CAS CBE COE CEAS BA BS - Lehigh University Environmental
CAS CBE COE CEAS BA BS - Lehigh University Environmental
Lehigh University Office of Interdisciplinary Programs 490 Maginnes Hall ● 610-758-3996 ● MINOR DECLARATION / REVISION FORM A separate form must be submitted for EACH minor. New □ Dropped □ Revised □ (Please explain nature of revision in space provided) Please print clearly. Name Email Cell Phone Home Phone Student ID # Class Interdisciplinary Program being declared, dropped or revised (A separate form must be completed for each new minor, dropped minor or revision) Please check one minor Campus Box # Expected Graduation (Term/Year) College of Primary Major CAS (Please check one): Degree Sought (Please check one): Africana Studies Classical Civilization Classics □ BA CBE □ □ BS COE / □ CEAS □ □ Advisor (Please list advisor for each) Current Major(s) Asian Studies Advisor e-mail address Primary Major: Cognitive Science Environmental Studies X Secondary Major: Global Studies Health, Medicine & Society Jewish Studies Declared Minor(s) (Please list in order declared) Latin Latin American Studies Science, Technology & Society Sustainable Development Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies * Minors must be submitted by the end of the student's FIFTH semester. When the minor is completed satisfactorily, it will be recorded on the student's academic record upon graduation. THE MINOR WILL NOT APPEAR ON THE DIPLOMA. Approved by: Student Date Program Director Date Submit completed forms to the Office of Interdisciplinary Programs, 490 Maginnes Hall For OIP use only Received on _____ /_____ /_____ Copies distributed on _____ /_____ /_____ Initials: ___________ (See reverse side for program specific documentation) □ □ □ □ □ □ Dean’s Office, College of A&S Registrar Program Director Major Advisor(s) Minor Advisor(s) Student Rev 4/2014 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES MINOR REQUIREMENTS A minor in Environmental Studies consists of four 4-credit courses, for a total of 16 credits. These should include ES 1, one course from the required or core set of courses for the major, and two courses from either the core or elective courses for the major. At least one course must be at the 300-level. New courses may be offered annually. Students should check with the program director for an updated list. Course # Title Credits ES 001 INTRODUCTION TO ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES Term/Year 4 Minors must be submitted by the end of the student’s FIFTH semester. IF THE COURSE REQUIREMENTS CHANGE OR A STUDENT WISHES TO VARY THE ABOVE-LISTED COURSES, A REVISED MINOR DECLARATION FORM SIGNED BY THE MINOR ADVISOR MUST BE SUMMITTED. Required Courses ES 1 Introduction to Environmental Studies (4) ES 2 (EES 2) (GCP 2) Introduction to Environmental Science (3) ES 4 (EES 4) The Science of Environmental Issues (1) ES 105 (POLS 105) Environmental Policy and Planning (4) ES 381 Senior Seminar: Issues in Environmental Studies (4) Core Courses ES 106 (POLS 106) Environmental Values and Ethics (4) ES 111 (ECO 111) Introduction to Environmental Economics (4) ES 121 (ANTH 121) Environment and Culture (4) ES 125 (JOUR 125) Environment, the Public and Mass Media (4) CEE 272 Risk Assessment (2) ES 315 (HIST 315) American Environmental History (4) Elective Courses ANTH 145 Human Evolution (4) ANTH 305 Anthropology of Fishing (4) CEE 379 (EES 379) Environmental Case Studies (3-4) ECO 311 Environmental Economics (3) EES 89 Geographical Analysis of our Changing World (4) EES 386 Wetland Science (4) ES 10 Environment and the Consumer Society (4) ES 93 Lehigh Earth Observatory Field/Laboratory Internship(1-4) ES 100 (GCP 100, EES 100) Earth System Science (4) ES 107 (POLS 107) Politics of the Environment (4) ES 115 (JOUR 115) Communicating about the Environment (4) ES 117 (JOUR 117) (HMS 117) Environmental Health Risks and the Media (4) ES 123 Sustainability in Action I (1-4) ES 124 Sustainability in Action II (1-4) ES 131 Internship (1-2) ES 171 (CEE 171) Fundamentals of Environmental Technology (4) ES 181 Independent Study (1-4) Elective Courses (continued) ES 223 Advanced Sustainability in Action I (1-4) ES 224 Advanced Sustainability in Action II (1-4) ES 254 (REL 254) (ASIA 254) Buddhism and Ecology (4) ES 293 Advanced Lehigh Earth Observatory Field/Laboratory Internship (1-4) ES 323 (HMS/JOUR/STS 323) Health and Environmental Controversies ES 328 (POLS 328) U.S. Politics and Environment (4) ES 331 U.S. Environmental Law I: Pollution & Risk Abatement (4) ES 333 (IR 333) International Environmental Law & Policy (4) ES 338 Environmental Risk: Perception & Communication (4) ES 339 (IR 339) Global Security and the Environment (4) ES 343 (IR 343) Comparative Environmental Law & Policy (4) ES 352 (ANTH 352) Environmental Archeology (4) ES 355 (POLS 355) Environmental Justice & the Law (4) ES 367 (TLT 367) Environmental Education (3) ES 368 (TLT 368) Teaching and Learning with Geospatial Tools (3-4) ES 371 Special Topics (1-4) ES 375 (POLS 375) Seminar: Green Polity (4) ES 391 Honors Thesis (4) IR 344 Politics of Oil (4) JOUR 123 Basic Science and Technical Writing (4) POLS 338 Markets, Politics & the Law (4) POLS 348 Land Use, Growth Management and the Politics of Sprawl (4) REL 6 Religion and the Ecological Crisis (4) SDEV 10 Challenges of Sustainable Development SDEV 122 Sustainable Development: The Costa Rican Experience (3) SDEV 201 Sustainable Development Solutions, I (2) SDEV 202 Sustainable Development Solutions, II (2) SDEV 203 Research in Sustainable Development (2-4) SDEV 372 Independent Study in Sustainable Development (1-4)
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