January 11, 2015 - St. Joseph Catholic Church Onekama, Michigan


January 11, 2015 - St. Joseph Catholic Church Onekama, Michigan
8380 Fifth St., P.O. Box 150, Onekama, MI 49675
Phone: 231-889-4254 Fax: 231-889-3706
email - stjosephonekama@gmail.com
website - stjosephonekama.com
Pastoral Staff
Rev. Ruben D. Munoz, Pastor
Darlene Falk, Administrative Assistant
Chris Sattler, Organist/Music Director
Michael Nelson, Maintenance
M-115, Copemish, MI 49625
Mailing address: P.O. Box 150, Onekama, MI 49675
Office Phone: 231-889-4254
website - straphaelcopemish.com
"We are a welcoming spiritual home that provides community and personal
growth through liturgy, evangelization, the Word of God and a call to His service."
The Baptism of the Lord
Mass Schedule
Weekdays 9:00 a.m.: Tues., Wed. at St. R
Thurs., Fri. at St. J
Saturday: 4:30 p.m. at St. J
7:00 p.m. at St. R
Sunday: 8:30 a.m. at St. R
11:00 a.m. at St. J
Office Hours
Mon., Tues., Wed. & Fri. at St. J
10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Sacrament of Penance
Saturday 4:00 p.m. at St. J
Sunday 8:00 a.m. to 8:15 a.m. at St. R
or by appointment
Sacrament of Baptism
Parents interested in having their children
baptized need to contact the Pastor for further
Sacrament of Marriage
Those seeking this sacrament are required to
contact the Pastor at least six months in
advance. Pre-marriage instructions/classes are
Sacrament of the Sick
Those in need should contact the parish office
as soon as possible. The sacrament can be
celebrated before and after Mass, home,
hospital or where it is convenient.
Christian Initiation of Adults
Anyone interested in becoming a Roman
Catholic Christian or who would like to
inquire about our faith should call the Pastor
at the parish office.
Parish Membership
Welcome new Parishioners! Please call the
parish office to schedule an appointment to
register. Please notify us if you have a change
of address or are moving outside the parish.
Bulletin Deadline - Wednesday 12:00 p.m.
“And a voice came from the heavens, “You are my beloved Son; with
you I am well pleased.”
My dear Brothers in Christ, today we are celebrating the Baptism of the
Lord in our Church. This feast we are finishing our Christmas season
with. How was this season for you? Did you feel a little more close to
our God? Did his season help you to be aware of the love of God for
humanity? Did this season show you the love of God for you? I hope that
every opportunity that God is providing for you to know him more you are
taking advantage of it. Remember that when you were baptized God
pronounced the same words, “you are my beloved Son or Daughter; with
you I am please.”
This Sunday our Church helps us to remember that our joy as
Christians comes from knowing that God has giving us a great gift! This
gift is our faith – a gift that none of us have merited, but that has been
freely given and to which we have responded with our “yes.” Today, we
can rejoice again because we can recognize ourselves as children of God,
we can rejoice because again our God is telling us that He has created us,
and we can rejoice because we are unique. This joy, that directs the path
of every Christian, is based on a personal relationship with Jesus, this
relationship that every day we can make us grow.
In this feast we can experience God’s love for us and our freedom to
choose to be his beloved sons or daughters.
In this week, I would like to invite you to take a moment and think
about your baptism and if you can look the day that you received this
wonderful gift of faith. May God bless you and give you this joy to feel
his love for you and the great possibilities that you have to please our God
with you continue yes to his plan of salvation for you and for many with
you cooperation.
Rubén Darío Muñoz Jiménez
Schedule for
Jan. 12 - Jan. 18
MONDAY- 1/12
Mass Times: Thursday & Friday, 9:00am, Saturday, 4:30pm, Sunday,
Heb 1: 1-6, Mk 1: 14-20
TUESDAY - 1/13
Heb 3: 5-12, Mk 1: 21-28
PLEASE remember to turn off all cell phones in
church. This is a time of quiet and prayer. Thank
(St. R) - No Mass
Heb 2: 14-18, Mk 1: 21-28
(St. R) - No Mass
Sunday, February 8th
following the 11:00am
Mass in the Church Hall
May Our Lord bless us
through our generosity
$ 1,682.00
$ 1,500.00
$ 3,576.00
Heb 3: 7-14, Mk 1: 40-45
(St. J) - No Mass
FRIDAY- 1/16
Donation of candy bar,
can of peanuts, bag of
chips, etc. will get you bingo cards and these
items will in turn be our prizes for bingo.
Special prizes for coverall games.
Heb 4: 1-5, 11, Mk 3: 1-12
(St. J) - No Mass
Heb 4: 12-16, Mk 2: 13-17
4:30pm (St. J) - Tom
7:00pm (St. R) - For the
SUNDAY- 1/18
1 Sm 3: 3b-10. 19, 1 Cor 6:
13c-15a. 17-20, Jn 1: 35-42
8:30am (St. R) - Jennifer
Pope (Mom & Dad)
9:30am-10:45am (St. J) Faith Formation Class
11:00am (St. J - Evelyn
Greve (Family)
Sloppy Joes, Hotdogs and beverages will be
provided by the Ladies Guild.
January 25th - February 22nd
June Bartlett, Janice Berben, Carl
Foster, Cheryl Debano Griffin, Addy
Hollifield, Tammy Holmes, Retta
Jurczak, Florence Levandowski,
George Macko, Rose Ann Maue, The
Nielsen Family, Nancy Satal, Mary
Steen, Faith Swanson, Tommy
VanIttersum, The Viol Family, Ann
Whelan, Shirley Yondo
Lighthouse Pregnancy Center
Support Lighthouse Pregnancy Care Center
through the Baby Bottle Blitz. Fill a bottle
with your change, currency or a check; return
the baby bottle on February 22nd. Bottles will
be placed at the entrance to church on
January 24th. Life is the most precious gift of
all..you have the opportunity to make a
difference in the life of the unborn. This
fundraiser allows the Lighthouse Pregnancy
Center to continue to reach out to young
women and their families facing unplanned
pregnancies or financial difficulties in the
Manistee Community. Their goal is to spread
the love of Jesus Christ by assisting families
with material items, emotional support, and
Happy Birthday!!!
Jan. 13th
Jan. 16th
Jan. 17th
Jan. 18th
- Eduardo Barlan, Barry
- Joan Bockhol
- Brian Hall, Braden Hall
- Jared Fink
Saturday, 4:30pm
Lector - Beth Klajda
Body of Christ - Beverly Knoche
Precious Blood - Tom Fleming & Sandra Bologna
Altar Servers - Madison Miller
Sunday, 11:00am
Lector - Peaches Sanovic
Body of Christ - Tom Berard
Precious Blood - Bruce Soller & Meg Barlan
Altar Servers - Michael Deising & Maria Sidor
Mass Times: Tuesday & Wednesday, 9:00am, Saturday, 7:00pm, Sunday, 8:30am
May Our Lord bless us through
our generosity
There will be NO ST. RAPHAEL
for the month of January. Next
meeting will be in February when
Fr. Ruben returns.
Happy Birthday!
Jan. 10th - Marion Marcero,
Charles Mlcek
Jan. 13th - William Casselman
Masses of Thanksgiving
Bishop Chad Zielinski, who was ordained the Bishop of Fairbanks,
Alaska, on December 15, will be celebrating Masses of Thanksgiving in the
Diocese of Gaylord. Bishop Zielinski grew up in Alpena and attended St.
Bernard Parish. He was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Gaylord in 1996
by the Most Rev. Patrick R. Cooney. He has since served at parishes
throughout the diocese, including Immaculate Conception in Traverse City,
St. Philip Neri in Empire, and St. Rita-St. Joseph in Maple City. Most
recently, Bishop Zielinski had been serving in the Archdiocese for the
Military Services as Chaplain, which included three tours of duty in war
zones, including in Iraq and Afghanistan. Each Mass of Thanksgiving will
be followed by a reception. All are invited to attend, though any clergy
planning to attend are asked to RSVP to Candace Neff at 989.732.5147 or
via email at cneff@dioceseofgaylord.org .The Masses are as follows:
- Thursday, January 15 at 6:30 p.m. at St. Philip Neri Catholic Church in
- Saturday, January 17 at 5:00 p.m. at St. Mary Cathedral in Gaylord
- Sunday, January 18 at 9:00 a.m. at St. Bernard Catholic Church in
$ 1,388.31
David Clous, Barbara
DeVoll, Caitlin DeVoll,
Jeremy DeVoll, Johnathan
DeVoll, Charles DeVoll,
William Hogarth, Tammy
May, Craig Meredith,
Kelly Miller, Kenneth O.
Milliron, Virginia Platter,
Kelli Sattler, Chad
Saturday, 7:00pm
Lector - Rex O'Connor
Body of Christ - Bob Saul
Precious Blood - Kim O'Connor & Marylyn
Altar Server - Michael & Stephanie Schaub
Sunday, 8:30am
Lector - Marian Marcero
Body of Christ - Carlina Breitner
Precious Blood - Maria Saul & Pat Mullen
Altar Server - Rose Clous & Bob Saul
Please pray for all service men and women who are serving our country.
Tim Brandt, Sgt. Chris DeVoll, Army, Spc. Renada DeVoll, Army, Navy, SFC Jeremy A.
Kott, Army, Jay Long, USMC, Adam O'Neill, Army, 2nd Lt. Courtney Pierce, RN, Army,
Staff Sgt. Philip Sedlar, Jr., Andrew Saul, Navy, Adam Schuessler, Army, USAF, Sgt. Dylan
Somsel, Pvt. First Class Justin Zupin, USMC
Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the
selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. I ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior Amen.
If you know of someone serving our country and would like a his/her name printed in our military corner please call the
parish office or put their name in the collection basket and mark it military corner. Thank you.
**There will be no Ladies Guild Meeting until March 2015.
ALL women of the parish are invited to join us when we
meet!! Come and meet your fellow parishioners. Our church
needs your helping hands, and the good ideas in your heads.
Need a ride? Call the church secretary and she will contact us
to help. SEE YOU THERE!!! **Ladies Guild is still collecting
Oleson's receipts. We receive 1% of each receipt. Every
penny counts. We are also collecting used postage stamps,
General Mills box tops for education, Campbell Soup UPC's
and Spartan UPC's. When you are cutting out the box top for
education we need the General Mills Box Top for
Education not the save 25-75%. Also, on the Campbell
Soup we need the UPC's. Please place your receipts in the
box in the church vestibule.
month's Food Pantry will January 23, 2015
beginning at 10 a.m. Your financial support is
appreciated and encouraged. Every dollar you
contribute goes toward purchase of food and household
FAMILY PERSPECTIVE - The Gospel today points to Jesus’
humanity; like us he needed RECOGNITION (“You are my
Son”), AFFECTION (“My Beloved Son”) and AFFIRMATION
(“With you I am well pleased.”). In our families it is easy to
focus on irritating behaviors and take for granted all the
positives. This New Year take a lesson from God the Father,
be an AFFIRMER and not a BLAMER.
Stewardship by the Book - Today we celebrate the Baptism
of the Lord. The US bishops' pastoral on stewardship reminds
us that Baptism gives all of His disciples a share in His
priestly work and calls them "to offer up the world and all
that is in it - especially themselves - to the Lord of all."
Reflecting on Stewardship - “After me comes he who is
mightier than I, the thong of whose sandals I am not
worthy to stoop down and untie.” – Mark 1:7 We are put
on this earth to love God, love our neighbor and make
disciples. How many times does our own pride and ego get
in the way on fulfilling God’s plan for us? Humbling
ourselves before God and putting Him first in all things
should be our top priority.
Vocation View - As human beings we are given to human
failings. Yet, Jesus calls each of us to greatness within the
realm of our gifts. Maybe you are being called to do His
work as a priest, brother, sister or deacon. Will you serve?
Televised Sunday Mass - The weekly Eucharistic Liturgy at
St. Mary Cathedral is broadcast on Fox TV 32/45 at 8 AM
Sunday mornings. The broadcast is funded through gifts to
the annual Catholic Services Appeal (CSA) as well as private
donations. Anyone interested in making a financial
contribution specifically to this telecast ministry may send
donations marked “For Televised Mass” to Diocese of
Gaylord, 611 West North Street, Gaylord, MI 49735.
Donations may also be made online through the diocesan
website by clicking on “Make a Gift” on the home page of
Promise to protect; pledge to heal - In an effort to protect
all children and to promote healing, the Diocese of Gaylord
encourages victims of child abuse or neglect to report the
matter. In fact, many professionals are required by
State law to report suspected abuse or neglect of a child or
minor. Individuals should contact their local office of the
Department of Human Services. If an allegation involves
sexual misconduct of a minor by clergy or any employee of
the Diocese of Gaylord, even if it is in the past, individuals
may also contact Tom Tenerovicz at 989.732.5147.
Blessed are the merciful - WYD 2016 - Registration for
World Youth Day 2016 in Krakow, Poland is now open!
Join the Diocese of Gaylord on a life-changing pilgrimage
with your fellow young adults. Cost for the 13-day
pilgrimage is $3,999 per person and includes round-trip
airfare from Detroit, accommodations, World Youth Day
registration, and most meals. This WYD pilgrimage is open
to young adults from the Diocese of Gaylord who will be
between the ages of 18 and 35 by July 1, 2016. More
information is available at www.dioceseofgaylord.org or by
contacting Priscilla Oddo or Fr. Peter Wigton at
wyd@dioceseofgaylord.org or 989.732.5147. Space is
limited and a $200 deposit is required to guarantee your
For Your Marriage - The United States Conference of
Catholic Bishops has launched www.foryourmarriage.org, a
website dedicated to providing tips, advice, and support
those called to the vocation of marriage, as well as
information on Catholic marriages. Sign up for the daily tips
and advice, find humor in blog posts from others in all
stages of marriage, or find Catholic marriage support by
using the Office Locator tool. “For Your Marriage” is
sponsored by the USCCB and the Catholic Communication
Word of Life - “I came so that they might have life and have
it more abundantly.” — John 10:10
(NABRE © 2010 CCD. Used with permission.)
Lector Workshops - The Center for Catholic Studies will be
hosting workshops for those who wish to serve the Church
as a lector and those already serving, who would like
additional training. Cost is $10 per person and classes will
be offered throughout the diocese. Visit
www.dioceseofgaylord.org for a complete listing of classes.
For more information or to register, contact Tammy Boylan
at 989.732.5147 or via email at
Keep an eye out for these upcoming classes:
- Wednesday, January 21, from 7:00-9:00 p.m. at St.
Anne Parish in Alpena
- Thursay, January 22, from 1:00-3:00 p.m. at Sacred
Heart Parish in Elk Rapids
- Tuesday, January 27, from 7:00-9:00 p.m. at St. Ann
THANK YOU to everyone
who helped decorate our
church for our Christmas
Season. With all the help that
we had, it only took 2 hours
to complete. Your help is
very much appreciated!!!