current bulletin - Blessed Sacrament Parish
current bulletin - Blessed Sacrament Parish
The Baptism of the Lord January 11, 2015 WELCOME TO BLESSED SACRAMENT PARISH We strive to live out the Gospel of Jesus Christ through our life of prayer centered on the Eucharist and through the formation of our members for evangelization and loving service to others. PASTOR Fr. John Marie Bingham, OP, 206-547-3020 PAROCHIAL VICAR Fr. Francis Hung-Le, OP, 206-547-3020 PAROCHIAL VICAR Fr. Marcin Szymanski, OP, 206-547-3020 PARISH ADMINISTRATOR Debbie Gonzalez 206-732-7340, OFFICE ASSISTANT Patricia Denend 206-732-7355, DIRECTOR, FAITH FORMATION AND EVANGELIZATION Walt Sears 206-732-7345, DIRECTOR, RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Marilyn Thornton 206-355-6540, DIRECTOR, MUSIC Matthew Loucks 206-547-3020, ORGANIST Laura Ouimette 206-659-9251 DIRECTOR, OUTREACH Nina Butorac 206-732-7351, DIRECTOR, FACILITIES Gary McDonald 206-732-7366, FACILITIES ASSISTANT Aaron O’Bryan-Herriott 206-547-3020 PRAYER TREE AND PRAYER REQUESTS Call 206-732-7350, or email LITURGY OF THE HOURS AND THE ROSARY Morning and Evening Prayer: 7:25 AM and 5:10 PM Rosary: following morning and Monday evening Masses ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Tuesday-Saturday 6:30 AM to 7:30 AM Every Friday from 8:00 PM to Saturday 8:00 AM Door combination required from 8:00PM TO 6:00AM Contact Fr. Francis Hung-Le for more information. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Monthly communal Baptisms during Mass or by appointment. Call the Parish Office at 206-547-3020. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (Confession) Thursdays after the 8:00 AM Mass; Saturdays from 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM; or by appointment. Confessions at the Newman Center: Sunday 4:00 - 4:45 PM, 6:15 - 6:45 PM Wednesday 8:00 - 9:00 PM SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION Contact Marilyn Thornton SACRAMENT OF THE ANOINTING OF THE SICK After Sunday Mass or by appointment. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Contact the Parish Office for more information. RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) Contact Marilyn Thornton DOMINICAN FRIARS IN RESIDENCE Fr. Jordan Bradshaw, OP Director, Newman Center Prior Superior of Dominican Community Fr. Lukasz Misko, OP Assistant Director, Newman Center BLESSED SACRAMENT CHURCH 5050 8th Avenue NE, Seattle, WA 98105 (Office) Phone: 206-547-3020 Fax: 206-547-6371 Website: - Email: Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM -12:00 Noon, 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM The church is open daily from 6:00 AM until 7:00 PM MASS SCHEDULE Sunday Monday Tuesday Weds -Fri Saturday Holy Days 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, 12:00 Noon, 5:45 PM 5:30 PM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM, 5:30 PM 8:00 AM, 5:00 PM (Sunday Vigil) 5:30 PM (Vigil), 8:00 AM, 12:00 Noon, 5:30 PM, 7:00 PM NEWMAN CENTER at the University of Washington 4502 - 20th Ave NE, Seattle, WA 98015 Phone: 206-527-5072 Website: MASS SCHEDULE Weekdays 12:35 PM (excluding Wednesdays) Wednesday 9:00 PM Sunday 10:00 AM, 5:00 PM, 7:00 PM, 9:00 PM Women's Bible Study - Thursday Mornings Beginning January 15 We invite our women parishioners to a a ten-week study of the Gospel of John, beginning Thursday, January 15, from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM, in the Parish Hall. God-centered childcare for toddlers and up will be provided using a co-op model. Please register ASAP. Registration forms are in the literature racks at each church entrance. For more information or if you have questions, contact Walt Sears at or 206-732-7345. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY OF BLESSED SACRAMENT PARISH Emergency Assistance: Call 206-930-6439. Please leave your name, phone number, and the details of your situation and request. Response usually occurs within 24 hours. Sunday Dinner and Food Bank: Dinner is served Sundays 12:00 noon 2:00 PM. Food Bank is open Fridays, 10:30 AM - 12:00 noon. For further information about the dinner or food bank, or to make a donation or volunteer, email John Morford at or visit the Parish website at Rest in Peace Calendar of parish events Robert Stallings Whose funeral was held on January 9, 2015 SUNDAY, JANUARY 11 10:00 AM Coffee Hour - Aquinas Library, Parish Hall. 10:30 AM Children’s Sunday School - UCDS. 10:30 AM Sunday Forum - TEC,UCDS. 10:30 AM Knights of Columbus - St. Pius V, Priory. 4:00 PM RCIA - Margaret of Savoy, Priory. MONDAY, JANUARY 12 7:00 PM Communion and Liberation - Margaret of Savoy, Priory. TUESDAY, JANUARY 13 5:30 PM Prayer Liturgy for Life - Church. 7:00 PM Spirit and Truth - Church/Aquinas Library, Parish Hall. 7:00 PM Lectio Divina Group - Holy Family Conference Room. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14 8:30 AM Wednesday Morning Bible Study - Aquinas Library, Parish Hall. 10:00 AM Mom’s Prayer and Support Group - Parish Hall. 7:00 PM Youth for Life Meeting - Parish Hall. 7:00 PM St. Dominic Rosary Makers - St. Pius V, Priory. 7:00 PM Young Adult Men’s Study Group - Margaret of Savoy, Priory. THURSDAY, JANUARY 15 9:00 AM Women’s Bible Study - Aquinas Library, Parish Hall. 7:00 PM Latin Class - Holy Family, Sacristy. 7:30 PM VERITAS: Young Adult Study Group - Aquinas Library, Parish Hall FRIDAY, JANUARY 16 10:30 AM Friday Food Bank - Parish Hall. 8:00 PM Friday Adoration - Church. SATURDAY, JANUARY 17 8:45 AM Legion of Mary - Holy Family, Sacristy. 7:00 PM Young Adult Saturday Night Alive - Church/ Parish Hall. SUNDAY, JANUARY 18 10:00 AM Coffee Hour - Aquinas Library, Parish Hall. 10:30 AM Children’s Sunday School - UCDS. 10:30 AM Sunday Forum - TEC, UCDS. 4:00 PM RCIA - Margaret of Savoy, Priory. Mass intentions SUNDAY, JANUARY 11 7:30 AM Parishioners at Blessed Sacrament 9:00 AM Kaila Sheckter 10:30 AM Valeria C. Kissinger (Carolyn S. Kissinger) 12:00 Noon Dominic Joseph Nguyen Van Hien & Marie Tran T Duyen 5:45 PM Chiyo Nakamura MONDAY, JANUARY 12 5:30 PM Dominic Joseph Nguyen Van Hien & Marie Tran T Duyen TUESDAY, JANUARY 13 8:00 AM Dominic Joseph Nguyen Van Hien & Marie Tran T Duyen WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14 8:00 AM In Thanksgiving for favors received (Theresa Blahato) 5:30 PM Dominic Joseph Nguyen Van Hien & Marie Tran T Duyen THURSDAY, JANUARY 15 8:00 AM Special intention (Bernadette Bermudez) 5:30 PM Dominic Joseph Nguyen Van Hien & Marie Tran T Duyen FRIDAY, JANUARY 16 8:00 AM Jaime Friedman 5:30 PM Dominic Joseph Nguyen Van Hien & Marie Tran T Duyen SATURDAY, JANUARY 17 8:00 AM In honor of Our Lady of Hope (Phong L. Nguyen) 5:30 PM Dominic Joseph Nguyen Van Hien & Marie Tran T Duyen MASS READINGS FOR THE WEEK For the week of January 11 - 18 SUNDAY Is 42:1-4,6-7; Acts 10:34-38; Mk 1:7-11 MONDAY Heb 1:1-6; Mk 1:14-20 TUESDAY Heb 2:5-12; Mk 1:21-28 WEDNESDAY Heb 2:14-18; Mk 1:29-39 THURSDAY Heb 3:7-14; Mk 1:40-45 FRIDAY Heb 4:1-5,11; Mk 2:1-12 SATURDAY Heb 4:12-16; Mk 2:13-17 SUNDAY 1Sm 3:3b-10,19; 1Cor 6:13c-15a,17-20; Jn 1:35-42 The submission deadline for the Blessed Sacrament Bulletin is at the end of day on Friday, nine days prior to the publication weekend. Please submit articles and suggestions to COLLECTION FOR JANUARY 2 - 7 : $26,550 MARY, MOTHER OF GOD: $6,867 The collection helps to support the work and ministry of Blessed Sacrament Church. Thank you for your continued generosity! Parish Events Lectio Divina Group Forming The group will meet on Tuesday nights, from 7:00 - 8:15 PM in the Holy Family Conference Room, in the Sacristy of the church. Meetings will be weekly from January 6 through February 10, and will be facilitated by Virginia Zanger. Seating is limited. Please register by January 4 to confirm a space by contacting Walt Sears at or 206-732-7345. Healing Prayer January 18, 7:00 PM If you are concerned about finances, family, or relationships, or if you need spiritual, emotional, or physical healing, please join us for healing prayer after the 5:45 PM Mass, every third Sunday of the month. Meet with the prayer teams in the north transept of the church, by the statue of St. Joseph. Disputatio Small Group Join us January 25, at 7:00 PM Margaret of Savoy Conference Room Do you feel that you are living on the margins with regard to your faith and the Catholic Church? Are you struggling with Church teachings, perhaps questioning your own place in the faith community? Are you looking for a safe place to express your views, to seek greater understanding, to study church documents, and have the encouragement of others who understand and share your struggles? Argument and dispute – in the best sense of these words – are important tools we use to discover the truth. The freedom to express an idea in a safe setting, free of condemnation, is at the root of all honest seeking; it is the foundation of our religious freedom. Therefore, in the Dominican tradition, we are forming a small, “disputatio” group which begins in January. If you are interested, or know someone who might benefit, please contact Nina Butorac, Director of Outreach, at 206-732-7351, or by email at Parish Events Dominican Youth Group Every Fourth Friday - January 23 Don’t miss the next meeting of the Dominican Youth group - we invite all those between the ages of 13 and 19. We will meet in the Church on Friday, January 23, at 5:30 PM for Mass, Stations of the Cross, then dinner, a social hour of games and jollification, time for Adoration and the Rosary, a reflection on the Sunday readings, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and finally Compline and Benediction. It’s a full night! Remember to invite a friend! If you have any questions, please contact Mark Shea at 425672-3522. See you then! Noteworthy Caregiver Support Group Alzheimer’s Association Are you caring for someone with memory loss? Alzheimer’s Association caregiver support groups provide a consistent and caring place for people to learn, share and gain emotional support from others who are on a unique journey. A free information and support group for unpaid care partners, family members and friends is held on the Third Saturday of each month, from 10:30 - 12:00 Noon, at Swedish Medical Center in Ballard 3 North Conference Room 5300 Tallman Ave NW In Seattle’s Ballard neighborhood For more information, please contact Linda Whiteside at 206-529-3875. Do You Want To Become a Catholic? We invite you to attend a series of weekly inquiry classes that will introduce you to Catholic beliefs and practices. Along with presentations about Catholic teachings, there is always time for group discussion and opportunities to ask questions. Classes meet most Sundays of the year, so you can begin whenever you like. Find out more by emailing Marilyn Thornton at, or by calling 206-355-6540. Young Adults DRINKS WITH DOMINICANS Tuesday, January 27, 7:30 PM - Parish Hall Please join Greenspire, the parish community for adults in their 20s and 30s, as we welcome Mark Shea, who will present "101 Reasons not to be Catholic." You may know Mark from his books, his articles, or perhaps his work locally. Of this topic, Mark says, "There are a million reasons not to be a Catholic and only one reason to be one. You be the judge." GREENSPIRE COUNCIL MEETING Sunday, January 25, 3:00 PM Holy Family Conference Room - Church Please join us for a very important council meeting for Greenspire, the parish community for adults in their 20s and 30s. We had a great meeting in November to lay the foundation for 2015, but we need your help to finish setting things in motion. Chiefly, we need to elect officers who can use their gifts and talents to make our ministry burn ever brighter, and in so doing enkindle the fire of faith in more hearts. Come help us figure out who those leaders will be. No one will be drafted, but we would sure like your wisdom in helping us discern the best way to proceed. For more information on the Young Adult community at Blessed Sacrament, please contact Matt Luby, at Local Events St. Matthew School Open House You are invited to visit St. Matthew School during our upcoming January open house on Sunday, January 25, from 10:30 AM to 12:00 noon. St. Matthew School is a Catholic elementary school located at 1230 NE 127th St., with easy access to I-5 and Bothell Way. In-parish tuition is available to Blessed Sacrament families. Contact Development Director Stacy Pretti at 206-362-2785, ext. 103, or for more information. The Kennedy Catholic Booster Club Annual Crab Feed Saturday, January 24, 6:00 PM in the cafeteria Tickets: $60 through January 13 and $65 after January 13 Visit to purchase tickets. Contact Amy Hall at for details. Local Events March for Life Tuesday, January 20, 2015 at 12:00 Noon The Capitol in Olympia Get energized with pro-lifer supporters from across the state. Your presence and prayers are needed at this peaceful witness that all life is sacred. Make your voice heard. Carry a red rose, the pro-life symbol. For more information visit, or call 253-564-1497 Mass for Life Tuesday, January 20, 9:30 AM Marcus Pavilion, St. Martin’s University Lacey, Washington Catholics from around the Archdiocese will gather to celebrate the annual Mass for Life and honor the sacredness of all human life, especially in its most vulnerable forms. Contact: Ignatian Spirituality 101: An Introduction to Ignatian Prayer & Spirituality Thursday, January 15, 7:00-9:00 PM Mother Teresa Room - St. Joseph Center Pope Francis, the first Jesuit Pope, is grounded in Ignatian spirituality, but many do not know fully what that means. What is Ignatian spirituality all about? How might I incorporate Ignatian prayer and spirituality into my life? If you would like to know more, this introduction to the basics of Ignatian prayer and spirituality is for you! The evening will include: introductions, opening prayer, an overview of the life of St. Ignatius and Ignatian spirituality, experiences of Ignatian prayer, and more information on how to continue to grow in Ignatian spirituality through the ISC. Light snacks will be provided. People of all ages, faith traditions and spiritual backgrounds are welcome. We encourage you to think of family, friends or colleagues who might be interested and invite them to attend! No cost. Free will offering. For more information or to RSVP, email Andrea Fontana at or call 206-329-4824. Sponsored by the Ignatian Spirituality Center St. Joseph Church 732 18th Ave East Seattle’s Capitol Hill Music Ministry HYMN OF PRAISE It may surprise many Catholics to learn that at only one place during the entire celebration of the Holy Mass is a "Hymn" specifically advocated. This hymn is to succeed the reception of Holy Communion, the Purification of the vessels and (if appropriate) a few moments of silent prayer. It has earned the title "Hymn of Praise" given its described function by the Roman Missal: "When the distribution of Communion is over, if appropriate, the Priest and faithful pray quietly for some time. If desired, a Psalm or other canticle of praise or a hymn may also be sung by the whole congregation." General Instruction of the Roman Missal (2011) At Blessed Sacrament Parish, we began the process of introducing the "Hymn of Praise" on the First Sunday of Advent solidifying its proper placement within the Communion Rite in time for the celebration of our Christmas Liturgies. In an effort to allow for the proper placement of the "Hymn of Praise" while preserving a few moments for “quiet prayer," our Music Ministers are also being trained to begin/conclude the Communion Chant at the proper time(s) while allowing for the reception of Holy Communion themselves: "While the Priest is receiving the Sacrament, the Communion Chant is begun...the singing is prolonged for as long as the Sacrament is being administered to the faithful. However, if there is to be a hymn after Communion, the Communion Chant should be ended in a timely manner. Care should be taken that singers, too, can receive Communion with ease." General Instruction of the Roman Missal (2011) We are grateful for your increased participation in the singing at Mass of late, especially at the "Hymn of Praise." The 2014 Giving Tree Report Our expectations continue to be exceeded by the generosity of our parishioners! Of special note, we saw a large increase in donations to our homeless population. We distributed many coats, hats, socks, gloves and flashlights at our Sunday Christmas dinner and we will continue to provide new coats and sleeping bags to patrons of the Sunday dinner throughout the winter. As is customary with the Giving Tree, many families, adults and children benefited from toys, cold weather items, and grocery gift cards. Thank You! VOLUNTEER SINGERS and INSTRUMENTALISTS We have various Choral Ensembles available for musicians of all skill levels and abilities. If you are interested in joining one of our Choral Ensembles at Blessed Sacrament please contact our Music Director Matthew Loucks at WOMEN’S SCHOLA - Sings regularly at the 5:00 PM Vigil Mass on Saturdays. (Contact Laura Ouimette at CONTEMPORY ENSEMBLE - Sings regularly at the 9:00 AM and /or the 5:45 PM Masses on Sundays. SCHOLA CANTORUM - Sings regularly at the 10:30 AM and 12:00 Noon Masses on Sundays. MEN’S SCHOLA - A new ensemble beginning in 2015. INSTRUMENTALISTS are also needed on a regular basis especially string, brass and woodwind instruments. CHILDREN’S CHOIR We will be forming a new Children’s Choir with the hope of beginning rehearsals in February of 2015. St. CECILIA CHOIR (Kindergarten – First Grade) St. GREGORY CHOIR (Second Grade – Sixth Grade) Rehearsal times will be announced soon. The Children’s Choir will sing approximately once every five weeks at Masses to be determined. If you have children interested in joining our Children’s Choirs, please contact our Music Director, Matthew Loucks at We have listed the totals by category below, for your review: $ 951 gifts for the children of 12 local families. $1,370 in grocery gift cards. (From this total, $500 was given to St. Edward’s.) $1,896 to St Francis House. $2,805 to Pan de Vida - Mexican orphanages. $2,823 for the homeless. $9,845 TOTAL God bless you for your ongoing support of this ministry! Barbara Coté and Joan Kirkland, St. Vincent de Paul Gela Gibbons and Nina Butorac, Pan de Vida Reflecting Christ Stories Happy New Year! As I reflected on our most re ce n tly co m p le te d liturgical seasons of Advent and Christmas, it occurred to me that there is a reflecting Christ story right in the middle of it all. As I looked more carefully at the stories we tell about the coming of Christ Jesus, I realized it's all about sharing. As we proclaim in the creed, "the one God" shared the "only begotten Son of God" with us when he entered into creation. As the apostle John gives us in the prologue to his gospel, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God … and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.” (John 1:1&14) The only begotten Son of God shared himself with us in an incredibly personal and intimate way when he assumed full humanity -- making God immanent to us as never before, and at the same time transforming the human condition. "… Christ Jesus, who, being in very nature God … made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness." (Philippians 2:5-7) The Blessed Virgin Mary, when confronted with the opportunity posed by the archangel Gabriel, humbly shared her life, her love and her body - making herself completely available to become the Theotokus - the God-bearer. The flesh the only begotten Son of God assumed in becoming fully human was a gift shared with him by the Blessed Virgin Mary. She also became the proto-disciple sharing with us what it truly means to say 'yes' to our Lord, Jesus Christ. Of course, together with St. Joseph, she cared for and nurtured her son, Jesus of Nazareth, and then, ultimately, shared him with the world on Calvary's hill. Seasonally speaking, our celebration of Christ's coming is complete. But the story is not over. The sharing is not done. In his great commission, Jesus tasked all of us to share him with the world. (Matthew 28:19) We each have opportunities to share Christ each day - at home, at work, at school, with friends, colleagues and family members. By embodying Christ in our lives and allowing his spirit to be reflected in our living and witnessing, we share him with the world. Please reflect on this as you enter the New Year. Let us all imitate our Mother Mary by saying 'yes' to Christ. God's blessing, Walt Sears Announcements Northwest Catholic Catholic Communications Campaign January 24 - 25, 2015 NORTHWEST CATHOLIC is the official publication of the Archdiocese of Seattle mailed ten times each year to every registered Catholic household in Western Washington. Its mission is to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ and to educate and inspire disciples. A portion of this collection supports the U.S. bishops’ Catholic Communications Campaign. Remaining funds are credited directly to parishes for the NW CATHOLIC portion of their ACA responsibility. A collection will be taken up the weekend of Jan. 24-25 to help support the Catholic Communications Campaign and NW CATHOLIC. Envelopes will be in the pews and there will be only one passing of the basket. Automatic Tithing Have you ever said “Oh no, my checkbook!” or “I forgot my envelopes!” as soon as the offertory begins during Mass? Did you know that you can have weekly or monthly tithing deducted automatically from your bank account, or charged to your debit or credit card on a monthly or weekly basis? Think of the convenience. No more checks to write or envelopes to remember! For more information on how this can work for you, contact Debbie Gonzalez at 206-732-7340 or Advertising in the Bulletin Please let your favorite business owners know that advertising on the back of our Bulletin is affordable, reliable and helps to provide for our free printing service! For more information, call the Catholic Printery at 800-867-0660, ext 228. “Ninth Means North!” Arrive Northbound, Park Northbound, Exit Northbound We are requesting that all those attending Mass on Sundays, and who use 9th Avenue, to arrive, park and exit traveling NORTH on 9th Avenue. It really does work when everyone cooperates!