Houghs Neck Community Council


Houghs Neck Community Council
Houghs Neck
Happy 2015
PERMIT # 59319
1193 Sea Street ~ Houghs Neck, MA 02169
Presidents Message
First I wish all of Houghs Neck a Happy New Year, lets hope it is a healthy
and prosperous 2015. Please see the poster below for our Community Service
Day being held on the MLK Holiday. Zoe Anthonopoulos has worked hard on
this and looks forward to promoting Community Service. Our Annual Tree
lighting went well thanks to the Quincy Fire Department and the firefighters
from Houghs Neck for hosting, the Quincy Police Department for their
assistance and traffic control. Thanks to the Parks Department who provided
the stage, also to Mayor Koch, Quincy delegation representing the city council
and school committee, State Rep Chan and State Senator Keenen. Once again
the Houghs Neck Congregational Church presented a Living Nativity. Great
Job and thank you for the delicious goodies and Hot Chocolate. The Atherton
Hough School PTO held a polar plunge on January 3rd, and no I did not go in
the water. but over 50 people did and made the Polar Plunge a success. They
also held a bake sale to add to the fund-raising event. We are planning the
annual free skate night for February and then the Bunny Fun Day for late
March. The Community Council is looking for volunteers to assist with these
events if interested please email us at hnccbulletin@yahoo,com. I also wish to
remind everyone of the council’s Scholarship Fund. Every year we receive
more and more applications and our finances are raised through donations. So
please help us invest in the Necks future by your tax deductible donations to
the scholarship fund. Dave DiBona
Winter Parking Rules
To find out if a snow emergency
has been declared call 617-770-7669
for a recording. If you have cable
TV, tune to channels 8 or 11. On
your computer, go to the City’s web
page at www.quincyma.gov.
You can also receive ALERTS
directly to your personal e-mail or
your cell phone by signing up at
h t t p : / / w w w. q u i n c y m a . g o v /
Houghs Neck Community Center
and the HN Community Council
to Co-Sponsor
Martin Luther King
Community Service Day
Martin Luther King Community Service Day will be held at the Houghs
Neck Community Center on Monday, January 19, 2015 12:00 Noon till
4:00pm. Zoe Antonopoulos is the event chairperson and has planned
various programs that will help attendees send letters to our troops
overseas, create valentines cards for seniors. A winter Apparel Drive
to collect warm clothes for families in need and a Youth Philanthropy
“Donation Bank” The City of Quincy Planning Department, QCARE,
Opportunity Nation/Operation Quincy, Massachusetts Service Alliance,
US Department of housing and urban development First Congregational
Church and Care Packs Inc. are all sponsoring this event. The MLK
Community Service Day is open to all members of the community and
we urge you to attend. For more information please contact Zoe @
Martin Luther King Service Day at
Houghs Neck Community Center!
1193 Sea Street, Quincy, MA
January 19, 2015
12:00 - 4:00 pm
If a snow emergency has been
declared, get further help by calling
the Snow Hotline at 617-376-1927.
The following winter parking
rules apply during every Snow
No parking allowed on either side
of Emergency Arteries during a
Snow Emergency. Residents on side
streets (non Emergency Arteries) are
allowed to park on the EVEN SIDE
of the street this snow season. This
is determined by which year the
snow season begins. During even
year snow seasons (2014), parking
is permitted on the even side of the
parking on the street is
prohibited all year without a resident
parking permit. Permits are available
at the Quincy Police Department,
One Sea Street.
Vehicles in violation of winter
parking rules will be towed at
owner’s expense.
Also, if your vehicle is hampering
snow removal operations (i.e. parked
too close to an intersection, etc.) it
will be towed. The average tow fee
is $125, plus cost of storage. No
Winter Apparel Drive for Families in Need;
Letters to Troops;
Valentines for Seniors;
Handmade Flash Cards; and
Youth Philanthropy Take-Home ÒDonation BankÓ
Contact: Zoe Antonopoulos, Event Coordinator !
Gifts to the Houghs Neck
Community Council Scholarship Fund
In Memory of
The Bottary Family
Leo, Mary, John, & Leo Jr.
Carol Carpenter
In Loving Memory of
Kevin Murphy
Richard Charbonneau
Margaret O’Connor
In Memory of
Pat Morrell
Her Family
In Memory of
My Mother
Mary “Polly” Caramanica
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gilbody
In Memory of
Maurice Houlihan
on his 2nd Anniversary
The Houlihan Family
In Honor of our Brother
Doug Shoul
on his Jan. Birthday
Love Kathy & Dave DiBona
In Loving Memory of
Abbie Sines
on her 1st Anniversary
Janet, Joe, Corey & Emily
Community Tree Lighting
The Annual tree lighting was held on December 7 at 5PM in front of the HN
Fire Station. Because of the cold weather the crowd was smaller then usual
but those that attended listened to the children singing carols and the Mayor
Tom Koch start the countdown and the tree lights glowed. Santa stopped
by to pass out Candy Canes and the Legion Post 380 placed a wreath at the
World War II Memorial. The Houghs Neck Congregational Church Presented
a Living Nativity, where members of the church stood in three stations as
shepherd, the Holy Family and Wisemen. The scenes including sheep, goats
and an alpaca. Members of the church went over and above with the Hot
Chocolate and baked goods in the Fellowship hall.
Children’s Christmas Party
Everyone had a great time at the HNCC Christmas Party. Everyone enjoyed
the hot cocoa, cookies donated by Fratelli’s and Ginger Betty’s. Thanks to
all my helpers. Pastor Felix Carria, Ralph Jacobs, for the use of the Church
Hall. Wayne and Chris Batson, Rachael Pavidis, for helping with the games.
Council members, Dave, Helen, Patt for set-up, entertaining the children,
clean-up. Very Special Thanks to Santa and Big Joe The Storyteller.
Kathylene Pavidis VP HNCC
Official Publication of the Houghs Neck Community Council Inc.
NEWS - From the Pumpy to the Willows
Published - Twelve issues per year
1193 Sea Street Quincy MA 02169
WEB Site www.houghsneck.org Email hnccbulletin@yahoo.com
HNCC PRESIDENT David DiBona 617-471-9179
ADVERTISING Eileen Timcoe 617-479-4107
EDITOR Tom Timcoe 617-481-9153
COMMUNITY AFFAIRS Cynthia Lewis 617-376-1385
SCHOLARSHIP Chairman David DiBona 617-471-9179
COMMUNITY CENTER Cynthia Lewis 617-376-1385
Annual Subscription -
Free to all Houghs Neck Residents
10.00 per year for each address outside Houghs Neck
Memorial or Honorary Donations
The In Honor Of or Memorials printed in the Bulletin each month are
from your neighbors who give a donation. They may recognize a loved
ones birthday, anniversary, wedding, birth, passing, letting a friend know
you are thinking of them or any occasion. All donations are given to the
Houghs Neck Scholarship Fund. Last June the Scholarship committee
presented $7950.00
to 6 High School Seniors and 5 College Students
continuing there education. Since June, 1964 they have presented $211.920�
to brightest students from Houghs Neck. You may honor a loved one or
friend by placing a memorial or in honor of, with a donation. Please send
a request to David DiBona 45 Turner Street, Quincy MA 02169.
The scholarship committee also has for sale the “Houghs Neck
History” book for $10.00. Available at E & T Ceramics or by calling
The future of Houghs Neck thank’s you in Advance for your Generosity.
Houghs Neck Community Council
Vice President
Recording Secretary
Corresponding Secretary
Dave DiBona
Kathy Pavidis
Eileen Timcoe
Alda Lyons
Brian Laroach
Board Members:
Kathy DiBona, Patt McCone, Kathie Tracey, Zoe Antonoupoulos Helen Kelley,
Aaron Cavin, Jim McCarthy, Madelene Cheney,
Amy DiBona, John McCone, Tom Timcoe, Sarah Scott, There are open seats if you are interested. email
hnccbulletin@yahoo.com for additional information
Joe Fasci sent this message along with his membership:
Fortunately I get back to Quincy almost every year for a month since 1992
to visit the Neck and attend the shipyard reunion banquet.
Always get a kick out of the Mayors election. For years the Neck had a
self styled, self elected Mayor Mr. Riley. One year I brought a buddy of mine
home for dinner, as we passed Mr. Riley’s place he called out, “Hey Joe aren’t
you going to introduce your friend to the Mayor?” When we returned to base,
my buddy was telling the fellows how he had met the most down to earth,
regular, friendly politican he had ever met. I never did tell him the true story.
Many of the present Neckers don’t know how close we almost lost the
neck to “Urban Renewal”. A meeting was held at the high school where men
up on the stage had flip charts showing how urban renewal would be done.
The maps were colored from pink (slight renewal) to maroon (complete
renewal). As they showed various sections of the city, the colors were pink
or light red. After calls of “Get to the Neck” they finally showed the Neck,
mostly maroon, complete razing. The crowd became noisy. Queenie got up
on the stage walking back and forth saying that of all places she had been, she
liked Houghs Neck best and if they came to tear her home down, she would
meet them with a shotgun! That was a great night for the Neck and the end of
urban renewal.
At one time the Neck was made fun of, even in the Quincy Theater Stage
Shows, the comedians would joke about the Neck such as: Good girls go to
heaven, bad girls go to Houghs Neck etc. Then a man would run onto the
stage waving a telegram which he handed to the comedian who looked at it
and said “Oh My God a big wind storm just swept through Houghs Neck” It’s
the first time in 20 years Houghs Neck has been swept. Of course there would
be remarks about clamdiggers.
People of my age (87) were fortunate when Father Hart came to to the
Parish. He did so much for the Neck especially sportswise. Great man. I kept
in touch with him over the years and when he retired I would visit him at
Regina Cleri on my annual visit. He always loved the Neck. Guess thats
enough rambling. I’m sure Frank M and Leo K could tell you more on these
subjects. Good bye for now Joe.
Birthdays. Anniversaries.
My favorite flower.
He never forgot anything.
Including making his funeral arrangements ahead of time. I’m thankful
that he took care of the details in advance and saved me the added anxiety
of having to make dozens of decisions at a difficult time. And because he
paid for his services in advance, my family was not left with a financial
burden, but with peace of mind knowing his wishes will be honored.
The professionals of Deware Funeral Home took care of all of the details
and helped us plan a fitting tribute to a life well lived.
Call us today to set up an appointment with a counselor and to receive
your FREE copy of our Funeral Planning Guide.
Deware Funeral Home
576 Hancock Street
Quincy, MA 02170
(617) 472-1137
A Service Family Affiliate of AFFS and Service Corporation International,
492 Rock Street, Fall River, MA 02720, (508) 676-2454.
Houghs Neck
Garden Club
The Houghs Neck Garden Club
announces the programs for 2015.
All meetings will be held in the
Community Room at Nut Island.
Refreshments will be served at 7pm
followed by a brief business meeting
and then the program.
January 7 Patti Williams will try out
her new program “Mapping Houghs
Neck from 1614 to 1910” to the
members of the club. Refreshments
by Susan Allen and Ginny Keefe.
February 4 “Valentine’s Floral
Arrangement” with past president
Joanne Bythrow. A fun handson flower arrangement night.
Refreshments by Debbie Nigro and
Lori Lucier.
March 4
“New Age Victory
Gardens” presented by Melissa
Pace. A victory garden can help you
cut grocery bills, avoid disease and
reduce exposure to pesticides and
chemicals. Refreshments by Lois
Murphy and Esther Mullaney.
April 1 “Confessions of a Seed
Snatcher” with Marie Patrice Masse.
She brings many different kinds of
seeds and participants will have the
opportunity to gather seeds to take
home. Refreshments by Joanne
Bythrow and Carol Johnston
May 6 “Fresh Ideas for Home
and Garden” with Laurel Landers.
She will teach us how to choose
the right plant for the right place.
Refreshments by Veva Darrow and
Joan Morgan.
June 3 “Annual Plant Auction”.
We have a lot of fun bidding on
plants from the members gardens.
Refreshments by Marie McLaughlin
and Lynne Vurpillatte. Location
Websites of Interest
City of Quincy
Quincy Recreation
Quincy Animal Shelter
1193 Sea Street, Quincy, Ma
Tel. 617-376-1385
Cynthia Lewis, Director
Tuesday January 13th @ noon
Make a Necklace Earrings Bracelets
Ice Cream Social to follow
MineCraft Painting
Serves a Hot Lunch with dessert
Monday & Wednesday at 11:30. $3.00
Coffee and pastry served at 11am – 11:30
617 376 1385 Reservations are requested
Bingo Wednesday 12:30. All welcome
We serve great refreshment & coffee for 50cents.
Scrabble Monday & Wednesday 12noon
A nice crowd...join the scrabble group
Free Blood Pressure Clinic Every 2nd &
4th Thursday of the month 9:30
Paint Mondays @ 10am free
Yoga with Christine Way Cotter
Quincy College
Kid's Baking
Wednesday January 21st @ 3pm
Ages 6-12 Please RSVP fee $3
Lego Building
Friday January 30th @ 3pm
Legos-Movie-pizza $3.
All Movies are rated G / PG.
This is a Drop off for Ages 5 to 12
Please join us every Friday 1-3pm.
Cribbage Do you play Do you want to learn?
AA Program Saturday 3-5pm. women only
Martin Luther King
Service Day
January 19th 12:00-4:00pm
Winter Apparel for Families in Need;
Letters to our Troops
Valentines for Seniors
Handmade Flash Cards and
Youth Philanthropy Take-Home "Donation Bank"
Zoe Antonopoulos Coordinator
Drop in playgroup for age 0-5 years old with an adult
Volunteers are always welcome
Benefit Fundraiser
Houghs Neck
Community Center
Come and Paint
Friday January 9th at 7pm
Join in the fun All materials &
step by step instruction $25
See the painting on HNCC Facebook
RSVP's Preferred
Blood Pressure Clinic 2nd and 4th Thursday of the Month
9:30 AM ~ Walk-in’s Welcome
The Houghs Neck Community Center
operates under the direction of the Houghs
Neck Community Council, Inc. Funded with a
Community Development Block Grant through
the City of Quincy Planning Department
February 2015 Deadline is
January 25 - 2015
Piano Lessons
Experienced Teacher ~ All Ages ~ 617-481-9153 ~ 617-479-4107
Quincy Checker Cab
Quincy Historical Society
Quincy Community Action Program
All materials provided $4
Free Playgroup
Gentle to Moderate Yoga Stress Relief
Mondays 7-8pm call 617 472-7550
Quincy Chamber of Commerce
Quincy Asian Resources
Friday January16th @ 3pm
Painting, Social and Snacks
Thomas Crane Library
Adams National Historical Park
Free Jewelry Making
OP 4
Quincy’s Newest Cab Company
“Now You Have A Choice”
DA 5
Any Ride From Quincy To Logan $35.00 Plus Toll
“Call Ahead Service For Any Pick-up ~ No Matter How Small”
Houghs Neck Community Council
Holy Trinity Parish
Houghs Neck Congregational Church
We strive to pick-up customers in 12 minutes or less!
Mention; Houghs Neck Bulletin ~ Save $1.00 off your fare
Pack 6 Quincy - News
Interim Pastor. Felix Carrion
Sunday Service 10:00am Fellowship Coffee Hour following Service
Cub Scout Pack 6 News - The Pack meeting in November was
the Rain Gutter Regatta. The boys did a great job assembing and
decorating their boats for the race. The cubs demonstrated great sportsmanship
during the races by encouraging everyone in the race to do their best. This
race is a primer for the spring time Pinewood Derby which is the highlight of
the year for many of the cubs.
Some of the boys from The Pack went on a Hike to Pond Meadow Park in
Braintree, a 320 acre conservation and recreation area spanning the Towns of
Weymouth and Braintree. The park offers a wide variety of habitats, including
meadows, woodlands and marshes, Smelt Brook and its tributaries, and a 20
acre pond and dam that provide flood control to protect the Weymouth Landing
area. The park also provides several miles of walking trails, including a two-
mile paved bike path. While the
boys were at the Park they learned
about safe hiking and earned their
hiking belt loop.
Other happenings in the pack:
Wolf Den is going bowling to
O’Lindy’s to work on their Bowling
Belt Loop. Tiger Den is going to
the Quincy Sun on their “Go See
It” to expore and find out how a
newspaper is created. The whole
pack will be participating this month
in an art project to make Christmas
cards for the overseas troops. The
pack is working with a local teach
who is hoping to send over 3,000
cards from Quincy school kids.
Yours in Scouting,
Brian Laroche Cubmaster
310 Manet Avenue ~ 617-479-8778 www.hncong.org
Fit Fitness Into Your Schedule Yoga, Tai Chi,
Personal Trainer/Physical Therapist
January 20th MOTHERS Club program will help you start the New Year
off right. Speakers include Linda Beck, Vince Jornales and Brad Boulanger.
Linda Beck is a registered yoga instructor who teaches people of for all
ages. Hatha yoga is an holistic yoga utilizing postures, purification procedures,
gestures, breathing and meditation. Yoga helps relive stress and can improve
fitness. Linda runs the yoga class on Thursday evenings at the Houghs Neck
Congregational Church.
Vince Jornales is owner/main instructor of Easton Martial Arts Center
and will perform a Tai Chi Demonstration. He holds the rank of TagapagTuro (Teacher) in the Jornales System of Filipino Martial Arts. Tai Chi is a
centuries old Chinese practice designed to exercise the mind and body through
a series of gentle, flowing postures that create a kind of synchronized dance.
It helps develop your self-control, discipline, and balance. Vince also teaches
2 Tai Chi classes at the Kennedy Center.
Brad Boulanger, DPT, CSCS, will be leading an open forum discussion
about healthy and safe exercise habits and performing an injury screening for
anyone who has had their exercise regimen held back by nagging or recent
injuries. He is currently a full time physical therapist in Quincy and a personal
trainer going on 10 years.
The program is at 7:30 pm in Fellowship Hall of the Houghs Neck
Congregational Church, followed by refreshments served by Helen Miller
and Susan Stimpson. A raffle will be drawn to benefit the MAC Student
Fund. MOTHERS Club (Members Organized To Help, Educate, Reach-out,
Socialize) is open to all interested men and women.
A Frozen Princess Tea
Saturday, February 7, 2015
At the Houghs Neck Congregational Church 310 Manet Avenue, Quincy
Two sessions – choose either 10:00 a.m. – noon or 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Crafts, Music, Activities, and Goodies
and perhaps even a visit from Elsa and some princess friends.
$10 per child and $5 per adult
Princess dress and accessories are optional
This is always a sell-out ~ Reservations are required and can be made by
e-mail to hncc@comcast.net or by calling Sue at 617-479-2311.
Be sure to indicate how many adults and how many princesses will be attending and which session you prefer. If you leave a message
on Sue’s answering machine, please include your phone number.
This event is intended for princesses from toddler/pre-school through early elementary age. All princesses must be accompanied by an adult.
J.F.A u t o C A r e , I n C .
895 Sea Street
Quincy Ma 02169
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Valentines, St. Pat’s & Easter are coming soon!
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Phone 617-479-1000
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Always up for a challenge, the boys of Troop 6 decided
that just camping in the cold wasn’t enough, and on
November 15-16, the scouts built shelters with branches
and leaves and pine boughs and slept the night in the woods of Camp Massasoit. You might remember
that weekend, it was the first time this year that it got
really, really cold. Like 18 degrees cold! Everyone was
well prepared, and a number of the boys were convinced
that their shelters were warmer than a tent would have
been, and they are probably right! We also had the first
ever Troop 6 Cook Off on this trip. Each patrol had to
cook their own food over the open fire and present it to
Fr. Bob Carr; Pastor
Troop 6 - News
Sat. 4:30pm MBS & 6:00pm OLGC
Sun. ��������������������������
8:30am MBS & 10:30am
www.holytrinityquincy.com ~
facebook: holytrinity quincy
Office Hours Monday-Thursday
9:30am to Noon ~ Friday office is
Saturday and Sunday by appointment
Lady’s Sodality Meets the first Sat
of the Month after the 9:00am mass
at Our Lady of Good Counsel church
hall. Julie Berberan is the Prefect
for more information contact her at
the judges for dinner. The Duct Tape Patrol made a nice
Chicken Parmesan and pasta, the Task Force Patrol had
a hearty American Chop Suey, but the winner was the
Border Patrol with an amazing Beef Stew. Congrats to
Jake Walsh, Patrick Lee, Chris Fournier, and Brendan
The troop continues to work hard on advancement, with
Brody Gillespie and Andrew Engren making Tenderfoot,
Jake Gordon, Kevin Toler, and Ryan Laroche all earning
Second Class and Jake Gordon, Ryan Laroche, Brendan
Cavin, Kevin Toler, and Chris Fournier all earned both
Rifle and Archery Merit Badges, thanks to Dick Striano
and the Weymouth Sportsman’s Club (THANKS!!!)
Congrats as well to Jake Walsh for completing his Family
Life Merit Badge. He should be a Life Scout soon!
There is also a big group of boys that are coming to the
meetings early every week to work with Rich Sutherland
on Communications Merit Badge as well.
In addition, John Bonfiglioli completed the majority of his Eagle project
last month! John raised over $800 through an 11+ mile Hike-A-Thon that the
scouts participated in. He then worked with Carl Reich to build an Osprey
tower for the marsh by Broad Meadows. On November 29th, with the aid of a
team of scouts and leaders, we put the tower up on the island in the middle of
the marsh. The tower stands over 12’ tall and will hopefully provide a safe and
secure nest for a family of Osprey this spring. You can see the tower clearly
from the end of Moffat Road. As part of the project, John is also providing
Broad Meadows Middle School with 3 pairs of high powered binoculars and
a teaching guide about why Osprey are important to the marshes and our
ecosystem. Congrats John!
Our next meeting will be held
after the 8:30 Mass on Jan. 18th. In
the St. Thomas Aquinas Hall
Our Parish Food Pantry shelves
were empty so the Holy Name
Society hosted a Food Drive on the
weekend of Dec... 13th & 14th at all
masses. Thanks to all, the shelves
were filled and many families were
served prior to the Holidays.
Eucharist Adoration @ MBS 4:00
- 8:00 PM Jan., 7, 2015 & Feb 6th
Rosary @ OLGC 7PM every Wed.
All members of the HNS are invited.
Thank You to the dedicated members
that shopped, prepared, served and
cleaned up for the Confirmation
Rehearsal Dinner
Special Thank-you’s to those that
helped set up the manger’s at both
churches. We will have a work party
Jan 11 after the 8:30 Mass to take
them down. We will also discuss the
repair or replacement of the figurines
for MBS that were damaged during
Bernies General Store
Milk ~ Papers ~ Gree�ng Cards ~ Groceries ~ Fired Foods ~ Subs ~ Deli ~ Lo�ery
Open 7 days ~ 6AM to 10PM
We closed out 2014 with our biggest
ever Christmas/Holiday party, with
20 pizzas and a Yankee swap among
45 of us! It was crazy, but a lot of
fun! We were also proud to present
the “Pop Josselyn” Award to Don
and Barbara Oakes for their years
of dedication to the Troop and Pack.
They exemplify the type of service
that Pop would have been proud of,
and we are going to miss them, and
wish them well in their next great
adventure in North Carolina.
Our next bottle drive is January
10th from 9-12 in Labrecque Field
parking lot, and will continue to be
the second Saturday of every month.
Please remember that the bottle drives
are our main means of fundraising for
the Troop, and we really appreciate
your contributions.
Please feel
free to call if you need a pick up!
Yours in Scouting,
Rob Gordon, Troop 6 Scoutmaster,
Now Offering Free Food Delivery in Houghs Neck Area ONLY
Take Out Orders Call: 617-479-7441
1149 Sea Street ~ Houghs Neck
Danny L. Woodberry
267 Rock Island Rd.
Quincy, MA. 02169
(617) 201-6638
Doors - Windows - Wall & Ceiling Restoration - Dry Wall
Sound Proof Ceilings ~ Interior & Exterior Painting
Tile Floors & Showers - Masonry & Stair Repair
Carpentry - Custom Wall Finishes
City of Quincy
Ward One Councilor
1305 Hancock St.... Quincy, MA 02169
I’m happy to have 2015 arrive and
I’m starting the New Year plunging
into Quincy Bay in support of the
Atherton Hough PTO Polar Plunge.
They say these plunges are like a
cleanse for a fresh start. 2014 was a
year with ups and downs for sure. On
a personal note, I’m blessed to have
my mom’s recovery from a difficult
health year, a complete exterior
renovation of my home, and now
I’m anxiously awaiting my younger
daughter’s decision of where she’ll
attend college in 2015.
On the City side of things, we ended
the year with an abrupt announcement
from Steward Healthcare that
effective 12/31 Quincy Medical
Center would be closed. Despite an
agreement with the Attorney General,
Steward proceeded to close most
of the hospital but will continue to
operate an emergency department at
the hospital location. I am very proud
to have been born at Quincy Hospital
and know many share that sentiment.
I feel strongly that a city of our
size needs a hospital. Mayor
Koch has retained an attorney
to represent the City’s interest in
the Attorney General’s agreement.
While the MA Department of Public
Health allowed Steward to close
the hospital and operate a satellite
emergency department, we still
have many questions relative to the
process, why the timeline wasn’t
followed and what this means for
our community health care going
forward. I also met in December
with a group of neighbors on the
planning of the Houghs Neck
Maritime Center/Public Landing
project. The engineering firm will
begin their work on the feasibility
study in January and once complete,
I will host a neighborhood meeting
to share their findings. Louis had
proposed to subdivide their parking
lot from the restaurant for a condo
development concept that wasn’t well
received by the neighbors, feeling
they prefer not to have any more
dense development in the area. A
neighbor suggested the City acquire
the parking lot and Mayor Koch
and the Community Preservation
Committeee are considering the
idea. There is a pending application
with the Zoning Board of Appeals
to consider the subdivision which is
being continued at this time. There
appears to be two options, one the
ZBA votes against the subdivision,
then both the restaurant and parking
lot parcels could get sold for
development, which the neighbors
were explicit in not wanting a dense
development at those locations or
the city can acquire the parking lot,
attach it to the HN Maritime Center/
Public Landing Parcels which could
benefit from additional land and the
restaurant continues. I know many are
interested in the outcome, and I will
keep you posted as more information
becomes available. Ward One has
seen a lot of development proposals
in 2014. A lot of the work of a Ward
Councilor is working with neighbors
and developers to guide them
through the process of the Planning
Board, Zoning Board, Conservation
Commission and other boards whose
approvals are required. The upper
part of Ward One had the bulk of the
projects. The South Shore YMCA
opened in 2014 albeit they still await
524 Sea Street, Quincy MA
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approval from the MA Department of
Environmental Protection relative to
the demolition of their old building
and the South Cove Manor opened
on Washington Street. These two
non-profit organizations invested
$30 million each in their projects
on the periphery of our downtown.
The City offices of the Planning
Department, Information Technology
and the School Department moved
into Coddington Hall. It’s great to
restore this iconic historic building
and keep these departments in a
municipal building instead of paying
rent as the school department had
been doing. Landscape work and
the creation of a visitor parking
lot at Quincy High School is still
underway. The approval of 10-18
Merrymount Road and the former
Temple Beth El on Hancock Street
will bring 76 units of modern housing
in the downtown area. A developer
acquired the former Central Middle
School and is currently working on
their plans which will be introduced
to the community in 2015. TD Bank
is beginning the permitting process
for new construction at the site of
D’Angelos and Verizon Wireless on
Southern Artery. One I was pleased to
see is the demolition of the National
Grid Substation on Sea Street as it’s
much more aesthetic entering our
peninsula area. While these are all
large commercial scale projects, I
give the same level of advocacy for
residential improvements in helping
to guide homeowners through the
process. The City Inspectional
Services Department also offers
workshops every Thursday afternoon
from 2 P.M. to 4 P.M. for those
needing assistance in understanding
their home improvement projects.
For those who still have their
Christmas Trees, Sunrise Scavenger
will do another curbside collection
the week of January 12th. Park on
the EVEN side during snow storms
this winter.
Best Wishes for a Happy and
Healthy 2015! Margaret
Ji m B o t t a r y
Serv i c e C o m p a n y
Ser vice and Installation on
Oil & Gas Heating Systems ~ Air Conditioning
Major Appliance Repairs
Now Offering Fuel Oil
At D i s c o u n t P r i c e s ~ 1 0 0 G allon Minimum
Call for today’s prices
My Dear Houghs Neck Neighbors,
Please contact me and allow me
to assist you if you would like to buy
Julie berberan
or sell a Houghs Neck home.
CELL 617-238-2994
Thank you, Juile Berberan
The Bag Lady and More
Purses, Totes, Kids Bags
Character Pillows, Pillow Cases
Fleece Blankets & Pillows
Children’s Cloth Books
Flannel Blankets
Marge Colton
doctors for the cost
State Representative ~ 2nd Norfolk District,
of medical care,
State House, Room 26, Boston MA 02133
Tel. 617-722-2080
I hope you had happy holidays
and expenses related to the
and a great start to 2015. I am hospitalization. These may include
pleased to inform you that I have
travel to the hospital, parking,meals
passed my first piece of legislation away from home, babysitting,
into law with only a few days
and travel of family members.
remaining in the 2013-2014
Hospitalization often means that
legislative session. Thus far, I have anemployed family member misses
been able to include important policy work either as a patient or caregiver
initiatives as part of larger pieces of
and our benefits can be used forrent,
legislation. Because the Legislature mortgages, car payments, groceries,
was in informal session, I had to and other ongoing household
work to get unanimous consent of
expenses which continue toaccrue.
both the House and Senate to enact
These benefits make a substantial
the legislation. I then had to ask for financial difference in difficult times
the Governor’s support to sign the for families.
legislation into law. House Bill
At one time, the Legislature was
3730, An Act Relative to Hospital concerned that consumers might
Indemnity Insurance Policies, is now
inadvertently purchase hospital
Chapter 422 of the Acts of 2014.
The law removes a statutory they were buying major medical
hospital insurance. The previous statutory
confinement benefits. Prior to this cap sought to preclude confusion by
change, the law limited insurers’ keeping benefits low so they could
ability to provide fixed indemnity never be expectedto pay for the
benefits to families for the myriad cost of an actual hospital bill and it
costsincurred when a family member limited consumer options.With the
is hospitalized. Massachusetts is the advent ofMassachusetts health care
only state where this limitationhas reforms, Mass Health and the ACA,
ever been statutorily limited.
any concerns that lead to the passage
The law will allow Massachusetts of the new law are fully assuaged.
consumers to purchase coverage Hospital confinement policies are
onsimilar terms and conditions not available on any state orfederal
as in every other state.Hospital exchange and are a separate and
confinement insurance pays a fixed distinct offering from medical
amount of money in the event of expense insurance. Theseproducts
hospitalization ofa covered family serve a different need and provide
member directly to the insured. some financial security to families
This coverage does not pay health outside of the exposureto medical
care providers, suchas hospitals costs.
or doctors, like medical expense
Passage of the law will not change
insurance. Hospital confinement the Commissioner of Insurance’s
coverage is sold as asupplement to
oversight of theseproducts. Forms
medical expense insurance not as a and rates will continue to be
substitute and, in Massachusetts; a overseen and approved. However,
consumer mustalready have medical the removal of thisartificial statutory
coverage before buying a hospital
limit will give companies the
confinement policy.
flexibility to propose appropriate
Hospital confinement coverage rate and coverageofferings to the
recognizes that even when medical Commissioner for approval.
Sincerely. Tackey
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Atherton Hough PTO
PL Polar Plunge
On a chilly first Saturday in
January there were over fifty
brave souls that plunged
into the frigid waters at
the Maritime Center by the
Public Landing. The First
Atherton Hough School
PTO “PL Polar Plunge”
was well attended as there
were as many spectators as
Plungers. The committee
did a great job of organizing
the event, and publishing it
on social media.
Fundraising Chair Nancy
Cross would like to thank
the Quincy Police Marine
Unit for their assistance
and the members of the
unit for being in the water
to keep watch over the
group. Also thanks to the
Quincy Fire Department
for being on shore to assist
anyone needing help. To
City Councilor Margaret
Laforest for her help with
the event. A very Special
thanks to all the members
that donated baked goods
for the bake sale and to
Louis of Houghs Neck for
their donation of Pizza’s for
the plungers.
QPD Marine Unit with Divers in the water.
Over 50 brave souls waiting for the countdown
at the PTO Polar Plunge
HN Bulletin photos
1st Annual Atherton Hough PTO “PL Polar
Plunge” into the frigid water at the Maritime
Center & the Public Landing
Come on in the water is great, just cold.
Houghs Neck
Sam Rounseville
From Houghs Neck to Cape Cod - Go with experience
Jim Riley
Riley Construction
Commercial & Residential Roofing all Phases
Windows and Gutters
Quincy, MA 02169
(617) 472-3335
Licensed & Fully Insured
Mass Reg #138824
Free Estimates
Jessica Conte
Bob & Rosie Gaura
Jack & Colette Cotter
Rhonda Gaura
A. Jaye Cotter & Family
Elaine & Michael Gibbons
Jeff & Marcia Craig
Rich & El Gibbons
Jeffrey Craig
Mary & Walter Gibson
Bob & Pam Craig
Kathleen Mitchell Gill
Harry Crispo
Art & Joan Giordani
Nancy & James Cross
Ron & Elizabeth Goodman
Rachel Cyr
Marty & Paula Gordon
Carol & Peter Damiano
Rob & Jaime Gordon
Peter Damiano & Victor Christensen
Trudy & John Gray
Cody Damon
Kim Hakkila
Veva Darrow
Bob & Judy Hall
Vic & Gayle Davidson
Cliff & Carol Hallett
DJ & Marie Davis
Gabe & Jake Hanly
Desisto Family
Bob & Marybeth Hardiman
Nicole & Jose Diaz
Healy Family
Dave & Kathy DiBona
David Hegarty
Amy DiBona
Gus & Rosie Hegg
Helen & Hans Dietrich
Lillian Helfrich
Jim & Mary Doherty
Amy Herlihy
Erin Doherty
Steven & Nancy Holler
Maura Doherty & Stephen Delano Susan Holmes
Hank & Joanne Dondero
Houlihan Family
Charles & Elissa Donnelly
Charles & Janice Hughes Sr.
Valerie Donnelly
Jack & Roberta Hurley
Jim & Gloria Dougenik
Valerie Jackson & Sue Bartlett
Bob & Lynn Doyle
Nancy Jacobs
Connie & Gail Driscoll
Mary Johnson
John & Babe Duffy
Lucy & Bob Jordan
Margaret & Bill Dunn
Timothy & Diana Kaes
Nancy & Bob Dunn
Christine Keating
Fiona Durkin
Ginny & Ray Keefe
Grace Dwyer
Peter Kelley & Craig MacInnes
Victoria Espinosa
Helen Kelly
Renato & JoAnn Estoce
Bernadette Kelly
Fallon Family
Robert & Katherine Keenan
Gerald Faunce
Agnes Kenney
Marie & Kevin Ferent
Daniel & Karen Kenney
Jordan Ficchi & Delphnine Quilgars
Patricia Keville
Denise Finkelstein & Paul McLaughlin Harold & Carol Kimball
Elizabeth & Christopher Fitzgerald John King
Bob & Jeanne Flaherty
Eileen & Richard King-Collins
Joseph Flores
Arthur & Snookie Knowlton
PJ & Julie Foley
John & MaryAnn Kohut
Arthur & Mary Forrester
Ellen & Jim Kurnick
Sharon Forsyth
Laforest Damily
Joe & Barbara Frenette
LaRoche Family
Sandy Gagne
Mary Larson
Bob & Donna Galligan
Diane Larson
John & Brooke Galligan
Kathleen Leahy
Tim & Lynne Galligan
Jane Maffie-Lee
Houghs Neck
Carol Allen
Roberta Allison
Sandra Alty
Peter & Ali Amato
Anthony Andronico
Zoe Antonopoulos
Susan & Hamid Bahmane
Bailey Family
Jim & Betty Baldwin Mark & Kate Baldwin
Colleen & John Ballarino
Bambrick Family
Clare Barrett
Berberan Family
Helen Berg
Joe & Randy Bertoni
K.A. Bignami
Robert & Janice Blodgett
Bonica Family
Kevin & Susan Boudreau
Connie Boudreau
Tom & Barbara Boussy
Donna & John Brennion
Clem & Bob Brill
Kevin Broughtgon
Margaret & Christopher Brown
Stephen Bryant
Jennifer Buford
Laurie Burlingame & James Percent
Judy & Ken Burke
Elizabeth Bythrow
Jerry & Andree Caldwell
Catherine Caldwell
Tish Canavan
Fred & Polly Caramanica
Gay Carbonneau
Carol Carpenter
Darline Lugelle Carter
Paula Cassford
Paul Cassidy
Dawley Chadbourne
Kirsten Chambers
Casey Chamberlain
Martha Chase
Chaudhary Family
Edward Chiasson
Daniel Clune
Stephen & Deborah Conley
Gerald & Wendy Connors
James & Jean Conso
John & Lisa Leuchte
Susan Lewis
Cynthia Lewis
Nancy Little
Barbara & Tom Logan
Norma Luikart
William Lydon & Family
Gayle & Jim MacKay
Patty & John MacNeil
John & Janice MacPherson
Paul & Leah Markarian
Rita Marsden
Doris & Skip Marshall
Elaine Martin
Linda McAteer
Jim & Allison McCarthy
Brooke, Emily & Megan McCarthy
Frank & Sandra McCauley
Patt & John McCone
Erin McCormack
Barbara McDonald
James & Elba McDonald
Claire McDonough
Mike McDonough
Owen & Jane McElhinney
John & Denise McGee & Sons
Tom & Kathy McIntyre
Kathleen McKinnon
Richard & Marie McLaughlin
Betty McLean
Tom & Beth McMahon
Lucas McNeill & Richard Milne
Frank, Marlene & Patrick McPartlin
Mary & Howard McQuinn
Rebecca McWilliams & Family
Meade Family
Arthur Mellyn
Cynthia Meloski
Ed Menlibai
John & Eileen Menz
Doris Menz
Judy Michelangelo
Hank & Edie Miller
Tony & Betty Mina
Helen Mina
Jackie Mina
Morgan Family
John & Carolyn Moriarty
Veronica Mormino
Dan & Mel Morrell
Tom Morrell
Lisa Mulkern
Jerry & Susan Mullen
Lois Murphy
Charles Murphy
Carol & George Murphy
Denise & Jerry Murphy
William & Jean Murphy
Stephen & Virginia Nemeskal
Aimee Newell
Gerard & Patti Nichol
Peggy & Jack Nigro
George & Ann Marie Norris
Vincent & Rita Norton
Kathy Nugent
John & Cindy O’Callaghan
Mary & Patrick O’Donnell
Susan O’Leary
Harry & Bette Olson & Girls
Roger & Deborah Ormon
Frederick & Joan Pagliarulo
Cathy Parsons
Kate Parsons
Russell & Donna Patten
Pavidis Family
Fay Picarski
Mark & Priscilla Poli
Kerry Potter
Bob & Bobby Preble
Jim & Mary Provenzano
John & Kristen Quigg
Jim & Ann Quigley
Elizabeth & Fred Rafuse
Armindo & Janice Ramos
Linda Reams & Ahmed Berikaa
Mike & Carole Redden
James & AnneMarie Reilly
Carl Renken & Family
Paula & Joe Renzi
Richard Reynolds
Sue & Rob Rheault
William & Claire Richardson
Laura & Deven Riley
Joe & Chris Rimovitz
Bill & Marge Rimovitz
Pat & Fran Rizza
Matt & Erin Rodenhiser
Patrick & Valerie Rosengrave
David & Theresa Rouleau
Warren Ruska
Sherry Ryan
David Schofield
Michael & Beth Sergeff
Richard Shaw
Houghs Neck Merchandise
Quilt ~ $49.95
Magnet ~ $3.00
Journal ~ $10.00
7-1/4” X 5-1/2”
Note Caddy/Pad & Pencil $7.00
6-3/4” X 4-1/2”
Pillows & Totes $19.95
H N C Church Tote Bag
16” X 16”
MBS Church Pillow
16” X 16”
MBS Church Tote Bag
16” X 16”
HN Can Koosie’s ~ $3.00
Wood Buildings 15.00
Quiucy Yacht Club
8” X 3-1/2”
Beyond the
Bob Allen
Richard & Ruth Beaumont
Jon & Sara Belmont
Pat Beston
Carol & Bob Blowers
Jonathan Boie & Family
John & Marguerite Boyd
Pete Brennan
Alice Bricta
Joe Brill
Pauline Burke
Joanne & Dan Bythrow
John Bythrow
Fred & Patricia Caldwell
Howie & Donna Chadbourne
Tackey Chan
Joe & Eileen Chase
Gail Cobb
Ann Connolly
Patty & Bill Corea
Mike & Cyndy Cotter
Christopher Crowley
Debbie & Jason Currie
Harold & Esther Darrow
Ronna Davis
Dan & Annie Davis
Megan Davis
David & Terry DiBona
Cassia DiMuzio
Robert Dobson
Bob & Regina Donald
Pat & Shorty Donovan
Monica Dougenik
William Doyle
Diana Eaton Butcher
Winifred Ellis
Winnie Ellis
Barbara & Mike Farrell
Joe “Tex” Fasci
Deb Favorito
George Gabriel
Joe & Maureen Gibbons
Tom & Carol Gibbons
Barbara & Nancy Goldrick
Doug Guthro
Joseph Haletky
Shirley Harrington
Ann Henshaw
Laura & Dale Janis
Eric & Veva Johnson
Dick & Jane Kelley
Edward & Pierette Kelly
J. Richard Kenney
Robert & Cheryl Kenney
Joan Kirby
Paul Kodad
Larry Levasseur
Jean Patterson Lewis
Lee & Karan Little
Hope & Ed Love
Tina & Matthew Lyons
John & Maureen Lyons
Jay & Jenn MacKay
Marjorie McAllister
Richard & Phyllis McCann
Peter & Karla McCarron
Mary McCarthy
Maryann McCourt
Richard McDermott
Carole McDonough
Francis & Marylou McNeice
Evelyn McNeil
Warren & Joan Meehan
Douglas Menz
Maura Caldwell Mullowney
Paul Murphy
Peggy O’Neill
Mary & William Pace
Bill Patten
Rosanne Patuleia
Shirley Pearson
Charlie Peter
Robert & Joan Piscitello
John & Carol Powers
Rick & Lauren Praetsch
Gail & Ed Regan
Ken & Janet Reynolds
Raymond & Jane Rivera
Dianne Robbins
Val Robertson
Kim Robertson
Lois Roche
Mari-Elizabeth Ryan
Richard Schuerch
Betty Scrimshaw
Janet Shea
Margie & Janet Short
Donna & Joe St. Germain
Dolores Suntheimer
Al Trotman
Ted Turowski
Donald Uvanitte
Arlene Weeks
Maryann Whitney
Lois Zulauf
Great Hill Towers
8” X 3”
Houghs Neck Congregational
7-1/4” X 4-3/4”
Great Hill School
8” X 3”
Kathy & Dave Shaw
Matthew Shaw
Samantha Shaw
Patricia Shea
Jim & Alice Sheeley
Janice Silcox
Michael & Jane Smeglin
Maurice & Kerrianne Smiddy
Judith Smith
Betty Snaith
Donna Solchenberger
Paul & Lorraine Squatrito
Tom & Maryellen Steen
Stirling Family
Beth Sullivan & Family
Jean & Michael Sullivan
Pat & Howard Tabolsky
Frank & David Taylor
Eileen & Tom Timcoe
Toler Family
Sheila Tordoff
Trahan Family
Vilma Trimper
Ruth Tuffy
Norman Tuttle
Jeanne Wahlberg
Kathy & David Wahlstrom
Laurel Wainwright
Karen Walker
Jim & Janet Walker
Ted & Carole Walsh
Ted & Lisa Walsh
Patricia Ward
Bernie & Kelley Whall
Carol Wilson
Barbara Wilson
Elizabeth Wilson
Sheila Wojdakowski &Arthur Webb
Richard & Betty Wood
Maryalice & Francis Yafrate
Paula Younie
Joe & Judie Zagami
Atherton Hough School
7” X 3-1/2”
Introducing new
for 2014
Louis Cafe
The American Legion Family
Houghs Neck Fire Station
6” X 4-1/4”
Most Blessed Sacrament Church
5-1/4” X 6”
Harvey’s Wharf
6-1/5” X 4”
proof ~ image may be different on final product
Houghs Neck Merchandise Order Form
Wood Buildings Atherton Hough School
$15.00 _____
Harvey’s Wharf
$15.00 _____
Houghs Neck Cong. Church
$15.00 _____
Houghs Neck Fire Station
$15.00 _____
Great Hill School
$15.00 _____
Great Hill Towers
$15.00 _____
Most Blessed Sacrament Church
$15.00 _____ Quincy Yacht Club
$15.00 _____ NEW ~ Louis Cafe
$15.00 _____ Pillow and Tote Bags Most Blessed Sacrament Pillow
$19.95 _____
Most Blessed Sacrament Tote
$19.95 _____
Houghs Neck Cong. Church Tote $19.95 _____
Houghs Neck Sites Design
Note Caddy/Pad & Pencil
Houghs Neck Quilt
Houghs Neck Can Koosie’s
Houghs Neck History Book
Bumper Stickers
Large “I  Houghs Neck”
Small “I  HN”
Oval “Flounder HN”
Flounder Note Cards
Old Time Note Cards
$ 8.00
$ 7.00
$ 3.00
$ 3.00
Donation’s: Playground Fund
$________ Rainbow Fund $________ Holiday Fund $ ________
Donation to the Scholarship fund: In memory of:____________________________________$_________
Membership Year Sept 1, 2014 ~ August 31, 2015
HNCC Membership Per Family $ 5.00
Beyond Houghs Neck Per Address $ 10.00 _____
HNCC Membership Per Family
$ 5.00
HN History Book ~ $10.00
Benefits the Scholarship fund
Show your
HN Pride
NECKA Sticker ~ 2.00
Houghs Neck Post, Unit &
Squadron 380
Legion & Auxiliary Membership:
Your 2014 dues are due, Please send your
membership to; Houghs Neck Legion
PO Box 690126 Quincy MA, 022690126. Please indicate on the envelope
which membership is enclosed.
SAL Squadron 380 For all members
under the age of 21 and Duel members
the Dues are $6.00 . Regular members
pay $30.00. Please send your dues to the
address above or to Tom Timcoe 275
Rock Island Rd. Quincy MA 02169.
Small Sticker ~ 2.00
Check total $ _______________
Large Bumper Sticker ~ $1.00
City: __________________ ST:_______ Zip: ________ Email: _________________________________
Gift Membership for; _______________________________________________________ $ 5.00 ______
Make Checks Payable to: Houghs Neck Community Council, Inc.
Please use the enclosed preaddressed reply envelope or: Helen Kelly 16 Madeleine St Quincy MA 02169
Oval HN Sticker ~ $2.00