skurkey, Jeff Smith, Linda Snyder, Kathy Spyra, Patricia Ste. Marie,
Danny Steed, Audrey Stephens, Greg Stevens, Stacey Stowe, Mary Lou Sweeney, Sister Devota Sweeney,
Johanna Sweeney, Yvonne Talbot, Ida Toth, Don Thomas, Monica Vu, Dorothy Ward, Renea Ward, Josie
Wheeler, Kinzey Wilson, Mary Wilson, Dorothy Wolf, David Lloyd Wright, Sr., Diane Wright, Signe Yelland,
Adam York, Dan York, & Lucy York.
* New this week
Because of space limitations, names will be taken of the prayer list after 3 months. Please call the church office if
you would like the name returned to the list. Thank you for your understanding.
1/12 - Rev. Isaac Orozco
1/13 - Rev. John Pacheco
1/14 - Rev. Augustine Kyung Park
1/15 - Rev. John Payne, SJ
1/16 - Rev. James Pemberton
1/17 - Rev. Salvador Perez
1/18 - Rev. John Antony Perikomalayil, HGN
Eternal Father, we lift up to You these and all the priests of the world. Sanctify them. Heal and guide them.
Mold them into the likeness of Your Son, Jesus, the Eternal High Priest. May their lives be pleasing to You. In
Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
INTENTIONS OF THE HOLY FATHER (for the Month of January)
Universal: That the birth of the Redeemer may bring peace and hope to all people of good will.
For Evangelization: That parents may be true evangelizers, passing on to their children the
precious gift of faith.
January 4: ....................................................... $9,428.00
Faith Direct
December 4: ................................................... $18,211.38
December 15: ................................................. $12,348.82
Christmas Day: ................................................. $4,308.00
Retired Religious Fund: ................................... $$1,802.00 (church code: TX420)
Thank you for all the generous gifts that you provide for
our parish. Please consider using our secure electronic giving
program Faith Direct. Faith Direct will automatically process
any offertory or second collection donations of your choosing.
It is the most convenient way to make sure that the parish
receives your gift regularly. No more checks to write or
envelopes to worry about. You can sign up online at www. using our church code: TX420, or by mailing a
paper enrollment form available in the parish office.
OLQP Catholic Church, Wichita Falls, Tx
SUNDAY - January 11
9:30am - Religious Education (Grades K-6)/NDE
Discovery (Middle School)/PH
5:00pm - Confirmation Class/PH
MONDAY - January 12
3:00pm - Chaplet of Divine Mercy/church
TUESDAY - January 13
Intercessory Prayer Group after Liturgy of the
1:00pm - ND Liturgical Singing/church
3:00pm - Chaplet of Divine Mercy/church
WEDNESDAY - January 14
3:00pm - Chaplet of Divine Mercy/church
7:00pm - Verso L’alto/PH
Women’s CRHP/NDE cafe
THURSDAY - January 15
3:00pm - Chaplet of Divine Mercy/church
7:00pm - R.C.I.A./ NDE cafe
FRIDAY - January 16
3:00pm - Chaplet of Divine Mercy/church
SATURDAY - January 17
RRQG (rent) - NDE Cafe
SUNDAY - January 18
9:45am - R.E. Classes (grades K-6)/NDE School
Discovery (Middle School)/PH
5:00pm - Confirmation Class/PH
(SJR-St. Joseph Room; HFC-Holy Family Chapel; PH-Parish Hall; NDE Cafe-Notre Dame Elementary
Cafeteria; NDHS - NDHigh School; CR-Conference Room; WR-Workroom; BR-Brides Room; MR-Music Room)
January 11, 2015
Parish Activities
We are just a few months from completion of our Family Life Center and close to reaching our goal. Please
continue to pray for the safety and success for this wonderful project that will help to grow the needs of our
parish family. If you have not made a pledge, we ask that you prayerfully consider making a commitment.
We hope that everyone will participate in this endeavor to build a space that help to increase the needs of
our parish and community.
To increase or extend your pledge, please use the blue Pledge Increase-Extension cards located in the
Narthex. Thank you to those who have given additional above their pledged amount. If you are pledging for
the first time, please use the white Pledge cards also located in the Narthex.
PLEDGE UPDATE as of: December 28, 2014
GOAL: $3,000,000
AMOUNT PLEDGED: $2,869,321178.68 (Includes $825,000 received in Grants)
AMOUNT COLLECTED: $2,487,451.84
# of Families Pledged: 469 (includes additional pledges)
All E-Giving will be done through ‘Faith Direct’ our online giving program. Online enrollment forms are
available in the Narthex. Or go directly to to enroll. For the Capital Campaign online
enrollment, use Church Code: TX508. To afford the greatest tax benefits for our parish, Campaign gifts are
processed through the Diocese of Ft. Worth Advancement Corporation.
Family Prayer - A tie that Binds
A happy and stable family provides the kind of
atmosphere in which children learn to relate to
others: to care, to share, to love, to forgive. It’s in
the home that children learn they are loved and
accepted. This forms the basis of their image of
themselves, their relationships with others, and
with God.
Family prayer can happen in every family, despite
the demands of things like homework, meetings,
jobs, and athletic activities. It is a necessary
ingredient in good Christian families, irrespective
of whether the family is considered “traditional,” is
singly-parented, is interrupted (as when one parent
is with the children only on weekends), or is “nontraditional” in some other way (as when the children
are in the “custody” of foster parents).
Change of Address or Other
Please email: or call the church
office if you are moving away, changing parishes or
if any of your contact information has changed. This
will help to keep our records current.
Bulletin News: To assure requests for space within
our bulletin meet the deadline, submit items by
NOON on the Monday prior to the published weekend
(or the Friday before if Monday is a holiday). Items
MUST have proper approval for publication.
Divine Mercy Chaplet is prayed Monday through
Friday at 3 o’clock in the church. ALL are invited.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
First and Third Tuesday at 9:30 am
First and Third Thursday at 7:00 pm
Call JoAnn for more information: 940-691-0460
If you or someone you know is in need of a prayer
shawl or lap robe, please call the church office.
Men in Christ
Men of the Parish: Do you have a desire to grow
as a Christian man? Come join the MEN in CHRIST
as we pray, explore Scripture together and support
one another in our Christian walk. Meet us in the
Conference Room each Saturday (except 2nd
Saturday of the month) at 7:30am. Call Jack at
A Charismatic Prayer Meeting
Sunday afternoons at 4:00
Youth Ministry chapel at Sacred Heart Church
(upstairs in the Pastoral Annex)
call Jack at 696-0741 or Manuel at 322-5958
OLQP Men’s Club
Next meeting: Monday - February 2, 2015
ALL Men of our Parish ages 18 and older are
members and are highly encouraged to attend
monthly meetings.
(First Monday of the month @ 7pm in the Parish
Hall). NO Membership Fees.
Call Mike Carlton, President for more info: 696-9162
INTERFAITH MINISTRIES: Hunger and Food Insecurity is a Serious Fact. The Need is dire and year
round. Please be generous with your donation of food.
November Food Donations: 882 pounds
Current Needs: Soup (10 ¾ oz. size), Crackers, Oatmeal, Canned Vegetables (except green beans),
Dried Beans, Jelly, Peanut Butter, Pasta (dry), Rice (small bags), Canned Spaghetti Sauce, Mac & Cheese.
Toiletries: Body Soap, Laundry detergent, deodorant & toothpaste.
Paper Products: Toilet Tissue, Paper Towels, Kleenex, brown paper sacks
Eyeglasses: prescription or reading glass that you don’t need. These items go fast. Place items in the
basket located in the Narthex. Every bit helps families with real needs in Wichita County and Holliday.
Daily Readings
Mon. - Heb 1:1-6 * Mk 1:14-20
Tue. - Heb 2:5-12 * Mk 1:21-28
Wed. - Heb 2:14-18 * Mk 1:29-39
Thu. - Heb 3:7-14 * Mk 1:40-45
Fri. - Heb 4:1-5, 11 * Mk 2:1-12
Sat. - Heb 4:12-16 * Mk 2:13-17
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - 1 Sm
3:3b-10, 19 * 1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20 *
Jn 1:35-42
Year of Consecrated Life
Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth - SAVE THE DATE!
Diocesan Celebration for The Year of
Consecrated Life
Friday, February 6, 2015 at 6:30pm
St. Patrick Cathedral
1206 Throckmorton St. (Fort Worth)
*for more information on vocations, contact
the Vocations Office at 817-560-3300 or visit the
diocesan web site at
Pope Francis proclaimed 2015 a Year of
Consecrated Life, began on the First Sunday of
Advent, and will continue until February 2, 2016, the
World Day of Consecrated life. Let us continue to pray
for an increase in vocations to the Priesthood and
Consecrated Life, that more young men and women
will have the courage to follow a call from God to serve
in the Church.
Jesus’ core message—that we are one—is surely
one of the great mysteries of existence. This truth is so
shared to accept because our senses tell a different
story: We are separate, different, and alone. We need
an image to help us realize what our senses cannot.
Picture the giant redwood trees of California.
They only grow in groves. Moreover, each tree’s roots
extend and grasp the roots of the surrounding trees,
forming a strong, interconnecting network that serves
to nourish and sustain all of them equally.
Remember the redwood trees and their invisible,
interlocking roots as you discern your vocation. You
are not alone and never will be on your chosen path
to Christ.
—Vision Vocation Guide 2014; Card from
Let us pray for religious sisters, brothers,
priests, nuns, and others
who have chosen to consecrate their lives to
God in this special way;
Let us celebrate the faith, hope, and charity
that their lives give witness to;
Let us invite others to consider this joyful form
of discipleship. Amen.
Our Lady Queen of Peace
Baptism of the Lord
Parish Announcements
From Fr. Sojan
I want express my sincere gratitude to all of you for your expressions of love
and thoughtfulness during the Christmas season. Thank you so much for
the cards and the gifts. The 15th Anniversary of my Ordination to Priesthood
was a memorable one because of many of you. THANK YOU. I am truly
honored and blessed to be part of this great community at OLQP. May the
Lord continue to bless each of us and our parish family with His love, joy and
peace throughout the New Year!
Seasons of Hope (Grief Support Group to Begin soon)
If you are in need of consolation after losing a loved one, no matter when this
occurred, our Christ-centered faith sharing group is for you. It meets for six
Mondays beginning February 2nd. Prayer, Scripture, Faith sharing, and fellowship
will begin at 6:45pm.
You may sign up in the Narthex after each Mass on the weekends of January
24th & 25th or January 31st & February 1st.
In January we celebrate the Holy Name of Jesus. “…at the name of Jesus
every knee should bend of those in heaven and on earth and under the earth”
(Philippians 2:10). In fact, the English letters HIS - representing the first three
Greek letters in Jesus’ name - used to be written over the doors of Christian
2015 North Texas Catholic Men’s Conference
“And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word
of God.” (Ephesians 6:17)
Saturday: February 7, 2015 (8am until 4pm)
Hurst Conference Center (1601 Campus Drive - Hurst, TX)
Register now:
Inspiring Speakers: Bishop Michael Olson, Tom Peterson, Michael Coren and Fr.
Larry Richards
Experience: Fun, Food, Fellowship, Music, Praise & Worship, Grow in Faith
North Texas Catholic Brothers for Christ: Motivating Catholic men to commit
to building the Body of Christ by uniting as brothers, living the gospel values
in all areas of our lives, and facilitating faith building programs in your faith
January 17 - St. Anthony, Abbot
St. Anthony the Abbot was an Egyptian hermit. He was a very spiritual person
who believed in LIVING the Jesus life.
When people eventually found him, he moved even further away, eating only
bread and water, praying, fasting and wearing skins as clothing.
Wise men from as far away as Greece sought his guidance. Some were
healed physically, many were comforted by his words and others stayed to learn
from him. He passed away at one hundred and five years old.
Christ Renews His Parish Renewal Weekend
Women: Feb. 28 and Mar. 1
Men: Mar. 7 and 8
Christ Renews His Parish is designed to lead us to that
friendship and to afford us the opportunity to grow in it. Through the power of
the Holy Spirit the Good News of Jesus is proclaimed and lived, transforming
individuals, communities and their structures, liberating them from sin through
word and sacrament and by service for justice and peace, and initiating or
deepening a commitment to Jesus and active membership in our Parish
Community. Come and Experience this awesome invitation from your Lord!
Pick up a registration form in the Narthex or call the church office.
OLQP is uses another communication tool to better serve you as
parishioners. Flocknote is a Catholic-based communications tool that will
allow us to better send emails and or text messages to you as a whole and also
within the various ministries we have here at OLQP.
Step 1: Text the word peace to the number 84576, you will receive a reply
asking for you to provide your email.
Step 2: Reply to the text with your email, you will receive another text saying
to check your inbox (or spam folder) for an invitation/confirmation email from
Step 3: Check your email and follow the link to flocknote and the directions
assisting you in creating a password for your flocknote account.
Step 4: (Optional) You will now be enrolled in the OLQP Flock. If you navigate
around the flocknote website you will notice you can subscribe to other lists
that you may want to receive updates from and you can also choose your
preference in receiving emails or texts. If in the future your email or number
changes, simply logon to flocknote and edit your email and or number.
Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament
available every Wednesday from 4pm until 6pm
and every First Friday of the Month.
“Keep close to the Catholic Church at all times, for the Church alone can give
you true peace, since she alone possesses Jesus, the true Prince of Peace, in
the Blessed Sacrament.” —Padre Pio
St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store
1516 Beverly Drive (723-4971)
Come see the great selection of items that are available.
Like us on Facebook: Wichita Falls St. Vincent De Paul Thrift Store.
Our apologies for leaving out the following names on the Poinsettia list:
In Memory of: Otmar & Betty Bohac
Donor: Laura Asp
Thank you to all our advertisers on the back of our bulletin. We ask
parishioners to please patronize these businesses in gratitude for our weekend
bulletin. If you are interested in adding your business to the spaces available,
please contact Thom Miner, 512-452-3413 or email:
January 11, 2015
Kid’s Corner
The heavens opened and,
in the clouds above,
The people could clearly hear
God’s booming voice say,
“Listen to him!
To me he is very dear. “
Sister Ginny says….
Shoes are really important things.
They protect and help your feet.
Sandals, in the time of Jesus,
Were worn by everybody you’d meet.
So, children, please remember
That you were baptized, too
And God came to fill your life
In all that you say and do.
Jesus wore the sandals of his day.
Cousin John, in clothes so very,
very rough,
Declared he couldn’t
fix Jesus’ sandal strap
For he’d never really
be good enough.
So, we know that
God’s love is always near
As told in the Gospel, Good News.
God cares about
everything in your life,
Food, parents, houses and clothes
And I’m sure that
includes your shoes!
But Jesus met John on Jordan’s bank
And went down in water deep
To be baptized by John himself
As all the people came to see.
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Pray! Love! Serve!
For more information Call Greg Brown 696-1253 or
Registration forms and calendar available online at (Please
note that a Form A for 14/15 must be completed for this school year if not yet
completed through our summer activities since June of 2014. Form A will be
kept on file until it expires in May of 2015 so that you only have to fill it out once
per year per child. Form B must be filled out additionally for each event youth
participate in thought the year.)
Discovery (Middle School Ministry) and Verso L’alto (High School Ministry)
Verso L’alto: Jan 14, 21
Discovery: Jan 11, 18, 25
Confirmation sessions begin January 11th 5:30p-7p in the Parish Hall
Diocesan Middle School Rally February 21st. Save the date, registration and
information after the beginning of the year.
New OLQP Catholic Youth t-shirts available in the office! Suggested
Donation: $15 per t-shirt
** We are in need of 5 more adults to serve Verso L’alto as Faith Coaches
(small group leaders). For more information please see or contact Greg
Keep up with what’s going on at
“The proof of love is in the works. Where love exists, it works great things. But
when it ceases to act, it ceases to exist.”
— Saint Gregory the Great
Adult Formation
The Rite of Christian Initiation
R.C.I.A Inquirer Classes meet on Thursdays at 7pm in the NDES Cafeteria
All are Welcome (even if you are already Catholic) to the Inquiry Sessions to learn
more about the Catholic Faith. Call Deacon Jim at 696-1253 if you are interested.
Jan. 15th - MORALITY and Examination of Conscience
Jan. 22nd - Human Life Issues
Jan. 29th - The Sacraments of PENANCE
Divorced and Re-married?
If you are divorced and remarried outside of the Catholic Church without a Decree
of Invalidity, or if you are married outside of the Catholic Church, you may not
partake of the Sacraments, including the reception of Holy Communion. Until
it is shown otherwise through the ministry of the Tribunal, no person is free
to enter into another marriage without the appearance or occasion of serious
sin. A divorce alone would not affect, or hinder in any way, your participation
in the Catholic Church. A divorced Catholic is free to receive the sacraments.
However, if you are divorced and have remarried, or if you are divorced and in a
new relationship, or if you are living with someone without a Decree of Invalidity
(and your former spouse is still living) you may not partake of the sacraments,
including the reception of Holy Communion).
Consider seeking a Decree of Invalidity which will enable you to return to a full
participation in the sacramental life of the Church. For more information contact
Deacon Larry Bills at the Church office at 696-1253.
Worldwide Marriage Encounter
John the Baptist said “I have baptized you with water; he will baptize you with
the Holy Spirit”. Invite the Holy Spirit into your marriage. The next Worldwide
Marriage Encounter Weekend is Jan. 23-25, 2015. Dates fill fast. To apply,
visit our website at: For more information e-mail or call 469-444-0904. Para mas informacion de Encuentro
Matrimonial en Espanol, escriba a o visite http://www.
Rachel Ministries
“I prayed for forgiveness and I found mercy. I prayed for mercy and I found peace.
I prayed for peace and found love.” - Testimony after a Rachel Weekend Retreat
Come to a Rachel Weekend Retreat, experience healing and the mercy, peace
and love of God.
Rachel Ministries • 817-923-4757
Next retreat April 10
Natural Family Planning Classes
Did you know that…today’s Natural Family Planning is not the old “rhythm”
The Couple to Couple League is offering NFP classes at Sacred Heart Catholic
Church in Wichita Falls, Texas. This is a 3-part class, and the next class series
will take place on Sundays from 1:30-4:30pm in the Berend Room. If you would
like to sign up for this class or any other upcoming classes, please go to www. and fill out the online registration form. If you have any questions, you
may contact Lauren Morath at (940)544-2515
Our Lady Queen of Peace
Baptism of the Lord
Growing in Faith
Transformation = JOY
“You will show me the path to life,
abounding joy in your presence,
the delights at your right hand forever”
Psalm 16:11
From Scripture:
The Common call.
(Mark 1:14-20)
When we read about the way
Jesus gathered his followers,
it seems almost casual. For
example, he passed the Sea
of Galilee, saw Andrew and
Simon and called them. It’s as
if these men left their homes
and livelihoods to follow Jesus
with little thought. After all,
he was a stranger to most. We
must conclude that there was
something very compelling about Jesus and his call to them.
With hindsight, we know that Jesus’ message was worth leaving everything
behind. In fact, we know that true discipleship means leaving everything and
surrendering to the will of God. He will provide whatever a disciple needs to
follow him but nothing comes before our relationship with God. The compelling
part of his call is the chance to serve him and be close to him.
Jesus chose twelve special people to be his closest followers and he became
their leader. They went where he told them and did what he asked. Jesus is still
calling people to follow him today. In fact, he has called each of us to follow him.
Becoming who we were meant to be
Happy New Year! These words represent an opportunity for us to transform
ourselves into the people that we hope to be. The people God knows we can be.
This year, we can bring true joy to our lives by transforming ourselves for God.
Start by seeking God everywhere. Whether it is by acknowledging the
constant generosity he shows toward his children or by accepting opportunities
to receive him in the Sacraments, God is waiting for us to seek his presence in
our lives. All we have to do is look and listen.
Nurture a healthy faith. To strengthen our faith we must separate ourselves
from the habits that distract us from our spiritual needs. That can mean turning
off the TV or computer, reevaluating friendships or just accepting our struggles
as opportunities for grace. Transformation by God can only come if we give
ourselves to him completely.
Maintain a clean slate. After we are cleansed through Confession, it is
important to quickly surround ourselves with graces, such as receiving the
sacraments more frequently, or studying religious materials. These “vitamins”
for the soul will keep us spiritually sound.
Aspire to the greats. Throughout history, the saints have experienced every
situation we can imagine. When we look for inspiration, we can look to them
and let them guide us by their examples.
Bulletin News: To assure requests for space within our bulletin meet the deadline, submit
items by NOON on the Monday prior to the published weekend (or the Friday before if
Monday is a holiday). Items MUST have proper approval for publication.
FREE MASS TIMES APP - for when you’re away! The Catholic Directory iPhone App is FREE
and will quickly find the churches nearest to you, including Mass Times, Web sites, Maps, Directions,
Staff, Bulletins, and other important information. Powered by
Dear Padre!
Is baptism by immersion better?
Why do some churches baptize
by pouring water on the forehead
and others by immersion? Is one
way better than the other?
In terms of what baptism means
and accomplishes—escape from
sin and death into the life of the
Risen Jesus—immersion is no
better than pouring. But in the
dramatic power of the symbol of the
water, immersion is better.
The power of the sacrament of
baptism lies not in the method of bringing the water into play, but from the
direction given to the pouring or the immersion by the words of Jesus, who
commanded us to baptize “in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and
of the holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19).
St. Paul said, “Are you unaware that we who were baptized into Christ
Jesus were baptized into his death? We were indeed buried with him
through baptism into death, so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead
by the glory of the Father, we too might live in newness of life” (Romans
6:3-4). Down into the death of Jesus, and up again into a new life.
Even on the level of symbol and drama, a trickle of water is still
water. It still means and symbolizes life, as in drinking and cooling. It also
symbolizes death, as in a hurricane or a drowning.
This union of words and water in the Church makes this action the
sacrament of baptism.
Is 42:1-4, 6-7 or Is 55:1-11 / Acts 10:34-38 or 1 Jn 5:1-9 / Mk 1:7-11
A lay-minister acquaintance of mine keeps a framed copy of his
baptismal certificate on his office wall. He says, “My diplomas show that
I’ve learned a lot of things about theology, liturgy, and Scripture. That’s
great, but my experience of Christ and my call to ministry come out of my
baptism, and I need to remind myself of that every now and then.”
I was intrigued by his words. Baptism is the initiation into a community
whose sole purpose is to worship and serve the Lord using the gifts God
has given us. Most of us were baptized as infants, and we rarely take the
time to reflect on what we’re called to do by God.
In baptism, we’re given the grace to live a transformed life following the
commandments to love God and neighbor. How many times have we fallen
short and needed to reconcile with God? Mark’s story of Jesus’ baptism is
a scant four verses. Jesus is baptized and hears God tell him, “You are my
beloved Son.” After that, Jesus prevails against temptation and sets about
his own mission without looking back. Our baptism gives us the grace to
do the same, whatever mission we are called to.
Two good spiritual exercises for this week would be to ask God whether
we’re doing what he has asked of us and to reflect on the ways in which
our lives have brought us closer to God or taken us away from him.
Then it’s up to us to continue to serve God in the grace of baptism and
in the company of the people who share this faith with us.
Mary Katharine Deeley
January 11, 2015
Community News
Counseling Services: Working in partnership with
Sacred Heart and Our Lady Queen of Peace, Catholic
Charities Fort Worth provides counseling services at
Sacred Heart Monday through Friday from 5:30pm
to 7:30pm to assist individuals and families:
-Through the challenges of raising a child
-Resolving marital conflict
-Coping with depression, anxiety, and the stresses
of daily life
Let us help you find hope and healing.
Contact the Clinical Counseling program with Catholic
Charities at 940-716-9669 or speak to your parish
office for more details.
The St. Joseph Health Care Trust assists individuals
who are medically uninsured/underinsured and who
meet eligibility criterion. This includes assistance with
prescriptions, dental services, physician visits, and
other services. For more information please call Stella
at (940) 552-0347. (This program is administered
through Catholic Charities, Diocese of Fort Worth.)
Immigration Consultations in Wichita Falls
This opportunity allows you to have an immigration
consultation with an immigration attorney or a Board
of Immigration Appeals accredited representative
without traveling outside of Wichita Falls. Our
professionals will serve you via video from our main
office in Fort Worth. You will be speaking privately and
confidentially with an authorized person qualified to
evaluate your situation and give immigration legal
Location: Sacred Heart Catholic Church (1504 Tenth
Street, Wichita Falls)
Open by appointment: Thursdays and Saturdays
Schedule an appointment: 817.289.2801
Cost of the consultation: $30