Student Workshop Program - The Indian Society of International Law
Student Workshop Program - The Indian Society of International Law
World Congress on International Law Students/Young Scholars Conference Contemporary Issues of International Law Organized by The Indian Society of International Law Programme (Student/Young Scholars) 9th January 2015, Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi 10th- 11th January 2015, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi 10 January 2015, Saturday 09.00-10.30 Panel: TOWARDS MAKING A RIGHTS BASED WORLD ORDER Chair: Ms. Anuradha Bakshi, Principal Legal Officer, Asian African Legal Consultative Organisation, New Delhi ˜ Legal Protection of Unborn Child: Human Rights and Abortion Afzal Ahmad, University of Delhi, Delhi ˜ The Right to Reparation for Human Rights Violations in International Law Dakshita Sangwan , Jamia Milia Islamia University, New Delhi ˜ Muslim Women at the Crossroads: The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) and the Muslim Personal Laws in India- Iram Khan, South Asian University, New Delhi ˜ Principle of Democracy in International Law: A TWAIL Perspective Radhika Jagtap, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi 10.30-11.00 BREAK 11.00-13.00 Panel: INTERNATIONAL LAW IN A CHANGING WORLD Chair: Mr. M. V. Shiju, Lecturer, Department of Policy Studies, TERI University, New Delhi ˜ The Scope of Pacta Sunt Servanda in Public International Law: The Battle with Rebus Sic Stantibus - Abisha Isaac, School of Law, Christ University, Bengaluru ˜ Legal Facets of Extra-territorial Use of Force on Non-state Actors Anasuya Syam, NUALS, Kochi ˜ Responsibility to Protect: Excuse of International Law of Intervention (A Case Study of Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya) -Vijay Jayshwal, Kathmandu School of Law, Kathmandu, Nepal ˜ The Downing of MH17: Fixing Responsibility of Non-State Actors for Acts against Civilian Aircraft -Jacob George Panickasseril, NALSAR, Hyderabad ˜ Persistence of Colonial International Law in Indian Legal System: A Critical Perspective - Akhila B. G., Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi 13.00-14.00 LUNCH 14.00-16.00 Panel: HUMANIZING ARMED CONFLICTS: CHALLENGES TO INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN LAW Chair: Mr. Etienne Kuster, Academic Relations Adviser, Forum for the Integration and Promotion of Law, ICRC, Geneva ˜ International Humanitarian Law in Ancient India: A Multicivilizational Perspective - Amritha V.Shenoy, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi ˜ Law of Neutrality under International Law: Past, Present and the Future Gautam Kumar, South Asian University, New Delhi ˜ Explosive Weapons and International Humanitarian Law Juliee Sharma, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi ˜ Lawmaking and Non-State Actors: Engaging Armed Groups in the Creation of International Humanitarian Law - Nishant Sirohi, Aligarh Muslim University, Murshidabad Centre, West Bengal ˜ Eritrea-Ethiopia Claims Commission (EECC) and Redressal to the Victims of IHL Violations - Tesfaldet Hadgu Haile, Indian Society of International Law, New Delhi 16.00-16.30 BREAK 16.30-18.00 Panel: PROTECTION OF REFUGEES AND THE DISPLACED Chair: Ms. Ragini Trakroo Zutshi, Protection Officer, UNHCR, New Delhi ˜ Developing International Norms and their Impact on States' performance: The Case of Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement Balaji Naika B. G., Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi ˜ Striving for Settlement: A Study of West Pakistan Refugees in the State of Jammu and Kashmir - Kanika Sharma, University of Jammu, Jammu ˜ Interception of Persons Beyond National Jurisdiction and the Duty to Rescue under the Law of the Sea – Implications on Refugee Protection Roopak V., Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi 11 January 2015, Sunday 09.00-10.30 Panel: REGULATING TRADE AND INVESTMENT Chair: Dr. Rajesh Babu R., Associate Professor, IIM, Kolkata ˜ Is the WTO Doing Enough for the Developing Countries? - Sudhanshu Kumar Viplava, Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University, Lucknow ˜ Anti Dumping and Competition Law: A Study on Issues of Divergence and Confluence - Shreya Mittal, India Law Institute, New Delhi ˜ Sole Effects Doctrine and Indirect Expropriation - Aniruddha Rajput, National University of Singapore, Singapore ˜ Impact of Political Risk in International Energy Investment Law Hessamaddin Rahbari, Ghassem Mayah and Esmaeil Shahsavandi, Punjabi University, Patiala 10.30-11.00 BREAK 11.00-13.00 Panel: ENVIRONMENT AND RESOURCES PROTECTION Chair: Dr. Pushpa Kumar, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Delhi, Delhi ˜ International Legal Responses and Adjudication on Climate Change Narmdeshwar, D. S. National Law University, Visakhapatnam ˜ El Niño: Legislating Climate Change - Shikhar Agarwal, Jamia Milia Islamia University, New Delhi ˜ Are WTO Regulations Sufficient for Trans-boundary Transportation of Dangerous Goods? An Environment Perspective - Ghassem Mayah, Esmaeil Shahsavandi and Hesamaddin Rahbari, Punjabi University, Patiala ˜ Bioprospecting in Areas beyond National Jurisdiction: A Preliminary Inquiry on Legal Aspects - Mostafa Hosain, South Asian University, New Delhi ISIL Executive Council PRESIDENT E. M. Sudarsana NATCHIAPPAN EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT Lakshmi JAMBHOLKAR A. K. GANGULI VICE PRESIDENTS M. GANDHI B. C. NIRMAL TREASURER V. G. HEGDE S. K. VERMA Luther RANGREJI P. H. PAREKH J. L. KAUL EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MEMBERS Sanjay PARIKH Satpal NALWA Vivek DHOKALIA Govindaraja G. HEGDE Srinivas BURRA R. K. DIXIT Manju GOEL Sowmya K. C. SECRETARY GENERAL Narinder SINGH COORDINATORS Srinivas BURRA Sowmya K. C. Members, Executive Council, ISIL INDIAN SOCIETY OF INTERNATIONAL LAW V. K. Krishna Bhawan, 9, Bhagwan Das Road, New Delhi - 110001 (INDIA) Phone : 011-23389524, 011-23384458-59 | Fax: 011-23383783 Email : Website : Event Manager